{ Copyright (c) 2008 by Jonas Maebe Whole program optimisation information collection base class This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit wpobase; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses globtype, cclasses, symtype; type { the types of available whole program optimization } twpotype = (wpo_devirtualization_context_insensitive,wpo_live_symbol_information); const wpo2str: array[twpotype] of string[16] = ('devirtualization','symbol liveness'); type { ************************************************************************* } { ******************** General base classes/interfaces ******************** } { ************************************************************************* } { interface to reading a section from a file with wpo info } twposectionreaderintf = interface ['{51BE3F89-C9C5-4965-9C83-AE7490C92E3E}'] function sectiongetnextline(out s: string): boolean; end; { interface to writing sections to a file with wpoinfo } twposectionwriterintf = interface ['{C056F0DD-62B1-4612-86C7-2D39944C4437}'] procedure startsection(const name: string); procedure sectionputline(const s: string); end; { base class for wpo information stores } { twpocomponentbase } twpocomponentbase = class public constructor create; reintroduce; virtual; { type of whole program optimization information collected/provided by this class } class function getwpotype: twpotype; virtual; abstract; { whole program optimizations for which this class generates information } class function generatesinfoforwposwitches: twpoptimizerswitches; virtual; abstract; { whole program optimizations performed by this class } class function performswpoforswitches: twpoptimizerswitches; virtual; abstract; { returns the name of the section parsed by this class } class function sectionname: shortstring; virtual; abstract; { checks whether the compiler options are compatible with this optimization (default: don't check anything) } class procedure checkoptions; virtual; { loads the information pertinent to this whole program optimization from the current section being processed by reader } procedure loadfromwpofilesection(reader: twposectionreaderintf); virtual; abstract; { stores the information of this component to a file in a format that can be loaded again using loadfromwpofilesection() } procedure storewpofilesection(writer: twposectionwriterintf); virtual; abstract; { extracts the information pertinent to this whole program optimization from the current compiler state (loaded units, ...) } procedure constructfromcompilerstate; virtual; abstract; end; twpocomponentbaseclass = class of twpocomponentbase; { forward declaration of overall wpo info manager class } twpoinfomanagerbase = class; { ************************************************************************* } { ** Information created per unit for use during subsequent compilation *** } { ************************************************************************* } { information about called vmt entries for a class } tcalledvmtentries = class protected { the class } fobjdef: tdef; fobjdefderef: tderef; { the vmt entries } fcalledentries: tbitset; public constructor create(_objdef: tdef; nentries: longint); constructor ppuload(ppufile: tcompilerppufile); destructor destroy; override; procedure ppuwrite(ppufile: tcompilerppufile); procedure buildderef; procedure buildderefimpl; procedure deref; procedure derefimpl; property objdef: tdef read fobjdef write fobjdef; property objdefderef: tderef read fobjdefderef write fobjdefderef; property calledentries: tbitset read fcalledentries write fcalledentries; end; { base class of information collected per unit. Still needs to be generalised for different kinds of wpo information, currently specific to devirtualization. } tunitwpoinfobase = class protected { created object types } fcreatedobjtypes: tfpobjectlist; { objectdefs pointed to by created classrefdefs } fcreatedclassrefobjtypes: tfpobjectlist; { objtypes potentially instantiated by fcreatedclassrefobjtypes (objdectdefs pointed to by classrefdefs that are passed as a regular parameter, loaded in a variable, ... so they can end up in a classrefdef var and be instantiated) } fmaybecreatedbyclassrefdeftypes: tfpobjectlist; { called virtual methods for all classes (hashed by mangled classname, entries bitmaps indicating which vmt entries per class are called -- tcalledvmtentries) } fcalledvmtentries: tfphashlist; public constructor create; reintroduce; virtual; destructor destroy; override; property createdobjtypes: tfpobjectlist read fcreatedobjtypes; property createdclassrefobjtypes: tfpobjectlist read fcreatedclassrefobjtypes; property maybecreatedbyclassrefdeftypes: tfpobjectlist read fmaybecreatedbyclassrefdeftypes; property calledvmtentries: tfphashlist read fcalledvmtentries; procedure addcreatedobjtype(def: tdef); procedure addcreatedobjtypeforclassref(def: tdef); procedure addmaybecreatedbyclassref(def: tdef); procedure addcalledvmtentry(def: tdef; index: longint); { resets the "I've been registered with wpo" flags for all defs in the above lists } procedure resetdefs; end; { ************************************************************************* } { **** Total information created for use during subsequent compilation **** } { ************************************************************************* } { class to create a file with wpo information } { tavailablewpofilewriter } twpofilewriter = class(tobject,twposectionwriterintf) private { array of class *instances* that wish to be written out to the whole program optimization feedback file } fsectioncontents: tfpobjectlist; ffilename: tcmdstr; foutputfile: text; public constructor create(const fn: tcmdstr); destructor destroy; override; procedure writefile; { starts a new section with name "name" } procedure startsection(const name: string); { writes s to the wpo file } procedure sectionputline(const s: string); { register a component instance that needs to be written to the wpo feedback file } procedure registerwpocomponent(component: twpocomponentbase); end; { ************************************************************************* } { ************ Information for use during current compilation ************* } { ************************************************************************* } { class to read a file with wpo information } twpofilereader = class(tobject,twposectionreaderintf) private ffilename: tcmdstr; flinenr: longint; finputfile: text; fcurline: string; fusecurline: boolean; { destination for the read information } fdest: twpoinfomanagerbase; function getnextnoncommentline(out s: string): boolean; public constructor create(const fn: tcmdstr; dest: twpoinfomanagerbase); destructor destroy; override; { processes the wpo info in the file } procedure processfile; { returns next line of the current section in s, and false if no more lines in the current section } function sectiongetnextline(out s: string): boolean; end; { ************************************************************************* } { ******* Specific kinds of whole program optimization components ********* } { ************************************************************************* } { method devirtualisation } twpodevirtualisationhandler = class(twpocomponentbase) { checks whether procdef (a procdef for a virtual method) can be replaced with a static call when it's called as objdef.procdef, and if so returns the mangled name in staticname. } function staticnameforcallingvirtualmethod(objdef, procdef: tdef; out staticname: TSymStr): boolean; virtual; abstract; { checks whether procdef (a procdef for a virtual method) can be replaced with a different procname in the vmt of objdef, and if so returns the new mangledname in staticname } function staticnameforvmtentry(objdef, procdef: tdef; out staticname: TSymStr): boolean; virtual; abstract; end; twpodeadcodehandler = class(twpocomponentbase) { checks whether a mangledname was removed as dead code from the final binary (WARNING: must *not* be called for functions marked as inline, since if all call sites are inlined, it won't appear in the final binary but nevertheless is still necessary!) } function symbolinfinalbinary(const s: shortstring): boolean; virtual; abstract; end; { ************************************************************************* } { ************ Collection of all instances of wpo components ************** } { ************************************************************************* } { class doing all the bookkeeping for everything } twpoinfomanagerbase = class private { array of classrefs of handler classes for the various kinds of whole program optimizations that we support } fwpocomponents: tfphashlist; freader: twpofilereader; fwriter: twpofilewriter; public { instances of the various optimizers/information collectors (for information used during this compilation) } wpoinfouse: array[twpotype] of twpocomponentbase; { register a whole program optimization class type } procedure registerwpocomponentclass(wpocomponent: twpocomponentbaseclass); { get the program optimization class type that can parse the contents of the section with name "secname" in the wpo feedback file } function gethandlerforsection(const secname: string): twpocomponentbaseclass; { tell all instantiated wpo component classes to collect the information from the global compiler state that they need (done at the very end of the compilation process) } procedure extractwpoinfofromprogram; { set the name of the feedback file from which all whole-program information to be used during the current compilation will be read } procedure setwpoinputfile(const fn: tcmdstr); { set the name of the feedback file to which all whole-program information collected during the current compilation will be written } procedure setwpooutputfile(const fn: tcmdstr); { check whether the specified wpo options (-FW/-Fw/-OW/-Ow) are complete and sensical, and parse the wpo feedback file specified with setwpoinputfile } procedure parseandcheckwpoinfo; { routines accessing the optimizer information } { 1) devirtualization at the symbol name level } function can_be_devirtualized(objdef, procdef: tdef; out name: TSymStr): boolean; virtual; abstract; { 2) optimal replacement method name in vmt } function optimized_name_for_vmt(objdef, procdef: tdef; out name: TSymStr): boolean; virtual; abstract; { 3) does a symbol appear in the final binary (i.e., not removed by dead code stripping/smart linking). WARNING: do *not* call for inline functions/procedures/methods/... } function symbol_live(const name: shortstring): boolean; virtual; abstract; constructor create; reintroduce; destructor destroy; override; end; var wpoinfomanager: twpoinfomanagerbase; implementation uses globals, cutils, sysutils, symdef, verbose; { tcreatedwpoinfobase } constructor tunitwpoinfobase.create; begin fcreatedobjtypes:=tfpobjectlist.create(false); fcreatedclassrefobjtypes:=tfpobjectlist.create(false); fmaybecreatedbyclassrefdeftypes:=tfpobjectlist.create(false); fcalledvmtentries:=tfphashlist.create; end; destructor tunitwpoinfobase.destroy; var i: longint; begin { don't call resetdefs here, because the defs may have been freed already } fcreatedobjtypes.free; fcreatedobjtypes:=nil; fcreatedclassrefobjtypes.free; fcreatedclassrefobjtypes:=nil; fmaybecreatedbyclassrefdeftypes.free; fmaybecreatedbyclassrefdeftypes:=nil; { may not be assigned in case the info was loaded from a ppu and we are not generating a wpo feedback file (see tunitwpoinfo.ppuload) } if assigned(fcalledvmtentries) then begin for i:=0 to fcalledvmtentries.count-1 do tcalledvmtentries(fcalledvmtentries[i]).free; fcalledvmtentries.free; fcalledvmtentries:=nil; end; inherited destroy; end; procedure tunitwpoinfobase.resetdefs; var i: ptrint; begin if assigned(fcreatedobjtypes) then for i:=0 to fcreatedobjtypes.count-1 do tobjectdef(fcreatedobjtypes[i]).created_in_current_module:=false; if assigned(fcreatedclassrefobjtypes) then for i:=0 to fcreatedclassrefobjtypes.count-1 do tobjectdef(fcreatedclassrefobjtypes[i]).classref_created_in_current_module:=false; if assigned(fmaybecreatedbyclassrefdeftypes) then for i:=0 to fmaybecreatedbyclassrefdeftypes.count-1 do tobjectdef(fmaybecreatedbyclassrefdeftypes[i]).maybe_created_in_current_module:=false; end; procedure tunitwpoinfobase.addcreatedobjtype(def: tdef); begin fcreatedobjtypes.add(def); end; procedure tunitwpoinfobase.addcreatedobjtypeforclassref(def: tdef); begin fcreatedclassrefobjtypes.add(def); end; procedure tunitwpoinfobase.addmaybecreatedbyclassref(def: tdef); begin fmaybecreatedbyclassrefdeftypes.add(def); end; procedure tunitwpoinfobase.addcalledvmtentry(def: tdef; index: longint); var entries: tcalledvmtentries; key: shortstring; begin key:=tobjectdef(def).vmt_mangledname; entries:=tcalledvmtentries(fcalledvmtentries.find(key)); if not assigned(entries) then begin entries:=tcalledvmtentries.create(def,tobjectdef(def).vmtentries.count); fcalledvmtentries.add(key,entries); end; entries.calledentries.include(index); end; { twpofilereader } function twpofilereader.getnextnoncommentline(out s: string): boolean; begin if (fusecurline) then begin s:=fcurline; fusecurline:=false; result:=true; exit; end; repeat readln(finputfile,s); if (s='') and eof(finputfile) then begin result:=false; exit; end; inc(flinenr); until (s='') or (s[1]<>'#'); result:=true; end; constructor twpofilereader.create(const fn: tcmdstr; dest: twpoinfomanagerbase); begin if not FileExists(fn) or { FileExists also returns true for directories } DirectoryExists(fn) then begin cgmessage1(wpo_cant_find_file,fn); exit; end; assign(finputfile,fn); ffilename:=fn; fdest:=dest; end; destructor twpofilereader.destroy; begin inherited destroy; end; procedure twpofilereader.processfile; var sectionhandler: twpocomponentbaseclass; i: longint; wpotype: twpotype; s, sectionname: string; begin cgmessage1(wpo_begin_processing,ffilename); reset(finputfile); flinenr:=0; while getnextnoncommentline(s) do begin if (s='') then continue; { format: "% sectionname" } if (s[1]<>'%') then begin cgmessage2(wpo_expected_section,tostr(flinenr),s); break; end; for i:=2 to length(s) do if (s[i]<>' ') then break; sectionname:=copy(s,i,255); { find handler for section and process } sectionhandler:=fdest.gethandlerforsection(sectionname); if assigned(sectionhandler) then begin wpotype:=sectionhandler.getwpotype; cgmessage2(wpo_found_section,sectionname,wpo2str[wpotype]); { do we need this information? } if ((sectionhandler.performswpoforswitches * init_settings.dowpoptimizerswitches) <> []) then begin { did some other section already generate this type of information? } if assigned(fdest.wpoinfouse[wpotype]) then begin cgmessage2(wpo_duplicate_wpotype,wpo2str[wpotype],sectionname); fdest.wpoinfouse[wpotype].free; end; { process the section } fdest.wpoinfouse[wpotype]:=sectionhandler.create; twpocomponentbase(fdest.wpoinfouse[wpotype]).loadfromwpofilesection(self); end else begin cgmessage1(wpo_skipping_unnecessary_section,sectionname); { skip the current section } while sectiongetnextline(s) do ; end; end else begin cgmessage1(wpo_no_section_handler,sectionname); { skip the current section } while sectiongetnextline(s) do ; end; end; close(finputfile); cgmessage1(wpo_end_processing,ffilename); end; function twpofilereader.sectiongetnextline(out s: string): boolean; begin result:=getnextnoncommentline(s); if not result then exit; { start of new section? } if (s<>'') and (s[1]='%') then begin { keep read line for next call to getnextnoncommentline() } fcurline:=s; fusecurline:=true; result:=false; end; end; { twpocomponentbase } constructor twpocomponentbase.create; begin { do nothing } end; class procedure twpocomponentbase.checkoptions; begin { do nothing } end; { twpofilewriter } constructor twpofilewriter.create(const fn: tcmdstr); begin assign(foutputfile,fn); ffilename:=fn; fsectioncontents:=tfpobjectlist.create(true); end; destructor twpofilewriter.destroy; begin fsectioncontents.free; inherited destroy; end; procedure twpofilewriter.writefile; var i: longint; begin {$push}{$i-} rewrite(foutputfile); {$pop} if (ioresult <> 0) then begin cgmessage1(wpo_cant_create_feedback_file,ffilename); exit; end; for i:=0 to fsectioncontents.count-1 do twpocomponentbase(fsectioncontents[i]).storewpofilesection(self); close(foutputfile); end; procedure twpofilewriter.startsection(const name: string); begin writeln(foutputfile,'% ',name); end; procedure twpofilewriter.sectionputline(const s: string); begin writeln(foutputfile,s); end; procedure twpofilewriter.registerwpocomponent( component: twpocomponentbase); begin fsectioncontents.add(component); end; { twpoinfomanagerbase } procedure twpoinfomanagerbase.registerwpocomponentclass(wpocomponent: twpocomponentbaseclass); begin fwpocomponents.add(wpocomponent.sectionname,wpocomponent); end; function twpoinfomanagerbase.gethandlerforsection(const secname: string ): twpocomponentbaseclass; begin result:=twpocomponentbaseclass(fwpocomponents.find(secname)); end; procedure twpoinfomanagerbase.setwpoinputfile(const fn: tcmdstr); begin freader:=twpofilereader.create(fn,self); end; procedure twpoinfomanagerbase.setwpooutputfile(const fn: tcmdstr); begin fwriter:=twpofilewriter.create(fn); end; procedure twpoinfomanagerbase.parseandcheckwpoinfo; var i: longint; begin { error if we don't have to optimize yet have an input feedback file } if (init_settings.dowpoptimizerswitches=[]) and assigned(freader) then begin cgmessage(wpo_input_without_info_use); exit; end; { error if we have to optimize yet don't have an input feedback file } if (init_settings.dowpoptimizerswitches<>[]) and not assigned(freader) then begin cgmessage(wpo_no_input_specified); exit; end; { if we have to generate wpo information, check that a file has been specified and that we have something to write to it } if (init_settings.genwpoptimizerswitches<>[]) and not assigned(fwriter) then begin cgmessage(wpo_no_output_specified); exit; end; if (init_settings.genwpoptimizerswitches=[]) and assigned(fwriter) then begin cgmessage(wpo_output_without_info_gen); exit; end; { now read the input feedback file } if assigned(freader) then begin freader.processfile; freader.free; freader:=nil; end; { and for each specified optimization check whether the input feedback file contained the necessary information } if (([cs_wpo_devirtualize_calls,cs_wpo_optimize_vmts] * init_settings.dowpoptimizerswitches) <> []) and not assigned(wpoinfouse[wpo_devirtualization_context_insensitive]) then begin cgmessage1(wpo_not_enough_info,wpo2str[wpo_devirtualization_context_insensitive]); exit; end; if (cs_wpo_symbol_liveness in init_settings.dowpoptimizerswitches) and not assigned(wpoinfouse[wpo_live_symbol_information]) then begin cgmessage1(wpo_not_enough_info,wpo2str[wpo_live_symbol_information]); exit; end; { perform pre-checking to ensure there are no known incompatibilities between the selected optimizations and other switches } for i:=0 to fwpocomponents.count-1 do if (twpocomponentbaseclass(fwpocomponents[i]).generatesinfoforwposwitches*init_settings.genwpoptimizerswitches)<>[] then twpocomponentbaseclass(fwpocomponents[i]).checkoptions end; procedure twpoinfomanagerbase.extractwpoinfofromprogram; var i: longint; info: twpocomponentbase; begin { if don't have to write anything, fwriter has not been created } if not assigned(fwriter) then exit; { let all wpo components gather the necessary info from the compiler state } for i:=0 to fwpocomponents.count-1 do if (twpocomponentbaseclass(fwpocomponents[i]).generatesinfoforwposwitches*current_settings.genwpoptimizerswitches)<>[] then begin info:=twpocomponentbaseclass(fwpocomponents[i]).create; info.constructfromcompilerstate; fwriter.registerwpocomponent(info); end; { and write their info to disk } fwriter.writefile; fwriter.free; fwriter:=nil; end; constructor twpoinfomanagerbase.create; begin inherited create; fwpocomponents:=tfphashlist.create; end; destructor twpoinfomanagerbase.destroy; var i: twpotype; begin freader.free; freader:=nil; fwriter.free; fwriter:=nil; fwpocomponents.free; fwpocomponents:=nil; for i:=low(wpoinfouse) to high(wpoinfouse) do if assigned(wpoinfouse[i]) then wpoinfouse[i].free; inherited destroy; end; { tcalledvmtentries } constructor tcalledvmtentries.create(_objdef: tdef; nentries: longint); begin objdef:=_objdef; calledentries:=tbitset.create(nentries); end; constructor tcalledvmtentries.ppuload(ppufile: tcompilerppufile); var len: longint; begin ppufile.getderef(fobjdefderef); len:=ppufile.getlongint; calledentries:=tbitset.create_bytesize(len); if (len <> calledentries.datasize) then internalerror(2009060301); ppufile.readdata(calledentries.data^,len); end; destructor tcalledvmtentries.destroy; begin fcalledentries.free; inherited destroy; end; procedure tcalledvmtentries.ppuwrite(ppufile: tcompilerppufile); begin ppufile.putderef(objdefderef); ppufile.putlongint(calledentries.datasize); ppufile.putdata(calledentries.data^,calledentries.datasize); end; procedure tcalledvmtentries.buildderef; begin objdefderef.build(objdef); end; procedure tcalledvmtentries.buildderefimpl; begin end; procedure tcalledvmtentries.deref; begin objdef:=tdef(objdefderef.resolve); end; procedure tcalledvmtentries.derefimpl; begin end; end.