This directory contains some utilities that are used during the development of the Free Pascal Compiler. msg2inc : Convert a compiler message file (errorX.msg) to .inc files to include it as the default language in the compiler. It can also convert the .msg to .tex for inclusion the documentation nasmconv : Convert a Nasm insns.dat to so it can be used with the compiler makecfg : This script will make the samplecfg for linux installations msgdif : analyzes the differences between two msg files msgdif errore.msg errord.msg will print out new error msg, removed old ones and will create a new file new.msg that will contain the new error messages (supposing TeX comment is after the message line itself) removed messages are prepended by "%%% " (they can be useful in case on error enum renaming !) ppuutils : read and dump *.ppu files generated by the compiler (directory, utility is called ppudump)