{ This file is part of text IDE Copyright (c) 2000 by Pierre Muller Unit to export current screen buffer to an ansi file See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} unit fpdpansi; interface uses objects, video; function ExportBufferToAnsiFile(var Buffer : TVideoBuf;xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,linesize : sw_integer; SaveAsText : boolean;var f : text) : boolean; implementation uses wutils; const { Foreground and background color constants } Black = 0; Blue = 1; Green = 2; Cyan = 3; Red = 4; Magenta = 5; Brown = 6; LightGray = 7; const ColorTab : array[0..7] of byte = (Black,Red,Green,Brown,Blue,Magenta,Cyan,LightGray); {$i-} function ExportBufferToAnsiFile(var Buffer : TVideoBuf;xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,linesize : sw_integer; SaveAsText : boolean;var f : text) : boolean; var CurColor : byte; CurForColor, CurBackColor : byte; CurIsBold, CurIsBlinking : boolean; procedure ChangeColor(NewColor : byte); var ForColor, BackColor : byte; IsBold, IsBlinking : boolean; begin ForColor:=NewColor and 7; BackColor:=(NewColor and $70) shr 4; IsBold:=(NewColor and 8) <> 0; IsBlinking:=(NewColor and $80) <> 0; if IsBlinking<>CurIsBlinking then begin if IsBlinking then Write(f,#27'[5m') else Write(f,#27'[25m'); CurIsBlinking:=IsBlinking; end; if IsBold<>CurIsBold then begin if IsBold then Write(f,#27'[1m') else Write(f,#27'[21m'); CurIsBold:=IsBold; end; if CurForColor<>ForColor then begin Write(f,#27'['+inttostr(ColorTab[ForColor]+30)+'m'); CurForColor:=ForColor; end; if CurBackColor<>BackColor then begin Write(f,#27'['+inttostr(ColorTab[BackColor]+40)+'m'); CurBackColor:=BackColor; end; CurColor:=NewColor; end; var Ch : char; textAttr : byte; i, j : sw_integer; begin CurColor:=0; for i:=ymin to ymax do begin for j:=xmin to xmax do begin ch:=chr(Buffer[i*linesize+j] and $ff); textattr:=Buffer[i*linesize+j] shr 8; if (textattr<>CurColor) and not SaveAsText then ChangeColor(textattr); { Escape escape, by printing two #27 PM } if (ch=#27) or (ord(ch)<=16) then Write(f,#27); Write(f,ch); end; writeln(f); end; ExportBufferToAnsiFile:=(IOResult=0); end; end.