{ Copyright (c) 2011 by Jonas Maebe This unit provides helpers for creating new syms/defs based on string representations. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } {$i fpcdefs.inc} unit symcreat; interface uses finput,tokens,scanner,globtype, aasmdata, symconst,symbase,symtype,symdef,symsym, node; type tscannerstate = record old_scanner: tscannerfile; old_filepos: tfileposinfo; old_token: ttoken; old_c: char; old_orgpattern: string; old_modeswitches: tmodeswitches; old_idtoken: ttoken; valid: boolean; end; { save/restore the scanner state before/after injecting } procedure replace_scanner(const tempname: string; out sstate: tscannerstate); procedure restore_scanner(const sstate: tscannerstate); { parses a (class or regular) method/constructor/destructor declaration from str, as if it were declared in astruct's declaration body WARNING: save the scanner state before calling this routine, and restore when done. } function str_parse_method_dec(str: ansistring; potype: tproctypeoption; is_classdef: boolean; astruct: tabstractrecorddef; out pd: tprocdef): boolean; { parses a (class or regular) method/constructor/destructor implementation from str, as if it appeared in the current unit's implementation section WARNINGS: * save the scanner state before calling this routine, and restore when done. * the code *must* be written in objfpc style } function str_parse_method_impl(const str: ansistring; usefwpd: tprocdef; is_classdef: boolean):boolean; { parses a typed constant assignment to ssym WARNINGS: * save the scanner state before calling this routine, and restore when done. * the code *must* be written in objfpc style } procedure str_parse_typedconst(list: TAsmList; str: ansistring; ssym: tstaticvarsym); { in the JVM, constructors are not automatically inherited (so you can hide them). To emulate the Pascal behaviour, we have to automatically add all parent constructors to the current class as well. We also have to do the same for the (emulated) virtual class methods } procedure add_missing_parent_constructors_intf(obj: tobjectdef; addvirtclassmeth: boolean; forcevis: tvisibility); { goes through all defs in st to add implementations for synthetic methods added earlier } procedure add_synthetic_method_implementations(st: tsymtable); { create an alias for a procdef with Pascal name "newrealname", mangledname "newmangledname", in symtable newparentst, part of the record/class/.. "newstruct" (nil if none), and with synthetickind "sk" and synthetic kind para "skpara" to create the implementation (tsk_none and nil in case not necessary). Returns the new procdef; finish_copied_procdef() is not required/must not be called for the result. } function create_procdef_alias(pd: tprocdef; const newrealname: string; const newmangledname: TSymStr; newparentst: tsymtable; newstruct: tabstractrecorddef; sk: tsynthetickind; skpara: pointer): tprocdef; { finalize a procdef that has been copied with tprocdef.getcopyas(procdef,pc_bareproc) } procedure finish_copied_procdef(var pd: tprocdef; const realname: string; newparentst: tsymtable; newstruct: tabstractrecorddef); { checks whether sym (a local or para of pd) already has a counterpart in pd's parentfpstruct, and if not adds a new field to the struct with type "vardef" (can be different from sym's type in case it's a call-by-reference parameter, which is indicated by addrparam). If it already has a field in the parentfpstruct, this field is returned. } function maybe_add_sym_to_parentfpstruct(pd: tprocdef; sym: tsym; vardef: tdef; addrparam: boolean): tsym; { given a localvarsym or paravarsym of pd, returns the field of the parentfpstruct corresponding to this sym } function find_sym_in_parentfpstruct(pd: tprocdef; sym: tsym): tsym; { replaces all local and paravarsyms that have been mirrored in the parentfpstruct with aliasvarsyms that redirect to these fields (used to make sure that references to these syms in the owning procdef itself also use the ones in the parentfpstructs) } procedure redirect_parentfpstruct_local_syms(pd: tprocdef); { finalises the parentfpstruct (alignment padding, ...) } procedure finish_parentfpstruct(pd: tprocdef); { turns a fieldvarsym into a class/static field definition, and returns the created staticvarsym that is responsible for allocating the global storage } function make_field_static(recst: tsymtable; fieldvs: tfieldvarsym): tstaticvarsym; { create a new procdef with the signature of orgpd and (mangled) name newname, and change the implementation of orgpd so that it calls through to this new procedure } procedure call_through_new_name(orgpd: tprocdef; const newname: TSymStr); function generate_pkg_stub(pd:tprocdef):tnode; implementation uses cutils,cclasses,globals,verbose,systems,comphook,fmodule,constexp, symtable,defutil,symutil, pbase,pdecobj,pdecsub,psub,ptconst,pparautl, {$ifdef jvm} pjvm,jvmdef, {$endif jvm} nbas,nld,nmem,ncon, defcmp, paramgr; procedure replace_scanner(const tempname: string; out sstate: tscannerstate); var old_block_type: tblock_type; begin { would require saving of cstringpattern, patternw } if (token=_CSTRING) or (token=_CWCHAR) or (token=_CWSTRING) then internalerror(2011032201); sstate.old_scanner:=current_scanner; sstate.old_filepos:=current_filepos; sstate.old_token:=token; sstate.old_c:=c; sstate.old_orgpattern:=orgpattern; sstate.old_modeswitches:=current_settings.modeswitches; sstate.old_idtoken:=idtoken; sstate.valid:=true; { creating a new scanner resets the block type, while we want to continue in the current one } old_block_type:=block_type; current_scanner:=tscannerfile.Create('_Macro_.'+tempname,true); block_type:=old_block_type; { required for e.g. FpcDeepCopy record method (uses "out" parameter; field names are escaped via &, so should not cause conflicts } current_settings.modeswitches:=objfpcmodeswitches; end; procedure restore_scanner(const sstate: tscannerstate); begin if sstate.valid then begin current_scanner.free; current_scanner:=sstate.old_scanner; current_filepos:=sstate.old_filepos; token:=sstate.old_token; current_settings.modeswitches:=sstate.old_modeswitches; c:=sstate.old_c; orgpattern:=sstate.old_orgpattern; pattern:=upper(sstate.old_orgpattern); idtoken:=sstate.old_idtoken; end; end; function str_parse_method_dec(str: ansistring; potype: tproctypeoption; is_classdef: boolean; astruct: tabstractrecorddef; out pd: tprocdef): boolean; var oldparse_only: boolean; begin Message1(parser_d_internal_parser_string,str); oldparse_only:=parse_only; parse_only:=true; result:=false; { in case multiple strings are injected, make sure to always close the previous macro inputfile to prevent memory leaks } if assigned(current_scanner.inputfile) and not(current_scanner.inputfile.closed) then current_scanner.closeinputfile; { inject the string in the scanner } str:=str+'end;'; current_scanner.substitutemacro('meth_head_macro',@str[1],length(str),current_scanner.line_no,current_scanner.inputfile.ref_index); current_scanner.readtoken(false); { and parse it... } case potype of potype_class_constructor: pd:=class_constructor_head(astruct); potype_class_destructor: pd:=class_destructor_head(astruct); potype_constructor: pd:=constructor_head; potype_destructor: pd:=destructor_head; else if assigned(astruct) and (astruct.typ=recorddef) then pd:=parse_record_method_dec(astruct,is_classdef,false) else pd:=method_dec(astruct,is_classdef,false); end; if assigned(pd) then result:=true; parse_only:=oldparse_only; { remove the temporary macro input file again } current_scanner.closeinputfile; current_scanner.nextfile; current_scanner.tempopeninputfile; end; function str_parse_method_impl_with_fileinfo(str: ansistring; usefwpd: tprocdef; fileno, lineno: longint; is_classdef: boolean):boolean; var oldparse_only: boolean; tmpstr: ansistring; begin if ((status.verbosity and v_debug)<>0) then begin if assigned(usefwpd) then Message1(parser_d_internal_parser_string,usefwpd.customprocname([pno_proctypeoption,pno_paranames,pno_ownername,pno_noclassmarker,pno_noleadingdollar])+str) else begin if is_classdef then tmpstr:='class ' else tmpstr:=''; Message1(parser_d_internal_parser_string,tmpstr+str); end; end; oldparse_only:=parse_only; parse_only:=false; result:=false; { "const" starts a new kind of block and hence makes the scanner return } str:=str+'const;'; { inject the string in the scanner } current_scanner.substitutemacro('meth_impl_macro',@str[1],length(str),lineno,fileno); current_scanner.readtoken(false); { and parse it... } read_proc(is_classdef,usefwpd,false); parse_only:=oldparse_only; { remove the temporary macro input file again } current_scanner.closeinputfile; current_scanner.nextfile; current_scanner.tempopeninputfile; result:=true; end; function str_parse_method_impl(const str: ansistring; usefwpd: tprocdef; is_classdef: boolean):boolean; begin result:=str_parse_method_impl_with_fileinfo(str, usefwpd, current_scanner.inputfile.ref_index, current_scanner.line_no, is_classdef); end; procedure str_parse_typedconst(list: TAsmList; str: ansistring; ssym: tstaticvarsym); var old_block_type: tblock_type; old_parse_only: boolean; begin Message1(parser_d_internal_parser_string,str); { a string that will be interpreted as the start of a new section -> typed constant parsing will stop } str:=str+'type '; old_parse_only:=parse_only; old_block_type:=block_type; parse_only:=true; block_type:=bt_const; current_scanner.substitutemacro('typed_const_macro',@str[1],length(str),current_scanner.line_no,current_scanner.inputfile.ref_index); current_scanner.readtoken(false); read_typed_const(list,ssym,ssym.owner.symtabletype in [recordsymtable,objectsymtable]); parse_only:=old_parse_only; block_type:=old_block_type; { remove the temporary macro input file again } current_scanner.closeinputfile; current_scanner.nextfile; current_scanner.tempopeninputfile; end; function def_unit_name_prefix_if_toplevel(def: tdef): TSymStr; begin result:=''; { if the routine is a global routine in a unit, explicitly use this unit name to avoid accidentally calling other same-named routines that may be in scope } if not assigned(def.owner.defowner) and assigned(def.owner.realname) and (def.owner.moduleid<>0) then result:=def.owner.realname^+'.'; end; procedure add_missing_parent_constructors_intf(obj: tobjectdef; addvirtclassmeth: boolean; forcevis: tvisibility); var parent: tobjectdef; def: tdef; parentpd, childpd: tprocdef; i: longint; srsym: tsym; srsymtable: tsymtable; begin if (oo_is_external in obj.objectoptions) or not assigned(obj.childof) then exit; parent:=obj.childof; { find all constructor in the parent } for i:=0 to tobjectsymtable(parent.symtable).deflist.count-1 do begin def:=tdef(tobjectsymtable(parent.symtable).deflist[i]); if (def.typ<>procdef) or ((tprocdef(def).proctypeoption<>potype_constructor) and (not addvirtclassmeth or not([po_classmethod,po_virtualmethod]<=tprocdef(def).procoptions))) or not is_visible_for_object(tprocdef(def),obj) then continue; parentpd:=tprocdef(def); { do we have this constructor too? (don't use search_struct_member/searchsym_in_class, since those will search parents too) } if searchsym_in_record(obj,parentpd.procsym.name,srsym,srsymtable) then begin { there's a symbol with the same name, is it a routine of the same type with the same parameters? } if srsym.typ=procsym then begin childpd:=tprocsym(srsym).find_procdef_bytype_and_para( tprocdef(def).proctypeoption,parentpd.paras,nil, [cpo_ignorehidden,cpo_ignoreuniv,cpo_openequalisexact]); if assigned(childpd) then continue; end; end; { if we get here, we did not find it in the current objectdef -> add } childpd:=tprocdef(parentpd.getcopy); { get rid of the import name for inherited virtual class methods, it has to be regenerated rather than amended } if [po_classmethod,po_virtualmethod]<=childpd.procoptions then begin stringdispose(childpd.import_name); exclude(childpd.procoptions,po_has_importname); end; if forcevis<>vis_none then childpd.visibility:=forcevis; if po_virtualmethod in childpd.procoptions then include(childpd.procoptions,po_overridingmethod); { ignore this artificially added procdef when looking for overloads } include(childpd.procoptions,po_ignore_for_overload_resolution); finish_copied_procdef(childpd,parentpd.procsym.realname,obj.symtable,obj); exclude(childpd.procoptions,po_external); childpd.synthetickind:=tsk_anon_inherited; include(obj.objectoptions,oo_has_constructor); end; end; procedure implement_anon_inherited(pd: tprocdef); var str: ansistring; isclassmethod: boolean; begin isclassmethod:= (po_classmethod in pd.procoptions) and not(pd.proctypeoption in [potype_constructor,potype_destructor]); str:='begin '; if (pd.proctypeoption<>potype_constructor) and not is_void(pd.returndef) then str:=str+'result:='; str:=str+'inherited end;'; str_parse_method_impl(str,pd,isclassmethod); end; procedure implement_jvm_clone(pd: tprocdef); var struct: tabstractrecorddef; str: ansistring; i: longint; sym: tsym; fsym: tfieldvarsym; begin if not(pd.struct.typ in [recorddef,objectdef]) then internalerror(2011032802); struct:=pd.struct; { anonymous record types must get an artificial name, so we can generate a typecast at the scanner level } if (struct.typ=recorddef) and not assigned(struct.typesym) then internalerror(2011032812); { We cannot easily use the inherited clone in case we have to create a deep copy of certain fields. The reason is that e.g. sets are pointers at the JVM level, but not in Pascal. So the JVM clone routine will copy the pointer to the set from the old record (= class instance) to the new one, but we have no way to change this pointer itself from inside Pascal code. We solve this by relying on the fact that the JVM is garbage collected: we simply declare a temporary instance on the stack, which will be allocated/initialized by the temp generator. We return its address as the result of the clone routine, so it remains live. } str:='var __fpc_newcopy:'+ struct.typesym.realname+'; begin clone:=JLObject(@__fpc_newcopy);'; { copy all field contents } for i:=0 to struct.symtable.symlist.count-1 do begin sym:=tsym(struct.symtable.symlist[i]); if (sym.typ=fieldvarsym) then begin fsym:=tfieldvarsym(sym); str:=str+'__fpc_newcopy.&'+fsym.realname+':=&'+fsym.realname+';'; end; end; str:=str+'end;'; str_parse_method_impl(str,pd,false); end; procedure implement_record_deepcopy(pd: tprocdef); var struct: tabstractrecorddef; str: ansistring; i: longint; sym: tsym; fsym: tfieldvarsym; begin if not(pd.struct.typ in [recorddef,objectdef]) then internalerror(2011032810); struct:=pd.struct; { anonymous record types must get an artificial name, so we can generate a typecast at the scanner level } if (struct.typ=recorddef) and not assigned(struct.typesym) then internalerror(2011032811); { copy all fields } str:='type _fpc_ptrt = ^'+struct.typesym.realname+'; var res: _fpc_ptrt; begin res:=_fpc_ptrt(result);'; for i:=0 to struct.symtable.symlist.count-1 do begin sym:=tsym(struct.symtable.symlist[i]); if (sym.typ=fieldvarsym) then begin fsym:=tfieldvarsym(sym); str:=str+'res^.&'+fsym.realname+':=&'+fsym.realname+';'; end; end; str:=str+'end;'; str_parse_method_impl(str,pd,false); end; procedure implement_record_initialize(pd: tprocdef); var struct: tabstractrecorddef; str: ansistring; i: longint; sym: tsym; fsym: tfieldvarsym; begin if not(pd.struct.typ in [recorddef,objectdef]) then internalerror(2011071710); struct:=pd.struct; { anonymous record types must get an artificial name, so we can generate a typecast at the scanner level } if (struct.typ=recorddef) and not assigned(struct.typesym) then internalerror(2011032811); { walk over all fields that need initialization } str:='begin '; for i:=0 to struct.symtable.symlist.count-1 do begin sym:=tsym(struct.symtable.symlist[i]); if (sym.typ=fieldvarsym) then begin fsym:=tfieldvarsym(sym); if fsym.vardef.needs_inittable then str:=str+'system.initialize(&'+fsym.realname+');'; end; end; str:=str+'end;'; str_parse_method_impl(str,pd,false); end; procedure implement_empty(pd: tprocdef); var str: ansistring; isclassmethod: boolean; begin isclassmethod:= (po_classmethod in pd.procoptions) and not(pd.proctypeoption in [potype_constructor,potype_destructor]); str:='begin end;'; str_parse_method_impl(str,pd,isclassmethod); end; procedure addvisibleparameters(var str: ansistring; pd: tprocdef); var currpara: tparavarsym; i: longint; firstpara: boolean; begin firstpara:=true; for i:=0 to pd.paras.count-1 do begin currpara:=tparavarsym(pd.paras[i]); if not(vo_is_hidden_para in currpara.varoptions) then begin if not firstpara then str:=str+','; firstpara:=false; str:=str+'&'+currpara.realname; end; end; end; procedure implement_callthrough(pd: tprocdef); var str: ansistring; callpd: tprocdef; isclassmethod: boolean; begin isclassmethod:= (po_classmethod in pd.procoptions) and not(pd.proctypeoption in [potype_constructor,potype_destructor]); callpd:=tprocdef(pd.skpara); str:='begin '; if pd.returndef<>voidtype then str:=str+'result:='; { if the routine is a global routine in a unit/program, explicitly mnetion this program/unit name to avoid accidentally calling other same-named routines that may be in scope } str:=str+def_unit_name_prefix_if_toplevel(callpd)+callpd.procsym.realname+'('; addvisibleparameters(str,pd); str:=str+') end;'; str_parse_method_impl(str,pd,isclassmethod); end; {$ifdef jvm} procedure implement_jvm_enum_values(pd: tprocdef); begin str_parse_method_impl('begin result:=__fpc_FVALUES end;',pd,true); end; procedure implement_jvm_enum_valuof(pd: tprocdef); begin str_parse_method_impl('begin result:=__FPC_TEnumClassAlias(inherited valueOf(JLClass(__FPC_TEnumClassAlias),__fpc_str)) end;',pd,true); end; procedure implement_jvm_enum_jumps_constr(pd: tprocdef); begin str_parse_method_impl('begin inherited create(__fpc_name,__fpc_ord); __fpc_fenumval:=__fpc_initenumval end;',pd,false); end; procedure implement_jvm_enum_fpcordinal(pd: tprocdef); var enumclass: tobjectdef; enumdef: tenumdef; begin enumclass:=tobjectdef(pd.owner.defowner); enumdef:=tenumdef(ttypesym(search_struct_member(enumclass,'__FPC_TENUMALIAS')).typedef); if not enumdef.has_jumps then str_parse_method_impl('begin result:=ordinal end;',pd,false) else str_parse_method_impl('begin result:=__fpc_fenumval end;',pd,false); end; procedure implement_jvm_enum_fpcvalueof(pd: tprocdef); var enumclass: tobjectdef; enumdef: tenumdef; isclassmethod: boolean; begin isclassmethod:= (po_classmethod in pd.procoptions) and not(pd.proctypeoption in [potype_constructor,potype_destructor]); enumclass:=tobjectdef(pd.owner.defowner); enumdef:=tenumdef(ttypesym(search_struct_member(enumclass,'__FPC_TENUMALIAS')).typedef); { convert integer to corresponding enum instance: in case of no jumps get it from the $VALUES array, otherwise from the __fpc_ord2enum hashmap } if not enumdef.has_jumps then str_parse_method_impl('begin result:=__fpc_FVALUES[__fpc_int] end;',pd,isclassmethod) else str_parse_method_impl('begin result:=__FPC_TEnumClassAlias(__fpc_ord2enum.get(JLInteger.valueOf(__fpc_int))) end;',pd,isclassmethod); end; function CompareEnumSyms(Item1, Item2: Pointer): Integer; var I1 : tenumsym absolute Item1; I2 : tenumsym absolute Item2; begin Result:=I1.value-I2.value; end; procedure implement_jvm_enum_classconstr(pd: tprocdef); var enumclass: tobjectdef; enumdef: tenumdef; enumname, str: ansistring; i: longint; enumsym: tenumsym; orderedenums: tfpobjectlist; begin enumclass:=tobjectdef(pd.owner.defowner); enumdef:=tenumdef(ttypesym(search_struct_member(enumclass,'__FPC_TENUMALIAS')).typedef); if not assigned(enumdef) then internalerror(2011062305); str:='begin '; if enumdef.has_jumps then { init hashmap for ordinal -> enum instance mapping; don't let it grow, and set the capacity to the next prime following the total number of enum elements to minimise the number of collisions } str:=str+'__fpc_ord2enum:=JUHashMap.Create('+tostr(next_prime(enumdef.symtable.symlist.count))+',1.0);'; { iterate over all enum elements and initialise the class fields, and store them in the values array. Since the java.lang.Enum doCompare method is final and hardcoded to compare based on declaration order (= java.lang.Enum.ordinal() value), we have to create them in order of ascending FPC ordinal values (which may not be the same as the FPC declaration order in case of jumps } orderedenums:=tfpobjectlist.create(false); for i:=0 to enumdef.symtable.symlist.count-1 do orderedenums.add(enumdef.symtable.symlist[i]); if enumdef.has_jumps then orderedenums.sort(@CompareEnumSyms); for i:=0 to orderedenums.count-1 do begin enumsym:=tenumsym(orderedenums[i]); enumname:=enumsym.realname; str:=str+enumsym.name+':=__FPC_TEnumClassAlias.Create('''+enumname+''','+tostr(i); if enumdef.has_jumps then str:=str+','+tostr(enumsym.value); str:=str+');'; { alias for $VALUES array used internally by the JDK, and also by FPC in case of no jumps } str:=str+'__fpc_FVALUES['+tostr(i)+']:='+enumname+';'; if enumdef.has_jumps then str:=str+'__fpc_ord2enum.put(JLInteger.valueOf('+tostr(enumsym.value)+'),'+enumname+');'; end; orderedenums.free; str:=str+' end;'; str_parse_method_impl(str,pd,true); end; procedure implement_jvm_enum_long2set(pd: tprocdef); begin str_parse_method_impl( 'var '+ 'i, setval: jint;'+ 'begin '+ 'result:=JUEnumSet.noneOf(JLClass(__FPC_TEnumClassAlias));'+ 'if __val<>0 then '+ 'begin '+ '__setsize:=__setsize*8;'+ 'for i:=0 to __setsize-1 do '+ // setsize-i because JVM = big endian 'if (__val and (jlong(1) shl (__setsize-i)))<>0 then '+ 'result.add(fpcValueOf(i+__setbase));'+ 'end '+ 'end;', pd,true); end; procedure implement_jvm_enum_bitset2set(pd: tprocdef); begin str_parse_method_impl( 'var '+ 'i, setval: jint;'+ 'begin '+ 'result:=JUEnumSet.noneOf(JLClass(__FPC_TEnumClassAlias));'+ 'i:=__val.nextSetBit(0);'+ 'while i>=0 do '+ 'begin '+ 'setval:=-__fromsetbase;'+ 'result.add(fpcValueOf(setval+__tosetbase));'+ 'i:=__val.nextSetBit(i+1);'+ 'end '+ 'end;', pd,true); end; procedure implement_jvm_enum_set2set(pd: tprocdef); begin str_parse_method_impl( 'var '+ 'it: JUIterator;'+ 'ele: FpcEnumValueObtainable;'+ 'i: longint;'+ 'begin '+ 'result:=JUEnumSet.noneOf(JLClass(__FPC_TEnumClassAlias));'+ 'it:=__val.iterator;'+ 'while it.hasNext do '+ 'begin '+ 'ele:=FpcEnumValueObtainable(it.next);'+ 'i:=ele.fpcOrdinal-__fromsetbase;'+ 'result.add(fpcValueOf(i+__tosetbase));'+ 'end '+ 'end;', pd,true); end; procedure implement_jvm_procvar_invoke(pd: tprocdef); var pvclass: tobjectdef; procvar: tprocvardef; paraname,str,endstr: ansistring; pvs: tparavarsym; paradef,boxdef,boxargdef: tdef; i: longint; firstpara: boolean; begin pvclass:=tobjectdef(pd.owner.defowner); procvar:=tprocvardef(ttypesym(search_struct_member(pvclass,'__FPC_PROCVARALIAS')).typedef); { the procvar wrapper class has a tmethod member called "method", whose "code" field is a JLRMethod, and whose "data" field is the self pointer if any (if none is required, it's ignored by the JVM, so there's no problem with always passing it) } { force extended syntax to allow calling invokeObjectFunc() without using its result } str:=''; endstr:=''; { create local pointer to result type for typecasting in case of an implicit pointer type } if jvmimplicitpointertype(procvar.returndef) then str:=str+'type __FPC_returnptrtype = ^'+procvar.returndef.typename+';'; str:=str+'begin '; { result handling (skip for generic definitions, we'll generate a new version for the specialized definition) ) } if not is_void(procvar.returndef) and (procvar.returndef.typ<>undefineddef) then begin str:=str+'invoke:='; if procvar.returndef.typ in [orddef,floatdef] then begin { primitivetype(boxtype(..).unboxmethod) } jvmgetboxtype(procvar.returndef,boxdef,boxargdef,false); str:=str+procvar.returndef.typename+'('+boxdef.typename+'('; endstr:=').'+jvmgetunboxmethod(procvar.returndef)+')'; end else if jvmimplicitpointertype(procvar.returndef) then begin str:=str+'__FPC_returnptrtype('; { dereference } endstr:=')^'; end else begin str:=str+procvar.returndef.typename+'('; endstr:=')'; end; end; str:=str+'invokeObjectFunc(['; { parameters are a constant array of jlobject } firstpara:=true; for i:=0 to procvar.paras.count-1 do begin { skip self/vmt/parentfp, passed separately } pvs:=tparavarsym(procvar.paras[i]); if ([vo_is_self,vo_is_vmt,vo_is_parentfp]*pvs.varoptions)<>[] then continue; if not firstpara then str:=str+','; firstpara:=false; paraname:=pvs.realname; paradef:=pvs.vardef; { Pascalize hidden high parameter } if vo_is_high_para in pvs.varoptions then paraname:='high('+tparavarsym(procvar.paras[i-1]).realname+')' else if vo_is_hidden_para in pvs.varoptions then begin if ([vo_is_range_check,vo_is_overflow_check]*pvs.varoptions)<>[] then { ok, simple boolean parameters } else internalerror(2011072403); end; { var/out/constref parameters -> pass address through (same for implicit pointer types) } if paramanager.push_copyout_param(pvs.varspez,paradef,procvar.proccalloption) or jvmimplicitpointertype(paradef) then begin paraname:='@'+paraname; paradef:=java_jlobject; end; if paradef.typ in [orddef,floatdef] then begin { box primitive types; use valueOf() rather than create because it can give better performance } jvmgetboxtype(paradef,boxdef,boxargdef,false); str:=str+boxdef.typename+'.valueOf('+boxargdef.typename+'('+paraname+'))' end else str:=str+'JLObject('+paraname+')'; end; str:=str+'])'+endstr+' end;'; str_parse_method_impl(str,pd,false) end; procedure implement_jvm_procvar_intconstr(pd: tprocdef); var pvdef: tprocvardef; begin { ideal, and most performant, would be to keep the interface instance passed to the constructor around and always call its method directly rather than working via reflection. Unfortunately, the procvar semantics that allow directly modifying the procvar via typecasting it to a tmethod make this very hard. So for now we simply take the address of the interface instance's method and assign it to the tmethod of this procvar } pvdef:=tprocvardef(pd.skpara); str_parse_method_impl('begin method:=System.TMethod(@__intf.'+pvdef.typesym.RealName+'Callback) end;',pd,false); end; procedure implement_jvm_virtual_clmethod(pd: tprocdef); var str: ansistring; callpd: tprocdef; begin callpd:=tprocdef(pd.skpara); str:='var pv: __fpc_virtualclassmethod_pv_t'+pd.unique_id_str+'; begin ' + 'pv:=@'+callpd.procsym.RealName+';'; if (pd.proctypeoption<>potype_constructor) and not is_void(pd.returndef) then str:=str+'result:='; str:=str+'pv('; addvisibleparameters(str,pd); str:=str+') end;'; str_parse_method_impl(str,pd,true) end; {$endif jvm} procedure implement_field_getter(pd: tprocdef); var i: longint; pvs: tparavarsym; str: ansistring; callthroughprop: tpropertysym; propaccesslist: tpropaccesslist; lastparanr: longint; firstpara: boolean; begin callthroughprop:=tpropertysym(pd.skpara); str:='begin result:='+callthroughprop.realname; if ppo_hasparameters in callthroughprop.propoptions then begin if not callthroughprop.getpropaccesslist(palt_read,propaccesslist) then internalerror(2012100701); str:=str+'['; firstpara:=true; lastparanr:=tprocdef(propaccesslist.procdef).paras.count-1; if ppo_indexed in callthroughprop.propoptions then dec(lastparanr); for i:=0 to lastparanr do begin { skip self/vmt/parentfp, passed implicitly } pvs:=tparavarsym(tprocdef(propaccesslist.procdef).paras[i]); if ([vo_is_self,vo_is_vmt,vo_is_parentfp]*pvs.varoptions)<>[] then continue; if not firstpara then str:=str+','; firstpara:=false; str:=str+pvs.realname; end; str:=str+']'; end; str:=str+'; end;'; str_parse_method_impl(str,pd,po_classmethod in pd.procoptions) end; procedure implement_field_setter(pd: tprocdef); var i, lastparaindex: longint; pvs: tparavarsym; paraname, str: ansistring; callthroughprop: tpropertysym; propaccesslist: tpropaccesslist; firstpara: boolean; begin callthroughprop:=tpropertysym(pd.skpara); str:='begin '+callthroughprop.realname; if not callthroughprop.getpropaccesslist(palt_write,propaccesslist) then internalerror(2012100702); if ppo_hasparameters in callthroughprop.propoptions then begin str:=str+'['; firstpara:=true; { last parameter is the value to be set, skip (only add index parameters here) } lastparaindex:=tprocdef(propaccesslist.procdef).paras.count-2; if ppo_indexed in callthroughprop.propoptions then dec(lastparaindex); for i:=0 to lastparaindex do begin { skip self/vmt/parentfp/index, passed implicitly } pvs:=tparavarsym(tprocdef(propaccesslist.procdef).paras[i]); if ([vo_is_self,vo_is_vmt,vo_is_parentfp]*pvs.varoptions)<>[] then continue; if not firstpara then str:=str+','; firstpara:=false; str:=str+pvs.realname; end; str:=str+']'; end; { the value-to-be-set } if assigned(propaccesslist.procdef) then begin pvs:=tparavarsym(tprocdef(propaccesslist.procdef).paras[tprocdef(propaccesslist.procdef).paras.count-1]); paraname:=pvs.realname; end else paraname:='__fpc_newval__'; str:=str+':='+paraname+'; end;'; str_parse_method_impl(str,pd,po_classmethod in pd.procoptions) end; procedure implement_block_invoke_procvar(pd: tprocdef); var str: ansistring; begin str:=''; str:='begin '; if pd.returndef<>voidtype then str:=str+'result:='; str:=str+'__FPC_BLOCK_INVOKE_PV_TYPE(PFPC_Block_literal_complex_procvar(FPC_Block_Self)^.pv)('; addvisibleparameters(str,pd); str:=str+') end;'; str_parse_method_impl(str,pd,false); end; procedure implement_interface_wrapper(pd: tprocdef); var wrapperinfo: pskpara_interface_wrapper; callthroughpd: tprocdef; str: ansistring; fileinfo: tfileposinfo; begin wrapperinfo:=pskpara_interface_wrapper(pd.skpara); if not assigned(wrapperinfo) then internalerror(2015090801); callthroughpd:=tprocdef(wrapperinfo^.pd); str:='begin '; { self right now points to the VMT of interface inside the instance -> adjust so it points to the start of the instance } str:=str+'pointer(self):=pointer(self) - '+tostr(wrapperinfo^.offset)+';'; { now call through to the actual method } if pd.returndef<>voidtype then str:=str+'result:='; str:=str+'&'+callthroughpd.procsym.realname+'('; addvisibleparameters(str,pd); str:=str+') end;'; { add dummy file info so we can step in/through it } if pd.owner.iscurrentunit then fileinfo:=pd.fileinfo else begin fileinfo.moduleindex:=current_module.moduleid; fileinfo.fileindex:=1; fileinfo.line:=1; fileinfo.column:=1; end; str_parse_method_impl_with_fileinfo(str,pd,fileinfo.fileindex,fileinfo.line,false); dispose(wrapperinfo); pd.skpara:=nil; end; procedure implement_call_no_parameters(pd: tprocdef); var callpd: tprocdef; str: ansistring; warningson, isclassmethod: boolean; begin { avoid warnings about unset function results in these abstract wrappers } warningson:=(status.verbosity and V_Warning)<>0; setverbosity('W-'); str:='begin '; callpd:=tprocdef(pd.skpara); str:=str+def_unit_name_prefix_if_toplevel(callpd)+callpd.procsym.realname+'; end;'; isclassmethod:= (po_classmethod in pd.procoptions) and not(pd.proctypeoption in [potype_constructor,potype_destructor]); str_parse_method_impl(str,pd,isclassmethod); if warningson then setverbosity('W+'); end; procedure add_synthetic_method_implementations_for_st(st: tsymtable); var i : longint; def : tdef; pd : tprocdef; begin for i:=0 to st.deflist.count-1 do begin def:=tdef(st.deflist[i]); if (def.typ<>procdef) then continue; { skip methods when processing unit symtable } if def.owner<>st then continue; pd:=tprocdef(def); case pd.synthetickind of tsk_none: ; tsk_anon_inherited: implement_anon_inherited(pd); tsk_jvm_clone: implement_jvm_clone(pd); tsk_record_deepcopy: implement_record_deepcopy(pd); tsk_record_initialize: implement_record_initialize(pd); tsk_empty, { special handling for this one is done in tnodeutils.wrap_proc_body } tsk_tcinit: implement_empty(pd); tsk_callthrough: implement_callthrough(pd); tsk_callthrough_nonabstract: begin if (pd.owner.defowner.typ<>objectdef) or (tobjectdef(pd.owner.defowner).abstractcnt=0) then implement_callthrough(pd) else implement_empty(pd); end; {$ifdef jvm} tsk_jvm_enum_values: implement_jvm_enum_values(pd); tsk_jvm_enum_valueof: implement_jvm_enum_valuof(pd); tsk_jvm_enum_classconstr: implement_jvm_enum_classconstr(pd); tsk_jvm_enum_jumps_constr: implement_jvm_enum_jumps_constr(pd); tsk_jvm_enum_fpcordinal: implement_jvm_enum_fpcordinal(pd); tsk_jvm_enum_fpcvalueof: implement_jvm_enum_fpcvalueof(pd); tsk_jvm_enum_long2set: implement_jvm_enum_long2set(pd); tsk_jvm_enum_bitset2set: implement_jvm_enum_bitset2set(pd); tsk_jvm_enum_set2set: implement_jvm_enum_set2set(pd); tsk_jvm_procvar_invoke: implement_jvm_procvar_invoke(pd); tsk_jvm_procvar_intconstr: implement_jvm_procvar_intconstr(pd); tsk_jvm_virtual_clmethod: implement_jvm_virtual_clmethod(pd); {$endif jvm} tsk_field_getter: implement_field_getter(pd); tsk_field_setter: implement_field_setter(pd); tsk_block_invoke_procvar: implement_block_invoke_procvar(pd); tsk_interface_wrapper: implement_interface_wrapper(pd); tsk_call_no_parameters: implement_call_no_parameters(pd); else internalerror(2011032801); end; end; end; procedure add_synthetic_method_implementations(st: tsymtable); var i: longint; def: tdef; sstate: tscannerstate; begin { skip if any errors have occurred, since then this can only cause more errors } if ErrorCount<>0 then exit; replace_scanner('synthetic_impl',sstate); add_synthetic_method_implementations_for_st(st); for i:=0 to st.deflist.count-1 do begin def:=tdef(st.deflist[i]); if (def.typ=procdef) and assigned(tprocdef(def).localst) and { not true for the "main" procedure, whose localsymtable is the staticsymtable } (tprocdef(def).localst.symtabletype=localsymtable) then add_synthetic_method_implementations(tprocdef(def).localst) else if ((def.typ=objectdef) and not(oo_is_external in tobjectdef(def).objectoptions)) or (def.typ=recorddef) then begin { also complete nested types } add_synthetic_method_implementations(tabstractrecorddef(def).symtable); end; end; restore_scanner(sstate); end; function create_procdef_alias(pd: tprocdef; const newrealname: string; const newmangledname: TSymStr; newparentst: tsymtable; newstruct: tabstractrecorddef; sk: tsynthetickind; skpara: pointer): tprocdef; begin { bare copy so we don't copy the aliasnames (specify prefix for parameter names so we don't get issues in the body in case we e.g. reference system.initialize and one of the parameters is called "system") } result:=tprocdef(pd.getcopyas(procdef,pc_bareproc,'__FPCW_')); { set the mangled name to the wrapper name } result.setmangledname(newmangledname); { finish creating the copy } finish_copied_procdef(result,newrealname,newparentst,newstruct); { now insert self/vmt } insert_self_and_vmt_para(result); { and the function result } insert_funcret_para(result); { recalculate the parameters now that we've added the missing ones } result.calcparas; { set the info required to generate the implementation } result.synthetickind:=sk; result.skpara:=skpara; end; procedure finish_copied_procdef(var pd: tprocdef; const realname: string; newparentst: tsymtable; newstruct: tabstractrecorddef); var sym: tsym; parasym: tparavarsym; ps: tprocsym; stname: string; i: longint; begin { add generic flag if required } if assigned(newstruct) and (df_generic in newstruct.defoptions) then include(pd.defoptions,df_generic); { associate the procdef with a procsym in the owner } if not(pd.proctypeoption in [potype_class_constructor,potype_class_destructor]) then stname:=upper(realname) else stname:=lower(realname); sym:=tsym(newparentst.find(stname)); if assigned(sym) then begin if sym.typ<>procsym then internalerror(2011040601); ps:=tprocsym(sym); end else begin ps:=cprocsym.create(realname); newparentst.insert(ps); end; pd.procsym:=ps; pd.struct:=newstruct; { in case of methods, replace the special parameter types with new ones } if assigned(newstruct) then begin symtablestack.push(pd.parast); { may not be assigned in case we converted a procvar into a procdef } if assigned(pd.paras) then begin for i:=0 to pd.paras.count-1 do begin parasym:=tparavarsym(pd.paras[i]); if vo_is_self in parasym.varoptions then begin if parasym.vardef.typ=classrefdef then parasym.vardef:=cclassrefdef.create(newstruct) else parasym.vardef:=newstruct; end end; end; { also fix returndef in case of a constructor } if pd.proctypeoption=potype_constructor then pd.returndef:=newstruct; symtablestack.pop(pd.parast); end; pd.calcparas; proc_add_definition(pd); end; function maybe_add_sym_to_parentfpstruct(pd: tprocdef; sym: tsym; vardef: tdef; addrparam: boolean): tsym; var fieldvardef, nestedvarsdef: tdef; nestedvarsst: tsymtable; initcode: tnode; old_filepos: tfileposinfo; symname, symrealname: TSymStr; begin nestedvarsdef:=tlocalvarsym(pd.parentfpstruct).vardef; { redirect all aliases for the function result also to the function result } if vo_is_funcret in tabstractvarsym(sym).varoptions then begin symname:='result'; symrealname:='$result' end else begin symname:=sym.name; symrealname:=sym.realname; end; result:=search_struct_member(trecorddef(nestedvarsdef),symname); if not assigned(result) then begin { mark that this symbol is mirrored in the parentfpstruct } tabstractnormalvarsym(sym).inparentfpstruct:=true; { add field to the struct holding all locals accessed by nested routines } nestedvarsst:=trecorddef(nestedvarsdef).symtable; { indicate whether or not this is a var/out/constref/... parameter } if addrparam then fieldvardef:=cpointerdef.getreusable(vardef) else fieldvardef:=vardef; result:=cfieldvarsym.create(symrealname,vs_value,fieldvardef,[],true); if nestedvarsst.symlist.count=0 then include(tfieldvarsym(result).varoptions,vo_is_first_field); nestedvarsst.insert(result); trecordsymtable(nestedvarsst).addfield(tfieldvarsym(result),vis_public); { add initialization with original value if it's a parameter } if (sym.typ=paravarsym) then begin old_filepos:=current_filepos; fillchar(current_filepos,sizeof(current_filepos),0); initcode:=cloadnode.create(sym,sym.owner); { indicate that this load should not be transformed into a load from the parentfpstruct, but instead should load the original value } include(initcode.flags,nf_internal); { in case it's a var/out/constref parameter, store the address of the parameter in the struct } if addrparam then begin initcode:=caddrnode.create_internal(initcode); include(taddrnode(initcode).addrnodeflags,anf_typedaddr); end; initcode:=cassignmentnode.create( csubscriptnode.create(result,cloadnode.create(pd.parentfpstruct,pd.parentfpstruct.owner)), initcode); tblocknode(pd.parentfpinitblock).left:=cstatementnode.create (initcode,tblocknode(pd.parentfpinitblock).left); current_filepos:=old_filepos; end; end; end; procedure redirect_parentfpstruct_local_syms(pd: tprocdef); var nestedvarsdef: trecorddef; sl: tpropaccesslist; fsym, lsym, aliassym: tsym; i: longint; begin nestedvarsdef:=trecorddef(tlocalvarsym(pd.parentfpstruct).vardef); for i:=0 to nestedvarsdef.symtable.symlist.count-1 do begin fsym:=tsym(nestedvarsdef.symtable.symlist[i]); if fsym.typ<>fieldvarsym then continue; lsym:=tsym(pd.localst.find(fsym.name)); if not assigned(lsym) then lsym:=tsym(pd.parast.find(fsym.name)); if not assigned(lsym) then internalerror(2011060408); { add an absolute variable that redirects to the field } sl:=tpropaccesslist.create; sl.addsym(sl_load,pd.parentfpstruct); sl.addsym(sl_subscript,tfieldvarsym(fsym)); aliassym:=cabsolutevarsym.create_ref(lsym.name,tfieldvarsym(fsym).vardef,sl); { hide the original variable (can't delete, because there may be other loadnodes that reference it) -- only for locals; hiding parameters changes the function signature } if lsym.typ<>paravarsym then hidesym(lsym); { insert the absolute variable in the localst of the routine; ignore duplicates, because this will also check the parasymtable and we want to override parameters with our local versions } pd.localst.insert(aliassym,false); end; end; function find_sym_in_parentfpstruct(pd: tprocdef; sym: tsym): tsym; var nestedvarsdef: tdef; begin nestedvarsdef:=tlocalvarsym(pd.parentfpstruct).vardef; result:=search_struct_member(trecorddef(nestedvarsdef),sym.name); end; procedure finish_parentfpstruct(pd: tprocdef); begin trecordsymtable(trecorddef(tlocalvarsym(pd.parentfpstruct).vardef).symtable).addalignmentpadding; end; function make_field_static(recst: tsymtable; fieldvs: tfieldvarsym): tstaticvarsym; var static_name: string; hstaticvs: tstaticvarsym; tmp: tabsolutevarsym; sl: tpropaccesslist; begin include(fieldvs.symoptions,sp_static); { generate the symbol which reserves the space } static_name:=lower(generate_nested_name(recst,'_'))+'_'+fieldvs.name; hstaticvs:=cstaticvarsym.create_from_fieldvar(static_name,fieldvs); {$ifdef jvm} { for the JVM, static field accesses are name-based and hence we have to keep the original name of the field. Create a staticvarsym instead of a fieldvarsym so we can nevertheless use a loadn instead of a subscriptn though, since a subscriptn requires something to subscript and there is nothing in this case (class+field name will be encoded in the mangled symbol name) } recst.insert(hstaticvs); { only set the staticvarsym's basename (= field name, without any mangling), because generating the fully mangled name right now can result in a wrong string in case the field's type is a forward declared class whose external name will change when the actual definition is parsed } if (vo_has_mangledname in fieldvs.varoptions) then hstaticvs.set_mangledbasename(fieldvs.externalname^) else hstaticvs.set_mangledbasename(fieldvs.realname); { for definition in class file } hstaticvs.visibility:=fieldvs.visibility; {$else jvm} include(hstaticvs.symoptions,sp_internal); tabstractrecordsymtable(recst).get_unit_symtable.insert(hstaticvs); {$endif jvm} { generate the symbol for the access } sl:=tpropaccesslist.create; sl.addsym(sl_load,hstaticvs); { do *not* change the visibility of this absolutevarsym from vis_public to anything else, because its visibility is used by visibility checks after turning a class property referring to a class variable into a load node (handle_staticfield_access -> searchsym_in_class -> is_visible_for_object), which means that the load will fail if this symbol is e.g. "strict private" while the property is public } tmp:=cabsolutevarsym.create_ref('$'+static_name,fieldvs.vardef,sl); recst.insert(tmp); result:=hstaticvs; end; procedure call_through_new_name(orgpd: tprocdef; const newname: TSymStr); var newpd: tprocdef; begin { we have a forward declaration like procedure test; (in the unit interface or "forward") and then an implementation like procedure test; external name 'something'; To solve this, we create a new external procdef for the implementation, and then generate a procedure body for the original one that calls through to the external procdef. This is necessary because there may already be references to the mangled name for the non-external "test". } { prefixing the parameters here is useless, because the new procdef will just be an external declaration without a body } newpd:=tprocdef(orgpd.getcopyas(procdef,pc_bareproc,'')); insert_funcret_para(newpd); newpd.procoptions:=newpd.procoptions+orgpd.procoptions*[po_external,po_has_importname,po_has_importdll]; stringdispose(orgpd.import_name); stringdispose(orgpd.import_dll); orgpd.import_nr:=0; newpd.setmangledname(newname); finish_copied_procdef(newpd,'__FPC_IMPL_EXTERNAL_REDIRECT_'+newname,current_module.localsymtable,nil); newpd.forwarddef:=false; { ideally we would prefix the parameters of the original routine here, but since it can be an interface definition, we cannot do that without risking to change the interface crc } orgpd.skpara:=newpd; orgpd.synthetickind:=tsk_callthrough; orgpd.procoptions:=orgpd.procoptions-[po_external,po_has_importname,po_has_importdll]; orgpd.forwarddef:=true; end; function generate_pkg_stub(pd:tprocdef):tnode; begin if target_info.system in systems_all_windows+systems_nativent then begin insert_funcret_local(pd); result:=cassignmentnode.create( cloadnode.create(pd.funcretsym,pd.localst), cordconstnode.create(1,bool32type,false) ); end else result:=cnothingnode.create; end; end.