{ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl Contains the base types for the Risc-V32 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } { This Unit contains the base types for the Risc-V32 } unit cpubase; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses strings,globtype, cutils,cclasses,aasmbase,cpuinfo,cgbase; {***************************************************************************** Assembler Opcodes *****************************************************************************} type TAsmOp=(A_None, { Pseudo instructions } A_NOP, { normal opcodes } A_LUI,A_AUIPC,A_JAL,A_JALR, A_Bxx,A_LB,A_LH,A_LW,A_LBU,A_LHU, A_SB,A_SH,A_SW, A_ADDI,A_SLTI,A_SLTIU, A_XORI,A_ORI,A_ANDI, A_SLLI,A_SRLI,A_SRAI, A_ADD,A_SUB,A_SLL,A_SLT,A_SLTU, A_XOR,A_SRL,A_SRA,A_OR,A_AND, A_FENCE,A_FENCE_I, A_ECALL,A_EBREAK, A_CSRRW,A_CSRRS,A_CSRRC,A_CSRRWI,A_CSRRSI,A_CSRRCI, { M-extension } A_MUL,A_MULH,A_MULHSU,A_MULHU, A_DIV,A_DIVU,A_REM,A_REMU, { A-extension } A_LR_W,A_SC_W,A_AMOSWAP_W,A_AMOADD_W,A_AMOXOR_W,A_AMOAND_W, A_AMOOR_W,A_AMOMIN_W,A_AMOMAX_W,A_AMOMINU_W,A_AMOMAXU_W, { F-extension } A_FLW,A_FSW, A_FMADD_S,A_FMSUB_S,A_FNMSUB_S,A_FNMADD_S, A_FADD_S,A_FSUB_S,A_FMUL_S,A_FDIV_S, A_FSQRT_S,A_FSGNJ_S,A_FSGNJN_S,A_FSGNJX_S, A_FMIN_S,A_FMAX_S, A_FMV_X_S,A_FEQ_S,A_FLT_S,A_FLE_S,A_FCLASS_S, A_FCVT_W_S,A_FCVT_WU_S,A_FCVT_S_W,A_FCVT_S_WU, A_FMV_S_X, A_FRCSR,A_FRRM,A_FRFLAGS,A_FSCSR,A_FSRM, A_FSFLAGS,A_FSRMI,A_FSFLAGSI, { D-extension } A_FLD,A_FSD, A_FMADD_D,A_FMSUB_D,A_FNMSUB_D,A_FNMADD_D, A_FADD_D,A_FSUB_D,A_FMUL_D,A_FDIV_D, A_FSQRT_D,A_FSGNJ_D,A_FSGNJN_D,A_FSGNJX_D, A_FMIN_D,A_FMAX_D, A_FEQ_D,A_FLT_D,A_FLE_D,A_FCLASS_D, A_FCVT_D_S,A_FCVT_S_D, A_FCVT_W_D,A_FCVT_WU_D,A_FCVT_D_W,A_FCVT_D_WU, { Machine mode } A_MRET,A_HRET,A_SRET,A_URET, A_WFI, { Supervisor } A_SFENCE_VM ); {# This should define the array of instructions as string } op2strtable=array[tasmop] of string[8]; Const {# First value of opcode enumeration } firstop = low(tasmop); {# Last value of opcode enumeration } lastop = high(tasmop); {***************************************************************************** Registers *****************************************************************************} type { Number of registers used for indexing in tables } tregisterindex=0..{$i rrv32nor.inc}-1; totherregisterset = set of tregisterindex; const maxvarregs = 32-6; { 32 int registers - r0 - stackpointer - r2 - 3 scratch registers } maxfpuvarregs = 28; { 32 fpuregisters - some scratch registers (minimally 2) } { Available Superregisters } {$i rrv32sup.inc} { No Subregisters } R_SUBWHOLE=R_SUBNONE; { Available Registers } {$i rrv32con.inc} { Integer Super registers first and last } first_int_imreg = $20; { Float Super register first and last } first_fpu_imreg = $20; { MM Super register first and last } first_mm_imreg = $20; { TODO: Calculate bsstart} regnumber_count_bsstart = 64; regnumber_table : array[tregisterindex] of tregister = ( {$i rrv32num.inc} ); regstabs_table : array[tregisterindex] of shortint = ( {$i rrv32sta.inc} ); regdwarf_table : array[tregisterindex] of shortint = ( {$i rrv32dwa.inc} ); {***************************************************************************** Conditions *****************************************************************************} type TAsmCond = (C_None { unconditional jumps }, C_LT,C_LTU,C_GE,C_GEU,C_NE,C_EQ); const cond2str: Array[TAsmCond] of string[4] = ({cf_none}'', { conditions when not using ctr decrement etc} 'lt','ltu','ge','geu','ne','eq'); uppercond2str: Array[TAsmCond] of string[4] = ({cf_none}'', { conditions when not using ctr decrement etc} 'LT','LTU','GE','GEU','NE','EQ'); {***************************************************************************** Flags *****************************************************************************} type TResFlagsEnum = (F_EQ,F_NE,F_LT,F_LTU,F_GE,F_GEU); {***************************************************************************** Reference *****************************************************************************} {***************************************************************************** Operands *****************************************************************************} type TMemoryOrderingFlag = (moRl, moAq); TMemoryOrdering = set of TMemoryOrderingFlag; TFenceFlag = (ffI, ffO, ffR, ffW); TFenceFlags = set of TFenceFlag; TRoundingMode = (RM_Default, RM_RNE, RM_RTZ, RM_RDN, RM_RUP, RM_RMM); const roundingmode2str : array[TRoundingMode] of string[3] = ('', 'rne','rtz','rdn','rup','rmm'); {***************************************************************************** Constants *****************************************************************************} const max_operands = 5; {***************************************************************************** Default generic sizes *****************************************************************************} {# Defines the default address size for a processor, } OS_ADDR = OS_32; {# the natural int size for a processor, has to match osuinttype/ossinttype as initialized in psystem } OS_INT = OS_32; OS_SINT = OS_S32; {# the maximum float size for a processor, } OS_FLOAT = OS_F64; {# the size of a vector register for a processor } OS_VECTOR = OS_M128; {***************************************************************************** GDB Information *****************************************************************************} stab_regindex : array[tregisterindex] of shortint = ( {$i rrv32sta.inc} ); {***************************************************************************** Generic Register names *****************************************************************************} {# Stack pointer register } NR_STACK_POINTER_REG = NR_X2; RS_STACK_POINTER_REG = RS_X2; {# Frame pointer register } NR_FRAME_POINTER_REG = NR_X8; RS_FRAME_POINTER_REG = RS_X8; NR_PIC_OFFSET_REG = NR_X3; { Return address of a function } NR_RETURN_ADDRESS_REG = NR_X1; RS_RETURN_ADDRESS_REG = RS_X1; { Results are returned in this register (32-bit values) } NR_FUNCTION_RETURN_REG = NR_X10; RS_FUNCTION_RETURN_REG = RS_X10; { Low part of 64bit return value } NR_FUNCTION_RETURN64_LOW_REG = NR_X10; RS_FUNCTION_RETURN64_LOW_REG = RS_X10; { High part of 64bit return value } NR_FUNCTION_RETURN64_HIGH_REG = NR_X11; RS_FUNCTION_RETURN64_HIGH_REG = RS_X11; { The value returned from a function is available in this register } NR_FUNCTION_RESULT_REG = NR_FUNCTION_RETURN_REG; RS_FUNCTION_RESULT_REG = RS_FUNCTION_RETURN_REG; { The lowh part of 64bit value returned from a function } NR_FUNCTION_RESULT64_LOW_REG = NR_FUNCTION_RETURN64_LOW_REG; RS_FUNCTION_RESULT64_LOW_REG = RS_FUNCTION_RETURN64_LOW_REG; { The high part of 64bit value returned from a function } NR_FUNCTION_RESULT64_HIGH_REG = NR_FUNCTION_RETURN64_HIGH_REG; RS_FUNCTION_RESULT64_HIGH_REG = RS_FUNCTION_RETURN64_HIGH_REG; NR_FPU_RESULT_REG = NR_F10; NR_MM_RESULT_REG = NR_NO; NR_DEFAULTFLAGS = NR_NO; RS_DEFAULTFLAGS = RS_NO; {***************************************************************************** GCC /ABI linking information *****************************************************************************} {# Registers which must be saved when calling a routine declared as cppdecl, cdecl, stdcall, safecall, palmossyscall. The registers saved should be the ones as defined in the target ABI and / or GCC. This value can be deduced from CALLED_USED_REGISTERS array in the GCC source. } saved_standard_registers : array[0..12] of tsuperregister = ( RS_X2, RS_X8,RS_X9, RS_X18,RS_X19, RS_X20,RS_X21,RS_X22,RS_X23,RS_X24,RS_X25,RS_X26,RS_X27 ); { this is only for the generic code which is not used for this architecture } saved_address_registers : array[0..0] of tsuperregister = (RS_INVALID); saved_mm_registers : array[0..0] of tsuperregister = (RS_INVALID); {# Required parameter alignment when calling a routine declared as stdcall and cdecl. The alignment value should be the one defined by GCC or the target ABI. The value of this constant is equal to the constant PARM_BOUNDARY / BITS_PER_UNIT in the GCC source. } std_param_align = 4; { for 32-bit version only } {***************************************************************************** CPU Dependent Constants *****************************************************************************} maxfpuregs = 8; {***************************************************************************** Helpers *****************************************************************************} function is_imm12(value: aint): boolean; function is_lui_imm(value: aint): boolean; function is_calljmp(o:tasmop):boolean; function cgsize2subreg(regtype: tregistertype; s:Tcgsize):Tsubregister; { Returns the tcgsize corresponding with the size of reg.} function reg_cgsize(const reg: tregister) : tcgsize; function findreg_by_number(r:Tregister):tregisterindex; function std_regnum_search(const s:string):Tregister; function std_regname(r:Tregister):string; function inverse_cond(const c: TAsmCond): Tasmcond; {$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif USEINLINE} function dwarf_reg(r:tregister):shortint; function dwarf_reg_no_error(r:tregister):shortint; function eh_return_data_regno(nr: longint): longint; function conditions_equal(const c1,c2: TAsmCond): boolean; implementation uses rgbase,verbose; const std_regname_table : TRegNameTable = ( {$i rrv32std.inc} ); regnumber_index : array[tregisterindex] of tregisterindex = ( {$i rrv32rni.inc} ); std_regname_index : array[tregisterindex] of tregisterindex = ( {$i rrv32sri.inc} ); {***************************************************************************** Helpers *****************************************************************************} function is_imm12(value: aint): boolean; begin result:=(value >= -2048) and (value <= 2047); end; function is_lui_imm(value: aint): boolean; begin result:=SarInt64((value and $FFFFF000) shl 32, 32) = value; end; function is_calljmp(o:tasmop):boolean; begin is_calljmp:=false; case o of A_JAL,A_JALR,A_Bxx: is_calljmp:=true; else ; end; end; function inverse_cond(const c: TAsmCond): Tasmcond; {$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif USEINLINE} const inv_condflags:array[TAsmCond] of TAsmCond=(C_None, C_GE,C_GEU,C_LT,C_LTU,C_EQ,C_NE); begin result := inv_condflags[c]; end; function reg_cgsize(const reg: tregister): tcgsize; begin case getregtype(reg) of R_INTREGISTER : result:=OS_32; R_MMREGISTER: result:=OS_M128; R_FPUREGISTER: result:=OS_F64; else internalerror(200303181); end; end; function cgsize2subreg(regtype: tregistertype; s:Tcgsize):Tsubregister; begin cgsize2subreg:=R_SUBWHOLE; end; function findreg_by_number(r:Tregister):tregisterindex; begin result:=rgBase.findreg_by_number_table(r,regnumber_index); end; function std_regnum_search(const s:string):Tregister; begin result:=regnumber_table[findreg_by_name_table(s,std_regname_table,std_regname_index)]; end; function std_regname(r:Tregister):string; var p : tregisterindex; begin p:=findreg_by_number_table(r,regnumber_index); if p<>0 then result:=std_regname_table[p] else result:=generic_regname(r); end; function dwarf_reg(r:tregister):shortint; begin result:=regdwarf_table[findreg_by_number(r)]; if result=-1 then internalerror(200603251); end; function dwarf_reg_no_error(r:tregister):shortint; begin result:=regdwarf_table[findreg_by_number(r)]; end; function eh_return_data_regno(nr: longint): longint; begin if (nr>=0) and (nr<4) then result:=nr+10 else result:=-1; end; function conditions_equal(const c1, c2: TAsmCond): boolean; begin result:=c1=c2; end; end.