{ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl This unit implements the base object for temp. generator This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } {#@abstract(Temporary reference allocator unit) Temporary reference allocator unit. This unit contains all which is related to allocating temporary memory space on the stack, as required, by the code generator. } unit tgobj; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses cclasses, globals,globtype, symtype, cpubase,cpuinfo,cgbase,cgutils, aasmbase,aasmtai,aasmdata; type ptemprecord = ^ttemprecord; ttemprecord = record temptype : ttemptype; pos : longint; size : longint; def : tdef; next : ptemprecord; nextfree : ptemprecord; { for faster freeblock checking } {$ifdef EXTDEBUG} posinfo, releaseposinfo : tfileposinfo; {$endif} end; {# Generates temporary variables } ttgobj = class private { contains all free temps using nextfree links } tempfreelist : ptemprecord; function alloctemp(list: TAsmList; size,alignment : longint; temptype : ttemptype; def:tdef) : longint; procedure freetemp(list: TAsmList; pos:longint;temptypes:ttemptypeset); public { contains all temps } templist : ptemprecord; { Offsets of the first/last temp } firsttemp, lasttemp : longint; direction : shortint; constructor create; {# Clear and free the complete linked list of temporary memory locations. The list is set to nil.} procedure resettempgen; {# Sets the first offset from the frame pointer or stack pointer where the temporary references will be allocated. It is to note that this value should always be negative. @param(l start offset where temps will start in stack) } procedure setfirsttemp(l : longint); procedure gettemp(list: TAsmList; size, alignment : longint;temptype:ttemptype;out ref : treference); procedure gettemptyped(list: TAsmList; def:tdef;temptype:ttemptype;out ref : treference); procedure ungettemp(list: TAsmList; const ref : treference); function sizeoftemp(list: TAsmList; const ref: treference): longint; function changetemptype(list: TAsmList; const ref:treference;temptype:ttemptype):boolean; function gettypeoftemp(const ref:treference): ttemptype; {# Returns TRUE if the reference ref is allocated in temporary volatile memory space, otherwise returns FALSE. @param(ref reference to verify) } function istemp(const ref : treference) : boolean; {# Frees a reference @var(ref) which was allocated in the volatile temporary memory space. The freed space can later be reallocated and reused. If this reference is not in the temporary memory, it is simply not freed. } procedure ungetiftemp(list: TAsmList; const ref : treference); { Allocate space for a local } procedure getlocal(list: TAsmList; size : longint;def:tdef;var ref : treference); procedure getlocal(list: TAsmList; size : longint; alignment : shortint; def:tdef;var ref : treference); procedure UnGetLocal(list: TAsmList; const ref : treference); end; var tg: ttgobj; procedure location_freetemp(list:TAsmList; const l : tlocation); implementation uses cutils, systems,verbose, procinfo, symconst ; const FreeTempTypes = [tt_free,tt_freenoreuse]; {$ifdef EXTDEBUG} TempTypeStr : array[ttemptype] of string[18] = ( '', 'free','normal','persistant', 'noreuse','freenoreuse' ); {$endif EXTDEBUG} Used2Free : array[ttemptype] of ttemptype = ( tt_none, tt_none,tt_free,tt_free, tt_freenoreuse,tt_none ); {***************************************************************************** Helpers *****************************************************************************} procedure location_freetemp(list:TAsmList; const l : tlocation); begin if (l.loc in [LOC_REFERENCE,LOC_CREFERENCE]) then tg.ungetiftemp(list,l.reference); end; {***************************************************************************** TTGOBJ *****************************************************************************} constructor ttgobj.create; begin tempfreelist:=nil; templist:=nil; { we could create a new child class for this but I don't if it is worth the effort (FK) } {$if defined(powerpc) or defined(powerpc64)} direction:=1; {$else} direction:=-1; {$endif} end; procedure ttgobj.resettempgen; var hp : ptemprecord; begin { Clear the old templist } while assigned(templist) do begin {$ifdef EXTDEBUG} if not(templist^.temptype in FreeTempTypes) then begin Comment(V_Warning,'tgobj: (ResetTempgen) temp at pos '+tostr(templist^.pos)+ ' with size '+tostr(templist^.size)+' and type '+TempTypeStr[templist^.temptype]+ ' from pos '+tostr(templist^.posinfo.line)+':'+tostr(templist^.posinfo.column)+ ' not freed at the end of the procedure'); end; {$endif EXTDEBUG} hp:=templist; templist:=hp^.next; dispose(hp); end; templist:=nil; tempfreelist:=nil; firsttemp:=0; lasttemp:=0; end; procedure ttgobj.setfirsttemp(l : longint); begin { this is a negative value normally } if l*direction>=0 then begin if odd(l) then inc(l,direction); end else internalerror(200204221); firsttemp:=l; lasttemp:=l; end; function ttgobj.AllocTemp(list: TAsmList; size,alignment : longint; temptype : ttemptype;def : tdef) : longint; var tl,htl, bestslot,bestprev, hprev,hp : ptemprecord; freetype : ttemptype; bestatend, fitatbegin, fitatend : boolean; begin AllocTemp:=0; bestprev:=nil; bestslot:=nil; tl:=nil; bestatend:=false; if size=0 then begin {$ifdef EXTDEBUG} Comment(V_Warning,'tgobj: (AllocTemp) temp of size 0 requested, allocating 4 bytes'); {$endif} size:=4; end; freetype:=Used2Free[temptype]; if freetype=tt_none then internalerror(200208201); size:=align(size,alignment); { First check the tmpfreelist, but not when we don't want to reuse an already allocated block } if assigned(tempfreelist) and (temptype<>tt_noreuse) then begin hprev:=nil; hp:=tempfreelist; while assigned(hp) do begin {$ifdef EXTDEBUG} if not(hp^.temptype in FreeTempTypes) then Comment(V_Warning,'tgobj: (AllocTemp) temp at pos '+tostr(hp^.pos)+ ' in freelist is not set to tt_free !'); {$endif} { Check only slots that are - free - share the same type - contain enough space - has a correct alignment } if (hp^.temptype=freetype) and (hp^.def=def) and (hp^.size>=size) and ((hp^.pos=align(hp^.pos,alignment)) or (hp^.pos+hp^.size-size = align(hp^.pos+hp^.size-size,alignment))) then begin { Slot is the same size then leave immediatly } if (hp^.size=size) then begin bestprev:=hprev; bestslot:=hp; break; end else begin { we can fit a smaller block either at the begin or at } { the end of a block. For direction=-1 we prefer the } { end, for direction=1 we prefer the begin (i.e., } { always closest to the source). We also try to use } { the block with the worst possible alignment that } { still suffices. And we pick the block which will } { have the best alignmenment after this new block is } { substracted from it. } fitatend:=(hp^.pos+hp^.size-size)=align(hp^.pos+hp^.size-size,alignment); fitatbegin:=hp^.pos=align(hp^.pos,alignment); if assigned(bestslot) then begin fitatend:=fitatend and ((not bestatend and (direction=-1)) or (bestatend and isbetteralignedthan(abs(bestslot^.pos+hp^.size-size),abs(hp^.pos+hp^.size-size),current_settings.alignment.localalignmax))); fitatbegin:=fitatbegin and (not bestatend or (direction=1)) and isbetteralignedthan(abs(hp^.pos+size),abs(bestslot^.pos+size),current_settings.alignment.localalignmax); end; if fitatend and fitatbegin then if isbetteralignedthan(abs(hp^.pos+hp^.size-size),abs(hp^.pos+size),current_settings.alignment.localalignmax) then fitatbegin:=false else if isbetteralignedthan(abs(hp^.pos+size),abs(hp^.pos+hp^.size-size),current_settings.alignment.localalignmax) then fitatend:=false else if (direction=1) then fitatend:=false else fitatbegin:=false; if fitatend or fitatbegin then begin bestprev:=hprev; bestslot:=hp; bestatend:=fitatend; end; end; end; hprev:=hp; hp:=hp^.nextfree; end; end; { Reuse an old temp ? } if assigned(bestslot) then begin if bestslot^.size=size then begin tl:=bestslot; { Remove from the tempfreelist } if assigned(bestprev) then bestprev^.nextfree:=tl^.nextfree else tempfreelist:=tl^.nextfree; end else begin { Duplicate bestlost and the block in the list } new(tl); move(bestslot^,tl^,sizeof(ttemprecord)); tl^.next:=bestslot^.next; bestslot^.next:=tl; { Now we split the block in 2 parts. Depending on the direction we need to resize the newly inserted block or the old reused block. For direction=1 we can use tl for the new block. For direction=-1 we will be reusing bestslot and resize the new block, that means we need to swap the pointers } if (direction=-1) xor bestatend then begin htl:=tl; tl:=bestslot; bestslot:=htl; { Update the tempfreelist to point to the new block } if assigned(bestprev) then bestprev^.nextfree:=bestslot else tempfreelist:=bestslot; end; if not bestatend then inc(bestslot^.pos,size) else inc(tl^.pos,tl^.size-size); { Create new block and resize the old block } tl^.size:=size; tl^.nextfree:=nil; { Resize the old block } dec(bestslot^.size,size); end; tl^.temptype:=temptype; tl^.def:=def; tl^.nextfree:=nil; end else begin { now we can create the templist entry } new(tl); tl^.temptype:=temptype; tl^.def:=def; { Extend the temp } if direction=-1 then begin lasttemp:=(-align(-lasttemp,alignment))-size; tl^.pos:=lasttemp; end else begin tl^.pos:=align(lasttemp,alignment); lasttemp:=tl^.pos+size; end; tl^.size:=size; tl^.next:=templist; tl^.nextfree:=nil; templist:=tl; end; {$ifdef EXTDEBUG} tl^.posinfo:=current_filepos; if assigned(tl^.def) then list.concat(tai_tempalloc.allocinfo(tl^.pos,tl^.size,'allocated with type '+TempTypeStr[tl^.temptype]+' for def '+tl^.def.typename)) else list.concat(tai_tempalloc.allocinfo(tl^.pos,tl^.size,'allocated with type '+TempTypeStr[tl^.temptype])); {$else} list.concat(tai_tempalloc.alloc(tl^.pos,tl^.size)); {$endif} AllocTemp:=tl^.pos; end; procedure ttgobj.FreeTemp(list: TAsmList; pos:longint;temptypes:ttemptypeset); var hp,hnext,hprev,hprevfree : ptemprecord; begin hp:=templist; hprev:=nil; hprevfree:=nil; while assigned(hp) do begin if (hp^.pos=pos) then begin { check if already freed } if hp^.temptype in FreeTempTypes then begin {$ifdef EXTDEBUG} Comment(V_Warning,'tgobj: (FreeTemp) temp at pos '+tostr(pos)+ ' is already free !'); list.concat(tai_tempalloc.allocinfo(hp^.pos,hp^.size,'temp is already freed')); {$endif} exit; end; { check type that are allowed to be released } if not(hp^.temptype in temptypes) then begin {$ifdef EXTDEBUG} Comment(V_Debug,'tgobj: (Freetemp) temp at pos '+tostr(pos)+ ' has different type ('+TempTypeStr[hp^.temptype]+'), not releasing'); list.concat(tai_tempalloc.allocinfo(hp^.pos,hp^.size,'temp has wrong type ('+TempTypeStr[hp^.temptype]+') not releasing')); {$endif} exit; end; list.concat(tai_tempalloc.dealloc(hp^.pos,hp^.size)); { set this block to free } hp^.temptype:=Used2Free[hp^.temptype]; { Update tempfreelist } if assigned(hprevfree) then begin { Concat blocks when the previous block is free and there is no block assigned for a tdef } if assigned(hprev) and (hp^.temptype=tt_free) and not assigned(hp^.def) and (hprev^.temptype=tt_free) and not assigned(hprev^.def) then begin inc(hprev^.size,hp^.size); if direction=1 then hprev^.pos:=hp^.pos; hprev^.next:=hp^.next; dispose(hp); hp:=hprev; end else hprevfree^.nextfree:=hp; end else begin hp^.nextfree:=tempfreelist; tempfreelist:=hp; end; { Concat blocks when the next block is free and there is no block assigned for a tdef } hnext:=hp^.next; if assigned(hnext) and (hp^.temptype=tt_free) and not assigned(hp^.def) and (hnext^.temptype=tt_free) and not assigned(hnext^.def) then begin inc(hp^.size,hnext^.size); if direction=1 then hp^.pos:=hnext^.pos; hp^.nextfree:=hnext^.nextfree; hp^.next:=hnext^.next; dispose(hnext); end; { Stop } exit; end; if (hp^.temptype=tt_free) then hprevfree:=hp; hprev:=hp; hp:=hp^.next; end; end; procedure ttgobj.gettemp(list: TAsmList; size, alignment : longint;temptype:ttemptype;out ref : treference); var varalign : shortint; begin varalign:=used_align(alignment,current_settings.alignment.localalignmin,current_settings.alignment.localalignmax); { can't use reference_reset_base, because that will let tgobj depend on cgobj (PFV) } fillchar(ref,sizeof(ref),0); ref.base:=current_procinfo.framepointer; ref.offset:=alloctemp(list,size,varalign,temptype,nil); ref.alignment:=varalign; end; procedure ttgobj.gettemptyped(list: TAsmList; def:tdef;temptype:ttemptype;out ref : treference); var varalign : shortint; begin varalign:=def.alignment; varalign:=used_align(varalign,current_settings.alignment.localalignmin,current_settings.alignment.localalignmax); { can't use reference_reset_base, because that will let tgobj depend on cgobj (PFV) } fillchar(ref,sizeof(ref),0); ref.base:=current_procinfo.framepointer; ref.offset:=alloctemp(list,def.size,varalign,temptype,def); ref.alignment:=varalign; end; function ttgobj.istemp(const ref : treference) : boolean; begin { ref.index = R_NO was missing led to problems with local arrays with lower bound > 0 (PM) } if direction = 1 then begin istemp:=(ref.base=current_procinfo.framepointer) and (ref.index=NR_NO) and (ref.offset>=firsttemp); end else begin istemp:=(ref.base=current_procinfo.framepointer) and (ref.index=NR_NO) and (ref.offsettt_free then begin {$ifdef EXTDEBUG} if hp^.temptype=temptype then Comment(V_Warning,'tgobj: (ChangeTempType) temp'+ ' at pos '+tostr(ref.offset)+ ' is already of the correct type !'); list.concat(tai_tempalloc.allocinfo(hp^.pos,hp^.size,'type changed to '+TempTypeStr[temptype])); {$endif} ChangeTempType:=true; hp^.temptype:=temptype; end else begin {$ifdef EXTDEBUG} Comment(V_Warning,'tgobj: (ChangeTempType) temp'+ ' at pos '+tostr(ref.offset)+ ' is already freed !'); list.concat(tai_tempalloc.allocinfo(hp^.pos,hp^.size,'temp is already freed')); {$endif} end; exit; end; hp:=hp^.next; end; {$ifdef EXTDEBUG} Comment(V_Warning,'tgobj: (ChangeTempType) temp'+ ' at pos '+tostr(ref.offset)+ ' not found !'); list.concat(tai_tempalloc.allocinfo(ref.offset,0,'temp not found')); {$endif} end; function ttgobj.gettypeoftemp(const ref:treference): ttemptype; var hp : ptemprecord; begin hp:=templist; while assigned(hp) do begin if (hp^.pos=ref.offset) then begin if hp^.temptype<>tt_free then result:=hp^.temptype else internalerror(2007020810); exit; end; hp:=hp^.next; end; result:=tt_none; end; procedure ttgobj.UnGetTemp(list: TAsmList; const ref : treference); begin FreeTemp(list,ref.offset,[tt_normal,tt_noreuse,tt_persistent]); end; procedure ttgobj.UnGetIfTemp(list: TAsmList; const ref : treference); begin if istemp(ref) then FreeTemp(list,ref.offset,[tt_normal]); end; procedure ttgobj.getlocal(list: TAsmList; size : longint;def:tdef;var ref : treference); begin getlocal(list, size, def.alignment, def, ref); end; procedure ttgobj.getlocal(list: TAsmList; size : longint; alignment : shortint; def:tdef;var ref : treference); begin alignment:=used_align(alignment,current_settings.alignment.localalignmin,current_settings.alignment.localalignmax); { can't use reference_reset_base, because that will let tgobj depend on cgobj (PFV) } fillchar(ref,sizeof(ref),0); ref.base:=current_procinfo.framepointer; ref.offset:=alloctemp(list,size,alignment,tt_persistent,nil); ref.alignment:=alignment; end; procedure ttgobj.UnGetLocal(list: TAsmList; const ref : treference); begin FreeTemp(list,ref.offset,[tt_persistent]); end; end.