{********[ SOURCE FILE OF GRAPHICAL FREE VISION ]**********} { } { System independent clone of DRIVERS.PAS } { } { Interface Copyright (c) 1992 Borland International } { } { Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 } { by Leon de Boer } { ldeboer@attglobal.net - primary e-mail addr } { ldeboer@projectent.com.au - backup e-mail addr } { } { Original FormatStr kindly donated by Marco Schmidt } { } { Mouse callback hook under FPC with kind assistance of } { Pierre Muller, Gertjan Schouten & Florian Klaempfl. } { } {****************[ THIS CODE IS FREEWARE ]*****************} { } { This sourcecode is released for the purpose to } { promote the pascal language on all platforms. You may } { redistribute it and/or modify with the following } { DISCLAIMER. } { } { This SOURCE CODE is distributed "AS IS" WITHOUT } { WARRANTIES AS TO PERFORMANCE OF MERCHANTABILITY OR } { ANY OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. } { } {*****************[ SUPPORTED PLATFORMS ]******************} { } { Only Free Pascal Compiler supported } { } {**********************************************************} UNIT Drivers; {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} INTERFACE {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {====Include file to sort compiler platform out =====================} {$I Platform.inc} {====================================================================} {==== Compiler directives ===========================================} {$X+} { Extended syntax is ok } {$R-} { Disable range checking } {$IFNDEF OS_UNIX} {$S-} { Disable Stack Checking } {$ENDIF} {$I-} { Disable IO Checking } {$Q-} { Disable Overflow Checking } {$V-} { Turn off strict VAR strings } {====================================================================} {$ifdef CPU68K} {$DEFINE ENDIAN_BIG} {$endif CPU68K} {$ifdef FPC} {$INLINE ON} {$endif} USES {$IFDEF OS_WINDOWS} { WIN/NT CODE } Windows, { Standard unit } {$ENDIF} {$ifdef OS_DOS} Dos, {$endif OS_DOS} {$IFDEF OS_OS2} { OS2 CODE } {$IFDEF PPC_Virtual} { VIRTUAL PASCAL UNITS } OS2Def, OS2Base, OS2PMAPI, { Standard units } {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF PPC_Speed} { SPEED PASCAL UNITS } BseDos, Os2Def, { Standard units } {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF PPC_FPC} { FPC UNITS } DosCalls, Os2Def, { Standard units } {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF OS_UNIX} {$ifdef VER1_0} linux, {$else} baseunix,unix, {$endif} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF OS_NETWARE_LIBC} libc, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF OS_NETWARE_CLIB} nwserv, {$ENDIF} video, SysMsg, FVCommon, Objects; { GFV standard units } {***************************************************************************} { PUBLIC CONSTANTS } {***************************************************************************} {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { EVENT TYPE MASKS } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} CONST evMouseDown = $0001; { Mouse down event } evMouseUp = $0002; { Mouse up event } evMouseMove = $0004; { Mouse move event } evMouseAuto = $0008; { Mouse auto event } evKeyDown = $0010; { Key down event } evCommand = $0100; { Command event } evBroadcast = $0200; { Broadcast event } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { EVENT CODE MASKS } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} CONST evNothing = $0000; { Empty event } evMouse = $000F; { Mouse event } evKeyboard = $0010; { Keyboard event } evMessage = $FF00; { Message event } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { EXTENDED KEY CODES } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} CONST kbNoKey = $0000; kbAltEsc = $0100; kbEsc = $011B; kbAltSpace = $0200; kbCtrlIns = $0400; kbShiftIns = $0500; kbCtrlDel = $0600; kbShiftDel = $0700; kbAltBack = $0800; kbAltShiftBack= $0900; kbBack = $0E08; kbCtrlBack = $0E7F; kbShiftTab = $0F00; kbTab = $0F09; kbAltQ = $1000; kbCtrlQ = $1011; kbAltW = $1100; kbCtrlW = $1117; kbAltE = $1200; kbCtrlE = $1205; kbAltR = $1300; kbCtrlR = $1312; kbAltT = $1400; kbCtrlT = $1414; kbAltY = $1500; kbCtrlY = $1519; kbAltU = $1600; kbCtrlU = $1615; kbAltI = $1700; kbCtrlI = $1709; kbAltO = $1800; kbCtrlO = $180F; kbAltP = $1900; kbCtrlP = $1910; kbAltLftBrack = $1A00; kbAltRgtBrack = $1B00; kbCtrlEnter = $1C0A; kbEnter = $1C0D; kbAltA = $1E00; kbCtrlA = $1E01; kbAltS = $1F00; kbCtrlS = $1F13; kbAltD = $2000; kbCtrlD = $2004; kbAltF = $2100; kbCtrlF = $2106; kbAltG = $2200; kbCtrlG = $2207; kbAltH = $2300; kbCtrlH = $2308; kbAltJ = $2400; kbCtrlJ = $240A; kbAltK = $2500; kbCtrlK = $250B; kbAltL = $2600; kbCtrlL = $260C; kbAltSemiCol = $2700; kbAltQuote = $2800; kbAltOpQuote = $2900; kbAltBkSlash = $2B00; kbAltZ = $2C00; kbCtrlZ = $2C1A; kbAltX = $2D00; kbCtrlX = $2D18; kbAltC = $2E00; kbCtrlC = $2E03; kbAltV = $2F00; kbCtrlV = $2F16; kbAltB = $3000; kbCtrlB = $3002; kbAltN = $3100; kbCtrlN = $310E; kbAltM = $3200; kbCtrlM = $320D; kbAltComma = $3300; kbAltPeriod = $3400; kbAltSlash = $3500; kbAltGreyAst = $3700; kbSpaceBar = $3920; kbF1 = $3B00; kbF2 = $3C00; kbF3 = $3D00; kbF4 = $3E00; kbF5 = $3F00; kbF6 = $4000; kbF7 = $4100; kbF8 = $4200; kbF9 = $4300; kbF10 = $4400; kbHome = $4700; kbUp = $4800; kbPgUp = $4900; kbGrayMinus = $4A2D; kbLeft = $4B00; kbCenter = $4C00; kbRight = $4D00; kbAltGrayPlus = $4E00; kbGrayPlus = $4E2B; kbEnd = $4F00; kbDown = $5000; kbPgDn = $5100; kbIns = $5200; kbDel = $5300; kbShiftF1 = $5400; kbShiftF2 = $5500; kbShiftF3 = $5600; kbShiftF4 = $5700; kbShiftF5 = $5800; kbShiftF6 = $5900; kbShiftF7 = $5A00; kbShiftF8 = $5B00; kbShiftF9 = $5C00; kbShiftF10 = $5D00; kbCtrlF1 = $5E00; kbCtrlF2 = $5F00; kbCtrlF3 = $6000; kbCtrlF4 = $6100; kbCtrlF5 = $6200; kbCtrlF6 = $6300; kbCtrlF7 = $6400; kbCtrlF8 = $6500; kbCtrlF9 = $6600; kbCtrlF10 = $6700; kbAltF1 = $6800; kbAltF2 = $6900; kbAltF3 = $6A00; kbAltF4 = $6B00; kbAltF5 = $6C00; kbAltF6 = $6D00; kbAltF7 = $6E00; kbAltF8 = $6F00; kbAltF9 = $7000; kbAltF10 = $7100; kbCtrlPrtSc = $7200; kbCtrlLeft = $7300; kbCtrlRight = $7400; kbCtrlEnd = $7500; kbCtrlPgDn = $7600; kbCtrlHome = $7700; kbAlt1 = $7800; kbAlt2 = $7900; kbAlt3 = $7A00; kbAlt4 = $7B00; kbAlt5 = $7C00; kbAlt6 = $7D00; kbAlt7 = $7E00; kbAlt8 = $7F00; kbAlt9 = $8000; kbAlt0 = $8100; kbAltMinus = $8200; kbAltEqual = $8300; kbCtrlPgUp = $8400; kbF11 = $8500; kbF12 = $8600; kbShiftF11 = $8700; kbShiftF12 = $8800; kbCtrlF11 = $8900; kbCtrlF12 = $8A00; kbAltF11 = $8B00; kbAltF12 = $8C00; kbCtrlUp = $8D00; kbCtrlMinus = $8E00; kbCtrlCenter = $8F00; kbCtrlGreyPlus= $9000; kbCtrlDown = $9100; kbCtrlTab = $9400; kbAltHome = $9700; kbAltUp = $9800; kbAltPgUp = $9900; kbAltLeft = $9B00; kbAltRight = $9D00; kbAltEnd = $9F00; kbAltDown = $A000; kbAltPgDn = $A100; kbAltIns = $A200; kbAltDel = $A300; kbAltTab = $A500; { ------------------------------- REMARK ------------------------------ } { New keys not initially defined by Borland in their unit interface. } { ------------------------------ END REMARK --- Leon de Boer, 15May96 - } kbFullStop = $342E; kbComma = $332C; kbBackSlash = $352F; kbApostrophe = $2827; kbSemiColon = $273B; kbEqual = $0D3D; kbGreaterThan = $343E; kbLessThan = $333C; kbQuestion = $353F; kbQuote = $2822; kbColon = $273A; kbPlus = $0D2B; kbPipe = $2B7C; kbSlash = $2B5C; kbExclaim = $0221; kbAt = $0340; kbNumber = $0423; kbPercent = $0625; kbCaret = $075E; kbAmpersand = $0826; kbAsterix = $092A; kbLeftBracket = $0A28; kbRightBracket= $0B29; kbApprox = $2960; kbTilde = $297E; kbDollar = $0524; kbMinus = $0C2D; kbUnderline = $0C5F; kbLeftSqBr = $1A5B; kbRightSqBr = $1B5D; kbLeftCurlyBr = $1A7B; kbRightCurlyBr= $1B7D; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { KEYBOARD STATE AND SHIFT MASKS } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} CONST kbRightShift = $0001; { Right shift key } kbLeftShift = $0002; { Left shift key } kbCtrlShift = $0004; { Control key down } kbAltShift = $0008; { Alt key down } kbScrollState = $0010; { Scroll lock on } kbNumState = $0020; { Number lock on } kbCapsState = $0040; { Caps lock on } kbInsState = $0080; { Insert mode on } kbBothShifts = kbRightShift + kbLeftShift; { Right & Left shifts } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { MOUSE BUTTON STATE MASKS } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} CONST mbLeftButton = $01; { Left mouse button } mbRightButton = $02; { Right mouse button } mbMiddleButton = $04; { Middle mouse button } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { SCREEN CRT MODE CONSTANTS } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} CONST smBW80 = $0002; { Black and white } smCO80 = $0003; { Colour mode } smMono = $0007; { Monochrome mode } smFont8x8 = $0100; { 8x8 font mode } {***************************************************************************} { PUBLIC TYPE DEFINITIONS } {***************************************************************************} { ******************************* REMARK ****************************** } { The TEvent definition is completely compatable with all existing } { code but adds two new fields ID and Data into the message record } { which helps with WIN/NT and OS2 message processing. } { ****************************** END REMARK *** Leon de Boer, 11Sep97 * } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { EVENT RECORD DEFINITION } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} TYPE TEvent = {$ifndef FPC_REQUIRES_PROPER_ALIGNMENT} PACKED {$endif FPC_REQUIRES_PROPER_ALIGNMENT} RECORD What: Sw_Word; { Event type } Case Sw_Word Of evNothing: (); { ** NO EVENT ** } evMouse: ( Buttons: Byte; { Mouse buttons } Double: Boolean; { Double click state } Where: TPoint); { Mouse position } evKeyDown: ( { ** KEY EVENT ** } Case Sw_Integer Of 0: (KeyCode: Word); { Full key code } 1: ( {$ifdef ENDIAN_BIG} ScanCode: Byte; CharCode: Char; {$else not ENDIAN_BIG} CharCode: Char; { Char code } ScanCode: Byte; { Scan code } {$endif not ENDIAN_BIG} KeyShift: byte)); { Shift states } evMessage: ( { ** MESSAGE EVENT ** } Command: Sw_Word; { Message command } Id : Sw_Word; { Message id } Data : Real; { Message data } Case Sw_Word Of 0: (InfoPtr: Pointer); { Message pointer } 1: (InfoLong: Longint); { Message longint } 2: (InfoWord: Word); { Message Sw_Word } 3: (InfoInt: Integer); { Message Sw_Integer } 4: (InfoByte: Byte); { Message byte } 5: (InfoChar: Char)); { Message character } END; PEvent = ^TEvent; TVideoMode = Video.TVideoMode; { Screen mode } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { ERROR HANDLER FUNCTION DEFINITION } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} TYPE TSysErrorFunc = FUNCTION (ErrorCode: Sw_Integer; Drive: Byte): Sw_Integer; {***************************************************************************} { INTERFACE ROUTINES } {***************************************************************************} { Get Dos counter ticks } Function GetDosTicks:longint; { returns ticks at 18.2 Hz, just like DOS } procedure GiveUpTimeSlice; {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} { BUFFER MOVE ROUTINES } {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} {-CStrLen------------------------------------------------------------ Returns the length of string S, where S is a control string using tilde characters ('~') to designate shortcut characters. The tildes are excluded from the length of the string, as they will not appear on the screen. For example, given the string '~B~roccoli' as its parameter, CStrLen returns 8. 25May96 LdB ---------------------------------------------------------------------} FUNCTION CStrLen (Const S: String): Sw_Integer; {-MoveStr------------------------------------------------------------ Moves a string into a buffer for use with a view's WriteBuf or WriteLine. Dest must be a TDrawBuffer (or an equivalent array of Sw_Words). The characters in Str are moved into the low bytes of corresponding Sw_Words in Dest. The high bytes of the Sw_Words are set to Attr, or remain unchanged if Attr is zero. 25May96 LdB ---------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE MoveStr (Var Dest; Const Str: String; Attr: Byte); {-MoveCStr----------------------------------------------------------- The characters in Str are moved into the low bytes of corresponding Sw_Words in Dest. The high bytes of the Sw_Words are set to Lo(Attr) or Hi(Attr). Tilde characters (~) in the string toggle between the two attribute bytes passed in the Attr Sw_Word. 25May96 LdB ---------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE MoveCStr (Var Dest; Const Str: String; Attrs: Word); {-MoveBuf------------------------------------------------------------ Count bytes are moved from Source into the low bytes of corresponding Sw_Words in Dest. The high bytes of the Sw_Words in Dest are set to Attr, or remain unchanged if Attr is zero. 25May96 LdB ---------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE MoveBuf (Var Dest, Source; Attr: Byte; Count: Sw_Word); {-MoveChar------------------------------------------------------------ Moves characters into a buffer for use with a view's WriteBuf or WriteLine. Dest must be a TDrawBuffer (or an equivalent array of Sw_Words). The low bytes of the first Count Sw_Words of Dest are set to C, or remain unchanged if Ord(C) is zero. The high bytes of the Sw_Words are set to Attr, or remain unchanged if Attr is zero. 25May96 LdB ---------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE MoveChar (Var Dest; C: Char; Attr: Byte; Count: Sw_Word); {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} { KEYBOARD SUPPORT ROUTINES } {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} {-GetAltCode--------------------------------------------------------- Returns the scancode corresponding to Alt+Ch key that is given. 25May96 LdB ---------------------------------------------------------------------} FUNCTION GetAltCode (Ch: Char): Word; {-GetCtrlCode-------------------------------------------------------- Returns the scancode corresponding to Alt+Ch key that is given. 25May96 LdB ---------------------------------------------------------------------} FUNCTION GetCtrlCode (Ch: Char): Word; {-GetAltChar--------------------------------------------------------- Returns the ascii character for the Alt+Key scancode that was given. 25May96 LdB ---------------------------------------------------------------------} FUNCTION GetAltChar (KeyCode: Word): Char; {-GetCtrlChar-------------------------------------------------------- Returns the ascii character for the Ctrl+Key scancode that was given. 25May96 LdB ---------------------------------------------------------------------} FUNCTION GetCtrlChar (KeyCode: Word): Char; {-CtrlToArrow-------------------------------------------------------- Converts a WordStar-compatible control key code to the corresponding cursor key code. 25May96 LdB ---------------------------------------------------------------------} FUNCTION CtrlToArrow (KeyCode: Word): Word; {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} { KEYBOARD CONTROL ROUTINES } {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} {-GetShiftState------------------------------------------------------ Returns a byte containing the current Shift key state. The return value contains a combination of the kbXXXX constants for shift states. 08Jul96 LdB ---------------------------------------------------------------------} FUNCTION GetShiftState: Byte; {-GetKeyEvent-------------------------------------------------------- Checks whether a keyboard event is available. If a key has been pressed, Event.What is set to evKeyDown and Event.KeyCode is set to the scan code of the key. Otherwise, Event.What is set to evNothing. 19May98 LdB ---------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE GetKeyEvent (Var Event: TEvent); {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} { MOUSE CONTROL ROUTINES } {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} {-ShowMouse---------------------------------------------------------- Decrements the hide counter and if zero the mouse is shown on screen. 30Jun98 LdB ---------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE ShowMouse; {-HideMouse---------------------------------------------------------- If mouse hide counter is zero it removes the cursor from the screen. The hide counter is then incremented by one count. 30Jun98 LdB ---------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE HideMouse; {-GetMouseEvent------------------------------------------------------ Checks whether a mouse event is available. If a mouse event has occurred, Event.What is set to evMouseDown, evMouseUp, evMouseMove, or evMouseAuto and the button and double click variables are set appropriately. 06Jan97 LdB ---------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE GetMouseEvent (Var Event: TEvent); {-GetSystemEvent------------------------------------------------------ Checks whether a system event is available. If a system event has occurred, Event.What is set to evCommand appropriately 10Oct2000 PM ---------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure GetSystemEvent (Var Event: TEvent); {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} { EVENT HANDLER CONTROL ROUTINES } {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} {-InitEvents--------------------------------------------------------- Initializes the event manager, enabling the mouse handler routine and under DOS/DPMI shows the mouse on screen. It is called automatically by TApplication.Init. 02May98 LdB ---------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE InitEvents; {-DoneEvents--------------------------------------------------------- Terminates event manager and disables the mouse and under DOS hides the mouse. It is called automatically by TApplication.Done. 02May98 LdB ---------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE DoneEvents; {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} { VIDEO CONTROL ROUTINES } {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} {-Initkeyboard------------------------------------------------------- Initializes the keyboard. Before it is called read(ln)/write(ln) are functional, after it is called FV's keyboard routines are functional. ---------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure initkeyboard; {-Donekeyboard------------------------------------------------------- Restores keyboard to original state. FV's keyboard routines may not be used after a call to this. Read(ln)/write(ln) can be used again. ---------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure donekeyboard; {-InitVideo--------------------------------------------------------- Initializes the video manager, Saves the current screen mode in StartupMode, and switches to the mode indicated by ScreenMode. 19May98 LdB ---------------------------------------------------------------------} function InitVideo:boolean; {-DoneVideo--------------------------------------------------------- Terminates the video manager by restoring the initial screen mode (given by StartupMode), clearing the screen, and restoring the cursor. Called automatically by TApplication.Done. 03Jan97 LdB ---------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE DoneVideo; {-ClearScreen-------------------------------------------------------- Does nothing provided for compatability purposes only. 04Jan97 LdB ---------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE ClearScreen; {-SetVideoMode------------------------------------------------------- Does nothing provided for compatability purposes only. 04Jan97 LdB ---------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE SetVideoMode (Mode: Sw_Word); {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} { ERROR CONTROL ROUTINES } {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} {-InitSysError------------------------------------------------------- Error handling is not yet implemented so this simply sets SysErrActive=True (ie it lies) and exits. 20May98 LdB ---------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE InitSysError; {-DoneSysError------------------------------------------------------- Error handling is not yet implemented so this simply sets SysErrActive=False and exits. 20May98 LdB ---------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE DoneSysError; {-SystemError--------------------------------------------------------- Error handling is not yet implemented so this simply drops through. 20May98 LdB ---------------------------------------------------------------------} FUNCTION SystemError (ErrorCode: Sw_Integer; Drive: Byte): Sw_Integer; {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} { STRING FORMAT ROUTINES } {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} {-PrintStr----------------------------------------------------------- Does nothing provided for compatability purposes only. 30Jun98 LdB ---------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE PrintStr (CONST S: String); {-FormatStr---------------------------------------------------------- A string formatting routine that given a string that includes format specifiers and a list of parameters in Params, FormatStr produces a formatted output string in Result. 18Feb99 LdB ---------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE FormatStr (Var Result: String; CONST Format: String; Var Params); {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} { >> NEW QUEUED EVENT HANDLER ROUTINES << } {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} {-PutEventInQueue----------------------------------------------------- If there is room in the queue the event is placed in the next vacant position in the queue manager. 17Mar98 LdB ---------------------------------------------------------------------} FUNCTION PutEventInQueue (Var Event: TEvent): Boolean; {-NextQueuedEvent---------------------------------------------------- If there are queued events the next event is loaded into event else evNothing is returned. 17Mar98 LdB ---------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE NextQueuedEvent(Var Event: TEvent); {***************************************************************************} { INITIALIZED PUBLIC VARIABLES } {***************************************************************************} PROCEDURE HideMouseCursor; PROCEDURE ShowMouseCursor; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { INITIALIZED DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 VARIABLES } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} CONST CheckSnow : Boolean = False; { Compatability only } MouseEvents : Boolean = False; { Mouse event state } MouseReverse : Boolean = False; { Mouse reversed } HiResScreen : Boolean = False; { Compatability only } CtrlBreakHit : Boolean = False; { Compatability only } SaveCtrlBreak: Boolean = False; { Compatability only } SysErrActive : Boolean = False; { Compatability only } FailSysErrors: Boolean = False; { Compatability only } ButtonCount : Byte = 0; { Mouse button count } DoubleDelay : Sw_Word = 8; { Double click delay } RepeatDelay : Sw_Word = 8; { Auto mouse delay } SysColorAttr : Sw_Word = $4E4F; { System colour attr } SysMonoAttr : Sw_Word = $7070; { System mono attr } StartupMode : Sw_Word = $FFFF; { Compatability only } CursorLines : Sw_Word = $FFFF; { Compatability only } ScreenBuffer : Pointer = Nil; { Compatability only } SaveInt09 : Pointer = Nil; { Compatability only } SysErrorFunc : TSysErrorFunc = {$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}SystemError; { System error ptr } {***************************************************************************} { UNINITIALIZED PUBLIC VARIABLES } {***************************************************************************} {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { UNINITIALIZED DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 VARIABLES } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} VAR MouseIntFlag: Byte; { Mouse in int flag } MouseButtons: Byte; { Mouse button state } ScreenWidth : Byte; { Screen text width } ScreenHeight: Byte; { Screen text height } ScreenMode : TVideoMode; { Screen mode } MouseWhere : TPoint; { Mouse position } {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} IMPLEMENTATION {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} { API Units } USES FVConsts, Keyboard,Mouse; {***************************************************************************} { PRIVATE INTERNAL CONSTANTS } {***************************************************************************} {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { DOS/DPMI MOUSE INTERRUPT EVENT QUEUE SIZE } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} CONST EventQSize = 16; { Default int bufsize } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 NEW EVENT QUEUE MAX SIZE } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} CONST QueueMax = 64; { Max new queue size } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { MAX WIEW WIDTH to avoid TDrawBuffer overrun in views unit } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} CONST MaxViewWidth = 255; { Max view width } {***************************************************************************} { PRIVATE INTERNAL TYPES } {***************************************************************************} {***************************************************************************} { PRIVATE INTERNAL INITIALIZED VARIABLES } {***************************************************************************} {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 ALT KEY SCANCODES FROM KEYS (0-127) } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} CONST AltCodes: Array [0..127] Of Byte = ( $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, { $00 - $07 } $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, { $08 - $0F } $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, { $10 - $17 } $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, { $18 - $1F } $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, { $20 - $27 } $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $82, $00, $00, { $28 - $2F } $81, $78, $79, $7A, $7B, $7C, $7D, $7E, { $30 - $37 } $7F, $80, $00, $00, $00, $83, $00, $00, { $38 - $3F } $00, $1E, $30, $2E, $20, $12, $21, $22, { $40 - $47 } $23, $17, $24, $25, $26, $32, $31, $18, { $48 - $4F } $19, $10, $13, $1F, $14, $16, $2F, $11, { $50 - $57 } $2D, $15, $2C, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, { $58 - $5F } $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, { $60 - $67 } $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, { $68 - $6F } $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, { $70 - $77 } $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00); { $78 - $7F } {***************************************************************************} { PRIVATE INTERNAL INITIALIZED VARIABLES } {***************************************************************************} {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { NEW CONTROL VARIABLES } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} CONST HideCount : Sw_Integer = 0; { Cursor hide count } QueueCount: Sw_Word = 0; { Queued message count } QueueHead : Sw_Word = 0; { Queue head pointer } QueueTail : Sw_Word = 0; { Queue tail pointer } {***************************************************************************} { PRIVATE INTERNAL UNINITIALIZED VARIABLES } {***************************************************************************} {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { UNINITIALIZED DOS/DPMI/API VARIABLES } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} VAR LastDouble : Boolean; { Last double buttons } LastButtons: Byte; { Last button state } DownButtons: Byte; { Last down buttons } EventCount : Sw_Word; { Events in queue } AutoDelay : Sw_Word; { Delay time count } DownTicks : Sw_Word; { Down key tick count } AutoTicks : Sw_Word; { Held key tick count } LastWhereX : Sw_Word; { Last x position } LastWhereY : Sw_Word; { Last y position } DownWhereX : Sw_Word; { Last x position } DownWhereY : Sw_Word; { Last y position } LastWhere : TPoint; { Last mouse position } DownWhere : TPoint; { Last down position } EventQHead : Pointer; { Head of queue } EventQTail : Pointer; { Tail of queue } EventQueue : Array [0..EventQSize - 1] Of TEvent; { Event queue } EventQLast : RECORD END; { Simple end marker } StartupScreenMode : TVideoMode; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { GetDosTicks (18.2 Hz) } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} Function GetDosTicks:longint; { returns ticks at 18.2 Hz, just like DOS } {$IFDEF OS_OS2} const QSV_MS_COUNT = 14; var L: longint; begin DosQuerySysInfo (QSV_MS_COUNT, QSV_MS_COUNT, L, 4); GetDosTicks := L div 55; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF OS_UNIX} var tv : TimeVal; { tz : TimeZone;} begin {$ifdef ver1_0} GetTimeOfDay(tv{,tz}); GetDosTicks:=((tv.Sec mod 86400) div 60)*1092+((tv.Sec mod 60)*1000000+tv.USec) div 54945; {$else} FPGetTimeOfDay(@tv,nil{,tz}); GetDosTicks:=((tv.tv_Sec mod 86400) div 60)*1092+((tv.tv_Sec mod 60)*1000000+tv.tv_USec) div 54945; {$endif} end; {$ENDIF OS_UNIX} {$IFDEF OS_WINDOWS} begin GetDosTicks:=GetTickCount div 55; end; {$ENDIF OS_WINDOWS} {$IFDEF OS_DOS} begin GetDosTicks:=MemL[$40:$6c]; end; {$ENDIF OS_DOS} {$IFDEF OS_NETWARE_LIBC} var tv : TTimeVal; tz : TTimeZone; begin fpGetTimeOfDay(tv,tz); GetDosTicks:=((tv.tv_sec mod 86400) div 60)*1092+((tv.tv_Sec mod 60)*1000000+tv.tv_USec) div 549 end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF OS_NETWARE_CLIB} begin GetDosTicks := Nwserv.GetCurrentTicks; end; {$ENDIF} procedure GiveUpTimeSlice; {$IFDEF OS_DOS} var r: registers; begin Intr ($28, R); (* This is supported everywhere. *) r.ax:=$1680; intr($2f,r); end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF OS_UNIX} var req,rem : timespec; begin req.tv_sec:=0; req.tv_nsec:=10000000;{ 10 ms } {$ifdef ver1_0}nanosleep(req,rem){$else}fpnanosleep(@req,@rem){$endif}; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF OS_OS2} begin DosSleep (5); end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF OS_WINDOWS} begin { if the return value of this call is non zero then it means that a ReadFileEx or WriteFileEx have completed unused for now ! } { wait for 10 ms } if SleepEx(10,true)=WAIT_IO_COMPLETION then begin { here we should handle the completion of the routines if we use them } end; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF OS_NETWARE_LIBC} begin Delay (10); end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF OS_NETWARE_CLIB} begin Delay (10); end; {$ENDIF} {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { UNINITIALIZED DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 VARIABLES } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} VAR SaveExit: Pointer; { Saved exit pointer } Queue : Array [0..QueueMax-1] Of TEvent; { New message queue } {***************************************************************************} { PRIVATE INTERNAL ROUTINES } {***************************************************************************} PROCEDURE ShowMouseCursor;inline; BEGIN ShowMouse; END; PROCEDURE HideMouseCursor;inline; BEGIN HideMouse; END; {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} { DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 PRIVATE INTERNAL ROUTINES } {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { ExitDrivers -> Platforms DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 - Updated 08Jun98 LdB } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE ExitDrivers; {$IFNDEF PPC_FPC}{$IFNDEF OS_UNIX} FAR; {$ENDIF}{$ENDIF} BEGIN DoneSysError; { Relase error trap } DoneEvents; { Close event driver } { DoneKeyboard;} DoneVideo; ExitProc := SaveExit; { Restore old exit } END; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { DetectVideo -> Platforms DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 - Updated 19May98 LdB } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure DetectVideo; VAR CurrMode : TVideoMode; begin { Video.InitVideo; Incompatible with BP and forces a screen clear which is often a bad thing PM } GetVideoMode(CurrMode); ScreenMode:=CurrMode; end; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { DetectMouse -> Platforms DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 - Updated 19May98 LdB } FUNCTION DetectMouse: Byte;inline; begin DetectMouse:=Mouse.DetectMouse; end; {***************************************************************************} { INTERFACE ROUTINES } {***************************************************************************} {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} { BUFFER MOVE ROUTINES } {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { CStrLen -> Platforms DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 - Updated 25May96 LdB } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} FUNCTION CStrLen (Const S: String): Sw_Integer; VAR I, J: Sw_Integer; BEGIN J := 0; { Set result to zero } For I := 1 To Length(S) Do If (S[I] <> '~') Then Inc(J); { Inc count if not ~ } CStrLen := J; { Return length } END; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { MoveStr -> Platforms DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 - Updated 10Jul99 LdB } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE MoveStr (Var Dest; Const Str: String; Attr: Byte); VAR I: Word; P: PWord; BEGIN For I := 1 To Length(Str) Do Begin { For each character } P := @TWordArray(Dest)[I-1]; { Pointer to Sw_Word } If (Attr <> 0) Then WordRec(P^).Hi := Attr; { Copy attribute } WordRec(P^).Lo := Byte(Str[I]); { Copy string char } End; END; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { MoveCStr -> Platforms DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 - Updated 10Jul99 LdB } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE MoveCStr (Var Dest; Const Str: String; Attrs: Word); VAR B: Byte; I, J: Sw_Word; P: PWord; BEGIN J := 0; { Start position } For I := 1 To Length(Str) Do Begin { For each character } If (Str[I] <> '~') Then Begin { Not tilde character } P := @TWordArray(Dest)[J]; { Pointer to Sw_Word } If (Lo(Attrs) <> 0) Then WordRec(P^).Hi := Lo(Attrs); { Copy attribute } WordRec(P^).Lo := Byte(Str[I]); { Copy string char } Inc(J); { Next position } End Else Begin B := Hi(Attrs); { Hold attribute } WordRec(Attrs).Hi := Lo(Attrs); { Copy low to high } WordRec(Attrs).Lo := B; { Complete exchange } End; End; END; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { MoveBuf -> Platforms DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 - Updated 10Jul99 LdB } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE MoveBuf (Var Dest, Source; Attr: Byte; Count: Sw_Word); VAR I: Word; P: PWord; BEGIN For I := 1 To Count Do Begin P := @TWordArray(Dest)[I-1]; { Pointer to Sw_Word } If (Attr <> 0) Then WordRec(P^).Hi := Attr; { Copy attribute } WordRec(P^).Lo := TByteArray(Source)[I-1]; { Copy source data } End; END; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { MoveChar -> Platforms DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 - Updated 10Jul99 LdB } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE MoveChar (Var Dest; C: Char; Attr: Byte; Count: Sw_Word); VAR I: Word; P: PWord; BEGIN For I := 1 To Count Do Begin P := @TWordArray(Dest)[I-1]; { Pointer to Sw_Word } If (Attr <> 0) Then WordRec(P^).Hi := Attr; { Copy attribute } If (Ord(C) <> 0) Then WordRec(P^).Lo := Byte(C); { Copy character } End; END; {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} { KEYBOARD SUPPORT ROUTINES } {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { GetAltCode -> Platforms DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 - Updated 25May96 LdB } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} FUNCTION GetAltCode (Ch: Char): Word; BEGIN GetAltCode := 0; { Preset zero return } Ch := UpCase(Ch); { Convert upper case } If (Ch < #128) Then GetAltCode := AltCodes[Ord(Ch)] SHL 8 { Return code } Else If (Ch = #240) Then GetAltCode := $0200 { Return code } Else GetAltCode := 0; { Return zero } END; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { GetCtrlCode -> Platforms DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 - Updated 25May96 LdB } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} FUNCTION GetCtrlCode (Ch: Char): Word; BEGIN GetCtrlCode := GetAltCode(Ch) OR (Ord(Ch) - $40); { Ctrl+key code } END; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { GetAltChar -> Platforms DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 - Updated 25May96 LdB } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} FUNCTION GetAltChar (KeyCode: Word): Char; VAR I: Sw_Integer; BEGIN GetAltChar := #0; { Preset fail return } If (Lo(KeyCode) = 0) Then Begin { Extended key } If (Hi(KeyCode) <= $83) Then Begin { Highest value in list } I := 0; { Start at first } While (I < 128) AND (Hi(KeyCode) <> AltCodes[I]) Do Inc(I); { Search for match } If (I < 128) Then GetAltChar := Chr(I); { Return character } End Else If (Hi(KeyCode)=$02) Then GetAltChar := #240; { Return char } End; END; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { GetCtrlChar -> Platforms DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 - Updated 25May96 LdB } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} FUNCTION GetCtrlChar (KeyCode: Word): Char; VAR C: Char; BEGIN C := #0; { Preset #0 return } If (Lo(KeyCode) > 0) AND (Lo(KeyCode) <= 26) Then { Between 1-26 } C := Chr(Lo(KeyCode) + $40); { Return char A-Z } GetCtrlChar := C; { Return result } END; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { CtrlToArrow -> Platforms DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 - Updated 25May96 LdB } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} FUNCTION CtrlToArrow (KeyCode: Word): Word; CONST NumCodes = 11; CtrlCodes : Array [0..NumCodes-1] Of Char = (#19, #4, #5, #24, #1, #6, #7, #22, #18, #3, #8); ArrowCodes: Array [0..NumCodes-1] Of Sw_Word = (kbLeft, kbRight, kbUp, kbDown, kbHome, kbEnd, kbDel, kbIns, kbPgUp, kbPgDn, kbBack); VAR I: Sw_Integer; BEGIN CtrlToArrow := KeyCode; { Preset key return } For I := 0 To NumCodes - 1 Do If WordRec(KeyCode).Lo = Byte(CtrlCodes[I]) { Matches a code } Then Begin CtrlToArrow := ArrowCodes[I]; { Return key stroke } Exit; { Now exit } End; END; {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} { KEYBOARD CONTROL ROUTINES } {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { GetShiftState -> Platforms DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 - Updated 08Jul96 LdB } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} FUNCTION GetShiftState: Byte; begin GetShiftState:=Keyboard.GetKeyEventShiftState(Keyboard.PollShiftStateEvent); end; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { GetKeyEvent -> Platforms DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 - Updated 19May98 LdB } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure GetKeyEvent (Var Event: TEvent); var key : TKeyEvent; keycode : Word; keyshift : byte; begin if Keyboard.PollKeyEvent<>0 then begin key:=Keyboard.GetKeyEvent; keycode:=Keyboard.GetKeyEventCode(key); keyshift:=KeyBoard.GetKeyEventShiftState(key); { fixup shift-keys } if keyshift and kbShift<>0 then begin case keycode of $5200 : keycode:=kbShiftIns; $5300 : keycode:=kbShiftDel; $8500 : keycode:=kbShiftF1; $8600 : keycode:=kbShiftF2; end; end { fixup ctrl-keys } else if keyshift and kbCtrl<>0 then begin case keycode of $5200, $9200 : keycode:=kbCtrlIns; $5300, $9300 : keycode:=kbCtrlDel; end; end { fixup alt-keys } else if keyshift and kbAlt<>0 then begin case keycode of $0e08, $0e00 : keycode:=kbAltBack; end; end { fixup normal keys } else begin case keycode of $e00d : keycode:=kbEnter; end; end; Event.What:=evKeyDown; Event.KeyCode:=keycode; {$ifdef ENDIAN_LITTLE} Event.CharCode:=chr(keycode and $ff); Event.ScanCode:=keycode shr 8; {$endif ENDIAN_LITTLE} Event.KeyShift:=keyshift; end else Event.What:=evNothing; end; {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} { MOUSE CONTROL ROUTINES } {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { HideMouse -> Platforms DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 - Updated 30Jun98 LdB } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure HideMouse; begin { Is mouse hidden yet? If (HideCount = 0) Then} Mouse.HideMouse; { Inc(HideCount);} end; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { ShowMouse -> Platforms DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 - Updated 30Jun98 LdB } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure ShowMouse; begin { if HideCount>0 then dec(HideCount); if (HideCount=0) then} Mouse.ShowMouse; end; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { GetMouseEvent -> Platforms DOS/DPMI/WINDOWS/OS2 - Updated 30Jun98 LdB } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure GetMouseEvent (Var Event: TEvent); var e : Mouse.TMouseEvent; begin if Mouse.PollMouseEvent(e) then begin Mouse.GetMouseEvent(e); MouseWhere.X:=e.x; MouseWhere.Y:=e.y; Event.Double:=false; case e.Action of MouseActionMove : Event.What:=evMouseMove; MouseActionDown : begin Event.What:=evMouseDown; if (DownButtons=e.Buttons) and (LastWhere.X=MouseWhere.X) and (LastWhere.Y=MouseWhere.Y) and (GetDosTicks-DownTicks<=DoubleDelay) then Event.Double:=true; DownButtons:=e.Buttons; DownWhere.X:=MouseWhere.x; DownWhere.Y:=MouseWhere.y; DownTicks:=GetDosTicks; AutoTicks:=GetDosTicks; if AutoTicks=0 then AutoTicks:=1; AutoDelay:=RepeatDelay; end; MouseActionUp : begin AutoTicks:=0; Event.What:=evMouseUp; AutoTicks:=0; end; end; Event.Buttons:=e.Buttons; Event.Where.X:=MouseWhere.x; Event.Where.Y:=MouseWhere.y; LastButtons:=Event.Buttons; LastWhere.x:=Event.Where.x; LastWhere.y:=Event.Where.y; end else if (AutoTicks <> 0) and (GetDosTicks >= AutoTicks + AutoDelay) then begin Event.What:=evMouseAuto; Event.Buttons:=LastButtons; Event.Where.X:=LastWhere.x; Event.Where.Y:=LastWhere.y; AutoTicks:=GetDosTicks; AutoDelay:=1; end else FillChar(Event,sizeof(TEvent),0); if MouseReverse and ((Event.Buttons and 3) in [1,2]) then Event.Buttons := Event.Buttons xor 3; end; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { GetSystemEvent } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure GetSystemEvent (Var Event: TEvent); var SysEvent : TsystemEvent; begin if PollSystemEvent(SysEvent) then begin SysMsg.GetSystemEvent(SysEvent); case SysEvent.typ of SysNothing : Event.What:=evNothing; SysSetFocus : begin Event.What:=evBroadcast; Event.Command:=cmReceivedFocus; end; SysReleaseFocus : begin Event.What:=evBroadcast; Event.Command:=cmReleasedFocus; end; SysClose : begin Event.What:=evCommand; Event.Command:=cmQuitApp; end; SysResize : begin Event.What:=evCommand; Event.Command:=cmResizeApp; Event.Id:=SysEvent.x; Event.InfoWord:=SysEvent.y; end; else Event.What:=evNothing; end; end else Event.What:=evNothing; end; {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} { EVENT HANDLER CONTROL ROUTINES } {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { InitEvents -> Platforms DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 - Updated 07Sep99 LdB } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE InitEvents; BEGIN If (ButtonCount <> 0) Then begin { Mouse is available } Mouse.InitMouse; { Hook the mouse } { this is required by the use of HideCount variable } Mouse.ShowMouse; { visible by default } { HideCount:=0; } LastButtons := 0; { Clear last buttons } DownButtons := 0; { Clear down buttons } MouseWhere.X:=Mouse.GetMouseX; MouseWhere.Y:=Mouse.GetMouseY; { Get mouse position } LastWhere.x:=MouseWhere.x; LastWhereX:=MouseWhere.x; LastWhere.y:=MouseWhere.y; LastWhereY:=MouseWhere.y; MouseEvents := True; { Set initialized flag } end; InitSystemMsg; END; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { DoneEvents -> Platforms DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 - Updated 30Jul99 LdB } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE DoneEvents; BEGIN DoneSystemMsg; Mouse.DoneMouse; MouseEvents:=false; END; {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} { VIDEO CONTROL ROUTINES } {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} const VideoInitialized : boolean = false; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { InitKeyboard -> Platforms ALL - 07May06 DM } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure initkeyboard;inline; begin keyboard.initkeyboard; end; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { DoneKeyboard -> Platforms ALL - 07May06 DM } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure donekeyboard;inline; begin keyboard.donekeyboard; end; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { InitVideo -> Platforms DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 - Updated 26Nov99 LdB } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} function InitVideo:boolean; var StoreScreenMode : TVideoMode; begin initvideo:=false; if VideoInitialized then begin StoreScreenMode:=ScreenMode; DoneVideo; end else StoreScreenMode.Col:=0; Video.InitVideo; if video.errorcode<>viook then exit; GetVideoMode(StartupScreenMode); GetVideoMode(ScreenMode); {$ifdef win32} { Force the console to the current screen mode } Video.SetVideoMode(ScreenMode); {$endif win32} If (StoreScreenMode.Col<>0) and ((StoreScreenMode.color<>ScreenMode.color) or (StoreScreenMode.row<>ScreenMode.row) or (StoreScreenMode.col<>ScreenMode.col)) then begin Video.SetVideoMode(StoreScreenMode); GetVideoMode(ScreenMode); end; if ScreenWidth > MaxViewWidth then ScreenWidth := MaxViewWidth; ScreenWidth:=Video.ScreenWidth; ScreenHeight:=Video.ScreenHeight; VideoInitialized:=true; initvideo:=true; end; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { DoneVideo -> Platforms DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 - Updated 19May98 LdB } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE DoneVideo; BEGIN if not VideoInitialized then exit; Video.SetVideoMode(StartupScreenMode); Video.ClearScreen; Video.SetCursorPos(0,0); Video.DoneVideo; VideoInitialized:=false; END; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { ClearScreen -> Platforms DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 - Updated 04Jan97 LdB } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE ClearScreen; BEGIN Video.ClearScreen; END; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { SetVideoMode -> Platforms DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 - Updated 10Nov99 LdB } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE SetVideoMode (Mode: Sw_Word); BEGIN END; {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} { ERROR CONTROL ROUTINES } {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { InitSysError -> Platforms DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 - Updated 20May98 LdB } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE InitSysError; BEGIN SysErrActive := True; { Set active flag } END; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { DoneSysError -> Platforms DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 - Updated 20May98 LdB } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE DoneSysError; BEGIN SysErrActive := False; { Clear active flag } END; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { SystemError -> Platforms DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 - Updated 20May98 LdB } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} FUNCTION SystemError (ErrorCode: Sw_Integer; Drive: Byte): Sw_Integer; BEGIN If (FailSysErrors = False) Then Begin { Check error ignore } End Else SystemError := 1; { Return 1 for ignored } END; {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} { STRING FORMAT ROUTINES } {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { PrintStr -> Platforms DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 - Updated 18Feb99 LdB } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE PrintStr (CONST S: String); BEGIN Write(S); { Write to screen } END; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { FormatStr -> Platforms DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 - Updated 13Jul99 LdB } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure FormatStr (Var Result: String; CONST Format: String; Var Params); TYPE TLongArray = Array[0..0] Of PtrInt; VAR W, ResultLength : integer; FormatIndex, Justify, Wth: Byte; Fill: Char; S: String; FUNCTION LongToStr (L: Longint; Radix: Byte): String; CONST HexChars: Array[0..15] Of Char = ('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'); VAR I: LongInt; S: String; Sign: String[1]; begin LongToStr := ''; { Preset empty return } If (L < 0) Then begin { If L is negative } Sign := '-'; { Sign is negative } L := Abs(L); { Convert to positive } end Else Sign := ''; { Sign is empty } S := ''; { Preset empty string } Repeat I := L MOD Radix; { Radix mod of value } S := HexChars[I] + S; { Add char to string } L := L DIV Radix; { Divid by radix } Until (L = 0); { Until no remainder } LongToStr := Sign + S; { Return result } end; procedure HandleParameter (I : LongInt); begin While (FormatIndex <= Length(Format)) Do begin { While length valid } if ResultLength>=High(Result) then exit; While (FormatIndex <= Length(Format)) and (Format[FormatIndex] <> '%') { Param char not found } Do begin Result[ResultLength+1] := Format[FormatIndex]; { Transfer character } Inc(ResultLength); { One character added } Inc(FormatIndex); { Next param char } end; If (FormatIndex < Length(Format)) and { Not last char and } (Format[FormatIndex] = '%') Then begin { '%' char found } Fill := ' '; { Default fill char } Justify := 0; { Default justify } Wth := 0; { Default 0=no width } Inc(FormatIndex); { Next character } If (Format[FormatIndex] = '0') Then Fill := '0'; { Fill char to zero } If (Format[FormatIndex] = '-') Then begin { Optional just char } Justify := 1; { Right justify } Inc(FormatIndex); { Next character } end; While ((FormatIndex <= Length(Format)) and { Length still valid } (Format[FormatIndex] >= '0') and (Format[FormatIndex] <= '9')) Do begin { Numeric character } Wth := Wth * 10; { Multiply x10 } Wth := Wth + Ord(Format[FormatIndex])-$30; { Add numeric value } Inc(FormatIndex); { Next character } end; If ((FormatIndex <= Length(Format)) and { Length still valid } (Format[FormatIndex] = '#')) Then begin { Parameter marker } Inc(FormatIndex); { Next character } HandleParameter(Wth); { Width is param idx } end; If (FormatIndex <= Length(Format)) Then begin{ Length still valid } Case Format[FormatIndex] Of '%': begin { Literal % } S := '%'; Inc(FormatIndex); Move(S[1], Result[ResultLength+1], 1); Inc(ResultLength,Length(S)); Continue; end; 'c': S := Char(TLongArray(Params)[I]); { Character parameter } 'd': S := LongToStr(TLongArray(Params)[I], 10); { Decimal parameter } 's': S := PString(TLongArray(Params)[I])^;{ String parameter } 'x': S := LongToStr(TLongArray(Params)[I], 16); { Hex parameter } end; Inc(FormatIndex); { Next character } If (Wth > 0) Then begin { Width control active } If (Length(S) > Wth) Then begin { We must shorten S } If (Justify=1) Then { Check right justify } S := Copy(S, Length(S)-Wth+1, Wth) { Take right side data } Else S := Copy(S, 1, Wth); { Take left side data } end Else begin { We must pad out S } If (Justify=1) Then { Right justify } While (Length(S) < Wth) Do S := S+Fill Else { Right justify fill } While (Length(S) < Wth) Do S := Fill + S; { Left justify fill } end; end; W:=Length(S); if W+ResultLength+1>High(Result) then W:=High(Result)-ResultLength; Move(S[1], Result[ResultLength+1], W); { Move data to result } Inc(ResultLength,W); { Adj result length } Inc(I); end; end; end; end; begin ResultLength := 0; { Zero result length } FormatIndex := 1; { Format index to 1 } HandleParameter(0); { Handle parameter } Result[0] := Chr(ResultLength); { Set string length } end; {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} { NEW QUEUED EVENT HANDLER ROUTINES } {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { PutEventInQueue -> Platforms DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 - Updated 17Mar98 LdB } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} FUNCTION PutEventInQueue (Var Event: TEvent): Boolean; BEGIN If (QueueCount < QueueMax) Then Begin { Check room in queue } Queue[QueueHead] := Event; { Store event } Inc(QueueHead); { Inc head position } If (QueueHead = QueueMax) Then QueueHead := 0; { Roll to start check } Inc(QueueCount); { Inc queue count } PutEventInQueue := True; { Return successful } End Else PutEventInQueue := False; { Return failure } END; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { NextQueuedEvent -> Platforms DOS/DPMI/WIN/NT/OS2 - Updated 17Mar98 LdB } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE NextQueuedEvent(Var Event: TEvent); BEGIN If (QueueCount > 0) Then Begin { Check queued event } Event := Queue[QueueTail]; { Fetch next event } Inc(QueueTail); { Inc tail position } If (QueueTail = QueueMax) Then QueueTail := 0; { Roll to start check } Dec(QueueCount); { Dec queue count } End Else Event.What := evNothing; { Return empty event } END; {***************************************************************************} { UNIT INITIALIZATION ROUTINE } {***************************************************************************} BEGIN ButtonCount := DetectMouse; { Detect mouse } DetectVideo; { Detect video } { InitKeyboard;} InitSystemMsg; {$ifdef win32} SetFileApisToOEM; {$endif} SaveExit := ExitProc; { Save old exit } ExitProc := @ExitDrivers; { Set new exit } END.