{ This file is part of the Free Pascal Integrated Development Environment Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Pierre Muller Learn keys routines for the IDE See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} unit fpkeys; interface uses keyboard, Objects, Drivers, Dialogs, App, FPViews, WViews; procedure LearnKeysDialog; Const NumWantedKeys = 24; WantedKeys : Array[1..NumWantedKeys] of word = (kbF1,kbF2,kbF3,kbF4, kbF5,kbF6,kbF7,kbF8, kbF9,kbF10,kbF11,kbF12, kbLeft,kbRight,kbUp,kbDown, kbPgUp,kbPgDn,kbIns,kbDel, kbEnd,kbHome,kbBack,kbShiftTab); type PKeyDialog = ^TKeyDialog; TKeyDialog = object(TCenterDialog) Constructor Init(Const ATitle : String); {Procedure HandleEvent(var E : TEvent);virtual;} function Execute : Word;Virtual; PSTL : Array [1..NumWantedKeys] of PLabel; PL : Array [1..NumWantedKeys] of PInputLine; KeyOK : Array [1..NumWantedKeys] of boolean; PST,PST2 : PAdvancedStaticText; end; Procedure LoadKeys(var S : TStream); Procedure StoreKeys(var S : TStream); Procedure SetKnownKeys; implementation uses FVConsts, WUtils; {$ifndef NotUseTree} function GetKey(Const St : String) : word; var AChar,AScan : byte; begin If FindSequence(St,AChar,Ascan) then GetKey:=Ascan*$100+AChar else GetKey:=0; end; Procedure SetKey(Const St : String;key :word); var AChar,AScan : byte; begin AChar:=key and $ff; AScan:=key shr 8; AddSequence(St,AChar,Ascan); end; {$endif not NotUseTree} Const WantedKeysLabels : Array[1..NumWantedKeys] of String[5] = ('F1 ','F2 ','F3 ','F4 ', 'F5 ','F6 ','F7 ','F8 ', 'F9 ','F10 ','F11 ','F12 ', 'Left ','Right','Up ','Down ', 'PgUp ','PgDn ','Ins ','Del ', 'End ','Home ','Back ','ShTab'); var KeyEscape : Array[1..NumWantedKeys] of String[10]; Procedure StoreKeys(var S : TStream); var i,index : longint; l : byte; begin for i:=1 to NumWantedKeys do if KeyEscape[i]<>'' then begin { need temporary local var, because write has var argument } index:=i; S.Write(index,Sizeof(index)); l:=Length(KeyEscape[i]); S.Write(l,sizeof(l)); S.Write(KeyEscape[i][1],l); end; end; Procedure LoadKeys(var S : TStream); var i : longint; l : byte; begin While S.GetPos'' then SetKey(KeyEscape[i],WantedKeys[i]); {$endif not NotUseTree} end; function NiceEscape(Const St : String) : String; var s : string; i : longint; begin s:=''; for i:=1 to length(St) do case ord(St[i]) of 1..26 : s:=s+'^'+chr(ord('A')-1+Ord(St[i])); 27 : s:=s+'Esc'; 0,28..31,127..255 : s:=s+'"#'+IntToStr(ord(St[i]))+'"'; else s:=s+St[i]; end; NiceEscape:=s; end; constructor TKeyDialog.Init(Const ATitle : String); var St : String; D : PCenterDialog; R : TRect; E : TEvent; i,hight,key : longint; begin Hight:=(NumWantedKeys + 2) div 3; R.Assign(0,0,63 + 4,Hight + 4); Inherited Init(R,ATitle); for i:=1 to NumWantedKeys do begin GetExtent(R); R.Grow(-1,-1); R.A.Y:=R.A.Y + ((i-1) mod Hight); R.A.X:=R.A.X + 21 * ((i-1) div Hight); R.B.Y:=R.A.Y+1; R.B.X:=R.A.X + 10; St:=WantedKeysLabels[i]+' key'; KeyOK[i]:=false; New(PSTL[i],Init(R,St,nil)); Insert(PSTL[i]); R.A.X:=R.B.X+1; R.B.X:=R.B.X+11; New(PL[i],Init(R,20)); St:=NiceEscape(KeyEscape[i]); PL[i]^.SetData(St); Insert(PL[i]); PSTL[i]^.Link:=PL[i]; end; GetExtent(R); R.Grow(-1,-1); Dec(R.B.Y); R.A.Y:=R.B.Y-1; New(PST,init(R,'Press all listed keys')); Insert(PST); GetExtent(R); R.Grow(-1,-1); R.A.Y:=R.B.Y-1; New(PST2,init(R,'Alt prefix "'+NiceEscape(chr(AltPrefix))+'" Shift prefix = "'+ NiceEscape(chr(ShiftPrefix))+'" Ctrl prefix = "'+NiceEscape(chr(CtrlPrefix))+'"')); Insert(PST2); InsertButtons(@Self); end; function TKeyDialog.Execute : Word; var APL : PInputLine; i,j : longint; St : String; E : TEvent; OldKey : word; keyfound : boolean; begin {$ifndef NotUseTree} repeat EndState := 0; repeat if TypeOf(Current^)=Typeof(TInputLine) then APL:=PInputLine(Current) else if TypeOf(Current^)=Typeof(TLabel) then APL:=PInputLine(Plabel(Current)^.Link) else APL:=nil; FillChar(E,SizeOf(E),#0); if Keyboard.KeyPressed then St:=RawReadString else begin St:=''; Application^.GetEvent(E); end; if E.What= evNothing then begin if St<>'' then begin if GetKey(St)<>0 then begin E.What:=evKeyDown; E.KeyCode:=GetKey(St); end else if St=#9 then begin E.What:=evKeyDown; E.KeyCode:=kbTab; end else if St=#27 then begin E.What:=evKeyDown; E.KeyCode:=kbEsc; end else if St=#13 then begin E.What:=evKeyDown; E.KeyCode:=kbEnter; end; end; end; keyFound:=false; if (E.What=evKeyDown) and not assigned(APL) then begin for i:=1 to NumWantedKeys do if E.Keycode=WantedKeys[i] then begin DisposeStr(PSTL[i]^.Text); PSTL[i]^.Text:=NewStr(WantedKeysLabels[i]+' OK '); keyFound:=true; keyOK[i]:=true; KeyEscape[i]:=St; St:=NiceEscape(St); PL[i]^.SetData(St); ClearEvent(E); ReDraw; end; end; if (St<>'') and not keyfound and ((E.What<>evKeyDown) or ((E.KeyCode<>kbTab) and (E.Keycode<>kbEnter) and (E.Keycode<>kbEsc))) then begin PST^.SetText('"'+NiceEscape(St)+'"'); if Assigned(APL) then begin j:=-1; for i:=1 to NumWantedKeys do if APL=PL[i] then j:=i; if (j>0) and (j<=NumWantedKeys) then begin OldKey:=GetKey(St); if OldKey<>0 then begin for i:=1 to NumWantedKeys do if (OldKey=WantedKeys[i]) and (i<>j) then begin If ConfirmBox('"'+St+'" is used for'+#13+ 'key $'+hexstr(oldKey,4)+' '+WantedKeysLabels[i]+#13+ 'Change it to '+WantedKeysLabels[j],nil,true)=cmYes then begin KeyEscape[i]:=''; PL[i]^.SetData(KeyEscape[i]); end else begin St:=''; end; end; end; if St<>'' then Begin SetKey(St,WantedKeys[j]); KeyEscape[j]:=St; St:=NiceEscape(St); APL^.SetData(St); end; end; ClearEvent(E); end; end; if (E.What<>evNothing) then HandleEvent(E); if E.What <> evNothing then EventError(E); until EndState <> 0; until Valid(EndState); Execute := EndState; {$else NotUseTree} Execute:=cmCancel; {$endif NotUseTree} end; procedure LearnKeysDialog; var D : PKeyDialog; begin {$ifdef NotUseTree} NotImplemented; {$else not NotUseTree} New(D,Init('Learn keys')); Application^.ExecuteDialog(D,nil); {$endif not NotUseTree} end; end.