{ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl Does the parsing of the statements This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit pstatmnt; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses tokens,node; function statement_block(starttoken : ttoken) : tnode; { reads an assembler block } function assembler_block : tnode; implementation uses { common } cutils,cclasses, { global } globtype,globals,verbose,constexp, systems, { aasm } cpubase,aasmbase,aasmtai,aasmdata, { symtable } symconst,symbase,symtype,symdef,symsym,symtable,defutil,defcmp, paramgr,symutil, { pass 1 } pass_1,htypechk, nutils,ngenutil,nbas,nmat,nadd,ncal,nmem,nset,ncnv,ninl,ncon,nld,nflw, { parser } scanner, pbase,ptype,pexpr, { codegen } procinfo,cgbase, { assembler reader } rabase, { wide- and unicodestrings} widestr ; function statement : tnode;forward; function if_statement : tnode; var ex,if_a,else_a : tnode; begin consume(_IF); ex:=comp_expr(true,false); consume(_THEN); if not(token in endtokens) then if_a:=statement else if_a:=nil; if try_to_consume(_ELSE) then else_a:=statement else else_a:=nil; result:=cifnode.create(ex,if_a,else_a); end; { creates a block (list) of statements, til the next END token } function statements_til_end : tnode; var first,last : tstatementnode; begin first:=nil; last:=nil; while token<>_END do begin if first=nil then begin last:=cstatementnode.create(statement,nil); first:=last; end else begin last.right:=cstatementnode.create(statement,nil); last:=tstatementnode(last.right); end; if not try_to_consume(_SEMICOLON) then break; consume_emptystats; end; consume(_END); statements_til_end:=cblocknode.create(first); end; function case_statement : tnode; var casedef : tdef; caseexpr,p : tnode; blockid : longint; hl1,hl2 : TConstExprInt; sl1,sl2 : tstringconstnode; casedeferror, caseofstring : boolean; casenode : tcasenode; begin consume(_CASE); caseexpr:=comp_expr(true,false); { determines result type } do_typecheckpass(caseexpr); { variants must be accepted, but first they must be converted to integer } if caseexpr.resultdef.typ=variantdef then begin caseexpr:=ctypeconvnode.create_internal(caseexpr,sinttype); do_typecheckpass(caseexpr); end; set_varstate(caseexpr,vs_read,[vsf_must_be_valid]); casedeferror:=false; casedef:=caseexpr.resultdef; { case of string must be rejected in delphi-, } { tp7/bp7-, mac-compatibility modes. } caseofstring := ([m_delphi, m_mac, m_tp7] * current_settings.modeswitches = []) and is_string(casedef); if (not assigned(casedef)) or ( not(is_ordinal(casedef)) and (not caseofstring) ) then begin CGMessage(type_e_ordinal_or_string_expr_expected); { create a correct tree } caseexpr.free; caseexpr:=cordconstnode.create(0,u32inttype,false); { set error flag so no rangechecks are done } casedeferror:=true; end; { Create casenode } casenode:=ccasenode.create(caseexpr); consume(_OF); { Parse all case blocks } blockid:=0; repeat { maybe an instruction has more case labels } repeat p:=expr(true); if is_widechar(casedef) then begin if (p.nodetype=rangen) then begin trangenode(p).left:=ctypeconvnode.create(trangenode(p).left,cwidechartype); trangenode(p).right:=ctypeconvnode.create(trangenode(p).right,cwidechartype); do_typecheckpass(trangenode(p).left); do_typecheckpass(trangenode(p).right); end else begin p:=ctypeconvnode.create(p,cwidechartype); do_typecheckpass(p); end; end else begin if is_char(casedef) and is_widechar(p.resultdef) then begin if (p.nodetype=ordconstn) then begin p:=ctypeconvnode.create(p,cansichartype); do_typecheckpass(p); end else if (p.nodetype=rangen) then begin trangenode(p).left:=ctypeconvnode.create(trangenode(p).left,cansichartype); trangenode(p).right:=ctypeconvnode.create(trangenode(p).right,cansichartype); do_typecheckpass(trangenode(p).left); do_typecheckpass(trangenode(p).right); end; end; end; hl1:=0; hl2:=0; sl1:=nil; sl2:=nil; if (p.nodetype=rangen) then begin { type check for string case statements } if caseofstring and is_conststring_or_constcharnode(trangenode(p).left) and is_conststring_or_constcharnode(trangenode(p).right) then begin { we need stringconstnodes, even if expression contains single chars } sl1 := get_string_value(trangenode(p).left, tstringdef(casedef)); sl2 := get_string_value(trangenode(p).right, tstringdef(casedef)); if sl1.fullcompare(sl2) > 0 then CGMessage(parser_e_case_lower_less_than_upper_bound); end { type checking for ordinal case statements } else if (not caseofstring) and is_subequal(casedef, trangenode(p).left.resultdef) and is_subequal(casedef, trangenode(p).right.resultdef) then begin hl1:=get_ordinal_value(trangenode(p).left); hl2:=get_ordinal_value(trangenode(p).right); if hl1>hl2 then CGMessage(parser_e_case_lower_less_than_upper_bound); if not casedeferror then begin testrange(casedef,hl1,false,false); testrange(casedef,hl2,false,false); end; end else CGMessage(parser_e_case_mismatch); if caseofstring then casenode.addlabel(blockid,sl1,sl2) else casenode.addlabel(blockid,hl1,hl2); end else begin { type check for string case statements } if (caseofstring and (not is_conststring_or_constcharnode(p))) or { type checking for ordinal case statements } ((not caseofstring) and (not is_subequal(casedef, p.resultdef))) then CGMessage(parser_e_case_mismatch); if caseofstring then begin sl1:=get_string_value(p, tstringdef(casedef)); casenode.addlabel(blockid,sl1,sl1); end else begin hl1:=get_ordinal_value(p); if not casedeferror then testrange(casedef,hl1,false,false); casenode.addlabel(blockid,hl1,hl1); end; end; p.free; sl1.free; sl2.free; if token=_COMMA then consume(_COMMA) else break; until false; consume(_COLON); { add instruction block } casenode.addblock(blockid,statement); { next block } inc(blockid); if not(token in [_ELSE,_OTHERWISE,_END]) then consume(_SEMICOLON); until (token in [_ELSE,_OTHERWISE,_END]); if (token in [_ELSE,_OTHERWISE]) then begin if not try_to_consume(_ELSE) then consume(_OTHERWISE); casenode.addelseblock(statements_til_end); end else consume(_END); result:=casenode; end; function repeat_statement : tnode; var first,last,p_e : tnode; begin consume(_REPEAT); first:=nil; last:=nil; while token<>_UNTIL do begin if first=nil then begin last:=cstatementnode.create(statement,nil); first:=last; end else begin tstatementnode(last).right:=cstatementnode.create(statement,nil); last:=tstatementnode(last).right; end; if not try_to_consume(_SEMICOLON) then break; consume_emptystats; end; consume(_UNTIL); first:=cblocknode.create(first); p_e:=comp_expr(true,false); result:=cwhilerepeatnode.create(p_e,first,false,true); end; function while_statement : tnode; var p_e,p_a : tnode; begin consume(_WHILE); p_e:=comp_expr(true,false); consume(_DO); p_a:=statement; result:=cwhilerepeatnode.create(p_e,p_a,true,false); end; { a helper function which is used both by "with" and "for-in loop" nodes } function skip_nodes_before_load(p: tnode): tnode; begin { ignore nodes that don't add instructions in the tree } while assigned(p) and { equal type conversions } ( (p.nodetype=typeconvn) and (ttypeconvnode(p).convtype=tc_equal) ) or { constant array index } ( (p.nodetype=vecn) and (tvecnode(p).right.nodetype=ordconstn) ) do p:=tunarynode(p).left; result:=p; end; function for_statement : tnode; procedure check_range(hp:tnode; fordef: tdef); begin if (hp.nodetype=ordconstn) and (fordef.typ<>errordef) then testrange(fordef,tordconstnode(hp).value,false,true); end; function for_loop_create(hloopvar: tnode): tnode; var hp, hblock, hto,hfrom : tnode; backward : boolean; loopvarsym : tabstractvarsym; begin { Check loop variable } loopvarsym:=nil; { variable must be an ordinal, int64 is not allowed for 32bit targets } if not(is_ordinal(hloopvar.resultdef)) {$ifndef cpu64bitaddr} or is_64bitint(hloopvar.resultdef) {$endif not cpu64bitaddr} then MessagePos(hloopvar.fileinfo,type_e_ordinal_expr_expected); hp:=hloopvar; while assigned(hp) and ( { record/object fields and array elements are allowed } { in tp7 mode only } ( (m_tp7 in current_settings.modeswitches) and ( ((hp.nodetype=subscriptn) and ((tsubscriptnode(hp).left.resultdef.typ=recorddef) or is_object(tsubscriptnode(hp).left.resultdef)) ) or { constant array index } ( (hp.nodetype=vecn) and is_constintnode(tvecnode(hp).right) ) ) ) or { equal typeconversions } ( (hp.nodetype=typeconvn) and (ttypeconvnode(hp).convtype=tc_equal) ) ) do begin { Use the recordfield for loopvarsym } if not assigned(loopvarsym) and (hp.nodetype=subscriptn) then loopvarsym:=tsubscriptnode(hp).vs; hp:=tunarynode(hp).left; end; if assigned(hp) and (hp.nodetype=loadn) then begin case tloadnode(hp).symtableentry.typ of staticvarsym, localvarsym, paravarsym : begin { we need a simple loadn: 1. The load must be in a global symtable or in the same level as the para of the current proc. 2. value variables (no const,out or var) 3. No threadvar, readonly or typedconst } if ( (tloadnode(hp).symtable.symtablelevel=main_program_level) or (tloadnode(hp).symtable.symtablelevel=current_procinfo.procdef.parast.symtablelevel) ) and (tabstractvarsym(tloadnode(hp).symtableentry).varspez=vs_value) and ([vo_is_thread_var,vo_is_typed_const] * tabstractvarsym(tloadnode(hp).symtableentry).varoptions=[]) then begin { Assigning for-loop variable is only allowed in tp7 and macpas } if ([m_tp7,m_mac] * current_settings.modeswitches = []) then begin if not assigned(loopvarsym) then loopvarsym:=tabstractvarsym(tloadnode(hp).symtableentry); include(loopvarsym.varoptions,vo_is_loop_counter); end; end else begin { Typed const is allowed in tp7 } if not(m_tp7 in current_settings.modeswitches) or not(vo_is_typed_const in tabstractvarsym(tloadnode(hp).symtableentry).varoptions) then MessagePos(hp.fileinfo,type_e_illegal_count_var); end; end; else MessagePos(hp.fileinfo,type_e_illegal_count_var); end; end else MessagePos(hloopvar.fileinfo,type_e_illegal_count_var); hfrom:=comp_expr(true,false); if try_to_consume(_DOWNTO) then backward:=true else begin consume(_TO); backward:=false; end; hto:=comp_expr(true,false); consume(_DO); { Check if the constants fit in the range } check_range(hfrom,hloopvar.resultdef); check_range(hto,hloopvar.resultdef); { first set the varstate for from and to, so uses of loopvar in those expressions will also trigger a warning when it is not used yet. This needs to be done before the instruction block is parsed to have a valid hloopvar } typecheckpass(hfrom); set_varstate(hfrom,vs_read,[vsf_must_be_valid]); typecheckpass(hto); set_varstate(hto,vs_read,[vsf_must_be_valid]); typecheckpass(hloopvar); { in two steps, because vs_readwritten may turn on vsf_must_be_valid } { for some subnodes } set_varstate(hloopvar,vs_written,[]); set_varstate(hloopvar,vs_read,[vsf_must_be_valid]); { ... now the instruction block } hblock:=statement; { variable is not used for loop counter anymore } if assigned(loopvarsym) then exclude(loopvarsym.varoptions,vo_is_loop_counter); result:=cfornode.create(hloopvar,hfrom,hto,hblock,backward); end; function for_in_loop_create(hloopvar: tnode): tnode; var expr,hloopbody,hp: tnode; loopvarsym: tabstractvarsym; begin hp:=skip_nodes_before_load(hloopvar); if assigned(hp)and(hp.nodetype=loadn) then begin loopvarsym:=tabstractvarsym(tloadnode(hp).symtableentry); include(loopvarsym.varoptions,vo_is_loop_counter); end else loopvarsym:=nil; expr:=comp_expr(true,false); consume(_DO); set_varstate(hloopvar,vs_written,[]); set_varstate(hloopvar,vs_read,[vsf_must_be_valid]); hloopbody:=statement; if assigned(loopvarsym) then exclude(loopvarsym.varoptions,vo_is_loop_counter); result:=create_for_in_loop(hloopvar,hloopbody,expr); expr.free; end; var hloopvar: tnode; begin { parse loop header } consume(_FOR); hloopvar:=factor(false,false); valid_for_loopvar(hloopvar,true); if try_to_consume(_ASSIGNMENT) then result:=for_loop_create(hloopvar) else if try_to_consume(_IN) then result:=for_in_loop_create(hloopvar) else begin consume(_ASSIGNMENT); // fail result:=cerrornode.create; end; end; function _with_statement : tnode; var p : tnode; i : longint; st : TSymtable; newblock : tblocknode; newstatement : tstatementnode; calltempnode, tempnode : ttempcreatenode; valuenode, hp, refnode : tnode; hdef : tdef; helperdef : tobjectdef; hasimplicitderef : boolean; withsymtablelist : TFPObjectList; procedure pushobjchild(withdef,obj:tobjectdef); var parenthelperdef : tobjectdef; begin if not assigned(obj) then exit; pushobjchild(withdef,obj.childof); { we need to look for helpers that were defined for the parent class as well } search_last_objectpascal_helper(obj,current_structdef,parenthelperdef); { push the symtables of the helper's parents in reverse order } if assigned(parenthelperdef) then pushobjchild(withdef,parenthelperdef.childof); { keep the original tobjectdef as owner, because that is used for visibility of the symtable } st:=twithsymtable.create(withdef,obj.symtable.SymList,refnode.getcopy); symtablestack.push(st); withsymtablelist.add(st); { push the symtable of the helper } if assigned(parenthelperdef) then begin st:=twithsymtable.create(withdef,parenthelperdef.symtable.SymList,refnode.getcopy); symtablestack.push(st); withsymtablelist.add(st); end; end; begin calltempnode:=nil; p:=comp_expr(true,false); do_typecheckpass(p); if (p.nodetype=vecn) and (nf_memseg in p.flags) then CGMessage(parser_e_no_with_for_variable_in_other_segments); { "with procvar" can never mean anything, so always try to call it in case it returns a record/object/... } maybe_call_procvar(p,false); if (p.resultdef.typ in [objectdef,recorddef,classrefdef]) or ((p.resultdef.typ=undefineddef) and (df_generic in current_procinfo.procdef.defoptions)) then begin newblock:=nil; valuenode:=nil; tempnode:=nil; hp:=skip_nodes_before_load(p); if (hp.nodetype=loadn) and ( (tloadnode(hp).symtable=current_procinfo.procdef.localst) or (tloadnode(hp).symtable=current_procinfo.procdef.parast) or (tloadnode(hp).symtable.symtabletype in [staticsymtable,globalsymtable]) ) and { MacPas objects are mapped to classes, and the MacPas compilers interpret with-statements with MacPas objects the same way as records (the object referenced by the with-statement must remain constant) } not(is_class(hp.resultdef) and (m_mac in current_settings.modeswitches)) then begin { simple load, we can reference direct } refnode:=p; end else begin { complex load, load in temp first } newblock:=internalstatements(newstatement); { when we can't take the address of p, load it in a temp } { since we may need its address later on } if not valid_for_addr(p,false) then begin calltempnode:=ctempcreatenode.create(p.resultdef,p.resultdef.size,tt_persistent,true); addstatement(newstatement,calltempnode); addstatement(newstatement,cassignmentnode.create( ctemprefnode.create(calltempnode), p)); p:=ctemprefnode.create(calltempnode); typecheckpass(p); end; { several object types have implicit dereferencing } { is_implicit_pointer_object_type() returns true for records on the JVM target because they are implemented as classes there, but we definitely have to take their address here since otherwise a deep copy is made and changes are made to this copy rather than to the original one } hasimplicitderef:= (is_implicit_pointer_object_type(p.resultdef) or (p.resultdef.typ=classrefdef)) and not((target_info.system in systems_jvm) and ((p.resultdef.typ=recorddef) or is_object(p.resultdef))); if hasimplicitderef then hdef:=p.resultdef else hdef:=cpointerdef.create(p.resultdef); { load address of the value in a temp } tempnode:=ctempcreatenode.create_withnode(hdef,sizeof(pint),tt_persistent,true,p); typecheckpass(tnode(tempnode)); valuenode:=p; refnode:=ctemprefnode.create(tempnode); fillchar(refnode.fileinfo,sizeof(tfileposinfo),0); { add address call for valuenode and deref for refnode if this is not done implicitly } if not hasimplicitderef then begin valuenode:=caddrnode.create_internal_nomark(valuenode); include(valuenode.flags,nf_typedaddr); refnode:=cderefnode.create(refnode); fillchar(refnode.fileinfo,sizeof(tfileposinfo),0); end; addstatement(newstatement,tempnode); addstatement(newstatement,cassignmentnode.create( ctemprefnode.create(tempnode), valuenode)); typecheckpass(refnode); end; { Note: the symtable of the helper is pushed after the following "case", the symtables of the helper's parents are passed in the "case" branches } withsymtablelist:=TFPObjectList.create(true); case p.resultdef.typ of objectdef : begin { do we have a helper for this type? } search_last_objectpascal_helper(tabstractrecorddef(p.resultdef),current_structdef,helperdef); { push symtables of all parents in reverse order } pushobjchild(tobjectdef(p.resultdef),tobjectdef(p.resultdef).childof); { push symtables of all parents of the helper in reverse order } if assigned(helperdef) then pushobjchild(helperdef,helperdef.childof); { push object symtable } st:=twithsymtable.Create(tobjectdef(p.resultdef),tobjectdef(p.resultdef).symtable.SymList,refnode); symtablestack.push(st); withsymtablelist.add(st); end; classrefdef : begin { do we have a helper for this type? } search_last_objectpascal_helper(tobjectdef(tclassrefdef(p.resultdef).pointeddef),current_structdef,helperdef); { push symtables of all parents in reverse order } pushobjchild(tobjectdef(tclassrefdef(p.resultdef).pointeddef),tobjectdef(tclassrefdef(p.resultdef).pointeddef).childof); { push symtables of all parents of the helper in reverse order } if assigned(helperdef) then pushobjchild(helperdef,helperdef.childof); { push object symtable } st:=twithsymtable.Create(tobjectdef(tclassrefdef(p.resultdef).pointeddef),tobjectdef(tclassrefdef(p.resultdef).pointeddef).symtable.SymList,refnode); symtablestack.push(st); withsymtablelist.add(st); end; recorddef : begin { do we have a helper for this type? } search_last_objectpascal_helper(tabstractrecorddef(p.resultdef),current_structdef,helperdef); { push symtables of all parents of the helper in reverse order } if assigned(helperdef) then pushobjchild(helperdef,helperdef.childof); { push record symtable } st:=twithsymtable.create(trecorddef(p.resultdef),trecorddef(p.resultdef).symtable.SymList,refnode); symtablestack.push(st); withsymtablelist.add(st); end; undefineddef : begin if not(df_generic in current_procinfo.procdef.defoptions) then internalerror(2012122802); helperdef:=nil; { push record symtable } st:=twithsymtable.create(p.resultdef,nil,refnode); symtablestack.push(st); withsymtablelist.add(st); end; else internalerror(200601271); end; { push helper symtable } if assigned(helperdef) then begin st:=twithsymtable.Create(helperdef,helperdef.symtable.SymList,refnode.getcopy); symtablestack.push(st); withsymtablelist.add(st); end; if try_to_consume(_COMMA) then p:=_with_statement() else begin consume(_DO); if token<>_SEMICOLON then p:=statement else p:=cnothingnode.create; end; { remove symtables in reverse order from the stack } for i:=withsymtablelist.count-1 downto 0 do symtablestack.pop(TSymtable(withsymtablelist[i])); withsymtablelist.free; // p:=cwithnode.create(right,twithsymtable(withsymtable),levelcount,refnode); { Finalize complex withnode with destroy of temp } if assigned(newblock) then begin addstatement(newstatement,p); if assigned(tempnode) then addstatement(newstatement,ctempdeletenode.create(tempnode)); if assigned(calltempnode) then addstatement(newstatement,ctempdeletenode.create(calltempnode)); p:=newblock; end; result:=p; end else begin p.free; Message1(parser_e_false_with_expr,p.resultdef.GetTypeName); { try to recover from error } if try_to_consume(_COMMA) then begin hp:=_with_statement(); if (hp=nil) then; { remove warning about unused } end else begin consume(_DO); { ignore all } if token<>_SEMICOLON then statement; end; result:=nil; end; end; function with_statement : tnode; begin consume(_WITH); with_statement:=_with_statement(); end; function raise_statement : tnode; var p,pobj,paddr,pframe : tnode; begin pobj:=nil; paddr:=nil; pframe:=nil; consume(_RAISE); if not(token in endtokens) then begin { object } pobj:=comp_expr(true,false); if try_to_consume(_AT) then begin paddr:=comp_expr(true,false); if try_to_consume(_COMMA) then pframe:=comp_expr(true,false); end; end else begin if (block_type<>bt_except) then Message(parser_e_no_reraise_possible); end; p:=craisenode.create(pobj,paddr,pframe); raise_statement:=p; end; function try_statement : tnode; procedure check_type_valid(var def: tdef); begin if not (is_class(def) or is_javaclass(def) or { skip showing error message the second time } (def.typ=errordef)) then begin Message1(type_e_class_type_expected,def.typename); def:=generrordef; end; end; var p_try_block,p_finally_block,first,last, p_default,p_specific,hp : tnode; ot : tDef; sym : tlocalvarsym; old_block_type : tblock_type; excepTSymtable : TSymtable; objname,objrealname : TIDString; srsym : tsym; srsymtable : TSymtable; t:ttoken; unit_found:boolean; oldcurrent_exceptblock: integer; begin p_default:=nil; p_specific:=nil; excepTSymtable:=nil; last:=nil; { read statements to try } consume(_TRY); first:=nil; inc(exceptblockcounter); oldcurrent_exceptblock := current_exceptblock; current_exceptblock := exceptblockcounter; old_block_type := block_type; block_type := bt_body; while (token<>_FINALLY) and (token<>_EXCEPT) do begin if first=nil then begin last:=cstatementnode.create(statement,nil); first:=last; end else begin tstatementnode(last).right:=cstatementnode.create(statement,nil); last:=tstatementnode(last).right; end; if not try_to_consume(_SEMICOLON) then break; consume_emptystats; end; p_try_block:=cblocknode.create(first); if try_to_consume(_FINALLY) then begin inc(exceptblockcounter); current_exceptblock := exceptblockcounter; p_finally_block:=statements_til_end; try_statement:=ctryfinallynode.create(p_try_block,p_finally_block); end else begin consume(_EXCEPT); block_type:=bt_except; inc(exceptblockcounter); current_exceptblock := exceptblockcounter; ot:=generrordef; p_specific:=nil; if (idtoken=_ON) then { catch specific exceptions } begin repeat consume(_ON); if token=_ID then begin objname:=pattern; objrealname:=orgpattern; { can't use consume_sym here, because we need already to check for the colon } searchsym(objname,srsym,srsymtable); consume(_ID); { is a explicit name for the exception given ? } if try_to_consume(_COLON) then begin single_type(ot,[]); check_type_valid(ot); sym:=clocalvarsym.create(objrealname,vs_value,ot,[]); end else begin { check if type is valid, must be done here because with "e: Exception" the e is not necessary } { support unit.identifier } unit_found:=try_consume_unitsym_no_specialize(srsym,srsymtable,t,false); if srsym=nil then begin identifier_not_found(orgpattern); srsym:=generrorsym; end; if unit_found then consume(t); { check if type is valid, must be done here because with "e: Exception" the e is not necessary } if (srsym.typ=typesym) then begin ot:=ttypesym(srsym).typedef; parse_nested_types(ot,false,false,nil); check_type_valid(ot); end else begin Message(type_e_type_id_expected); ot:=generrordef; end; { create dummy symbol so we don't need a special case in ncgflw, and so that we always know the type } sym:=clocalvarsym.create('$exceptsym',vs_value,ot,[]); end; excepTSymtable:=tstt_excepTSymtable.create; excepTSymtable.insert(sym); symtablestack.push(excepTSymtable); end else consume(_ID); consume(_DO); hp:=connode.create(nil,statement); if ot.typ=errordef then begin hp.free; hp:=cerrornode.create; end; if p_specific=nil then begin last:=hp; p_specific:=last; end else begin tonnode(last).left:=hp; last:=tonnode(last).left; end; { set the informations } { only if the creation of the onnode was succesful, it's possible } { that last and hp are errornodes (JM) } if last.nodetype = onn then begin tonnode(last).excepttype:=tobjectdef(ot); tonnode(last).excepTSymtable:=excepTSymtable; end; { remove exception symtable } if assigned(excepTSymtable) then begin symtablestack.pop(excepTSymtable); if last.nodetype <> onn then excepTSymtable.free; end; if not try_to_consume(_SEMICOLON) then break; consume_emptystats; until (token in [_END,_ELSE]); if try_to_consume(_ELSE) then begin { catch the other exceptions } p_default:=statements_til_end; end else consume(_END); end else begin { catch all exceptions } p_default:=statements_til_end; end; try_statement:=ctryexceptnode.create(p_try_block,p_specific,p_default); end; block_type:=old_block_type; current_exceptblock := oldcurrent_exceptblock; end; function _asm_statement : tnode; var asmstat : tasmnode; Marker : tai; reg : tregister; asmreader : tbaseasmreader; entrypos : tfileposinfo; begin Inside_asm_statement:=true; asmstat:=nil; if assigned(asmmodeinfos[current_settings.asmmode]) then begin asmreader:=asmmodeinfos[current_settings.asmmode]^.casmreader.create; entrypos:=current_filepos; asmstat:=casmnode.create(asmreader.assemble as TAsmList); asmstat.fileinfo:=entrypos; asmreader.free; end else Message(parser_f_assembler_reader_not_supported); { Mark procedure that it has assembler blocks } include(current_procinfo.flags,pi_has_assembler_block); { Read first the _ASM statement } consume(_ASM); { END is read, got a list of changed registers? } if try_to_consume(_LECKKLAMMER) then begin {$ifdef cpunofpu} asmstat.used_regs_fpu:=[0..first_int_imreg-1]; {$else cpunofpu} asmstat.used_regs_fpu:=[0..first_fpu_imreg-1]; {$endif cpunofpu} if token<>_RECKKLAMMER then begin if po_assembler in current_procinfo.procdef.procoptions then Message(parser_w_register_list_ignored); repeat { it's possible to specify the modified registers } reg:=std_regnum_search(lower(cstringpattern)); if reg<>NR_NO then begin if (getregtype(reg)=R_INTREGISTER) and not(po_assembler in current_procinfo.procdef.procoptions) then include(asmstat.used_regs_int,getsupreg(reg)); end else Message(asmr_e_invalid_register); consume(_CSTRING); if not try_to_consume(_COMMA) then break; until false; end; consume(_RECKKLAMMER); end else begin asmstat.used_regs_int:=paramanager.get_volatile_registers_int(current_procinfo.procdef.proccalloption); asmstat.used_regs_fpu:=paramanager.get_volatile_registers_fpu(current_procinfo.procdef.proccalloption); end; { mark the start and the end of the assembler block this is needed for the optimizer } If Assigned(AsmStat.p_asm) Then Begin Marker := Tai_Marker.Create(mark_AsmBlockStart); AsmStat.p_asm.Insert(Marker); Marker := Tai_Marker.Create(mark_AsmBlockEnd); AsmStat.p_asm.Concat(Marker); End; Inside_asm_statement:=false; _asm_statement:=asmstat; end; function statement : tnode; var p, code : tnode; filepos : tfileposinfo; srsym : tsym; srsymtable : TSymtable; s : TIDString; begin filepos:=current_tokenpos; code:=nil; case token of _GOTO : begin if not(cs_support_goto in current_settings.moduleswitches) then Message(sym_e_goto_and_label_not_supported); consume(_GOTO); if (token<>_INTCONST) and (token<>_ID) then begin Message(sym_e_label_not_found); code:=cerrornode.create; end else begin if token=_ID then consume_sym(srsym,srsymtable) else begin if token<>_INTCONST then internalerror(201008021); { strip leading 0's in iso mode } if m_iso in current_settings.modeswitches then while pattern[1]='0' do delete(pattern,1,1); searchsym(pattern,srsym,srsymtable); if srsym=nil then begin identifier_not_found(pattern); srsym:=generrorsym; srsymtable:=nil; end; consume(token); end; if srsym.typ<>labelsym then begin Message(sym_e_id_is_no_label_id); code:=cerrornode.create; end else begin { goto outside the current scope? } if srsym.owner<>current_procinfo.procdef.localst then begin { allowed? } if not(m_non_local_goto in current_settings.modeswitches) then Message(parser_e_goto_outside_proc); include(current_procinfo.flags,pi_has_global_goto); end; code:=cgotonode.create(tlabelsym(srsym)); tgotonode(code).labelsym:=tlabelsym(srsym); { set flag that this label is used } tlabelsym(srsym).used:=true; end; end; end; _BEGIN : code:=statement_block(_BEGIN); _IF : code:=if_statement; _CASE : code:=case_statement; _REPEAT : code:=repeat_statement; _WHILE : code:=while_statement; _FOR : code:=for_statement; _WITH : code:=with_statement; _TRY : code:=try_statement; _RAISE : code:=raise_statement; { semicolons,else until and end are ignored } _SEMICOLON, _ELSE, _UNTIL, _END: code:=cnothingnode.create; _FAIL : begin if (current_procinfo.procdef.proctypeoption<>potype_constructor) then Message(parser_e_fail_only_in_constructor); consume(_FAIL); code:=cnodeutils.call_fail_node; end; _ASM : begin if parse_generic then Message(parser_e_no_assembler_in_generic); code:=_asm_statement; end; _EOF : Message(scan_f_end_of_file); else begin { don't typecheck yet, because that will also simplify, which may result in not detecting certain kinds of syntax errors -- see mantis #15594 } p:=expr(false); { save the pattern here for latter usage, the label could be "000", even if we read an expression, the pattern is still valid if it's really a label (FK) if you want to mess here, take care of tests/webtbs/tw3546.pp } s:=pattern; { When a colon follows a intconst then transform it into a label } if (p.nodetype=ordconstn) and try_to_consume(_COLON) then begin { in iso mode, 0003: is equal to 3: } if m_iso in current_settings.modeswitches then searchsym(tostr(tordconstnode(p).value),srsym,srsymtable) else searchsym(s,srsym,srsymtable); p.free; if assigned(srsym) and (srsym.typ=labelsym) then begin if tlabelsym(srsym).defined then Message(sym_e_label_already_defined); if symtablestack.top.symtablelevel<>srsymtable.symtablelevel then begin tlabelsym(srsym).nonlocal:=true; exclude(current_procinfo.procdef.procoptions,po_inline); end; if tlabelsym(srsym).nonlocal and (current_procinfo.procdef.proctypeoption in [potype_unitinit,potype_unitfinalize]) then Message(sym_e_interprocgoto_into_init_final_code_not_allowed); tlabelsym(srsym).defined:=true; p:=clabelnode.create(nil,tlabelsym(srsym)); tlabelsym(srsym).code:=p; end else begin Message1(sym_e_label_used_and_not_defined,s); p:=cnothingnode.create; end; end; if p.nodetype=labeln then begin { the pointer to the following instruction } { isn't a very clean way } if token in endtokens then tlabelnode(p).left:=cnothingnode.create else tlabelnode(p).left:=statement(); { be sure to have left also typecheckpass } typecheckpass(tlabelnode(p).left); end else { change a load of a procvar to a call. this is also supported in fpc mode } if p.nodetype in [vecn,derefn,typeconvn,subscriptn,loadn] then maybe_call_procvar(p,false); { blockn support because a read/write is changed into a blocknode with a separate statement for each read/write operation (JM) the same is true for val() if the third parameter is not 32 bit goto nodes are created by the compiler for non local exit statements, so include them as well } if not(p.nodetype in [nothingn,errorn,calln,ifn,assignn,breakn,inlinen, continuen,labeln,blockn,exitn,goton]) or ((p.nodetype=inlinen) and not is_void(p.resultdef)) or ((p.nodetype=calln) and (assigned(tcallnode(p).procdefinition)) and (tcallnode(p).procdefinition.proctypeoption=potype_operator)) then Message(parser_e_illegal_expression); if not assigned(p.resultdef) then do_typecheckpass(p); { Specify that we don't use the value returned by the call. This is used for : - dispose of temp stack space - dispose on FPU stack - extended syntax checking } if (p.nodetype=calln) then begin exclude(tcallnode(p).callnodeflags,cnf_return_value_used); { in $x- state, the function result must not be ignored } if not(cs_extsyntax in current_settings.moduleswitches) and not(is_void(p.resultdef)) and { can be nil in case there was an error in the expression } assigned(tcallnode(p).procdefinition) and { allow constructor calls to drop the result if they are called as instance methods instead of class methods } not( (tcallnode(p).procdefinition.proctypeoption=potype_constructor) and is_class_or_object(tprocdef(tcallnode(p).procdefinition).struct) and assigned(tcallnode(p).methodpointer) and (tnode(tcallnode(p).methodpointer).resultdef.typ=objectdef) ) then Message(parser_e_illegal_expression); end; code:=p; end; end; if assigned(code) then begin typecheckpass(code); code.fileinfo:=filepos; end; statement:=code; end; function statement_block(starttoken : ttoken) : tnode; var first,last : tnode; filepos : tfileposinfo; begin first:=nil; last:=nil; filepos:=current_tokenpos; consume(starttoken); while not(token in [_END,_FINALIZATION]) do begin if first=nil then begin last:=cstatementnode.create(statement,nil); first:=last; end else begin tstatementnode(last).right:=cstatementnode.create(statement,nil); last:=tstatementnode(last).right; end; if (token in [_END,_FINALIZATION]) then break else begin { if no semicolon, then error and go on } if token<>_SEMICOLON then begin consume(_SEMICOLON); consume_all_until(_SEMICOLON); end; consume(_SEMICOLON); end; consume_emptystats; end; { don't consume the finalization token, it is consumed when reading the finalization block, but allow it only after an initalization ! } if (starttoken<>_INITIALIZATION) or (token<>_FINALIZATION) then consume(_END); last:=cblocknode.create(first); last.fileinfo:=filepos; statement_block:=last; end; function assembler_block : tnode; var p : tnode; {$ifndef arm} locals : longint; {$endif arm} srsym : tsym; begin if parse_generic then message(parser_e_no_assembler_in_generic); { Rename the funcret so that recursive calls are possible } if not is_void(current_procinfo.procdef.returndef) then begin srsym:=TSym(current_procinfo.procdef.localst.Find(current_procinfo.procdef.procsym.name)); if assigned(srsym) then srsym.realname:='$hiddenresult'; end; { delphi uses register calling for assembler methods } if (m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) and (po_assembler in current_procinfo.procdef.procoptions) and not(po_hascallingconvention in current_procinfo.procdef.procoptions) then current_procinfo.procdef.proccalloption:=pocall_register; { force the asm statement } if token<>_ASM then consume(_ASM); include(current_procinfo.flags,pi_is_assembler); p:=_asm_statement; {$if not(defined(sparc)) and not(defined(arm)) and not(defined(avr)) and not(defined(mips))} if (po_assembler in current_procinfo.procdef.procoptions) then begin { set the framepointer to esp for assembler functions when the following conditions are met: - if the are no local variables and parameters (except the allocated result) - no reference to the result variable (refcount<=1) - result is not stored as parameter - target processor has optional frame pointer save (vm, i386, vm only currently) } locals:=tabstractlocalsymtable(current_procinfo.procdef.parast).count_locals; if (current_procinfo.procdef.localst.symtabletype=localsymtable) then inc(locals,tabstractlocalsymtable(current_procinfo.procdef.localst).count_locals); if (locals=0) and not (current_procinfo.procdef.owner.symtabletype in [ObjectSymtable,recordsymtable]) and (not assigned(current_procinfo.procdef.funcretsym) or (tabstractvarsym(current_procinfo.procdef.funcretsym).refs<=1)) and not (df_generic in current_procinfo.procdef.defoptions) and not(paramanager.ret_in_param(current_procinfo.procdef.returndef,current_procinfo.procdef)) then begin { Only need to set the framepointer, the locals will be inserted with the correct reference in tcgasmnode.pass_generate_code } current_procinfo.framepointer:=NR_STACK_POINTER_REG; end; end; {$endif not(defined(sparc)) and not(defined(arm)) and not(defined(avr)) not(defined(mipsel))} { Flag the result as assigned when it is returned in a register. } if assigned(current_procinfo.procdef.funcretsym) and not (df_generic in current_procinfo.procdef.defoptions) and (not paramanager.ret_in_param(current_procinfo.procdef.returndef,current_procinfo.procdef)) then tabstractvarsym(current_procinfo.procdef.funcretsym).varstate:=vs_initialised; { because the END is already read we need to get the last_endtoken_filepos here (PFV) } last_endtoken_filepos:=current_tokenpos; assembler_block:=p; end; end.