{ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl, Daniel Mantione Does the parsing and codegeneration at subroutine level This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit psub; {$i fpcdefs.inc} { $define debug_eh} interface uses globals,cclasses, node,nbas,nutils, symdef,procinfo,optdfa; type tcgprocinfo = class(tprocinfo) private type ttempinfo_flags_entry = record tempinfo : ptempinfo; flags : ttempinfoflags; end; ptempinfo_flags_entry = ^ttempinfo_flags_entry; private tempinfo_flags_map : TFPList; tempflags_swapped : boolean; procedure swap_tempflags; function store_node_tempflags(var n: tnode; arg: pointer): foreachnoderesult; procedure CreateInlineInfo; { returns the node which is the start of the user code, this is needed by the dfa } function GetUserCode: tnode; procedure maybe_add_constructor_wrapper(var tocode: tnode; withexceptblock: boolean); procedure add_entry_exit_code; procedure setup_tempgen; procedure OptimizeNodeTree; protected procedure generate_code_exceptfilters; public { code for the subroutine as tree } code : tnode; { positions in the tree for init/final } entry_asmnode, loadpara_asmnode, exitlabel_asmnode, stackcheck_asmnode, init_asmnode : tasmnode; temps_finalized : boolean; dfabuilder : TDFABuilder; destructor destroy;override; function calc_stackframe_size : longint;override; procedure printproc(pass:string); procedure generate_code; procedure generate_code_tree; procedure generate_exceptfilter(nestedpi: tcgprocinfo); procedure resetprocdef; procedure add_to_symtablestack; procedure remove_from_symtablestack; procedure parse_body; procedure store_tempflags; procedure apply_tempflags; procedure reset_tempflags; function has_assembler_child : boolean; procedure set_eh_info; override; {$ifdef DEBUG_NODE_XML} procedure XMLPrintProc(FirstHalf: Boolean); {$endif DEBUG_NODE_XML} end; procedure printnode_reset; {$ifdef DEBUG_NODE_XML} procedure XMLInitializeNodeFile(RootName, ModuleName: shortstring); procedure XMLFinalizeNodeFile(RootName: shortstring); {$endif DEBUG_NODE_XML} { reads the declaration blocks } procedure read_declarations(islibrary : boolean); { reads declarations in the interface part of a unit } procedure read_interface_declarations; { reads any routine in the implementation, or a non-method routine declaration in the interface (depending on whether or not parse_only is true) } procedure read_proc(isclassmethod:boolean; usefwpd: tprocdef; isgeneric:boolean); { parses only the body of a non nested routine; needs a correctly setup pd } procedure read_proc_body(pd:tprocdef); procedure import_external_proc(pd:tprocdef); implementation uses sysutils, { common } cutils, cmsgs, { global } globtype,tokens,verbose,comphook,constexp, systems,cpubase,aasmbase,aasmtai,aasmdata, { symtable } symconst,symbase,symsym,symtype,symtable,defutil,defcmp,symcreat, paramgr, fmodule, { pass 1 } ngenutil,nld,ncal,ncon,nflw,nadd,ncnv,nmem, pass_1, {$ifdef state_tracking} nstate, {$endif state_tracking} { pass 2 } {$ifndef NOPASS2} pass_2, {$endif} { parser } scanner,gendef, pbase,pstatmnt,pdecl,pdecsub,pexports,pgenutil,pparautl, { codegen } tgobj,cgbase,cgobj,hlcgobj,hlcgcpu,dbgbase, ncgflw, ncgutil, optbase, opttail, optcse, optloop, optconstprop, optdeadstore, optloadmodifystore, optutils {$if defined(arm)} ,cpuinfo {$endif arm} {$ifndef NOOPT} ,aopt {$endif} ; function checknodeinlining(procdef: tprocdef): boolean; procedure _no_inline(const reason: TMsgStr); begin include(procdef.implprocoptions,pio_inline_not_possible); Message1(parser_n_not_supported_for_inline,reason); Message(parser_h_inlining_disabled); end; var i : integer; currpara : tparavarsym; begin result := false; { this code will never be used (only specialisations can be inlined), and moreover contains references to defs that are not stored in the ppu file } if df_generic in current_procinfo.procdef.defoptions then exit; if pi_has_assembler_block in current_procinfo.flags then begin _no_inline('assembler'); exit; end; if (pi_has_global_goto in current_procinfo.flags) or (pi_has_interproclabel in current_procinfo.flags) then begin _no_inline('global goto'); exit; end; if pi_has_nested_exit in current_procinfo.flags then begin _no_inline('nested exit'); exit; end; if pi_calls_c_varargs in current_procinfo.flags then begin _no_inline('called C-style varargs functions'); exit; end; { the compiler cannot handle inherited in inlined subroutines because it tries to search for self in the symtable, however, the symtable is not available } if pi_has_inherited in current_procinfo.flags then begin _no_inline('inherited'); exit; end; if pio_nested_access in procdef.implprocoptions then begin _no_inline('access to local from nested scope'); exit; end; { We can't support inlining for procedures that have nested procedures because the nested procedures use a fixed offset for accessing locals in the parent procedure (PFV) } if current_procinfo.has_nestedprocs then begin _no_inline('nested procedures'); exit; end; if pi_uses_get_frame in current_procinfo.flags then begin _no_inline('get_frame'); { for LLVM: it can inline things that FPC can't, but it mustn't inline this one } include(current_procinfo.procdef.implprocoptions,pio_inline_forbidden); exit; end; for i:=0 to procdef.paras.count-1 do begin currpara:=tparavarsym(procdef.paras[i]); case currpara.vardef.typ of arraydef : begin if is_array_of_const(currpara.vardef) or is_variant_array(currpara.vardef) then begin _no_inline('array of const'); exit; end; { open arrays might need re-basing of the index, i.e. if you pass an array[1..10] as open array, you have to add 1 to all index operations if you directly inline it } if is_open_array(currpara.vardef) then begin _no_inline('open array'); exit; end; end; else ; end; end; result:=true; end; {**************************************************************************** PROCEDURE/FUNCTION BODY PARSING ****************************************************************************} procedure initializedefaultvars(p:TObject;arg:pointer); var b : tblocknode; begin if tsym(p).typ<>localvarsym then exit; with tabstractnormalvarsym(p) do begin if (vo_is_default_var in varoptions) and (vardef.size>0) then begin b:=tblocknode(arg); b.left:=cstatementnode.create( ccallnode.createintern('fpc_zeromem', ccallparanode.create( cordconstnode.create(vardef.size,sizeuinttype,false), ccallparanode.create( caddrnode.create_internal( cloadnode.create(tsym(p),tsym(p).owner)), nil ) ) ), b.left); end; end; end; procedure initializevars(p:TObject;arg:pointer); var b : tblocknode; begin if not (tsym(p).typ in [localvarsym,staticvarsym]) then exit; with tabstractnormalvarsym(p) do begin if assigned(defaultconstsym) then begin b:=tblocknode(arg); b.left:=cstatementnode.create( cassignmentnode.create( cloadnode.create(tsym(p),tsym(p).owner), cloadnode.create(defaultconstsym,defaultconstsym.owner)), b.left); end else initializedefaultvars(p,arg); end; end; procedure check_finalize_paras(p:TObject;arg:pointer); begin if (tsym(p).typ=paravarsym) then begin if tparavarsym(p).needs_finalization then begin include(current_procinfo.flags,pi_needs_implicit_finally); include(current_procinfo.flags,pi_do_call); end; end; end; procedure check_finalize_locals(p:TObject;arg:pointer); begin { include the result: it needs to be finalized in case an exception } { occurs } if (tsym(p).typ=localvarsym) and (tlocalvarsym(p).refs>0) and is_managed_type(tlocalvarsym(p).vardef) then begin include(current_procinfo.flags,pi_needs_implicit_finally); include(current_procinfo.flags,pi_do_call); end; end; procedure init_main_block_syms(block: tnode); var oldfilepos: tfileposinfo; begin { initialized variables } if current_procinfo.procdef.localst.symtabletype=localsymtable then begin { initialization of local variables with their initial values: part of function entry } oldfilepos:=current_filepos; current_filepos:=current_procinfo.entrypos; current_procinfo.procdef.localst.SymList.ForEachCall(@initializevars,block); current_filepos:=oldfilepos; end else if current_procinfo.procdef.localst.symtabletype=staticsymtable then begin { for program and unit initialization code we also need to initialize the local variables used of Default() } oldfilepos:=current_filepos; current_filepos:=current_procinfo.entrypos; current_procinfo.procdef.localst.SymList.ForEachCall(@initializedefaultvars,block); current_filepos:=oldfilepos; end; if assigned(current_procinfo.procdef.parentfpstruct) then begin { finish the parentfpstruct (add padding, ...) } finish_parentfpstruct(current_procinfo.procdef); end; end; function block(islibrary : boolean) : tnode; begin { parse const,types and vars } read_declarations(islibrary); { do we have an assembler block without the po_assembler? we should allow this for Delphi compatibility (PFV) } if (token=_ASM) and (m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) then include(current_procinfo.procdef.procoptions,po_assembler); { Handle assembler block different } if (po_assembler in current_procinfo.procdef.procoptions) then begin block:=assembler_block; exit; end; {Unit initialization?.} if ( assigned(current_procinfo.procdef.localst) and (current_procinfo.procdef.localst.symtablelevel=main_program_level) and (current_module.is_unit or islibrary) ) then begin if (token=_END) then begin consume(_END); { We need at least a node, else the entry/exit code is not generated and thus no PASCALMAIN symbol which we need (PFV) } if islibrary then block:=cnothingnode.create else block:=nil; end else begin if token=_INITIALIZATION then begin { The library init code is already called and does not need to be in the initfinal table (PFV) } block:=statement_block(_INITIALIZATION); end else if token=_FINALIZATION then begin { when a unit has only a finalization section, we can come to this point when we try to read the nonh existing initalization section so we've to check if we are really try to parse the finalization } if current_procinfo.procdef.proctypeoption=potype_unitfinalize then block:=statement_block(_FINALIZATION) else block:=nil; end else block:=statement_block(_BEGIN); end; end else begin { parse routine body } block:=statement_block(_BEGIN); init_main_block_syms(block); end; end; {**************************************************************************** PROCEDURE/FUNCTION COMPILING ****************************************************************************} procedure printnode_reset; begin assign(printnodefile,treelogfilename); {$push}{$I-} rewrite(printnodefile); {$pop} if ioresult<>0 then begin Comment(V_Error,'Error creating '+treelogfilename); exit; end; close(printnodefile); end; procedure add_label_init(p:TObject;arg:pointer); begin if tstoredsym(p).typ=labelsym then begin addstatement(tstatementnode(arg^), cifnode.create(caddnode.create(equaln, ccallnode.createintern('fpc_setjmp', ccallparanode.create(cloadnode.create(tlabelsym(p).jumpbuf,tlabelsym(p).jumpbuf.owner),nil)), cordconstnode.create(1,sinttype,true)) ,cgotonode.create(tlabelsym(p)),nil) ); end; end; function generate_bodyentry_block:tnode; var srsym : tsym; para : tcallparanode; call : tcallnode; newstatement : tstatementnode; def : tabstractrecorddef; begin result:=internalstatements(newstatement); if assigned(current_structdef) then begin { a constructor needs a help procedure } if (current_procinfo.procdef.proctypeoption=potype_constructor) then begin if is_class(current_structdef) or ( is_objectpascal_helper(current_structdef) and is_class(tobjectdef(current_structdef).extendeddef) ) then begin if is_objectpascal_helper(current_structdef) then def:=tabstractrecorddef(tobjectdef(current_structdef).extendeddef) else def:=current_structdef; srsym:=search_struct_member(def,'NEWINSTANCE'); if assigned(srsym) and (srsym.typ=procsym) then begin { if vmt=1 then newinstance } addstatement(newstatement,cifnode.create( caddnode.create_internal(equaln, ctypeconvnode.create_internal( load_vmt_pointer_node, voidpointertype), cpointerconstnode.create(1,voidpointertype)), cassignmentnode.create( ctypeconvnode.create_internal( load_self_pointer_node, voidpointertype), ccallnode.create(nil,tprocsym(srsym),srsym.owner, ctypeconvnode.create_internal(load_self_pointer_node,cclassrefdef.create(current_structdef)), [],nil)), nil)); end else internalerror(200305108); end else if is_object(current_structdef) then begin { parameter 3 : vmt_offset } { parameter 2 : address of pointer to vmt, this is required to allow setting the vmt to -1 to indicate that memory was allocated } { parameter 1 : self pointer } para:=ccallparanode.create( cordconstnode.create(tobjectdef(current_structdef).vmt_offset,s32inttype,false), ccallparanode.create( ctypeconvnode.create_internal( load_vmt_pointer_node, voidpointertype), ccallparanode.create( ctypeconvnode.create_internal( load_self_pointer_node, voidpointertype), nil))); addstatement(newstatement,cassignmentnode.create( ctypeconvnode.create_internal( load_self_pointer_node, voidpointertype), ccallnode.createintern('fpc_help_constructor',para))); end else if is_javaclass(current_structdef) or ((target_info.system in systems_jvm) and is_record(current_structdef)) then begin if (current_procinfo.procdef.proctypeoption=potype_constructor) and not current_procinfo.ConstructorCallingConstructor then begin { call inherited constructor } if is_javaclass(current_structdef) then srsym:=search_struct_member_no_helper(tobjectdef(current_structdef).childof,'CREATE') else srsym:=search_struct_member_no_helper(java_fpcbaserecordtype,'CREATE'); if assigned(srsym) and (srsym.typ=procsym) then begin call:=ccallnode.create(nil,tprocsym(srsym),srsym.owner,load_self_node,[cnf_inherited],nil); exclude(tcallnode(call).callnodeflags,cnf_return_value_used); addstatement(newstatement,call); end else internalerror(2011010312); end; end else if not is_record(current_structdef) and not ( is_objectpascal_helper(current_structdef) and (tobjectdef(current_structdef).extendeddef.typ<>objectdef) ) then internalerror(200305103); { if self=nil then exit calling fail instead of exit is useless because there is nothing to dispose (PFV) } if is_class_or_object(current_structdef) then addstatement(newstatement,cifnode.create( caddnode.create(equaln, load_self_pointer_node, cnilnode.create), cexitnode.create(nil), nil)); end; { maybe call BeforeDestruction for classes } if (current_procinfo.procdef.proctypeoption=potype_destructor) and is_class(current_structdef) then begin srsym:=search_struct_member(current_structdef,'BEFOREDESTRUCTION'); if assigned(srsym) and (srsym.typ=procsym) then begin { if vmt>0 then beforedestruction } addstatement(newstatement,cifnode.create( caddnode.create(gtn, ctypeconvnode.create_internal( load_vmt_pointer_node,ptrsinttype), ctypeconvnode.create_internal( cnilnode.create,ptrsinttype)), ccallnode.create(nil,tprocsym(srsym),srsym.owner,load_self_node,[],nil), nil)); end else internalerror(200305104); end; end; if m_non_local_goto in current_settings.modeswitches then tsymtable(current_procinfo.procdef.localst).SymList.ForEachCall(@add_label_init,@newstatement); end; function generate_bodyexit_block:tnode; var srsym : tsym; para : tcallparanode; newstatement : tstatementnode; oldlocalswitches: tlocalswitches; begin result:=internalstatements(newstatement); if assigned(current_structdef) then begin { Don't test self and the vmt here. The reason is that } { a constructor already checks whether these are valid } { before. Further, in case of TThread the thread may } { free the class instance right after AfterConstruction } { has been called, so it may no longer be valid (JM) } oldlocalswitches:=current_settings.localswitches; current_settings.localswitches:=oldlocalswitches-[cs_check_object,cs_check_range]; { a destructor needs a help procedure } if (current_procinfo.procdef.proctypeoption=potype_destructor) then begin if is_class(current_structdef) then begin srsym:=search_struct_member(current_structdef,'FREEINSTANCE'); if assigned(srsym) and (srsym.typ=procsym) then begin { if self<>0 and vmt<>0 then freeinstance } addstatement(newstatement,cifnode.create( caddnode.create(andn, caddnode.create(unequaln, load_self_pointer_node, cnilnode.create), caddnode.create(unequaln, ctypeconvnode.create( load_vmt_pointer_node, voidpointertype), cpointerconstnode.create(0,voidpointertype))), ccallnode.create(nil,tprocsym(srsym),srsym.owner,load_self_node,[],nil), nil)); end else internalerror(2003051001); end else if is_object(current_structdef) then begin { finalize object data, but only if not in inherited call } if is_managed_type(current_structdef) then begin addstatement(newstatement,cifnode.create( caddnode.create(unequaln, ctypeconvnode.create_internal(load_vmt_pointer_node,voidpointertype), cnilnode.create), cnodeutils.finalize_data_node(load_self_node), nil)); end; { parameter 3 : vmt_offset } { parameter 2 : pointer to vmt } { parameter 1 : self pointer } para:=ccallparanode.create( cordconstnode.create(tobjectdef(current_structdef).vmt_offset,s32inttype,false), ccallparanode.create( ctypeconvnode.create_internal( load_vmt_pointer_node, voidpointertype), ccallparanode.create( ctypeconvnode.create_internal( load_self_pointer_node, voidpointertype), nil))); addstatement(newstatement, ccallnode.createintern('fpc_help_destructor',para)); end else if is_javaclass(current_structdef) then begin { nothing to do } end else internalerror(200305105); end; current_settings.localswitches:=oldlocalswitches; end; end; {**************************************************************************** TCGProcInfo ****************************************************************************} destructor tcgprocinfo.destroy; var i : longint; begin if assigned(tempinfo_flags_map) then begin for i:=0 to tempinfo_flags_map.count-1 do dispose(ptempinfo_flags_entry(tempinfo_flags_map[i])); tempinfo_flags_map.free; end; code.free; inherited destroy; end; function tcgprocinfo.calc_stackframe_size:longint; begin result:=Align(tg.direction*tg.lasttemp,current_settings.alignment.localalignmin); end; procedure tcgprocinfo.printproc(pass:string); begin assign(printnodefile,treelogfilename); {$push}{$I-} append(printnodefile); if ioresult<>0 then rewrite(printnodefile); {$pop} if ioresult<>0 then begin Comment(V_Error,'Error creating '+treelogfilename); exit; end; writeln(printnodefile); writeln(printnodefile,'*******************************************************************************'); writeln(printnodefile, pass); writeln(printnodefile,procdef.fullprocname(false)); writeln(printnodefile,'*******************************************************************************'); printnode(printnodefile,code); close(printnodefile); end; procedure tcgprocinfo.maybe_add_constructor_wrapper(var tocode: tnode; withexceptblock: boolean); var oldlocalswitches: tlocalswitches; srsym: tsym; constructionblock, exceptblock, newblock: tblocknode; newstatement: tstatementnode; pd: tprocdef; constructionsuccessful: tlocalvarsym; begin if assigned(procdef.struct) and (procdef.proctypeoption=potype_constructor) then begin withexceptblock:= withexceptblock and not(target_info.system in systems_garbage_collected_managed_types); { Don't test self and the vmt here. See generate_bodyexit_block } { why (JM) } oldlocalswitches:=current_settings.localswitches; current_settings.localswitches:=oldlocalswitches-[cs_check_object,cs_check_range]; { call AfterConstruction for classes } constructionsuccessful:=nil; if is_class(procdef.struct) then begin constructionsuccessful:=clocalvarsym.create(internaltypeprefixName[itp_vmt_afterconstruction_local],vs_value,ptrsinttype,[]); procdef.localst.insert(constructionsuccessful,false); srsym:=search_struct_member(procdef.struct,'AFTERCONSTRUCTION'); if not assigned(srsym) or (srsym.typ<>procsym) then internalerror(200305106); current_filepos:=entrypos; constructionblock:=internalstatements(newstatement); { initialise constructionsuccessful with -1, indicating that the construction was not successful and hence beforedestruction should not be called if a destructor is called from the constructor } addstatement(newstatement,cassignmentnode.create( cloadnode.create(constructionsuccessful,procdef.localst), genintconstnode(-1)) ); { first execute all constructor code. If no exception occurred then we will execute afterconstruction, otherwise we won't (the exception will jump over us) } addstatement(newstatement,tocode); current_filepos:=exitpos; { if implicit finally node wasn't created, then exit label and finalization code must be handled here and placed before afterconstruction } if not ((pi_needs_implicit_finally in flags) and (cs_implicit_exceptions in current_settings.moduleswitches)) then begin include(tocode.flags,nf_block_with_exit); if procdef.proctypeoption<>potype_exceptfilter then addstatement(newstatement,cfinalizetempsnode.create); cnodeutils.procdef_block_add_implicit_finalize_nodes(procdef,newstatement); temps_finalized:=true; end; { construction successful -> beforedestruction should be called if an exception happens now } addstatement(newstatement,cassignmentnode.create( cloadnode.create(constructionsuccessful,procdef.localst), genintconstnode(1)) ); { Self can be nil when fail is called } { if self<>nil and vmt<>nil then afterconstruction } addstatement(newstatement,cifnode.create( caddnode.create(andn, caddnode.create(unequaln, load_self_node, cnilnode.create), caddnode.create(unequaln, load_vmt_pointer_node, cnilnode.create)), ccallnode.create(nil,tprocsym(srsym),srsym.owner,load_self_node,[],nil), nil)); tocode:=constructionblock; end; if withexceptblock and (procdef.struct.typ=objectdef) then begin { Generate the implicit "fail" code for a constructor (destroy in case an exception happened) } pd:=tobjectdef(procdef.struct).find_destructor; { this will always be the case for classes, since tobject has a destructor } if assigned(pd) or is_object(procdef.struct) then begin current_filepos:=exitpos; exceptblock:=internalstatements(newstatement); { first free the instance if non-nil } if assigned(pd) then { if vmt<>0 then call destructor } addstatement(newstatement, cifnode.create( caddnode.create(unequaln, load_vmt_pointer_node, cnilnode.create), { cnf_create_failed -> don't call BeforeDestruction } ccallnode.create(nil,tprocsym(pd.procsym),pd.procsym.owner,load_self_node,[cnf_create_failed],nil), nil)) else { object without destructor, call 'fail' helper } addstatement(newstatement, ccallnode.createintern('fpc_help_fail', ccallparanode.create( cordconstnode.create(tobjectdef(procdef.struct).vmt_offset,s32inttype,false), ccallparanode.create( ctypeconvnode.create_internal( load_vmt_pointer_node, voidpointertype), ccallparanode.create( ctypeconvnode.create_internal( load_self_pointer_node, voidpointertype), nil)))) ); { then re-raise the exception } addstatement(newstatement,craisenode.create(nil,nil,nil)); current_filepos:=entrypos; newblock:=internalstatements(newstatement); { try tocode except exceptblock end } addstatement(newstatement,ctryexceptnode.create( tocode, nil, exceptblock)); tocode:=newblock; end; end; current_settings.localswitches:=oldlocalswitches; end; end; procedure tcgprocinfo.add_entry_exit_code; var finalcode, bodyentrycode, bodyexitcode, wrappedbody, newblock : tnode; codestatement, newstatement : tstatementnode; oldfilepos : tfileposinfo; is_constructor: boolean; begin is_constructor:=assigned(procdef.struct) and (procdef.proctypeoption=potype_constructor); oldfilepos:=current_filepos; { Generate code/locations used at start of proc } current_filepos:=entrypos; entry_asmnode:=casmnode.create_get_position; loadpara_asmnode:=casmnode.create_get_position; stackcheck_asmnode:=casmnode.create_get_position; init_asmnode:=casmnode.create_get_position; bodyentrycode:=generate_bodyentry_block; { Generate code/locations used at end of proc } current_filepos:=exitpos; exitlabel_asmnode:=casmnode.create_get_position; temps_finalized:=false; bodyexitcode:=generate_bodyexit_block; { Check if bodyexitcode is not empty } with tstatementnode(tblocknode(bodyexitcode).statements) do if (statement.nodetype<>nothingn) or assigned(next) then { Indicate that the extra code is executed after the exit statement } include(flowcontrol,fc_no_direct_exit); { Generate procedure by combining init+body+final, depending on the implicit finally we need to add an try...finally...end wrapper } current_filepos:=entrypos; newblock:=internalstatements(newstatement); { initialization is common for all cases } addstatement(newstatement,loadpara_asmnode); addstatement(newstatement,stackcheck_asmnode); addstatement(newstatement,entry_asmnode); cnodeutils.procdef_block_add_implicit_initialize_nodes(procdef,newstatement); addstatement(newstatement,init_asmnode); if assigned(procdef.parentfpinitblock) then begin if assigned(tblocknode(procdef.parentfpinitblock).left) then begin { could be an asmn in case of a pure assembler procedure, but those shouldn't access nested variables } addstatement(newstatement,procdef.parentfpinitblock); end else procdef.parentfpinitblock.free; procdef.parentfpinitblock:=nil; end; addstatement(newstatement,bodyentrycode); if (cs_implicit_exceptions in current_settings.moduleswitches) and (pi_needs_implicit_finally in flags) and { but it's useless in init/final code of units } not(procdef.proctypeoption in [potype_unitfinalize,potype_unitinit]) and not(target_info.system in systems_garbage_collected_managed_types) and (f_exceptions in features) then begin { Any result of managed type must be returned in parameter } if is_managed_type(procdef.returndef) and (not paramanager.ret_in_param(procdef.returndef,procdef)) and (not is_class(procdef.returndef)) then InternalError(2013121301); { Generate special exception block only needed when implicit finally is used } current_filepos:=exitpos; { Generate code that will be in the try...finally } finalcode:=internalstatements(codestatement); if procdef.proctypeoption<>potype_exceptfilter then addstatement(codestatement,cfinalizetempsnode.create); cnodeutils.procdef_block_add_implicit_finalize_nodes(procdef,codestatement); temps_finalized:=true; current_filepos:=entrypos; wrappedbody:=ctryfinallynode.create_implicit(code,finalcode); { afterconstruction must be called after finalizetemps, because it has to execute after the temps have been finalised in case of a refcounted class (afterconstruction decreases the refcount without freeing the instance if the count becomes nil, while the finalising of the temps can free the instance) } maybe_add_constructor_wrapper(wrappedbody,true); addstatement(newstatement,wrappedbody); addstatement(newstatement,exitlabel_asmnode); addstatement(newstatement,bodyexitcode); { set flag the implicit finally has been generated } include(flags,pi_has_implicit_finally); end else begin { constructors need destroy-on-exception code even if they don't have managed variables/temps } maybe_add_constructor_wrapper(code, (cs_implicit_exceptions in current_settings.moduleswitches) and (f_exceptions in features)); current_filepos:=entrypos; addstatement(newstatement,code); current_filepos:=exitpos; if assigned(nestedexitlabel) then addstatement(newstatement,clabelnode.create(cnothingnode.create,nestedexitlabel)); addstatement(newstatement,exitlabel_asmnode); addstatement(newstatement,bodyexitcode); if not is_constructor then begin if procdef.proctypeoption<>potype_exceptfilter then addstatement(newstatement,cfinalizetempsnode.create); cnodeutils.procdef_block_add_implicit_finalize_nodes(procdef,newstatement); temps_finalized:=true; end; end; if not temps_finalized then begin current_filepos:=exitpos; cnodeutils.procdef_block_add_implicit_finalize_nodes(procdef,newstatement); end; do_firstpass(newblock); code:=newblock; current_filepos:=oldfilepos; end; procedure clearrefs(p:TObject;arg:pointer); begin if (tsym(p).typ in [localvarsym,paravarsym,staticvarsym]) then if tabstractvarsym(p).refs>1 then tabstractvarsym(p).refs:=1; end; procedure translate_registers(p:TObject;list:pointer); begin if (tsym(p).typ in [localvarsym,paravarsym,staticvarsym]) and (tabstractnormalvarsym(p).localloc.loc in [LOC_REGISTER,LOC_CREGISTER,LOC_MMREGISTER, LOC_CMMREGISTER,LOC_FPUREGISTER,LOC_CFPUREGISTER]) then begin if not(cs_no_regalloc in current_settings.globalswitches) then begin cg.translate_register(tabstractnormalvarsym(p).localloc.register); if (tabstractnormalvarsym(p).localloc.registerhi<>NR_NO) then cg.translate_register(tabstractnormalvarsym(p).localloc.registerhi); end; end; end; {$if defined(i386) or defined(x86_64) or defined(arm) or defined(riscv32) or defined(riscv64) or defined(m68k)} const exception_flags: array[boolean] of tprocinfoflags = ( [], [pi_uses_exceptions,pi_needs_implicit_finally,pi_has_implicit_finally] ); {$endif} procedure tcgprocinfo.setup_tempgen; begin tg:=tgobjclass.create; {$if defined(i386) or defined(x86_64) or defined(arm) or defined(m68k)} {$if defined(arm)} { frame and stack pointer must be always the same on arm thumb so it makes no sense to fiddle with a frame pointer } if GenerateThumbCode then begin framepointer:=NR_STACK_POINTER_REG; tg.direction:=1; end else {$endif defined(arm)} begin { try to strip the stack frame } { set the framepointer to esp if: - no assembler directive, those are handled in assembler_block in pstatment.pas (for cases not caught by the Delphi exception below) - no exceptions are used - no pushes are used/esp modifications, could be: * outgoing parameters on the stack on non-fixed stack target * incoming parameters on the stack * open arrays - no inline assembler or - Delphi mode - assembler directive - no pushes are used/esp modifications, could be: * outgoing parameters on the stack * incoming parameters on the stack * open arrays - no local variables - stack frame cannot be optimized if using Win64 SEH (at least with the current state of our codegenerator). } if ((po_assembler in procdef.procoptions) and (m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) and { localst at main_program_level is a staticsymtable } (procdef.localst.symtablelevel<>main_program_level) and (tabstractlocalsymtable(procdef.localst).count_locals = 0)) or ((cs_opt_stackframe in current_settings.optimizerswitches) and not(cs_generate_stackframes in current_settings.localswitches) and not(cs_profile in current_settings.moduleswitches) and not(po_assembler in procdef.procoptions) and not ((pi_has_stackparameter in flags) {$ifndef arm} { Outgoing parameter(s) on stack do not need stackframe on x86 targets with fixed stack. On ARM it fails, see bug #25050 } and (not paramanager.use_fixed_stack) {$endif arm} ) and ((flags*([pi_has_assembler_block,pi_is_assembler, pi_needs_stackframe]+ exception_flags[((target_info.cpu=cpu_i386) and (not paramanager.use_fixed_stack)) {$ifndef DISABLE_WIN64_SEH} or (target_info.system=system_x86_64_win64) {$endif DISABLE_WIN64_SEH} ]))=[]) ) then begin { we need the parameter info here to determine if the procedure gets parameters on the stack calling generate_parameter_info doesn't hurt but it costs time (necessary to init para_stack_size) } generate_parameter_info; if not(procdef.stack_tainting_parameter(calleeside)) and not(has_assembler_child) { parasize must be really zero, this means also that no result may be returned in a parameter } and not((current_procinfo.procdef.proccalloption in clearstack_pocalls) and not(current_procinfo.procdef.generate_safecall_wrapper) and paramanager.ret_in_param(current_procinfo.procdef.returndef,current_procinfo.procdef)) then begin { Only need to set the framepointer } framepointer:=NR_STACK_POINTER_REG; tg.direction:=1; end {$if defined(arm)} { On arm, the stack frame size can be estimated to avoid using an extra frame pointer, in case parameters are passed on the stack. However, the draw back is, if the estimation fails, compilation will break later on with an internal error, so this switch is not enabled by default yet. To overcome this, multipass compilation of subroutines must be supported } else if (cs_opt_forcenostackframe in current_settings.optimizerswitches) and not(has_assembler_child) then begin { Only need to set the framepointer } framepointer:=NR_STACK_POINTER_REG; tg.direction:=1; include(flags,pi_estimatestacksize); set_first_temp_offset; procdef.has_paraloc_info:=callnoside; generate_parameter_info; exit; end; {$endif defined(arm)} end; end; {$endif defined(x86) or defined(arm) or defined(m68k)} {$if defined(xtensa)} { On xtensa, the stack frame size can be estimated to avoid using an extra frame pointer, in case parameters are passed on the stack. However, the draw back is, if the estimation fails, compilation will break later on with an internal error, so this switch is not enabled by default yet. To overcome this, multipass compilation of subroutines must be supported } if procdef.stack_tainting_parameter(calleeside) then begin include(flags,pi_estimatestacksize); set_first_temp_offset; procdef.has_paraloc_info:=callnoside; generate_parameter_info; exit; end; {$endif defined(xtensa)} { set the start offset to the start of the temp area in the stack } set_first_temp_offset; end; procedure tcgprocinfo.OptimizeNodeTree; var i : integer; RedoDFA: Boolean; {RedoDFA : boolean;} begin { do this before adding the entry code else the tail recursion recognition won't work, if this causes troubles, it must be if'ed } if (cs_opt_tailrecursion in current_settings.optimizerswitches) and (pi_is_recursive in flags) then do_opttail(code,procdef); if cs_opt_constant_propagate in current_settings.optimizerswitches then do_optconstpropagate(code); if (cs_opt_nodedfa in current_settings.optimizerswitches) and { creating dfa is not always possible } ((flags*[pi_has_assembler_block,pi_uses_exceptions,pi_is_assembler])=[]) then begin dfabuilder:=TDFABuilder.Create; dfabuilder.createdfainfo(code); include(flags,pi_dfaavailable); RedoDFA:=false; if (cs_opt_loopstrength in current_settings.optimizerswitches) { our induction variable strength reduction doesn't like for loops with more than one entry } and not(pi_has_label in flags) then begin RedoDFA:=OptimizeInductionVariables(code); end; if RedoDFA then begin dfabuilder.resetdfainfo(code); dfabuilder.createdfainfo(code); include(flags,pi_dfaavailable); end; RedoDFA:=OptimizeForLoop(code); RedoDFA:=ConvertForLoops(code) or RedoDFA; if RedoDFA then begin dfabuilder.resetdfainfo(code); dfabuilder.createdfainfo(code); include(flags,pi_dfaavailable); end; { when life info is available, we can give more sophisticated warning about uninitialized variables ... ... but not for the finalization section of a unit, we would need global dfa to handle it properly } if potype_unitfinalize<>procdef.proctypeoption then { iterate through life info of the first node } for i:=0 to dfabuilder.nodemap.count-1 do begin if DFASetIn(GetUserCode.optinfo^.life,i) then begin { do not warn for certain parameters: } if not((tnode(dfabuilder.nodemap[i]).nodetype=loadn) and (tloadnode(dfabuilder.nodemap[i]).symtableentry.typ=paravarsym) and { do not warn about parameters passed by var } (((tparavarsym(tloadnode(dfabuilder.nodemap[i]).symtableentry).varspez=vs_var) and { function result is passed by var but it must be initialized } not(vo_is_funcret in tparavarsym(tloadnode(dfabuilder.nodemap[i]).symtableentry).varoptions)) or { do not warn about initialized hidden parameters } ((tparavarsym(tloadnode(dfabuilder.nodemap[i]).symtableentry).varoptions*[vo_is_high_para,vo_is_parentfp,vo_is_result,vo_is_self])<>[]))) then CheckAndWarn(GetUserCode,tnode(dfabuilder.nodemap[i])); end else begin if (tnode(dfabuilder.nodemap[i]).nodetype=loadn) and (tloadnode(dfabuilder.nodemap[i]).symtableentry.typ in [staticvarsym,localvarsym]) then tabstractnormalvarsym(tloadnode(dfabuilder.nodemap[i]).symtableentry).noregvarinitneeded:=true end; end; end else begin ConvertForLoops(code); end; if (pi_dfaavailable in flags) and (cs_opt_dead_store_eliminate in current_settings.optimizerswitches) then do_optdeadstoreelim(code); if (cs_opt_remove_empty_proc in current_settings.optimizerswitches) and (procdef.proctypeoption in [potype_operator,potype_procedure,potype_function]) and (code.nodetype=blockn) and (tblocknode(code).statements=nil) then procdef.isempty:=true; end; function tcgprocinfo.has_assembler_child : boolean; var hp : tprocinfo; begin result:=false; hp:=get_first_nestedproc; while assigned(hp) do begin if (hp.flags*[pi_has_assembler_block,pi_is_assembler])<>[] then begin result:=true; exit; end; hp:=tprocinfo(hp.next); end; end; procedure tcgprocinfo.set_eh_info; begin inherited; if (tf_use_psabieh in target_info.flags) and ((pi_uses_exceptions in flags) or ((cs_implicit_exceptions in current_settings.moduleswitches) and (pi_needs_implicit_finally in flags))) or (pi_has_except_table_data in flags) then procdef.personality:=search_system_proc('_FPC_PSABIEH_PERSONALITY_V0'); end; function tcgprocinfo.store_node_tempflags(var n: tnode; arg: pointer): foreachnoderesult; var nodeset : THashSet absolute arg; entry : ptempinfo_flags_entry; i : longint; hashsetitem: PHashSetItem; begin result:=fen_true; case n.nodetype of tempcreaten: begin {$ifdef EXTDEBUG} comment(V_Debug,'keeping track of new temp node: '+hexstr(ttempbasenode(n).tempinfo)); {$endif EXTDEBUG} nodeset.FindOrAdd(ttempbasenode(n).tempinfo,sizeof(pointer)); end; tempdeleten: begin {$ifdef EXTDEBUG} comment(V_Debug,'got temp delete node: '+hexstr(ttempbasenode(n).tempinfo)); {$endif EXTDEBUG} { don't remove temp nodes so that outside code can know if some temp was only created in here } (*hashsetitem:=nodeset.find(ttempbasenode(n).tempinfo,sizeof(pointer)); if assigned(hashsetitem) then begin {$ifdef EXTDEBUG} comment(V_Debug,'no longer keeping track of temp node'); {$endif EXTDEBUG} writeln('no longer keeping track of temp node'); nodeset.Remove(hashsetitem); end;*) end; temprefn: begin {$ifdef EXTDEBUG} comment(V_Debug,'found temp ref node: '+hexstr(ttempbasenode(n).tempinfo)); {$endif EXTDEBUG} if not assigned(nodeset.find(ttempbasenode(n).tempinfo,sizeof(pointer))) then begin for i:=0 to tempinfo_flags_map.count-1 do begin entry:=ptempinfo_flags_entry(tempinfo_flags_map[i]); {$ifdef EXTDEBUG} comment(V_Debug,'comparing with tempinfo: '+hexstr(entry^.tempinfo)); {$endif EXTDEBUG} if entry^.tempinfo=ttempbasenode(n).tempinfo then begin {$ifdef EXTDEBUG} comment(V_Debug,'temp node exists'); {$endif EXTDEBUG} exit; end; end; {$ifdef EXTDEBUG} comment(V_Debug,'storing node'); {$endif EXTDEBUG} new(entry); entry^.tempinfo:=ttempbasenode(n).tempinfo; entry^.flags:=ttempinfoaccessor.gettempinfoflags(entry^.tempinfo); tempinfo_flags_map.add(entry); end else begin {$ifdef EXTDEBUG} comment(V_Debug,'ignoring node'); {$endif EXTDEBUG} end; end; else ; end; end; procedure tcgprocinfo.store_tempflags; var nodeset : THashSet; begin if assigned(tempinfo_flags_map) then internalerror(2020040601); {$ifdef EXTDEBUG} comment(V_Debug,'storing temp nodes of '+procdef.mangledname); {$endif EXTDEBUG} tempinfo_flags_map:=tfplist.create; nodeset:=THashSet.Create(32,false,false); foreachnode(code,@store_node_tempflags,nodeset); nodeset.free; end; procedure tcgprocinfo.swap_tempflags; var entry : ptempinfo_flags_entry; i : longint; tempflags : ttempinfoflags; begin if not assigned(tempinfo_flags_map) then exit; for i:=0 to tempinfo_flags_map.count-1 do begin entry:=ptempinfo_flags_entry(tempinfo_flags_map[i]); tempflags:=ttempinfoaccessor.gettempinfoflags(entry^.tempinfo); ttempinfoaccessor.settempinfoflags(entry^.tempinfo,entry^.flags); entry^.flags:=tempflags; end; end; procedure tcgprocinfo.apply_tempflags; begin if tempflags_swapped then internalerror(2020040602); swap_tempflags; tempflags_swapped:=true; end; procedure tcgprocinfo.reset_tempflags; begin if not tempflags_swapped then internalerror(2020040603); swap_tempflags; tempflags_swapped:=false; end; {$ifdef DEBUG_NODE_XML} procedure tcgprocinfo.XMLPrintProc(FirstHalf: Boolean); var T: Text; W: Word; syssym: tsyssym; separate : boolean; procedure PrintType(Flag: string); begin if df_generic in procdef.defoptions then Write(T, ' type="generic ', Flag, '"') else Write(T, ' type="', Flag, '"'); end; procedure PrintOption(Flag: string); begin WriteLn(T, PrintNodeIndention, ''); end; begin if current_module.ppxfilefail then Exit; Assign(T, current_module.ppxfilename); {$push} {$I-} Append(T); if IOResult <> 0 then begin Message1(exec_e_cant_create_archivefile,current_module.ppxfilename); current_module.ppxfilefail := True; Exit; end; {$pop} separate := (df_generic in procdef.defoptions); { First half prints the header and the nodes as a "code" tag } if FirstHalf or separate then begin Write(T, PrintNodeIndention, ''); PrintNodeIndent; if Assigned(procdef.returndef) and not is_void(procdef.returndef) then WriteLn(T, PrintNodeIndention, '', SanitiseXMLString(procdef.returndef.typesymbolprettyname), ''); if po_reintroduce in procdef.procoptions then PrintOption('reintroduce'); if po_virtualmethod in procdef.procoptions then PrintOption('virtual'); if po_finalmethod in procdef.procoptions then PrintOption('final'); if po_overridingmethod in procdef.procoptions then PrintOption('override'); if po_overload in procdef.procoptions then PrintOption('overload'); if po_compilerproc in procdef.procoptions then PrintOption('compilerproc'); if po_assembler in procdef.procoptions then PrintOption('assembler'); if po_nostackframe in procdef.procoptions then PrintOption('nostackframe'); if po_inline in procdef.procoptions then PrintOption('inline'); if po_noreturn in procdef.procoptions then PrintOption('noreturn'); if po_noinline in procdef.procoptions then PrintOption('noinline'); end; if Assigned(Code) then begin if FirstHalf then WriteLn(T, PrintNodeIndention, '') else begin WriteLn(T); { Line for spacing } WriteLn(T, PrintNodeIndention, ''); end; PrintNodeIndent; XMLPrintNode(T, Code); PrintNodeUnindent; if FirstHalf then WriteLn(T, PrintNodeIndention, '') else WriteLn(T, PrintNodeIndention, ''); end else { Code=Nil } begin { Don't print anything for second half - if there's no code, there's no firstpass } if FirstHalf then WriteLn(T, PrintNodeIndention, ''); end; { Print footer only for second half } if (not FirstHalf) or separate then begin PrintNodeUnindent; WriteLn(T, PrintNodeIndention, ''); WriteLn(T); { Line for spacing } end; Close(T); end; {$endif DEBUG_NODE_XML} procedure tcgprocinfo.generate_code_tree; var hpi : tcgprocinfo; begin { generate code for this procedure } generate_code; { process nested procedures } hpi:=tcgprocinfo(get_first_nestedproc); while assigned(hpi) do begin hpi.generate_code_tree; hpi:=tcgprocinfo(hpi.next); end; resetprocdef; end; procedure tcgprocinfo.generate_code_exceptfilters; var hpi : tcgprocinfo; begin hpi:=tcgprocinfo(get_first_nestedproc); while assigned(hpi) do begin if hpi.procdef.proctypeoption=potype_exceptfilter then begin hpi.apply_tempflags; generate_exceptfilter(hpi); hpi.reset_tempflags; end; hpi:=tcgprocinfo(hpi.next); end; end; { For SEH, the code from 'finally' blocks must be put into a separate procedures, which can be called by OS during stack unwind. This resembles nested procedures, but finalizer procedures do not have their own local variables and work directly with the stack frame of parent. In particular, the tempgen must be shared, so 1) finalizer procedure is able to finalize temps of the parent, 2) if the finalizer procedure is complex enough to need its own temps, they are allocated in stack frame of parent, so second-level finalizer procedures are not needed. Due to requirement of shared tempgen we cannot process finalizer as a regular nested procedure (after the parent) and have to do it inline. This is called by platform-specific tryfinallynodes during pass2. Here we put away the codegen (which carries the register allocator state), process the 'nested' procedure, then restore previous cg and continue processing the parent procedure. generate_code() will create another cg, but not another tempgen because setup_tempgen() is not called for potype_exceptfilter procedures. } procedure tcgprocinfo.generate_exceptfilter(nestedpi: tcgprocinfo); var saved_cg: tcg; saved_hlcg: thlcgobj; {$ifdef cpu64bitalu} saved_cg128 : tcg128; {$else cpu64bitalu} saved_cg64 : tcg64; {$endif cpu64bitalu} begin if nestedpi.procdef.proctypeoption<>potype_exceptfilter then InternalError(201201141); { flush code generated this far } aktproccode.concatlist(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList); { save the codegen } saved_cg:=cg; saved_hlcg:=hlcg; cg:=nil; hlcg:=nil; {$ifdef cpu64bitalu} saved_cg128:=cg128; cg128:=nil; {$else cpu64bitalu} saved_cg64:=cg64; cg64:=nil; {$endif cpu64bitalu} nestedpi.generate_code; { prevents generating code the second time when processing nested procedures } nestedpi.resetprocdef; cg:=saved_cg; hlcg:=saved_hlcg; {$ifdef cpu64bitalu} cg128:=saved_cg128; {$else cpu64bitalu} cg64:=saved_cg64; {$endif cpu64bitalu} add_reg_instruction_hook:=@cg.add_reg_instruction; end; procedure TCGProcinfo.CreateInlineInfo; begin new(procdef.inlininginfo); procdef.inlininginfo^.code:=code.getcopy; procdef.inlininginfo^.flags:=flags; { The blocknode needs to set an exit label } if procdef.inlininginfo^.code.nodetype=blockn then include(procdef.inlininginfo^.code.flags,nf_block_with_exit); procdef.has_inlininginfo:=true; export_local_ref_syms; export_local_ref_defs; end; procedure searchthreadvar(p: TObject; arg: pointer); var i : longint; pd : tprocdef; begin case tsym(p).typ of staticvarsym : begin { local (procedure or unit) variables only need finalization if they are used } if (vo_is_thread_var in tstaticvarsym(p).varoptions) and ((tstaticvarsym(p).refs>0) or { global (unit) variables always need finalization, since they may also be used in another unit } (tstaticvarsym(p).owner.symtabletype=globalsymtable)) and ( (tstaticvarsym(p).varspez<>vs_const) or (vo_force_finalize in tstaticvarsym(p).varoptions) ) and not(vo_is_funcret in tstaticvarsym(p).varoptions) and not(vo_is_external in tstaticvarsym(p).varoptions) and is_managed_type(tstaticvarsym(p).vardef) then include(current_procinfo.flags,pi_uses_threadvar); end; procsym : begin for i:=0 to tprocsym(p).ProcdefList.Count-1 do begin pd:=tprocdef(tprocsym(p).ProcdefList[i]); if assigned(pd.localst) and (pd.procsym=tprocsym(p)) and (pd.localst.symtabletype<>staticsymtable) then pd.localst.SymList.ForEachCall(@searchthreadvar,arg); end; end; else ; end; end; function searchusercode(var n: tnode; arg: pointer): foreachnoderesult; begin if nf_usercode_entry in n.flags then begin pnode(arg)^:=n; result:=fen_norecurse_true end else result:=fen_false; end; function TCGProcinfo.GetUserCode : tnode; var n : tnode; begin n:=nil; foreachnodestatic(code,@searchusercode,@n); if not(assigned(n)) then internalerror(2013111004); result:=n; end; procedure tcgprocinfo.generate_code; procedure check_for_threadvars_in_initfinal; begin if current_procinfo.procdef.proctypeoption=potype_unitfinalize then begin { this is also used for initialization of variables in a program which does not have a globalsymtable } if assigned(current_module.globalsymtable) then TSymtable(current_module.globalsymtable).SymList.ForEachCall(@searchthreadvar,nil); TSymtable(current_module.localsymtable).SymList.ForEachCall(@searchthreadvar,nil); end; end; var old_current_procinfo : tprocinfo; oldmaxfpuregisters : longint; oldfilepos : tfileposinfo; old_current_structdef : tabstractrecorddef; oldswitches : tlocalswitches; templist : TAsmList; headertai : tai; procedure delete_marker(anode: tasmnode); var ai: tai; begin if assigned(anode) then begin ai:=anode.currenttai; if assigned(ai) then begin aktproccode.remove(ai); ai.free; anode.currenttai:=nil; end; end; end; begin { the initialization procedure can be empty, then we don't need to generate anything. When it was an empty procedure there would be at least a blocknode } if not assigned(code) then begin {$ifdef DEBUG_NODE_XML} { Print out nodes as they appear after the first pass } XMLPrintProc(True); XMLPrintProc(False); {$endif DEBUG_NODE_XML} exit; end; { We need valid code } if Errorcount<>0 then exit; { No code can be generated for generic template } if (df_generic in procdef.defoptions) then internalerror(200511152); { For regular procedures the RA and Tempgen shall not be available yet, but exception filters reuse Tempgen of parent } if assigned(tg)<>(procdef.proctypeoption=potype_exceptfilter) then internalerror(200309201); old_current_procinfo:=current_procinfo; oldfilepos:=current_filepos; old_current_structdef:=current_structdef; oldmaxfpuregisters:=current_settings.maxfpuregisters; current_procinfo:=self; current_filepos:=entrypos; current_structdef:=procdef.struct; { store start of user code, it must be a block node, it will be used later one to check variable lifeness } include(code.flags,nf_usercode_entry); { add wrapping code if necessary (initialization of typed constants on some platforms, initing of local variables and out parameters with trashing values, ...) } { init/final code must be wrapped later (after code for main proc body has been generated) } if not(current_procinfo.procdef.proctypeoption in [potype_unitinit,potype_unitfinalize]) then code:=cnodeutils.wrap_proc_body(procdef,code); { automatic inlining? } if (cs_opt_autoinline in current_settings.optimizerswitches) and not(po_noinline in procdef.procoptions) and { no inlining yet? } not(procdef.has_inlininginfo) and not(has_nestedprocs) and not(procdef.proctypeoption in [potype_proginit,potype_unitinit,potype_unitfinalize,potype_constructor, potype_destructor,potype_class_constructor,potype_class_destructor]) and ((procdef.procoptions*[po_exports,po_external,po_interrupt,po_virtualmethod,po_iocheck])=[]) and (not(procdef.proccalloption in [pocall_safecall])) and { rough approximation if we should auto inline: - if the tree is simple enough - if the tree is not too big A bigger tree which is simpler might be autoinlined otoh a smaller and complexer tree as well: so we use the sum of both measures here } (node_count(code)+node_complexity(code)<=25) then begin { Can we inline this procedure? } if checknodeinlining(procdef) then begin Message1(cg_d_autoinlining,procdef.GetTypeName); include(procdef.procoptions,po_inline); CreateInlineInfo; end; end; templist:=TAsmList.create; { add parast/localst to symtablestack } add_to_symtablestack; { clear register count } procdef.localst.SymList.ForEachCall(@clearrefs,nil); procdef.parast.SymList.ForEachCall(@clearrefs,nil); { there's always a call to FPC_INITIALIZEUNITS/FPC_DO_EXIT in the main program } if (procdef.localst.symtablelevel=main_program_level) and (not current_module.is_unit) then begin include(flags,pi_do_call); { the main program never returns due to the do_exit call } if not(current_module.islibrary) and (procdef.proctypeoption=potype_proginit) then include(procdef.procoptions,po_noreturn); end; { set implicit_finally flag when there are locals/paras to be finalized } if not(po_assembler in current_procinfo.procdef.procoptions) then begin procdef.parast.SymList.ForEachCall(@check_finalize_paras,nil); procdef.localst.SymList.ForEachCall(@check_finalize_locals,nil); end; {$ifdef SUPPORT_SAFECALL} { set implicit_finally flag for if procedure is safecall } if (tf_safecall_exceptions in target_info.flags) and (procdef.proccalloption=pocall_safecall) then include(flags, pi_needs_implicit_finally); {$endif} {$ifdef DEBUG_NODE_XML} { Print out nodes as they appear after the first pass } XMLPrintProc(True); {$endif DEBUG_NODE_XML} { firstpass everything } flowcontrol:=[]; do_firstpass(code); {$if defined(i386) or defined(i8086)} if node_resources_fpu(code)>0 then include(flags,pi_uses_fpu); {$endif i386 or i8086} { Print the node to tree.log } if paraprintnodetree <> 0 then printproc( 'after the firstpass'); OptimizeNodeTree; { unit static/global symtables might contain threadvars which are not explicitly used but which might require a tls register, so check for such variables } check_for_threadvars_in_initfinal; { add implicit entry and exit code } add_entry_exit_code; if cs_opt_nodecse in current_settings.optimizerswitches then do_optcse(code); if cs_opt_use_load_modify_store in current_settings.optimizerswitches then do_optloadmodifystore(code); { only do secondpass if there are no errors } if (ErrorCount<>0) then begin {$ifdef DEBUG_NODE_XML} { Print out nodes as they appear after the first pass } XMLPrintProc(False); {$endif DEBUG_NODE_XML} end else begin create_hlcodegen; setup_eh; if (procdef.proctypeoption<>potype_exceptfilter) then setup_tempgen; { Create register allocator, must come after framepointer is known } hlcg.init_register_allocators; generate_parameter_info; { allocate got register if needed } allocate_got_register(aktproccode); { allocate got register if needed } allocate_tls_register(aktproccode); { Allocate space in temp/registers for parast and localst } current_filepos:=entrypos; gen_alloc_symtable(aktproccode,procdef,procdef.parast); gen_alloc_symtable(aktproccode,procdef,procdef.localst); { Store temp offset for information about 'real' temps } tempstart:=tg.lasttemp; { Generate code to load register parameters in temps and insert local copies for values parameters. This must be done before the code for the body is generated because the localloc is updated. Note: The generated code will be inserted after the code generation of the body is finished, because only then the position is known } {$ifdef oldregvars} assign_regvars(code); {$endif oldreg} current_filepos:=entrypos; hlcg.gen_load_para_value(templist); { caller paraloc info is also necessary in the stackframe_entry code of the ppc (and possibly other processors) } procdef.init_paraloc_info(callerside); CalcExecutionWeights(code); { Print the node to tree.log } if paraprintnodetree <> 0 then printproc( 'right before code generation'); {$ifdef DEBUG_NODE_XML} { Print out nodes as they appear after the first pass } XMLPrintProc(False); {$endif DEBUG_NODE_XML} { generate code for the node tree } do_secondpass(code); aktproccode.concatlist(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList); { The position of the loadpara_asmnode is now known } aktproccode.insertlistafter(loadpara_asmnode.currenttai,templist); oldswitches:=current_settings.localswitches; { first generate entry and initialize code with the correct position and switches } current_filepos:=entrypos; current_settings.localswitches:=entryswitches; cg.set_regalloc_live_range_direction(rad_backwards); hlcg.gen_entry_code(templist); aktproccode.insertlistafter(entry_asmnode.currenttai,templist); hlcg.gen_initialize_code(templist); aktproccode.insertlistafter(init_asmnode.currenttai,templist); { now generate finalize and exit code with the correct position and switches } current_filepos:=exitpos; current_settings.localswitches:=exitswitches; cg.set_regalloc_live_range_direction(rad_forward); if assigned(finalize_procinfo) then begin if target_info.system in [system_aarch64_win64] then tcgprocinfo(finalize_procinfo).store_tempflags else generate_exceptfilter(tcgprocinfo(finalize_procinfo)); end else if not temps_finalized then begin hlcg.gen_finalize_code(templist); { the finalcode must be concated if there was no position available, using insertlistafter will result in an insert at the start when currentai=nil } aktproccode.concatlist(templist); end; { insert exit label at the correct position } hlcg.a_label(templist,CurrExitLabel); if assigned(exitlabel_asmnode.currenttai) then aktproccode.insertlistafter(exitlabel_asmnode.currenttai,templist) else aktproccode.concatlist(templist); { exit code } hlcg.gen_exit_code(templist); aktproccode.concatlist(templist); { reset switches } current_settings.localswitches:=oldswitches; {$ifdef OLDREGVARS} { note: this must be done only after as much code as possible has } { been generated. The result is that when you ungetregister() a } { regvar, it will actually free the regvar (and alse free the } { the regvars at the same time). Doing this too early will } { confuse the register allocator, as the regvars will still be } { used. It should be done before loading the result regs (so } { they don't conflict with the regvars) and before } { gen_entry_code (that one has to be able to allocate the } { regvars again) (JM) } free_regvars(aktproccode); {$endif OLDREGVARS} { generate symbol and save end of header position } current_filepos:=entrypos; hlcg.gen_proc_symbol(templist); headertai:=tai(templist.last); { insert symbol } aktproccode.insertlist(templist); { Free space in temp/registers for parast and localst, must be done after gen_entry_code } current_filepos:=exitpos; { make sure the got/pic register doesn't get freed in the } { middle of a loop } if (tf_pic_uses_got in target_info.flags) and (pi_needs_got in flags) and (got<>NR_NO) then cg.a_reg_sync(aktproccode,got); if (pi_needs_tls in flags) and (tlsoffset<>NR_NO) then cg.a_reg_sync(aktproccode,tlsoffset); gen_free_symtable(aktproccode,procdef.localst); gen_free_symtable(aktproccode,procdef.parast); { add code that will load the return value, this is not done for assembler routines when they didn't reference the result variable } hlcg.gen_load_return_value(templist); aktproccode.concatlist(templist); { Already reserve all registers for stack checking code and generate the call to the helper function } if not(tf_no_generic_stackcheck in target_info.flags) and (cs_check_stack in entryswitches) and not(po_assembler in procdef.procoptions) and (procdef.proctypeoption<>potype_proginit) then begin current_filepos:=entrypos; hlcg.gen_stack_check_call(templist); aktproccode.insertlistafter(stackcheck_asmnode.currenttai,templist); end; { this code (got loading) comes before everything which has } { already been generated, so reset the info about already } { backwards extended registers (so their live range can be } { extended backwards even further if needed) } { This code must be } { a) generated after do_secondpass has been called } { (because pi_needs_got may be set there) } { b) generated before register allocation, because the } { got/pic register can be a virtual one } { c) inserted before the entry code, because the entry } { code may need global symbols such as init rtti } { d) inserted after the stackframe allocation, because } { this register may have to be spilled } cg.set_regalloc_live_range_direction(rad_backwards_reinit); current_filepos:=entrypos; { load got if necessary } cg.g_maybe_got_init(templist); aktproccode.insertlistafter(headertai,templist); { init tls if needed } cg.g_maybe_tls_init(templist); aktproccode.insertlistafter(stackcheck_asmnode.currenttai,templist); { re-enable if more code at the end is ever generated here cg.set_regalloc_live_range_direction(rad_forward); } {$ifndef NoOpt} {$ifndef i386} if (cs_opt_scheduler in current_settings.optimizerswitches) and { do not optimize pure assembler procedures } not(pi_is_assembler in flags) then preregallocschedule(aktproccode); {$endif i386} {$endif NoOpt} { The procedure body is finished, we can now allocate the registers } cg.do_register_allocation(aktproccode,headertai); { translate imag. register to their real counter parts this is necessary for debuginfo and verbose assembler output when SSA will be implemented, this will be more complicated because we've to maintain location lists } procdef.parast.SymList.ForEachCall(@translate_registers,templist); procdef.localst.SymList.ForEachCall(@translate_registers,templist); if (tf_pic_uses_got in target_info.flags) and (pi_needs_got in flags) and not(cs_no_regalloc in current_settings.globalswitches) and (got<>NR_NO) then cg.translate_register(got); { Add save and restore of used registers } current_filepos:=entrypos; gen_save_used_regs(templist); { Remember the last instruction of register saving block (may be =nil for e.g. assembler procedures) } endprologue_ai:=templist.last; aktproccode.insertlistafter(headertai,templist); current_filepos:=exitpos; gen_restore_used_regs(aktproccode); { We know the size of the stack, now we can generate the parameter that is passed to the stack checking code } if not(tf_no_generic_stackcheck in target_info.flags) and (cs_check_stack in entryswitches) and not(po_assembler in procdef.procoptions) and (procdef.proctypeoption<>potype_proginit) then begin current_filepos:=entrypos; hlcg.gen_stack_check_size_para(templist); aktproccode.insertlistafter(stackcheck_asmnode.currenttai,templist) end; current_procinfo.set_eh_info; { Add entry code (stack allocation) after header } current_filepos:=entrypos; gen_proc_entry_code(templist); aktproccode.insertlistafter(headertai,templist); {$ifdef SUPPORT_SAFECALL} { Set return value of safecall procedure if implicit try/finally blocks are disabled } if not (cs_implicit_exceptions in current_settings.moduleswitches) and (tf_safecall_exceptions in target_info.flags) and (procdef.proccalloption=pocall_safecall) then cg.a_load_const_reg(aktproccode,OS_ADDR,0,NR_FUNCTION_RETURN_REG); {$endif} { Add exit code at the end } current_filepos:=exitpos; gen_proc_exit_code(templist); aktproccode.concatlist(templist); { check if the implicit finally has been generated. The flag should already be set in pass1 } if (cs_implicit_exceptions in current_settings.moduleswitches) and not(procdef.proctypeoption in [potype_unitfinalize,potype_unitinit]) and (pi_needs_implicit_finally in flags) and not(pi_has_implicit_finally in flags) and not(target_info.system in systems_garbage_collected_managed_types) then internalerror(200405231); { sanity check } if not(assigned(current_procinfo.procdef.personality)) and (tf_use_psabieh in target_info.flags) and ((pi_uses_exceptions in flags) or ((cs_implicit_exceptions in current_settings.moduleswitches) and (pi_needs_implicit_finally in flags))) then Internalerror(2019021005); { Position markers are only used to insert additional code after the secondpass and before this point. They are of no use in optimizer. Instead of checking and ignoring all over the optimizer, just remove them here. } delete_marker(entry_asmnode); delete_marker(loadpara_asmnode); delete_marker(exitlabel_asmnode); delete_marker(stackcheck_asmnode); delete_marker(init_asmnode); {$ifndef NoOpt} if not(cs_no_regalloc in current_settings.globalswitches) then begin if (cs_opt_level1 in current_settings.optimizerswitches) and { do not optimize pure assembler procedures } not(pi_is_assembler in flags) then optimize(aktproccode); {$ifndef i386} { schedule after assembler optimization, it could have brought up new schedule possibilities } if (cs_opt_scheduler in current_settings.optimizerswitches) and { do not optimize pure assembler procedures } not(pi_is_assembler in flags) then preregallocschedule(aktproccode); {$endif i386} end; {$endif NoOpt} { Perform target-specific processing if necessary } postprocess_code; { Add end symbol and debug info } { this must be done after the pcrelativedata is appended else the distance calculation of insertpcrelativedata will be wrong, further the pc indirect data is part of the procedure so it should be inserted before the end symbol (FK) } current_filepos:=exitpos; hlcg.gen_proc_symbol_end(templist); aktproccode.concatlist(templist); { insert line debuginfo } if (cs_debuginfo in current_settings.moduleswitches) or (cs_use_lineinfo in current_settings.globalswitches) then begin { We only do this after the code generated because otherwise for-loop counters moved to the struct cause errors. And doing it before optimisation passes have run causes problems when they manually look up symbols like result and self (nutils.load_self_node etc). Still do it nevertheless to to assist debug info generation (hide original symbols, add absolutevarsyms that redirect to their new locations in the parentfpstruct) } if assigned(current_procinfo.procdef.parentfpstruct) then redirect_parentfpstruct_local_syms(current_procinfo.procdef); current_debuginfo.insertlineinfo(aktproccode); end; finish_eh; hlcg.record_generated_code_for_procdef(current_procinfo.procdef,aktproccode,aktlocaldata); { now generate code for any exception filters (they need the tempgen) } generate_code_exceptfilters; { only now we can remove the temps } if (procdef.proctypeoption<>potype_exceptfilter) then begin tg.resettempgen; tg.free; tg:=nil; end; { stop tempgen and ra } hlcg.done_register_allocators; destroy_hlcodegen; end; dfabuilder.free; { restore symtablestack } remove_from_symtablestack; { restore } templist.free; current_settings.maxfpuregisters:=oldmaxfpuregisters; current_filepos:=oldfilepos; current_structdef:=old_current_structdef; current_procinfo:=old_current_procinfo; end; procedure tcgprocinfo.add_to_symtablestack; begin { insert symtables for the class, but only if it is no nested function } if assigned(procdef.struct) and not(assigned(parent) and assigned(parent.procdef) and assigned(parent.procdef.struct)) then push_nested_hierarchy(procdef.struct); { insert parasymtable in symtablestack when parsing a function } if procdef.parast.symtablelevel>=normal_function_level then symtablestack.push(procdef.parast); { insert localsymtable, except for the main procedure (in that case the localst is the unit's static symtable, which is already on the stack) } if procdef.localst.symtablelevel>=normal_function_level then symtablestack.push(procdef.localst); end; procedure tcgprocinfo.remove_from_symtablestack; begin { remove localsymtable } if procdef.localst.symtablelevel>=normal_function_level then symtablestack.pop(procdef.localst); { remove parasymtable } if procdef.parast.symtablelevel>=normal_function_level then symtablestack.pop(procdef.parast); { remove symtables for the class, but only if it is no nested function } if assigned(procdef.struct) and not(assigned(parent) and assigned(parent.procdef) and assigned(parent.procdef.struct)) then pop_nested_hierarchy(procdef.struct); end; procedure tcgprocinfo.resetprocdef; begin { remove code tree, if not inline procedure } if assigned(code) then begin { the inline procedure has already got a copy of the tree stored in procdef.inlininginfo } code.free; code:=nil; end; end; procedure tcgprocinfo.parse_body; var old_current_procinfo : tprocinfo; old_block_type : tblock_type; st : TSymtable; old_current_structdef: tabstractrecorddef; old_current_genericdef, old_current_specializedef: tstoreddef; parentfpinitblock: tnode; old_parse_generic: boolean; recordtokens : boolean; begin old_current_procinfo:=current_procinfo; old_block_type:=block_type; old_current_structdef:=current_structdef; old_current_genericdef:=current_genericdef; old_current_specializedef:=current_specializedef; old_parse_generic:=parse_generic; current_procinfo:=self; current_structdef:=procdef.struct; { check if the definitions of certain types are available which might not be available in older rtls and which are assigned "on the fly" in types_dec } {$if not defined(jvm) and not defined(wasm)} if not assigned(rec_exceptaddr) then Message1(cg_f_internal_type_not_found,'TEXCEPTADDR'); if not assigned(rec_tguid) then Message1(cg_f_internal_type_not_found,'TGUID'); if not assigned(rec_jmp_buf) then Message1(cg_f_internal_type_not_found,'JMP_BUF'); {$endif} { if the procdef is truly a generic (thus takes parameters itself) then /that/ is our genericdef, not the - potentially - generic struct } if procdef.is_generic then begin current_genericdef:=procdef; parse_generic:=true; end else if assigned(current_structdef) and (df_generic in current_structdef.defoptions) then begin current_genericdef:=current_structdef; parse_generic:=true; end; if assigned(current_structdef) and (df_specialization in current_structdef.defoptions) then current_specializedef:=current_structdef; { calculate the lexical level } if procdef.parast.symtablelevel>maxnesting then Message(parser_e_too_much_lexlevel); block_type:=bt_body; {$ifdef state_tracking} { aktstate:=Tstate_storage.create;} {$endif state_tracking} { allocate the symbol for this procedure } alloc_proc_symbol(procdef); { add parast/localst to symtablestack } add_to_symtablestack; { save entry info } entrypos:=current_filepos; entryswitches:=current_settings.localswitches; recordtokens:=procdef.is_generic or ( assigned(procdef.struct) and (df_generic in procdef.struct.defoptions) and assigned(procdef.owner) and (procdef.owner.defowner=procdef.struct) ); if recordtokens then begin { start token recorder for generic template } procdef.initgeneric; current_scanner.startrecordtokens(procdef.generictokenbuf); end; { parse the code ... } code:=block(current_module.islibrary); if recordtokens then begin { stop token recorder for generic template } current_scanner.stoprecordtokens; { Give an error for accesses in the static symtable that aren't visible outside the current unit } st:=procdef.owner; while (st.symtabletype in [ObjectSymtable,recordsymtable]) do st:=st.defowner.owner; if (pi_uses_static_symtable in flags) and (st.symtabletype<>staticsymtable) then Message(parser_e_global_generic_references_static); end; { save exit info } exitswitches:=current_settings.localswitches; exitpos:=last_endtoken_filepos; { the procedure is now defined } procdef.forwarddef:=false; procdef.is_implemented:=true; if assigned(code) then begin { get a better entry point } entrypos:=code.fileinfo; { Finish type checking pass } do_typecheckpass(code); if assigned(procdef.parentfpinitblock) then begin if assigned(tblocknode(procdef.parentfpinitblock).left) then begin parentfpinitblock:=procdef.parentfpinitblock; do_typecheckpass(parentfpinitblock); procdef.parentfpinitblock:=parentfpinitblock; end end; end; { Check for unused labels, forwards, symbols for procedures. Static symtable is checked in pmodules. The check must be done after the typecheckpass } if (Errorcount=0) and (tstoredsymtable(procdef.localst).symtabletype<>staticsymtable) then begin { check if forwards are resolved } tstoredsymtable(procdef.localst).check_forwards; { check if all labels are used } tstoredsymtable(procdef.localst).checklabels; { check for unused symbols, but only if there is no asm block } if not(pi_has_assembler_block in flags) then begin tstoredsymtable(procdef.localst).allsymbolsused; tstoredsymtable(procdef.parast).allsymbolsused; end; end; if (po_inline in procdef.procoptions) and { Can we inline this procedure? } checknodeinlining(procdef) then CreateInlineInfo; { Print the node to tree.log } if paraprintnodetree <> 0 then printproc( 'after parsing'); {$ifdef DEBUG_NODE_XML} { Methods of generic classes don't get any code generated, so output the node tree here } if (df_generic in procdef.defoptions) then XMLPrintProc(True); {$endif DEBUG_NODE_XML} { ... remove symbol tables } remove_from_symtablestack; {$ifdef state_tracking} { aktstate.destroy;} {$endif state_tracking} current_structdef:=old_current_structdef; current_genericdef:=old_current_genericdef; current_specializedef:=old_current_specializedef; current_procinfo:=old_current_procinfo; parse_generic:=old_parse_generic; { Restore old state } block_type:=old_block_type; end; {**************************************************************************** PROCEDURE/FUNCTION PARSING ****************************************************************************} procedure check_init_paras(p:TObject;arg:pointer); begin if tsym(p).typ<>paravarsym then exit; with tparavarsym(p) do if (is_managed_type(vardef) and (varspez in [vs_value,vs_out])) or (is_shortstring(vardef) and (varspez=vs_value)) then include(current_procinfo.flags,pi_do_call); end; procedure read_proc_body(old_current_procinfo:tprocinfo;pd:tprocdef); { Parses the procedure directives, then parses the procedure body, then generates the code for it } var oldfailtokenmode : tmodeswitches; isnestedproc : boolean; begin Message1(parser_d_procedure_start,pd.fullprocname(false)); oldfailtokenmode:=[]; { create a new procedure } current_procinfo:=cprocinfo.create(old_current_procinfo); current_module.procinfo:=current_procinfo; current_procinfo.procdef:=pd; isnestedproc:=(current_procinfo.procdef.parast.symtablelevel>normal_function_level); { Insert mangledname } pd.aliasnames.insert(pd.mangledname); { Handle Export of this procedure } if (po_exports in pd.procoptions) and (target_info.system in [system_i386_os2,system_i386_emx]) then begin pd.aliasnames.insert(pd.procsym.realname); if cs_link_deffile in current_settings.globalswitches then deffile.AddExport(pd.mangledname); end; { Insert result variables in the localst } insert_funcret_local(pd); { check if there are para's which require initing -> set } { pi_do_call (if not yet set) } if not(pi_do_call in current_procinfo.flags) then pd.parast.SymList.ForEachCall(@check_init_paras,nil); { set _FAIL as keyword if constructor } if (pd.proctypeoption=potype_constructor) then begin oldfailtokenmode:=tokeninfo^[_FAIL].keyword; tokeninfo^[_FAIL].keyword:=alllanguagemodes; end; tcgprocinfo(current_procinfo).parse_body; { reset _FAIL as _SELF normal } if (pd.proctypeoption=potype_constructor) then tokeninfo^[_FAIL].keyword:=oldfailtokenmode; { When it's a nested procedure then defer the code generation, when back at normal function level then generate the code for all defered nested procedures and the current procedure } if not isnestedproc then begin if not(df_generic in current_procinfo.procdef.defoptions) then begin { also generate the bodies for all previously done specializations so that we might inline them } generate_specialization_procs; tcgprocinfo(current_procinfo).generate_code_tree; end; end; { release procinfo } if tprocinfo(current_module.procinfo)<>current_procinfo then internalerror(200304274); current_module.procinfo:=current_procinfo.parent; { For specialization we didn't record the last semicolon. Moving this parsing into the parse_body routine is not done because of having better file position information available } if not current_procinfo.procdef.is_specialization and ( not assigned(current_procinfo.procdef.struct) or not (df_specialization in current_procinfo.procdef.struct.defoptions) or not ( assigned(current_procinfo.procdef.owner) and (current_procinfo.procdef.owner.defowner=current_procinfo.procdef.struct) ) ) then consume(_SEMICOLON); if not isnestedproc then { current_procinfo is checked for nil later on } freeandnil(current_procinfo); end; procedure read_proc_body(pd:tprocdef); var old_module_procinfo : tobject; old_current_procinfo : tprocinfo; begin old_current_procinfo:=current_procinfo; old_module_procinfo:=current_module.procinfo; current_procinfo:=nil; current_module.procinfo:=nil; read_proc_body(nil,pd); current_procinfo:=old_current_procinfo; current_module.procinfo:=old_module_procinfo; end; procedure read_proc(isclassmethod:boolean; usefwpd: tprocdef; isgeneric:boolean); { Parses the procedure directives, then parses the procedure body, then generates the code for it } var old_current_procinfo : tprocinfo; old_current_structdef: tabstractrecorddef; old_current_genericdef, old_current_specializedef: tstoreddef; pdflags : tpdflags; pd,firstpd : tprocdef; {$ifdef genericdef_for_nested} def : tprocdef; srsym : tsym; i : longint; {$endif genericdef_for_nested} begin { save old state } old_current_procinfo:=current_procinfo; old_current_structdef:=current_structdef; old_current_genericdef:=current_genericdef; old_current_specializedef:=current_specializedef; { reset current_procinfo.procdef to nil to be sure that nothing is writing to another procdef } current_procinfo:=nil; current_structdef:=nil; current_genericdef:=nil; current_specializedef:=nil; if not assigned(usefwpd) then { parse procedure declaration } pd:=parse_proc_dec(isclassmethod,old_current_structdef,isgeneric) else pd:=usefwpd; { set the default function options } if parse_only then begin pd.forwarddef:=true; { set also the interface flag, for better error message when the implementation doesn't match this header } pd.interfacedef:=true; include(pd.procoptions,po_global); pdflags:=[pd_interface]; end else begin pdflags:=[pd_body]; if (not current_module.in_interface) then include(pdflags,pd_implemen); if (not current_module.is_unit) or create_smartlink_library then include(pd.procoptions,po_global); pd.forwarddef:=false; end; if not assigned(usefwpd) then begin { parse the directives that may follow } parse_proc_directives(pd,pdflags); { hint directives, these can be separated by semicolons here, that needs to be handled here with a loop (PFV) } while try_consume_hintdirective(pd.symoptions,pd.deprecatedmsg) do Consume(_SEMICOLON); { Set calling convention } if parse_only then handle_calling_convention(pd,hcc_default_actions_intf) else handle_calling_convention(pd,hcc_default_actions_impl) end; { search for forward declarations } if not proc_add_definition(pd) then begin { One may not implement a method of a type declared in a different unit } if assigned(pd.struct) and (pd.struct.symtable.moduleid<>current_module.moduleid) and not pd.is_specialization then begin MessagePos1(pd.fileinfo,parser_e_method_for_type_in_other_unit,pd.struct.typesymbolprettyname); end { A method must be forward defined (in the object declaration) } else if assigned(pd.struct) and (not assigned(old_current_structdef)) then begin MessagePos1(pd.fileinfo,parser_e_header_dont_match_any_member,pd.fullprocname(false)); tprocsym(pd.procsym).write_parameter_lists(pd); end else begin { Give a better error if there is a forward def in the interface and only a single implementation } firstpd:=tprocdef(tprocsym(pd.procsym).ProcdefList[0]); if (not pd.forwarddef) and (not pd.interfacedef) and (tprocsym(pd.procsym).ProcdefList.Count>1) and firstpd.forwarddef and firstpd.interfacedef and not(tprocsym(pd.procsym).ProcdefList.Count>2) and { don't give an error if it may be an overload } not(m_fpc in current_settings.modeswitches) and (not(po_overload in pd.procoptions) or not(po_overload in firstpd.procoptions)) then begin MessagePos1(pd.fileinfo,parser_e_header_dont_match_forward,pd.fullprocname(false)); tprocsym(pd.procsym).write_parameter_lists(pd); end else begin if pd.is_generic and not assigned(pd.struct) then tprocsym(pd.procsym).owner.includeoption(sto_has_generic); end; end; end; { Set mangled name } proc_set_mangledname(pd); { inherit generic flags from parent routine } if assigned(old_current_procinfo) and (old_current_procinfo.procdef.defoptions*[df_specialization,df_generic]<>[]) then begin if df_generic in old_current_procinfo.procdef.defoptions then include(pd.defoptions,df_generic); if df_specialization in old_current_procinfo.procdef.defoptions then begin include(pd.defoptions,df_specialization); { the procdefs encountered here are nested procdefs of which their complete definition also resides inside the current token stream, thus access to their genericdef is not required } {$ifdef genericdef_for_nested} { find the corresponding routine in the generic routine } if not assigned(old_current_procinfo.procdef.genericdef) then internalerror(2016121701); srsym:=tsym(tprocdef(old_current_procinfo.procdef.genericdef).getsymtable(gs_local).find(pd.procsym.name)); if not assigned(srsym) or (srsym.typ<>procsym) then internalerror(2016121702); { in practice the generic procdef should be at the same index as the index of the current procdef, but as there *might* be differences between the amount of defs generated for the specialization and the generic search for the def using parameter comparison } for i:=0 to tprocsym(srsym).procdeflist.count-1 do begin def:=tprocdef(tprocsym(srsym).procdeflist[i]); if (compare_paras(def.paras,pd.paras,cp_none,[cpo_ignorehidden,cpo_openequalisexact,cpo_ignoreuniv])=te_exact) and (compare_defs(def.returndef,pd.returndef,nothingn)=te_exact) then begin pd.genericdef:=def; break; end; end; if not assigned(pd.genericdef) then internalerror(2016121703); {$endif} end; end; { compile procedure when a body is needed } if (pd_body in pdflags) then begin read_proc_body(old_current_procinfo,pd); end else begin { Handle imports } if (po_external in pd.procoptions) then begin import_external_proc(pd); {$ifdef cpuhighleveltarget} { it's hard to factor this out in a virtual method, because the generic version (the one inside this ifdef) doesn't fit in hlcgobj but in symcreat or here, while the other version doesn't fit in symcreat (since it uses the code generator). Maybe we need another class for this kind of code that could either be symcreat- or hlcgobj-based } if (not pd.forwarddef) and (pd.hasforward) and (proc_get_importname(pd)<>'') then begin { we cannot handle the callee-side of variadic functions (and even if we could, e.g. LLVM cannot call through to something else in that case) } if is_c_variadic(pd) then Message1(parser_e_callthrough_varargs,pd.fullprocname(false)); call_through_new_name(pd,proc_get_importname(pd)); include(pd.implprocoptions,pio_thunk); end else {$endif cpuhighleveltarget} begin create_hlcodegen; hlcg.handle_external_proc( current_asmdata.asmlists[al_procedures], pd, proc_get_importname(pd)); destroy_hlcodegen; end end; end; { always register public functions that are only declared in the implementation section as they might be called using an external declaration from another unit } if (po_global in pd.procoptions) and not pd.interfacedef and ([df_generic,df_specialization]*pd.defoptions=[]) then begin pd.register_def; pd.procsym.register_sym; end; { make sure that references to forward-declared functions are not } { treated as references to external symbols, needed for darwin. } { make sure we don't change the binding of real external symbols } if (([po_external,po_weakexternal]*pd.procoptions)=[]) and (pocall_internproc<>pd.proccalloption) then current_asmdata.DefineProcAsmSymbol(pd,pd.mangledname,pd.needsglobalasmsym); current_structdef:=old_current_structdef; current_genericdef:=old_current_genericdef; current_specializedef:=old_current_specializedef; current_procinfo:=old_current_procinfo; end; procedure import_external_proc(pd:tprocdef); var name : string; begin if not (po_external in pd.procoptions) then internalerror(2015121101); { Import DLL specified? } if assigned(pd.import_dll) then begin if assigned (pd.import_name) then current_module.AddExternalImport(pd.import_dll^, pd.import_name^,proc_get_importname(pd), pd.import_nr,false,false) else current_module.AddExternalImport(pd.import_dll^, proc_get_importname(pd),proc_get_importname(pd), pd.import_nr,false,true); end else begin name:=proc_get_importname(pd); { add import name to external list for DLL scanning } if tf_has_dllscanner in target_info.flags then current_module.dllscannerinputlist.Add(name,pd); { needed for units that use functions in packages this way } current_module.add_extern_asmsym(name,AB_EXTERNAL,AT_FUNCTION); end; end; {**************************************************************************** DECLARATION PARSING ****************************************************************************} { search in symtablestack for not complete classes } procedure check_forward_class(p:TObject;arg:pointer); begin if (tsym(p).typ=typesym) and (ttypesym(p).typedef.typ=objectdef) and (oo_is_forward in tobjectdef(ttypesym(p).typedef).objectoptions) then MessagePos1(tsym(p).fileinfo,sym_e_forward_type_not_resolved,tsym(p).realname); end; {$ifdef DEBUG_NODE_XML} procedure XMLInitializeNodeFile(RootName, ModuleName: shortstring); var T: Text; begin Assign(T, current_module.ppxfilename); {$push} {$I-} Rewrite(T); if IOResult<>0 then begin Message1(exec_e_cant_create_archivefile,current_module.ppxfilename); current_module.ppxfilefail := True; Exit; end; {$pop} { Mark the node dump file as available for writing } current_module.ppxfilefail := False; WriteLn(T, ''); WriteLn(T, '<', RootName, ' name="', ModuleName, '">'); Close(T); printnodeindention := printnodespacing; end; procedure XMLFinalizeNodeFile(RootName: shortstring); var T: Text; begin if current_module.ppxfilefail then Exit; current_module.ppxfilefail := True; { File is now considered closed no matter what happens } Assign(T, current_module.ppxfilename); {$push} {$I-} Append(T); if IOResult<>0 then begin Message1(exec_e_cant_create_archivefile,current_module.ppxfilename); Exit; end; {$pop} WriteLn(T, ''); Close(T); end; {$endif DEBUG_NODE_XML} procedure read_declarations(islibrary : boolean); var hadgeneric : boolean; procedure handle_unexpected_had_generic; begin if hadgeneric then begin Message(parser_e_procedure_or_function_expected); hadgeneric:=false; end; end; var is_classdef:boolean; begin is_classdef:=false; hadgeneric:=false; repeat if not assigned(current_procinfo) then internalerror(200304251); case token of _LABEL: begin handle_unexpected_had_generic; label_dec; end; _CONST: begin handle_unexpected_had_generic; const_dec(hadgeneric); end; _TYPE: begin handle_unexpected_had_generic; type_dec(hadgeneric); end; _VAR: begin handle_unexpected_had_generic; var_dec(hadgeneric); end; _THREADVAR: begin handle_unexpected_had_generic; threadvar_dec(hadgeneric); end; _CLASS: begin is_classdef:=false; if try_to_consume(_CLASS) then begin { class modifier is only allowed for procedures, functions, } { constructors, destructors } if not((token in [_FUNCTION,_PROCEDURE,_DESTRUCTOR,_OPERATOR]) or (token=_CONSTRUCTOR)) and not((token=_ID) and (idtoken=_OPERATOR)) then Message(parser_e_procedure_or_function_expected); if is_interface(current_structdef) then Message(parser_e_no_static_method_in_interfaces) else { class methods are also allowed for Objective-C protocols } is_classdef:=true; end; end; _CONSTRUCTOR, _DESTRUCTOR, _FUNCTION, _PROCEDURE, _OPERATOR: begin if hadgeneric and not (token in [_PROCEDURE,_FUNCTION]) then begin Message(parser_e_procedure_or_function_expected); hadgeneric:=false; end; read_proc(is_classdef,nil,hadgeneric); is_classdef:=false; hadgeneric:=false; end; _EXPORTS: begin handle_unexpected_had_generic; if (current_procinfo.procdef.localst.symtablelevel>main_program_level) then begin Message(parser_e_syntax_error); consume_all_until(_SEMICOLON); end else if islibrary or (target_info.system in systems_unit_program_exports) then read_exports else begin Message(parser_w_unsupported_feature); consume(_BEGIN); end; end; _PROPERTY: begin handle_unexpected_had_generic; if (m_fpc in current_settings.modeswitches) then property_dec else break; end; else begin case idtoken of _RESOURCESTRING: begin handle_unexpected_had_generic; { m_class is needed, because the resourcestring loading is in the ObjPas unit } { if (m_class in current_settings.modeswitches) then} resourcestring_dec(hadgeneric) { else break;} end; _OPERATOR: begin handle_unexpected_had_generic; if is_classdef then begin read_proc(is_classdef,nil,false); is_classdef:=false; end else break; end; _GENERIC: begin handle_unexpected_had_generic; if not (m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) then begin consume(_ID); hadgeneric:=true; end else break; end else break; end; end; end; until false; { add implementations for synthetic method declarations added by the compiler (not for unit/program init functions, their localst is the staticst -> would duplicate the work done in pmodules) } if current_procinfo.procdef.localst.symtabletype=localsymtable then add_synthetic_method_implementations(current_procinfo.procdef.localst); { check for incomplete class definitions, this is only required for fpc modes } if (m_fpc in current_settings.modeswitches) then current_procinfo.procdef.localst.SymList.ForEachCall(@check_forward_class,nil); end; procedure read_interface_declarations; var hadgeneric : boolean; procedure handle_unexpected_had_generic; begin if hadgeneric then begin Message(parser_e_procedure_or_function_expected); hadgeneric:=false; end; end; begin hadgeneric:=false; repeat case token of _CONST : begin handle_unexpected_had_generic; const_dec(hadgeneric); end; _TYPE : begin handle_unexpected_had_generic; type_dec(hadgeneric); end; _VAR : begin handle_unexpected_had_generic; var_dec(hadgeneric); end; _THREADVAR : begin handle_unexpected_had_generic; threadvar_dec(hadgeneric); end; _FUNCTION, _PROCEDURE, _OPERATOR : begin if hadgeneric and not (token in [_FUNCTION, _PROCEDURE]) then begin message(parser_e_procedure_or_function_expected); hadgeneric:=false; end; read_proc(false,nil,hadgeneric); hadgeneric:=false; end; else begin case idtoken of _RESOURCESTRING : begin handle_unexpected_had_generic; resourcestring_dec(hadgeneric); end; _PROPERTY: begin handle_unexpected_had_generic; if (m_fpc in current_settings.modeswitches) then property_dec else break; end; _GENERIC: begin handle_unexpected_had_generic; if not (m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) then begin hadgeneric:=true; consume(_ID); end else break; end else break; end; end; end; until false; { check for incomplete class definitions, this is only required for fpc modes } if (m_fpc in current_settings.modeswitches) then symtablestack.top.SymList.ForEachCall(@check_forward_class,nil); end; end.