Program GravityWars; {A demo for TP 4.0 compability of Graph. The sources for this game was found on a site that claims to only have PD stuff with the below header(which was only reindented), and the webmaster said that everything he published was sent to him with that purpose. We tried to contact the authors mentioned below via mail over internet, but that failed. If there is somebody that claims authorship of these programs, please mail, and the sources will be removed from our websites. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ORIGINAL Header: by Sohrab Ismail-Beigi Completed 4/23/89 SYSOP of The 3D Graphics BBS 300/1200/2400 baud, N-8-1 Full duplex (201) 444-4154 Turbo Pascal 4.0 source code. Requires VGA 640x480x16 display. Note: pix=pixels in the comments} {$ifdef Win32} {$apptype GUI} {$endif} Uses {$ifdef Win32} Windows, WinCrt, {$else} Crt, {$endif} Graph; Type spacecraft=Record {used for ships and pointer} coffx,coffy,r : longint; {center offsets and radius in pix} imagex,imagey : longint; {upper left of image} imagepointr : pointer; {pointer to image data} imagesize : word; {size in bytes} end; planettype=Record cx,cy,r : longint; {planet center and radius} d,GM : real; {density and G*M product} end; Const color : array[1..3] of byte=(Red,Green,LightBlue); {colors for planets} G=0.1; {gravity constant} bhr=15; {black hole radius} Esc=#27; {ASCII for Esc} Return=#13; { " " RETURN} Var ship : array[1..2] of spacecraft; {2 ships} tp,pointr : spacecraft; {tp is temporary, 1 pointer} pl : array[1..9] of planettype; {the 9 planets} screen : Record {the game area} sx,ex,sy,ey,cx,cy,lx,ly : longint; {start x/y, end x/y, center} end; {x/y, length x/y} np,GraphDriver,GraphMode : integer; {# of planets} criticaldist : real; {for escape velocity calc} playsong : boolean; {play the songs?} Procedure Init; {initialize everything} begin //SetGraphBufSize(10); GraphDriver:=VGA; GraphMode:=VGAHi; {$ifdef Win32} ShowWindow(GetActiveWindow,0); {$endif} InitGraph(GraphDriver,GraphMode,''); setbkcolor(black); setviewport(0,0,getmaxx,getmaxy,clipoff); clearviewport; SetColor(LightGray); SetFillStyle(SolidFill,LightGray); {Hull of ships} Circle(100,100,9); FloodFill(100,100,LightGray); Bar(77,98,100,102); MoveTo(82,98); LineRel(-3,-8); LineRel(-13,0); LineRel(0,-3); LineRel(24,0); LineRel(0,3); LineRel(-7,0); LineRel(3,8); FloodFill(83,97,LightGray); MoveTo(82,101); LineRel(-3,8); LineRel(-13,0); LineRel(0,3); LineRel(24,0); LineRel(0,-3); LineRel(-7,0); LineRel(3,-8); FloodFill(83,103,LightGray); MoveTo(200,200); LineRel(5,-5); LineRel(5,5); LineRel(10,0); LineRel(5,-8); LineRel(15,0); LineRel(-6,9); LineRel(6,9); LineRel(-15,0); LineRel(-5,-7); LineRel(-10,0); LineRel(-5,5); LineRel(-6,-7); LineRel(2,-2); FloodFill(201,201,LightGray); SetColor(LightRed); SetFillStyle(SolidFill,LightRed); {Red lights on ships} Circle(100,100,2); FloodFill(100,100,LightRed); Bar(89,87,91,90); Bar(89,109,91,112); Bar(224,200,226,203); Bar(240,192,242,194); Bar(240,208,242,210); SetColor(Yellow); MoveTo(0,0); LineRel(0,10); MoveTo(0,0); LineRel(10,0); MoveTo(0,0); LineRel(15,15); {pointer} tp.imagesize:=ImageSize(0,0,16,16); {kludge to subdue compiler bug} GetMem(tp.imagepointr,tp.imagesize); GetImage(0,0,16,16,tp.imagepointr^); pointr.imagesize:=ImageSize(0,0,16,16); GetMem(pointr.imagepointr,pointr.imagesize); GetImage(0,0,16,16,pointr.imagepointr^); {get pointer} pointr.coffx:=7; pointr.coffy:=7; pointr.r:=9; ship[1].imagesize:=ImageSize(66,87,110,113); GetMem(ship[1].imagepointr,ship[1].imagesize); GetImage(66,87,110,113,ship[1].imagepointr^); {enterprise} ship[1].coffx:=22; ship[1].coffy:=13; ship[1].r:=26; ship[2].imagesize:=ImageSize(199,192,242,210); GetMem(ship[2].imagepointr,ship[2].imagesize); GetImage(199,192,242,210,ship[2].imagepointr^); {klingon} ship[2].coffx:=21; ship[2].coffy:=9; ship[2].r:=23; ClearDevice;; screen.ex:=638;; screen.ey:=478; div 2; {initialize screen} div 2; {bounds};; criticaldist:=2.0*sqrt(sqr(screen.lx)+sqr(; {critical distance} playsong:=true; {for escape vel. calc} end; Procedure Finish; {free memory and end} begin FreeMem(ship[1].imagepointr,ship[1].imagesize); FreeMem(ship[2].imagepointr,ship[2].imagesize); FreeMem(pointr.imagepointr,pointr.imagesize); FreeMem(tp.imagepointr,tp.imagesize); CloseGraph; end; Function InBounds(cx,cy,r:longint):boolean; {is the point with radius} begin {completely in screen bounds?} InBounds:=true; if r<>0 then if (cx-r< or (cx+r>=screen.ex) or (cy-r< or (cy+r>=screen.ey) then InBounds:=false else if (cx-bhr< or (cx+bhr>=screen.ex) or (cy-bhr< or (cy+bhr>=screen.ey) then InBounds:=false; end; Procedure RandomSetup; {make a random setup} var i,j : integer; a,b : longint; ok : boolean; begin Randomize; np:=Random(9)+1; {random # of planets 1-9} for i:=1 to np do {pick planet positions} Repeat ok:=true; pl[i].cx:=Random(screen.lx); pl[i].cy:=Random(; pl[i].d:=(Random(3)+2)/2.0; pl[i].r:=0; if Random>0.05 then pl[i].r:=Random(70)+20; {5% chance of blackhole} if pl[i].r<>0 then pl[i].GM:=G*2*pi*sqr(pl[i].r)*pl[i].d else pl[i].GM:=G*2*pi*sqr(30)*1.0; ok:=InBounds(pl[i].cx,pl[i].cy,pl[i].r); if (i>1) and (ok) then {any collisions with existing planets?} for j:=1 to i-1 do begin if sqrt(sqr(pl[i].cx-pl[j].cx)+sqr(pl[i].cy-pl[j].cy))<= pl[i].r+pl[j].r+2*bhr then ok:=false; end; Until ok; for i:=1 to 2 do {pick ship positions} Repeat ok:=true; ship[i].imagex:=Random(screen.lx div 2); {enterprise to the} if i=2 then ship[2].imagex:=ship[i].imagex+screen.lx div 2; {left and} ship[i].imagey:=Random(; {klingon to the right} a:=ship[i].imagex+ship[i].coffx; b:=ship[i].imagey+ship[i].coffy; ok:=InBounds(a,b,ship[i].r); for j:=1 to np do {any collisions with planets?} if sqrt(sqr(a-pl[j].cx)+sqr(b-pl[j].cy))<=pl[j].r+ship[i].r+bhr then ok:=false; Until ok; end; Procedure DrawSetup; {draw current setup} var i,j : integer; begin ClearDevice; SetColor(White); Rectangle(,,screen.ex-1,screen.ey-1); {game box} for i:=1 to 2000 do {2000 random stars} PutPixel(Random(screen.lx),Random(,White); for i:=1 to 2 do {2 ships} PutImage(ship[i].imagex,ship[i].imagey,ship[i].imagepointr^,NormalPut); for i:=1 to np do {np planets} if pl[i].r>0 then {normal} begin SetColor(color[trunc(pl[i].d*2-1)]); Circle(pl[i].cx,pl[i].cy,pl[i].r); SetFillStyle(SolidFill,color[trunc(pl[i].d*2-1)]); FloodFill(pl[i].cx,pl[i].cy,color[trunc(pl[i].d*2-1)]); end else {black hole} begin SetColor(Black); for j:=0 to bhr do Circle(pl[i].cx,pl[i].cy,j); end; end; Procedure ClearDialogBox; {clear text message area} begin SetFillStyle(SolidFill,Black); Bar(0,0,screen.ex-1,; end; Function GetString:string; {get a string until RETURN is pressed} var s : string; c : char; begin s:=''; Repeat c:=ReadKey; if (c=chr(8)) and (length(s)>0) then {backspace key} begin delete(s,length(s),1); MoveRel(-8,0); {delete last char} SetFillStyle(SolidFill,Black); Bar(GetX,GetY,GetX+8,GetY+8); end else if c<>Return then begin s:=concat(s,c); {get and draw char} SetColor(LightGray); OutText(c); end; Until c=Return; GetString:=s; end; Procedure PlayGame; Const number_of_explosion_dots=20; {# dots for explosion with planet surface} Var vx,vy,vc,x,y,dt,ax,ay,dx,dy,dr,k : real; v0,angle : array[1..2] of real; s : string; ch : char; i,event,player,winner : integer; ok,donecritical,offscreen : boolean; buffer : array[1..number_of_explosion_dots] of Record {for explosion} x,y,color : integer; end; begin v0[1]:=0; v0[2]:=0; angle[1]:=0; angle[2]:=0; player:=1; donecritical:=false; Repeat {infinite loop} ClearDialogBox; SetColor(LightGray); str(player,s); s:=concat('Player ',s); {player #} OutTextXY(0,0,s); Repeat {get angle} MoveTo(0,10); str(angle[player]:3:5,s); s:=concat('Angle: [',s,']: '); OutText(s); s:=GetString; if (s[1]='Q') or (s[1]='q') then exit; i:=0; if s<>'' then Val(s,angle[player],i); SetFillStyle(SolidFill,Black); ok:=(i=0) and (angle[player]>=0.0) and (angle[player]<=360); if not ok then Bar(0,10,screen.ex-1,18); Until ok; Repeat {get initial velocity} MoveTo(0,20); str(v0[player]:2:5,s); s:=concat('Initial Velocity: [',s,']: '); OutText(s); s:=GetString; if (s[1]='Q') or (s[1]='q') then exit; i:=0; if s<>'' then Val(s,v0[player],i); SetFillStyle(SolidFill,Black); ok:=(i=0) and (v0[player]>=0.0) and (v0[player]<=10.0); if not ok then Bar(0,20,screen.ex-1,28); Until ok; k:=pi*angle[player]/180.0; {angle in radians} vx:=v0[player]*cos(k); vy:=-v0[player]*sin(k); x:=ship[player].imagex+ship[player].coffx+ship[player].r*cos(k); y:=ship[player].imagey+ship[player].coffy-ship[player].r*sin(k); ClearDialogBox; MoveTo(round(x),round(y)); SetColor(White); offscreen:=false; Repeat {calculate and draw trajectory} dt:=0.25; {time interval [vel. is in pix/time]} x:=x+vx*dt; y:=y+vy*dt; ax:=0; ay:=0; for i:=1 to np do {calc accel. due to gravity} begin dx:=x-pl[i].cx; dy:=y-pl[i].cy; dr:=sqrt(sqr(dx)+sqr(dy)); k:=1/(sqr(dr)*dr); if pl[i].r<>0 then {normal} begin ax:=ax-pl[i].GM*dx*k; ay:=ay-pl[i].GM*dy*k end else {black hole} begin ax:=ax-pl[i].GM*dx*(k+sqr(k*dr)); ay:=ay-pl[i].GM*dy*(k+sqr(k*dr)); end; end; vx:=vx+ax*dt; vy:=vy+ay*dt; event:=0; if keypressed then event:=1 else if (x> and (x<=screen.ex) and {in screen bounds?} (y> and (y<=screen.ey) then begin donecritical:=false; i:=GetPixel(round(x),round(y)); if (i=color[1]) or (i=color[2]) or (i=color[3]) or (i=LightRed) or (i=LightGray) then event:=2 else if offscreen then MoveTo(round(x),round(y)) else LineTo(round(x),round(y)); offscreen:=false; end {off screen} else if not donecritical then begin offscreen:=true; {offscreen and critical distance};; dr:=sqrt(sqr(dx)+sqr(dy)); if dr>=criticaldist then begin vc:=(dx*vx+dy*vy)/dr; k:=0; for i:=1 to np do k:=k+pl[i].GM; if 0.5*sqr(vc)>=k/dr then {do we have escape velocity?} event:=3; end; end; Until event<>0; if event=1 then {a key was pressed for a break} begin ClearDialogBox; ch:=ReadKey; {one already in buffer} SetColor(LightGray); OutTextXY(0,0,'Break... Esc to break, any other key to continue'); ch:=ReadKey; if ch=Esc then exit; end else if event=3 then {missile escaped the universe} begin ClearDialogBox; SetColor(LightGray); OutTextXY(0,0,'Missile left the galaxy...'); delay(2000); end else {event=2} {hit something} begin if (i=color[1]) or (i=color[2]) or (i=color[3]) then {hit a planet} begin for i:=1 to number_of_explosion_dots do {draw explosion} begin buffer[i].x:=trunc(x+20*(Random-0.5)); buffer[i].y:=trunc(y+20*(Random-0.5)); buffer[i].color:=GetPixel(buffer[i].x,buffer[i].y); PutPixel(buffer[i].x,buffer[i].y,LightRed); delay(25); end; delay(1000); for i:=1 to number_of_explosion_dots do {erase explosion} PutPixel(buffer[i].x,buffer[i].y,buffer[i].color); end else {hit a ship!} begin if sqrt(sqr(x-ship[1].imagex-ship[1].coffx)+ {which one won?} sqr(y-ship[1].imagey-ship[1].coffy))<=ship[1].r+5 then winner:=2 else winner:=1; for event:=1 to 100 do {flash the screen} SetPalette(Black,Random(16)); SetPalette(Black,Black); for i:=1 to 1000 do {put some white and red points} begin k:=Random*2*pi; event:=Random(3); if event=0 then PutPixel(trunc(x+30*Random*cos(k)),trunc(y+30*Random*sin(k)),Black) else if event=1 then PutPixel(trunc(x+30*Random*cos(k)),trunc(y+30*Random*sin(k)),Red) else PutPixel(trunc(x+20*Random*cos(k)),trunc(y+20*Random*sin(k)),White); end; ClearDialogBox; SetColor(LightGray); str(winner,s); s:=concat('Player ',s,' wins!!!'); {announce} OutTextXY(0,0,s); if playsong then {play a tune} begin Sound(440); delay(150); Nosound; delay(50); Sound(440); delay(150); Sound(554); delay(150); Sound(659); delay(350); Sound(554); delay(150); Sound(659); delay(450); Nosound; delay(500); Sound(880); delay(800); Nosound; end; delay(3000); exit; end; end; {if event=3} Inc(player); if player=3 then player:=1; {next player} Until true=false; {infinite loop} end; Procedure PlayingtheGame; {playing the game menu} var option : char; begin Repeat ClearDialogBox; SetColor(LightGray); OutTextXY(0,0,'1. Random setup 2. Play game Esc quits menu'); OutTextXY(0,10,'Option: '); option:=ReadKey; Case option of '1' : begin ClearDialogBox; RandomSetup; DrawSetup; end; '2' : PlayGame; end; Until option=Esc; end; Procedure Options; {options menu} var option : char; begin Repeat ClearDialogBox; SetColor(LightGray); OutTextXY(0,0,'1. Redraw screen 2. Sound on/off Esc quits menu'); OutTextXY(0,10,'Option: '); option:=ReadKey; Case option of '1' : DrawSetUp; '2' : playsong:=not playsong; end; Until option=Esc; end; Procedure InterpKey(c:char; var x,y,coffx,coffy,r:longint; var jump:integer; var moveit:boolean); begin {interprets keys for movement of pointer, mainly to save} Case c of {space due to shared code in many Change routines} '+' : if jump<49 then Inc(jump,2); '-' : if jump>2 then Dec(jump,2); '8' : begin {up} Dec(y,jump); if InBounds(x+coffx,y+coffy,r) then moveit:=true else Inc(y,jump); end; '2' : begin {down} Inc(y,jump); if InBounds(x+coffx,y+coffy,r) then moveit:=true else Dec(y,jump); end; '4' : begin {left} Dec(x,jump); if InBounds(x+coffx,y+coffy,r) then moveit:=true else Inc(x,jump); end; '6' : begin {right} Inc(x,jump); if InBounds(x+coffx,y+coffy,r) then moveit:=true else Dec(x,jump); end; end; {case c of} end; Procedure MoveShip; {move a given ship to a new legal position} var c : char; s,jump,j : integer; x,y,xold,yold,a,b : longint; legal,moveit : boolean; begin ClearDialogBox; SetColor(LightGray); OutTextXY(0, 0,'Ships: 1. Enterprise 2. Klingon Esc aborts'); OutTextXY(0,10,'Which ship? '); {get the proper ship} Repeat c:=ReadKey; Until (c='1') or (c='2') or (c=Esc); if c=Esc then exit; if c='1' then s:=1 else s:=2; ClearDialogBox; OutTextXY(0, 0,'Use cursors to move ship. (Num Lock on) Esc aborts'); OutTextXY(0,10,'Enter to place, + and - to change size of jumps.'); jump:=30; x:=ship[s].imagex; y:=ship[s].imagey; Repeat {loop until Esc or somewhere legal} Repeat {loop until Esc or RETURN} Repeat c:=ReadKey; Until (c='4') or (c='8') or (c='6') or (c='2') or (c='+') or (c='-') or (c=Return) or (c=Esc); moveit:=false; xold:=x; yold:=y; InterpKey(c,x,y,ship[s].coffx,ship[s].coffy,ship[s].r,jump,moveit); if moveit then {if can move the image,} begin PutImage(xold,yold,ship[s].imagepointr^,XORPut); {erase old} PutImage(x,y,ship[s].imagepointr^,XORPut); {draw new} moveit:=false; end; Until (c=Return) or (c=Esc); if c=Esc then {abort} begin PutImage(x,y,ship[s].imagepointr^,XORPut); PutImage(ship[s].imagex,ship[s].imagey,ship[s].imagepointr^,NormalPut); exit; end; a:=x+ship[s].coffx; b:=y+ship[s].coffy; legal:=InBounds(a,b,ship[s].r); {in bounds?} for j:=1 to np do {in collision with any planets?} if sqrt(sqr(a-pl[j].cx)+sqr(b-pl[j].cy))<=pl[j].r+ship[s].r+bhr then legal:=false; if not legal then {oops! not legal!} begin SetPalette(Black,White); SetFillStyle(SolidFill,Black); Bar(0,20,screen.ex,; delay(100); SetPalette(Black,Black); SetColor(LightGray); OutTextXY(0,20,'Illegal ship position!'); end; Until legal; ship[s].imagex:=x; ship[s].imagey:=y; {ok, place it there} end; Procedure MovePlanet; {move a planet} var c : char; i,p,jump : integer; x,y,xold,yold,minr,t,cxorig,cyorig : longint; moveit,legal : boolean; begin ClearDialogBox; if np=0 then {no planets!} begin OutTextXY(0,0,'No planets to move!'); delay(2000); exit; end; OutTextXY(0, 0,'Use cursors to move pointer. (Num Lock on) Esc aborts'); OutTextXY(0,10,'Enter to pick planet, + and - to change size of jumps.'); jump:=30; x:=100; y:=100; PutImage(x,y,pointr.imagepointr^,XORPut); Repeat {loop until Esc or RETURN} Repeat c:=ReadKey; Until (c='4') or (c='8') or (c='6') or (c='2') or (c='+') or (c='-') or (c=Return) or (c=Esc); moveit:=false; xold:=x; yold:=y; InterpKey(c,x,y,pointr.coffx,pointr.coffy,pointr.r,jump,moveit); if moveit then begin PutImage(xold,yold,pointr.imagepointr^,XORPut); PutImage(x,y,pointr.imagepointr^,XORPut); moveit:=false; end; Until (c=Return) or (c=Esc); PutImage(x,y,pointr.imagepointr^,XORPut); {erase pointer} if c=Esc then exit; p:=0; minr:=trunc(sqrt(sqr(screen.lx)+sqr(; for i:=1 to np do {find the closest planet/black hole} begin t:=trunc(sqrt(sqr(x-pl[i].cx)+sqr(y-pl[i].cy))); if tEsc then {ok, RETURN pressed} begin pl[p].cx:=-1000; pl[p].cy:=-1000; {so it won't collide with itself!} for i:=1 to np do {any collisions with other planets?} if sqrt(sqr(x-pl[i].cx)+sqr(y-pl[i].cy))<=pl[i].r+pl[p].r+2*bhr then legal:=false; for i:=1 to 2 do {any collisions with other ships?} if sqrt(sqr(x-ship[i].imagex-ship[i].coffx)+ sqr(y-ship[i].imagey-ship[i].coffy))<=pl[p].r+ship[i].r+bhr then legal:=false; end; if not legal then {oops!} begin SetPalette(Black,White); SetFillStyle(SolidFill,Black); Bar(0,20,screen.ex,; delay(100); SetPalette(Black,Black); SetColor(LightGray); OutTextXY(0,20,'Illegal planet position!'); end; Until legal; pl[p].cx:=x; pl[p].cy:=y; {put it there} if c=Esc then {abort and restore} begin pl[p].cx:=cxorig; pl[p].cy:=cyorig; end; DrawSetUp; {redraw screen} end; Procedure MakePlanet; {make a planet given center and radius} var c : char; i,p,jump : integer; x,y,xold,yold : longint; moveit,legal : boolean; begin ClearDialogBox; if np=9 then {too many planets already!} begin OutTextXY(0,0,'Can not make any more planets!'); delay(2000); exit; end; OutTextXY(0, 0,'Use cursors to move pointer. (Num Lock on) Esc aborts'); OutTextXY(0,10,'Enter to place center, + and - to change size of jumps.'); jump:=30; x:=100; y:=100; PutImage(x,y,pointr.imagepointr^,XORPut); Repeat {loop until a legal center is picked or Esc} Repeat Repeat c:=ReadKey; Until (c='4') or (c='8') or (c='6') or (c='2') or (c='+') or (c='-') or (c=Return) or (c=Esc); moveit:=false; xold:=x; yold:=y; InterpKey(c,x,y,pointr.coffx,pointr.coffy,pointr.r,jump,moveit); if moveit then begin PutImage(xold,yold,pointr.imagepointr^,XORPut); PutImage(x,y,pointr.imagepointr^,XORPut); moveit:=false; end; Until (c=Return) or (c=Esc); if c=Esc then exit; legal:=true; for i:=1 to np do {any collisions with planets?} if sqrt(sqr(x-pl[i].cx)+sqr(y-pl[i].cy))<=pl[i].r+2*bhr then legal:=false; for i:=1 to 2 do {any collisions with ships?} if sqrt(sqr(x-ship[i].imagex-ship[i].coffx)+ sqr(y-ship[i].imagey-ship[i].coffy))<=ship[i].r+bhr then legal:=false; if not legal then {uh oh!} begin SetPalette(Black,White); SetFillStyle(SolidFill,Black); Bar(0,20,screen.ex,; delay(100); SetPalette(Black,Black); SetColor(LightGray); OutTextXY(0,20,'Illegal planet center!'); end; Until legal; p:=np+1; pl[p].cx:=x; pl[p].cy:=y; {ok, store the info} ClearDialogBox; OutTextXY(0, 0,'Use cursors to move pointer. (Num Lock on) Esc aborts'); OutTextXY(0,10,'Enter to radius, + and - change size of jumps.'); jump:=30; Repeat {loop until a legal radius is entered or Esc} Repeat Repeat c:=ReadKey; Until (c='4') or (c='8') or (c='6') or (c='2') or (c='+') or (c='-') or (c=Return) or (c=Esc); moveit:=false; xold:=x; yold:=y; InterpKey(c,x,y,pointr.coffx,pointr.coffy,pointr.r,jump,moveit); if moveit then begin PutImage(xold,yold,pointr.imagepointr^,XORPut); PutImage(x,y,pointr.imagepointr^,XORPut); moveit:=false; end; Until (c=Return) or (c=Esc); if c=Esc then exit; legal:=true; pl[p].r:=round(sqrt(sqr(x-pl[p].cx)+sqr(y-pl[p].cy))); {find radius} for i:=1 to np do {planet collisions?} if sqrt(sqr(x-pl[i].cx)+sqr(y-pl[i].cy))<=pl[p].r+pl[i].r+2*bhr then legal:=false; for i:=1 to 2 do {ship collisions?} if sqrt(sqr(x-ship[i].imagex-ship[i].coffx)+ sqr(y-ship[i].imagey-ship[i].coffy))<=pl[p].r+ship[i].r+bhr then legal:=false; if not legal then {oh no!} begin SetPalette(Black,White); SetFillStyle(SolidFill,Black); Bar(0,20,screen.ex,; delay(100); SetPalette(Black,Black); SetColor(LightGray); OutTextXY(0,20,'Illegal planet radius!'); end; Until legal; PutImage(x,y,pointr.imagepointr^,XORPut); {kill the pointer} Inc(np); {actually add the new planet info} pl[p].d:=1.0; pl[p].GM:=G*2*pi*sqr(pl[p].r)*1.0; {initialize it} SetColor(color[1]); {draw it} Circle(pl[p].cx,pl[p].cy,pl[p].r); SetFillStyle(SolidFill,color[1]); FloodFill(pl[p].cx,pl[p].cy,color[1]); end; Procedure ChangePlanet; {change density [color] of a planet} var c : char; {will not change black holes} i,p,jump : integer; x,y,xold,yold,minr,t : longint; moveit,legal : boolean; begin ClearDialogBox; legal:=false; if np>0 then {see if any non-black holes exist} for i:=1 to np do if pl[i].r<>0 then legal:=true; if (np=0) or (not legal) then {sorry!} begin OutTextXY(0,0,'No planets to change!'); delay(2000); exit; end; OutTextXY(0, 0,'Use cursors to move pointer. (Num Lock on) Esc aborts'); OutTextXY(0,10,'Enter to pick planet, + and - to change size of jumps.'); jump:=30; x:=100; y:=100; PutImage(x,y,pointr.imagepointr^,XORPut); Repeat {repeat until RETURN or Esc} Repeat c:=ReadKey; Until (c='4') or (c='8') or (c='6') or (c='2') or (c='+') or (c='-') or (c=Return) or (c=Esc); moveit:=false; xold:=x; yold:=y; InterpKey(c,x,y,pointr.coffx,pointr.coffy,pointr.r,jump,moveit); if moveit then begin PutImage(xold,yold,pointr.imagepointr^,XORPut); PutImage(x,y,pointr.imagepointr^,XORPut); moveit:=false; end; Until (c=Return) or (c=Esc); PutImage(x,y,pointr.imagepointr^,XORPut); {kill the pointer} if c=Esc then exit; p:=0; minr:=trunc(sqrt(sqr(screen.lx)+sqr(; for i:=1 to np do {find closest non-black hole planet} begin t:=trunc(sqrt(sqr(x-pl[i].cx)+sqr(y-pl[i].cy))); if (t0) then begin minr:=t; p:=i; end; end; ClearDialogBox; OutTextXY(0, 0,'Change to: 1. Red 2. Green 3. Blue Esc aborts'); OutTextXY(0,10,'Option: '); {get a density} Repeat c:=ReadKey; Until (c='1') or (c='2') or (c='3') or (c=Esc); if c=Esc then exit; i:=Ord(c)-48; pl[p].d:=(i+1)/2.0; {new density} SetColor(color[i]); {redraw} Circle(pl[p].cx,pl[p].cy,pl[p].r); SetFillStyle(SolidFill,color[i]); FloodFill(pl[p].cx,pl[p].cy,color[i]); end; Procedure DeletePlanet; {kill a planet/black hole} var c : char; i,p,jump : integer; x,y,xold,yold,minr,t : longint; moveit : boolean; begin ClearDialogBox; if np=0 then {nobody there!} begin OutTextXY(0,0,'No planets to delete!'); delay(2000); exit; end; OutTextXY(0, 0,'Use cursors to move pointer. (Num Lock on) Esc aborts'); OutTextXY(0,10,'Enter to pick planet, + and - to change size of jumps.'); jump:=30; x:=100; y:=100; PutImage(x,y,pointr.imagepointr^,XORPut); Repeat Repeat c:=ReadKey; Until (c='4') or (c='8') or (c='6') or (c='2') or (c='+') or (c='-') or (c=Return) or (c=Esc); moveit:=false; xold:=x; yold:=y; InterpKey(c,x,y,pointr.coffx,pointr.coffy,pointr.r,jump,moveit); if moveit then begin PutImage(xold,yold,pointr.imagepointr^,XORPut); PutImage(x,y,pointr.imagepointr^,XORPut); moveit:=false; end; Until (c=Return) or (c=Esc); PutImage(x,y,pointr.imagepointr^,XORPut); if c=Esc then exit; p:=0; minr:=trunc(sqrt(sqr(screen.lx)+sqr(; for i:=1 to np do {find the closest planet/black hole} begin t:=trunc(sqrt(sqr(x-pl[i].cx)+sqr(y-pl[i].cy))); if t