{ Copyright (c) 1998-2012 by Florian Klaempfl and others This unit contains the WebAssembly GAS instruction tables This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit itcpugas; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses cpubase,cgbase, itcpuwasm; const { Standard opcode string table (for each tasmop enumeration). The opcode strings should conform to the names as defined by the processor manufacturer. } gas_op2str : op2strtable = ( '', // control flow 'block', 'loop', 'br', 'br_if', 'br_table', 'if', 'else', 'end_block', 'end_loop', 'end_if', 'end_function', 'return', 'unreachable', // basic 'nop', 'drop', 'i32.const', 'i64.const', 'f32.const', 'f64.const', 'local.get', 'local.set', 'local.tee', 'global.get', 'global.set', 'select', 'call', 'call_indirect', // integer 'i32.add', 'i64.add', 'i32.sub', 'i64.sub', 'i32.mul', 'i64.mul', 'i32.div_s', 'i64.div_s', 'i32.div_u', 'i64.div_u', 'i32.rem_s', 'i64.rem_s', 'i32.rem_u', 'i64.rem_u', 'i32.and', 'i64.and', 'i32.or', 'i64.or', 'i32.xor', 'i64.xor', 'i32.shl', 'i64.shl', 'i32.shr_s', 'i64.shr_s', 'i32.shr_u', 'i64.shr_u', 'i32.rotl', 'i64.rotl', 'i32.rotr', 'i64.rotr', 'i32.clz', 'i64.clz', 'i32.ctz', 'i64.ctz', 'i32.popcnt', 'i64.popcnt', 'i32.eqz', 'i64.eqz', // floating point 'f32.add', 'f64.add', 'f32.sub', 'f64.sub', 'f32.mul', 'f64.mul', 'f32.div', 'f64.div', 'f32.sqrt', 'f64.sqrt', 'f32.min', 'f64.min', 'f32.max', 'f64.max', 'f32.ceil', 'f64.ceil', 'f32.floor', 'f64.floor', 'f32.trunc', 'f64.trunc', 'f32.nearest', 'f64.nearest', 'f32.abs', 'f64.abs', 'f32.neg', 'f64.neg', 'f32.copysign', 'f64.copysign', // integer compare 'i32.eq', 'i64.eq', 'i32.ne', 'i64.ne', 'i32.lt_s', 'i64.lt_s', 'i32.lt_u', 'i64.lt_u', 'i32.le_s', 'i64.le_s', 'i32.le_u', 'i64.le_u', 'i32.gt_s', 'i64.gt_s', 'i32.gt_u', 'i64.gt_u', 'i32.ge_s', 'i64.ge_s', 'i32.ge_u', 'i64.ge_u', // floating point compare 'f32.eq', 'f64.eq', 'f32.ne', 'f64.ne', 'f32.lt', 'f64.lt', 'f32.le', 'f64.le', 'f32.gt', 'f64.gt', 'f32.ge', 'f64.gt', // conversion 'i32.wrap_i64', 'i64.extend_i32_s', 'i64.extend_i32_u', 'i32.extend8_s','i32.extend16_s','i64.extend8_s','i64.extend16_s','i64.extend32_s', 'i32.trunc_f32_s', 'i32.trunc_f64_s', 'i64.trunc_f32_s', 'i64.trunc_f64_s', 'i32.trunc_f32_u', 'i32.trunc_f64_u', 'i64.trunc_f32_u', 'i64.trunc_f64_u', 'f32.demote_f64', 'f64.promote_f32', 'f32.convert_i32_s', 'f32.convert_i64_s', 'f64.convert_i32_s', 'f64.convert_i64_s', 'f32.convert_i32_u', 'f32.convert_i64_u', 'f64.convert_i32_u', 'f64.convert_i64_u', 'i32.reinterpret_f32', 'i64.reinterpret_f64', 'f32.reinterpret_i32', 'f64.reinterpret_i64', // load/store 'i32.load', 'i64.load', 'f32.load', 'f64.load', 'i32.store', 'i64.store', 'f32.store', 'f64.store', 'i32.load8_s', 'i32.load16_s', 'i64.load8_s', 'i64.load16_s', 'i64.load32_s', 'i32.load8_u', 'i32.load16_u', 'i64.load8_u', 'i64.load16_u', 'i64.load32_u', 'i32.store8', 'i32.store16', 'i64.store8', 'i64.store16', 'i64.store32', // additional memory 'memory.grow 0', 'memory.size 0' ); gas_wasm_basic_type_str : array [TWasmBasicType] of string = ('i32','i64','f32','f64'); function gas_regname(r:Tregister):string; implementation function gas_regname(r:Tregister):string; begin result:=generic_regname(r); end; end.