{ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl, Pierre Muller Symbol table constants This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit symconst; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses globtype; const def_alignment = 4; C_alignment = -1; bit_alignment = -2; mac68k_alignment = -3; { if you change one of the following contants, } { you have also to change the typinfo unit} { and the rtl/i386,template/rttip.inc files } tkUnknown = 0; tkInteger = 1; tkChar = 2; tkEnumeration = 3; tkFloat = 4; tkSet = 5; tkMethod = 6; tkSString = 7; tkString = tkSString; tkLString = 8; tkAString = 9; tkWString = 10; tkVariant = 11; tkArray = 12; tkRecord = 13; tkInterface= 14; tkClass = 15; tkObject = 16; tkWChar = 17; tkBool = 18; tkInt64 = 19; tkQWord = 20; tkDynArray = 21; tkInterfaceCorba = 22; tkProcVar = 23; tkUString = 24; tkUChar = 25; tkHelper = 26; tkFile = 27; tkClassRef = 28; tkPointer = 29; otSByte = 0; otUByte = 1; otSWord = 2; otUWord = 3; otSLong = 4; otULong = 5; otSQWord = 6; otUQWord = 7; ftSingle = 0; ftDouble = 1; ftExtended = 2; ftComp = 3; ftCurr = 4; ftFloat128 = 5; mkProcedure = 0; mkFunction = 1; mkConstructor = 2; mkDestructor = 3; mkClassProcedure = 4; mkClassFunction = 5; mkClassConstructor = 6; mkClassDestructor = 7; mkOperatorOverload = 8; // delphi has the next too: //mkSafeProcedure = 9; //mkSafeFunction = 10; pfvar = 1; pfConst = 2; pfArray = 4; pfAddress = 8; pfReference= 16; pfOut = 32; pfConstRef = 64; pfHidden = 128; pfHigh = 256; pfSelf = 512; pfVmt = 1024; pfResult = 2048; riifNonTrivialChild = 1; riifParentHasNonTrivialChild = 2; unknown_level = 0; main_program_level = 1; normal_function_level = 2; { implicit parameter positions, normal parameters start at 10 and will increase with 10 for each parameter. The high parameters will be inserted with n+1 } paranr_blockselfpara = 1; paranr_parentfp_delphi_cc_leftright = 2; {$if defined(aarch64) and defined(llvm)} { for AArch64 on LLVM, the "sret" parameter must always be the first (it gets passed in a dedicated register, so it won't shift the register assignments) -> give it a lower number; can't do it for other platforms, because that would change the register assignment/parameter order } paranr_result = 2; paranr_parentfp = 3; paranr_self = 4; {$else} paranr_parentfp = 2; paranr_self = 3; paranr_result = 4; {$endif} { pointers to managed result parameters must always be passed in the same way as the first regular parameter, regardless of ABI conventions, because the RTL expects the two following declarations to be handled in the same way: function f: com_interface; procedure p(out o: obj); } paranr_result_managed = 5; paranr_vmt = 6; { the implicit parameters for Objective-C methods need to come after the hidden result parameter } paranr_objc_self = 7; paranr_objc_cmd = 8; { Required to support variations of syscalls on Amiga-likes } paranr_syscall_lib_first = 9; { for basefirst on MorphOS/ppc and AmigaOS4/ppc } paranr_syscall_lib_last = high(word)-3; { everything else } paranr_result_leftright = high(word)-2; paranr_parentfp_delphi_cc = high(word)-1; { prefix for names of class helper procsyms added to regular symtables } class_helper_prefix = 'CH$'; { tsym.symid value in case the sym has not yet been registered } symid_not_registered = -2; { tsym.symid value in case the sym has been registered, but not put in a symtable } symid_registered_nost = -1; { tdef.defid value in case the def has not yet been registered } defid_not_registered = -2; { tdef.defid value in case the sym has been registered, but not put in a symtable } defid_registered_nost = -1; type { keep this in sync with TIntfFlag in rtl/objpas/typinfo.pp } TCompilerIntfFlag = (ifHasGuid,ifDispInterface,ifDispatch,ifHasStrGUID); { Deref entry options } tdereftype = (deref_nil, deref_unit, deref_symid, deref_defid ); { symbol visibility } tvisibility=( vis_hidden, vis_strictprivate, vis_private, vis_strictprotected, vis_protected, vis_public, vis_published, vis_none ); tvisibilities=set of tvisibility; { symbol options } tsymoption=(sp_none, sp_static, { static symbol in class/object/record } sp_hint_deprecated, sp_hint_platform, sp_hint_library, sp_hint_unimplemented, sp_has_overloaded, sp_internal, { internal symbol, not reported as unused } sp_implicitrename, sp_hint_experimental, sp_generic_para, sp_has_deprecated_msg, sp_generic_dummy, { this is used for symbols that are generated when a generic is encountered to ease inline specializations, etc; those symbols can be "overridden" with a completely different symbol } sp_explicitrename, { this is used to keep track of type renames created by the user } sp_generic_const ); tsymoptions=set of tsymoption; { flags for a definition } tdefoption=(df_none, { type is unique, i.e. declared with type = type ; } df_unique, { type is a generic } df_generic, { type is a specialization of a generic type } df_specialization, { def has been copied from another def so symtable is not owned } df_copied_def, { def was created as a generic constraint and thus is only "shallow" } df_genconstraint, { don't free def after finishing the implementation section even if it wasn't written to the ppu, as this def may still be referred (e.g. because it was used to set the type of a paraloc, since paralocs are reused across units) -- never stored to ppu, because in that case the def would be registered } df_not_registered_no_free, { don't pack this record at the llvm level -- can't do this via symllvm because we have to access this information in the symtable unit } df_llvm_no_struct_packing, { internal def that's not for any export } df_internal, { the local def is referenced from a public function } df_has_global_ref, { the def was derived with generic type or const fields so the size of the def can not be determined } df_has_generic_fields ); tdefoptions=set of tdefoption; tdefstate=(ds_none, ds_vmt_written, ds_rtti_table_used, ds_init_table_used, ds_rtti_table_written, ds_init_table_written, ds_dwarf_dbg_info_used, ds_dwarf_dbg_info_written ); tdefstates=set of tdefstate; { flags for generic type constraints } tgenericconstraintflag=(gcf_none, gcf_constructor, { specialization type needs to have a constructor } gcf_class, { specialization type needs to be a class } gcf_record { specialization type needs to be a record type } ); tgenericconstraintflags=set of tgenericconstraintflag; { tsymlist entry types } tsltype = (sl_none, sl_load, sl_call, sl_subscript, sl_vec, sl_typeconv, sl_absolutetype ); { base types for orddef } tordtype = ( uvoid, u8bit,u16bit,u32bit,u64bit,u128bit, s8bit,s16bit,s32bit,s64bit,s128bit, pasbool1,pasbool8,pasbool16,pasbool32,pasbool64, bool8bit,bool16bit,bool32bit,bool64bit, uchar,uwidechar,scurrency,customint ); tordtypeset = set of tordtype; { string types } tstringtype = ( st_shortstring, st_longstring, st_ansistring, st_widestring, st_unicodestring ); tvarianttype = ( vt_normalvariant,vt_olevariant ); tcallercallee = (callnoside,callerside,calleeside,callbothsides); { basic type for tprocdef and tprocvardef } tproctypeoption=(potype_none, potype_proginit, { Program initialization } potype_unitinit, { unit initialization } potype_unitfinalize, { unit finalization } potype_constructor, { Procedure is a constructor } potype_destructor, { Procedure is a destructor } potype_operator, { Procedure defines an operator } potype_procedure, potype_function, potype_class_constructor, { class constructor } potype_class_destructor, { class destructor } potype_propgetter, { Dispinterface property accessors } potype_propsetter, potype_exceptfilter, { SEH exception filter or termination handler } potype_mainstub, { "main" function that calls through to FPC_SYSTEMMAIN } potype_pkgstub, { stub for a package file, that tells OS that all is OK } potype_libmainstub { "main" function for a library that calls through to FPC_LIBMAIN } ); tproctypeoptions=set of tproctypeoption; { other options for tprocdef and tprocvardef } tprocoption=(po_none, po_classmethod, { class method } po_virtualmethod, { Procedure is a virtual method } po_abstractmethod, { Procedure is an abstract method } po_finalmethod, { Procedure is a final method } po_staticmethod, { static method } po_overridingmethod, { method with override directive } po_methodpointer, { method pointer, only in procvardef, also used for 'with object do' } po_interrupt, { Procedure is an interrupt handler } po_iocheck, { IO checking should be done after a call to the procedure } po_assembler, { Procedure is written in assembler } po_msgstr, { method for string message handling } po_msgint, { method for int message handling } po_exports, { Procedure has export directive (needed for OS/2) } po_external, { Procedure is external (in other object or lib)} po_overload, { procedure is declared with overload directive } po_varargs, { printf like arguments } po_internconst, { procedure has constant evaluator intern } { flag that only the address of a method is returned and not a full methodpointer } po_addressonly, { procedure is exported } po_public, { calling convention is specified explicitly } po_hascallingconvention, { reintroduce flag } po_reintroduce, { location of parameters is given explicitly as it is necessary for some syscall conventions like that one of MorphOS } po_explicitparaloc, { no stackframe will be generated, used by lowlevel assembler like get_frame } po_nostackframe, po_has_mangledname, po_has_public_name, po_forward, po_global, { Generic syscall procoption, for systems like Atari, Palm, etc } po_syscall, { The different kind of syscalls on Amiga-like systems } po_syscall_legacy, po_syscall_basenone, po_syscall_basefirst, po_syscall_baselast, po_syscall_basereg, { Used to record the fact that a symbol is associated to this syscall } po_syscall_has_libsym, { Syscall uses the import Nr. } po_syscall_has_importnr, { Procedure can be inlined } po_inline, { Procedure is used for internal compiler calls } po_compilerproc, { importing } po_has_importdll, po_has_importname, po_kylixlocal, po_dispid, { weakly linked (i.e., may or may not exist at run time) } po_weakexternal, { Objective-C method } po_objc, { enumerator support } po_enumerator_movenext, { optional Objective-C protocol method } po_optional, { nested procedure that uses Delphi-style calling convention for passing the frame pointer (pushed on the stack, always the last parameter, removed by the caller). Required for nested procvar compatibility, because such procvars can hold both regular and nested procedures (when calling a regular procedure using the above convention, it will simply not see the frame pointer parameter, and since the caller cleans up the stack will also remain balanced) } po_delphi_nested_cc, { allows the routine's RawByteString var/out parameters to accept parameters that do not match exactly (without typeconversion) } po_rtlproc, { Non-virtual method of a Java class that has been transformed into a "virtual; final;" method for JVM-implementation reasons } po_java_nonvirtual, { automatically inherited routine from parent class, ignore for resolving overloads (on the JVM target, constructors are not automatically inherited, so we explicitly have to add the constructors of the parent class to the child class; this influences the overload resolution logic though, so ignore them there) } po_ignore_for_overload_resolution, { the visibility of of this procdef was raised automatically by the compiler, e.g. because it was designated as a getter/setter for a property with a higher visibility on the JVM target } po_auto_raised_visibility, { procedure is far (x86 only) } po_far, { near/far call model is specified explicitly (x86 only) } po_hasnearfarcallmodel, { the procedure never returns, this information is usefull for dfa } po_noreturn, { procvar is a function reference } po_is_function_ref, { procvar is a block (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blocks_(C_language_extension) ) } po_is_block, { procedure is an automatically generated property getter } po_is_auto_getter, { procedure is an automatically generated property setter } po_is_auto_setter, { must never be inlined by auto-inlining } po_noinline, { same as po_varargs, but with an array-of-const parameter instead of with the "varargs" modifier or Mac-Pascal ".." parameter } po_variadic, { implicitly return same type as the class instance to which the message is sent } po_objc_related_result_type ); tprocoptions=set of tprocoption; { options that should not trigger the recompilation of a unit if they change between the interface and the implementation } timplprocoption = ( { the routine contains no code } pio_empty, { the inline body of this routine is available } pio_has_inlininginfo, { inline is not possible (has assembler block, etc) } pio_inline_not_possible, { a nested routine accesses a local variable from this routine } pio_nested_access, { a stub/thunk } pio_thunk, { compiled with fastmath enabled } pio_fastmath, { inline is forbidden (calls get_frame) } pio_inline_forbidden ); timplprocoptions = set of timplprocoption; { kinds of synthetic procdefs that can be generated } tsynthetickind = ( tsk_none, tsk_anon_inherited, // anonymous inherited call tsk_jvm_clone, // Java-style clone method tsk_record_deepcopy, // deepcopy for records field by field tsk_record_initialize, // initialize for records field by field (explicit rather than via rtti) tsk_empty, // an empty routine tsk_tcinit, // initialisation of typed constants tsk_callthrough, // call through to another routine with the same parameters/return type (its def is stored in the skpara field) tsk_callthrough_nonabstract,// call through to another routine if the current class not abstract (otherwise do the same as tsk_empty) tsk_jvm_enum_values, // Java "values" class method of JLEnum descendants tsk_jvm_enum_valueof, // Java "valueOf" class method of JLEnum descendants tsk_jvm_enum_classconstr, // Java class constructor for JLEnum descendants tsk_jvm_enum_jumps_constr, // Java constructor for JLEnum descendants for enums with jumps tsk_jvm_enum_fpcordinal, // Java FPCOrdinal function that returns the enum's ordinal value from an FPC POV tsk_jvm_enum_fpcvalueof, // Java FPCValueOf function that returns the enum instance corresponding to an ordinal from an FPC POV tsk_jvm_enum_long2set, // Java fpcLongToEnumSet function that returns an enumset corresponding to a bit pattern in a jlong tsk_jvm_enum_bitset2set, // Java fpcBitSetToEnumSet function that returns an enumset corresponding to a BitSet tsk_jvm_enum_set2Set, // Java fpcEnumSetToEnumSet function that returns an enumset corresponding to another enumset (different enum kind) tsk_jvm_procvar_invoke, // Java invoke method that calls a wrapped procvar tsk_jvm_procvar_intconstr, // Java procvar class constructor that accepts an interface instance for easy Java interoperation tsk_jvm_virtual_clmethod, // Java wrapper for virtual class method tsk_field_getter, // getter for a field (callthrough property is passed in skpara) tsk_field_setter, // Setter for a field (callthrough property is passed in skpara) tsk_block_invoke_procvar, // Call a procvar to invoke inside a block tsk_interface_wrapper, // Call through to a method from an interface wrapper tsk_call_no_parameters // Call skpara procedure without passing any parameters nor returning a result ); { synthetic procdef supplementary information (tprocdef.skpara) } tskpara_interface_wrapper = record pd: pointer; offset: longint; end; pskpara_interface_wrapper = ^tskpara_interface_wrapper; { options for objects and classes } tobjecttyp = (odt_none, odt_class, odt_object, odt_interfacecom, odt_interfacecom_property, odt_interfacecom_function, odt_interfacecorba, odt_cppclass, odt_dispinterface, odt_objcclass, odt_objcprotocol, odt_objccategory, { note that these are changed into odt_class afterwards } odt_helper, odt_javaclass, odt_interfacejava ); { defines the type of the extended "structure"; only used for parsing } thelpertype=(ht_none, ht_class, ht_record, ht_type ); { Variations in interfaces implementation } { Beware, this data is duplicated in the compiler and rtl. } { Do not change the order of the fields. } tinterfaceentrytype = (etStandard, etVirtualMethodResult, etStaticMethodResult, etFieldValue, etVirtualMethodClass, etStaticMethodClass, etFieldValueClass ); { options for objects and classes } tobjectoption=(oo_none, oo_is_forward, { the class is only a forward declared yet } oo_is_abstract, { the class is abstract - only descendants can be used } oo_is_sealed, { the class is sealed - can't have descendants } oo_has_virtual, { the object/class has virtual methods } oo_has_private, oo_has_protected, oo_has_strictprivate, oo_has_strictprotected, oo_has_constructor, { the object/class has a constructor } oo_has_destructor, { the object/class has a destructor } oo_has_vmt, { the object/class has a vmt } oo_has_msgstr, oo_has_msgint, oo_can_have_published,{ the class has rtti, i.e. you can publish properties } oo_has_default_property, oo_has_valid_guid, oo_has_enumerator_movenext, oo_has_enumerator_current, oo_is_external, { the class is externally implemented (objcclass, cppclass) } oo_is_formal, { the class is only formally defined in this module (x = objcclass; external [name 'x'];) } oo_is_classhelper, { objcclasses that represent categories, and Delpi-style class helpers, are marked like this } oo_has_class_constructor, { the object/class has a class constructor } oo_has_class_destructor, { the object/class has a class destructor } oo_is_enum_class, { the class represents an enum (JVM) } oo_has_new_destructor { the object/class declares a destructor (apart from potentially inherting one from the parent) } ); tobjectoptions=set of tobjectoption; tarraydefoption=( ado_IsConvertedPointer, // array created from pointer (e.g. PInteger(Ptr)[1]) ado_IsDynamicArray, // dynamic array ado_IsVariant, // ado_IsConstructor, // array constructor (e.g. something = [1,2,3]) ado_IsArrayOfConst, // array of const ado_IsConstString, // string constant ado_IsBitPacked, // bitpacked array ado_IsVector, // Vector ado_IsGeneric // the index of the array is generic (meaning that the size is not yet known) ); tarraydefoptions=set of tarraydefoption; { options for properties } tpropertyoption=(ppo_none, ppo_indexed, { delcared wwith "index" keyword } ppo_defaultproperty, ppo_stored, ppo_hasparameters, { has parameters: prop[param1, param2: type] } ppo_implements, ppo_enumerator_current, { implements current property for enumerator } ppo_overrides, { overrides ancestor property } ppo_dispid_write { no longer used } ); tpropertyoptions=set of tpropertyoption; { options for variables } tvaroption=(vo_none, vo_is_external, vo_is_dll_var, vo_is_thread_var, vo_has_local_copy, vo_is_const, { variable is declared as const (parameter) and can't be written to } vo_is_public, vo_is_high_para, vo_is_funcret, vo_is_self, vo_is_vmt, vo_is_result, { special result variable } vo_is_parentfp, vo_is_loop_counter, { used to detect assignments to loop counter } vo_is_hidden_para, vo_has_explicit_paraloc, vo_is_syscall_lib, vo_has_mangledname, vo_is_typed_const, vo_is_range_check, vo_is_overflow_check, vo_is_typinfo_para, vo_is_weak_external, { Objective-C message selector parameter } vo_is_msgsel, { first field of variant part of a record } vo_is_first_field, vo_volatile, vo_has_section, { variable contains a winlike WideString which should be finalized even in $J- state } vo_force_finalize, { this is an internal variable that is used for Default() intrinsic in code sections } vo_is_default_var, { i8086 'external far' (can only be used in combination with vo_is_external) } vo_is_far, { a static symbol that is referenced from a global function } vo_has_global_ref ); tvaroptions=set of tvaroption; { variable symbol access flags } tvarsymaccessflag = ( { this symbol's address has been taken } vsa_addr_taken, { this symbol is accessed from a different scope } vsa_different_scope ); tvarsymaccessflags = set of tvarsymaccessflag; tmanagementoperator=(mop_none, mop_initialize, mop_finalize, mop_addref, mop_copy ); tmanagementoperators=set of tmanagementoperator; { register variable } tvarregable=(vr_none, vr_intreg, vr_fpureg, vr_mmreg, { does not mean "needs address register", but "if it's a parameter which is } { passed by reference, then its address can be put in a register } vr_addr ); { types of the symtables } TSymtabletype = ( abstractsymtable, { not a real symtable } globalsymtable, { unit interface symtable } staticsymtable, { unit implementation symtable } ObjectSymtable, { object symtable } recordsymtable, { record symtable } localsymtable, { subroutine symtable } parasymtable, { arguments symtable } withsymtable, { with operator symtable } stt_excepTSymtable, { try/except symtable } exportedmacrosymtable, { } localmacrosymtable, { } enumsymtable, { symtable for enum members } arraysymtable { used to store parameterised type in array } ); { options for symtables } tsymtableoption = ( sto_has_helper, { contains at least one helper symbol } sto_has_generic, { contains at least one generic symbol } sto_has_operator, { contains at least one operator overload } sto_needs_init_final, { the symtable needs initialization and/or finalization of variables/constants } sto_has_non_trivial_init { contains at least on managed type that is not initialized to zero (e.g. a record with management operators } ); tsymtableoptions = set of tsymtableoption; { definition contains the informations about a type } tdeftyp = (abstractdef, arraydef,recorddef,pointerdef,orddef, stringdef,enumdef,procdef,objectdef,errordef, filedef,formaldef,setdef,procvardef,floatdef, classrefdef,forwarddef,variantdef,undefineddef ); { possible types for symtable entries } tsymtyp = (abstractsym, staticvarsym,localvarsym,paravarsym,fieldvarsym, typesym,procsym,unitsym,constsym,enumsym, errorsym,syssym,labelsym,absolutevarsym,propertysym, macrosym,namespacesym,undefinedsym,programparasym ); { State of the variable: vs_declared: variable has been declared, not initialised (e.g. normal variable, out parameter) vs_initialised: variable has been declared and is valid (e.g. typed constant, var/const parameter) vs_read: variable has been read and the read was checked for validity (so a warning has been given if necessary) vs_read_not_warned: variable has been read, but we didn't warn about whether or not the variable was valid (e.g. read of global variable -> warn at end of compilation unit if the state is vs_read_not_warned, since that means it's only read and never written) vs_referred_not_inited: variable has been used in length/low/high/@/... expression, was not yet initialised and needn't be at that time (e.g. length() of a statically allocated array, or sizeof(variable)) vs_written: variable has been assigned/written to, but not yet read (e.g. assigning something to a variable/parameter) vs_readwritten: variable has been written to and read from } tvarstate=(vs_none, vs_declared,vs_initialised,vs_read,vs_read_not_warned, vs_referred_not_inited,vs_written,vs_readwritten ); tvarspez = (vs_value,vs_const,vs_var,vs_out,vs_constref,vs_final); absolutetyp = (tovar,toasm,toaddr); tconsttyp = (constnone, constord,conststring,constreal, constset,constpointer,constnil, constresourcestring,constwstring,constguid ); { RTTI information to store } trttitype = ( fullrtti,initrtti, { Objective-C } objcmetartti,objcmetarortti, objcclassrtti,objcclassrortti ); { prefixes for internally generated type names (centralised to avoid accidental collisions) } tinternaltypeprefix = ( itp_1byte, itp_emptyrec, itp_llvmstruct, itp_vmtdef, itp_vmt_tstringmesssagetable, itp_vmt_msgint_table_entries, itp_vmt_tmethod_name_table, itp_vmt_intern_msgint_table, itp_vmt_intern_tmethodnamerec, itp_vmt_intern_tmethodnametable, itp_vmt_afterconstruction_local, itp_rttidef, itp_rtti_header, itp_rtti_outer, itp_rtti_case, itp_rtti_common_data, itp_rtti_prop, itp_rtti_ansistr, itp_rtti_attr_list, itp_rtti_attr_entry, itp_rtti_ord_outer, itp_rtti_ord_middle, itp_rtti_ord_inner, itp_rtti_ord_64bit, itp_rtti_normal_array, itp_rtti_normal_array_inner, itp_rtti_dyn_array, itp_rtti_dyn_array_inner, itp_rtti_pointer, itp_rtti_classref, itp_rtti_float, itp_rtti_proc_param, itp_rtti_enum_size_start_rec, itp_rtti_enum_size_start_rec2, itp_rtti_enum_min_max_rec, itp_rtti_enum_basetype_array_rec, itp_rtti_ref, itp_rtti_set_outer, itp_rtti_set_middle, itp_rtti_set_inner, itp_rtti_record, itp_rtti_record_inner, itp_init_record_operators, itp_init_mop_offset_entry, itp_threadvar_record, itp_objc_method_list, itp_objc_proto_list, itp_objc_cat_methods, itb_objc_nf_ivars, itb_objc_nf_category, itb_objc_nf_class_ro_part, itb_objc_nf_meta_class, itb_objc_nf_class, itb_objc_fr_protocol_ext, itb_objc_fr_protocol, itb_objc_fr_category, itb_objc_fr_meta_class, itb_objc_fr_class, itp_vardisp_calldesc ); { The order is from low priority to high priority, Note: the operators > and < are used on this list } tequaltype = ( te_incompatible, te_convert_operator, te_convert_l6, te_convert_l5, { ad infinitum... } te_convert_l4, { and yet even less preferred conversion } te_convert_l3, { even less preferred conversion (possibly with loss of data) } te_convert_l2, { compatible less preferred conversion } te_convert_l1, { compatible conversion } te_equal, { the definitions are equal } te_exact ); tvariantequaltype = ( tve_incompatible, tve_chari64, tve_sstring, tve_astring, tve_wstring, tve_ustring, tve_boolformal, tve_extended, tve_dblcurrency, tve_single, tve_cardinal, tve_longint, tve_smallint, tve_word, tve_shortint, tve_byte ); tvariantequaltypes = set of tvariantequaltype; tdefdbgstatus = ( dbg_state_unused, dbg_state_used, dbg_state_writing, dbg_state_written, dbg_state_queued ); tx86pointertyp = (x86pt_near, x86pt_near_cs, x86pt_near_ds, x86pt_near_ss, x86pt_near_es, x86pt_near_fs, x86pt_near_gs, x86pt_far, x86pt_huge); var clearstack_pocalls : tproccalloptions; cdecl_pocalls : tproccalloptions; const {$ifndef jvm} inherited_objectoptions : tobjectoptions = [oo_has_virtual,oo_has_private,oo_has_protected, oo_has_strictprotected,oo_has_strictprivate,oo_has_constructor,oo_has_destructor, oo_can_have_published]; {$else not jvm} { constructors are not inherited in Java } inherited_objectoptions : tobjectoptions = [oo_has_virtual,oo_has_private,oo_has_protected, oo_has_strictprotected,oo_has_strictprivate,oo_has_destructor, oo_can_have_published]; {$endif not jvm} {$if defined(i8086) or defined(i386)} { we only take this into account on i8086 and i386, on other platforms we always push in the same order } pushleftright_pocalls : tproccalloptions = [pocall_register,pocall_pascal]; {$endif} SymTypeName : array[tsymtyp] of string[14] = ( 'abstractsym','globalvar','localvar','paravar','fieldvar', 'type','proc','unit','const','enum', 'errorsym','system sym','label','absolutevar','property', 'macrosym','namespace','undefinedsym','programparasym' ); typName : array[tdeftyp] of string[12] = ( 'abstractdef','arraydef','recorddef','pointerdef','orddef', 'stringdef','enumdef','procdef','objectdef','errordef', 'filedef','formaldef','setdef','procvardef','floatdef', 'classrefdef','forwarddef','variantdef','undefineddef' ); EqualTypeName : array[tequaltype] of string[16] = ( 'incompatible','convert_operator','convert_l6', 'convert_l5','convert_l4','convert_l3', 'convert_l2','convert_l1','equal','exact' ); visibilityName : array[tvisibility] of string[16] = ( 'hidden','strict private','private','strict protected','protected', 'public','published','' ); internaltypeprefixName : array[tinternaltypeprefix] of TSymStr = ( '$1byte$', '$emptyrec', '$llvmstruct$', '$vmtdef$', '$vmt_TStringMesssageTable$', '$vmt_msgint_table_entries$', '$vmt_tmethod_name_table$', '$vmt_intern_msgint_table$', '$vmt_intern_tmethodnamerec$', '$vmt_intern_tmethodnametable$', '$vmt_afterconstruction_local', '$rttidef$', '$rtti_header$', '$rtti_outer$', '$rtti_case$', '$rtti_common_data$', '$rtti_prop$', '$rtti_ansistr$', '$rtti_attr_list$', '$rtti_attr_entry$', '$rtti_ord_outer$', '$rtti_ord_middle$', '$rtti_ord_inner$', '$rtti_ord_64bit$', '$rtti_normal_array$', '$rtti_normal_array_inner$', '$rtti_dyn_array$', '$rtti_dyn_array_inner$', '$rtti_dyn_pointer$', '$rtti_dyn_classref$', '$rtti_dyn_float$', '$rtti_proc_param$', '$rtti_enum_size_start_rec$', '$rtti_enum_size_start_rec2$', '$rtti_enum_min_max_rec$', '$rtti_enum_basetype_array_rec$', '$rtti_ref$', '$rtti_set_outer$', '$rtti_set_middle$', '$rtti_set_inner$', '$rtti_record$', '$rtti_record_inner$', '$init_record_operators$', '$init_mop_offset_entry$', '$threadvar_record$', '$objc_method_list$', '$objc_proto_list$', '$objc_cat_methods$', '$objc_nf_ivars$', '$objc_nf_category$', '$objc_nf_class_ro_part$', '$objc_nf_meta_class$', '$objc_nf_class$', '$objc_fr_protocol_ext$', '$objc_fr_protocol$', '$objc_fr_category$', '$objc_fr_meta_class$', '$objc_fr_class$', '$itp_vardisp_calldesc$' ); {$ifndef jvm} default_class_type=odt_class; {$else not jvm} default_class_type=odt_javaclass; {$endif not jvm} objecttypes_with_helpers=[odt_class,odt_interfacecom,odt_interfacecorba,odt_dispinterface]; { !! Be sure to keep these in sync with ones in rtl/inc/varianth.inc } varempty = 0; varnull = 1; varsmallint = 2; varinteger = 3; varsingle = 4; vardouble = 5; varcurrency = 6; vardate = 7; varolestr = 8; vardispatch = 9; varerror = 10; varboolean = 11; varvariant = 12; varunknown = 13; vardecimal = 14; varshortint = 16; varbyte = 17; varword = 18; varlongword = 19; varint64 = 20; varqword = 21; varUndefined = -1; varstrarg = $48; varustrarg = $49; varstring = $100; varany = $101; varustring = $102; vardefmask = $fff; vararray = $2000; varbyref = $4000; { blocks-related constants } blocks_procvar_invoke_type_name = '__FPC_invoke_pvtype'; { suffix for indirect symbols (AB_INDIRECT) } suffix_indirect = '$indirect'; { TProcTypeOption string identifiers for error messsages } ProcTypeOptionKeywords: array[tproctypeoption] of ShortString = ( 'potype_none', {potype_none} 'program initialization',{potype_proginit} '"INITIALIZATION"', {potype_unitinit} '"FINALIZATION"', {potype_unitfinalize} '"CONSTRUCTOR"', {potype_constructor} '"DESTRUCTOR"', {potype_destructor} '"OPERATOR"', {potype_operator} '"PROCEDURE"', {potype_procedure} '"FUNCTION"', {potype_function} '"CLASS CONSTRUCTOR"',{potype_class_constructor} '"CLASS DESTRUCTOR"', {potype_class_destructor} 'property getters', {potype_propgetter} 'property setters', {potype_propsetter} 'exception filters', {potype_exceptfilter} '"main" stub', {potype_mainstub} 'package stub', {potype_pkgstub} 'lib "main" stub' {potype_libmainstub} ); { TProcOption string identifiers for error messages } ProcOptionKeywords: array[tprocoption] of ShortString = ( 'po_none', {po_none} '"CLASS"', {po_classmethod} '"VIRTUAL"', {po_virtualmethod} '"ABSTRACT"', {po_abstractmethod} '"FINAL"', {po_finalmethod} '"STATIC"', {po_staticmethod} '"OVERRIDE"', {po_overridingmethod} 'method pointers', {po_methodpointer} '"INTERRUPT"', {po_interrupt} 'po_iocheck', {po_iocheck} '"ASSEMBLER"', {po_assembler} '"MESSAGE"', {po_msgstr} '"MESSAGE"', {po_msgint} '"EXPORT"', {po_exports} '"EXTERNAL"', {po_external} '"OVERLOAD"', {po_overload} 'variable argument lists',{po_varargs} 'po_internconst', {po_internconst} 'po_addressonly', {po_addressonly} '"PUBLIC"', {po_public} 'po_hascallingconvention',{po_hascallingconvention} '"REINTRODUCE"', {po_reintroduce} 'po_explicitparaloc', {po_explicitparaloc} '"NOSTACKFRAME"', {po_nostackframe} 'po_has_mangledname', {po_has_mangledname} 'po_has_public_name', {po_has_public_name} '"FORWARD"', {po_forward} 'global routines', {po_global} '"SYSCALL"', {po_syscall} '"SYSCALL"', {po_syscall_legacy} '"SYSCALL"', {po_syscall_basenone} '"SYSCALL"', {po_syscall_basefirst} '"SYSCALL"', {po_syscall_baselast} '"SYSCALL"', {po_syscall_basereg} '"SYSCALL"', {po_syscall_has_libsym} '"SYSCALL"', {po_syscall_has_importnr} '"INLINE"', {po_inline} '"COMPILERPROC"', {po_compilerproc} 'po_has_importdll', {po_has_importdll} 'po_has_importname', {po_has_importname} 'po_kylixlocal', {po_kylixlocal} '"DISPID"', {po_dispid} 'po_weakexternal', {po_weakexternal} 'po_objc', {po_objc} 'po_enumerator_movenext',{po_enumerator_movenext} 'po_optional', {po_optional} 'po_delphi_nested_cc',{po_delphi_nested_cc} 'RTL procedures', {po_rtlproc} 'non-virtual Java methods',{po_java_nonvirtual} 'po_ignore_for_overload_resolution',{po_ignore_for_overload_resolution} 'po_auto_raised_visibility',{po_auto_raised_visibility} '"FAR"', {po_far} 'po_hasnearfarcallmodel',{po_hasnearfarcallmodel} '"NORETURN"',{po_noreturn} 'po_is_function_ref',{po_is_function_ref} 'C-style blocks',{po_is_block} 'po_is_auto_getter',{po_is_auto_getter} 'po_is_auto_setter',{po_is_auto_setter} 'po_noinline',{po_noinline} 'C-style array-of-const', {po_variadic} 'objc-related-result-type' {po_objc_related_result_type} ); implementation end.