{ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl Information about the current procedure that is being compiled This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit procinfo; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses { common } cclasses, { global } globtype,globals,verbose, { symtable } symconst,symtype,symdef,symsym, { aasm } cpubase,cpuinfo,cgbase,cgutils, aasmbase,aasmtai,aasmdata, optutils ; const inherited_inlining_flags : tprocinfoflags = [pi_do_call, { the stack frame can't be removed in this case } pi_has_assembler_block, pi_uses_exceptions]; type tsavedlabels = array[Boolean] of TAsmLabel; { This object gives information on the current routine being compiled. } { tprocinfo } tprocinfo = class(tlinkedlistitem) private { list to store the procinfo's of the nested procedures } nestedprocs : tlinkedlist; { required alignment for this stackframe } fstackalignment : longint; procedure addnestedproc(child: tprocinfo); public { pointer to parent in nested procedures } parent : tprocinfo; { the definition of the routine itself } procdef : tprocdef; { nested implicit finalzation procedure, used for platform-specific exception handling } finalize_procinfo : tprocinfo; { file location of begin of procedure } entrypos : tfileposinfo; { file location of end of procedure } exitpos : tfileposinfo; { local switches at begin of procedure } entryswitches : tlocalswitches; { local switches at end of procedure } exitswitches : tlocalswitches; { Size of the parameters on the stack } para_stack_size : pint; { Offset of temp after para/local are allocated } tempstart : longint; { some collected informations about the procedure see pi_xxxx constants above } flags : tprocinfoflags; { register used as frame pointer } framepointer : tregister; { register containing currently the got } got : tregister; CurrGOTLabel : tasmlabel; { Holds the reference used to store all saved registers. } save_regs_ref : treference; { Last assembler instruction of procedure prologue } endprologue_ai : tlinkedlistitem; { Amount of stack adjustment after all alignments } final_localsize : longint; { Labels for TRUE/FALSE condition, BREAK and CONTINUE } CurrBreakLabel, CurrContinueLabel, CurrTrueLabel, CurrFalseLabel : tasmlabel; { label to leave the sub routine } CurrExitLabel : tasmlabel; { label for nested exits } nestedexitlabel : tlabelsym; { The code for the routine itself, excluding entry and exit code. This is a linked list of tai classes. } aktproccode : TAsmList; { Data (like jump tables) that belongs to this routine } aktlocaldata : TAsmList; { max. of space need for parameters } maxpushedparasize : aint; { some architectures need to know a stack size before the first compilation pass estimatedtempsize contains an estimated value how big temps will get } estimatedtempsize : longint; { is this a constructor that calls another constructor on itself (either inherited, or another constructor of the same class)? Requires different entry code for some targets. } ConstructorCallingConstructor: boolean; constructor create(aparent:tprocinfo);virtual; destructor destroy;override; procedure allocate_push_parasize(size:longint); function calc_stackframe_size:longint;virtual; { Set the address of the first temp, can be used to allocate space for pushing parameters } procedure set_first_temp_offset;virtual; { Generate parameter information } procedure generate_parameter_info;virtual; { Allocate got register } procedure allocate_got_register(list: TAsmList);virtual; { get frame pointer } procedure init_framepointer; virtual; { Destroy the entire procinfo tree, starting from the outermost parent } procedure destroy_tree; { Store CurrTrueLabel and CurrFalseLabel to saved and generate new ones } procedure save_jump_labels(out saved: tsavedlabels); { Restore CurrTrueLabel and CurrFalseLabel from saved } procedure restore_jump_labels(const saved: tsavedlabels); function get_first_nestedproc: tprocinfo; function has_nestedprocs: boolean; function get_normal_proc: tprocinfo; { Add to parent's list of nested procedures even if parent is a 'main' procedure } procedure force_nested; { Get the required alignment for the current stack frame } property stackalignment: longint read fstackalignment; { Update the resuired alignment for the current stack frame based on the current value and the new required alignment } procedure updatestackalignment(alignment: longint); { Specific actions after the code has been generated } procedure postprocess_code; virtual; end; tcprocinfo = class of tprocinfo; var cprocinfo : tcprocinfo; { information about the current sub routine being parsed (@var(pprocinfo))} current_procinfo : tprocinfo; implementation uses cutils,systems, tgobj,cgobj, paramgr ; {**************************************************************************** TProcInfo ****************************************************************************} constructor tprocinfo.create(aparent:tprocinfo); begin parent:=aparent; procdef:=nil; para_stack_size:=0; fstackalignment:=target_info.stackalign; flags:=[]; init_framepointer; framepointer:=NR_FRAME_POINTER_REG; maxpushedparasize:=0; { asmlists } aktproccode:=TAsmList.Create; aktlocaldata:=TAsmList.Create; reference_reset(save_regs_ref,sizeof(aint)); { labels } current_asmdata.getjumplabel(CurrExitLabel); current_asmdata.getjumplabel(CurrGOTLabel); CurrBreakLabel:=nil; CurrContinueLabel:=nil; CurrTrueLabel:=nil; CurrFalseLabel:=nil; if Assigned(parent) and (parent.procdef.parast.symtablelevel>=normal_function_level) then parent.addnestedproc(Self); end; procedure tprocinfo.force_nested; begin if Assigned(parent) and (parent.procdef.parast.symtablelevel0); end; function tprocinfo.get_normal_proc: tprocinfo; begin result:=self; while assigned(result.parent)and(result.procdef.parast.symtablelevel>normal_function_level) do result:=result.parent; end; procedure tprocinfo.save_jump_labels(out saved: tsavedlabels); begin saved[false]:=CurrFalseLabel; saved[true]:=CurrTrueLabel; current_asmdata.getjumplabel(CurrTrueLabel); current_asmdata.getjumplabel(CurrFalseLabel); end; procedure tprocinfo.restore_jump_labels(const saved: tsavedlabels); begin CurrFalseLabel:=saved[false]; CurrTrueLabel:=saved[true]; end; procedure tprocinfo.allocate_push_parasize(size:longint); begin if size>maxpushedparasize then maxpushedparasize:=size; end; function tprocinfo.calc_stackframe_size:longint; begin result:=Align(tg.direction*tg.lasttemp,current_settings.alignment.localalignmin); end; procedure tprocinfo.set_first_temp_offset; begin end; procedure tprocinfo.generate_parameter_info; begin { generate callee paraloc register info, it initialises the size that is allocated on the stack } procdef.init_paraloc_info(calleeside); para_stack_size:=procdef.calleeargareasize; end; procedure tprocinfo.allocate_got_register(list: TAsmList); begin { most os/cpu combo's don't use this yet, so not yet abstract } end; procedure tprocinfo.init_framepointer; begin { most targets use a constant, but some have a typed constant that must be initialized } end; procedure tprocinfo.postprocess_code; begin { no action by default } end; end.