{ Copyright (c) 1998-2008 by Peter Vreman This unit implements support import,export,link routines for the (i386) solaris target This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit t_sunos; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface { copy from t_linux // Up to now we use gld since the solaris ld seems not support .res-files} {-$DEFINE LinkTest} { DON't del link.res and write Info } {$DEFINE GnuLd}{The other is not implemented } implementation uses sysutils, cutils,cfileutl,cclasses, verbose,systems,globtype,globals, cscript, fmodule, import,export,expunix,link,comprsrc,rescmn,i_sunos,ogbase; type timportlibsolaris=class(timportlib) procedure generatelib;override; end; texportlibsolaris=class(texportlibunix) end; tlinkersolaris=class(texternallinker) private Glibc2, Glibc21 : boolean; use_gnu_ld : boolean; linkres : TLinkRes; Function WriteResponseFile(isdll:boolean) : Boolean; public constructor Create;override; procedure SetDefaultInfo;override; function MakeExecutable:boolean;override; function MakeSharedLibrary:boolean;override; end; {***************************************************************************** TIMPORTLIBsolaris *****************************************************************************} procedure timportlibsolaris.generatelib; var i : longint; ImportLibrary : TImportLibrary; begin for i:=0 to current_module.ImportLibraryList.Count-1 do begin ImportLibrary:=TImportLibrary(current_module.ImportLibraryList[i]); current_module.linkothersharedlibs.add(ImportLibrary.Name,link_always); end; end; {***************************************************************************** TLINKERsolaris *****************************************************************************} {$ifdef x86_64} const gnu_emul = '-m elf_x86_64_sol2'; {$endif} {$ifdef i386} const gnu_emul = '-m elf_i386_sol2'; {$endif } {$ifdef sparc} const { no emulation specification needed, as long as only 32-bit is supported } gnu_emul = ''; {$endif} Constructor TLinkersolaris.Create; begin Inherited Create; if cs_link_native in init_settings.globalswitches then use_gnu_ld:=false else use_gnu_ld:=true; if NOT Dontlinkstdlibpath Then {$ifdef x86_64} LibrarySearchPath.AddLibraryPath(sysrootpath,'=/lib/64;=/usr/lib/64;=/usr/X11R6/lib/64;=/opt/sfw/lib/64',true); {$else not x86_64} LibrarySearchPath.AddLibraryPath(sysrootpath,'=/lib;=/usr/lib;=/usr/X11R6/lib;=/opt/sfw/lib',true); {$endif not x86_64} {$ifdef LinkTest} if (cs_link_staticflag in current_settings.globalswitches) then WriteLN('ForceLinkStaticFlag'); if (cs_link_static in current_settings.globalswitches) then WriteLN('LinkStatic-Flag'); if (cs_link_shared in current_settings.globalswitches) then WriteLN('LinkSynamicFlag'); {$EndIf} end; procedure TLinkersolaris.SetDefaultInfo; { This will also detect which libc version will be used } {$ifdef x86_64} const gld = 'gld $EMUL '; solaris_ld = 'ld -64 '; {$endif} {$ifdef i386} const gld = 'gld $EMUL'; solaris_ld = 'ld '; {$endif } {$ifdef sparc} const gld = 'gld '; solaris_ld = 'ld '; {$endif} begin Glibc2:=false; Glibc21:=false; with Info do begin {$IFDEF GnuLd} ExeCmd[1]:=gld + '$OPT $DYNLINK $STATIC $STRIP -L. -o $EXE $RES'; ExeCmd[2]:=solaris_ld + '$OPT $DYNLINK $STATIC $STRIP -L . -o $EXE $RESDATA $REDIRECT'; DllCmd[1]:=gld + '$OPT $INITFINI -shared -L. $MAP -o $EXE $RES'; DllCmd[2]:='gstrip --strip-unneeded $EXE'; DllCmd[3]:=solaris_ld + '$OPT $INITFINI -M $VERSIONFILE $MAP -G -Bdynamic -L. -o $EXE $RESDATA $REDIRECT'; DynamicLinker:=''; { Gnu uses the default } Glibc21:=false; {$ELSE} Not Implememted {$ENDIF} end; end; Function TLinkersolaris.WriteResponseFile(isdll:boolean) : Boolean; Var i : longint; { cprtobj, gprtobj, prtobj : string[80];} HPath : TCmdStrListItem; s,s2 : TCmdStr; linkdynamic, linklibc : boolean; LinkRes2 : TLinkRes; begin WriteResponseFile:=False; { set special options for some targets } linkdynamic:=not(SharedLibFiles.empty); { linkdynamic:=false; // da nicht getestet } linklibc:=(SharedLibFiles.Find('c')<>nil); { prtobj:='prt0'; cprtobj:='cprt0'; gprtobj:='gprt0';} if cs_profile in current_settings.moduleswitches then begin { prtobj:=gprtobj;} if not glibc2 then AddSharedLibrary('gmon'); AddSharedLibrary('c'); linklibc:=true; end else begin if linklibc then begin { prtobj:=cprtobj;} end else AddSharedLibrary('c'); { quick hack: this solaris implementation needs alwys libc } end; if use_gnu_ld then begin { Open link.res file } LinkRes:=TLinkRes.Create(outputexedir+Info.ResName,true); { Write path to search libraries } HPath:=TCmdStrListItem(current_module.locallibrarysearchpath.First); while assigned(HPath) do begin LinkRes.Add('SEARCH_DIR("'+HPath.Str+'")'); HPath:=TCmdStrListItem(HPath.Next); end; HPath:=TCmdStrListItem(LibrarySearchPath.First); while assigned(HPath) do begin LinkRes.Add('SEARCH_DIR("'+HPath.Str+'")'); HPath:=TCmdStrListItem(HPath.Next); end; { force local symbol resolution (i.e., inside the shared } { library itself) for all non-exorted symbols, otherwise } { several RTL symbols of FPC-compiled shared libraries } { will be bound to those of a single shared library or } { to the main program } if (isdll) then begin LinkRes.add('VERSION'); LinkRes.add('{ DEFAULT'); { gld 2.25 does not support anonymous version } LinkRes.add(' {'); if not texportlibunix(exportlib).exportedsymnames.empty then begin LinkRes.add(' global:'); repeat LinkRes.add(' '+texportlibunix(exportlib).exportedsymnames.getfirst+';'); until texportlibunix(exportlib).exportedsymnames.empty; end; LinkRes.add(' local:'); LinkRes.add(' *;'); LinkRes.add(' };'); LinkRes.add('}'); end; LinkRes.Add('INPUT('); { add objectfiles, start with prt0 always } { solaris port contains _start inside the system unit, it needs only one entry because it is linked always against libc if prtobj<>'' then LinkRes.AddFileName(FindObjectFile(prtobj,'',false)); } { try to add crti and crtbegin if linking to C } if linklibc then { Needed in solaris? } begin { if librarysearchpath.FindFile('crtbegin.o',s) then LinkRes.AddFileName(s);} if librarysearchpath.FindFile('crti.o',false,s) then LinkRes.AddFileName(s); end; { main objectfiles } while not ObjectFiles.Empty do begin s:=ObjectFiles.GetFirst; if s<>'' then LinkRes.AddFileName(maybequoted(s)); end; LinkRes.Add(')'); { Write staticlibraries } if not StaticLibFiles.Empty then begin LinkRes.Add('GROUP('); While not StaticLibFiles.Empty do begin S:=StaticLibFiles.GetFirst; LinkRes.AddFileName(maybequoted(s)) end; LinkRes.Add(')'); end; { Write sharedlibraries like -l, also add the needed dynamic linker here to be sure that it gets linked this is needed for glibc2 systems (PFV) } if not SharedLibFiles.Empty then begin LinkRes.Add('INPUT('); While not SharedLibFiles.Empty do begin S:=SharedLibFiles.GetFirst; if s<>'c' then begin i:=Pos(target_info.sharedlibext,S); if i>0 then Delete(S,i,255); LinkRes.Add('-l'+s); end else begin LinkRes.Add('-lc'); linklibc:=true; linkdynamic:=false; { libc will include the ld-solaris (war ld-linux) for us } end; end; { be sure that libc is the last lib } if linklibc then LinkRes.Add('-lc'); { when we have -static for the linker the we also need libgcc } if (cs_link_staticflag in current_settings.globalswitches) then begin LinkRes.Add('-lgcc'); end; if linkdynamic and (Info.DynamicLinker<>'') then { gld has a default, DynamicLinker is not set in solaris } LinkRes.AddFileName(Info.DynamicLinker); LinkRes.Add(')'); end; { objects which must be at the end } if linklibc then {needed in solaris ? } begin if {librarysearchpath.FindFile('crtend.o',s1) or} librarysearchpath.FindFile('crtn.o',false,s2) then begin LinkRes.Add('INPUT('); { LinkRes.AddFileName(s1);} LinkRes.AddFileName(s2); LinkRes.Add(')'); end; end; { Write and Close response } linkres.writetodisk; LinkRes.Free; end else { not use_gnu_ld } begin { Open TlinkRes, will not be written to disk } LinkRes:=TLinkRes.Create(outputexedir+Info.ResName+'2',false); { Write path to search libraries } HPath:=TCmdStrListItem(current_module.locallibrarysearchpath.First); while assigned(HPath) do begin LinkRes.Add('-L '+maybequoted(HPath.Str)); HPath:=TCmdStrListItem(HPath.Next); end; HPath:=TCmdStrListItem(LibrarySearchPath.First); while assigned(HPath) do begin LinkRes.Add('-L '+maybequoted(HPath.Str)); HPath:=TCmdStrListItem(HPath.Next); end; { force local symbol resolution (i.e., inside the shared } { library itself) for all non-exorted symbols, otherwise } { several RTL symbols of FPC-compiled shared libraries } { will be bound to those of a single shared library or } { to the main program } if (isdll) then begin LinkRes2:=TLinkRes.Create(outputexedir+Info.ResName,true); // LinkRes2.add('VERSION'); not needed for now LinkRes2.add(' {'); if not texportlibunix(exportlib).exportedsymnames.empty then begin LinkRes2.add(' global:'); repeat LinkRes2.add(' '+texportlibunix(exportlib).exportedsymnames.getfirst+';'); until texportlibunix(exportlib).exportedsymnames.empty; end; LinkRes2.add(' local:'); LinkRes2.add(' *;'); LinkRes2.add(' };'); LinkRes2.writetodisk; LinkRes2.Free; end; { add objectfiles, start with prt0 always } { solaris port contains _start inside the system unit, it needs only one entry because it is linked always against libc if prtobj<>'' then LinkRes.AddFileName(FindObjectFile(prtobj,'',false)); } { try to add crti and crtbegin if linking to C } if linklibc then { Needed in solaris? } begin { if librarysearchpath.FindFile('crtbegin.o',s) then LinkRes.AddFileName(s);} if librarysearchpath.FindFile('crti.o',false,s) then LinkRes.AddFileName(s); end; { main objectfiles } while not ObjectFiles.Empty do begin s:=ObjectFiles.GetFirst; if s<>'' then LinkRes.AddFileName(maybequoted(s)); end; { Write staticlibraries } if not StaticLibFiles.Empty then begin linkres.add('-('); While not StaticLibFiles.Empty do begin S:=StaticLibFiles.GetFirst; LinkRes.AddFileName(maybequoted(s)) end; linkres.add('-)'); end; { Write sharedlibraries like -l, also add the needed dynamic linker here to be sure that it gets linked this is needed for glibc2 systems (PFV) } if not SharedLibFiles.Empty then begin While not SharedLibFiles.Empty do begin S:=SharedLibFiles.GetFirst; if s<>'c' then begin i:=Pos(target_info.sharedlibext,S); if i>0 then Delete(S,i,255); LinkRes.Add('-l'+s); end else begin linklibc:=true; linkdynamic:=false; { libc will include the ld-solaris (war ld-linux) for us } end; end; { be sure that libc is the last lib } if linklibc then LinkRes.Add('-lc'); { when we have -static for the linker the we also need libgcc } if (cs_link_staticflag in current_settings.globalswitches) then begin LinkRes.Add('-lgcc'); end; if linkdynamic and (Info.DynamicLinker<>'') then { gld has a default, DynamicLinker is not set in solaris } LinkRes.AddFileName(Info.DynamicLinker); end; { objects which must be at the end } if linklibc then {needed in solaris ? } begin if {librarysearchpath.FindFile('crtend.o',s1) or} librarysearchpath.FindFile('crtn.o',false,s2) then begin { LinkRes.AddFileName(s1);} LinkRes.AddFileName(s2); end; end; { Write and Close response } //linkres.writetodisk; //LinkRes.Free; end; WriteResponseFile:=True; end; function TLinkersolaris.MakeExecutable:boolean; var binstr, s, linkstr, cmdstr : TCmdStr; success : boolean; DynLinkStr : string[60]; StaticStr, RedirectStr, StripStr : string[40]; begin success:=false; if not(cs_link_nolink in current_settings.globalswitches) then Message1(exec_i_linking,current_module.exefilename); { Create some replacements } StaticStr:=''; StripStr:=''; RedirectStr:=''; DynLinkStr:=''; if (cs_link_staticflag in current_settings.globalswitches) then StaticStr:='-Bstatic'; if (cs_link_strip in current_settings.globalswitches) then StripStr:='-s'; if (cs_link_map in current_settings.globalswitches) then begin if use_gnu_ld then StripStr:='-Map '+maybequoted(ChangeFileExt(current_module.exefilename,'.map')) else begin StripStr:='-m'; RedirectStr:=' > '+maybequoted(ChangeFileExt(current_module.exefilename,'.map')); end; end; If (cs_profile in current_settings.moduleswitches) or ((Info.DynamicLinker<>'') and (not SharedLibFiles.Empty)) then DynLinkStr:='-dynamic-linker='+Info.DynamicLinker; if rlinkpath<>'' then if use_gnu_ld then DynLinkStr:=DynLinkStr+' --rpath-link '+rlinkpath else DynLinkStr:=DynLinkStr+' -R '+rlinkpath; { solaris sets DynamicLinker, but gld will (hopefully) defaults to -Bdynamic and add the default-linker } { Write used files and libraries } WriteResponseFile(false); { Call linker } if use_gnu_ld then SplitBinCmd(Info.ExeCmd[1],binstr,cmdstr) else SplitBinCmd(Info.ExeCmd[2],binstr,cmdstr); Replace(cmdstr,'$EXE',maybequoted(current_module.exefilename)); Replace(cmdstr,'$OPT',Info.ExtraOptions); if use_gnu_ld then begin Replace(cmdstr,'$RES',maybequoted(outputexedir+Info.ResName)); Replace(cmdstr,'$EMUL',gnu_emul); end else begin linkstr:=''; while not linkres.data.Empty do begin s:=linkres.data.GetFirst; if s<>'' then linkstr:=linkstr+' '+s; end; linkres.free; Replace(cmdstr,'$RESDATA',linkstr); end; Replace(cmdstr,'$STATIC',StaticStr); Replace(cmdstr,'$STRIP',StripStr); Replace(cmdstr,'$REDIRECT',RedirectStr); Replace(cmdstr,'$DYNLINK',DynLinkStr); if BinStr[1]<>'/' then BinStr:=FindUtil(utilsprefix+BinStr); { We need shell if output is redirected } success:=DoExec(BinStr,Trim(CmdStr),true,RedirectStr<>''); { Remove ReponseFile } {$IFNDEF LinkTest} if (success) and use_gnu_ld and not(cs_link_nolink in current_settings.globalswitches) then DeleteFile(outputexedir+Info.ResName); {$ENDIF} MakeExecutable:=success; { otherwise a recursive call to link method } end; Function TLinkersolaris.MakeSharedLibrary:boolean; var InitFiniStr : string; binstr, RedirectStr, s, linkstr, MapStr, cmdstr : TCmdStr; need_quotes, success : boolean; begin success:=false; MakeSharedLibrary:=false; if not(cs_link_nolink in current_settings.globalswitches) then Message1(exec_i_linking,current_module.sharedlibfilename); { Write used files and libraries } WriteResponseFile(true); RedirectStr:=''; MapStr:=''; { Create some replacements } if (cs_link_map in current_settings.globalswitches) then begin if use_gnu_ld then MapStr:='-Map '+maybequoted(ChangeFileExt(current_module.exefilename,'.map')) else begin MapStr:='-m'; RedirectStr:=' > '+maybequoted(ChangeFileExt(current_module.exefilename,'.map')); end; end; need_quotes:= (cs_link_nolink in current_settings.globalswitches) or (RedirectStr<>''); { initname and fininame may contain $, which can be wrongly interpreted in a link script, thus we surround them with single quotes in cs_link_nolink is in globalswitches } if use_gnu_ld then begin InitFiniStr:='-init '; if need_quotes then InitFiniStr:=InitFiniStr+''''+exportlib.initname+'''' else InitFiniStr:=InitFiniStr+exportlib.initname; if (exportlib.fininame<>'') then begin if need_quotes then InitFiniStr:=InitFiniStr+' -fini '''+exportlib.initname+'''' else InitFiniStr:=InitFiniStr+' -fini '+exportlib.fininame; end; end else begin InitFiniStr:='-z initarray='; if need_quotes then InitFiniStr:=InitFiniStr+''''+exportlib.initname+'''' else InitFiniStr:=InitFiniStr+exportlib.initname; if (exportlib.fininame<>'') then begin if need_quotes then InitFiniStr:=InitFiniStr+' -z finiarray='''+exportlib.initname+'''' else InitFiniStr:=InitFiniStr+' -z finiarray='+exportlib.fininame; end; end; { Call linker } if use_gnu_ld then SplitBinCmd(Info.DllCmd[1],binstr,cmdstr) else SplitBinCmd(Info.DllCmd[3],binstr,cmdstr); Replace(cmdstr,'$EXE',maybequoted(current_module.sharedlibfilename)); Replace(cmdstr,'$OPT',Info.ExtraOptions); Replace(cmdstr,'$INITFINI',InitFiniStr); if use_gnu_ld then begin Replace(cmdstr,'$RES',maybequoted(outputexedir+Info.ResName)); Replace(cmdstr,'$EMUL',gnu_emul); end else begin Replace(cmdstr,'$VERSIONFILE',maybequoted(outputexedir+Info.ResName)); linkstr:=''; while not linkres.data.Empty do begin s:=linkres.data.GetFirst; if s<>'' then linkstr:=linkstr+' '+s; end; linkres.free; Replace(cmdstr,'$RESDATA',linkstr); end; Replace(cmdstr,'$REDIRECT',RedirectStr); Replace(cmdstr,'$MAP',MapStr); if BinStr[1]<>'/' then BinStr:=FindUtil(utilsprefix+BinStr); { We need shell if output is redirected } success:=DoExec(BinStr,Trim(CmdStr),true,RedirectStr<>''); { Strip the library ? } if success and (cs_link_strip in current_settings.globalswitches) then begin SplitBinCmd(Info.DllCmd[2],binstr,cmdstr); Replace(cmdstr,'$EXE',maybequoted(current_module.sharedlibfilename)); success:=DoExec(utilsprefix+FindUtil(binstr),cmdstr,true,false); end; { Remove ReponseFile } {$IFNDEF LinkTest} if (success) and not(cs_link_nolink in current_settings.globalswitches) then DeleteFile(outputexedir+Info.ResName); {$ENDIF} MakeSharedLibrary:=success; { otherwise a recursive call to link method } end; {***************************************************************************** Initialize *****************************************************************************} initialization RegisterLinker(ld_solaris,TLinkerSolaris); {$ifdef i386} RegisterImport(system_i386_solaris,TImportLibsolaris); RegisterExport(system_i386_solaris,TExportLibsolaris); RegisterTarget(system_i386_solaris_info); {$endif i386} {$ifdef x86_64} RegisterImport(system_x86_64_solaris,TImportLibsolaris); RegisterExport(system_x86_64_solaris,TExportLibsolaris); RegisterTarget(system_x86_64_solaris_info); {$endif x86_64} {$ifdef sparc} RegisterImport(system_sparc_solaris,TImportLibsolaris); RegisterExport(system_sparc_solaris,TExportLibsolaris); RegisterTarget(system_sparc_solaris_info); {$endif sparc} RegisterRes(res_elf_info,TWinLikeResourceFile); end.