{ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl This unit the GAS asm writers for PowerPC/PowerPC64 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } {****************************************************************************} { Helper routines for Instruction Writer } {****************************************************************************} unit agppcgas; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses aasmbase, aasmtai,aasmdata, aggas, cpubase,cgutils, globtype; type TPPCInstrWriter=class(TCPUInstrWriter) procedure WriteInstruction(hp : tai);override; end; TPPCGNUAssembler=class(TGNUassembler) constructor create(smart: boolean); override; procedure WriteExtraHeader; override; end; TPPCAppleGNUAssembler=class(TAppleGNUassembler) constructor create(smart: boolean); override; function MakeCmdLine: TCmdStr; override; end; TPPCAIXAssembler=class(TPPCGNUAssembler) constructor create(smart: boolean); override; protected function sectionname(atype: TAsmSectiontype; const aname: string; aorder: TAsmSectionOrder): string; override; procedure WriteExtraHeader; override; procedure WriteExtraFooter; override; procedure WriteDirectiveName(dir: TAsmDirective); override; end; topstr = string[4]; function getreferencestring(var ref : treference) : string; function getopstr_jmp(const o:toper) : string; function getopstr(const o:toper) : string; function branchmode(o: tasmop): topstr; function cond2str(op: tasmop; c: tasmcond): string; implementation uses cutils,globals,verbose, cgbase,systems, assemble, itcpugas,cpuinfo, aasmcpu; {$ifdef cpu64bitaddr} const refaddr2str: array[trefaddr] of string[9] = ('', '', '', '', '@l', '@h', '@higher', '@highest', '@ha', '@highera', '@highesta'); verbose_refaddrs = [addr_low, addr_high, addr_higher, addr_highest, addr_higha, addr_highera, addr_highesta]; refaddr2str_darwin: array[trefaddr] of string[4] = ('','','','','lo16', 'hi16', '@err', '@err', 'ha16', '@err', '@err'); {$else cpu64bitaddr} const refaddr2str: array[trefaddr] of string[3] = ('','','','','@l','@h','@ha'); refaddr2str_darwin: array[trefaddr] of string[4] = ('','','','','lo16','hi16','ha16'); verbose_refaddrs = [addr_low,addr_high,addr_higha]; {$endif cpu64bitaddr} function getreferencestring(var ref : treference) : string; var s : string; begin with ref do begin if ((offset < -32768) or (offset > 32767)) and (refaddr = addr_no) then internalerror(2006052501); case refaddr of addr_no: s := ''; addr_pic_no_got: begin { used for TOC-based loads } if (base<>NR_RTOC) or (index<>NR_NO) or (offset<>0) or not assigned(symbol) then internalerror(2011122701); if target_asm.dollarsign<>'$' then getreferencestring:=ReplaceForbiddenAsmSymbolChars(symbol.name)+'('+gas_regname(NR_RTOC)+')' else getreferencestring:=symbol.name+'('+gas_regname(NR_RTOC)+')'; exit; end else begin if target_info.system in [system_powerpc_darwin,system_powerpc64_darwin] then s := refaddr2str_darwin[refaddr] else s :=''; s := s+'('; if assigned(symbol) then begin if target_asm.dollarsign<>'$' then begin s:=s+ReplaceForbiddenAsmSymbolChars(symbol.name); if assigned(relsymbol) then s:=s+'-'+ReplaceForbiddenAsmSymbolChars(relsymbol.name) end else begin s:=s+symbol.name; if assigned(relsymbol) then s:=s+'-'+relsymbol.name; end; end; end; end; if offset<0 then s:=s+tostr(offset) else if (offset>0) then begin if assigned(symbol) then s:=s+'+'+tostr(offset) else s:=s+tostr(offset); end; if not(refaddr in [addr_no,addr_pic_no_got]) then begin s := s+')'; if (refaddr in verbose_refaddrs) and not(target_info.system in [system_powerpc_darwin,system_powerpc64_darwin]) then s := s+refaddr2str[refaddr]; end; {$ifdef cpu64bitaddr} if (refaddr=addr_pic) and (target_info.system=system_powerpc64_linux) then s := s + '@got'; {$endif cpu64bitaddr} if (index=NR_NO) then begin if offset=0 then begin if not (assigned(symbol)) then s:=s+'0'; end; if (base<>NR_NO) then s:=s+'('+gas_regname(base)+')' else if not assigned(symbol) and not(refaddr in verbose_refaddrs) then s:=s+'(0)'; end else if (index<>NR_NO) and (base<>NR_NO) then begin if (offset=0) then s:=s+gas_regname(base)+','+gas_regname(index) else internalerror(2006052502); end; end; getreferencestring:=s; end; function getopstr_jmp(const o:toper) : string; var hs : string; begin case o.typ of top_reg : getopstr_jmp:=gas_regname(o.reg); { no top_ref jumping for powerpc } top_const : getopstr_jmp:=tostr(o.val); top_ref : begin if o.ref^.refaddr<>addr_full then internalerror(200402267); hs:=o.ref^.symbol.name; if target_asm.dollarsign<>'$' then hs:=ReplaceForbiddenAsmSymbolChars(hs); if o.ref^.offset>0 then hs:=hs+'+'+tostr(o.ref^.offset) else if o.ref^.offset<0 then hs:=hs+tostr(o.ref^.offset); getopstr_jmp:=hs; end; top_none: getopstr_jmp:=''; else internalerror(2002070603); end; end; function getopstr(const o:toper) : string; var hs : string; begin case o.typ of top_reg: getopstr:=gas_regname(o.reg); top_const: getopstr:=tostr(longint(o.val)); top_ref: if o.ref^.refaddr=addr_full then begin hs:=o.ref^.symbol.name; if target_asm.dollarsign<>'$' then hs:=ReplaceForbiddenAsmSymbolChars(hs); if o.ref^.offset>0 then hs:=hs+'+'+tostr(o.ref^.offset) else if o.ref^.offset<0 then hs:=hs+tostr(o.ref^.offset); getopstr:=hs; end else getopstr:=getreferencestring(o.ref^); else internalerror(2002070604); end; end; function branchmode(o: tasmop): topstr; var tempstr: topstr; begin tempstr := ''; case o of A_BCCTR,A_BCCTRL: tempstr := 'ctr'; A_BCLR,A_BCLRL: tempstr := 'lr'; end; case o of A_BL,A_BLA,A_BCL,A_BCLA,A_BCCTRL,A_BCLRL: tempstr := tempstr+'l'; end; case o of A_BA,A_BLA,A_BCA,A_BCLA: tempstr:=tempstr+'a'; end; branchmode := tempstr; end; function cond2str(op: tasmop; c: tasmcond): string; { note: no checking is performed whether the given combination of } { conditions is valid } var tempstr: string; begin tempstr:=#9; case c.simple of false: begin cond2str := tempstr+gas_op2str[op]; case c.dirhint of DH_None:; DH_Minus: cond2str:=cond2str+'-'; DH_Plus: cond2str:=cond2str+'+'; else internalerror(2003112901); end; cond2str:=cond2str+#9+tostr(c.bo)+','+tostr(c.bi); end; true: if (op >= A_B) and (op <= A_BCLRL) then case c.cond of { unconditional branch } C_NONE: cond2str := tempstr+gas_op2str[op]; { bdnzt etc } else begin tempstr := tempstr+'b'+asmcondflag2str[c.cond]+ branchmode(op); case c.dirhint of DH_None: tempstr:=tempstr+#9; DH_Minus: tempstr:=tempstr+('-'+#9); DH_Plus: tempstr:=tempstr+('+'+#9); else internalerror(2003112901); end; case c.cond of C_LT..C_NU: cond2str := tempstr+gas_regname(newreg(R_SPECIALREGISTER,c.cr,R_SUBWHOLE)); C_T,C_F,C_DNZT,C_DNZF,C_DZT,C_DZF: cond2str := tempstr+tostr(c.crbit); else cond2str := tempstr; end; end; end { we have a trap instruction } else begin internalerror(2002070601); { not yet implemented !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! } { case tempstr := 'tw';} end; end; end; {****************************************************************************} { PowerPC Instruction Writer } {****************************************************************************} Procedure TPPCInstrWriter.WriteInstruction(hp : tai); var op: TAsmOp; s: string; i: byte; sep: string[3]; begin op:=taicpu(hp).opcode; if is_calljmp(op) then begin { direct BO/BI in op[0] and op[1] not supported, put them in condition! } case op of A_B,A_BA,A_BL,A_BLA: s:=#9+gas_op2str[op]+#9; A_BCTR,A_BCTRL,A_BLR,A_BLRL: s:=#9+gas_op2str[op] else begin s:=cond2str(op,taicpu(hp).condition); if (s[length(s)] <> #9) and (taicpu(hp).ops>0) then s := s + ','; end; end; if (taicpu(hp).ops>0) and (taicpu(hp).oper[0]^.typ<>top_none) then begin { first write the current contents of s, because the symbol } { may be 255 characters } owner.writer.AsmWrite(s); s:=getopstr_jmp(taicpu(hp).oper[0]^); end; end else { process operands } begin s:=#9+gas_op2str[op]; if taicpu(hp).ops<>0 then begin { if not is_calljmp(op) then sep:=',' else } sep:=#9; for i:=0 to taicpu(hp).ops-1 do begin // debug code // writeln(s); // writeln(taicpu(hp).fileinfo.line); s:=s+sep+getopstr(taicpu(hp).oper[i]^); sep:=','; end; end; end; owner.writer.AsmWriteLn(s); end; {****************************************************************************} { GNU PPC Assembler writer } {****************************************************************************} constructor TPPCGNUAssembler.create(smart: boolean); begin inherited create(smart); InstrWriter := TPPCInstrWriter.create(self); end; procedure TPPCGNUAssembler.WriteExtraHeader; var i : longint; begin if target_info.abi = abi_powerpc_elfv2 then writer.AsmWriteln(#9'.abiversion 2'); for i:=0 to 31 do writer.AsmWriteln(#9'.set'#9'r'+tostr(i)+','+tostr(i)); for i:=0 to 31 do writer.AsmWriteln(#9'.set'#9'f'+tostr(i)+','+tostr(i)); end; {****************************************************************************} { GNU/Apple PPC Assembler writer } {****************************************************************************} constructor TPPCAppleGNUAssembler.create(smart: boolean); begin inherited create(smart); InstrWriter := TPPCInstrWriter.create(self); end; function TPPCAppleGNUAssembler.MakeCmdLine: TCmdStr; begin result := inherited MakeCmdLine; {$ifdef cpu64bitaddr} Replace(result,'$ARCH','ppc64') {$else cpu64bitaddr} case current_settings.cputype of cpu_PPC7400: Replace(result,'$ARCH','ppc7400'); cpu_PPC970: Replace(result,'$ARCH','ppc970'); else Replace(result,'$ARCH','ppc') end; {$endif cpu64bitaddr} end; {****************************************************************************} { AIX PPC Assembler writer } {****************************************************************************} constructor TPPCAIXAssembler.create(smart: boolean); begin inherited create(smart); InstrWriter := TPPCInstrWriter.create(self); end; procedure TPPCAIXAssembler.WriteExtraHeader; var i: longint; begin inherited WriteExtraHeader; { map cr registers to plain numbers } for i:=0 to 7 do writer.AsmWriteln(#9'.set'#9'cr'+tostr(i)+','+tostr(i)); { make sure we always have a code and toc section, the linker expects that } writer.AsmWriteln(#9'.csect .text[PR]'); { set _text_s, to be used by footer below } writer.AsmWriteln(#9'_text_s:'); writer.AsmWriteln(#9'.toc'); end; procedure TPPCAIXAssembler.WriteExtraFooter; begin inherited WriteExtraFooter; { link between data and text section } writer.AsmWriteln(#9'.csect .data[RW],4'); {$ifdef cpu64bitaddr} writer.AsmWriteln('text_pos:'#9'.llong _text_s') {$else cpu64bitaddr} writer.AsmWriteln('text_pos:'#9'.long _text_s') {$endif cpu64bitaddr} end; procedure TPPCAIXAssembler.WriteDirectiveName(dir: TAsmDirective); begin case dir of asd_reference: writer.AsmWrite('.ref '); asd_weak_reference, asd_weak_definition: writer.AsmWrite('.weak '); else inherited WriteDirectiveName(dir); end; end; function TPPCAIXAssembler.sectionname(atype: TAsmSectiontype; const aname: string; aorder: TAsmSectionOrder): string; begin case atype of sec_code: result:='.csect .text[PR]'; sec_data, sec_rodata, { don't use .bss[BS], causes relocation problems } sec_bss: result:='.csect .data[RW]'; sec_rodata_norel: result:='.csect .text[RO]'; sec_fpc: result:='.csect .fpc[RO]'; sec_toc: result:='.toc'; { automatically placed in the right section } sec_stab, sec_stabstr: result:=''; else internalerror(2011122601); end; end; {***************************************************************************** Initialize *****************************************************************************} const as_ppc_gas_info : tasminfo = ( id : as_gas; idtxt : 'AS'; asmbin : 'as'; {$ifdef cpu64bitaddr} asmcmd : '-a64 -o $OBJ $EXTRAOPT $ASM'; {$else cpu64bitaddr} asmcmd: '-o $OBJ $EXTRAOPT $ASM'; {$endif cpu64bitaddr} supported_targets : [system_powerpc_linux,system_powerpc_netbsd,system_powerpc_openbsd,system_powerpc_MorphOS,system_powerpc_Amiga,system_powerpc64_linux,system_powerpc_embedded,system_powerpc64_embedded]; flags : [af_needar,af_smartlink_sections]; labelprefix : '.L'; comment : '# '; dollarsign: '$'; ); as_ppc_gas_darwin_powerpc_info : tasminfo = ( id : as_darwin; idtxt : 'AS-Darwin'; asmbin : 'as'; asmcmd : '-o $OBJ $EXTRAOPT $ASM -arch $ARCH'; supported_targets : [system_powerpc_darwin,system_powerpc64_darwin]; flags : [af_needar,af_smartlink_sections,af_supports_dwarf,af_stabs_use_function_absolute_addresses]; labelprefix : 'L'; comment : '# '; dollarsign : '$'; ); as_ppc_aix_powerpc_info : tasminfo = ( id : as_powerpc_xcoff; idtxt : 'AS-AIX'; asmbin : 'as'; { -u: allow using symbols before they are defined (when using native AIX assembler, ignore by GNU assembler) -mpwr5: we actually support Power3 and higher, but the AIX assembler has no parameter to select that one (only -mpwr3 and -mpwr5) } {$ifdef cpu64bitaddr} asmcmd : '-a64 -u -o $OBJ $EXTRAOPT $ASM -mpwr5'; {$else cpu64bitaddr} asmcmd : '-u -o $OBJ $EXTRAOPT $ASM -mpwr5'; {$endif cpu64bitaddr} supported_targets : [system_powerpc_aix,system_powerpc64_aix]; flags : [af_needar,af_smartlink_sections,af_stabs_use_function_absolute_addresses]; labelprefix : 'L'; comment : '# '; dollarsign : '.' ); as_ppc_gas_aix_powerpc_info : tasminfo = ( id : as_gas_powerpc_xcoff; idtxt : 'GAS'; asmbin : 'gas'; { -u: allow using symbols before they are defined (when using native AIX assembler, ignore by GNU assembler) -mpwr5: we actually support Power3 and higher, but the AIX assembler has no parameter to select that one (only -mpwr3 and -mpwr5) } {$ifdef cpu64bitaddr} asmcmd : '-a64 -u -o $OBJ $EXTRAOPT $ASM -mpwr5'; {$else cpu64bitaddr} asmcmd : '-a32 -u -o $OBJ $EXTRAOPT $ASM -mpwr5'; {$endif cpu64bitaddr} supported_targets : [system_powerpc_aix,system_powerpc64_aix]; flags : [af_needar,af_smartlink_sections,af_stabs_use_function_absolute_addresses]; labelprefix : 'L'; comment : '# '; dollarsign : '.' ); begin RegisterAssembler(as_ppc_gas_info,TPPCGNUAssembler); RegisterAssembler(as_ppc_gas_darwin_powerpc_info,TPPCAppleGNUAssembler); RegisterAssembler(as_ppc_aix_powerpc_info,TPPCAIXAssembler); RegisterAssembler(as_ppc_gas_aix_powerpc_info,TPPCAIXAssembler); end.