{ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Peter Vreman This unit implements support import,export,link routines for the (i386) Netware target This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. Currently generating NetWare-NLM's only work under Linux and win32. (see http://home.arcor.de/armin.diehl/fpcnw for binutils working with win32) while not included in fpc-releases. The following compiler-swiches are supported for NetWare: $DESCRIPTION : NLM-Description, will be displayed at load-time $M : For Stack-Size, Heap-Size will be ignored 32K is the accepted minimum $VERSION x.x.x : Sets Major, Minor and Revision $SCREENNAME : Sets the ScreenName $THREADNAME : Sets current threadname Displaying copyright does not work with nlmconv from gnu bunutils version less that 2.13 Additional parameters for the nlmvonv-inputfile can be passed with -k, i.e. -kREENTRANT will add the option REENTRANT to the nlmconv inputfile. A ; will be converted into a newline Exports will be handled like in win32: procedure bla; begin end; exports foo name 'Bar'; The path to the import-Files must be specified by the library-path. All external modules are defined as autoload. (Note: the import-files have to be in unix-format for exe2nlm) By default, the most import files are included in freepascal. i.e. Procedure ConsolePrintf (p:pchar); cdecl; external 'clib.nlm'; sets IMPORT @clib.imp and MODULE clib. Function simply defined as external work without generating autoload but you will get a warnung from nlmconv. If you dont have nlmconv, compile gnu-binutils with ./configure --enable-targets=i386-linux,i386-netware make all Debugging is possible with gdb and a converter from gdb to ndi available at http://home.arcor.de/armin.diehl/gdbnw A sample program: Program Hello; (*$DESCRIPTION HelloWorldNlm*) (*$VERSION 1.2.3*) (*$ScreenName Hello*) (*$M 60000,60000*) begin writeLn ('hello world'); end. compile with: ppc386 -Tnetware hello ToDo: - No duplicate imports and autoloads - libc support (needs new target) **************************************************************************** } unit t_nwm; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface implementation uses cutils, verbose,systems,globtype,globals, symconst,script, fmodule,aasmbase,aasmtai,aasmdata,aasmcpu,cpubase,symsym,symdef, import,export,link,i_nwm {$ifdef netware} ,dos {$endif} ; type timportlibnetware=class(timportlib) procedure preparelib(const s:string);override; procedure importprocedure(aprocdef:tprocdef;const module:string;index:longint;const name:string);override; procedure importvariable(vs:tglobalvarsym;const name,module:string);override; procedure generatelib;override; end; texportlibnetware=class(texportlib) procedure preparelib(const s : string);override; procedure exportprocedure(hp : texported_item);override; procedure exportvar(hp : texported_item);override; procedure generatelib;override; end; tlinkernetware=class(texternallinker) private NLMConvLinkFile: TLinkRes; {for second pass, fist pass is ld} Function WriteResponseFile(isdll:boolean) : Boolean; public constructor Create;override; procedure SetDefaultInfo;override; function MakeExecutable:boolean;override; end; Const tmpLinkFileName = 'link~tmp._o_'; minStackSize = 32768; {***************************************************************************** TIMPORTLIBNETWARE *****************************************************************************} procedure timportlibnetware.preparelib(const s : string); begin end; procedure timportlibnetware.importprocedure(aprocdef:tprocdef;const module:string;index:longint;const name:string); begin { insert sharedlibrary } current_module.linkothersharedlibs.add(SplitName(module),link_always); end; procedure timportlibnetware.importvariable(vs:tglobalvarsym;const name,module:string); begin { insert sharedlibrary } current_module.linkothersharedlibs.add(SplitName(module),link_always); { reset the mangledname and turn off the dll_var option } vs.set_mangledname(name); exclude(vs.varoptions,vo_is_dll_var); end; procedure timportlibnetware.generatelib; begin end; {***************************************************************************** TEXPORTLIBNETWARE *****************************************************************************} procedure texportlibnetware.preparelib(const s:string); begin end; procedure texportlibnetware.exportprocedure(hp : texported_item); var hp2 : texported_item; begin { first test the index value } if (hp.options and eo_index)<>0 then begin Comment(V_Error,'can''t export with index under netware'); exit; end; { use pascal name is none specified } if (hp.options and eo_name)=0 then begin hp.name:=stringdup(hp.sym.name); hp.options:=hp.options or eo_name; end; { now place in correct order } hp2:=texported_item(current_module._exports.first); while assigned(hp2) and (hp.name^>hp2.name^) do hp2:=texported_item(hp2.next); { insert hp there !! } if assigned(hp2) and (hp2.name^=hp.name^) then begin { this is not allowed !! } Message1(parser_e_export_name_double,hp.name^); exit; end; if hp2=texported_item(current_module._exports.first) then current_module._exports.insert(hp) else if assigned(hp2) then begin hp.next:=hp2; hp.previous:=hp2.previous; if assigned(hp2.previous) then hp2.previous.next:=hp; hp2.previous:=hp; end else current_module._exports.concat(hp); end; procedure texportlibnetware.exportvar(hp : texported_item); begin hp.is_var:=true; exportprocedure(hp); end; procedure texportlibnetware.generatelib; var hp2 : texported_item; begin hp2:=texported_item(current_module._exports.first); while assigned(hp2) do begin if (not hp2.is_var) and (hp2.sym.typ=procsym) then begin { the manglednames can already be the same when the procedure is declared with cdecl } if tprocsym(hp2.sym).first_procdef.mangledname<>hp2.name^ then begin {$ifdef i386} { place jump in al_procedures } current_asmdata.asmlists[al_procedures].concat(Tai_align.Create_op(4,$90)); current_asmdata.asmlists[al_procedures].concat(Tai_symbol.Createname_global(hp2.name^,AT_FUNCTION,0)); current_asmdata.asmlists[al_procedures].concat(Taicpu.Op_sym(A_JMP,S_NO,current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(tprocsym(hp2.sym).first_procdef.mangledname))); current_asmdata.asmlists[al_procedures].concat(Tai_symbol_end.Createname(hp2.name^)); {$endif i386} end; end else //Comment(V_Error,'Exporting of variables is not supported under netware'); Message1(parser_e_no_export_of_variables_for_target,'netware'); hp2:=texported_item(hp2.next); end; end; {***************************************************************************** TLINKERNETWARE *****************************************************************************} Constructor TLinkerNetware.Create; begin Inherited Create; end; procedure TLinkerNetware.SetDefaultInfo; begin with Info do begin {$ifndef netware} ExeCmd[1]:= FindUtil(utilsprefix+'ld') + ' -Ur -T $RES $STRIP -o $TMPOBJ'; ExeCmd[2]:= FindUtil(utilsprefix+'nlmconv') + ' -T$RES'; {$else} {for running on netware we need absolute pathes since ld has another working directory} ExeCmd[1]:= FindUtil(utilsprefix+'ld') + ' -Ur -T '+FExpand(outputexedir+Info.ResName)+' $STRIP -o '+Fexpand(outputexedir+tmpLinkFileName); ExeCmd[2]:= FindUtil(utilsprefix+'nlmconv') + ' -T'+FExpand(outputexedir+'n'+Info.ResName); {$endif} end; end; Function TLinkerNetware.WriteResponseFile(isdll:boolean) : Boolean; Var linkres : TLinkRes; i : longint; s,s2,s3 : string; ProgNam : string [80]; NlmNam : string [80]; hp2 : texported_item; { for exports } p : byte; begin WriteResponseFile:=False; ProgNam := current_module.exefilename^; i:=Pos(target_info.exeext,ProgNam); if i>0 then Delete(ProgNam,i,255); NlmNam := ProgNam + target_info.exeext; { Open link.res file } LinkRes:=TLinkRes.Create(outputexedir+Info.ResName); {for ld} NLMConvLinkFile:=TLinkRes.Create(outputexedir+'n'+Info.ResName); {for nlmconv, written in CreateExeFile} p := Pos ('"', Description); while (p > 0) do begin delete (Description,p,1); p := Pos ('"', Description); end; if Description <> '' then NLMConvLinkFile.Add('DESCRIPTION "' + Description + '"'); NLMConvLinkFile.Add('VERSION '+tostr(dllmajor)+','+tostr(dllminor)+','+tostr(dllrevision)); p := Pos ('"', nwscreenname); while (p > 0) do begin delete (nwscreenname,p,1); p := Pos ('"', nwscreenname); end; p := Pos ('"', nwthreadname); while (p > 0) do begin delete (nwthreadname,p,1); p := Pos ('"', nwthreadname); end; p := Pos ('"', nwcopyright); while (p > 0) do begin delete (nwcopyright,p,1); p := Pos ('"', nwcopyright); end; if nwscreenname <> '' then NLMConvLinkFile.Add('SCREENNAME "' + nwscreenname + '"'); if nwthreadname <> '' then NLMConvLinkFile.Add('THREADNAME "' + nwthreadname + '"'); if nwcopyright <> '' then NLMConvLinkFile.Add('COPYRIGHT "' + nwcopyright + '"'); if stacksize < minStackSize then stacksize := minStackSize; str (stacksize, s); NLMConvLinkFile.Add ('STACKSIZE '+s); {$ifndef netware} NLMConvLinkFile.Add ('INPUT '+outputexedir+tmpLinkFileName); {$else} NLMConvLinkFile.Add ('INPUT '+FExpand(outputexedir+tmpLinkFileName)); {$endif} { add objectfiles, start with nwpre always } LinkRes.Add ('INPUT('); s2 := FindObjectFile('nwpre','',false); Comment (V_Debug,'adding Object File '+s2); {$ifndef netware} LinkRes.Add (s2); {$else} LinkRes.Add (FExpand(s2)); {$endif} { main objectfiles, add to linker input } while not ObjectFiles.Empty do begin s:=ObjectFiles.GetFirst; if s<>'' then begin s2 := FindObjectFile (s,'',false); Comment (V_Debug,'adding Object File '+s2); {$ifndef netware} LinkRes.Add (s2); {$else} LinkRes.Add (FExpand(s2)); {$endif} end; end; LinkRes.Add (')'); { output file (nlm), add to nlmconv } {$ifndef netware} NLMConvLinkFile.Add ('OUTPUT ' + NlmNam); {$else} NLMConvLinkFile.Add ('OUTPUT ' + FExpand(NlmNam)); {$endif} { start and stop-procedures } NLMConvLinkFile.Add ('START _Prelude'); { defined in rtl/netware/nwpre.as } NLMConvLinkFile.Add ('EXIT _Stop'); { nwpre.as } NLMConvLinkFile.Add ('CHECK FPC_NW_CHECKFUNCTION'); { system.pp } if not (cs_link_strip in aktglobalswitches) then begin NLMConvLinkFile.Add ('DEBUG'); Comment(V_Debug,'DEBUG'); end; { Write staticlibraries } if not StaticLibFiles.Empty then begin LinkRes.Add ('GROUP('); While not StaticLibFiles.Empty do begin S:=lower (StaticLibFiles.GetFirst); if s<>'' then begin {ad: that's a hack ! whith -XX we get the .a files as static libs (in addition to the imported libraries} if (pos ('.a',s) <> 0) OR (pos ('.A', s) <> 0) then begin S2 := FindObjectFile(s,'',false); {$ifndef netware} LinkRes.Add (s2); {$else} LinkRes.Add (FExpand(s2)); {$endif} Comment(V_Debug,'adding Object File (StaticLibFiles) '+S2); end else begin i:=Pos(target_info.staticlibext,S); if i>0 then Delete(S,i,255); S := S + '.imp'; S2 := ''; librarysearchpath.FindFile(S,S2); {$ifdef netware} Comment(V_Debug,'IMPORT @'+s2); s2 := FExpand (S2); {$endif} NLMConvLinkFile.Add('IMPORT @'+S2); Comment(V_Debug,'IMPORT @'+s2); end; end end; LinkRes.Add (')'); end; if not SharedLibFiles.Empty then begin While not SharedLibFiles.Empty do begin {becuase of upper/lower case mix, we may get duplicate names but nlmconv ignores that. Here we are setting the import-files for nlmconv. I.e. for the module clib or clib.nlm we add IMPORT @clib.imp and also the module clib.nlm (autoload) ? may it be better to set autoload's via StaticLibFiles ? } S:=lower (SharedLibFiles.GetFirst); if s<>'' then begin s2:=s; i:=Pos(target_info.sharedlibext,S); if i>0 then Delete(S,i,255); if s[1] = '!' then begin // special, with ! only the imp will be included but no module is autoloaded, needed i.e. for netware.imp S := copy(S,2,255) + '.imp'; librarysearchpath.FindFile(S,S3); {$ifdef netware} Comment(V_Debug,'IMPORT @'+S3); S3 := FExpand (S3); {$endif} NLMConvLinkFile.Add('IMPORT @'+S3); Comment(V_Debug,'IMPORT @'+S3); end else begin S := S + '.imp'; librarysearchpath.FindFile(S,S3); {$ifdef netware} Comment(V_Debug,'IMPORT @'+S3); S3 := FExpand (S3); {$endif} NLMConvLinkFile.Add('IMPORT @'+S3); NLMConvLinkFile.Add('MODULE '+s2); Comment(V_Debug,'MODULE '+S2); Comment(V_Debug,'IMPORT @'+S3); end; end; end; end; { write exports } hp2:=texported_item(current_module._exports.first); while assigned(hp2) do begin if not hp2.is_var then begin { Export the Symbol } Comment(V_Debug,'EXPORT '+hp2.name^); NLMConvLinkFile.Add ('EXPORT '+hp2.name^); end else { really, i think it is possible } Message1(parser_e_no_export_of_variables_for_target,'netware'); hp2:=texported_item(hp2.next); end; { Write and Close response for ld, response for nlmconv is in NLMConvLinkFile(not written) } linkres.writetodisk; LinkRes.Free; { pass options from -k to nlmconv, ; is interpreted as newline } s := ParaLinkOptions; while(Length(s) > 0) and (s[1] = ' ') do delete (s,1,1); p := pos ('"',s); while p > 0 do begin delete (s,p,1); p := pos ('"',s); end; p := pos (';',s); while p > 0 do begin s2 := copy(s,1,p-1); comment (V_Debug,'adding "'+s2+'" to nlmvonv input'); NLMConvLinkFile.Add(s2); delete (s,1,p); p := pos (';',s); end; if s <> '' then begin comment (V_Debug,'adding "'+s+'" to nlmvonv input'); NLMConvLinkFile.Add(s); end; WriteResponseFile:=True; end; function TLinkerNetware.MakeExecutable:boolean; var binstr : String; cmdstr : TCmdStr; success : boolean; StripStr : string[2]; begin if not(cs_link_nolink in aktglobalswitches) then Message1(exec_i_linking,current_module.exefilename^); { Create some replacements } StripStr:=''; if (cs_link_strip in aktglobalswitches) then StripStr:='-s'; { Write used files and libraries and create Headerfile for nlmconv in NLMConvLinkFile } WriteResponseFile(false); { Call linker, this will generate a new object file that will be passed to nlmconv. Otherwise we could not create nlms without debug info } SplitBinCmd(Info.ExeCmd[1],binstr,cmdstr); Replace(cmdstr,'$EXE',maybequoted(current_module.exefilename^)); Replace(cmdstr,'$RES',maybequoted(outputexedir+Info.ResName)); Replace(cmdstr,'$STRIP',StripStr); Replace(cmdstr,'$TMPOBJ',maybequoted(outputexedir+tmpLinkFileName)); Comment (v_debug,'Executing '+BinStr+' '+cmdstr); success:=DoExec(FindUtil(BinStr),CmdStr,true,false); { Remove ReponseFile } if (success) and not(cs_link_nolink in aktglobalswitches) then RemoveFile(outputexedir+Info.ResName); { Call nlmconv } if success then begin NLMConvLinkFile.writetodisk; NLMConvLinkFile.Free; SplitBinCmd(Info.ExeCmd[2],binstr,cmdstr); Replace(cmdstr,'$RES',maybequoted(outputexedir+'n'+Info.ResName)); Comment (v_debug,'Executing '+BinStr+' '+cmdstr); success:=DoExec(FindUtil(BinStr),CmdStr,true,false); if (success) and not(cs_link_nolink in aktglobalswitches) then begin RemoveFile(outputexedir+'n'+Info.ResName); RemoveFile(outputexedir+tmpLinkFileName); end; end; MakeExecutable:=success; { otherwise a recursive call to link method } end; {***************************************************************************** Initialize *****************************************************************************} initialization RegisterExternalLinker(system_i386_netware_info,TLinkerNetware); RegisterImport(system_i386_netware,TImportLibNetware); RegisterExport(system_i386_netware,TExportLibNetware); RegisterTarget(system_i386_netware_info); end.