{ This file is part of the Free Pascal Integrated Development Environment Copyright (c) 1998 by Berczi Gabor Help routines for the IDE See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} unit FPHelp; interface uses Drivers, FVConsts, WHelp,WHlpView,WHTML, WEditor,WCEdit, WViews,WHTMLScn, FPViews; type PIDEStatusLine = ^TIDEStatusLine; TIDEStatusLine = object(TAdvancedStatusLine) function Hint(AHelpCtx: Word): String; virtual; procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; end; PFPHTMLFileLinkScanner = ^TFPHTMLFileLinkScanner; TFPHTMLFileLinkScanner = object(THTMLFileLinkScanner) function CheckURL(const URL: string): boolean; virtual; function CheckText(const Text: string): boolean; virtual; procedure ProcessDoc(Doc: PHTMLLinkScanFile); virtual; end; procedure Help(FileID, Context: THelpCtx; Modal: boolean); procedure HelpIndex(Keyword: string); procedure HelpTopicSearch(Editor: PEditor); procedure HelpTopic(const S: string); procedure CloseHelpWindows; procedure HelpDebugInfos; procedure InitHelpSystem; procedure DoneHelpSystem; procedure InitHelpFiles; procedure DoneHelpFiles; procedure CheckHelpSystem; procedure PushStatus(S: string); procedure SetStatus(S: string); procedure ClearStatus; procedure PopStatus; const HelpWindow : PFPHelpWindow = nil; HelpInited : boolean = false; implementation uses Objects,Views,App,MsgBox, WUtils,WOAHelp,WHTMLHlp,WNGHelp,WOS2Help,WVPHelp,WWinHelp, FPConst,FPVars,FPUtils; const MaxStatusLevel = 10; var StatusStack : array[0..MaxStatusLevel] of string[MaxViewWidth]; const StatusStackPtr : integer = 0; {$ifdef useresstrings} resourcestring {$else} const {$endif} dialog_help = 'Help'; msg_modalhelpnotimplemented = 'Sorry, modal help not yet implemented.'; { Help messages } msg_indexingfile = 'Indexing file %s'; msg_loadinghelpfiles = 'Loading help files...'; msg_loadinghelpfile = 'Loading help file...'; msg_buildinghelpindex = 'Building Help Index...'; msg_locatingtopic = 'Locating topic...'; msg_failedtoloadhelpfile = 'Failed to load help file %s'; { Menu hints } hint_systemmenu = 'System menu'; hint_update = 'Refresh and redraw display'; hint_about = 'Show version and copyright information'; hint_filemenu = 'File managment commands (Open, New, Save, etc.)'; hint_filenew = 'Create a new file in a new edit window'; hint_filenewfromtemplate='Create a new file using a code template'; hint_fileopen = 'Locate and open a file in an edit window'; hint_filesave = 'Save the file in the active edit window'; hint_filesaveas = 'Save the current file under a different name, directory or drive'; hint_filesaveall = 'Save all modified files'; hint_print = 'Print current file'; hint_printersetup = 'Setup printer output device'; hint_changedir = 'Choose a new default directory'; hint_dosshell = 'Temporarily exit to shell'; hint_exit = 'Exit the IDE'; hint_openrecentfile = 'Open '; hint_editmenu = 'Clipboard editing commands'; hint_editundo = 'Undo the previous editor operation'; hint_editredo = 'Redo the previously undone editor operation'; hint_editcut = 'Remove the selected text and put it in the clipboard'; hint_editcopy = 'Copy the selected text in the clipboard'; hint_editpaste = 'Insert selected text from the clipboard at the cursor position'; hint_editcopywin = 'Copy the selected text in windows clipboard'; hint_editpastewin = 'Insert selected text from windows clipboard at the cursor position'; hint_editclear = 'Delete the selected text'; hint_editselectall = 'Select the whole text'; hint_editunselect = 'Unselect everything'; hint_showclipboard = 'Open then clipboard window'; hint_searchmenu = 'Text and symbols search commands'; hint_searchfind = 'Search for text'; hint_searchreplace = 'Search for text and replace it with new text'; hint_replaceagain = 'Repeat the last Replace command (%s with %s)'; hint_searchagain = 'Repeat the last Search command (%s)'; hint_gotoline = 'Move the cursor to a specified line number'; hint_objects = 'Open a browser displaying all objects in the program'; hint_modules = 'Open a browser displaying all modules of the program'; hint_globals = 'Open a browser displaying all global symbols in the program'; hint_symbol = 'Open a browser a current word (not yet scope sensitive)'; hint_runmenu = 'Execution and parameters'; hint_run = 'Run the current program'; hint_rundir = 'Set directory that will be used as current working directory at execution'; hint_runparameters = 'Set command-line parameters passed to program at execution'; hint_resetprogram = 'Reset Program'; hint_rununtilcursor = 'Go on until Cursor position'; hint_rununtilreturn = 'Go on until end of current function'; hint_userscreen = 'Switch to the full-screen user output'; hint_compilemenu = 'Compile, build & make'; hint_compile = 'Compile the current source file'; hint_make = 'Rebuild source file and all other files that have been modified'; hint_build = 'Rebuild program and all available source files'; hint_target = 'Select target platform to compile for'; hint_primaryfile = 'Define the file that is the focus of Make and Build'; hint_clearprimaryfile = 'Clear the file previously set to Primary'; hint_information = 'Show compiler messages and program information'; hint_showmessages = 'Show compiler messages window'; hint_debugmenu = 'Debug Program'; hint_togglebreakpoint = 'Toggles Breakpoint'; hint_createnewbreakpoint = 'Create a new breakpoint'; hint_editbreakpoint = 'Edit focused breakpoint'; hint_deletebreakpoint = 'Delete focused breakpoint'; hint_opengdbwindow = 'Open direct window to GDB'; hint_addwatch = 'Add a new expression to watch'; hint_watches = 'Open the Watches Window'; hint_callstack = 'Show call stack'; hint_editbreakpoints = 'Edit breakpoints'; hint_toolsmenu = 'User installed tools'; hint_calculator = 'Show calculator'; hint_grep = 'Run grep'; hint_gotosource = 'Edit source'; hint_registers = 'Open the Registers Window'; hint_fpuregisters = 'Open the FPU Registers Window'; hint_vectorregisters = 'Open the Vector Registers Window'; hint_messageswindow = 'Open the message window'; hint_gotonextmsg = 'Jumps to the next message in the Message Window'; hint_gotoprevmsg = 'Jumps to the previous message in the Message Window'; hint_usertool = 'User installed tool'; hint_asciitable = 'Show ASCII table'; hint_optionsmenu = 'Setting for compiler, editor, mouse, etc.'; hint_switchesmode = 'Select settings for normal, debug or release version'; hint_compiler = 'Set default compiler directives and conditional defines'; hint_memorysizes = 'Set default stack and heap sizes for generated programs'; hint_linkeroptions = 'Set linker options'; hint_debugoptions = 'Set debug information options'; hint_remotedialog = 'Set remote protocol parameters'; hint_transferremote = 'Transfer executable to remote target'; hint_directories = 'Set paths for units, include, object and generated files'; hint_browser = 'Specify global browser settings'; hint_reloadmodifiedfile= 'Reload file modified on disk'; hint_tools = 'Create or change tools'; hint_environmentmenu = 'Specify environment settins'; hint_preferences = 'Specify desktop settings'; hint_editoroptions = 'Specify default editor settings'; hint_codecomplete = 'Specify CodeComplete keywords'; hint_codetemplates = 'Specify CodeTemplates'; hint_mouseoptions = 'Specify mouse settings'; hint_desktopoptions = 'Specify desktop settings'; hint_startup = 'Permanently change default startup options'; hint_colors = 'Customize IDE colors for windows, menus, editors, etc.'; hint_openini = 'Load a previously saved options file'; hint_saveini = 'Save all the changes made in the options menu'; hint_saveasini = 'Save all the changes made under a different name'; hint_windowmenu = 'Windows managment commands'; hint_tile = 'Arrange windows on desktop by tiling'; hint_cascade = 'Arrange windows on desktop by cascading'; hint_closeall = 'Close all windows on the desktop'; hint_resize = 'Change the size/postion of the active window'; hint_zoom = 'Enlarge or restore the size of the active window'; hint_next = 'Make the next window active'; hint_prev = 'Make the previous window active'; hint_hide = 'Hide the current window'; hint_closewindow = 'Close the active window'; hint_windowlist = 'Show a list of all open windows'; hint_userscreenwindow = 'Show contents of user screen in a window'; hint_helpmenu = 'Get online help'; hint_helpcontents = 'Show table of contents for Online Help'; hint_helpindex = 'Show index for Online Help'; hint_helptopicsearch = 'Display help on the word at cursor'; hint_helpprevtopic = 'Redisplay the last-viewed Online Help screen'; hint_helphowtouse = 'How to use Online Help'; hint_helpfiles = 'Install or remove installed help files'; hint_openatcursor = 'Attempt to open the file indicated by the word at cursor'; hint_browseatcursor = 'Attempt to browse the symbol at cursor'; hint_editoroptionscur = 'Specify editor settings'; hint_rawgdbwindow = 'Raw GDB communication window'; hint_disassemblywindow = 'Show mixed Assembly/Source window'; hint_allbreakpoints = 'All current breakpoints'; procedure TIDEStatusLine.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); begin case Event.What of evBroadcast : case Event.Command of cmUpdate : Update; end; end; inherited HandleEvent(Event); end; function TIDEStatusLine.Hint(AHelpCtx: Word): String; var S: string; begin case AHelpCtx of hcNoContext : S:=''; hcDragging : S:=''; hcSourceWindow : S:=''; hcHelpWindow : S:=''; hcCalcWindow : S:=''; hcInfoWindow : S:=''; hcClipboardWindow:S:=''; hcBrowserWindow : S:=''; hcMessagesWindow: S:=''; hcCompilerMessagesWindow: S:=''; hcASCIITableWindow: S:=''; hcGDBWindow : S:=hint_rawgdbwindow; hcDisassemblyWindow : S:=hint_disassemblywindow; hcBreakpointListWindow : S:=hint_allbreakpoints; hcSystemMenu : S:=hint_systemmenu; hcUpdate : S:=hint_update; hcAbout : S:=hint_about; hcFileMenu : S:=hint_filemenu; hcNew : S:=hint_filenew; hcNewFromTemplate:S:=hint_filenewfromtemplate; hcOpen : S:=hint_fileopen; hcSave : S:=hint_filesave; hcSaveAs : S:=hint_filesaveas; hcSaveAll : S:=hint_filesaveall; hcPrint : S:=hint_print; hcPrinterSetup : S:=hint_printersetup; hcChangeDir : S:=hint_changedir; hcDOSShell : S:=hint_dosshell; hcQuit : S:=hint_exit; hcRecentFileBase..hcRecentFileBase+10 : S:=hint_openrecentfile+RecentFiles[AHelpCtx-hcRecentFileBase].FileName; hcEditMenu : S:=hint_editmenu; hcUndo : S:=hint_editundo; hcRedo : S:=hint_editredo; hcCut : S:=hint_editcut; hcCopy : S:=hint_editcopy; hcPaste : S:=hint_editpaste; hcSelectAll : S:=hint_editselectall; hcUnselect : S:=hint_editunselect; hcCopyWin : S:=hint_editcopywin; hcPasteWin : S:=hint_editpastewin; hcClear : S:=hint_editclear; hcShowClipboard : S:=hint_showclipboard; hcSearchMenu : S:=hint_searchmenu; hcFind : S:=hint_searchfind; hcReplace : S:=hint_searchreplace; hcSearchAgain : begin if (FindFlags and ffDoReplace)<>0 then s:=formatstrstr2(hint_replaceagain,findstr,WEditor.replacestr) else s:=formatstrstr(hint_searchagain,findstr); end; hcGotoLine : S:=hint_gotoline; hcObjects : S:=hint_objects; hcModules : S:=hint_modules; hcGlobals : S:=hint_globals; hcSymbol : S:=hint_symbol; hcRunMenu : S:=hint_runmenu; hcRun : S:=hint_run; hcRunDir : S:=hint_rundir; hcParameters : S:=hint_runparameters; hcResetDebugger : S:=hint_resetprogram; hcContToCursor : S:=hint_rununtilcursor; hcUntilReturn : S:=hint_rununtilreturn; hcUserScreen : S:=hint_userscreen; hcCompileMenu : S:=hint_compilemenu; hcCompile : S:=hint_compile; hcMake : S:=hint_make; hcBuild : S:=hint_build; hcTarget : S:=hint_target; hcPrimaryFile : S:=hint_primaryfile; hcClearPrimary : S:=hint_clearprimaryfile; hcCompilerMessages:S:=hint_showmessages; hcDebugMenu : S:=hint_debugmenu; hcToggleBreakpoint : S:=hint_togglebreakpoint; hcNewBreakpoint : S:=hint_createnewbreakpoint; hcEditBreakpoint : S:=hint_editbreakpoint; hcDeleteBreakpoint : S:=hint_deletebreakpoint; hcOpenGDBWindow : S:=hint_opengdbwindow; hcAddWatch : S:=hint_addwatch; hcWatchesWindow : S:=hint_watches; hcStackWindow : S:=hint_callstack; hcBreakpointList : S:=hint_editbreakpoints; hcToolsMenu : S:=hint_toolsmenu; hcCalculator : S:=hint_calculator; hcGrep : S:=hint_grep; hcMsgGotoSource : S:=hint_gotosource; hcRegistersWindow : S:=hint_registers; hcFPURegisters : S:=hint_FPURegisters; hcVectorRegisters : S:=hint_VectorRegisters; hcToolsMessages : S:=hint_messageswindow; hcToolsMsgNext : S:=hint_gotonextmsg; hcToolsMsgPrev : S:=hint_gotoprevmsg; hcToolsBase.. hcToolsBase+MaxToolCount : S:=hint_usertool; hcASCIITable : S:=hint_asciitable; hcOptionsMenu : S:=hint_optionsmenu; hcSwitchesMode : S:=hint_switchesmode; hcCompiler, hcCompilerNoAltX : S:=hint_compiler; hcMemorySizes : S:=hint_memorysizes; hcLinker : S:=hint_linkeroptions; hcDebugger : S:=hint_debugoptions; hcDirectories : S:=hint_directories; hcBrowser, hcBrowserOptions: S:=hint_browser; hcTools : S:=hint_tools; hcRemoteDialog : S:=hint_remotedialog; hcTransferRemote: S:=hint_transferremote; hcDoReload : S:=hint_reloadmodifiedfile; hcEnvironmentMenu:S:=hint_environmentmenu; hcPreferences : S:=hint_preferences; hcEditor : S:=hint_editoroptions; hcCodeCompleteOptions:S:=hint_codecomplete; hcCodeTemplateOptions:S:=hint_codetemplates; hcMouse : S:=hint_mouseoptions; hcDesktopOptions: S:=hint_desktopoptions; hcStartup : S:=hint_startup; hcColors : S:=hint_colors; hcOpenINI : S:=hint_openini; hcSaveINI : S:=hint_saveini; hcSaveAsINI : S:=hint_saveasini; hcWindowMenu : S:=hint_windowmenu; hcTile : S:=hint_tile; hcCascade : S:=hint_cascade; hcCloseAll : S:=hint_closeall; hcResize : S:=hint_resize; hcZoom : S:=hint_zoom; hcNext : S:=hint_next; hcPrev : S:=hint_prev; hcHide : S:=hint_hide; hcClose : S:=hint_closewindow; hcWindowList : S:=hint_windowlist; hcUserScreenWindow:S:=hint_userscreenwindow; hcHelpMenu : S:=hint_helpmenu; hcHelpContents : S:=hint_helpcontents; hcHelpIndex : S:=hint_helpindex; hcHelpTopicSearch:S:=hint_helptopicsearch; hcHelpPrevTopic : S:=hint_helpprevtopic; hcHelpUsingHelp : S:=hint_helphowtouse; hcHelpFiles : S:=hint_helpfiles; hcOpenAtCursor : S:=hint_openatcursor; hcBrowseAtCursor: S:=hint_browseatcursor; hcEditorOptions : S:=hint_editoroptionscur; else S:='???'; end; Hint:=S; end; procedure TFPHTMLFileLinkScanner.ProcessDoc(Doc: PHTMLLinkScanFile); begin PushStatus(FormatStrStr(msg_indexingfile,Doc^.GetDocumentURL)); inherited ProcessDoc(Doc); PopStatus; end; function TFPHTMLFileLinkScanner.CheckURL(const URL: string): boolean; var OK: boolean; const HTTPPrefix = 'http:'; FTPPrefix = 'ftp:'; begin OK:=inherited CheckURL(URL); if OK then OK:=DirAndNameOf(URL)<>''; if OK then OK:=CompareText(copy(ExtOf(URL),1,4),'.HTM')=0; if OK then OK:=CompareText(copy(URL,1,length(HTTPPrefix)),HTTPPrefix)<>0; if OK then OK:=CompareText(copy(URL,1,length(FTPPrefix)),FTPPrefix)<>0; CheckURL:=OK; end; function TFPHTMLFileLinkScanner.CheckText(const Text: string): boolean; var OK: boolean; i : sw_integer; S: string; begin S:=Trim(Text); OK:=(S<>'') and (S[1]<>'[') and (S[1]<>','); { remove all Indexes } if s[1] in ['0'..'9'] then begin i:=1; while (i0 then begin Param:=copy(S,P+1,High(S)); S:=copy(S,1,P-1); end; AddHelpFile(S,Param); end; PopStatus; end; procedure CheckHelpSystem; begin if HelpInited then Exit; InitHelpSystem; HelpInited:=true; end; procedure DoneHelpSystem; begin if assigned(HelpFacility) then begin Dispose(HelpFacility, Done); HelpFacility:=nil; end; HelpInited:=false; end; procedure HelpCreateWindow; var R: TRect; begin CheckHelpSystem; if HelpWindow=nil then begin Desktop^.GetExtent(R); R.Grow(-15,-3); Dec(R.A.Y); New(HelpWindow, Init(R, dialog_help, 0, 0, SearchFreeWindowNo)); if HelpWindow<>nil then begin HelpWindow^.Hide; Desktop^.Insert(HelpWindow); end; end; end; procedure Help(FileID, Context: THelpCtx; Modal: boolean); begin if Modal then begin MessageBox(msg_modalhelpnotimplemented,nil,mfInformation+mfInsertInApp+mfOKButton); Exit; end; HelpCreateWindow; with HelpWindow^ do begin HelpWindow^.ShowTopic(FileID,Context); if GetState(sfVisible)=false then Show; MakeFirst; end; Message(Application,evCommand,cmUpdate,nil); end; procedure HelpTopicSearch(Editor: PEditor); var S: string; begin if Editor=nil then S:='' else S:=GetEditorCurWord(Editor,[]); HelpTopic(S); end; procedure HelpTopic(const S: string); var FileID: word; Ctx : THelpCtx; var Found: boolean; begin CheckHelpSystem; PushStatus(msg_LocatingTopic); Found:=HelpFacility^.TopicSearch(S,FileID,Ctx); PopStatus; if Found then Help(FileID,Ctx,false) else HelpIndex(S); end; procedure HelpIndex(Keyword: string); begin HelpCreateWindow; with HelpWindow^ do begin PushStatus(msg_BuildingHelpIndex); HelpWindow^.ShowIndex; if Keyword<>'' then HelpWindow^.HelpView^.Lookup(Keyword); PopStatus; if GetState(sfVisible)=false then Show; MakeFirst; end; Message(Application,evCommand,cmUpdate,nil); end; procedure HelpDebugInfos; begin HelpCreateWindow; HelpWindow^.ShowDebugInfos; end; procedure PushStatus(S: string); begin if StatusLine=nil then Exit; If StatusStackPtr<=MaxStatusLevel then StatusStack[StatusStackPtr]:=PAdvancedStatusLine(StatusLine)^.GetStatusText else StatusStack[MaxStatusLevel]:=PAdvancedStatusLine(StatusLine)^.GetStatusText; SetStatus(S); Inc(StatusStackPtr); end; procedure PopStatus; begin if StatusLine=nil then Exit; Dec(StatusStackPtr); If StatusStackPtr<=MaxStatusLevel then SetStatus(StatusStack[StatusStackPtr]) else SetStatus(StatusStack[MaxStatusLevel]); end; procedure SetStatus(S: string); begin if StatusLine=nil then Exit; PAdvancedStatusLine(StatusLine)^.SetStatusText(S); end; procedure ClearStatus; begin PAdvancedStatusLine(StatusLine)^.ClearStatusText; end; function FPHTMLGetSectionColor(Section: THTMLSection; var Color: byte): boolean; var OK: boolean; S: string; begin Color:=0; OK:=(ord(Section) in [1..length(CHTMLSectionAttrs)]); if OK then begin S:=#0; S:=copy(CHTMLSectionAttrs,ord(Section),1); if Assigned(Application)=false then Color:=0 else Color:=Application^.GetColor(ord(S[1])); if (Color and $0f) = ((Color and $f0) shr 4) then { same color ? } OK:=false; end; FPHTMLGetSectionColor:=OK; end; function FPNGGetAttrColor(Attr: char; var Color: byte): boolean; var OK: boolean; begin OK:=false; case Attr of 'A' : OK:=FPHTMLGetSectionColor(hsHeading1,Color); 'B' : OK:=FPHTMLGetSectionColor(hsHeading2,Color); 'b' : OK:=FPHTMLGetSectionColor(hsHeading5,Color); 'U' : OK:=FPHTMLGetSectionColor(hsHeading3,Color); 'N' : OK:=FPHTMLGetSectionColor(hsHeading4,Color); {$ifdef DEBUGMSG} else ErrorBox('Unknown attr encountered : "'+Attr+'"',nil); {$endif} end; FPNGGetAttrColor:=OK; end; function FPINFGetAttrColor(TextStyle, TextColor: byte; var Color: byte): boolean; var OK: boolean; begin OK:=false; case TextColor of 1 : OK:=FPHTMLGetSectionColor(hsHeading1,Color); 2 : OK:=FPHTMLGetSectionColor(hsHeading2,Color); 3 : OK:=FPHTMLGetSectionColor(hsHeading3,Color); end; FPINFGetAttrColor:=OK; end; procedure InitHelpFiles; begin HTMLGetSectionColor:={$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}FPHTMLGetSectionColor; NGGetAttrColor:={$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}FPNGGetAttrColor; INFGetAttrColor:={$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}FPINFGetAttrColor; New(HelpFiles, Init(10,10)); end; procedure DoneHelpFiles; begin if assigned(HelpFiles) then Dispose(HelpFiles, Done); end; procedure CloseHelpWindows; procedure CloseIfHelpWindow(P: PView); begin if P^.HelpCtx=hcHelpWindow then begin Message(P,evCommand,cmClose,nil); {Dispose(P, Done); help windows are only hidden on close so we've to destroy them manually but this was wrong as it was not correctly resetting the corresponding pointer in whelp unit PM } end; end; begin Desktop^.ForEach(@CloseIfHelpWindow); end; END.