{ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl Does parsing of expression for Free Pascal This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit pexpr; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses symtype,symdef,symbase, node,ncal, tokens,globtype,globals,constexp; { reads a whole expression } function expr(dotypecheck:boolean) : tnode; { reads an expression without assignements and .. } function comp_expr(accept_equal,typeonly:boolean):tnode; { reads a single factor } function factor(getaddr,typeonly:boolean) : tnode; procedure string_dec(var def: tdef; allowtypedef: boolean); function parse_paras(__colon,__namedpara : boolean;end_of_paras : ttoken) : tnode; { the ID token has to be consumed before calling this function } procedure do_member_read(structh:tabstractrecorddef;getaddr:boolean;sym:tsym;var p1:tnode;var again:boolean;callflags:tcallnodeflags); function get_intconst:TConstExprInt; function get_stringconst:string; { Does some postprocessing for a generic type (especially when nested types of the specialization are used) } procedure post_comp_expr_gendef(var def: tdef); implementation uses { common } cutils, { global } verbose, systems,widestr, { symtable } symconst,symtable,symsym,symcpu,defutil,defcmp, { module } fmodule,ppu, { pass 1 } pass_1,htypechk, nmat,nadd,nmem,nset,ncnv,ninl,ncon,nld,nflw,nbas,nutils, { parser } scanner, pbase,pinline,ptype,pgenutil,procinfo,cpuinfo ; function sub_expr(pred_level:Toperator_precedence;accept_equal,typeonly:boolean;factornode:tnode):tnode;forward; const { true, if the inherited call is anonymous } anon_inherited : boolean = false; { last def found, only used by anon. inherited calls to insert proper type casts } srdef : tdef = nil; procedure string_dec(var def:tdef; allowtypedef: boolean); { reads a string type with optional length } { and returns a pointer to the string } { definition } var p : tnode; begin def:=cshortstringtype; consume(_STRING); if token=_LECKKLAMMER then begin if not(allowtypedef) then Message(parser_e_no_local_para_def); consume(_LECKKLAMMER); p:=comp_expr(true,false); if not is_constintnode(p) then begin Message(parser_e_illegal_expression); { error recovery } consume(_RECKKLAMMER); end else begin if (tordconstnode(p).value<=0) then begin Message(parser_e_invalid_string_size); tordconstnode(p).value:=255; end; if tordconstnode(p).value>255 then begin { longstring is currently unsupported (CEC)! } { t:=cstringdef.createlong(tordconstnode(p).value))} Message(parser_e_invalid_string_size); tordconstnode(p).value:=255; def:=cstringdef.createshort(int64(tordconstnode(p).value)); end else if tordconstnode(p).value<>255 then def:=cstringdef.createshort(int64(tordconstnode(p).value)); consume(_RECKKLAMMER); end; p.free; end else begin if cs_refcountedstrings in current_settings.localswitches then begin if m_default_unicodestring in current_settings.modeswitches then def:=cunicodestringtype else def:=getansistringdef end else def:=cshortstringtype; end; end; function parse_paras(__colon,__namedpara : boolean;end_of_paras : ttoken) : tnode; var p1,p2,argname : tnode; prev_in_args, old_named_args_allowed, old_allow_array_constructor : boolean; begin if token=end_of_paras then begin parse_paras:=nil; exit; end; { save old values } prev_in_args:=in_args; old_allow_array_constructor:=allow_array_constructor; old_named_args_allowed:=named_args_allowed; { set para parsing values } in_args:=true; named_args_allowed:=false; allow_array_constructor:=true; p2:=nil; repeat if __namedpara then begin if token=_COMMA then begin { empty parameter } p2:=ccallparanode.create(cnothingnode.create,p2); end else begin named_args_allowed:=true; p1:=comp_expr(true,false); named_args_allowed:=false; if found_arg_name then begin argname:=p1; p1:=comp_expr(true,false); p2:=ccallparanode.create(p1,p2); tcallparanode(p2).parametername:=argname; end else p2:=ccallparanode.create(p1,p2); found_arg_name:=false; end; end else begin p1:=comp_expr(true,false); p2:=ccallparanode.create(p1,p2); end; { it's for the str(l:5,s); } if __colon and (token=_COLON) then begin consume(_COLON); p1:=comp_expr(true,false); p2:=ccallparanode.create(p1,p2); include(tcallparanode(p2).callparaflags,cpf_is_colon_para); if try_to_consume(_COLON) then begin p1:=comp_expr(true,false); p2:=ccallparanode.create(p1,p2); include(tcallparanode(p2).callparaflags,cpf_is_colon_para); end end; until not try_to_consume(_COMMA); allow_array_constructor:=old_allow_array_constructor; in_args:=prev_in_args; named_args_allowed:=old_named_args_allowed; parse_paras:=p2; end; function gen_c_style_operator(ntyp:tnodetype;p1,p2:tnode) : tnode; var hp : tnode; hdef : tdef; temp : ttempcreatenode; newstatement : tstatementnode; begin { Properties are not allowed, because the write can be different from the read } if (nf_isproperty in p1.flags) then begin Message(type_e_variable_id_expected); { We can continue with the loading, it'll not create errors. Only the expected result can be wrong } end; hp:=p1; while assigned(hp) and (hp.nodetype in [derefn,subscriptn,vecn,typeconvn]) do hp:=tunarynode(hp).left; if not assigned(hp) then internalerror(200410121); if (hp.nodetype=calln) then begin typecheckpass(p1); result:=internalstatements(newstatement); hdef:=getpointerdef(p1.resultdef); temp:=ctempcreatenode.create(hdef,sizeof(pint),tt_persistent,false); addstatement(newstatement,temp); addstatement(newstatement,cassignmentnode.create(ctemprefnode.create(temp),caddrnode.create_internal(p1))); addstatement(newstatement,cassignmentnode.create( cderefnode.create(ctemprefnode.create(temp)), caddnode.create(ntyp, cderefnode.create(ctemprefnode.create(temp)), p2))); addstatement(newstatement,ctempdeletenode.create(temp)); end else result:=cassignmentnode.create(p1,caddnode.create(ntyp,p1.getcopy,p2)); end; function statement_syssym(l : byte) : tnode; var p1,p2,paras : tnode; err, prev_in_args : boolean; def : tdef; exit_procinfo: tprocinfo; begin prev_in_args:=in_args; case l of in_new_x : begin if afterassignment or in_args then statement_syssym:=new_function else statement_syssym:=new_dispose_statement(true); end; in_dispose_x : begin statement_syssym:=new_dispose_statement(false); end; in_ord_x : begin consume(_LKLAMMER); in_args:=true; p1:=comp_expr(true,false); consume(_RKLAMMER); p1:=geninlinenode(in_ord_x,false,p1); statement_syssym := p1; end; in_exit : begin statement_syssym:=nil; if try_to_consume(_LKLAMMER) then begin if not (m_mac in current_settings.modeswitches) then begin if not(try_to_consume(_RKLAMMER)) then begin p1:=comp_expr(true,false); consume(_RKLAMMER); if not assigned(current_procinfo) or (current_procinfo.procdef.proctypeoption in [potype_constructor,potype_destructor]) or is_void(current_procinfo.procdef.returndef) then begin Message(parser_e_void_function); { recovery } p1.free; p1:=nil; end; end else p1:=nil; end else begin { non local exit ? } if current_procinfo.procdef.procsym.name<>pattern then begin exit_procinfo:=current_procinfo.parent; while assigned(exit_procinfo) do begin if exit_procinfo.procdef.procsym.name=pattern then break; exit_procinfo:=exit_procinfo.parent; end; if assigned(exit_procinfo) then begin if not(assigned(exit_procinfo.nestedexitlabel)) then begin include(current_procinfo.flags,pi_has_nested_exit); exclude(current_procinfo.procdef.procoptions,po_inline); exit_procinfo.nestedexitlabel:=clabelsym.create('$nestedexit'); { the compiler is responsible to define this label } exit_procinfo.nestedexitlabel.defined:=true; exit_procinfo.nestedexitlabel.used:=true; exit_procinfo.nestedexitlabel.jumpbuf:=clocalvarsym.create('LABEL$_'+exit_procinfo.nestedexitlabel.name,vs_value,rec_jmp_buf,[]); exit_procinfo.procdef.localst.insert(exit_procinfo.nestedexitlabel); exit_procinfo.procdef.localst.insert(exit_procinfo.nestedexitlabel.jumpbuf); end; statement_syssym:=cgotonode.create(exit_procinfo.nestedexitlabel); tgotonode(statement_syssym).labelsym:=exit_procinfo.nestedexitlabel; end else Message(parser_e_macpas_exit_wrong_param); end; consume(_ID); consume(_RKLAMMER); p1:=nil; end end else p1:=nil; if not assigned(statement_syssym) then statement_syssym:=cexitnode.create(p1); end; in_break : begin statement_syssym:=cbreaknode.create end; in_continue : begin statement_syssym:=ccontinuenode.create end; in_leave : begin if m_mac in current_settings.modeswitches then statement_syssym:=cbreaknode.create else begin Message1(sym_e_id_not_found, orgpattern); statement_syssym:=cerrornode.create; end; end; in_cycle : begin if m_mac in current_settings.modeswitches then statement_syssym:=ccontinuenode.create else begin Message1(sym_e_id_not_found, orgpattern); statement_syssym:=cerrornode.create; end; end; in_typeof_x : begin consume(_LKLAMMER); in_args:=true; p1:=comp_expr(true,false); consume(_RKLAMMER); if p1.nodetype=typen then ttypenode(p1).allowed:=true; { Allow classrefdef, which is required for Typeof(self) in static class methods } if not(is_objc_class_or_protocol(p1.resultdef)) and not(is_java_class_or_interface(p1.resultdef)) and ((p1.resultdef.typ = objectdef) or (assigned(current_procinfo) and ((po_classmethod in current_procinfo.procdef.procoptions) or (po_staticmethod in current_procinfo.procdef.procoptions)) and (p1.resultdef.typ=classrefdef))) then statement_syssym:=geninlinenode(in_typeof_x,false,p1) else begin Message(parser_e_class_id_expected); p1.destroy; statement_syssym:=cerrornode.create; end; end; in_sizeof_x, in_bitsizeof_x : begin consume(_LKLAMMER); in_args:=true; p1:=comp_expr(true,false); consume(_RKLAMMER); if ((p1.nodetype<>typen) and ( (is_object(p1.resultdef) and (oo_has_constructor in tobjectdef(p1.resultdef).objectoptions)) or is_open_array(p1.resultdef) or is_array_of_const(p1.resultdef) or is_open_string(p1.resultdef) )) or { keep the function call if it is a type parameter to avoid arithmetic errors due to constant folding } (p1.resultdef.typ=undefineddef) then begin statement_syssym:=geninlinenode(in_sizeof_x,false,p1); { no packed bit support for these things } if l=in_bitsizeof_x then statement_syssym:=caddnode.create(muln,statement_syssym,cordconstnode.create(8,sinttype,true)); end else begin { allow helpers for SizeOf and BitSizeOf } if p1.nodetype=typen then ttypenode(p1).helperallowed:=true; if (p1.resultdef.typ=forwarddef) then Message1(type_e_type_is_not_completly_defined,tforwarddef(p1.resultdef).tosymname^); if (l = in_sizeof_x) or (not((p1.nodetype = vecn) and is_packed_array(tvecnode(p1).left.resultdef)) and not((p1.nodetype = subscriptn) and is_packed_record_or_object(tsubscriptnode(p1).left.resultdef))) then begin statement_syssym:=cordconstnode.create(p1.resultdef.size,sinttype,true); if (l = in_bitsizeof_x) then statement_syssym:=caddnode.create(muln,statement_syssym,cordconstnode.create(8,sinttype,true)); end else statement_syssym:=cordconstnode.create(p1.resultdef.packedbitsize,sinttype,true); { p1 not needed !} p1.destroy; end; end; in_typeinfo_x, in_objc_encode_x : begin if (l=in_typeinfo_x) or (m_objectivec1 in current_settings.modeswitches) then begin consume(_LKLAMMER); in_args:=true; p1:=comp_expr(true,false); { When reading a class type it is parsed as loadvmtaddrn, typeinfo only needs the type so we remove the loadvmtaddrn } if p1.nodetype=loadvmtaddrn then begin p2:=tloadvmtaddrnode(p1).left; tloadvmtaddrnode(p1).left:=nil; p1.free; p1:=p2; end; if p1.nodetype=typen then begin ttypenode(p1).allowed:=true; { allow helpers for TypeInfo } if l=in_typeinfo_x then ttypenode(p1).helperallowed:=true; end; { else begin p1.destroy; p1:=cerrornode.create; Message(parser_e_illegal_parameter_list); end;} consume(_RKLAMMER); p2:=geninlinenode(l,false,p1); statement_syssym:=p2; end else begin Message1(sym_e_id_not_found, orgpattern); statement_syssym:=cerrornode.create; end; end; in_aligned_x, in_unaligned_x : begin err:=false; consume(_LKLAMMER); in_args:=true; p1:=comp_expr(true,false); p2:=ccallparanode.create(p1,nil); p2:=geninlinenode(l,false,p2); consume(_RKLAMMER); statement_syssym:=p2; end; in_assigned_x : begin err:=false; consume(_LKLAMMER); in_args:=true; p1:=comp_expr(true,false); { When reading a class type it is parsed as loadvmtaddrn, typeinfo only needs the type so we remove the loadvmtaddrn } if p1.nodetype=loadvmtaddrn then begin p2:=tloadvmtaddrnode(p1).left; tloadvmtaddrnode(p1).left:=nil; p1.free; p1:=p2; end; if not codegenerror then begin case p1.resultdef.typ of procdef, { procvar } pointerdef, procvardef, classrefdef : ; objectdef : if not is_implicit_pointer_object_type(p1.resultdef) then begin Message(parser_e_illegal_parameter_list); err:=true; end; arraydef : if not is_dynamic_array(p1.resultdef) then begin Message(parser_e_illegal_parameter_list); err:=true; end; else if p1.resultdef.typ<>undefineddef then begin Message(parser_e_illegal_parameter_list); err:=true; end; end; end else err:=true; if not err then begin p2:=ccallparanode.create(p1,nil); p2:=geninlinenode(in_assigned_x,false,p2); end else begin p1.free; p2:=cerrornode.create; end; consume(_RKLAMMER); statement_syssym:=p2; end; in_addr_x : begin consume(_LKLAMMER); in_args:=true; p1:=comp_expr(true,false); p1:=caddrnode.create(p1); consume(_RKLAMMER); statement_syssym:=p1; end; in_ofs_x : begin if target_info.system in systems_managed_vm then message(parser_e_feature_unsupported_for_vm); consume(_LKLAMMER); in_args:=true; p1:=comp_expr(true,false); p1:=caddrnode.create(p1); do_typecheckpass(p1); { Ofs() returns a cardinal/qword, not a pointer } p1.resultdef:=uinttype; consume(_RKLAMMER); statement_syssym:=p1; end; in_seg_x : begin consume(_LKLAMMER); in_args:=true; p1:=comp_expr(true,false); p1:=geninlinenode(in_seg_x,false,p1); consume(_RKLAMMER); statement_syssym:=p1; end; in_high_x, in_low_x : begin consume(_LKLAMMER); in_args:=true; p1:=comp_expr(true,false); p2:=geninlinenode(l,false,p1); consume(_RKLAMMER); statement_syssym:=p2; end; in_succ_x, in_pred_x : begin consume(_LKLAMMER); in_args:=true; p1:=comp_expr(true,false); p2:=geninlinenode(l,false,p1); consume(_RKLAMMER); statement_syssym:=p2; end; in_inc_x, in_dec_x : begin consume(_LKLAMMER); in_args:=true; p1:=comp_expr(true,false); if try_to_consume(_COMMA) then p2:=ccallparanode.create(comp_expr(true,false),nil) else p2:=nil; p2:=ccallparanode.create(p1,p2); statement_syssym:=geninlinenode(l,false,p2); consume(_RKLAMMER); end; in_slice_x: begin if not(in_args) then begin message(parser_e_illegal_slice); consume(_LKLAMMER); in_args:=true; comp_expr(true,false).free; if try_to_consume(_COMMA) then comp_expr(true,false).free; statement_syssym:=cerrornode.create; consume(_RKLAMMER); end else begin consume(_LKLAMMER); in_args:=true; p1:=comp_expr(true,false); Consume(_COMMA); if not(codegenerror) then p2:=ccallparanode.create(comp_expr(true,false),nil) else p2:=cerrornode.create; p2:=ccallparanode.create(p1,p2); statement_syssym:=geninlinenode(l,false,p2); consume(_RKLAMMER); end; end; in_initialize_x: begin statement_syssym:=inline_initialize; end; in_finalize_x: begin statement_syssym:=inline_finalize; end; in_copy_x: begin statement_syssym:=inline_copy; end; in_concat_x : begin consume(_LKLAMMER); in_args:=true; { Translate to x:=x+y[+z]. The addnode will do the type checking } p2:=nil; repeat p1:=comp_expr(true,false); if p2<>nil then p2:=caddnode.create(addn,p2,p1) else begin { Force string type if it isn't yet } if not( (p1.resultdef.typ=stringdef) or is_chararray(p1.resultdef) or is_char(p1.resultdef) ) then inserttypeconv(p1,cshortstringtype); p2:=p1; end; until not try_to_consume(_COMMA); consume(_RKLAMMER); statement_syssym:=p2; end; in_read_x, in_readln_x, in_readstr_x: begin if try_to_consume(_LKLAMMER) then begin paras:=parse_paras(false,false,_RKLAMMER); consume(_RKLAMMER); end else paras:=nil; p1:=geninlinenode(l,false,paras); statement_syssym := p1; end; in_setlength_x: begin statement_syssym := inline_setlength; end; in_objc_selector_x: begin if (m_objectivec1 in current_settings.modeswitches) then begin consume(_LKLAMMER); in_args:=true; { don't turn procsyms into calls (getaddr = true) } p1:=factor(true,false); p2:=geninlinenode(l,false,p1); consume(_RKLAMMER); statement_syssym:=p2; end else begin Message1(sym_e_id_not_found, orgpattern); statement_syssym:=cerrornode.create; end; end; in_length_x: begin consume(_LKLAMMER); in_args:=true; p1:=comp_expr(true,false); p2:=geninlinenode(l,false,p1); consume(_RKLAMMER); statement_syssym:=p2; end; in_write_x, in_writeln_x, in_writestr_x : begin if try_to_consume(_LKLAMMER) then begin paras:=parse_paras(true,false,_RKLAMMER); consume(_RKLAMMER); end else paras:=nil; p1 := geninlinenode(l,false,paras); statement_syssym := p1; end; in_str_x_string : begin consume(_LKLAMMER); paras:=parse_paras(true,false,_RKLAMMER); consume(_RKLAMMER); p1 := geninlinenode(l,false,paras); statement_syssym := p1; end; in_val_x: Begin consume(_LKLAMMER); in_args := true; p1:= ccallparanode.create(comp_expr(true,false), nil); consume(_COMMA); p2 := ccallparanode.create(comp_expr(true,false),p1); if try_to_consume(_COMMA) then p2 := ccallparanode.create(comp_expr(true,false),p2); consume(_RKLAMMER); p2 := geninlinenode(l,false,p2); statement_syssym := p2; End; in_include_x_y, in_exclude_x_y : begin consume(_LKLAMMER); in_args:=true; p1:=comp_expr(true,false); consume(_COMMA); p2:=comp_expr(true,false); statement_syssym:=geninlinenode(l,false,ccallparanode.create(p1,ccallparanode.create(p2,nil))); consume(_RKLAMMER); end; in_pack_x_y_z, in_unpack_x_y_z : begin consume(_LKLAMMER); in_args:=true; p1:=comp_expr(true,false); consume(_COMMA); p2:=comp_expr(true,false); consume(_COMMA); paras:=comp_expr(true,false); statement_syssym:=geninlinenode(l,false,ccallparanode.create(p1,ccallparanode.create(p2,ccallparanode.create(paras,nil)))); consume(_RKLAMMER); end; in_assert_x_y : begin consume(_LKLAMMER); in_args:=true; p1:=comp_expr(true,false); if try_to_consume(_COMMA) then p2:=comp_expr(true,false) else begin { then insert an empty string } p2:=cstringconstnode.createstr(''); end; statement_syssym:=geninlinenode(l,false,ccallparanode.create(p1,ccallparanode.create(p2,nil))); consume(_RKLAMMER); end; in_get_frame: begin statement_syssym:=geninlinenode(l,false,nil); end; (* in_get_caller_frame: begin if try_to_consume(_LKLAMMER) then begin {You used to call get_caller_frame as get_caller_frame(get_frame), however, as a stack frame may not exist, it does more harm than good, so ignore it.} in_args:=true; p1:=comp_expr(true,false); p1.destroy; consume(_RKLAMMER); end; statement_syssym:=geninlinenode(l,false,nil); end; *) in_default_x: begin consume(_LKLAMMER); in_args:=true; def:=nil; single_type(def,[stoAllowSpecialization]); statement_syssym:=cerrornode.create; if def<>generrordef then { "type expected" error is already done by single_type } if def.typ=forwarddef then Message1(type_e_type_is_not_completly_defined,tforwarddef(def).tosymname^) else begin statement_syssym.free; statement_syssym:=geninlinenode(in_default_x,false,ctypenode.create(def)); end; { consume the right bracket here for a nicer error position } consume(_RKLAMMER); end; in_setstring_x_y_z: begin statement_syssym := inline_setstring; end; else internalerror(15); end; in_args:=prev_in_args; end; function maybe_load_methodpointer(st:TSymtable;var p1:tnode):boolean; var pd: tprocdef; begin maybe_load_methodpointer:=false; if not assigned(p1) then begin case st.symtabletype of withsymtable : begin if (st.defowner.typ=objectdef) then p1:=tnode(twithsymtable(st).withrefnode).getcopy; end; ObjectSymtable, recordsymtable: begin { Escape nested procedures } if assigned(current_procinfo) then begin pd:=current_procinfo.get_normal_proc.procdef; { We are calling from the static class method which has no self node } if assigned(pd) and pd.no_self_node then if st.symtabletype=recordsymtable then p1:=ctypenode.create(pd.struct) else p1:=cloadvmtaddrnode.create(ctypenode.create(pd.struct)) else p1:=load_self_node; end else p1:=load_self_node; { We are calling a member } maybe_load_methodpointer:=true; end; end; end; end; { reads the parameter for a subroutine call } procedure do_proc_call(sym:tsym;st:TSymtable;obj:tabstractrecorddef;getaddr:boolean;var again : boolean;var p1:tnode;callflags:tcallnodeflags); var membercall, prevafterassn : boolean; i : integer; para,p2 : tnode; currpara : tparavarsym; aprocdef : tprocdef; begin prevafterassn:=afterassignment; afterassignment:=false; membercall:=false; aprocdef:=nil; { when it is a call to a member we need to load the methodpointer first } membercall:=maybe_load_methodpointer(st,p1); { When we are expecting a procvar we also need to get the address in some cases } if assigned(getprocvardef) then begin if (block_type=bt_const) or getaddr then begin aprocdef:=Tprocsym(sym).Find_procdef_byprocvardef(getprocvardef); getaddr:=true; end else if ((m_tp_procvar in current_settings.modeswitches) or (m_mac_procvar in current_settings.modeswitches)) and not(token in [_CARET,_POINT,_LKLAMMER]) then begin aprocdef:=Tprocsym(sym).Find_procdef_byprocvardef(getprocvardef); if assigned(aprocdef) then getaddr:=true; end; end; { only need to get the address of the procedure? } if getaddr then begin { Retrieve info which procvar to call. For tp_procvar the aprocdef is already loaded above so we can reuse it } if not assigned(aprocdef) and assigned(getprocvardef) then aprocdef:=Tprocsym(sym).Find_procdef_byprocvardef(getprocvardef); { generate a methodcallnode or proccallnode } { we shouldn't convert things like @tcollection.load } p2:=cloadnode.create_procvar(sym,aprocdef,st); if assigned(p1) then begin { for loading methodpointer of an inherited function we use self as instance and load the address of the function directly and not through the vmt (PFV) } if (cnf_inherited in callflags) then begin include(tloadnode(p2).loadnodeflags,loadnf_inherited); p1.free; p1:=load_self_node; end; if (p1.nodetype<>typen) then tloadnode(p2).set_mp(p1) else p1.free; end; p1:=p2; { no postfix operators } again:=false; end else begin para:=nil; if anon_inherited then begin if not assigned(current_procinfo) then internalerror(200305054); for i:=0 to current_procinfo.procdef.paras.count-1 do begin currpara:=tparavarsym(current_procinfo.procdef.paras[i]); if not(vo_is_hidden_para in currpara.varoptions) then begin { inheritance by msgint? } if assigned(srdef) then { anonymous inherited via msgid calls only require a var parameter for both methods, so we need some type casting here } para:=ccallparanode.create(ctypeconvnode.create_internal(ctypeconvnode.create_internal( cloadnode.create(currpara,currpara.owner),cformaltype),tparavarsym(tprocdef(srdef).paras[i]).vardef), para) else para:=ccallparanode.create(cloadnode.create(currpara,currpara.owner),para); end; end; end else begin if try_to_consume(_LKLAMMER) then begin para:=parse_paras(false,false,_RKLAMMER); consume(_RKLAMMER); end; end; { indicate if this call was generated by a member and no explicit self is used, this is needed to determine how to handle a destructor call (PFV) } if membercall then include(callflags,cnf_member_call); if assigned(obj) then begin if not (st.symtabletype in [ObjectSymtable,recordsymtable]) then internalerror(200310031); p1:=ccallnode.create(para,tprocsym(sym),obj.symtable,p1,callflags); end else p1:=ccallnode.create(para,tprocsym(sym),st,p1,callflags); end; afterassignment:=prevafterassn; end; procedure handle_procvar(pv : tprocvardef;var p2 : tnode); var hp,hp2 : tnode; hpp : ^tnode; currprocdef : tprocdef; begin if not assigned(pv) then internalerror(200301121); if (m_tp_procvar in current_settings.modeswitches) or (m_mac_procvar in current_settings.modeswitches) then begin hp:=p2; hpp:=@p2; while assigned(hp) and (hp.nodetype=typeconvn) do begin hp:=ttypeconvnode(hp).left; { save orignal address of the old tree so we can replace the node } hpp:=@hp; end; if (hp.nodetype=calln) and { a procvar can't have parameters! } not assigned(tcallnode(hp).left) then begin currprocdef:=tcallnode(hp).symtableprocentry.Find_procdef_byprocvardef(pv); if assigned(currprocdef) then begin hp2:=cloadnode.create_procvar(tprocsym(tcallnode(hp).symtableprocentry),currprocdef,tcallnode(hp).symtableproc); if (po_methodpointer in pv.procoptions) then tloadnode(hp2).set_mp(tcallnode(hp).methodpointer.getcopy); hp.destroy; { replace the old callnode with the new loadnode } hpp^:=hp2; end; end; end; end; { the following procedure handles the access to a property symbol } procedure handle_propertysym(propsym : tpropertysym;st : TSymtable;var p1 : tnode); var paras : tnode; p2 : tnode; membercall : boolean; callflags : tcallnodeflags; propaccesslist : tpropaccesslist; sym: tsym; begin { property parameters? read them only if the property really } { has parameters } paras:=nil; if (ppo_hasparameters in propsym.propoptions) then begin if try_to_consume(_LECKKLAMMER) then begin paras:=parse_paras(false,false,_RECKKLAMMER); consume(_RECKKLAMMER); end; end; { indexed property } if (ppo_indexed in propsym.propoptions) then begin p2:=cordconstnode.create(propsym.index,propsym.indexdef,true); paras:=ccallparanode.create(p2,paras); end; { we need only a write property if a := follows } { if not(afterassignment) and not(in_args) then } if token=_ASSIGNMENT then begin if propsym.getpropaccesslist(palt_write,propaccesslist) then begin sym:=propaccesslist.firstsym^.sym; case sym.typ of procsym : begin callflags:=[]; { generate the method call } membercall:=maybe_load_methodpointer(st,p1); if membercall then include(callflags,cnf_member_call); p1:=ccallnode.create(paras,tprocsym(sym),st,p1,callflags); addsymref(sym); paras:=nil; consume(_ASSIGNMENT); { read the expression } if propsym.propdef.typ=procvardef then getprocvardef:=tprocvardef(propsym.propdef); p2:=comp_expr(true,false); if assigned(getprocvardef) then handle_procvar(getprocvardef,p2); tcallnode(p1).left:=ccallparanode.create(p2,tcallnode(p1).left); { mark as property, both the tcallnode and the real call block } include(p1.flags,nf_isproperty); getprocvardef:=nil; end; fieldvarsym : begin { generate access code } if not handle_staticfield_access(sym,false,p1) then propaccesslist_to_node(p1,st,propaccesslist); include(p1.flags,nf_isproperty); consume(_ASSIGNMENT); { read the expression } p2:=comp_expr(true,false); p1:=cassignmentnode.create(p1,p2); end else begin p1:=cerrornode.create; Message(parser_e_no_procedure_to_access_property); end; end; end else begin p1:=cerrornode.create; Message(parser_e_no_procedure_to_access_property); end; end else begin if propsym.getpropaccesslist(palt_read,propaccesslist) then begin sym := propaccesslist.firstsym^.sym; case sym.typ of fieldvarsym : begin { generate access code } if not handle_staticfield_access(sym,false,p1) then propaccesslist_to_node(p1,st,propaccesslist); include(p1.flags,nf_isproperty); { catch expressions like "(propx):=1;" } include(p1.flags,nf_no_lvalue); end; procsym : begin callflags:=[]; { generate the method call } membercall:=maybe_load_methodpointer(st,p1); if membercall then include(callflags,cnf_member_call); p1:=ccallnode.create(paras,tprocsym(sym),st,p1,callflags); paras:=nil; include(p1.flags,nf_isproperty); include(p1.flags,nf_no_lvalue); end else begin p1:=cerrornode.create; Message(type_e_mismatch); end; end; end else begin { error, no function to read property } p1:=cerrornode.create; Message(parser_e_no_procedure_to_access_property); end; end; { release paras if not used } if assigned(paras) then paras.free; end; { the ID token has to be consumed before calling this function } procedure do_member_read(structh:tabstractrecorddef;getaddr:boolean;sym:tsym;var p1:tnode;var again:boolean;callflags:tcallnodeflags); var isclassref:boolean; begin if sym=nil then begin { pattern is still valid unless there is another ID just after the ID of sym } Message1(sym_e_id_no_member,orgpattern); p1.free; p1:=cerrornode.create; { try to clean up } again:=false; end else begin if assigned(p1) then begin if not assigned(p1.resultdef) then do_typecheckpass(p1); isclassref:=(p1.resultdef.typ=classrefdef); end else isclassref:=false; { we assume, that only procsyms and varsyms are in an object } { symbol table, for classes, properties are allowed } case sym.typ of procsym: begin do_proc_call(sym,sym.owner,structh, (getaddr and not(token in [_CARET,_POINT])), again,p1,callflags); { we need to know which procedure is called } do_typecheckpass(p1); { calling using classref? } if isclassref and (p1.nodetype=calln) and assigned(tcallnode(p1).procdefinition) then begin if not(po_classmethod in tcallnode(p1).procdefinition.procoptions) and not(tcallnode(p1).procdefinition.proctypeoption=potype_constructor) then Message(parser_e_only_class_members_via_class_ref); { in Java, constructors are not automatically inherited -> calling a constructor from a parent type will create an instance of that parent type! } if is_javaclass(structh) and (tcallnode(p1).procdefinition.proctypeoption=potype_constructor) and (tcallnode(p1).procdefinition.owner.defowner<>find_real_class_definition(tobjectdef(structh),false)) then Message(parser_e_java_no_inherited_constructor); { Provide a warning if we try to create an instance of a abstract class using the type name of that class. We must not provide a warning if we use a "class of" variable of that type though as we don't know the type of the class } if (tcallnode(p1).procdefinition.proctypeoption=potype_constructor) and (oo_is_abstract in structh.objectoptions) and assigned(tcallnode(p1).methodpointer) and (tcallnode(p1).methodpointer.nodetype=loadvmtaddrn) then Message1(type_w_instance_abstract_class,structh.RttiName); end; end; fieldvarsym: begin if not handle_staticfield_access(sym,true,p1) then begin if isclassref then if assigned(p1) and ( is_self_node(p1) or (assigned(current_procinfo) and (current_procinfo.get_normal_proc.procdef.no_self_node) and (current_procinfo.procdef.struct=structh))) then Message(parser_e_only_class_members) else Message(parser_e_only_class_members_via_class_ref); p1:=csubscriptnode.create(sym,p1); end; end; propertysym: begin if isclassref and not (sp_static in sym.symoptions) then Message(parser_e_only_class_members_via_class_ref); handle_propertysym(tpropertysym(sym),sym.owner,p1); end; typesym: begin p1.free; if try_to_consume(_LKLAMMER) then begin p1:=comp_expr(true,false); consume(_RKLAMMER); p1:=ctypeconvnode.create_explicit(p1,ttypesym(sym).typedef); end else begin p1:=ctypenode.create(ttypesym(sym).typedef); if (is_class(ttypesym(sym).typedef) or is_objcclass(ttypesym(sym).typedef) or is_javaclass(ttypesym(sym).typedef)) and not(block_type in [bt_type,bt_const_type,bt_var_type]) then p1:=cloadvmtaddrnode.create(p1); end; end; constsym: begin p1.free; p1:=genconstsymtree(tconstsym(sym)); end; staticvarsym: begin { typed constant is a staticvarsym now they are absolutevarsym } p1.free; p1:=cloadnode.create(sym,sym.Owner); end; absolutevarsym: begin p1.free; p1:=nil; { typed constants are absolutebarsyms now to handle storage properly } propaccesslist_to_node(p1,nil,tabsolutevarsym(sym).ref); end else internalerror(16); end; end; end; function handle_factor_typenode(hdef:tdef;getaddr:boolean;var again:boolean;sym:tsym;typeonly:boolean):tnode; var srsym : tsym; srsymtable : tsymtable; begin if sym=nil then sym:=hdef.typesym; { allow Ordinal(Value) for type declarations since it can be an enummeration declaration or a set lke: (OrdinalType(const1)..OrdinalType(const2) } if (not typeonly or is_ordinal(hdef)) and try_to_consume(_LKLAMMER) then begin result:=comp_expr(true,false); consume(_RKLAMMER); { type casts to class helpers aren't allowed } if is_objectpascal_helper(hdef) then Message(parser_e_no_category_as_types) { recovery by not creating a conversion node } else result:=ctypeconvnode.create_explicit(result,hdef); end { not LKLAMMER } else if (token=_POINT) and (is_object(hdef) or is_record(hdef)) then begin consume(_POINT); { handles calling methods declared in parent objects using "parentobject.methodname()" } if assigned(current_structdef) and not(getaddr) and def_is_related(current_structdef,hdef) then begin result:=ctypenode.create(hdef); ttypenode(result).typesym:=sym; { search also in inherited methods } searchsym_in_class(tobjectdef(hdef),tobjectdef(current_structdef),pattern,srsym,srsymtable,[ssf_search_helper]); if assigned(srsym) then check_hints(srsym,srsym.symoptions,srsym.deprecatedmsg); consume(_ID); do_member_read(tabstractrecorddef(hdef),false,srsym,result,again,[]); end else begin { handles: * @TObject.Load * static methods and variables } result:=ctypenode.create(hdef); ttypenode(result).typesym:=sym; { TP allows also @TMenu.Load if Load is only } { defined in an anchestor class } srsym:=search_struct_member(tabstractrecorddef(hdef),pattern); if assigned(srsym) then begin check_hints(srsym,srsym.symoptions,srsym.deprecatedmsg); consume(_ID); do_member_read(tabstractrecorddef(hdef),getaddr,srsym,result,again,[]); end else Message1(sym_e_id_no_member,orgpattern); end; end else begin { Normally here would be the check against the usage of "TClassHelper.Something", but as that might be used inside of system symbols like sizeof and typeinfo this check is put into ttypenode.pass_1 (for "TClassHelper" alone) and tcallnode.pass_1 (for "TClassHelper.Something") } { class reference ? } if is_class(hdef) or is_objcclass(hdef) or { Java interfaces also can have loadvmtaddrnodes, e.g. for expressions such as JLClass(intftype) } is_java_class_or_interface(hdef) then begin if getaddr and (token=_POINT) and not is_javainterface(hdef) then begin consume(_POINT); { allows @Object.Method } { also allows static methods and variables } result:=ctypenode.create(hdef); ttypenode(result).typesym:=sym; { TP allows also @TMenu.Load if Load is only } { defined in an anchestor class } srsym:=search_struct_member(tobjectdef(hdef),pattern); if assigned(srsym) then begin check_hints(srsym,srsym.symoptions,srsym.deprecatedmsg); consume(_ID); { in case of @Object.Method1.Method2, we have to call Method1 -> create a loadvmtaddr node as self instead of a typen (the typenode would be changed to self of the current method in case Method1 is a constructor, see mantis #24844) } if not(block_type in [bt_type,bt_const_type,bt_var_type]) and (srsym.typ=procsym) and (token in [_CARET,_POINT]) then result:=cloadvmtaddrnode.create(result); do_member_read(tabstractrecorddef(hdef),getaddr,srsym,result,again,[]); end else begin Message1(sym_e_id_no_member,orgpattern); consume(_ID); end; end else begin result:=ctypenode.create(hdef); ttypenode(result).typesym:=sym; { For a type block we simply return only the type. For all other blocks we return a loadvmt node } if not(block_type in [bt_type,bt_const_type,bt_var_type]) then result:=cloadvmtaddrnode.create(result); end; end else begin result:=ctypenode.create(hdef); ttypenode(result).typesym:=sym; end; end; end; {**************************************************************************** Factor ****************************************************************************} function real_const_node_from_pattern(s:string):tnode; var d : bestreal; code : integer; cur : currency; begin val(s,d,code); if code<>0 then begin Message(parser_e_error_in_real); d:=1.0; end; {$ifdef FPC_REAL2REAL_FIXED} if current_settings.fputype=fpu_none then Message(parser_e_unsupported_real); if (current_settings.minfpconstprec=s32real) and (d = single(d)) then result:=crealconstnode.create(d,s32floattype) else if (current_settings.minfpconstprec=s64real) and (d = double(d)) then result:=crealconstnode.create(d,s64floattype) else {$endif FPC_REAL2REAL_FIXED} result:=crealconstnode.create(d,pbestrealtype^); {$ifdef FPC_HAS_STR_CURRENCY} val(pattern,cur,code); if code=0 then trealconstnode(result).value_currency:=cur; {$endif FPC_HAS_STR_CURRENCY} end; {--------------------------------------------- PostFixOperators ---------------------------------------------} { returns whether or not p1 has been changed } function postfixoperators(var p1:tnode;var again:boolean;getaddr:boolean): boolean; { tries to avoid syntax errors after invalid qualifiers } procedure recoverconsume_postfixops; begin repeat if not try_to_consume(_CARET) then if try_to_consume(_POINT) then try_to_consume(_ID) else if try_to_consume(_LECKKLAMMER) then begin repeat comp_expr(true,false); until not try_to_consume(_COMMA); consume(_RECKKLAMMER); end else if try_to_consume(_LKLAMMER) then begin repeat comp_expr(true,false); until not try_to_consume(_COMMA); consume(_RKLAMMER); end else break; until false; end; procedure handle_variantarray; var p4 : tnode; newstatement : tstatementnode; tempresultvariant, temp : ttempcreatenode; paras : tcallparanode; newblock : tnode; countindices : aint; begin { create statements with call initialize the arguments and call fpc_dynarr_setlength } newblock:=internalstatements(newstatement); { get temp for array of indicies, we set the real size later } temp:=ctempcreatenode.create(s32inttype,4,tt_persistent,false); addstatement(newstatement,temp); countindices:=0; repeat p4:=comp_expr(true,false); addstatement(newstatement,cassignmentnode.create( ctemprefnode.create_offset(temp,countindices*s32inttype.size),p4)); inc(countindices); until not try_to_consume(_COMMA); { set real size } temp.size:=countindices*s32inttype.size; consume(_RECKKLAMMER); { we need only a write access if a := follows } if token=_ASSIGNMENT then begin consume(_ASSIGNMENT); p4:=comp_expr(true,false); { create call to fpc_vararray_put } paras:=ccallparanode.create(cordconstnode.create (countindices,s32inttype,true), ccallparanode.create(caddrnode.create_internal (ctemprefnode.create(temp)), ccallparanode.create(ctypeconvnode.create_internal(p4,cvarianttype), ccallparanode.create(ctypeconvnode.create_internal(p1,cvarianttype) ,nil)))); addstatement(newstatement,ccallnode.createintern('fpc_vararray_put',paras)); addstatement(newstatement,ctempdeletenode.create(temp)); end else begin { create temp for result } tempresultvariant:=ctempcreatenode.create(cvarianttype,cvarianttype.size,tt_persistent,true); addstatement(newstatement,tempresultvariant); { create call to fpc_vararray_get } paras:=ccallparanode.create(cordconstnode.create (countindices,s32inttype,true), ccallparanode.create(caddrnode.create_internal (ctemprefnode.create(temp)), ccallparanode.create(p1, ccallparanode.create( ctemprefnode.create(tempresultvariant) ,nil)))); addstatement(newstatement,ccallnode.createintern('fpc_vararray_get',paras)); addstatement(newstatement,ctempdeletenode.create(temp)); { the last statement should return the value as location and type, this is done be referencing the temp and converting it first from a persistent temp to normal temp } addstatement(newstatement,ctempdeletenode.create_normal_temp(tempresultvariant)); addstatement(newstatement,ctemprefnode.create(tempresultvariant)); end; p1:=newblock; end; function parse_array_constructor(arrdef:tarraydef): tnode; var newstatement,assstatement:tstatementnode; arrnode:ttempcreatenode; temp2:ttempcreatenode; assnode:tnode; paracount:integer; begin result:=internalstatements(newstatement); { create temp for result } arrnode:=ctempcreatenode.create(arrdef,arrdef.size,tt_persistent,true); addstatement(newstatement,arrnode); paracount:=0; { check arguments and create an assignment calls } if try_to_consume(_LKLAMMER) then begin assnode:=internalstatements(assstatement); repeat { arr[i] := param_i } addstatement(assstatement, cassignmentnode.create( cvecnode.create( ctemprefnode.create(arrnode), cordconstnode.create(paracount,arrdef.rangedef,false)), comp_expr(true,false))); inc(paracount); until not try_to_consume(_COMMA); consume(_RKLAMMER); end else assnode:=nil; { get temp for array of lengths } temp2:=ctempcreatenode.create(sinttype,sinttype.size,tt_persistent,false); addstatement(newstatement,temp2); { one dimensional } addstatement(newstatement,cassignmentnode.create( ctemprefnode.create_offset(temp2,0), cordconstnode.create (paracount,s32inttype,true))); { create call to fpc_dynarr_setlength } addstatement(newstatement,ccallnode.createintern('fpc_dynarray_setlength', ccallparanode.create(caddrnode.create_internal (ctemprefnode.create(temp2)), ccallparanode.create(cordconstnode.create (1,s32inttype,true), ccallparanode.create(caddrnode.create_internal (crttinode.create(tstoreddef(arrdef),initrtti,rdt_normal)), ccallparanode.create( ctypeconvnode.create_internal( ctemprefnode.create(arrnode),voidpointertype), nil)))) )); { add assignment statememnts } addstatement(newstatement,ctempdeletenode.create(temp2)); if assigned(assnode) then addstatement(newstatement,assnode); { the last statement should return the value as location and type, this is done be referencing the temp and converting it first from a persistent temp to normal temp } addstatement(newstatement,ctempdeletenode.create_normal_temp(arrnode)); addstatement(newstatement,ctemprefnode.create(arrnode)); end; function try_type_helper(var node:tnode;def:tdef):boolean; var srsym : tsym; srsymtable : tsymtable; n : tnode; newstatement : tstatementnode; temp : ttempcreatenode; extdef : tdef; begin result:=false; if (token=_ID) and (block_type in [bt_body,bt_general,bt_except,bt_const]) then begin if not assigned(def) then if node.nodetype=addrn then { always use the pointer type for addr nodes as otherwise we'll have an anonymous pointertype with no name } def:=voidpointertype else def:=node.resultdef; result:=search_objectpascal_helper(def,nil,pattern,srsym,srsymtable); if result then begin if not (srsymtable.symtabletype=objectsymtable) or not is_objectpascal_helper(tdef(srsymtable.defowner)) then internalerror(2013011401); { convert const node to temp node of the extended type } if node.nodetype in (nodetype_const+[niln,addrn]) then begin extdef:=tobjectdef(srsymtable.defowner).extendeddef; newstatement:=nil; n:=internalstatements(newstatement); temp:=ctempcreatenode.create(extdef,extdef.size,tt_persistent,false); addstatement(newstatement,temp); addstatement(newstatement,cassignmentnode.create(ctemprefnode.create(temp),node)); addstatement(newstatement,ctempdeletenode.create_normal_temp(temp)); addstatement(newstatement,ctemprefnode.create(temp)); node:=n; do_typecheckpass(node) end; check_hints(srsym,srsym.symoptions,srsym.deprecatedmsg); consume(_ID); do_member_read(nil,getaddr,srsym,node,again,[]); end; end; end; var protsym : tpropertysym; p2,p3 : tnode; srsym : tsym; srsymtable : TSymtable; structh : tabstractrecorddef; { shouldn't be used that often, so the extra overhead is ok to save stack space } dispatchstring : ansistring; found, haderror, nodechanged : boolean; calltype: tdispcalltype; valstr,expstr : string; intval : qword; code : integer; strdef : tdef; label skipreckklammercheck, skippointdefcheck; begin result:=false; again:=true; while again do begin { we need the resultdef } do_typecheckpass_changed(p1,nodechanged); result:=result or nodechanged; if codegenerror then begin recoverconsume_postfixops; exit; end; { handle token } case token of _CARET: begin consume(_CARET); { support tp/mac procvar^ if the procvar returns a pointer type } if ((m_tp_procvar in current_settings.modeswitches) or (m_mac_procvar in current_settings.modeswitches)) and (p1.resultdef.typ=procvardef) and (tprocvardef(p1.resultdef).returndef.typ=pointerdef) then begin p1:=ccallnode.create_procvar(nil,p1); typecheckpass(p1); end; { iso file buf access? } if (m_iso in current_settings.modeswitches) and (p1.resultdef.typ=filedef) then begin case tfiledef(p1.resultdef).filetyp of ft_text: begin p1:=cderefnode.create(ccallnode.createintern('fpc_getbuf_text',ccallparanode.create(p1,nil))); typecheckpass(p1); end; ft_typed: begin p1:=cderefnode.create(ctypeconvnode.create_internal(ccallnode.createintern('fpc_getbuf_typedfile',ccallparanode.create(p1,nil)), getpointerdef(tfiledef(p1.resultdef).typedfiledef))); typecheckpass(p1); end; end; end else if (p1.resultdef.typ<>pointerdef) then begin { ^ as binary operator is a problem!!!! (FK) } again:=false; Message(parser_e_invalid_qualifier); recoverconsume_postfixops; p1.destroy; p1:=cerrornode.create; end else p1:=cderefnode.create(p1); end; _LECKKLAMMER: begin if is_class_or_interface_or_object(p1.resultdef) or is_dispinterface(p1.resultdef) or is_record(p1.resultdef) or is_javaclass(p1.resultdef) then begin { default property } protsym:=search_default_property(tabstractrecorddef(p1.resultdef)); if not(assigned(protsym)) then begin p1.destroy; p1:=cerrornode.create; again:=false; message(parser_e_no_default_property_available); end else begin { The property symbol is referenced indirect } protsym.IncRefCount; handle_propertysym(protsym,protsym.owner,p1); end; end else begin consume(_LECKKLAMMER); repeat { in all of the cases below, p1 is changed } case p1.resultdef.typ of pointerdef: begin { support delphi autoderef } if (tpointerdef(p1.resultdef).pointeddef.typ=arraydef) and (m_autoderef in current_settings.modeswitches) then p1:=cderefnode.create(p1); p2:=comp_expr(true,false); { Support Pbytevar[0..9] which returns array [0..9].} if try_to_consume(_POINTPOINT) then p2:=crangenode.create(p2,comp_expr(true,false)); p1:=cvecnode.create(p1,p2); end; variantdef: begin handle_variantarray; { the RECKKLAMMER is already read } goto skipreckklammercheck; end; stringdef : begin p2:=comp_expr(true,false); { Support string[0..9] which returns array [0..9] of char.} if try_to_consume(_POINTPOINT) then p2:=crangenode.create(p2,comp_expr(true,false)); p1:=cvecnode.create(p1,p2); end; arraydef: begin p2:=comp_expr(true,false); { support SEG:OFS for go32v2/msdos Mem[] } if (target_info.system in [system_i386_go32v2,system_i386_watcom,system_i8086_msdos]) and (p1.nodetype=loadn) and assigned(tloadnode(p1).symtableentry) and assigned(tloadnode(p1).symtableentry.owner.name) and (tloadnode(p1).symtableentry.owner.name^='SYSTEM') and ((tloadnode(p1).symtableentry.name='MEM') or (tloadnode(p1).symtableentry.name='MEMW') or (tloadnode(p1).symtableentry.name='MEML')) then begin {$if defined(i8086)} consume(_COLON); inserttypeconv(p2,u16inttype); inserttypeconv_internal(p2,u32inttype); p3:=cshlshrnode.create(shln,p2,cordconstnode.create($10,s16inttype,false)); p2:=comp_expr(true,false); inserttypeconv(p2,u16inttype); inserttypeconv_internal(p2,u32inttype); p2:=caddnode.create(addn,p2,p3); case tloadnode(p1).symtableentry.name of 'MEM': p2:=ctypeconvnode.create_internal(p2,bytefarpointertype); 'MEMW': p2:=ctypeconvnode.create_internal(p2,wordfarpointertype); 'MEML': p2:=ctypeconvnode.create_internal(p2,longintfarpointertype); else internalerror(2013053102); end; p1:=cderefnode.create(p2); {$elseif defined(i386)} if try_to_consume(_COLON) then begin p3:=caddnode.create(muln,cordconstnode.create($10,s32inttype,false),p2); p2:=comp_expr(true,false); p2:=caddnode.create(addn,p2,p3); if try_to_consume(_POINTPOINT) then { Support mem[$a000:$0000..$07ff] which returns array [0..$7ff] of memtype.} p2:=crangenode.create(p2,caddnode.create(addn,comp_expr(true,false),p3.getcopy)); p1:=cvecnode.create(p1,p2); include(tvecnode(p1).flags,nf_memseg); include(tvecnode(p1).flags,nf_memindex); end else begin if try_to_consume(_POINTPOINT) then { Support mem[$80000000..$80000002] which returns array [0..2] of memtype.} p2:=crangenode.create(p2,comp_expr(true,false)); p1:=cvecnode.create(p1,p2); include(tvecnode(p1).flags,nf_memindex); end; {$else} internalerror(2013053101); {$endif} end else begin if try_to_consume(_POINTPOINT) then { Support arrayvar[0..9] which returns array [0..9] of arraytype.} p2:=crangenode.create(p2,comp_expr(true,false)); p1:=cvecnode.create(p1,p2); end; end; else begin if p1.resultdef.typ<>undefineddef then Message(parser_e_invalid_qualifier); p1.destroy; p1:=cerrornode.create; comp_expr(true,false); again:=false; end; end; do_typecheckpass(p1); until not try_to_consume(_COMMA); consume(_RECKKLAMMER); { handle_variantarray eats the RECKKLAMMER and jumps here } skipreckklammercheck: end; end; _POINT : begin consume(_POINT); if (p1.resultdef.typ=pointerdef) and (m_autoderef in current_settings.modeswitches) and { don't auto-deref objc.id, because then the code below for supporting id.anyobjcmethod isn't triggered } (p1.resultdef<>objc_idtype) then begin p1:=cderefnode.create(p1); do_typecheckpass(p1); end; { procvar. can never mean anything so always try to call it in case it returns a record/object/... } maybe_call_procvar(p1,false); if (p1.nodetype=ordconstn) and not is_boolean(p1.resultdef) and not is_enum(p1.resultdef) then begin { type helpers are checked first } if (token=_ID) and try_type_helper(p1,nil) then goto skippointdefcheck; { only an "e" or "E" can follow an intconst with a ".", the other case (another intconst) is handled by the scanner } if (token=_ID) and (pattern[1]='E') then begin haderror:=false; if length(pattern)>1 then begin expstr:=copy(pattern,2,length(pattern)-1); val(expstr,intval,code); if code<>0 then haderror:=true; end else expstr:=''; consume(token); if tordconstnode(p1).value.signed then str(tordconstnode(p1).value.svalue,valstr) else str(tordconstnode(p1).value.uvalue,valstr); valstr:=valstr+'.0E'; if expstr='' then case token of _MINUS: begin consume(token); if token=_INTCONST then begin valstr:=valstr+'-'+pattern; consume(token); end else haderror:=true; end; _PLUS: begin consume(token); if token=_INTCONST then begin valstr:=valstr+pattern; consume(token); end else haderror:=true; end; _INTCONST: begin valstr:=valstr+pattern; consume(_INTCONST); end; else haderror:=true; end else valstr:=valstr+expstr; if haderror then begin Message(parser_e_error_in_real); p2:=cerrornode.create; end else p2:=real_const_node_from_pattern(valstr); p1.free; p1:=p2; again:=false; goto skippointdefcheck; end else begin { just convert the ordconst to a realconst } p2:=crealconstnode.create(tordconstnode(p1).value,pbestrealtype^); p1.free; p1:=p2; again:=false; goto skippointdefcheck; end; end; if (p1.nodetype=stringconstn) and (token=_ID) then begin { the def of a string const is an array } case tstringconstnode(p1).cst_type of cst_conststring: if cs_refcountedstrings in current_settings.localswitches then if m_default_unicodestring in current_settings.modeswitches then strdef:=cunicodestringtype else strdef:=cansistringtype else strdef:=cshortstringtype; cst_shortstring: strdef:=cshortstringtype; cst_ansistring: { use getansistringdef? } strdef:=cansistringtype; cst_widestring: strdef:=cwidestringtype; cst_unicodestring: strdef:=cunicodestringtype; cst_longstring: { let's see when someone stumbles upon this...} internalerror(201301111); else internalerror(2013112903); end; if try_type_helper(p1,strdef) then goto skippointdefcheck; end; { this is skipped if label skippointdefcheck is used } case p1.resultdef.typ of recorddef: begin if token=_ID then begin structh:=tabstractrecorddef(p1.resultdef); searchsym_in_record(structh,pattern,srsym,srsymtable); if assigned(srsym) then begin check_hints(srsym,srsym.symoptions,srsym.deprecatedmsg); consume(_ID); do_member_read(structh,getaddr,srsym,p1,again,[]); end else begin Message1(sym_e_id_no_member,orgpattern); p1.destroy; p1:=cerrornode.create; { try to clean up } consume(_ID); end; end else consume(_ID); end; enumdef: begin if token=_ID then begin srsym:=tsym(tenumdef(p1.resultdef).symtable.Find(pattern)); if assigned(srsym) and (srsym.typ=enumsym) and (p1.nodetype=typen) then begin p1.destroy; check_hints(srsym,srsym.symoptions,srsym.deprecatedmsg); p1:=genenumnode(tenumsym(srsym)); consume(_ID); end else if not try_type_helper(p1,nil) then begin p1.destroy; Message1(sym_e_id_no_member,orgpattern); p1:=cerrornode.create; consume(_ID); end; end; end; arraydef: begin if is_dynamic_array(p1.resultdef) then begin if (token=_ID) and not try_type_helper(p1,nil) then begin if pattern='CREATE' then begin consume(_ID); p2:=parse_array_constructor(tarraydef(p1.resultdef)); p1.destroy; p1:=p2; end else begin Message2(scan_f_syn_expected,'CREATE',pattern); p1.destroy; p1:=cerrornode.create; consume(_ID); end; end; end else begin Message(parser_e_invalid_qualifier); p1.destroy; p1:=cerrornode.create; consume(_ID); end; end; variantdef: begin { dispatch call? } { lhs := v.ident[parameters] -> property get lhs := v.ident(parameters) -> method call v.ident[parameters] := rhs -> property put v.ident(parameters) := rhs -> also property put } if token=_ID then begin if not try_type_helper(p1,nil) then begin dispatchstring:=orgpattern; consume(_ID); calltype:=dct_method; if try_to_consume(_LKLAMMER) then begin p2:=parse_paras(false,true,_RKLAMMER); consume(_RKLAMMER); end else if try_to_consume(_LECKKLAMMER) then begin p2:=parse_paras(false,true,_RECKKLAMMER); consume(_RECKKLAMMER); calltype:=dct_propget; end else p2:=nil; { property setter? } if (token=_ASSIGNMENT) and not(afterassignment) then begin consume(_ASSIGNMENT); { read the expression } p3:=comp_expr(true,false); { concat value parameter too } p2:=ccallparanode.create(p3,p2); p1:=translate_disp_call(p1,p2,dct_propput,dispatchstring,0,voidtype); end else { this is only an approximation setting useresult if not necessary is only a waste of time, no more, no less (FK) } if afterassignment or in_args or (token<>_SEMICOLON) then p1:=translate_disp_call(p1,p2,calltype,dispatchstring,0,cvarianttype) else p1:=translate_disp_call(p1,p2,calltype,dispatchstring,0,voidtype); end; end else { Error } Consume(_ID); end; classrefdef: begin if token=_ID then begin structh:=tobjectdef(tclassrefdef(p1.resultdef).pointeddef); searchsym_in_class(tobjectdef(structh),tobjectdef(structh),pattern,srsym,srsymtable,[ssf_search_helper]); if assigned(srsym) then begin check_hints(srsym,srsym.symoptions,srsym.deprecatedmsg); consume(_ID); do_member_read(structh,getaddr,srsym,p1,again,[]); end else begin Message1(sym_e_id_no_member,orgpattern); p1.destroy; p1:=cerrornode.create; { try to clean up } consume(_ID); end; end else { Error } Consume(_ID); end; objectdef: begin if token=_ID then begin structh:=tobjectdef(p1.resultdef); searchsym_in_class(tobjectdef(structh),tobjectdef(structh),pattern,srsym,srsymtable,[ssf_search_helper]); if assigned(srsym) then begin check_hints(srsym,srsym.symoptions,srsym.deprecatedmsg); consume(_ID); do_member_read(structh,getaddr,srsym,p1,again,[]); end else begin Message1(sym_e_id_no_member,orgpattern); p1.destroy; p1:=cerrornode.create; { try to clean up } consume(_ID); end; end else { Error } Consume(_ID); end; pointerdef: begin if (p1.resultdef=objc_idtype) then begin { objc's id type can be used to call any Objective-C method of any Objective-C class type that's currently in scope } if search_objc_method(pattern,srsym,srsymtable) then begin consume(_ID); do_proc_call(srsym,srsymtable,nil, (getaddr and not(token in [_CARET,_POINT])), again,p1,[cnf_objc_id_call]); { we need to know which procedure is called } do_typecheckpass(p1); end else begin consume(_ID); Message(parser_e_methode_id_expected); end; end else begin if not try_type_helper(p1,nil) then begin Message(parser_e_invalid_qualifier); if tpointerdef(p1.resultdef).pointeddef.typ in [recorddef,objectdef,classrefdef] then Message(parser_h_maybe_deref_caret_missing); end; end end; else begin found:=try_type_helper(p1,nil); if not found then begin if p1.resultdef.typ<>undefineddef then Message(parser_e_invalid_qualifier); p1.destroy; p1:=cerrornode.create; { Error } consume(_ID); end; end; end; { processing an ordconstnode avoids the resultdef check } skippointdefcheck: end; else begin { is this a procedure variable ? } if assigned(p1.resultdef) and (p1.resultdef.typ=procvardef) then begin { Typenode for typecasting or expecting a procvar } if (p1.nodetype=typen) or ( assigned(getprocvardef) and equal_defs(p1.resultdef,getprocvardef) ) then begin if try_to_consume(_LKLAMMER) then begin p1:=comp_expr(true,false); consume(_RKLAMMER); p1:=ctypeconvnode.create_explicit(p1,p1.resultdef); end else again:=false end else begin if try_to_consume(_LKLAMMER) then begin p2:=parse_paras(false,false,_RKLAMMER); consume(_RKLAMMER); p1:=ccallnode.create_procvar(p2,p1); { proc():= is never possible } if token=_ASSIGNMENT then begin Message(parser_e_illegal_expression); p1.free; p1:=cerrornode.create; again:=false; end; end else again:=false; end; end else again:=false; end; end; { we only try again if p1 was changed } if again or (p1.nodetype=errorn) then result:=true; end; { while again } end; function is_member_read(sym: tsym; st: tsymtable; var p1: tnode; out memberparentdef: tdef): boolean; var hdef : tdef; begin result:=true; memberparentdef:=nil; case st.symtabletype of ObjectSymtable, recordsymtable: begin memberparentdef:=tdef(st.defowner); exit; end; WithSymtable: begin if assigned(p1) then internalerror(2007012002); hdef:=tnode(twithsymtable(st).withrefnode).resultdef; p1:=tnode(twithsymtable(st).withrefnode).getcopy; if not(hdef.typ in [objectdef,classrefdef]) then exit; if (hdef.typ=classrefdef) then hdef:=tclassrefdef(hdef).pointeddef; memberparentdef:=hdef; end; else result:=false; end; end; {$maxfpuregisters 0} function factor(getaddr,typeonly:boolean) : tnode; {--------------------------------------------- Factor_read_id ---------------------------------------------} procedure factor_read_id(out p1:tnode;var again:boolean); function findwithsymtable : boolean; var hp : psymtablestackitem; begin result:=true; hp:=symtablestack.stack; while assigned(hp) do begin if hp^.symtable.symtabletype=withsymtable then exit; hp:=hp^.next; end; result:=false; end; var srsym: tsym; srsymtable: TSymtable; hdef: tdef; pd: tprocdef; orgstoredpattern, storedpattern: string; callflags: tcallnodeflags; t : ttoken; unit_found : boolean; tokenpos: tfileposinfo; begin { allow post fix operators } again:=true; { preinitalize tokenpos } tokenpos:=current_filepos; p1:=nil; { first check for identifier } if token<>_ID then begin srsym:=generrorsym; srsymtable:=nil; consume(_ID); unit_found:=false; end else begin if typeonly then searchsym_type(pattern,srsym,srsymtable) else searchsym(pattern,srsym,srsymtable); { handle unit specification like System.Writeln } unit_found:=try_consume_unitsym(srsym,srsymtable,t,true); storedpattern:=pattern; orgstoredpattern:=orgpattern; { store the position of the token before consuming it } tokenpos:=current_filepos; consume(t); { named parameter support } found_arg_name:=false; if not(unit_found) and named_args_allowed and (token=_ASSIGNMENT) then begin found_arg_name:=true; p1:=cstringconstnode.createstr(storedpattern); consume(_ASSIGNMENT); exit; end; { check hints, but only if it isn't a potential generic symbol; that is checked in sub_expr if it isn't a generic } if assigned(srsym) and not ( (srsym.typ=typesym) and (ttypesym(srsym).typedef.typ in [recorddef,objectdef,arraydef,procvardef,undefineddef]) and not (sp_generic_para in srsym.symoptions) and (token in [_LT, _LSHARPBRACKET]) ) then check_hints(srsym,srsym.symoptions,srsym.deprecatedmsg); { if nothing found give error and return errorsym } if not assigned(srsym) or { is this a generic dummy symbol? } ((srsym.typ=typesym) and assigned(ttypesym(srsym).typedef) and (ttypesym(srsym).typedef.typ=undefineddef) and not (sp_generic_para in srsym.symoptions) and not (token in [_LT, _LSHARPBRACKET]) and not ( { in non-Delphi modes the generic class' name without a "specialization" or "" may be used to identify the current class } (sp_generic_dummy in srsym.symoptions) and assigned(current_structdef) and (df_generic in current_structdef.defoptions) and not (m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) and assigned(get_generic_in_hierarchy_by_name(srsym,current_structdef)) )) and { it could be a rename of a generic para } { Note: if this generates false positives we'll need to include a "basesym" to tsym to track the original symbol } not (sp_explicitrename in srsym.symoptions) then begin { if a generic is parsed and when we are inside an with block, a symbol might not be defined } if assigned(current_procinfo) and (df_generic in current_procinfo.procdef.defoptions) and findwithsymtable then begin { create dummy symbol, it will be freed later on } srsym:=tsym.create(undefinedsym,'$undefinedsym'); srsymtable:=nil; end else begin identifier_not_found(orgstoredpattern,tokenpos); srsym:=generrorsym; srsymtable:=nil; end; end; end; { Access to funcret or need to call the function? } if (srsym.typ in [absolutevarsym,localvarsym,paravarsym]) and (vo_is_funcret in tabstractvarsym(srsym).varoptions) and { result(x) is not allowed } not(vo_is_result in tabstractvarsym(srsym).varoptions) and ( (token=_LKLAMMER) or ( (([m_tp7,m_delphi,m_mac,m_iso] * current_settings.modeswitches) <> []) and (afterassignment or in_args) ) ) then begin hdef:=tdef(srsym.owner.defowner); if assigned(hdef) and (hdef.typ=procdef) then srsym:=tprocdef(hdef).procsym else begin Message(parser_e_illegal_expression); srsym:=generrorsym; end; srsymtable:=srsym.owner; end; begin case srsym.typ of absolutevarsym : begin if (tabsolutevarsym(srsym).abstyp=tovar) then begin p1:=nil; propaccesslist_to_node(p1,nil,tabsolutevarsym(srsym).ref); p1:=ctypeconvnode.create(p1,tabsolutevarsym(srsym).vardef); include(p1.flags,nf_absolute); end else p1:=cloadnode.create(srsym,srsymtable); end; staticvarsym, localvarsym, paravarsym, fieldvarsym : begin { check if we are reading a field of an object/class/ } { record. is_member_read() will deal with withsymtables } { if needed. } p1:=nil; if is_member_read(srsym,srsymtable,p1,hdef) then begin { if the field was originally found in an } { objectsymtable, it means it's part of self } { if only method from which it was called is } { not class static } if (srsymtable.symtabletype in [ObjectSymtable,recordsymtable]) then { if we are accessing a owner procsym from the nested } { class we need to call it as a class member } if assigned(current_structdef) and (((current_structdef<>hdef) and is_owned_by(current_structdef,hdef)) or (sp_static in srsym.symoptions)) then if srsymtable.symtabletype=recordsymtable then p1:=ctypenode.create(hdef) else p1:=cloadvmtaddrnode.create(ctypenode.create(hdef)) else begin if assigned(current_procinfo) then begin pd:=current_procinfo.get_normal_proc.procdef; if assigned(pd) and pd.no_self_node then p1:=cloadvmtaddrnode.create(ctypenode.create(pd.struct)) else p1:=load_self_node; end else p1:=load_self_node; end; { now, if the field itself is part of an objectsymtab } { (it can be even if it was found in a withsymtable, } { e.g., "with classinstance do field := 5"), then } { let do_member_read handle it } if (srsym.owner.symtabletype in [ObjectSymtable,recordsymtable]) then do_member_read(tabstractrecorddef(hdef),getaddr,srsym,p1,again,[]) else { otherwise it's a regular record subscript } p1:=csubscriptnode.create(srsym,p1); end else { regular non-field load } p1:=cloadnode.create(srsym,srsymtable); end; syssym : begin p1:=statement_syssym(tsyssym(srsym).number); end; typesym : begin hdef:=ttypesym(srsym).typedef; if not assigned(hdef) then begin again:=false; end else begin { We need to know if this unit uses Variants } if ((hdef=cvarianttype) or (hdef=colevarianttype)) and not(cs_compilesystem in current_settings.moduleswitches) then current_module.flags:=current_module.flags or uf_uses_variants; p1:=handle_factor_typenode(hdef,getaddr,again,srsym,typeonly); end; end; enumsym : begin p1:=genenumnode(tenumsym(srsym)); end; constsym : begin if tconstsym(srsym).consttyp=constresourcestring then begin p1:=cloadnode.create(srsym,srsymtable); do_typecheckpass(p1); p1.resultdef:=getansistringdef; end else p1:=genconstsymtree(tconstsym(srsym)); end; procsym : begin p1:=nil; { check if it's a method/class method } if is_member_read(srsym,srsymtable,p1,hdef) then begin { if we are accessing a owner procsym from the nested } { class we need to call it as a class member } if (srsymtable.symtabletype in [ObjectSymtable,recordsymtable]) and assigned(current_structdef) and (current_structdef<>hdef) and is_owned_by(current_structdef,hdef) then p1:=cloadvmtaddrnode.create(ctypenode.create(hdef)); { not srsymtable.symtabletype since that can be } { withsymtable as well } if (srsym.owner.symtabletype in [ObjectSymtable,recordsymtable]) then do_member_read(tabstractrecorddef(hdef),getaddr,srsym,p1,again,[]) else { no procsyms in records (yet) } internalerror(2007012006); end else begin { regular procedure/function call } if not unit_found then callflags:=[] else callflags:=[cnf_unit_specified]; do_proc_call(srsym,srsymtable,nil, (getaddr and not(token in [_CARET,_POINT,_LECKKLAMMER])), again,p1,callflags); end; end; propertysym : begin p1:=nil; { property of a class/object? } if is_member_read(srsym,srsymtable,p1,hdef) then begin if (srsymtable.symtabletype in [ObjectSymtable,recordsymtable]) then { if we are accessing a owner procsym from the nested } { class or from a static class method we need to call } { it as a class member } if (assigned(current_structdef) and (current_structdef<>hdef) and is_owned_by(current_structdef,hdef)) or (assigned(current_procinfo) and current_procinfo.get_normal_proc.procdef.no_self_node) then p1:=cloadvmtaddrnode.create(ctypenode.create(hdef)) else p1:=load_self_node; { not srsymtable.symtabletype since that can be } { withsymtable as well } if (srsym.owner.symtabletype in [ObjectSymtable,recordsymtable]) then do_member_read(tabstractrecorddef(hdef),getaddr,srsym,p1,again,[]) else { no propertysyms in records (yet) } internalerror(2009111510); end else { no method pointer } begin handle_propertysym(tpropertysym(srsym),srsymtable,p1); end; end; labelsym : begin { Support @label } if getaddr then begin if srsym.owner<>current_procinfo.procdef.localst then CGMessage(parser_e_label_outside_proc); p1:=cloadnode.create(srsym,srsym.owner) end else begin consume(_COLON); if tlabelsym(srsym).defined then Message(sym_e_label_already_defined); if symtablestack.top.symtablelevel<>srsymtable.symtablelevel then begin tlabelsym(srsym).nonlocal:=true; exclude(current_procinfo.procdef.procoptions,po_inline); end; if tlabelsym(srsym).nonlocal and (current_procinfo.procdef.proctypeoption in [potype_unitinit,potype_unitfinalize]) then Message(sym_e_interprocgoto_into_init_final_code_not_allowed); tlabelsym(srsym).defined:=true; p1:=clabelnode.create(nil,tlabelsym(srsym)); tlabelsym(srsym).code:=p1; end; end; undefinedsym : begin p1:=cnothingnode.Create; p1.resultdef:=cundefineddef.create; { clean up previously created dummy symbol } srsym.free; end; errorsym : begin p1:=cerrornode.create; if try_to_consume(_LKLAMMER) then begin parse_paras(false,false,_RKLAMMER); consume(_RKLAMMER); end; end; else begin p1:=cerrornode.create; Message(parser_e_illegal_expression); end; end; { end case } if assigned(p1) and (p1.nodetype<>errorn) then p1.fileinfo:=tokenpos; end; end; {--------------------------------------------- Factor_Read_Set ---------------------------------------------} { Read a set between [] } function factor_read_set:tnode; var p1,p2 : tnode; lastp, buildp : tarrayconstructornode; old_allow_array_constructor : boolean; begin buildp:=nil; lastp:=nil; { be sure that a least one arrayconstructn is used, also for an empty [] } if token=_RECKKLAMMER then buildp:=carrayconstructornode.create(nil,buildp) else repeat { nested array constructors are not allowed, see also tests/webtbs/tw17213.pp } old_allow_array_constructor:=allow_array_constructor; allow_array_constructor:=false; p1:=comp_expr(true,false); if try_to_consume(_POINTPOINT) then begin p2:=comp_expr(true,false); p1:=carrayconstructorrangenode.create(p1,p2); end; { insert at the end of the tree, to get the correct order } if not assigned(buildp) then begin buildp:=carrayconstructornode.create(p1,nil); lastp:=buildp; end else begin lastp.right:=carrayconstructornode.create(p1,nil); lastp:=tarrayconstructornode(lastp.right); end; allow_array_constructor:=old_allow_array_constructor; { there could be more elements } until not try_to_consume(_COMMA); factor_read_set:=buildp; end; function can_load_self_node: boolean; begin result:=false; if (block_type in [bt_const,bt_type,bt_const_type,bt_var_type]) or not assigned(current_structdef) or not assigned(current_procinfo) then exit; result:=not current_procinfo.get_normal_proc.procdef.no_self_node; end; {--------------------------------------------- Factor (Main) ---------------------------------------------} var l : longint; ic : int64; qc : qword; p1 : tnode; code : integer; srsym : tsym; srsymtable : TSymtable; pd : tprocdef; hclassdef : tobjectdef; d : bestreal; hs,hsorg : string; hdef : tdef; filepos : tfileposinfo; callflags : tcallnodeflags; idstr : tidstring; dopostfix, again, updatefpos, nodechanged : boolean; begin { can't keep a copy of p1 and compare pointers afterwards, because p1 may be freed and reallocated in the same place! } dopostfix:=true; updatefpos:=false; p1:=nil; filepos:=current_tokenpos; again:=false; pd:=nil; if token=_ID then begin again:=true; { Handle references to self } if (idtoken=_SELF) and can_load_self_node then begin p1:=load_self_node; consume(_ID); again:=true; end else factor_read_id(p1,again); if assigned(p1) then begin { factor_read_id will set the filepos to after the id, and in case of _SELF the filepos will already be the same as filepos (so setting it again doesn't hurt). } p1.fileinfo:=filepos; filepos:=current_tokenpos; end; { handle post fix operators } if (m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) and (block_type=bt_body) and (token in [_LT,_LSHARPBRACKET]) then begin if p1.nodetype=typen then idstr:=ttypenode(p1).typesym.name else if (p1.nodetype=loadvmtaddrn) and (tloadvmtaddrnode(p1).left.nodetype=typen) then idstr:=ttypenode(tloadvmtaddrnode(p1).left).typesym.name else if (p1.nodetype=loadn) then idstr:=tloadnode(p1).symtableentry.name else idstr:=''; { if this is the case then the postfix handling is done in sub_expr if necessary } dopostfix:=not could_be_generic(idstr); end; if dopostfix then updatefpos:=postfixoperators(p1,again,getaddr); end else begin updatefpos:=true; case token of _RETURN : begin consume(_RETURN); if not(token in [_SEMICOLON,_ELSE,_END]) then p1 := cexitnode.create(comp_expr(true,false)) else p1 := cexitnode.create(nil); end; _INHERITED : begin again:=true; consume(_INHERITED); if assigned(current_procinfo) and assigned(current_structdef) and ((current_structdef.typ=objectdef) or ((target_info.system in systems_jvm) and (current_structdef.typ=recorddef)))then begin { for record helpers in mode Delphi "inherited" is not allowed } if is_objectpascal_helper(current_structdef) and (m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) and is_record(tobjectdef(current_structdef).extendeddef) then Message(parser_e_inherited_not_in_record); if (current_structdef.typ=objectdef) then begin hclassdef:=tobjectdef(current_structdef).childof; { Objective-C categories *replace* methods in the class they extend, or add methods to it. So calling an inherited method always calls the method inherited from the parent of the extended class } if is_objccategory(current_structdef) then hclassdef:=hclassdef.childof; end else if target_info.system in systems_jvm then hclassdef:=java_fpcbaserecordtype else internalerror(2012012401); { if inherited; only then we need the method with the same name } if token <> _ID then begin hs:=current_procinfo.procdef.procsym.name; hsorg:=current_procinfo.procdef.procsym.realname; anon_inherited:=true; { For message methods we need to search using the message number or string } pd:=tprocdef(tprocsym(current_procinfo.procdef.procsym).ProcdefList[0]); srdef:=nil; if (po_msgint in pd.procoptions) then searchsym_in_class_by_msgint(hclassdef,pd.messageinf.i,srdef,srsym,srsymtable) else if (po_msgstr in pd.procoptions) then searchsym_in_class_by_msgstr(hclassdef,pd.messageinf.str^,srsym,srsymtable) else { helpers have their own ways of dealing with inherited } if is_objectpascal_helper(current_structdef) then searchsym_in_helper(tobjectdef(current_structdef),tobjectdef(current_structdef),hs,srsym,srsymtable,[ssf_has_inherited]) else searchsym_in_class(hclassdef,current_structdef,hs,srsym,srsymtable,[ssf_search_helper]); end else begin hs:=pattern; hsorg:=orgpattern; consume(_ID); anon_inherited:=false; { helpers have their own ways of dealing with inherited } if is_objectpascal_helper(current_structdef) then searchsym_in_helper(tobjectdef(current_structdef),tobjectdef(current_structdef),hs,srsym,srsymtable,[ssf_has_inherited]) else searchsym_in_class(hclassdef,current_structdef,hs,srsym,srsymtable,[ssf_search_helper]); end; if assigned(srsym) then begin check_hints(srsym,srsym.symoptions,srsym.deprecatedmsg); { load the procdef from the inherited class and not from self } case srsym.typ of procsym: begin if is_objectpascal_helper(current_structdef) then begin { for a helper load the procdef either from the extended type, from the parent helper or from the extended type of the parent helper depending on the def the found symbol belongs to } if (srsym.Owner.defowner.typ=objectdef) and is_objectpascal_helper(tobjectdef(srsym.Owner.defowner)) then if def_is_related(current_structdef,tdef(srsym.Owner.defowner)) and assigned(tobjectdef(current_structdef).childof) then hdef:=tobjectdef(current_structdef).childof else hdef:=tobjectdef(srsym.Owner.defowner).extendeddef else hdef:=tdef(srsym.Owner.defowner); end else hdef:=hclassdef; if (po_classmethod in current_procinfo.procdef.procoptions) or (po_staticmethod in current_procinfo.procdef.procoptions) then hdef:=cclassrefdef.create(hdef); p1:=ctypenode.create(hdef); { we need to allow helpers here } ttypenode(p1).helperallowed:=true; end; propertysym: ; else begin Message(parser_e_methode_id_expected); p1:=cerrornode.create; end; end; callflags:=[cnf_inherited]; include(current_procinfo.flags,pi_has_inherited); if anon_inherited then include(callflags,cnf_anon_inherited); do_member_read(hclassdef,getaddr,srsym,p1,again,callflags); end else begin if anon_inherited then begin { For message methods we need to call DefaultHandler } if (po_msgint in pd.procoptions) or (po_msgstr in pd.procoptions) then begin searchsym_in_class(hclassdef,hclassdef,'DEFAULTHANDLER',srsym,srsymtable,[ssf_search_helper]); if not assigned(srsym) or (srsym.typ<>procsym) then internalerror(200303171); p1:=nil; do_proc_call(srsym,srsym.owner,hclassdef,false,again,p1,[]); end else begin { we need to ignore the inherited; } p1:=cnothingnode.create; end; end else begin Message1(sym_e_id_no_member,hsorg); p1:=cerrornode.create; end; again:=false; end; { turn auto inheriting off } anon_inherited:=false; end else begin { in case of records we use a more clear error message } if assigned(current_structdef) and (current_structdef.typ=recorddef) then Message(parser_e_inherited_not_in_record) else Message(parser_e_generic_methods_only_in_methods); again:=false; p1:=cerrornode.create; end; postfixoperators(p1,again,getaddr); end; _INTCONST : begin {Try first wether the value fits in an int64.} val(pattern,ic,code); if code=0 then begin consume(_INTCONST); int_to_type(ic,hdef); p1:=cordconstnode.create(ic,hdef,true); end else begin { try qword next } val(pattern,qc,code); if code=0 then begin consume(_INTCONST); int_to_type(qc,hdef); p1:=cordconstnode.create(qc,hdef,true); end; end; if code<>0 then begin { finally float } val(pattern,d,code); if code<>0 then begin Message(parser_e_invalid_integer); consume(_INTCONST); l:=1; p1:=cordconstnode.create(l,sinttype,true); end else begin consume(_INTCONST); p1:=crealconstnode.create(d,pbestrealtype^); end; end else { the necessary range checking has already been done by val } tordconstnode(p1).rangecheck:=false; if token=_POINT then begin again:=true; postfixoperators(p1,again,getaddr); end; end; _REALNUMBER : begin p1:=real_const_node_from_pattern(pattern); consume(_REALNUMBER); if token=_POINT then begin again:=true; postfixoperators(p1,again,getaddr); end; end; _STRING : begin string_dec(hdef,true); { STRING can be also a type cast } if try_to_consume(_LKLAMMER) then begin p1:=comp_expr(true,false); consume(_RKLAMMER); p1:=ctypeconvnode.create_explicit(p1,hdef); { handle postfix operators here e.g. string(a)[10] } again:=true; postfixoperators(p1,again,getaddr); end else p1:=ctypenode.create(hdef); end; _FILE : begin hdef:=cfiletype; consume(_FILE); { FILE can be also a type cast } if try_to_consume(_LKLAMMER) then begin p1:=comp_expr(true,false); consume(_RKLAMMER); p1:=ctypeconvnode.create_explicit(p1,hdef); { handle postfix operators here e.g. string(a)[10] } again:=true; postfixoperators(p1,again,getaddr); end else begin p1:=ctypenode.create(hdef); end; end; _CSTRING : begin p1:=cstringconstnode.createpchar(ansistring2pchar(cstringpattern),length(cstringpattern),nil); consume(_CSTRING); if token in postfixoperator_tokens then begin again:=true; postfixoperators(p1,again,getaddr); end; end; _CCHAR : begin p1:=cordconstnode.create(ord(pattern[1]),cansichartype,true); consume(_CCHAR); if token=_POINT then begin again:=true; postfixoperators(p1,again,getaddr); end; end; _CWSTRING: begin p1:=cstringconstnode.createunistr(patternw); consume(_CWSTRING); if token in postfixoperator_tokens then begin again:=true; postfixoperators(p1,again,getaddr); end; end; _CWCHAR: begin p1:=cordconstnode.create(ord(getcharwidestring(patternw,0)),cwidechartype,true); consume(_CWCHAR); if token=_POINT then begin again:=true; postfixoperators(p1,again,getaddr); end; end; _KLAMMERAFFE : begin consume(_KLAMMERAFFE); got_addrn:=true; { support both @ and @() } if try_to_consume(_LKLAMMER) then begin p1:=factor(true,false); if token in postfixoperator_tokens then begin again:=true; postfixoperators(p1,again,getaddr); end else consume(_RKLAMMER); end else p1:=factor(true,false); if token in postfixoperator_tokens then begin again:=true; postfixoperators(p1,again,getaddr); end; got_addrn:=false; p1:=caddrnode.create(p1); p1.fileinfo:=filepos; if cs_typed_addresses in current_settings.localswitches then include(p1.flags,nf_typedaddr); { Store the procvar that we are expecting, the addrn will use the information to find the correct procdef or it will return an error } if assigned(getprocvardef) and (taddrnode(p1).left.nodetype = loadn) then taddrnode(p1).getprocvardef:=getprocvardef; end; _LKLAMMER : begin consume(_LKLAMMER); p1:=comp_expr(true,false); consume(_RKLAMMER); { it's not a good solution but (a+b)^ makes some problems } if token in postfixoperator_tokens then begin again:=true; postfixoperators(p1,again,getaddr); end; end; _LECKKLAMMER : begin consume(_LECKKLAMMER); p1:=factor_read_set; consume(_RECKKLAMMER); end; _PLUS : begin consume(_PLUS); p1:=factor(false,false); p1:=cunaryplusnode.create(p1); end; _MINUS : begin consume(_MINUS); if (token = _INTCONST) and not(m_isolike_unary_minus in current_settings.modeswitches) then begin { ugly hack, but necessary to be able to parse } { -9223372036854775808 as int64 (JM) } pattern := '-'+pattern; p1:=sub_expr(oppower,false,false,nil); { -1 ** 4 should be - (1 ** 4) and not (-1) ** 4 This was the reason of tw0869.pp test failure PM } if p1.nodetype=starstarn then begin if tbinarynode(p1).left.nodetype=ordconstn then begin tordconstnode(tbinarynode(p1).left).value:=-tordconstnode(tbinarynode(p1).left).value; p1:=cunaryminusnode.create(p1); end else if tbinarynode(p1).left.nodetype=realconstn then begin trealconstnode(tbinarynode(p1).left).value_real:=-trealconstnode(tbinarynode(p1).left).value_real; trealconstnode(tbinarynode(p1).left).value_currency:=-trealconstnode(tbinarynode(p1).left).value_currency; p1:=cunaryminusnode.create(p1); end else internalerror(20021029); end; end else begin if m_isolike_unary_minus in current_settings.modeswitches then p1:=sub_expr(opmultiply,false,false,nil) else p1:=sub_expr(oppower,false,false,nil); p1:=cunaryminusnode.create(p1); end; end; _OP_NOT : begin consume(_OP_NOT); p1:=factor(false,false); p1:=cnotnode.create(p1); end; _NIL : begin consume(_NIL); p1:=cnilnode.create; { It's really ugly code nil^, but delphi allows it } if token in [_CARET,_POINT] then begin again:=true; postfixoperators(p1,again,getaddr); end; end; _OBJCPROTOCOL: begin { The @protocol keyword is used in two ways in Objective-C: 1) to declare protocols (~ Object Pascal interfaces) 2) to obtain the metaclass (~ Object Pascal) "class of") of a declared protocol This code is for handling the second case. Because of 1), we cannot simply use a system unit symbol. } consume(_OBJCPROTOCOL); consume(_LKLAMMER); p1:=factor(false,false); consume(_RKLAMMER); p1:=cinlinenode.create(in_objc_protocol_x,false,p1); end; else begin Message(parser_e_illegal_expression); p1:=cerrornode.create; { recover } consume(token); end; end; end; { generate error node if no node is created } if not assigned(p1) then begin {$ifdef EXTDEBUG} Comment(V_Warning,'factor: p1=nil'); {$endif} p1:=cerrornode.create; updatefpos:=true; end; { get the resultdef for the node if nothing stops us } if (not assigned(p1.resultdef)) and dopostfix then begin do_typecheckpass_changed(p1,nodechanged); updatefpos:=updatefpos or nodechanged; end; if assigned(p1) and updatefpos then p1.fileinfo:=filepos; factor:=p1; end; {$maxfpuregisters default} procedure post_comp_expr_gendef(var def: tdef); var p1 : tnode; again : boolean; begin if not assigned(def) then internalerror(2011053001); again:=false; { handle potential typecasts, etc } p1:=handle_factor_typenode(def,false,again,nil,false); { parse postfix operators } postfixoperators(p1,again,false); if assigned(p1) and (p1.nodetype=typen) then def:=ttypenode(p1).typedef else def:=generrordef; end; {**************************************************************************** Sub_Expr ****************************************************************************} function sub_expr(pred_level:Toperator_precedence;accept_equal,typeonly:boolean;factornode:tnode):tnode; {Reads a subexpression while the operators are of the current precedence level, or any higher level. Replaces the old term, simpl_expr and simpl2_expr.} function istypenode(n:tnode):boolean;inline; { Checks whether the given node is a type node or a VMT node containing a typenode. This is used in the code for inline specializations in the _LT branch below } begin result:=assigned(n) and ( (n.nodetype=typen) or ( (n.nodetype=loadvmtaddrn) and (tloadvmtaddrnode(n).left.nodetype=typen) ) ); end; function gettypedef(n:tnode):tdef;inline; { This returns the typedef that belongs to the given typenode or loadvmtaddrnode. n must not be Nil! } begin if n.nodetype=typen then result:=ttypenode(n).typedef else result:=ttypenode(tloadvmtaddrnode(n).left).typedef; end; function getgenericsym(n:tnode;out srsym:tsym):boolean; var srsymtable : tsymtable; begin srsym:=nil; case n.nodetype of typen: srsym:=ttypenode(n).typedef.typesym; loadvmtaddrn: srsym:=ttypenode(tloadvmtaddrnode(n).left).typedef.typesym; loadn: if not searchsym_with_symoption(tloadnode(n).symtableentry.Name,srsym,srsymtable,sp_generic_dummy) then srsym:=nil; { TODO : handle const nodes } end; result:=assigned(srsym); end; label SubExprStart; var p1,p2 : tnode; oldt : Ttoken; filepos : tfileposinfo; again : boolean; gendef,parseddef : tdef; gensym : tsym; begin SubExprStart: if pred_level=highest_precedence then begin if factornode=nil then p1:=factor(false,typeonly) else p1:=factornode; end else p1:=sub_expr(succ(pred_level),true,typeonly,factornode); repeat if (token in [NOTOKEN..last_operator]) and (token in operator_levels[pred_level]) and ((token<>_EQ) or accept_equal) then begin oldt:=token; filepos:=current_tokenpos; consume(token); if pred_level=highest_precedence then p2:=factor(false,false) else p2:=sub_expr(succ(pred_level),true,typeonly,nil); case oldt of _PLUS : p1:=caddnode.create(addn,p1,p2); _MINUS : p1:=caddnode.create(subn,p1,p2); _STAR : p1:=caddnode.create(muln,p1,p2); _SLASH : p1:=caddnode.create(slashn,p1,p2); _EQ: p1:=caddnode.create(equaln,p1,p2); _GT : p1:=caddnode.create(gtn,p1,p2); _LT : begin { we need to decice whether we have an inline specialization (type nodes to the left and right of "<", mode Delphi and ">" or "," following) or a normal "<" comparison } { TODO : p1 could be a non type if e.g. a variable with the same name is defined in the same unit where the generic is defined (though "same unit" is not necessarily needed) } if getgenericsym(p1,gensym) and { Attention: when nested specializations are supported p2 could be a loadn if a "<" follows } istypenode(p2) and (m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) and { TODO : add _LT, _LSHARPBRACKET for nested specializations } (token in [_GT,_RSHARPBRACKET,_COMMA]) then begin { this is an inline specialization } { retrieve the defs of two nodes } gendef:=nil; parseddef:=gettypedef(p2); if parseddef.typesym.typ<>typesym then Internalerror(2011051001); { check the hints for parseddef } check_hints(parseddef.typesym,parseddef.typesym.symoptions,parseddef.typesym.deprecatedmsg); { generate the specialization } generate_specialization(gendef,false,'',parseddef,gensym.RealName,p2.fileinfo); { we don't need the old left and right nodes anymore } p1.Free; p2.Free; { in case of a class or a record the specialized generic is always a classrefdef } again:=false; { handle potential typecasts, etc } p1:=handle_factor_typenode(gendef,false,again,nil,false); { parse postfix operators } if postfixoperators(p1,again,false) then if assigned(p1) then p1.fileinfo:=filepos else p1:=cerrornode.create; { with p1 now set we are in reality directly behind the call to "factor" thus we need to call down to that again } { This is disabled until specializations on the right hand side work as well, because "not working expressions" is better than "half working expressions" } {factornode:=p1; goto SubExprStart;} end else begin { this is a normal "<" comparison } { potential generic types that are followed by a "<": } { a) might not have their resultdef set } if not assigned(p1.resultdef) then do_typecheckpass(p1); { b) are not checked whether they are an undefined def, but not a generic parameter } if (p1.nodetype=typen) and (ttypenode(p1).typedef.typ=undefineddef) and assigned(ttypenode(p1).typedef.typesym) and not (sp_generic_para in ttypenode(p1).typedef.typesym.symoptions) then begin identifier_not_found(ttypenode(p1).typedef.typesym.RealName); p1.Free; p1:=cerrornode.create; end; { c) don't have their hints checked } if istypenode(p1) then begin gendef:=gettypedef(p1); if gendef.typ in [objectdef,recorddef,arraydef,procvardef] then check_hints(gendef.typesym,gendef.typesym.symoptions,gendef.typesym.deprecatedmsg); end; { Note: the second part of the expression will be needed for nested specializations } if istypenode(p2) {and not (token in [_LT, _LSHARPBRACKET])} then begin gendef:=gettypedef(p2); if gendef.typ in [objectdef,recorddef,arraydef,procvardef] then check_hints(gendef.typesym,gendef.typesym.symoptions,gendef.typesym.deprecatedmsg); end; { create the comparison node for "<" } p1:=caddnode.create(ltn,p1,p2) end; end; _GTE : p1:=caddnode.create(gten,p1,p2); _LTE : p1:=caddnode.create(lten,p1,p2); _SYMDIF : p1:=caddnode.create(symdifn,p1,p2); _STARSTAR : p1:=caddnode.create(starstarn,p1,p2); _OP_AS, _OP_IS : begin if token in [_LT, _LSHARPBRACKET] then begin { for now we're handling this as a generic declaration; there could be cases though (because of operator overloading) where this is the wrong decision... } { TODO : here the same note as in _LT applies as p2 could point to a variable, etc } gendef:=gettypedef(p2); if gendef.typesym.typ<>typesym then Internalerror(2011071401); { generate the specialization } generate_specialization(gendef,false,''); { we don't need the old p2 anymore } p2.Free; again:=false; { handle potential typecasts, etc } p2:=handle_factor_typenode(gendef,false,again,nil,false); { parse postfix operators } if postfixoperators(p2,again,false) then if assigned(p2) then p2.fileinfo:=filepos else p2:=cerrornode.create; { here we don't need to call back down to "factor", thus no "goto" } end; { now generate the "is" or "as" node } case oldt of _OP_AS: p1:=casnode.create(p1,p2); _OP_IS: p1:=cisnode.create(p1,p2); end; end; _OP_IN : p1:=cinnode.create(p1,p2); _OP_OR, _PIPE {macpas only} : begin p1:=caddnode.create(orn,p1,p2); if (oldt = _PIPE) then include(p1.flags,nf_short_bool); end; _OP_AND, _AMPERSAND {macpas only} : begin p1:=caddnode.create(andn,p1,p2); if (oldt = _AMPERSAND) then include(p1.flags,nf_short_bool); end; _OP_DIV : p1:=cmoddivnode.create(divn,p1,p2); _OP_NOT : p1:=cnotnode.create(p1); _OP_MOD : begin p1:=cmoddivnode.create(modn,p1,p2); if m_iso in current_settings.modeswitches then include(p1.flags,nf_isomod); end; _OP_SHL : p1:=cshlshrnode.create(shln,p1,p2); _OP_SHR : p1:=cshlshrnode.create(shrn,p1,p2); _OP_XOR : p1:=caddnode.create(xorn,p1,p2); _ASSIGNMENT : p1:=cassignmentnode.create(p1,p2); _NE : p1:=caddnode.create(unequaln,p1,p2); end; p1.fileinfo:=filepos; end else break; until false; sub_expr:=p1; end; function comp_expr(accept_equal,typeonly:boolean):tnode; var oldafterassignment : boolean; p1 : tnode; begin oldafterassignment:=afterassignment; afterassignment:=true; p1:=sub_expr(opcompare,accept_equal,typeonly,nil); { get the resultdef for this expression } if not assigned(p1.resultdef) then do_typecheckpass(p1); afterassignment:=oldafterassignment; comp_expr:=p1; end; function expr(dotypecheck : boolean) : tnode; var p1,p2 : tnode; filepos : tfileposinfo; oldafterassignment, updatefpos : boolean; begin oldafterassignment:=afterassignment; p1:=sub_expr(opcompare,true,false,nil); { get the resultdef for this expression } if not assigned(p1.resultdef) and dotypecheck then do_typecheckpass(p1); filepos:=current_tokenpos; if token in [_ASSIGNMENT,_PLUSASN,_MINUSASN,_STARASN,_SLASHASN] then afterassignment:=true; updatefpos:=true; case token of _POINTPOINT : begin consume(_POINTPOINT); p2:=sub_expr(opcompare,true,false,nil); p1:=crangenode.create(p1,p2); end; _ASSIGNMENT : begin consume(_ASSIGNMENT); if assigned(p1.resultdef) and (p1.resultdef.typ=procvardef) then getprocvardef:=tprocvardef(p1.resultdef); p2:=sub_expr(opcompare,true,false,nil); if assigned(getprocvardef) then handle_procvar(getprocvardef,p2); getprocvardef:=nil; p1:=cassignmentnode.create(p1,p2); end; _PLUSASN : begin consume(_PLUSASN); p2:=sub_expr(opcompare,true,false,nil); p1:=gen_c_style_operator(addn,p1,p2); end; _MINUSASN : begin consume(_MINUSASN); p2:=sub_expr(opcompare,true,false,nil); p1:=gen_c_style_operator(subn,p1,p2); end; _STARASN : begin consume(_STARASN ); p2:=sub_expr(opcompare,true,false,nil); p1:=gen_c_style_operator(muln,p1,p2); end; _SLASHASN : begin consume(_SLASHASN ); p2:=sub_expr(opcompare,true,false,nil); p1:=gen_c_style_operator(slashn,p1,p2); end; else updatefpos:=false; end; { get the resultdef for this expression } if not assigned(p1.resultdef) and dotypecheck then do_typecheckpass(p1); afterassignment:=oldafterassignment; if updatefpos then p1.fileinfo:=filepos; expr:=p1; end; function get_intconst:TConstExprInt; {Reads an expression, tries to evalute it and check if it is an integer constant. Then the constant is returned.} var p:tnode; begin result:=0; p:=comp_expr(true,false); if not codegenerror then begin if (p.nodetype<>ordconstn) or not(is_integer(p.resultdef)) then Message(parser_e_illegal_expression) else result:=tordconstnode(p).value; end; p.free; end; function get_stringconst:string; {Reads an expression, tries to evaluate it and checks if it is a string constant. Then the constant is returned.} var p:tnode; begin get_stringconst:=''; p:=comp_expr(true,false); if p.nodetype<>stringconstn then begin if (p.nodetype=ordconstn) and is_char(p.resultdef) then get_stringconst:=char(int64(tordconstnode(p).value)) else Message(parser_e_illegal_expression); end else get_stringconst:=strpas(tstringconstnode(p).value_str); p.free; end; end.