{ Copyright (c) 2000-2002 by Pierre Muller This program allows to run the Makefiles with the compiler running inside GDB GDB only stops if there is something special This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ****************************************************************************} program fpc_with_gdb; { This program uses several files : -- 'gdb4fpc.ini' contains the standard breakpoints (see below) -- 'gdb.fpc' is an optional file that can contain any other instruction that GDB should do before starting. Note that if gdb.fpc is present, no "run" command is inserted if gdb4fpc.ini is found but it can be inserted in gdb.fpc itself } uses dos; const {$ifdef Unix} GDBExeName = 'gdbpas'; GDBIniName = '.gdbinit'; DefaultCompilerName = 'ppc386'; {$else} GDBExeName = 'gdbpas.exe'; GDBIniName = 'gdb.ini'; DefaultCompilerName = 'ppc386.exe'; {$endif not linux} { If you add a gdb.fpc file in a given directory } { GDB will read it; this allows you to add } { special tests in specific directories PM } FpcGDBIniName = 'gdb.fpc'; GDBIniTempName = 'gdb4fpc.ini'; var fpcgdbini : text; CompilerName,Dir,Name,Ext : String; GDBError,GDBExitCode,i : longint; begin fsplit(paramstr(0),Dir,Name,Ext); if (length(Name)>3) and (UpCase(Name[1])='G') then CompilerName:=Copy(Name,2,255)+Ext else CompilerName:=DefaultCompilerName; { support for info functions directly : used in makefiles } if (paramcount=1) and (pos('-i',Paramstr(1))=1) then begin Exec(fsearch(CompilerName,GetEnv('PATH')),Paramstr(1)); exit; end; if fsearch(GDBIniTempName,'./')<>'' then begin Assign(fpcgdbini,GDBIniTempName); erase(fpcgdbini); end; Assign(fpcgdbini,GdbIniTempName); Rewrite(fpcgdbini); Writeln(fpcgdbini,'set language pascal'); Writeln(fpcgdbini,'b SYSTEM_EXIT'); Writeln(fpcgdbini,'cond 1 EXITCODE <> 0'); Writeln(fpcgdbini,'b INTERNALERROR'); Writeln(fpcgdbini,'b HANDLEERRORADDRFRAME'); Writeln(fpcgdbini,'set $_exitcode := -1'); Write(fpcgdbini,'set args'); { this will not work correctly if there are " or '' inside the command line :( } for i:=1 to Paramcount do begin if pos(' ',Paramstr(i))>0 then Write(fpcgdbini,' "'+ParamStr(i)+'"') else Write(fpcgdbini,' '+ParamStr(i)); end; Writeln(fpcgdbini); if fsearch(FpcGDBIniName,'./')<>'' then begin Writeln(fpcgdbini,'source '+FpcGDBIniName); end else Writeln(fpcgdbini,'run'); Writeln(fpcgdbini,'if ($_exitcode = -1)'); Writeln(fpcgdbini,' echo Program not completed'); Writeln(fpcgdbini,'else'); Writeln(fpcgdbini,' quit'); Writeln(fpcgdbini,'end'); Close(fpcgdbini); Exec(fsearch(GDBExeName,GetEnv('PATH')), {$ifdef win32} '--nw '+ {$endif win32} '--nx --quiet --command='+GDBIniTempName+' '+CompilerName); GDBError:=DosError; GDBExitCode:=DosExitCode; if (GDBError<>0) or (GDBExitCode<>0) then begin Writeln('Error running GDB'); if (GDBError<>0) then Writeln('DosError = ',GDBError); if (GDBExitCode<>0) then Writeln('DosExitCode = ',GDBExitCode); if GDBExitCode<>0 then RunError(GDBExitCode) else RunError(GDBError); end else Erase(fpcgdbini); end.