{ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl, Pierre Muller This unit handles the symbol tables This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit symtype; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses { common } cutils, cclasses, { global } globtype,globals,constexp, { symtable } symconst,symbase, { aasm } aasmbase,ppu,cpuinfo ; type {************************************************ Required Forwards ************************************************} tsym = class; Tcompilerppufile=class; {************************************************ TDef ************************************************} tgeTSymtable = (gs_none,gs_record,gs_local,gs_para); tdef = class(TDefEntry) typesym : tsym; { which type the definition was generated this def } { maybe it's useful to merge the dwarf and stabs debugging info with some hacking } { dwarf debugging } dwarf_lab : tasmsymbol; dwarf_ref_lab : tasmsymbol; { stabs debugging } stab_number : word; dbg_state : tdefdbgstatus; defoptions : tdefoptions; defstates : tdefstates; constructor create(dt:tdeftyp); procedure buildderef;virtual;abstract; procedure buildderefimpl;virtual;abstract; procedure deref;virtual;abstract; procedure derefimpl;virtual;abstract; function typename:string; function GetTypeName:string;virtual; function typesymbolprettyname:string;virtual; function mangledparaname:string; function getmangledparaname:TSymStr;virtual; function rtti_mangledname(rt:trttitype):string;virtual;abstract; function OwnerHierarchyName: string; virtual; abstract; function size:asizeint;virtual;abstract; function packedbitsize:asizeint;virtual; function alignment:shortint;virtual;abstract; { alignment when this type appears in a record/class/... } function structalignment:shortint;virtual; function getvardef:longint;virtual;abstract; function getparentdef:tdef;virtual; function geTSymtable(t:tgeTSymtable):TSymtable;virtual; function is_publishable:boolean;virtual;abstract; function needs_inittable:boolean;virtual;abstract; function needs_separate_initrtti:boolean;virtual;abstract; function is_related(def:tdef):boolean;virtual; procedure ChangeOwner(st:TSymtable); procedure register_created_object_type;virtual; end; {************************************************ TSym ************************************************} { this object is the base for all symbol objects } { tsym } tsym = class(TSymEntry) protected public fileinfo : tfileposinfo; { size of fileinfo is 10 bytes, so if a >word aligned type would follow, two bytes of memory would be wasted, so we put two one byte fields over here } visibility : tvisibility; isdbgwritten : boolean; symoptions : tsymoptions; refs : longint; reflist : TLinkedList; { deprecated optionally can have a message } deprecatedmsg: pshortstring; constructor create(st:tsymtyp;const aname:string); destructor destroy;override; function mangledname:TSymStr; virtual; function prettyname:string; virtual; procedure buildderef;virtual; procedure deref;virtual; procedure ChangeOwner(st:TSymtable); procedure IncRefCount; procedure IncRefCountBy(AValue : longint); procedure MaybeCreateRefList; procedure AddRef; end; tsymarr = array[0..maxlongint div sizeof(pointer)-1] of tsym; psymarr = ^tsymarr; {************************************************ TDeref ************************************************} tderef = object dataidx : longint; procedure reset; procedure build(s:TObject); function resolve:TObject; end; {************************************************ tpropaccesslist ************************************************} ppropaccesslistitem = ^tpropaccesslistitem; tpropaccesslistitem = record sltype : tsltype; next : ppropaccesslistitem; case byte of 0 : (sym : tsym; symderef : tderef); 1 : (value : TConstExprInt; valuedef: tdef; valuedefderef:tderef); 2 : (def: tdef; defderef:tderef); end; tpropaccesslist = class procdef : tdef; procdefderef : tderef; firstsym, lastsym : ppropaccesslistitem; constructor create; destructor destroy;override; function empty:boolean; procedure addsym(slt:tsltype;p:tsym); procedure addconst(slt:tsltype;v:TConstExprInt;d:tdef); procedure addtype(slt:tsltype;d:tdef); procedure addsymderef(slt:tsltype;d:tderef); procedure addconstderef(slt:tsltype;v:TConstExprInt;d:tderef); procedure addtypederef(slt:tsltype;d:tderef); procedure clear; procedure resolve; procedure buildderef; end; {************************************************ Tcompilerppufile ************************************************} tcompilerppufile=class(tppufile) public procedure checkerror; procedure getguid(var g: tguid); function getexprint:Tconstexprint; function getptruint:TConstPtrUInt; procedure getposinfo(var p:tfileposinfo); procedure getderef(var d:tderef); function getpropaccesslist:tpropaccesslist; function getasmsymbol:tasmsymbol; procedure putguid(const g: tguid); procedure putexprint(const v:tconstexprint); procedure PutPtrUInt(v:TConstPtrUInt); procedure putposinfo(const p:tfileposinfo); procedure putderef(const d:tderef); procedure putpropaccesslist(p:tpropaccesslist); procedure putasmsymbol(s:tasmsymbol); end; {$ifdef MEMDEBUG} var memmanglednames, memprocpara, memprocparast, memproclocalst, memprocnodetree : tmemdebug; {$endif MEMDEBUG} function FindUnitSymtable(st:TSymtable):TSymtable; implementation uses crefs, verbose, fmodule ; {**************************************************************************** Utils ****************************************************************************} function FindUnitSymtable(st:TSymtable):TSymtable; begin result:=nil; repeat if not assigned(st) then internalerror(200602034); case st.symtabletype of localmacrosymtable, exportedmacrosymtable, staticsymtable, globalsymtable : begin result:=st; exit; end; recordsymtable, enumsymtable, arraysymtable, localsymtable, parasymtable, ObjectSymtable : st:=st.defowner.owner; else internalerror(200602035); end; until false; end; {**************************************************************************** Tdef ****************************************************************************} constructor tdef.create(dt:tdeftyp); begin inherited create; typ:=dt; owner := nil; typesym := nil; defoptions:=[]; dbg_state:=dbg_state_unused; stab_number:=0; end; function tdef.typename:string; begin result:=OwnerHierarchyName; if assigned(typesym) and not(typ in [procvardef,procdef]) and (typesym.realname[1]<>'$') then result:=result+typesym.realname else result:=result+GetTypeName; end; function tdef.GetTypeName : string; begin GetTypeName:='' end; function tdef.typesymbolprettyname:string; begin result:=OwnerHierarchyName; if assigned(typesym) then result:=result+typesym.prettyname else result:=result+'' end; function tdef.mangledparaname:string; begin result:=OwnerHierarchyName; if assigned(typesym) then mangledparaname:=result+typesym.name else mangledparaname:=result+getmangledparaname; end; function tdef.getmangledparaname:TSymStr; begin result:=''; end; function tdef.getparentdef:tdef; begin result:=nil; end; function tdef.geTSymtable(t:tgeTSymtable):TSymtable; begin result:=nil; end; function tdef.is_related(def:tdef):boolean; begin result:=false; end; function tdef.packedbitsize:asizeint; begin result:=size * 8; end; function tdef.structalignment: shortint; begin result:=alignment; end; procedure tdef.ChangeOwner(st:TSymtable); begin // if assigned(Owner) then // Owner.DefList.List[i]:=nil; Owner:=st; Owner.DefList.Add(self); end; procedure tdef.register_created_object_type; begin end; {**************************************************************************** TSYM (base for all symtypes) ****************************************************************************} constructor tsym.create(st:tsymtyp;const aname:string); begin inherited CreateNotOwned; realname:=aname; typ:=st; RefList:=nil; symoptions:=[]; fileinfo:=current_tokenpos; isdbgwritten := false; visibility:=vis_public; deprecatedmsg:=nil; end; destructor Tsym.destroy; begin stringdispose(deprecatedmsg); if assigned(RefList) then RefList.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure Tsym.IncRefCount; begin inc(refs); if cs_browser in current_settings.moduleswitches then begin MaybeCreateRefList; AddRef; end; end; procedure Tsym.IncRefCountBy(AValue : longint); begin inc(refs,AValue); end; procedure Tsym.MaybeCreateRefList; begin if not assigned(reflist) then reflist:=TRefLinkedList.create; end; procedure Tsym.AddRef; var RefItem: TRefItem; begin RefItem:=TRefItem.Create(current_tokenpos); RefList.Concat(RefItem); end; procedure Tsym.buildderef; begin end; procedure Tsym.deref; begin end; function tsym.mangledname : TSymStr; begin internalerror(200204171); result:=''; end; function tsym.prettyname : string; begin result:=realname; end; procedure tsym.ChangeOwner(st:TSymtable); begin Owner:=st; inherited ChangeOwner(Owner.SymList); end; {**************************************************************************** tpropaccesslist ****************************************************************************} constructor tpropaccesslist.create; begin procdef:=nil; { needed for procedures } firstsym:=nil; lastsym:=nil; end; destructor tpropaccesslist.destroy; begin clear; end; function tpropaccesslist.empty:boolean; begin empty:=(firstsym=nil); end; procedure tpropaccesslist.clear; var hp : ppropaccesslistitem; begin while assigned(firstsym) do begin hp:=firstsym; firstsym:=firstsym^.next; dispose(hp); end; firstsym:=nil; lastsym:=nil; procdef:=nil; end; procedure tpropaccesslist.addsym(slt:tsltype;p:tsym); var hp : ppropaccesslistitem; begin new(hp); fillchar(hp^,sizeof(tpropaccesslistitem),0); hp^.sltype:=slt; hp^.sym:=p; hp^.symderef.reset; if assigned(lastsym) then lastsym^.next:=hp else firstsym:=hp; lastsym:=hp; end; procedure tpropaccesslist.addconst(slt:tsltype;v:TConstExprInt;d:tdef); var hp : ppropaccesslistitem; begin new(hp); fillchar(hp^,sizeof(tpropaccesslistitem),0); hp^.sltype:=slt; hp^.value:=v; hp^.valuedef:=d; hp^.valuedefderef.reset; if assigned(lastsym) then lastsym^.next:=hp else firstsym:=hp; lastsym:=hp; end; procedure tpropaccesslist.addtype(slt:tsltype;d:tdef); var hp : ppropaccesslistitem; begin new(hp); fillchar(hp^,sizeof(tpropaccesslistitem),0); hp^.sltype:=slt; hp^.def:=d; hp^.defderef.reset; if assigned(lastsym) then lastsym^.next:=hp else firstsym:=hp; lastsym:=hp; end; procedure tpropaccesslist.addsymderef(slt:tsltype;d:tderef); begin addsym(slt,nil); lastsym^.symderef:=d; end; procedure tpropaccesslist.addconstderef(slt:tsltype;v:TConstExprInt;d:tderef); begin addconst(slt,v,nil); lastsym^.valuedefderef:=d; end; procedure tpropaccesslist.addtypederef(slt:tsltype;d:tderef); begin addtype(slt,nil); lastsym^.defderef:=d; end; procedure tpropaccesslist.resolve; var hp : ppropaccesslistitem; begin procdef:=tdef(procdefderef.resolve); hp:=firstsym; while assigned(hp) do begin case hp^.sltype of sl_call, sl_load, sl_subscript : hp^.sym:=tsym(hp^.symderef.resolve); sl_absolutetype, sl_typeconv : hp^.def:=tdef(hp^.defderef.resolve); sl_vec: hp^.valuedef:=tdef(hp^.valuedefderef.resolve); else internalerror(200110205); end; hp:=hp^.next; end; end; procedure tpropaccesslist.buildderef; var hp : ppropaccesslistitem; begin procdefderef.build(procdef); hp:=firstsym; while assigned(hp) do begin case hp^.sltype of sl_call, sl_load, sl_subscript : hp^.symderef.build(hp^.sym); sl_absolutetype, sl_typeconv : hp^.defderef.build(hp^.def); sl_vec: hp^.valuedefderef.build(hp^.valuedef); else internalerror(200110205); end; hp:=hp^.next; end; end; {**************************************************************************** Tderef ****************************************************************************} procedure tderef.reset; begin dataidx:=-1; end; procedure tderef.build(s:TObject); var len : byte; st : TSymtable; data : array[0..255] of byte; idx : word; begin { skip length byte } len:=1; if assigned(s) then begin { TODO: ugly hack} if s is tsym then st:=FindUnitSymtable(tsym(s).owner) else st:=FindUnitSymtable(tdef(s).owner); if not st.iscurrentunit then begin { register that the unit is needed for resolving } data[len]:=ord(deref_unit); idx:=current_module.derefidx_unit(st.moduleid); data[len+1]:=idx shr 8 and $ff; data[len+2]:=idx and $ff; inc(len,3); end; if s is tsym then begin data[len]:=ord(deref_symid); data[len+1]:=tsym(s).symid shr 24 and $ff; data[len+2]:=tsym(s).symid shr 16 and $ff; data[len+3]:=tsym(s).symid shr 8 and $ff; data[len+4]:=tsym(s).symid and $ff; inc(len,5); end else begin data[len]:=ord(deref_defid); data[len+1]:=tdef(s).defid shr 24 and $ff; data[len+2]:=tdef(s).defid shr 16 and $ff; data[len+3]:=tdef(s).defid shr 8 and $ff; data[len+4]:=tdef(s).defid and $ff; inc(len,5); end; end else begin { nil pointer } data[len]:=ord(deref_nil); inc(len); end; { store data length in first byte } data[0]:=len-1; { store index and write to derefdata } dataidx:=current_module.derefdata.size; current_module.derefdata.write(data,len); end; function tderef.resolve:TObject; var pm : tmodule; typ : tdereftype; idx : longint; i : aint; len : byte; data : array[0..255] of byte; begin result:=nil; { not initialized or error } if dataidx<0 then internalerror(200306067); { read data } current_module.derefdata.seek(dataidx); if current_module.derefdata.read(len,1)<>1 then internalerror(200310221); if len>0 then begin if current_module.derefdata.read(data,len)<>len then internalerror(200310222); end; { process data } pm:=current_module; i:=0; while (i1 then internalerror(200306232); end; else internalerror(200212277); end; end; end; {***************************************************************************** TCompilerPPUFile *****************************************************************************} procedure tcompilerppufile.checkerror; begin if error then Message(unit_f_ppu_read_error); end; procedure tcompilerppufile.getguid(var g: tguid); begin longint(g.d1):=getlongint; g.d2:=getword; g.d3:=getword; getdata(g.d4,sizeof(g.d4)); end; function tcompilerppufile.getexprint:Tconstexprint; begin getexprint.overflow:=false; getexprint.signed:=boolean(getbyte); getexprint.svalue:=getint64; end; function tcompilerppufile.getPtrUInt:TConstPtrUInt; begin {$if sizeof(TConstPtrUInt)=8} result:=tconstptruint(getint64); {$else} result:=TConstPtrUInt(getlongint); {$endif} end; procedure tcompilerppufile.getposinfo(var p:tfileposinfo); var info : byte; begin { info byte layout in bits: 0-1 - amount of bytes for fileindex 2-3 - amount of bytes for line 4-5 - amount of bytes for column } info:=getbyte; case (info and $03) of 0 : p.fileindex:=getbyte; 1 : p.fileindex:=getword; 2 : p.fileindex:=(getbyte shl 16) or getword; 3 : p.fileindex:=getlongint; end; case ((info shr 2) and $03) of 0 : p.line:=getbyte; 1 : p.line:=getword; 2 : p.line:=(getbyte shl 16) or getword; 3 : p.line:=getlongint; end; case ((info shr 4) and $03) of 0 : p.column:=getbyte; 1 : p.column:=getword; 2 : p.column:=(getbyte shl 16) or getword; 3 : p.column:=getlongint; end; p.moduleindex:=current_module.unit_index; end; procedure tcompilerppufile.getderef(var d:tderef); begin d.dataidx:=getlongint; end; function tcompilerppufile.getpropaccesslist:tpropaccesslist; var hderef : tderef; slt : tsltype; idx : longint; p : tpropaccesslist; begin p:=tpropaccesslist.create; getderef(p.procdefderef); repeat slt:=tsltype(getbyte); case slt of sl_none : break; sl_call, sl_load, sl_subscript : begin getderef(hderef); p.addsymderef(slt,hderef); end; sl_absolutetype, sl_typeconv : begin getderef(hderef); p.addtypederef(slt,hderef); end; sl_vec : begin idx:=getlongint; getderef(hderef); p.addconstderef(slt,idx,hderef); end; else internalerror(200110204); end; until false; getpropaccesslist:=tpropaccesslist(p); end; function tcompilerppufile.getasmsymbol:tasmsymbol; begin getlongint; getasmsymbol:=nil; end; procedure tcompilerppufile.putposinfo(const p:tfileposinfo); var oldcrc : boolean; info : byte; begin { posinfo is not relevant for changes in PPU } oldcrc:=do_crc; do_crc:=false; { info byte layout in bits: 0-1 - amount of bytes for fileindex 2-3 - amount of bytes for line 4-5 - amount of bytes for column } info:=0; { calculate info byte } if (p.fileindex>$ff) then begin info:=info or $1; { uncomment this code if tfileposinfo.fileindex type was changed if (p.fileindex<=$ffff) then info:=info or $1 else if (p.fileindex<=$ffffff) then info:=info or $2 else info:=info or $3; } end; if (p.line>$ff) then begin if (p.line<=$ffff) then info:=info or $4 else if (p.line<=$ffffff) then info:=info or $8 else info:=info or $c; end; if (p.column>$ff) then begin info:=info or $10; { uncomment this code if tfileposinfo.column type was changed if (p.column<=$ffff) then info:=info or $10 else if (p.column<=$ffffff) then info:=info or $20 else info:=info or $30; } end; { write data } putbyte(info); case (info and $03) of 0 : putbyte(p.fileindex); 1 : putword(p.fileindex); 2 : begin putbyte(p.fileindex shr 16); putword(p.fileindex and $ffff); end; 3 : putlongint(p.fileindex); end; case ((info shr 2) and $03) of 0 : putbyte(p.line); 1 : putword(p.line); 2 : begin putbyte(p.line shr 16); putword(p.line and $ffff); end; 3 : putlongint(p.line); end; case ((info shr 4) and $03) of 0 : putbyte(p.column); 1 : putword(p.column); 2 : begin putbyte(p.column shr 16); putword(p.column and $ffff); end; 3 : putlongint(p.column); end; do_crc:=oldcrc; end; procedure tcompilerppufile.putguid(const g: tguid); begin putlongint(longint(g.d1)); putword(g.d2); putword(g.d3); putdata(g.d4,sizeof(g.d4)); end; procedure Tcompilerppufile.putexprint(const v:Tconstexprint); begin if v.overflow then internalerror(200706102); putbyte(byte(v.signed)); putint64(v.svalue); end; procedure tcompilerppufile.PutPtrUInt(v:TConstPtrUInt); begin {$if sizeof(TConstPtrUInt)=8} putint64(int64(v)); {$else} putlongint(longint(v)); {$endif} end; procedure tcompilerppufile.putderef(const d:tderef); var oldcrc : boolean; begin oldcrc:=do_crc; do_crc:=false; putlongint(d.dataidx); do_crc:=oldcrc; end; procedure tcompilerppufile.putpropaccesslist(p:tpropaccesslist); var hp : ppropaccesslistitem; begin putderef(p.procdefderef); hp:=p.firstsym; while assigned(hp) do begin putbyte(byte(hp^.sltype)); case hp^.sltype of sl_call, sl_load, sl_subscript : putderef(hp^.symderef); sl_absolutetype, sl_typeconv : putderef(hp^.defderef); sl_vec : begin putlongint(int64(hp^.value)); putderef(hp^.valuedefderef); end; else internalerror(200110205); end; hp:=hp^.next; end; putbyte(byte(sl_none)); end; procedure tcompilerppufile.putasmsymbol(s:tasmsymbol); begin putlongint(0); end; {$ifdef MEMDEBUG} initialization memmanglednames:=TMemDebug.create('Manglednames'); memmanglednames.stop; memprocpara:=TMemDebug.create('ProcPara'); memprocpara.stop; memprocparast:=TMemDebug.create('ProcParaSt'); memprocparast.stop; memproclocalst:=TMemDebug.create('ProcLocalSt'); memproclocalst.stop; memprocnodetree:=TMemDebug.create('ProcNodeTree'); memprocnodetree.stop; finalization memmanglednames.free; memprocpara.free; memprocparast.free; memproclocalst.free; memprocnodetree.free; {$endif MEMDEBUG} end.