{ Copyright (c) 2001-2002 by Peter Vreman This unit implements support import,export,link routines for MacOS. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit t_macos; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses import,symsym,symdef,link; type timportlibmacos=class(timportlib) procedure generatelib;override; end; tlinkermpw=class(texternallinker) private Function WriteResponseFile(isdll:boolean) : Boolean; public constructor Create;override; procedure SetDefaultInfo;override; function MakeExecutable:boolean;override; end; { used for crosscompiling, depends on Retro68 GNU binutils } TLinkerMacOS = class(texternallinker) private function WriteResponseFile(isdll: boolean): boolean; procedure SetMacOS68kInfo; function MakeMacOSExe: boolean; public constructor Create; override; procedure SetDefaultInfo; override; {procedure InitSysInitUnitName; override;} function MakeExecutable: boolean; override; end; implementation uses SysUtils, cutils,cfileutl,cclasses,aasmbase, globtype,globals,systems,verbose,cscript,fmodule,i_macos, ogbase, symconst; {***************************************************************************** TIMPORTLIBMACOS *****************************************************************************} procedure timportlibmacos.generatelib; var i : longint; ImportLibrary : TImportLibrary; begin for i:=0 to current_module.ImportLibraryList.Count-1 do begin ImportLibrary:=TImportLibrary(current_module.ImportLibraryList[i]); current_module.linkothersharedlibs.add(ImportLibrary.Name,link_always); end; end; {***************************************************************************** TLINKERMPW *****************************************************************************} Constructor TLinkerMPW.Create; begin Inherited Create; //LibrarySearchPath.AddLibraryPath(sysrootpath,'=/lib;=/usr/lib;=/usr/X11R6/lib',true); end; procedure TLinkerMPW.SetDefaultInfo; begin with Info do begin ExeCmd[1]:='Execute $RES'; {The link.res file contains the whole link command.} //ExeCmd[1]:='PPCLink $OPT $DYNLINK $STATIC $STRIP -tocdataref off -dead on -o $EXE -@filelist $RES'; //DllCmd[1]:='PPCLink $OPT $INIT $FINI $SONAME -shared -o $EXE -@filelist $RES'; end; end; Function TLinkerMPW.WriteResponseFile(isdll:boolean) : Boolean; Var linkres : TLinkRes; s,heapsizestr: string; begin WriteResponseFile:=False; { Open link.res file } linkRes:=TLinkRes.Create(outputexedir+Info.ResName,true); with linkRes do begin {#182 is escape char in MPW (analog to backslash in unix). The space} {ensures there is whitespace separating items.} Add('PPCLink '#182); { Add MPW standard libraries} if apptype = app_cui then Add('"{PPCLibraries}PPCSIOW.o" '#182); {Even GUI apps must link to PPCToolLibs, because of the System unit which can be used by MPW tools as well as by GUI apps.} Add('"{PPCLibraries}PPCToolLibs.o" '#182); Add('"{SharedLibraries}InterfaceLib" '#182); Add('"{SharedLibraries}StdCLib" '#182); Add('"{SharedLibraries}MathLib" '#182); Add('"{PPCLibraries}StdCRuntime.o" '#182); Add('"{PPCLibraries}PPCCRuntime.o" '#182); {Add main objectfiles} while not ObjectFiles.Empty do begin s:=ObjectFiles.GetFirst; if s<>'' then Add(s+' '#182); end; {Add last lines of the link command} if apptype = app_tool then Add('-t "MPST" -c "MPS " '#182); if apptype = app_cui then {If SIOW, to avoid some warnings.} Add('-ignoredups __start -ignoredups .__start -ignoredups main -ignoredups .main -ignoredups qd '#182); Add('-tocdataref off -sym on -dead on -o '+ ScriptFixFileName(current_module.exefilename)); Add('Exit If "{Status}" != 0'); if heapsize = 0 then heapsizestr:= HexStr(384000, 8) else heapsizestr:= HexStr(heapsize, 8); {Add a SIZE resource on the fly. It controls: * backgrounding is enabled, to facilitate debuging with Power Mac Debugger * it is signaled it is a 32 bit app. (perhaps not nessecary on PowerPC) * heapsize } if apptype <> app_tool then begin Add('Echo "data ''SIZE'' (-1) '#182'{ $'#182'"1080 ' + heapsizestr + ' ' + heapsizestr + #182'" '#182'};" | Rez -a -o ' + ScriptFixFileName(current_module.exefilename)); Add('Exit If "{Status}" != 0'); end; {Add mac resources} if apptype = app_cui then begin Add('Rez -a "{RIncludes}"SIOW.r -o ' + ScriptFixFileName(current_module.exefilename)); Add('Exit If "{Status}" != 0'); end; while not (current_module.ResourceFiles.Empty) do begin s := Current_module.ResourceFiles.GetFirst; if Copy(s,Length(s)-1,Length(s)) = '.r' then Add('Rez -a ' + s + ' -o ' + ScriptFixFileName(current_module.exefilename)) else Add('DeRez ' + s + ' | Rez -a -o ' + ScriptFixFileName(current_module.exefilename)); Add('Exit If "{Status}" != 0'); end; end; { Write and Close response } linkres.writetodisk; linkres.Free; WriteResponseFile:=True; end; function TLinkerMPW.MakeExecutable:boolean; var binstr, cmdstr : TCmdStr; success : boolean; DynLinkStr : string[60]; StaticStr, StripStr : string[40]; begin //TODO Only external link in MPW is possible, otherwise yell. if not(cs_link_nolink in current_settings.globalswitches) then Message1(exec_i_linking,current_module.exefilename); { Create some replacements } StripStr:=''; StaticStr:=''; DynLinkStr:=''; (* if (cs_link_staticflag in current_settings.globalswitches) then StaticStr:='-static'; if (cs_link_strip in current_settings.globalswitches) then StripStr:='-s'; If (cs_profile in current_settings.moduleswitches) or ((Info.DynamicLinker<>'') and (not SharedLibFiles.Empty)) then DynLinkStr:='-dynamic-linker='+Info.DynamicLinker; *) { Prepare linking } SplitBinCmd(Info.ExeCmd[1],binstr,cmdstr); Replace(cmdstr,'$EXE',maybequoted(ScriptFixFileName(current_module.exefilename))); Replace(cmdstr,'$OPT',Info.ExtraOptions); Replace(cmdstr,'$RES',maybequoted(ScriptFixFileName(outputexedir+Info.ResName))); Replace(cmdstr,'$STATIC',StaticStr); Replace(cmdstr,'$STRIP',StripStr); Replace(cmdstr,'$DYNLINK',DynLinkStr); WriteResponseFile(false); success:= true; if cs_link_on_target in current_settings.globalswitches then success:=DoExec('SetFile', ' -c ''MPS '' -t ''TEXT'' ' + ScriptFixFileName(outputexedir+Info.ResName),true,false); { Call linker } if success then success:=DoExec('Execute',CmdStr,true,false); { Remove ReponseFile } if (success) and not(cs_link_nolink in current_settings.globalswitches) then DeleteFile(outputexedir+Info.ResName); MakeExecutable:=success; { otherwise a recursive call to link method } end; {***************************************************************************** TLINKERMACOS *****************************************************************************} constructor TLinkerMacOS.Create; begin Inherited Create; { allow duplicated libs (PM) } SharedLibFiles.doubles:=true; StaticLibFiles.doubles:=true; end; procedure TLinkerMacOS.SetMacOS68kInfo; begin with Info do begin ExeCmd[1]:='ld $DYNLINK $GCSECTIONS $OPT -d -n -o $EXE $RES'; end end; procedure TLinkerMacOS.SetDefaultInfo; begin case (target_info.system) of system_m68k_macos: SetMacOS68kInfo; else ; end; end; {procedure TLinkerMacOS.InitSysInitUnitName; begin sysinitunit:='si_prc'; end;} function TLinkerMacOS.WriteResponseFile(isdll: boolean): boolean; var linkres : TLinkRes; i : longint; HPath : TCmdStrListItem; s : string; linklibc : boolean; begin WriteResponseFile:=False; { Open link.res file } LinkRes:=TLinkRes.Create(outputexedir+Info.ResName,true); { Write path to search libraries } HPath:=TCmdStrListItem(current_module.locallibrarysearchpath.First); while assigned(HPath) do begin s:=HPath.Str; if (cs_link_on_target in current_settings.globalswitches) then s:=ScriptFixFileName(s); LinkRes.Add('-L'+s); HPath:=TCmdStrListItem(HPath.Next); end; HPath:=TCmdStrListItem(LibrarySearchPath.First); while assigned(HPath) do begin s:=HPath.Str; if s<>'' then LinkRes.Add('SEARCH_DIR("'+s+'")'); HPath:=TCmdStrListItem(HPath.Next); end; LinkRes.Add('INPUT ('); { add objectfiles, start with prt0 always } if not (target_info.system in systems_internal_sysinit) then begin s:=FindObjectFile('prt0','',false); LinkRes.AddFileName(maybequoted(s)); end; while not ObjectFiles.Empty do begin s:=ObjectFiles.GetFirst; if s<>'' then begin LinkRes.AddFileName(maybequoted(s)); end; end; LinkRes.Add(')'); { Write staticlibraries } if not StaticLibFiles.Empty then begin LinkRes.Add('GROUP('); while not StaticLibFiles.Empty do begin S:=StaticLibFiles.GetFirst; LinkRes.AddFileName(maybequoted(s)); end; LinkRes.Add(')'); end; { Write sharedlibraries like -l, also add the needed dynamic linker here to be sure that it gets linked this is needed for glibc2 systems (PFV) } linklibc:=false; while not SharedLibFiles.Empty do begin S:=SharedLibFiles.GetFirst; if s<>'c' then begin i:=Pos(target_info.sharedlibext,S); if i>0 then Delete(S,i,255); LinkRes.Add('-l'+s); end else begin LinkRes.Add('-l'+s); linklibc:=true; end; end; { be sure that libc&libgcc is the last lib } if linklibc then begin LinkRes.Add('-lc'); LinkRes.Add('-lgcc'); end; { Write and Close response } linkres.writetodisk; linkres.free; WriteResponseFile:=True; end; function TLinkerMacOS.MakeMacOSExe: boolean; var BinStr, CmdStr : TCmdStr; StripStr: string[40]; DynLinkStr : string; GCSectionsStr : string; ExeName: string; begin StripStr:=''; GCSectionsStr:=''; DynLinkStr:=''; if (cs_link_strip in current_settings.globalswitches) then StripStr:='-s'; if rlinkpath<>'' then DynLinkStr:='--rpath-link '+rlinkpath; if create_smartlink_sections then GCSectionsStr:='--gc-sections '; ExeName:=current_module.exefilename; { Call linker } SplitBinCmd(Info.ExeCmd[1],BinStr,CmdStr); binstr:=FindUtil(utilsprefix+BinStr); Replace(cmdstr,'$OPT',Info.ExtraOptions); Replace(cmdstr,'$EXE',maybequoted(ScriptFixFileName(ExeName))); Replace(cmdstr,'$RES',maybequoted(ScriptFixFileName(outputexedir+Info.ResName))); Replace(cmdstr,'$STRIP',StripStr); Replace(cmdstr,'$GCSECTIONS',GCSectionsStr); Replace(cmdstr,'$DYNLINK',DynLinkStr); MakeMacOSExe:=DoExec(BinStr,CmdStr,true,false); end; function TLinkerMacOS.MakeExecutable:boolean; var success : boolean; begin if not(cs_link_nolink in current_settings.globalswitches) then Message1(exec_i_linking,current_module.exefilename); { Write used files and libraries } WriteResponseFile(false); success:=MakeMacOSExe; { Remove ReponseFile } if (success) and not(cs_link_nolink in current_settings.globalswitches) then DeleteFile(outputexedir+Info.ResName); MakeExecutable:=success; { otherwise a recursive call to link method } end; {***************************************************************************** Initialize *****************************************************************************} initialization {$ifdef m68k} {$ifndef macos} RegisterLinker(ld_mpw,TLinkerMacOS); {$endif} RegisterTarget(system_m68k_macos_info); RegisterImport(system_m68k_macos,timportlibmacos); {$endif m68k} {$ifdef powerpc} {$ifndef macos} RegisterLinker(ld_mpw,TLinkerMacOS); {$else} RegisterLinker(ld_mpw,TLinkerMPW); {$endif} RegisterTarget(system_powerpc_macos_info); RegisterImport(system_powerpc_macos,timportlibmacos); {$endif powerpc} end.