{ This file is part of the Free Pascal Integrated Development Environment Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Berczi Gabor Main program of the IDE See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} program FP; {$ifdef IncRes} {$ifdef Windows} {$R fpw32t.rc} {$R fpw32ico.rc} {$endif Windows} {$endif IncRes} {$I globdir.inc} (**********************************************************************) (* CONDITIONAL DEFINES *) (* - NODEBUG No Debugging support *) (* - TP Turbo Pascal mode *) (* - i386 Target is an i386 IDE *) (**********************************************************************) uses {$ifndef NODEBUG} {$ifdef Windows} fpcygwin, {$endif Windows} {$endif NODEBUG} {$ifdef IDEHeapTrc} PPheap, {$endif IDEHeapTrc} {$ifdef Use_DBGHEAP} dbgheap, {$endif Use_DBGHEAP} {$ifdef go32v2} dpmiexcp, {$endif go32v2} {$ifdef fpc} keyboard,video,mouse, {$endif fpc} {$ifdef HasSignal} fpcatch, {$endif HasSignal} Dos,Objects, BrowCol,Version, {$ifndef NODEBUG} gdbint, {$endif NODEBUG} FVConsts, Drivers,Views,App,Dialogs,HistList, Menus,StdDlg,Validate, WEditor,WCEdit, {$ifdef COLORSEL} ColorSel, {$endif COLORSEL} ASCIITab, WUtils,WViews,WHTMLScn,WHelp, FPIDE,FPCalc,FPCompil, FPIni,FPViews,FPConst,FPVars,FPUtils,FPHelp,FPSwitch,FPUsrScr, FPTools, {$ifndef NODEBUG} FPDebug,FPRegs, {$endif} FPTemplt,FPRedir,FPDesk, FPCodTmp,FPCodCmp, systems; {$ifdef fpc} Const DummyMouseDriver : TMouseDriver = ( useDefaultQueue : true; InitDriver : nil; DoneDriver : nil; DetectMouse : nil; ShowMouse : nil; HideMouse : nil; GetMouseX : nil; GetMouseY : nil; GetMouseButtons : nil; SetMouseXY : nil; GetMouseEvent : nil; PollMouseEvent : nil; PutMouseEvent : nil; ); {$endif fpc} {$ifdef useresstrings} resourcestring {$else} const {$endif} { caught signals or abnormal exits } { Debugger messages and status hints } error_programexitedwitherror = #3'Program generated a RTE %d'#13+ #3'at address $%s.'#13+ #3'Save your sources and restart the IDE.'; error_programexitedwithsignal = #3'Program generated a signal %d.'#13+ #3'Save your sources and restart the IDE.'; continue_despite_error = #3'The IDE generated an internal error'#13+ #3'Do you really want to continue?'#13+ #3'The IDE could be in an unstable state.'; leaving_after_error = #3'The IDE generated an internal error'#13+ #3'and will now be closed.'; {$ifdef DEBUG} const CloseImmediately : boolean = false; var StartTime : real; function getrealtime : real; var h,m,s,s100 : word; begin gettime(h,m,s,s100); getrealtime:=h*3600.0+m*60.0+s+s100/100.0; end; {$endif DEBUG} procedure ProcessParams(BeforeINI: boolean); function IsSwitch(const Param: string): boolean; begin IsSwitch:=(Param<>'') and (Param[1]<>DirSep) { <- allow UNIX root-relative paths } and (Param[1] in ['-','/']); { <- but still accept dos switch char, eg. '/' } end; var I: Sw_integer; Param: string; begin for I:=1 to ParamCount do begin Param:=System.ParamStr(I); if IsSwitch(Param) then begin Param:=copy(Param,2,255); if Param<>'' then if UpcaseStr(copy(Param,1,2))='HM' then { HeapMonitor } begin if (copy(Param,3,1)='+') or (copy(Param,3,1)='') then StartupOptions:=StartupOptions or soHeapMonitor else if (copy(Param,3,1)='-') then StartupOptions:=StartupOptions and not soHeapMonitor; end else {$ifdef go32v2} if UpcaseStr(Param)='NOLFN' then begin LFNSupport:=false; end else {$endif go32v2} if UpcaseStr(Param)='README' then begin ShowReadme:=true; end else case Upcase(Param[1]) of 'C' : { custom config file (BP compatiblity) } if BeforeINI then begin if (length(Param)>=1) and (Param[1] in['=',':']) then Delete(Param,1,1); { eat separator } IniFileName:=Param; end; 'R' : { enter the directory last exited from (BP comp.) } begin Param:=copy(Param,2,255); if (Param='') or (Param='+') then StartupOptions:=StartupOptions or soReturnToLastDir else if (Param='-') then StartupOptions:=StartupOptions and (not soReturnToLastDir); end; 'S' : if Length(Param)=1 then begin UseMouse:=false; {$ifdef fpc} DoneMouse; SetMouseDriver(DummyMouseDriver); {$endif fpc} ButtonCount:=0; end; {$ifdef fpc} { 'F' : if Length(Param)=1 then NoExtendedFrame:=true;} {$ifdef Unix} 'T' : DebuggeeTTY:=Copy(Param,2,High(Param)); {$endif Unix} { 'M' : TryToMaximizeScreen:=true;} {$endif fpc} {$ifdef DEBUG} 'Z' : UseOldBufStreamMethod:=true; 'X' : CloseImmediately:=true; {$endif DEBUG} end; end else if not BeforeINI then TryToOpenFile(nil,Param,0,0,{false}true); end; end; Procedure MyStreamError(Var S: TStream); {$ifndef FPC}far;{$endif} var ErrS: string; begin case S.Status of stGetError : ErrS:='Get of unregistered object type'; stPutError : ErrS:='Put of unregistered object type'; else ErrS:=''; end; if ErrS<>'' then begin if (application<>nil) and (ideapp.displaymode=dmIDE) then ErrorBox('Stream error: '+#13+ErrS,nil) else writeln('Error: ',ErrS); end; end; procedure DelTempFiles; begin DeleteFile(FPOutFileName); DeleteFile(FPErrFileName); DeleteFile(GDBOutFileName); DeleteFile(GDBOutPutFileName); DeleteFile(GREPOutName); DeleteFile(GREPErrName); end; procedure RegisterIDEObjects; begin RegisterApp; RegisterCodeComplete; RegisterCodeTemplates; {$ifdef COLORSEL} RegisterColorSel; {$endif COLORSEL} RegisterAsciiTab; RegisterDialogs; RegisterWEditor; RegisterWCEdit; RegisterFPCalc; RegisterFPCompile; RegisterFPTools; RegisterFPViews; {$ifndef NODEBUG} RegisterFPDebugViews; RegisterFPRegsViews; {$endif} RegisterMenus; RegisterStdDlg; RegisterSymbols; RegisterObjects; RegisterValidate; RegisterViews; RegisterWHTMLScan; RegisterWUtils; RegisterWViews; end; var CanExit : boolean; SetJmpRes : longint; StoreExitProc : pointer; ErrS : String; P : record l1 : longint; s : pstring; end; const ExitIntercepted : boolean = false; SeenExitCode : longint =0; SeenErrorAddr : pointer = nil; UserWantsToGoOn: boolean = false; procedure InterceptExit; begin {$IFDEF HasSignal} if StopJmpValid then begin ExitIntercepted:=true; SeenExitCode:=ExitCode; SeenErrorAddr:=ErrorAddr; LongJmp(StopJmp,1); end; {$ENDIF} end; {The square bullet needs an MS-DOS code page. On Unix it is for sure the code page is not available before video is initialized. (And only in certain circumstances after that, so, use a plain ascii character as bullet on Unix.)} {$ifdef unix} const bullet='*'; {$else} const bullet='þ'; {$endif} BEGIN {$IFDEF HasSignal} EnableCatchSignals; {$ENDIF} {$ifdef DEV} HeapLimit:=4096; {$endif} HistorySize:=16384; { Startup info } writeln(bullet+' Free Pascal IDE Version '+VersionStr+' ['+{$i %date%}+']'); writeln(bullet+' Compiler Version '+Full_Version_String); {$ifndef NODEBUG} writeln(bullet+' GBD Version '+GDBVersion); {$ifdef Windows} writeln(bullet+' Cygwin "',GetCygwinFullName,'" version ',GetCygwinVersionString); CheckCygwinVersion; {$endif Windows} {$endif NODEBUG} ProcessParams(true); {$ifdef DEBUG} StartTime:=getrealtime; {$endif DEBUG} InitDirs; RegisterIDEObjects; StreamError:=@MyStreamError; ShowReadme:=ShowReadme or (LocateFile(INIFileName)=''); {$ifdef VESA} InitVESAScreenModes; {$endif} InitRedir; {$ifndef NODEBUG} InitBreakpoints; InitWatches; {$endif} InitReservedWords; InitHelpFiles; InitSwitches; InitINIFile; InitUserScreen; InitTools; InitTemplates; InitCodeTemplates; InitCodeComplete; { init target information etc. } InitSystems; IDEApp.Init; CheckINIFile; ReadSwitches(SwitchesPath); { load all options after init because of open files } ReadINIFile; InitDesktopFile; LoadDesktop; {Menubar might be changed because of loading INI file.} IDEapp.reload_menubar; { Handle Standard Units } if UseAllUnitsInCodeComplete then AddAvailableUnitsToCodeComplete(false); if UseStandardUnitsInCodeComplete and not assigned(UnitsCodeCompleteWords) then AddStandardUnitsToCodeComplete; { why are the screen contents parsed at startup? Gabor to be able to find location of error in last compilation from command line PM } ParseUserScreen; { Update IDE } IDEApp.Update; IDEApp.UpdateMode; IDEApp.UpdateTarget; ProcessParams(false); if ShowReadme then begin PutCommand(Application,evCommand,cmShowReadme,nil); ShowReadme:=false; { do not show next time } end; StoreExitProc:=ExitProc; ExitProc:=@InterceptExit; repeat {$IFDEF HasSignal} SetJmpRes:=setjmp(StopJmp); StopJmpValid:=true; {$ENDIF} UserWantsToGoOn:=false; if SetJmpRes=0 then begin {$ifdef DEBUG} if not CloseImmediately then {$endif DEBUG} IDEApp.Run; end else begin if (SetJmpRes=1) and ExitIntercepted then begin { If ExitProc=@InterceptExit then ExitProc:=StoreExitProc;} Str(SeenExitCode,ErrS); if (application<>nil) and (ideapp.displaymode=dmIDE) then begin P.l1:=SeenExitCode; ErrS:=hexstr(longint(SeenErrorAddr),8); P.s:=@ErrS; if OKCancelBox(error_programexitedwitherror,@P)=cmCancel then UserWantsToGoOn:=true; end else writeln('Abnormal exit error: ',ErrS); end else begin Str(SetJmpRes,ErrS); { Longjmp was called by fpcatch } if (application<>nil) and (ideapp.displaymode=dmIDE) then begin P.l1:=SetJmpRes; if OKCancelBox(error_programexitedwithsignal,@P)=cmCancel then UserWantsToGoOn:=true; end else writeln('Signal error: ',ErrS); end; if ideapp.displaymode=dmUser then begin writeln('Fatal exception occured while in user screen mode. File save message boxes'); writeln('cannot be displayed. We are sorry, but need to terminate now.'); halt(255); end; end; if (AutoSaveOptions and asEditorFiles)=0 then CanExit:=IDEApp.AskSaveAll else CanExit:=IDEApp.SaveAll; {$IFDEF HasSignal} StopJmpValid:=false; {$ENDIF} if (SetJmpRes<>0) then begin if (not CanExit) or UserWantsToGoOn then begin if ConfirmBox(continue_despite_error,nil,false)=cmNo then CanExit:=true else CanExit:=false; end else begin ErrorBox(leaving_after_error,nil); end; end; until CanExit; If ExitProc=pointer(@InterceptExit) then ExitProc:=StoreExitProc; IDEApp.AutoSave; DoneDesktopFile; DelTempFiles; IDEApp.Done; WriteSwitches(SwitchesPath); {$IFDEF HasSignal} DisableCatchSignals; {$ENDIF} DoneCodeComplete; DoneCodeTemplates; DoneTemplates; DoneTools; DoneUserScreen; DoneSwitches; DoneHelpFiles; DoneHelpFilesTypes; DoneReservedWords; DoneToolMessages; DoneBrowserCol; {$ifndef NODEBUG} DoneDebugger; DoneBreakpoints; DoneWatches; {$endif} {$ifdef fpc} {$ifdef unix} Video.ClearScreen; {$endif unix} { Video.DoneVideo; Keyboard.DoneKeyboard;} {$endif fpc} {$ifdef VESA} DoneVESAScreenModes; {$endif} {$ifdef unix} Keyboard.RestoreStartMode; {$endif unix} StreamError:=nil; {$ifdef DEBUG} if CloseImmediately then writeln('Used time is ',getrealtime-StartTime:0:2); {$endif DEBUG} END.