{ Copyright (c) 1998-2008 by Florian Klaempfl Handles the parsing and loading of the modules (ppufiles) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit pmodules; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface function proc_unit:boolean; procedure proc_package; procedure proc_program(islibrary : boolean); implementation uses SysUtils, globtype,version,systems,tokens, cutils,cfileutl,cclasses,comphook, globals,verbose,fmodule,finput,fppu,globstat, symconst,symbase,symtype,symdef,symsym,symtable,symcreat, wpoinfo, aasmtai,aasmdata,aasmcpu,aasmbase, cgbase,cgobj,ngenutil, nbas,nutils,ncgutil, link,assemble,import,export,gendef,ppu,comprsrc,dbgbase, cresstr,procinfo, pexports, objcgutl, wpobase, scanner,pbase,pexpr,psystem,psub,pdecsub,ncgvmt, cpuinfo; procedure create_objectfile; var DLLScanner : TDLLScanner; s : string; KeepShared : TCmdStrList; begin { try to create import entries from system dlls } if (tf_has_dllscanner in target_info.flags) and (not current_module.linkOtherSharedLibs.Empty) then begin { Init DLLScanner } if assigned(CDLLScanner[target_info.system]) then DLLScanner:=CDLLScanner[target_info.system].Create else internalerror(200104121); KeepShared:=TCmdStrList.Create; { Walk all shared libs } While not current_module.linkOtherSharedLibs.Empty do begin S:=current_module.linkOtherSharedLibs.Getusemask(link_always); if not DLLScanner.scan(s) then KeepShared.Concat(s); end; DLLscanner.Free; { Recreate import section } if (target_info.system in [system_i386_win32,system_i386_wdosx]) then begin if assigned(current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports]) then current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].clear else current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports]:=TAsmList.Create; importlib.generatelib; end; { Readd the not processed files } while not KeepShared.Empty do begin s:=KeepShared.GetFirst; current_module.linkOtherSharedLibs.add(s,link_always); end; KeepShared.Free; end; { Start and end module debuginfo, at least required for stabs to insert n_sourcefile lines } if (cs_debuginfo in current_settings.moduleswitches) or (cs_use_lineinfo in current_settings.globalswitches) then current_debuginfo.insertmoduleinfo; { create the .s file and assemble it } if not(create_smartlink_library) or not(tf_no_objectfiles_when_smartlinking in target_info.flags) then GenerateAsm(false); { Also create a smartlinked version ? } if create_smartlink_library then begin GenerateAsm(true); if (af_needar in target_asm.flags) then Linker.MakeStaticLibrary; end; { resource files } CompileResourceFiles; end; procedure insertobjectfile; { Insert the used object file for this unit in the used list for this unit } begin current_module.linkunitofiles.add(current_module.objfilename,link_static); current_module.flags:=current_module.flags or uf_static_linked; if create_smartlink_library then begin current_module.linkunitstaticlibs.add(current_module.staticlibfilename ,link_smart); current_module.flags:=current_module.flags or uf_smart_linked; end; end; procedure create_dwarf_frame; begin { Dwarf conflicts with smartlinking in separate .a files } if create_smartlink_library then exit; { Call frame information } { MWE: we write our own info, so dwarf asm support is not really needed } { if (af_supports_dwarf in target_asm.flags) and } { CFI is currently broken for Darwin } if not(target_info.system in systems_darwin) and ( (tf_needs_dwarf_cfi in target_info.flags) or (paratargetdbg in [dbg_dwarf2, dbg_dwarf3]) ) then begin current_asmdata.asmlists[al_dwarf_frame].Free; current_asmdata.asmlists[al_dwarf_frame] := TAsmList.create; current_asmdata.asmcfi.generate_code(current_asmdata.asmlists[al_dwarf_frame]); end; end; Function CheckResourcesUsed : boolean; var hp : tused_unit; found : Boolean; begin CheckResourcesUsed:=tf_has_winlike_resources in target_info.flags; if not CheckResourcesUsed then exit; hp:=tused_unit(usedunits.first); found:=((current_module.flags and uf_has_resourcefiles)=uf_has_resourcefiles); If not found then While Assigned(hp) and not found do begin Found:=((hp.u.flags and uf_has_resourcefiles)=uf_has_resourcefiles); hp:=tused_unit(hp.next); end; CheckResourcesUsed:=found; end; procedure AddUnit(const s:string); var hp : tppumodule; unitsym : tunitsym; begin { load unit } hp:=registerunit(current_module,s,''); hp.loadppu; hp.adddependency(current_module); { add to symtable stack } symtablestack.push(hp.globalsymtable); if (m_mac in current_settings.modeswitches) and assigned(hp.globalmacrosymtable) then macrosymtablestack.push(hp.globalmacrosymtable); { insert unitsym } unitsym:=cunitsym.create(s,hp); inc(unitsym.refs); tabstractunitsymtable(current_module.localsymtable).insertunit(unitsym); { add to used units } current_module.addusedunit(hp,false,unitsym); end; procedure maybeloadvariantsunit; var hp : tmodule; begin { Do we need the variants unit? Skip this for VarUtils unit for bootstrapping } if (current_module.flags and uf_uses_variants=0) or (current_module.modulename^='VARUTILS') then exit; { Variants unit already loaded? } hp:=tmodule(loaded_units.first); while assigned(hp) do begin if hp.modulename^='VARIANTS' then exit; hp:=tmodule(hp.next); end; { Variants unit is not loaded yet, load it now } Message(parser_w_implicit_uses_of_variants_unit); AddUnit('variants'); end; function MaybeRemoveResUnit : boolean; var resources_used : boolean; hp : tmodule; uu : tused_unit; unitname : shortstring; begin { We simply remove the unit from: - usedunit list, so that things like init/finalization table won't contain references to this unit - loaded_units list, so that the unit object file doesn't get linked with the executable. } { Note: on windows we always need resources! } resources_used:=(target_info.system in systems_all_windows) or CheckResourcesUsed; if (not resources_used) and (tf_has_winlike_resources in target_info.flags) then begin { resources aren't used, so we don't need this unit } if target_res.id=res_ext then unitname:='FPEXTRES' else unitname:='FPINTRES'; Message1(unit_u_unload_resunit,unitname); { find the module } hp:=tmodule(loaded_units.first); while assigned(hp) do begin if hp.is_unit and (hp.modulename^=unitname) then break; hp:=tmodule(hp.next); end; if not assigned(hp) then internalerror(200801071); { find its tused_unit in the global list } uu:=tused_unit(usedunits.first); while assigned(uu) do begin if uu.u=hp then break; uu:=tused_unit(uu.next); end; if not assigned(uu) then internalerror(200801072); { remove the tused_unit } usedunits.Remove(uu); uu.Free; { remove the module } loaded_units.Remove(hp); unloaded_units.Concat(hp); end; MaybeRemoveResUnit:=resources_used; end; procedure loaddefaultunits; begin { we are going to rebuild the symtablestack, clear it first } symtablestack.clear; macrosymtablestack.clear; { macro symtable } macrosymtablestack.push(initialmacrosymtable); { are we compiling the system unit? } if (cs_compilesystem in current_settings.moduleswitches) then begin systemunit:=tglobalsymtable(current_module.localsymtable); { create system defines } create_intern_types; create_intern_symbols; { Set the owner of errorsym and errortype to symtable to prevent crashes when accessing .owner } generrorsym.owner:=systemunit; generrordef.owner:=systemunit; exit; end; { insert the system unit, it is allways the first. Load also the internal types from the system unit } AddUnit('system'); systemunit:=tglobalsymtable(symtablestack.top); load_intern_types; { Set the owner of errorsym and errortype to symtable to prevent crashes when accessing .owner } generrorsym.owner:=systemunit; generrordef.owner:=systemunit; { Units only required for main module } if not(current_module.is_unit) then begin { Heaptrc unit, load heaptrace before any other units especially objpas } if (cs_use_heaptrc in current_settings.globalswitches) then AddUnit('heaptrc'); { Lineinfo unit } if (cs_use_lineinfo in current_settings.globalswitches) then begin case paratargetdbg of dbg_stabs: AddUnit('lineinfo'); dbg_stabx: AddUnit('lnfogdb'); else AddUnit('lnfodwrf'); end; end; { Valgrind requires c memory manager } if (cs_gdb_valgrind in current_settings.globalswitches) then AddUnit('cmem'); {$ifdef cpufpemu} { Floating point emulation unit? softfpu must be in the system unit anyways (FK) if (cs_fp_emulation in current_settings.moduleswitches) and not(target_info.system in system_wince) then AddUnit('softfpu'); } {$endif cpufpemu} { Which kind of resource support? Note: if resources aren't used this unit will be removed later, otherwise we need it here since it must be loaded quite early } if (tf_has_winlike_resources in target_info.flags) then if target_res.id=res_ext then AddUnit('fpextres') else AddUnit('fpintres'); end; { Objpas unit? } if m_objpas in current_settings.modeswitches then AddUnit('objpas'); { Macpas unit? } if m_mac in current_settings.modeswitches then AddUnit('macpas'); if m_iso in current_settings.modeswitches then AddUnit('iso7185'); { default char=widechar? } if m_default_unicodestring in current_settings.modeswitches then AddUnit('uuchar'); { Objective-C support unit? } if (m_objectivec1 in current_settings.modeswitches) then begin { interface to Objective-C run time } AddUnit('objc'); loadobjctypes; { NSObject } if not(current_module.is_unit) or (current_module.modulename^<>'OBJCBASE') then AddUnit('objcbase'); end; { Profile unit? Needed for go32v2 only } if (cs_profile in current_settings.moduleswitches) and (target_info.system in [system_i386_go32v2,system_i386_watcom]) then AddUnit('profile'); if (cs_load_fpcylix_unit in current_settings.globalswitches) then begin AddUnit('fpcylix'); AddUnit('dynlibs'); end; { CPU targets with microcontroller support can add a controller specific unit } {$if defined(ARM) or defined(AVR) or defined(MIPSEL)} if (target_info.system in systems_embedded) and (current_settings.controllertype<>ct_none) and (embedded_controllers[current_settings.controllertype].controllerunitstr<>'') then AddUnit(embedded_controllers[current_settings.controllertype].controllerunitstr); {$endif ARM AVR MIPSEL} end; procedure loadautounits; var hs,s : string; begin hs:=autoloadunits; repeat s:=GetToken(hs,','); if s='' then break; AddUnit(s); until false; end; procedure loadunits(preservest:tsymtable); var s,sorg : ansistring; fn : string; pu : tused_unit; hp2 : tmodule; unitsym : tunitsym; filepos : tfileposinfo; begin consume(_USES); repeat s:=pattern; sorg:=orgpattern; filepos:=current_tokenpos; consume(_ID); while token=_POINT do begin consume(_POINT); s:=s+'.'+pattern; sorg:=sorg+'.'+orgpattern; consume(_ID); end; { support " in ''" construct, but not for tp7 } fn:=''; if not(m_tp7 in current_settings.modeswitches) and try_to_consume(_OP_IN) then fn:=FixFileName(get_stringconst); { Give a warning if lineinfo is loaded } if s='LINEINFO' then begin Message(parser_w_no_lineinfo_use_switch); if (paratargetdbg in [dbg_dwarf2, dbg_dwarf3]) then s := 'LNFODWRF'; sorg := s; end; { Give a warning if objpas is loaded } if s='OBJPAS' then Message(parser_w_no_objpas_use_mode); { Using the unit itself is not possible } if (s<>current_module.modulename^) then begin { check if the unit is already used } hp2:=nil; pu:=tused_unit(current_module.used_units.first); while assigned(pu) do begin if (pu.u.modulename^=s) then begin hp2:=pu.u; break; end; pu:=tused_unit(pu.next); end; if not assigned(hp2) then hp2:=registerunit(current_module,sorg,fn) else Message1(sym_e_duplicate_id,s); { Create unitsym, we need to use the name as specified, we can not use the modulename because that can be different when -Un is used } current_tokenpos:=filepos; unitsym:=cunitsym.create(sorg,nil); tabstractunitsymtable(current_module.localsymtable).insertunit(unitsym); { the current module uses the unit hp2 } current_module.addusedunit(hp2,true,unitsym); end else Message1(sym_e_duplicate_id,s); if token=_COMMA then begin pattern:=''; consume(_COMMA); end else break; until false; { Load the units } pu:=tused_unit(current_module.used_units.first); while assigned(pu) do begin { Only load the units that are in the current (interface/implementation) uses clause } if pu.in_uses and (pu.in_interface=current_module.in_interface) then begin tppumodule(pu.u).loadppu; { is our module compiled? then we can stop } if current_module.state=ms_compiled then exit; { add this unit to the dependencies } pu.u.adddependency(current_module); { save crc values } pu.checksum:=pu.u.crc; pu.interface_checksum:=pu.u.interface_crc; pu.indirect_checksum:=pu.u.indirect_crc; { connect unitsym to the module } pu.unitsym.module:=pu.u; { add to symtable stack } if assigned(preservest) then symtablestack.pushafter(pu.u.globalsymtable,preservest) else symtablestack.push(pu.u.globalsymtable); if (m_mac in current_settings.modeswitches) and assigned(pu.u.globalmacrosymtable) then macrosymtablestack.push(pu.u.globalmacrosymtable); { check hints } pu.check_hints; end; pu:=tused_unit(pu.next); end; end; procedure reset_all_defs; begin if assigned(current_module.wpoinfo) then current_module.wpoinfo.resetdefs; end; procedure free_localsymtables(st:TSymtable); var i : longint; def : tstoreddef; pd : tprocdef; begin for i:=0 to st.DefList.Count-1 do begin def:=tstoreddef(st.DefList[i]); if def.typ=procdef then begin pd:=tprocdef(def); if assigned(pd.localst) and (pd.localst.symtabletype<>staticsymtable) and not(po_inline in pd.procoptions) then begin free_localsymtables(pd.localst); pd.localst.free; pd.localst:=nil; end; end; end; end; procedure setupglobalswitches; begin if (cs_create_pic in current_settings.moduleswitches) then begin def_system_macro('FPC_PIC'); def_system_macro('PIC'); end; end; function create_main_proc(const name:string;potype:tproctypeoption;st:TSymtable):tcgprocinfo; var ps : tprocsym; pd : tprocdef; begin { there should be no current_procinfo available } if assigned(current_procinfo) then internalerror(200304275); {Generate a procsym for main} ps:=cprocsym.create('$'+name); { main are allways used } inc(ps.refs); st.insert(ps); pd:=tprocdef(cnodeutils.create_main_procdef(target_info.cprefix+name,potype,ps)); { We don't need is a local symtable. Change it into the static symtable } pd.localst.free; pd.localst:=st; handle_calling_convention(pd); { set procinfo and current_procinfo.procdef } result:=tcgprocinfo(cprocinfo.create(nil)); result.procdef:=pd; { main proc does always a call e.g. to init system unit } include(result.flags,pi_do_call); end; procedure release_main_proc(pi:tcgprocinfo); begin { remove localst as it was replaced by staticsymtable } pi.procdef.localst:=nil; { remove procinfo } current_module.procinfo:=nil; pi.free; pi:=nil; end; { Insert _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ symbol if system uses it } procedure maybe_load_got; {$if defined(i386) or defined (sparc)} var gotvarsym : tstaticvarsym; {$endif i386 or sparc} begin {$if defined(i386) or defined(sparc)} if (cs_create_pic in current_settings.moduleswitches) and (tf_pic_uses_got in target_info.flags) then begin { insert symbol for got access in assembler code} gotvarsym:=cstaticvarsym.create('_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_', vs_value,voidpointertype,[vo_is_external]); gotvarsym.set_mangledname('_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_'); current_module.localsymtable.insert(gotvarsym); { avoid unnecessary warnings } gotvarsym.varstate:=vs_read; gotvarsym.refs:=1; end; {$endif i386 or sparc} end; function gen_implicit_initfinal(flag:word;st:TSymtable):tcgprocinfo; begin { create procdef } case flag of uf_init : begin result:=create_main_proc(make_mangledname('',current_module.localsymtable,'init_implicit'),potype_unitinit,st); result.procdef.aliasnames.insert(make_mangledname('INIT$',current_module.localsymtable,'')); end; uf_finalize : begin result:=create_main_proc(make_mangledname('',current_module.localsymtable,'finalize_implicit'),potype_unitfinalize,st); result.procdef.aliasnames.insert(make_mangledname('FINALIZE$',current_module.localsymtable,'')); if (not current_module.is_unit) then result.procdef.aliasnames.insert('PASCALFINALIZE'); end; else internalerror(200304253); end; result.code:=cnothingnode.create; end; procedure copy_macro(p:TObject; arg:pointer); begin current_module.globalmacrosymtable.insert(tmacro(p).getcopy); end; function try_consume_hintdirective(var moduleopt:tmoduleoptions; var deprecatedmsg:pshortstring):boolean; var deprecated_seen, last_is_deprecated:boolean; begin try_consume_hintdirective:=false; deprecated_seen:=false; repeat last_is_deprecated:=false; case idtoken of _LIBRARY : begin include(moduleopt,mo_hint_library); try_consume_hintdirective:=true; end; _DEPRECATED : begin { allow deprecated only once } if deprecated_seen then break; include(moduleopt,mo_hint_deprecated); try_consume_hintdirective:=true; last_is_deprecated:=true; deprecated_seen:=true; end; _EXPERIMENTAL : begin include(moduleopt,mo_hint_experimental); try_consume_hintdirective:=true; end; _PLATFORM : begin include(moduleopt,mo_hint_platform); try_consume_hintdirective:=true; end; _UNIMPLEMENTED : begin include(moduleopt,mo_hint_unimplemented); try_consume_hintdirective:=true; end; else break; end; consume(Token); { handle deprecated message } if ((token=_CSTRING) or (token=_CCHAR)) and last_is_deprecated then begin if deprecatedmsg<>nil then internalerror(201001221); if token=_CSTRING then deprecatedmsg:=stringdup(cstringpattern) else deprecatedmsg:=stringdup(pattern); consume(token); include(moduleopt,mo_has_deprecated_msg); end; until false; end; {$ifdef jvm} procedure addmoduleclass; var def: tobjectdef; typesym: ttypesym; begin { java_jlobject may not have been parsed yet (system unit); in any case, we only use this to refer to the class type, so inheritance does not matter } def:=cobjectdef.create(odt_javaclass,'__FPC_JVM_Module_Class_Alias$',nil); include(def.objectoptions,oo_is_external); include(def.objectoptions,oo_is_sealed); def.objextname:=stringdup(current_module.realmodulename^); typesym:=ctypesym.create('__FPC_JVM_Module_Class_Alias$',def); symtablestack.top.insert(typesym); end; {$endif jvm} type tfinishstate=record init_procinfo:tcgprocinfo; end; pfinishstate=^tfinishstate; procedure finish_unit(module:tmodule;immediate:boolean);forward; function proc_unit:boolean; var main_file: tinputfile; s1,s2 : ^string; {Saves stack space} init_procinfo : tcgprocinfo; unitname : ansistring; unitname8 : string[8]; i,j : longint; finishstate:pfinishstate; globalstate:pglobalstate; consume_semicolon_after_uses:boolean; begin result:=true; init_procinfo:=nil; if m_mac in current_settings.modeswitches then current_module.mode_switch_allowed:= false; consume(_UNIT); if compile_level=1 then Status.IsExe:=false; unitname:=orgpattern; consume(_ID); while token=_POINT do begin consume(_POINT); unitname:=unitname+'.'+orgpattern; consume(_ID); end; { create filenames and unit name } main_file := current_scanner.inputfile; while assigned(main_file.next) do main_file := main_file.next; new(s1); s1^:=current_module.modulename^; current_module.SetFileName(main_file.path+main_file.name,true); current_module.SetModuleName(unitname); { check for system unit } new(s2); s2^:=upper(ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(main_file.name),'')); unitname8:=copy(current_module.modulename^,1,8); if (cs_check_unit_name in current_settings.globalswitches) and ( not( (current_module.modulename^=s2^) or ( (length(current_module.modulename^)>8) and (unitname8=s2^) ) ) or ( (length(s1^)>8) and (s1^<>current_module.modulename^) ) ) then Message1(unit_e_illegal_unit_name,current_module.realmodulename^); if (current_module.modulename^='SYSTEM') then include(current_settings.moduleswitches,cs_compilesystem); dispose(s2); dispose(s1); if (target_info.system in systems_unit_program_exports) then exportlib.preparelib(current_module.realmodulename^); { parse hint directives } try_consume_hintdirective(current_module.moduleoptions, current_module.deprecatedmsg); consume(_SEMICOLON); { handle the global switches, do this before interface, because after interface has been read, all following directives are parsed as well } setupglobalswitches; consume(_INTERFACE); { global switches are read, so further changes aren't allowed } current_module.in_global:=false; message1(unit_u_loading_interface_units,current_module.modulename^); { update status } status.currentmodule:=current_module.realmodulename^; { maybe turn off m_objpas if we are compiling objpas } if (current_module.modulename^='OBJPAS') then exclude(current_settings.modeswitches,m_objpas); { maybe turn off m_mac if we are compiling macpas } if (current_module.modulename^='MACPAS') then exclude(current_settings.modeswitches,m_mac); parse_only:=true; { generate now the global symboltable, define first as local to overcome dependency conflicts } current_module.localsymtable:=tglobalsymtable.create(current_module.modulename^,current_module.moduleid); { insert unitsym of this unit to prevent other units having the same name } tabstractunitsymtable(current_module.localsymtable).insertunit(cunitsym.create(current_module.realmodulename^,current_module)); { load default units, like the system unit } loaddefaultunits; { insert qualifier for the system unit (allows system.writeln) } if not(cs_compilesystem in current_settings.moduleswitches) and (token=_USES) then begin loadunits(nil); { has it been compiled at a higher level ?} if current_module.state=ms_compiled then exit; consume_semicolon_after_uses:=true; end else consume_semicolon_after_uses:=false; { move the global symtable from the temporary local to global } current_module.globalsymtable:=current_module.localsymtable; current_module.localsymtable:=nil; { number all units, so we know if a unit is used by this unit or needs to be added implicitly } current_module.updatemaps; { consume the semicolon after maps have been updated else conditional compiling expressions might cause internal errors, see tw8611 } if consume_semicolon_after_uses then consume(_SEMICOLON); { create whole program optimisation information (may already be updated in the interface, e.g., in case of classrefdef typed constants } current_module.wpoinfo:=tunitwpoinfo.create; { ... parse the declarations } Message1(parser_u_parsing_interface,current_module.realmodulename^); symtablestack.push(current_module.globalsymtable); {$ifdef jvm} { fake classdef to represent the class corresponding to the unit } addmoduleclass; {$endif} read_interface_declarations; { Export macros defined in the interface for macpas. The macros are put in the globalmacrosymtable that will only be used by other units. The current unit continues to use the localmacrosymtable } if (m_mac in current_settings.modeswitches) then begin current_module.globalmacrosymtable:=tmacrosymtable.create(true); current_module.localmacrosymtable.SymList.ForEachCall(@copy_macro,nil); end; { leave when we got an error } if (Errorcount>0) and not status.skip_error then begin Message1(unit_f_errors_in_unit,tostr(Errorcount)); status.skip_error:=true; symtablestack.pop(current_module.globalsymtable); exit; end; { Our interface is compiled, generate CRC and switch to implementation } if not(cs_compilesystem in current_settings.moduleswitches) and (Errorcount=0) then tppumodule(current_module).getppucrc; current_module.in_interface:=false; current_module.interface_compiled:=true; { First reload all units depending on our interface, we need to do this in the implementation part to prevent erroneous circular references } tppumodule(current_module).setdefgeneration; tppumodule(current_module).reload_flagged_units; { Parse the implementation section } if (m_mac in current_settings.modeswitches) and try_to_consume(_END) then current_module.interface_only:=true else current_module.interface_only:=false; parse_only:=false; { create static symbol table } current_module.localsymtable:=tstaticsymtable.create(current_module.modulename^,current_module.moduleid); { Insert _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ symbol if system uses it } maybe_load_got; if not current_module.interface_only then begin consume(_IMPLEMENTATION); Message1(unit_u_loading_implementation_units,current_module.modulename^); { Read the implementation units } if token=_USES then begin loadunits(current_module.globalsymtable); consume(_SEMICOLON); end; end; if current_module.state=ms_compiled then begin symtablestack.pop(current_module.globalsymtable); exit; end; { All units are read, now give them a number } current_module.updatemaps; symtablestack.push(current_module.localsymtable); if not current_module.interface_only then begin Message1(parser_u_parsing_implementation,current_module.modulename^); if current_module.in_interface then internalerror(200212285); { Compile the unit } init_procinfo:=create_main_proc(make_mangledname('',current_module.localsymtable,'init'),potype_unitinit,current_module.localsymtable); init_procinfo.procdef.aliasnames.insert(make_mangledname('INIT$',current_module.localsymtable,'')); init_procinfo.parse_body; { save file pos for debuginfo } current_module.mainfilepos:=init_procinfo.entrypos; end; { remove all units that we are waiting for that are already waiting for us => breaking up circles } for i:=0 to current_module.waitingunits.count-1 do for j:=current_module.waitingforunit.count-1 downto 0 do if current_module.waitingunits[i]=current_module.waitingforunit[j] then current_module.waitingforunit.delete(j); {$ifdef DEBUG_UNITWAITING} Writeln('Units waiting for ', current_module.modulename^, ': ', current_module.waitingforunit.Count); {$endif} result:=current_module.waitingforunit.count=0; { save all information that is needed for finishing the unit } New(finishstate); finishstate^.init_procinfo:=init_procinfo; current_module.finishstate:=finishstate; if result then finish_unit(current_module,true) else begin { save the current state, so the parsing can continue where we left of here } New(globalstate); save_global_state(globalstate^,true); current_module.globalstate:=globalstate; end; end; procedure finish_unit(module:tmodule;immediate:boolean); function is_assembler_generated:boolean; var hal : tasmlisttype; begin result:=false; if Errorcount=0 then begin for hal:=low(TasmlistType) to high(TasmlistType) do if not current_asmdata.asmlists[hal].empty then begin result:=true; exit; end; end; end; procedure module_is_done;inline; begin dispose(pglobalstate(current_module.globalstate)); current_module.globalstate:=nil; dispose(pfinishstate(current_module.finishstate)); current_module.finishstate:=nil; end; var {$ifdef EXTDEBUG} store_crc, {$endif EXTDEBUG} store_interface_crc, store_indirect_crc: cardinal; force_init_final : boolean; init_procinfo, finalize_procinfo : tcgprocinfo; i : longint; ag : boolean; finishstate : tfinishstate; globalstate : tglobalstate; waitingmodule : tmodule; begin fillchar(globalstate,sizeof(tglobalstate),0); if not immediate then begin {$ifdef DEBUG_UNITWAITING} writeln('finishing waiting unit ''', module.modulename^, ''''); {$endif DEBUG_UNITWAITING} { restore the state when we stopped working on the unit } save_global_state(globalstate,true); if not assigned(module.globalstate) then internalerror(2012091802); restore_global_state(pglobalstate(module.globalstate)^,true); end; { current_module is now module } if not assigned(current_module.finishstate) then internalerror(2012091801); finishstate:=pfinishstate(current_module.finishstate)^; finalize_procinfo:=nil; init_procinfo:=finishstate.init_procinfo; { Generate specializations of objectdefs methods } generate_specialization_procs; { add implementations for synthetic method declarations added by the compiler } add_synthetic_method_implementations(current_module.globalsymtable); add_synthetic_method_implementations(current_module.localsymtable); { if the unit contains ansi/widestrings, initialization and finalization code must be forced } force_init_final:=tglobalsymtable(current_module.globalsymtable).needs_init_final or tstaticsymtable(current_module.localsymtable).needs_init_final; { should we force unit initialization? } { this is a hack, but how can it be done better ? } { Now the sole purpose of this is to change 'init' to 'init_implicit', is it needed at all? (Sergei) } { it's needed in case cnodeutils.force_init = true } if (force_init_final or cnodeutils.force_init) and assigned(init_procinfo) and has_no_code(init_procinfo.code) then begin { first release the not used init procinfo } if assigned(init_procinfo) then release_main_proc(init_procinfo); init_procinfo:=gen_implicit_initfinal(uf_init,current_module.localsymtable); end; { finalize? } if not current_module.interface_only and (token=_FINALIZATION) then begin { Compile the finalize } finalize_procinfo:=create_main_proc(make_mangledname('',current_module.localsymtable,'finalize'),potype_unitfinalize,current_module.localsymtable); finalize_procinfo.procdef.aliasnames.insert(make_mangledname('FINALIZE$',current_module.localsymtable,'')); finalize_procinfo.parse_body; end else if force_init_final or cnodeutils.force_final then finalize_procinfo:=gen_implicit_initfinal(uf_finalize,current_module.localsymtable); { Now both init and finalize bodies are read and it is known which variables are used in both init and finalize we can now generate the code. This is required to prevent putting a variable in a register that is also used in the finalize body (PFV) } if assigned(init_procinfo) then begin if (force_init_final or cnodeutils.force_init) or not(has_no_code(init_procinfo.code)) then begin init_procinfo.code:=cnodeutils.wrap_proc_body(init_procinfo.procdef,init_procinfo.code); init_procinfo.generate_code; current_module.flags:=current_module.flags or uf_init; end; init_procinfo.resetprocdef; release_main_proc(init_procinfo); end; if assigned(finalize_procinfo) then begin if force_init_final or cnodeutils.force_init or not(has_no_code(finalize_procinfo.code)) then begin finalize_procinfo.code:=cnodeutils.wrap_proc_body(finalize_procinfo.procdef,finalize_procinfo.code); finalize_procinfo.generate_code; current_module.flags:=current_module.flags or uf_finalize; end; finalize_procinfo.resetprocdef; release_main_proc(finalize_procinfo); end; symtablestack.pop(current_module.localsymtable); symtablestack.pop(current_module.globalsymtable); { the last char should always be a point } consume(_POINT); { reset wpo flags for all defs } reset_all_defs; if (Errorcount=0) then begin { tests, if all (interface) forwards are resolved } tstoredsymtable(current_module.globalsymtable).check_forwards; { check if all private fields are used } tstoredsymtable(current_module.globalsymtable).allprivatesused; { test static symtable } tstoredsymtable(current_module.localsymtable).allsymbolsused; tstoredsymtable(current_module.localsymtable).allprivatesused; tstoredsymtable(current_module.localsymtable).check_forwards; tstoredsymtable(current_module.localsymtable).checklabels; { used units } current_module.allunitsused; end; { leave when we got an error } if (Errorcount>0) and not status.skip_error then begin Message1(unit_f_errors_in_unit,tostr(Errorcount)); status.skip_error:=true; module_is_done; if not immediate then restore_global_state(globalstate,true); exit; end; { if an Objective-C module, generate rtti and module info } MaybeGenerateObjectiveCImageInfo(current_module.globalsymtable,current_module.localsymtable); { do we need to add the variants unit? } maybeloadvariantsunit; { generate rtti/init tables } write_persistent_type_info(current_module.globalsymtable,true); write_persistent_type_info(current_module.localsymtable,false); { Tables } cnodeutils.InsertThreadvars; { Resource strings } GenerateResourceStrings; { Widestring typed constants } cnodeutils.InsertWideInits; { Resourcestring references } cnodeutils.InsertResStrInits; { generate debuginfo } if (cs_debuginfo in current_settings.moduleswitches) then current_debuginfo.inserttypeinfo; { generate imports } if current_module.ImportLibraryList.Count>0 then importlib.generatelib; { insert own objectfile, or say that it's in a library (no check for an .o when loading) } ag:=is_assembler_generated; if ag then insertobjectfile else begin current_module.flags:=current_module.flags or uf_no_link; current_module.flags:=current_module.flags and not (uf_has_stabs_debuginfo or uf_has_dwarf_debuginfo); end; if ag then begin { create callframe info } create_dwarf_frame; { assemble } create_objectfile; end; { Write out the ppufile after the object file has been created } store_interface_crc:=current_module.interface_crc; store_indirect_crc:=current_module.indirect_crc; {$ifdef EXTDEBUG} store_crc:=current_module.crc; {$endif EXTDEBUG} if (Errorcount=0) then tppumodule(current_module).writeppu; if not(cs_compilesystem in current_settings.moduleswitches) then begin if store_interface_crc<>current_module.interface_crc then Message1(unit_u_interface_crc_changed,current_module.ppufilename); if store_indirect_crc<>current_module.indirect_crc then Message1(unit_u_indirect_crc_changed,current_module.ppufilename); end; {$ifdef EXTDEBUG} if not(cs_compilesystem in current_settings.moduleswitches) then if (store_crc<>current_module.crc) and simplify_ppu then Message1(unit_u_implementation_crc_changed,current_module.ppufilename); {$endif EXTDEBUG} { release local symtables that are not needed anymore } free_localsymtables(current_module.globalsymtable); free_localsymtables(current_module.localsymtable); { leave when we got an error } if (Errorcount>0) and not status.skip_error then begin Message1(unit_f_errors_in_unit,tostr(Errorcount)); status.skip_error:=true; module_is_done; if not immediate then restore_global_state(globalstate,true); exit; end; {$ifdef debug_devirt} { print out all instantiated class/object types } writeln('constructed object/class/classreftypes in ',current_module.realmodulename^); for i := 0 to current_module.wpoinfo.createdobjtypes.count-1 do begin write(' ',tdef(current_module.wpoinfo.createdobjtypes[i]).GetTypeName); case tdef(current_module.wpoinfo.createdobjtypes[i]).typ of objectdef: case tobjectdef(current_module.wpoinfo.createdobjtypes[i]).objecttype of odt_object: writeln(' (object)'); odt_class: writeln(' (class)'); else internalerror(2008101103); end; else internalerror(2008101104); end; end; for i := 0 to current_module.wpoinfo.createdclassrefobjtypes.count-1 do begin write(' Class Of ',tdef(current_module.wpoinfo.createdclassrefobjtypes[i]).GetTypeName); case tdef(current_module.wpoinfo.createdclassrefobjtypes[i]).typ of objectdef: case tobjectdef(current_module.wpoinfo.createdclassrefobjtypes[i]).objecttype of odt_class: writeln(' (classrefdef)'); else internalerror(2008101105); end else internalerror(2008101102); end; end; {$endif debug_devirt} Message1(unit_u_finished_compiling,current_module.modulename^); module_is_done; if not immediate then restore_global_state(globalstate,true); for i:=0 to module.waitingunits.count-1 do begin waitingmodule:=tmodule(module.waitingunits[i]); waitingmodule.waitingforunit.remove(module); { only finish the module if it isn't already finished } if (waitingmodule.waitingforunit.count=0) and assigned(waitingmodule.finishstate) then begin finish_unit(waitingmodule,false); waitingmodule.end_of_parsing; end; end; end; procedure procexport(const s : string); var hp : texported_item; begin hp:=texported_item.create; hp.name:=stringdup(s); hp.options:=hp.options or eo_name; exportlib.exportprocedure(hp); end; procedure varexport(const s : string); var hp : texported_item; begin hp:=texported_item.create; hp.name:=stringdup(s); hp.options:=hp.options or eo_name; exportlib.exportvar(hp); end; procedure insert_export(sym : TObject;arg:pointer); var i : longint; item : TCmdStrListItem; begin case TSym(sym).typ of { ignore: } unitsym, syssym, constsym, enumsym, typesym: ; procsym: begin for i:=0 to tprocsym(sym).ProcdefList.Count-1 do begin if not(tprocdef(tprocsym(sym).ProcdefList[i]).proccalloption in [pocall_internproc]) and ((tprocdef(tprocsym(sym).ProcdefList[i]).procoptions*[po_external])=[]) and ((tsymtable(arg).symtabletype=globalsymtable) or ((tsymtable(arg).symtabletype=staticsymtable) and (po_public in tprocdef(tprocsym(sym).ProcdefList[i]).procoptions)) ) then begin procexport(tprocdef(tprocsym(sym).ProcdefList[i]).mangledname); { walk through all aliases } item:=TCmdStrListItem(tprocdef(tprocsym(sym).ProcdefList[i]).aliasnames.first); while assigned(item) do begin { avoid duplicate entries, sometimes aliasnames contains the mangledname } if item.str<>tprocdef(tprocsym(sym).ProcdefList[i]).mangledname then procexport(item.str); item:=TCmdStrListItem(item.next); end; end; end; end; staticvarsym: begin varexport(tsym(sym).mangledname); end; else begin writeln('unknown: ',ord(TSym(sym).typ)); end; end; end; Function RewritePPU(const PPUFn,PPLFn:String):Boolean; Var MakeStatic : Boolean; Var buffer : array[0..$1fff] of byte; inppu, outppu : tppufile; b, untilb : byte; l,m : longint; f : file; ext, s : string; ppuversion : dword; begin Result:=false; MakeStatic:=False; inppu:=tppufile.create(PPUFn); if not inppu.openfile then begin inppu.free; Comment(V_Error,'Could not open : '+PPUFn); Exit; end; { Check the ppufile } if not inppu.CheckPPUId then begin inppu.free; Comment(V_Error,'Not a PPU File : '+PPUFn); Exit; end; ppuversion:=inppu.GetPPUVersion; if ppuversion0 then begin inppu.free; Result:=true; Exit; end; { Already a lib? } if (inppu.header.flags and uf_in_library)<>0 then begin inppu.free; Comment(V_Error,'PPU is already in a library : '+PPUFn); Exit; end; { We need a static linked unit } if (inppu.header.flags and uf_static_linked)=0 then begin inppu.free; Comment(V_Error,'PPU is not static linked : '+PPUFn); Exit; end; { Check if shared is allowed } if tsystem(inppu.header.target) in [system_i386_go32v2] then begin Comment(V_Error,'Shared library not supported for ppu target, switching to static library'); MakeStatic:=true; end; { Create the new ppu } if PPUFn=PPLFn then outppu:=tppufile.create('ppumove.$$$') else outppu:=tppufile.create(PPLFn); outppu.createfile; { Create new header, with the new flags } outppu.header:=inppu.header; outppu.header.flags:=outppu.header.flags or uf_in_library; if MakeStatic then outppu.header.flags:=outppu.header.flags or uf_static_linked else outppu.header.flags:=outppu.header.flags or uf_shared_linked; { read until the object files are found } untilb:=iblinkunitofiles; repeat b:=inppu.readentry; if b in [ibendinterface,ibend] then begin inppu.free; outppu.free; Comment(V_Error,'No files to be linked found : '+PPUFn); Exit; end; if b<>untilb then begin repeat inppu.getdatabuf(buffer,sizeof(buffer),l); outppu.putdata(buffer,l); until libend then begin if b=iblinkothersharedlibs then begin while not inppu.endofentry do begin s:=inppu.getstring; m:=inppu.getlongint; outppu.putstring(s); outppu.putlongint(m); { strip lib prefix } if copy(s,1,3)='lib' then delete(s,1,3); ext:=ExtractFileExt(s); if ext<>'' then delete(s,length(s)-length(ext)+1,length(ext)); current_module.linkOtherSharedLibs.add(s,link_always); end; end else repeat inppu.getdatabuf(buffer,sizeof(buffer),l); outppu.putdata(buffer,l); until l0 then; end; Result:=True; end; procedure createimportlibfromexports; var hp : texported_item; begin hp:=texported_item(current_module._exports.first); while assigned(hp) do begin current_module.AddExternalImport(current_module.realmodulename^,hp.name^,hp.name^,hp.index,hp.is_var,false); hp:=texported_item(hp.next); end; end; procedure proc_package; var main_file : tinputfile; hp,hp2 : tmodule; {finalize_procinfo, init_procinfo, main_procinfo : tcgprocinfo;} force_init_final : boolean; uu : tused_unit; module_name: ansistring; begin Status.IsPackage:=true; Status.IsExe:=true; parse_only:=false; {main_procinfo:=nil; init_procinfo:=nil; finalize_procinfo:=nil;} if not RelocSectionSetExplicitly then RelocSection:=true; { Relocation works only without stabs under Windows when } { external linker (LD) is used. LD generates relocs for } { stab sections which is not loaded in memory. It causes } { AV error when DLL is loaded and relocation is needed. } { Internal linker does not have this problem. } if RelocSection and (target_info.system in systems_all_windows+[system_i386_wdosx]) and (cs_link_extern in current_settings.globalswitches) then begin include(current_settings.globalswitches,cs_link_strip); { Warning stabs info does not work with reloc section !! } if (cs_debuginfo in current_settings.moduleswitches) and (target_dbg.id=dbg_stabs) then begin Message1(parser_w_parser_reloc_no_debug,current_module.mainsource); Message(parser_w_parser_win32_debug_needs_WN); exclude(current_settings.moduleswitches,cs_debuginfo); end; end; { get correct output names } main_file := current_scanner.inputfile; while assigned(main_file.next) do main_file := main_file.next; current_module.SetFileName(main_file.path+main_file.name,true); { consume _PACKAGE word } consume(_ID); module_name:=orgpattern; consume(_ID); while token=_POINT do begin consume(_POINT); module_name:=module_name+'.'+orgpattern; consume(_ID); end; current_module.setmodulename(module_name); current_module.ispackage:=true; exportlib.preparelib(module_name); if tf_library_needs_pic in target_info.flags then include(current_settings.moduleswitches,cs_create_pic); { setup things using the switches, do this before the semicolon, because after the semicolon has been read, all following directives are parsed as well } setupglobalswitches; consume(_SEMICOLON); { global switches are read, so further changes aren't allowed } current_module.in_global:=false; { set implementation flag } current_module.in_interface:=false; current_module.interface_compiled:=true; { insert after the unit symbol tables the static symbol table } { of the program } current_module.localsymtable:=tstaticsymtable.create(current_module.modulename^,current_module.moduleid); {Load the units used by the program we compile.} if token=_REQUIRES then begin end; {Load the units used by the program we compile.} if (token=_ID) and (idtoken=_CONTAINS) then begin { consume _CONTAINS word } consume(_ID); while true do begin if token=_ID then begin module_name:=pattern; consume(_ID); while token=_POINT do begin consume(_POINT); module_name:=module_name+'.'+orgpattern; consume(_ID); end; AddUnit(module_name); end else consume(_ID); if token=_COMMA then consume(_COMMA) else break; end; consume(_SEMICOLON); end; { All units are read, now give them a number } current_module.updatemaps; {Insert the name of the main program into the symbol table.} if current_module.realmodulename^<>'' then tabstractunitsymtable(current_module.localsymtable).insertunit(cunitsym.create(current_module.realmodulename^,current_module)); Message1(parser_u_parsing_implementation,current_module.mainsource); symtablestack.push(current_module.localsymtable); { create whole program optimisation information } current_module.wpoinfo:=tunitwpoinfo.create; { should we force unit initialization? } force_init_final:=tstaticsymtable(current_module.localsymtable).needs_init_final; if force_init_final or cnodeutils.force_init then {init_procinfo:=gen_implicit_initfinal(uf_init,current_module.localsymtable)}; { Add symbol to the exports section for win32 so smartlinking a DLL will include the edata section } if assigned(exportlib) and (target_info.system in [system_i386_win32,system_i386_wdosx]) and ((current_module.flags and uf_has_exports)<>0) then current_asmdata.asmlists[al_procedures].concat(tai_const.createname(make_mangledname('EDATA',current_module.localsymtable,''),0)); { all labels must be defined before generating code } if Errorcount=0 then tstoredsymtable(current_module.localsymtable).checklabels; symtablestack.pop(current_module.localsymtable); { consume the last point } consume(_END); consume(_POINT); if (Errorcount=0) then begin { test static symtable } tstoredsymtable(current_module.localsymtable).allsymbolsused; tstoredsymtable(current_module.localsymtable).allprivatesused; tstoredsymtable(current_module.localsymtable).check_forwards; current_module.allunitsused; end; new_section(current_asmdata.asmlists[al_globals],sec_data,'_FPCDummy',4); current_asmdata.asmlists[al_globals].concat(tai_symbol.createname_global('_FPCDummy',AT_DATA,0)); current_asmdata.asmlists[al_globals].concat(tai_const.create_32bit(0)); new_section(current_asmdata.asmlists[al_procedures],sec_code,'',0); current_asmdata.asmlists[al_procedures].concat(tai_symbol.createname_global('_DLLMainCRTStartup',AT_FUNCTION,0)); gen_fpc_dummy(current_asmdata.asmlists[al_procedures]); current_asmdata.asmlists[al_procedures].concat(tai_const.createname('_FPCDummy',0)); { leave when we got an error } if (Errorcount>0) and not status.skip_error then begin Message1(unit_f_errors_in_unit,tostr(Errorcount)); status.skip_error:=true; exit; end; { remove all unused units, this happends when units are removed from the uses clause in the source and the ppu was already being loaded } hp:=tmodule(loaded_units.first); while assigned(hp) do begin hp2:=hp; hp:=tmodule(hp.next); if hp2.is_unit and not assigned(hp2.globalsymtable) then loaded_units.remove(hp2); end; { force exports } uu:=tused_unit(usedunits.first); while assigned(uu) do begin uu.u.globalsymtable.symlist.ForEachCall(@insert_export,uu.u.globalsymtable); { check localsymtable for exports too to get public symbols } uu.u.localsymtable.symlist.ForEachCall(@insert_export,uu.u.localsymtable); { create special exports } if (uu.u.flags and uf_init)<>0 then procexport(make_mangledname('INIT$',uu.u.globalsymtable,'')); if (uu.u.flags and uf_finalize)<>0 then procexport(make_mangledname('FINALIZE$',uu.u.globalsymtable,'')); if (uu.u.flags and uf_threadvars)=uf_threadvars then varexport(make_mangledname('THREADVARLIST',uu.u.globalsymtable,'')); uu:=tused_unit(uu.next); end; {$ifdef arm} { Insert .pdata section for arm-wince. It is needed for exception handling. } if target_info.system in [system_arm_wince] then InsertPData; {$endif arm} { generate debuginfo } if (cs_debuginfo in current_settings.moduleswitches) then current_debuginfo.inserttypeinfo; exportlib.generatelib; { write all our exports to the import library, needs to be done after exportlib.generatelib; } createimportlibfromexports; { generate imports } if current_module.ImportLibraryList.Count>0 then importlib.generatelib; { Reference all DEBUGINFO sections from the main .fpc section } if (cs_debuginfo in current_settings.moduleswitches) then current_debuginfo.referencesections(current_asmdata.asmlists[al_procedures]); { insert own objectfile } insertobjectfile; { assemble and link } create_objectfile; { We might need the symbols info if not using the default do_extractsymbolinfo which is a dummy function PM } needsymbolinfo:=do_extractsymbolinfo<>@def_extractsymbolinfo; { release all local symtables that are not needed anymore } if (not needsymbolinfo) then free_localsymtables(current_module.localsymtable); { leave when we got an error } if (Errorcount>0) and not status.skip_error then begin Message1(unit_f_errors_in_unit,tostr(Errorcount)); status.skip_error:=true; exit; end; if (not current_module.is_unit) then begin { finally rewrite all units included into the package } uu:=tused_unit(usedunits.first); while assigned(uu) do begin RewritePPU(uu.u.ppufilename,uu.u.ppufilename); uu:=tused_unit(uu.next); end; { create the executable when we are at level 1 } if (compile_level=1) then begin { create global resource file by collecting all resource files } CollectResourceFiles; { write .def file } if (cs_link_deffile in current_settings.globalswitches) then deffile.writefile; { insert all .o files from all loaded units and unload the units, we don't need them anymore. Keep the current_module because that is still needed } hp:=tmodule(loaded_units.first); while assigned(hp) do begin { the package itself contains no code so far } linker.AddModuleFiles(hp); hp2:=tmodule(hp.next); if (hp<>current_module) and (not needsymbolinfo) then begin loaded_units.remove(hp); hp.free; end; hp:=hp2; end; linker.MakeSharedLibrary end; { Give Fatal with error count for linker errors } if (Errorcount>0) and not status.skip_error then begin Message1(unit_f_errors_in_unit,tostr(Errorcount)); status.skip_error:=true; end; end; end; procedure proc_program(islibrary : boolean); type TProgramParam = record name : ansistring; nr : dword; end; var main_file : tinputfile; hp,hp2 : tmodule; finalize_procinfo, init_procinfo, main_procinfo : tcgprocinfo; force_init_final : boolean; resources_used : boolean; program_name : ansistring; consume_semicolon_after_uses : boolean; ps : tstaticvarsym; paramnum : longint; textsym : ttypesym; sc : array of TProgramParam; i : Longint; begin DLLsource:=islibrary; Status.IsLibrary:=IsLibrary; Status.IsPackage:=false; Status.IsExe:=true; parse_only:=false; main_procinfo:=nil; init_procinfo:=nil; finalize_procinfo:=nil; resources_used:=false; { make the compiler happy and avoid an uninitialized variable warning on Setlength(sc,length(sc)+1); } sc:=nil; { DLL defaults to create reloc info } if islibrary then begin if not RelocSectionSetExplicitly then RelocSection:=true; end; { Relocation works only without stabs under Windows when } { external linker (LD) is used. LD generates relocs for } { stab sections which is not loaded in memory. It causes } { AV error when DLL is loaded and relocation is needed. } { Internal linker does not have this problem. } if RelocSection and (target_info.system in systems_all_windows+[system_i386_wdosx]) and (cs_link_extern in current_settings.globalswitches) then begin include(current_settings.globalswitches,cs_link_strip); { Warning stabs info does not work with reloc section !! } if (cs_debuginfo in current_settings.moduleswitches) and (target_dbg.id=dbg_stabs) then begin Message1(parser_w_parser_reloc_no_debug,current_module.mainsource); Message(parser_w_parser_win32_debug_needs_WN); exclude(current_settings.moduleswitches,cs_debuginfo); end; end; { get correct output names } main_file := current_scanner.inputfile; while assigned(main_file.next) do main_file := main_file.next; current_module.SetFileName(main_file.path+main_file.name,true); if islibrary then begin consume(_LIBRARY); program_name:=orgpattern; consume(_ID); while token=_POINT do begin consume(_POINT); program_name:=program_name+'.'+orgpattern; consume(_ID); end; current_module.setmodulename(program_name); current_module.islibrary:=true; exportlib.preparelib(program_name); if tf_library_needs_pic in target_info.flags then include(current_settings.moduleswitches,cs_create_pic); { setup things using the switches, do this before the semicolon, because after the semicolon has been read, all following directives are parsed as well } setupglobalswitches; consume(_SEMICOLON); end else { is there an program head ? } if token=_PROGRAM then begin consume(_PROGRAM); program_name:=orgpattern; consume(_ID); while token=_POINT do begin consume(_POINT); program_name:=program_name+'.'+orgpattern; consume(_ID); end; current_module.setmodulename(program_name); if (target_info.system in systems_unit_program_exports) then exportlib.preparelib(program_name); if token=_LKLAMMER then begin consume(_LKLAMMER); paramnum:=1; repeat if m_iso in current_settings.modeswitches then begin if (pattern<>'INPUT') and (pattern<>'OUTPUT') then begin { the symtablestack is not setup here, so text must be created later on } Setlength(sc,length(sc)+1); with sc[high(sc)] do begin name:=pattern; nr:=paramnum; end; inc(paramnum); end; end; consume(_ID); until not try_to_consume(_COMMA); consume(_RKLAMMER); end; { setup things using the switches, do this before the semicolon, because after the semicolon has been read, all following directives are parsed as well } setupglobalswitches; consume(_SEMICOLON); end else begin if (target_info.system in systems_unit_program_exports) then exportlib.preparelib(current_module.realmodulename^); { setup things using the switches } setupglobalswitches; end; { global switches are read, so further changes aren't allowed } current_module.in_global:=false; { set implementation flag } current_module.in_interface:=false; current_module.interface_compiled:=true; { insert after the unit symbol tables the static symbol table of the program } current_module.localsymtable:=tstaticsymtable.create(current_module.modulename^,current_module.moduleid); { load standard units (system,objpas,profile unit) } loaddefaultunits; { Load units provided on the command line } loadautounits; { insert iso program parameters } if length(sc)>0 then begin textsym:=search_system_type('TEXT'); if not(assigned(textsym)) then internalerror(2013011201); for i:=0 to high(sc) do begin ps:=cstaticvarsym.create(sc[i].name,vs_value,textsym.typedef,[]); ps.isoindex:=sc[i].nr; current_module.localsymtable.insert(ps,true); cnodeutils.insertbssdata(tstaticvarsym(ps)); end; end; { Load the units used by the program we compile. } if token=_USES then begin loadunits(nil); consume_semicolon_after_uses:=true; end else consume_semicolon_after_uses:=false; { All units are read, now give them a number } current_module.updatemaps; { consume the semicolon after maps have been updated else conditional compiling expressions might cause internal errors, see tw8611 } if consume_semicolon_after_uses then consume(_SEMICOLON); {Insert the name of the main program into the symbol table.} if current_module.realmodulename^<>'' then tabstractunitsymtable(current_module.localsymtable).insertunit(cunitsym.create(current_module.realmodulename^,current_module)); Message1(parser_u_parsing_implementation,current_module.mainsource); symtablestack.push(current_module.localsymtable); {$ifdef jvm} { fake classdef to represent the class corresponding to the unit } addmoduleclass; {$endif} { Insert _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ symbol if system uses it } maybe_load_got; { create whole program optimisation information } current_module.wpoinfo:=tunitwpoinfo.create; { The program intialization needs an alias, so it can be called from the bootstrap code.} if islibrary then begin main_procinfo:=create_main_proc(make_mangledname('',current_module.localsymtable,mainaliasname),potype_proginit,current_module.localsymtable); { Win32 startup code needs a single name } if not(target_info.system in (systems_darwin+systems_aix)) then main_procinfo.procdef.aliasnames.insert('PASCALMAIN') else main_procinfo.procdef.aliasnames.insert(target_info.Cprefix+'PASCALMAIN') end else if (target_info.system in ([system_i386_netware,system_i386_netwlibc,system_powerpc_macos]+systems_darwin+systems_aix)) then begin main_procinfo:=create_main_proc('PASCALMAIN',potype_proginit,current_module.localsymtable); end else begin main_procinfo:=create_main_proc(mainaliasname,potype_proginit,current_module.localsymtable); main_procinfo.procdef.aliasnames.insert('PASCALMAIN'); end; main_procinfo.parse_body; { save file pos for debuginfo } current_module.mainfilepos:=main_procinfo.entrypos; { Generate specializations of objectdefs methods } generate_specialization_procs; { add implementations for synthetic method declarations added by the compiler } add_synthetic_method_implementations(current_module.localsymtable); { should we force unit initialization? } force_init_final:=tstaticsymtable(current_module.localsymtable).needs_init_final; if force_init_final or cnodeutils.force_init then init_procinfo:=gen_implicit_initfinal(uf_init,current_module.localsymtable); { Add symbol to the exports section for win32 so smartlinking a DLL will include the edata section } if assigned(exportlib) and (target_info.system in [system_i386_win32,system_i386_wdosx]) and ((current_module.flags and uf_has_exports)<>0) then current_asmdata.asmlists[al_procedures].concat(tai_const.createname(make_mangledname('EDATA',current_module.localsymtable,''),0)); { finalize? } if token=_FINALIZATION then begin { Parse the finalize } finalize_procinfo:=create_main_proc(make_mangledname('',current_module.localsymtable,'finalize'),potype_unitfinalize,current_module.localsymtable); finalize_procinfo.procdef.aliasnames.insert(make_mangledname('FINALIZE$',current_module.localsymtable,'')); finalize_procinfo.procdef.aliasnames.insert('PASCALFINALIZE'); finalize_procinfo.parse_body; end else if force_init_final or cnodeutils.force_final then finalize_procinfo:=gen_implicit_initfinal(uf_finalize,current_module.localsymtable); { the finalization routine of libraries is generic (and all libraries need to } { be finalized, so they can finalize any units they use } if (islibrary) then exportlib.setfininame(current_asmdata.asmlists[al_procedures],'FPC_LIB_EXIT'); { all labels must be defined before generating code } if Errorcount=0 then tstoredsymtable(current_module.localsymtable).checklabels; { See remark in unit init/final } main_procinfo.generate_code; main_procinfo.resetprocdef; release_main_proc(main_procinfo); if assigned(init_procinfo) then begin { initialization can be implicit only } current_module.flags:=current_module.flags or uf_init; init_procinfo.code:=cnodeutils.wrap_proc_body(init_procinfo.procdef,init_procinfo.code); init_procinfo.generate_code; init_procinfo.resetprocdef; release_main_proc(init_procinfo); end; if assigned(finalize_procinfo) then begin if force_init_final or cnodeutils.force_init or not(has_no_code(finalize_procinfo.code)) then begin finalize_procinfo.code:=cnodeutils.wrap_proc_body(finalize_procinfo.procdef,finalize_procinfo.code); finalize_procinfo.generate_code; current_module.flags:=current_module.flags or uf_finalize; end; finalize_procinfo.resetprocdef; release_main_proc(finalize_procinfo); end; symtablestack.pop(current_module.localsymtable); { consume the last point } consume(_POINT); { reset wpo flags for all defs } reset_all_defs; if (Errorcount=0) then begin { test static symtable } tstoredsymtable(current_module.localsymtable).allsymbolsused; tstoredsymtable(current_module.localsymtable).allprivatesused; tstoredsymtable(current_module.localsymtable).check_forwards; current_module.allunitsused; end; { leave when we got an error } if (Errorcount>0) and not status.skip_error then begin Message1(unit_f_errors_in_unit,tostr(Errorcount)); status.skip_error:=true; exit; end; { remove all unused units, this happens when units are removed from the uses clause in the source and the ppu was already being loaded } hp:=tmodule(loaded_units.first); while assigned(hp) do begin hp2:=hp; hp:=tmodule(hp.next); if hp2.is_unit and not assigned(hp2.globalsymtable) then begin loaded_units.remove(hp2); unloaded_units.concat(hp2); end; end; { do we need to add the variants unit? } maybeloadvariantsunit; { Now that everything has been compiled we know if we need resource support. If not, remove the unit. } resources_used:=MaybeRemoveResUnit; linker.initsysinitunitname; if target_info.system in systems_internal_sysinit then begin { add start/halt unit } AddUnit(linker.sysinitunit); end; {$ifdef arm} { Insert .pdata section for arm-wince. It is needed for exception handling. } if target_info.system in [system_arm_wince] then InsertPData; {$endif arm} cnodeutils.InsertThreadvars; { generate rtti/init tables } write_persistent_type_info(current_module.localsymtable,false); { if an Objective-C module, generate rtti and module info } MaybeGenerateObjectiveCImageInfo(nil,current_module.localsymtable); { generate imports } if current_module.ImportLibraryList.Count>0 then importlib.generatelib; { generate debuginfo } if (cs_debuginfo in current_settings.moduleswitches) then current_debuginfo.inserttypeinfo; if islibrary or (target_info.system in systems_unit_program_exports) then exportlib.generatelib; { Reference all DEBUGINFO sections from the main .fpc section } if (cs_debuginfo in current_settings.moduleswitches) then current_debuginfo.referencesections(current_asmdata.asmlists[al_procedures]); { Resource strings } GenerateResourceStrings; { Windows widestring needing initialization } cnodeutils.InsertWideInits; { Resourcestring references (const foo:string=someresourcestring) } cnodeutils.InsertResStrInits; { insert Tables and StackLength } cnodeutils.InsertInitFinalTable; cnodeutils.InsertThreadvarTablesTable; cnodeutils.InsertResourceTablesTable; cnodeutils.InsertWideInitsTablesTable; cnodeutils.InsertResStrTablesTable; cnodeutils.InsertMemorySizes; { Insert symbol to resource info } cnodeutils.InsertResourceInfo(resources_used); { create callframe info } create_dwarf_frame; { insert own objectfile } insertobjectfile; { assemble and link } create_objectfile; { We might need the symbols info if not using the default do_extractsymbolinfo which is a dummy function PM } needsymbolinfo:= (do_extractsymbolinfo<>@def_extractsymbolinfo) or ((current_settings.genwpoptimizerswitches*WPOptimizationsNeedingAllUnitInfo)<>[]); { release all local symtables that are not needed anymore } if (not needsymbolinfo) then free_localsymtables(current_module.localsymtable); { leave when we got an error } if (Errorcount>0) and not status.skip_error then begin Message1(unit_f_errors_in_unit,tostr(Errorcount)); status.skip_error:=true; exit; end; if (not current_module.is_unit) then begin { create the executable when we are at level 1 } if (compile_level=1) then begin { create global resource file by collecting all resource files } CollectResourceFiles; { write .def file } if (cs_link_deffile in current_settings.globalswitches) then deffile.writefile; { insert all .o files from all loaded units and unload the units, we don't need them anymore. Keep the current_module because that is still needed } hp:=tmodule(loaded_units.first); while assigned(hp) do begin linker.AddModuleFiles(hp); hp2:=tmodule(hp.next); if (hp<>current_module) and (not needsymbolinfo) then begin loaded_units.remove(hp); hp.free; end; hp:=hp2; end; { free also unneeded units we didn't free before } if not needsymbolinfo then unloaded_units.Clear; { finally we can create a executable } if DLLSource then linker.MakeSharedLibrary else linker.MakeExecutable; { collect all necessary information for whole-program optimization } wpoinfomanager.extractwpoinfofromprogram; end; { Give Fatal with error count for linker errors } if (Errorcount>0) and not status.skip_error then begin Message1(unit_f_errors_in_unit,tostr(Errorcount)); status.skip_error:=true; end; end; end; end.