{ This file is part of the Free Pascal Integrated Development Environment Copyright (c) 1998 by Berczi Gabor Views and view-related functions for the IDE See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} unit FPViews; {$i globdir.inc} interface uses Dos,Objects,Drivers, FVConsts, Views,Menus,Dialogs,App,Gadgets,Tabs, ASCIITAB, WEditor,WCEdit, WUtils,WHelp,WHlpView,WViews,WANSI, Comphook, {$ifndef NODEBUG} { Needed here for CORE_ADDR definition } {$ifdef GDBMI} gdbmiint, {$else GDBMI} gdbint, {$endif GDBMI} {$endif NODEBUG} FPConst,FPUsrScr; type TEditor = TCodeEditor; PEditor = PCodeEditor; PStoreCollection = ^TStoreCollection; TStoreCollection = object(TStringCollection) function Add(const S: string): PString; end; PIntegerLine = ^TIntegerLine; TIntegerLine = object(TInputLine) constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect; AMin, AMax: longint); end; PFPHeapView = ^TFPHeapView; TFPHeapView = object(THeapView) constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect); constructor InitKb(var Bounds: TRect); procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; end; PFPClockView = ^TFPClockView; TFPClockView = object(TClockView) constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect); procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; function GetPalette: PPalette; virtual; end; PFPWindow = ^TFPWindow; TFPWindow = object(TWindow) AutoNumber: boolean; procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; procedure SetState(AState: Word; Enable: Boolean); virtual; procedure UpdateCommands; virtual; constructor Load(var S: TStream); procedure Store(var S: TStream); procedure Update; virtual; procedure SelectInDebugSession; end; PFPHelpViewer = ^TFPHelpViewer; TFPHelpViewer = object(THelpViewer) function GetLocalMenu: PMenu; virtual; function GetCommandTarget: PView; virtual; end; PFPHelpWindow = ^TFPHelpWindow; TFPHelpWindow = object(THelpWindow) constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect; ATitle: TTitleStr; ASourceFileID: word; AContext: THelpCtx; ANumber: Integer); destructor Done;virtual; procedure InitHelpView; virtual; procedure Show; {virtual;} procedure Hide; {virtual;} procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; function GetPalette: PPalette; virtual; constructor Load(var S: TStream); procedure Store(var S: TStream); end; PTextScroller = ^TTextScroller; TTextScroller = object(TStaticText) TopLine: integer; Speed : integer; Lines : PUnsortedStringCollection; constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect; ASpeed: integer; AText: PUnsortedStringCollection); function GetLineCount: integer; virtual; function GetLine(I: integer): string; virtual; procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; procedure Update; virtual; procedure Reset; virtual; procedure Scroll; virtual; procedure Draw; virtual; destructor Done; virtual; private LastTT: longint; end; TAlign = (alLeft,alCenter,alRight); PFPToolTip = ^TFPToolTip; TFPToolTip = object(TView) constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect; const AText: string; AAlign: TAlign); procedure Draw; virtual; function GetText: string; procedure SetText(const AText: string); function GetAlign: TAlign; procedure SetAlign(AAlign: TAlign); function GetPalette: PPalette; virtual; destructor Done; virtual; private Text: PString; Align: TAlign; end; PSourceEditor = ^TSourceEditor; TSourceEditor = object(TFileEditor) CompileStamp : longint; CodeCompleteTip: PFPToolTip; constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect; AHScrollBar, AVScrollBar: PScrollBar; AIndicator: PIndicator;const AFileName: string); {$ifndef NODEBUG} private ShouldHandleBreakpoints : boolean; {$endif NODEBUG} public { Syntax highlight } function IsReservedWord(const S: string): boolean; virtual; function IsAsmReservedWord(const S: string): boolean; virtual; function GetSpecSymbolCount(SpecClass: TSpecSymbolClass): integer; virtual; function GetSpecSymbol(SpecClass: TSpecSymbolClass; Index: integer): pstring; virtual; { CodeTemplates } function TranslateCodeTemplate(var Shortcut: string; ALines: PUnsortedStringCollection): boolean; virtual; function SelectCodeTemplate(var ShortCut: string): boolean; virtual; { CodeComplete } function CompleteCodeWord(const WordS: string; var Text: string): boolean; virtual; procedure FindMatchingDelimiter(ScanForward: boolean); virtual; procedure SetCodeCompleteWord(const S: string); virtual; procedure AlignCodeCompleteTip; procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; {$ifdef DebugUndo} procedure DumpUndo; procedure UndoAll; procedure RedoAll; {$endif DebugUndo} function Valid(Command: Word): Boolean;virtual; function GetLocalMenu: PMenu; virtual; function GetCommandTarget: PView; virtual; function CreateLocalMenuView(var Bounds: TRect; M: PMenu): PMenuPopup; virtual; procedure ModifiedChanged; virtual; procedure InsertOptions; virtual; procedure PushInfo(Const st : string);virtual; procedure PopInfo;virtual; procedure DeleteLine(I: sw_integer); virtual; procedure BackSpace; virtual; procedure DelChar; virtual; procedure DelSelect; virtual; function InsertNewLine : Sw_integer;virtual; function InsertLine(LineNo: sw_integer; const S: string): PCustomLine; virtual; procedure AddLine(const S: string); virtual; end; PSourceWindow = ^TSourceWindow; TSourceWindow = object(TFPWindow) Editor : PSourceEditor; Indicator : PIndicator; NoNameCount : longint; constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect; AFileName: string); function GetTitle(MaxSize: sw_Integer): TTitleStr; virtual; procedure SetTitle(ATitle: string); virtual; procedure UpdateTitle; virtual; procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; procedure Update; virtual; procedure UpdateCommands; virtual; function GetPalette: PPalette; virtual; constructor Load(var S: TStream); procedure Store(var S: TStream); procedure Close; virtual; destructor Done; virtual; end; {$ifndef NODEBUG} PGDBSourceEditor = ^TGDBSourceEditor; TGDBSourceEditor = object(TSourceEditor) function InsertNewLine : Sw_integer;virtual; function Valid(Command: Word): Boolean; virtual; procedure AddLine(const S: string); virtual; procedure AddErrorLine(const S: string); virtual; { Syntax highlight } function IsReservedWord(const S: string): boolean; virtual; private Silent, AutoRepeat, IgnoreStringAtEnd : boolean; LastCommand : String; end; PGDBWindow = ^TGDBWindow; TGDBWindow = object(TFPWindow) Editor : PGDBSourceEditor; Indicator : PIndicator; constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect); procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; procedure WriteText(Buf : pchar;IsError : boolean); procedure WriteString(Const S : string); procedure WriteErrorString(Const S : string); procedure WriteOutputText(Buf : pchar); procedure WriteErrorText(Buf : pchar); function GetPalette: PPalette;virtual; constructor Load(var S: TStream); procedure Store(var S: TStream); procedure UpdateCommands; virtual; destructor Done; virtual; end; PDisasLine = ^TDisasLine; TDisasLine = object(TLine) address : CORE_ADDR;{ should be target size of address for cross debuggers } end; PDisasLineCollection = ^TDisasLineCollection; TDisasLineCollection = object(TLineCollection) function At(Index: sw_Integer): PDisasLine; end; PDisassemblyEditor = ^TDisassemblyEditor; TDisassemblyEditor = object(TSourceEditor) CurrentSource : String; CurrentLine : longint; constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect; AHScrollBar, AVScrollBar: PScrollBar; AIndicator: PIndicator;const AFileName: string); procedure ReleaseSource; destructor Done;virtual; procedure AddSourceLine(const AFileName: string;line : longint); virtual; procedure AddAssemblyLine(const S: string;AAddress : CORE_ADDR); virtual; function GetCurrentLine(address : CORE_ADDR) : PDisasLine; private Source : PSourceWindow; OwnsSource : Boolean; DisasLines : PDisasLineCollection; MinAddress,MaxAddress : CORE_ADDR; CurL : PDisasLine; end; PDisassemblyWindow = ^TDisassemblyWindow; TDisassemblyWindow = object(TFPWindow) Editor : PDisassemblyEditor; Indicator : PIndicator; constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect); procedure LoadFunction(Const FuncName : string); procedure LoadAddress(Addr : CORE_ADDR); function ProcessPChar(p : pchar) : boolean; procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; procedure WriteSourceString(Const S : string;line : longint); procedure WriteDisassemblyString(Const S : string;address : CORE_ADDR); procedure SetCurAddress(address : CORE_ADDR); procedure UpdateCommands; virtual; function GetPalette: PPalette;virtual; destructor Done; virtual; end; {$endif NODEBUG} PClipboardWindow = ^TClipboardWindow; TClipboardWindow = object(TSourceWindow) constructor Init; procedure Close; virtual; constructor Load(var S: TStream); procedure Store(var S: TStream); destructor Done; virtual; end; PMessageItem = ^TMessageItem; TMessageItem = object(TObject) TClass : longint; Text : PString; Module : PString; Row,Col : sw_integer; constructor Init(AClass: longint; const AText: string; AModule: PString; ARow, ACol: sw_integer); function GetText(MaxLen: Sw_integer): string; virtual; procedure Selected; virtual; function GetModuleName: string; virtual; destructor Done; virtual; end; PMessageListBox = ^TMessageListBox; TMessageListBox = object(THSListBox) Transparent : boolean; NoSelection : boolean; MaxWidth : Sw_integer; ModuleNames : PStoreCollection; constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect; AHScrollBar, AVScrollBar: PScrollBar); procedure SetState(AState: Word; Enable: Boolean); virtual; procedure AddItem(P: PMessageItem); virtual; function AddModuleName(const Name: string): PString; virtual; function GetText(Item,MaxLen: Sw_Integer): String; virtual; procedure Clear; virtual; procedure TrackSource; virtual; procedure GotoSource; virtual; procedure Draw; virtual; procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; function GetLocalMenu: PMenu; virtual; constructor Load(var S: TStream); procedure Store(var S: TStream); destructor Done; virtual; end; PFPDlgWindow = ^TFPDlgWindow; TFPDlgWindow = object(TDlgWindow) procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; end; (* PTabItem = ^TTabItem; TTabItem = record Next : PTabItem; View : PView; Dis : boolean; end; PTabDef = ^TTabDef; TTabDef = record Next : PTabDef; Name : PString; Items : PTabItem; DefItem : PView; ShortCut : char; end; PTab = ^TTab; TTab = object(TGroup) TabDefs : PTabDef; ActiveDef : integer; DefCount : word; constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect; ATabDef: PTabDef); function AtTab(Index: integer): PTabDef; virtual; procedure SelectTab(Index: integer); virtual; function TabCount: integer; procedure SelectNextTab(Forwards: boolean); function Valid(Command: Word): Boolean; virtual; procedure ChangeBounds(var Bounds: TRect); virtual; procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; function GetPalette: PPalette; virtual; procedure Draw; virtual; procedure SetState(AState: Word; Enable: Boolean); virtual; destructor Done; virtual; private InDraw: boolean; end; *) PScreenView = ^TScreenView; TScreenView = object(TScroller) Screen: PScreen; constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect; AHScrollBar, AVScrollBar: PScrollBar; AScreen: PScreen); procedure Draw; virtual; procedure Update; virtual; procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; end; PScreenWindow = ^TScreenWindow; TScreenWindow = object(TFPWindow) ScreenView : PScreenView; constructor Init(AScreen: PScreen; ANumber: integer); destructor Done; virtual; end; PFPAboutDialog = ^TFPAboutDialog; TFPAboutDialog = object(TCenterDialog) constructor Init; procedure ToggleInfo; procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; private Scroller: PTextScroller; TitleST : PStaticText; end; PFPASCIIChart = ^TFPASCIIChart; TFPASCIIChart = object(TASCIIChart) constructor Init; constructor Load(var S: TStream); procedure Store(var S: TStream); procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; destructor Done; virtual; end; PVideoModeListBox = ^TVideoModeListBox; TVideoModeListBox = object(TDropDownListBox) function GetText(Item: pointer; MaxLen: sw_integer): string; virtual; end; PFPDesktop = ^TFPDesktop; TFPDesktop = object(TDesktop) constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect); procedure InitBackground; virtual; constructor Load(var S: TStream); procedure Store(var S: TStream); end; PFPMemo = ^TFPMemo; TFPMemo = object(TCodeEditor) constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect; AHScrollBar, AVScrollBar: PScrollBar; AIndicator: PIndicator); function IsReservedWord(const S: string): boolean; virtual; function GetSpecSymbolCount(SpecClass: TSpecSymbolClass): integer; virtual; function GetSpecSymbol(SpecClass: TSpecSymbolClass; Index: integer): pstring; virtual; function GetPalette: PPalette; virtual; procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; end; PFPCodeMemo = ^TFPCodeMemo; TFPCodeMemo = object(TFPMemo) constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect; AHScrollBar, AVScrollBar: PScrollBar; AIndicator: PIndicator); function IsReservedWord(const S: string): boolean; virtual; function GetSpecSymbolCount(SpecClass: TSpecSymbolClass): integer; virtual; function GetSpecSymbol(SpecClass: TSpecSymbolClass; Index: integer): pstring; virtual; end; function SearchFreeWindowNo: integer; function IsWindow(P: PView): boolean; function IsThereAnyEditor: boolean; function IsThereAnyWindow: boolean; function IsThereAnyVisibleWindow: boolean; function IsThereAnyNumberedWindow: boolean; function FirstEditorWindow: PSourceWindow; function EditorWindowFile(const Name : String): PSourceWindow; procedure AskToReloadAllModifiedFiles; {$ifndef NODEBUG} function InDisassemblyWindow :boolean; {$endif NODEBUG} function NewTabItem(AView: PView; ANext: PTabItem): PTabItem; procedure DisposeTabItem(P: PTabItem); function NewTabDef(AName: string; ADefItem: PView; AItems: PTabItem; ANext: PTabDef): PTabDef; procedure DisposeTabDef(P: PTabDef); function GetEditorCurWord(Editor: PEditor; ValidSpecChars: TCharSet): string; procedure InitReservedWords; procedure DoneReservedWords; function GetReservedWordCount: integer; function GetReservedWord(Index: integer): string; function GetAsmReservedWordCount: integer; function GetAsmReservedWord(Index: integer): string; procedure TranslateMouseClick(View: PView; var Event: TEvent); function GetNextEditorBounds(var Bounds: TRect): boolean; function OpenEditorWindow(Bounds: PRect; FileName: string; CurX,CurY: sw_integer): PSourceWindow; function IOpenEditorWindow(Bounds: PRect; FileName: string; CurX,CurY: sw_integer; ShowIt: boolean): PSourceWindow; function LastSourceEditor : PSourceWindow; function SearchOnDesktop(FileName : string;tryexts:boolean) : PSourceWindow; function TryToOpenFile(Bounds: PRect; FileName: string; CurX,CurY: sw_integer;tryexts: boolean): PSourceWindow; function TryToOpenFileMulti(Bounds: PRect; FileName: string; CurX,CurY: sw_integer;tryexts: boolean): PSourceWindow; function ITryToOpenFile(Bounds: PRect; FileName: string; CurX,CurY: sw_integer;tryexts, ShowIt, ForceNewWindow:boolean): PSourceWindow; function LocateSourceFile(const FileName: string; tryexts: boolean): string; function SearchWindow(const Title: string): PWindow; function StartEditor(Editor: PCodeEditor; FileName: string): boolean; {$ifdef VESA} procedure InitVESAScreenModes; procedure DoneVESAScreenModes; {$endif} procedure NoDebugger; const SourceCmds : TCommandSet = ([cmSave,cmSaveAs,cmCompile,cmHide,cmDoReload]); EditorCmds : TCommandSet = ([cmPrint,cmFind,cmReplace,cmSearchAgain,cmJumpLine,cmHelpTopicSearch,cmSelectAll,cmUnselect]); CompileCmds : TCommandSet = ([cmMake,cmBuild,cmRun]); CalcClipboard : extended = 0; OpenFileName : string = ''; OpenFileLastExt : string[12] = '*.pas'; NewEditorOpened : boolean = false; var MsgParms : array[1..10] of record case byte of 0 : (Ptr : pointer); 1 : (Long: longint); end; const menu_key_common_copy_borland = 'Ctrl+Ins'; menu_key_common_copy_microsoft = 'Ctrl+C'; menu_key_edit_undo = 'Alt+BkSp'; menu_key_edit_cut_borland = 'Shift+Del'; menu_key_edit_copy_borland = menu_key_common_copy_borland; menu_key_edit_paste_borland = 'Shift+Ins'; menu_key_edit_cut_microsoft = 'Ctrl+X'; menu_key_edit_copy_microsoft = menu_key_common_copy_microsoft; menu_key_edit_paste_microsoft = 'Ctrl+V'; menu_key_edit_all_borland = ''; menu_key_edit_clear = 'Ctrl+Del'; menu_key_common_helpindex = 'Shift+F1'; menu_key_common_topicsearch = 'Ctrl+F1'; menu_key_common_prevtopic = 'Alt+F1'; menu_key_help_helpindex= menu_key_common_helpindex; menu_key_help_topicsearch = menu_key_common_topicsearch; menu_key_help_prevtopic= menu_key_common_prevtopic; menu_key_hlplocal_index = menu_key_common_helpindex; menu_key_hlplocal_topicsearch = menu_key_common_topicsearch; menu_key_hlplocal_prevtopic = menu_key_common_prevtopic; menu_key_hlplocal_copy_borland = menu_key_common_copy_borland; menu_key_hlplocal_copy_microsoft = menu_key_common_copy_microsoft; {Configurable keys.} const menu_key_edit_cut:string[63]=menu_key_edit_cut_borland; menu_key_edit_copy:string[63]=menu_key_edit_copy_borland; menu_key_edit_paste:string[63]=menu_key_edit_paste_borland; menu_key_edit_all:string[63]=menu_key_edit_all_borland; menu_key_hlplocal_copy:string[63]=menu_key_hlplocal_copy_borland; cut_key:word=kbShiftDel; copy_key:word=kbCtrlIns; paste_key:word=kbShiftIns; all_key:word=kbNoKey; procedure RegisterFPViews; implementation uses Video,Strings,Keyboard,Validate, globtype,Tokens,Version, systems,cpubase, itcpugas, {$if defined(I386) or defined(x64_86)} rax86, {$endif} {$ifdef m68k} ag68kgas, {$endif} {$ifdef USE_EXTERNAL_COMPILER} fpintf, { superseeds version_string of version unit } {$endif USE_EXTERNAL_COMPILER} {$ifdef VESA}Vesa,{$endif} FPSwitch,FPSymbol,FPDebug,FPVars,FPUtils,FPCompil,FPHelp, FPTools,FPIDE,FPCodTmp,FPCodCmp; const RSourceEditor: TStreamRec = ( ObjType: 1500; VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TSourceEditor)^); Load: @TSourceEditor.Load; Store: @TSourceEditor.Store ); RSourceWindow: TStreamRec = ( ObjType: 1501; VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TSourceWindow)^); Load: @TSourceWindow.Load; Store: @TSourceWindow.Store ); RFPHelpViewer: TStreamRec = ( ObjType: 1502; VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TFPHelpViewer)^); Load: @TFPHelpViewer.Load; Store: @TFPHelpViewer.Store ); RFPHelpWindow: TStreamRec = ( ObjType: 1503; VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TFPHelpWindow)^); Load: @TFPHelpWindow.Load; Store: @TFPHelpWindow.Store ); RClipboardWindow: TStreamRec = ( ObjType: 1504; VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TClipboardWindow)^); Load: @TClipboardWindow.Load; Store: @TClipboardWindow.Store ); RMessageListBox: TStreamRec = ( ObjType: 1505; VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TMessageListBox)^); Load: @TMessageListBox.Load; Store: @TMessageListBox.Store ); RFPDesktop: TStreamRec = ( ObjType: 1506; VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TFPDesktop)^); Load: @TFPDesktop.Load; Store: @TFPDesktop.Store ); RFPASCIIChart: TStreamRec = ( ObjType: 1509; VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TFPASCIIChart)^); Load: @TFPASCIIChart.Load; Store: @TFPASCIIChart.Store ); RFPDlgWindow: TStreamRec = ( ObjType: 1511; VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TFPDlgWindow)^); Load: @TFPDlgWindow.Load; Store: @TFPDlgWindow.Store ); {$ifndef NODEBUG} RGDBWindow: TStreamRec = ( ObjType: 1508; VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TGDBWindow)^); Load: @TGDBWindow.Load; Store: @TGDBWindow.Store ); RGDBSourceEditor: TStreamRec = ( ObjType: 1507; VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TGDBSourceEditor)^); Load: @TGDBSourceEditor.Load; Store: @TGDBSourceEditor.Store ); RDisassemblyEditor: TStreamRec = ( ObjType: 1512; VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TDisassemblyEditor)^); Load: @TDisassemblyEditor.Load; Store: @TDisassemblyEditor.Store ); RDisassemblyWindow: TStreamRec = ( ObjType: 1513; VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TDisassemblyWindow)^); Load: @TDisassemblyWindow.Load; Store: @TDisassemblyWindow.Store ); {$endif NODEBUG} const GlobalNoNameCount : integer = 0; var ReservedWords : array[1..ReservedWordMaxLen] of PStringCollection; AsmReservedWords : array[1..ReservedWordMaxLen] of PStringCollection; {$ifdef useresstrings} resourcestring {$else} const {$endif} { Source editor local menu items } menu_srclocal_openfileatcursor = 'Open ~f~ile at cursor'; menu_srclocal_browseatcursor = '~B~rowse symbol at cursor'; menu_srclocal_topicsearch = 'Topic ~s~earch'; menu_srclocal_options = '~O~ptions...'; menu_srclocal_reload = '~R~eload modified file'; { Help viewer local menu items } menu_hlplocal_debug = 'Debug infos'; menu_hlplocal_contents = '~C~ontents'; menu_hlplocal_index = '~I~ndex'; menu_hlplocal_topicsearch = '~T~opic search'; menu_hlplocal_prevtopic = '~P~revious topic'; menu_hlplocal_copy = '~C~opy'; { Messages local menu items } menu_msglocal_clear = '~C~lear'; menu_msglocal_gotosource = '~G~oto source'; menu_msglocal_tracksource = '~T~rack source'; menu_edit_cut = 'Cu~t~'; menu_edit_copy = '~C~opy'; menu_edit_paste = '~P~aste'; menu_edit_clear = 'C~l~ear'; msg_errorreadingfile = 'Error reading file %s'; msg_loadingfile = 'Loading %s'; msg_storingfile = 'Storing %s'; msg_closingfile = 'Closing %s'; dialog_gdbwindow = 'GDB window'; dialog_disaswindow = 'Disassembly window'; dialog_clipboard = 'Clipboard'; dialog_userscreen = 'User screen'; dialog_about = 'About'; label_about_compilerversion = 'Compiler Version'; label_about_debugger = 'Debugger'; menu_msglocal_saveas = 'Save ~a~s'; msg_openingsourcefile = 'Opening source file... (%s)'; msg_readingfileineditor = 'Reading %s into editor...'; msg_nodebuggersupportavailable = 'No debugger support available.'; {**************************************************************************** TStoreCollection ****************************************************************************} function TStoreCollection.Add(const S: string): PString; var P: PString; Index: Sw_integer; begin if S='' then P:=nil else if Search(@S,Index) then P:=At(Index) else begin P:=NewStr(S); Insert(P); end; Add:=P; end; function IsThereAnyEditor: boolean; function EditorWindow(P: PView): boolean; begin EditorWindow:=(P^.HelpCtx=hcSourceWindow); end; begin IsThereAnyEditor:=Desktop^.FirstThat(@EditorWindow)<>nil; end; procedure AskToReloadAllModifiedFiles; procedure EditorWindowModifiedOnDisk(P: PView); begin if (P^.HelpCtx=hcSourceWindow) then PSourceWindow(P)^.Editor^.ReloadFile; end; begin Desktop^.ForEach(@EditorWindowModifiedOnDisk); end; function IsThereAnyHelpWindow: boolean; begin IsThereAnyHelpWindow:=(HelpWindow<>nil) and (HelpWindow^.GetState(sfVisible)); end; function IsThereAnyNumberedWindow: boolean; var _Is: boolean; begin _Is:=Message(Desktop,evBroadcast,cmSearchWindow,nil)<>nil; _Is:=_Is or ( (ClipboardWindow<>nil) and ClipboardWindow^.GetState(sfVisible)); IsThereAnyNumberedWindow:=_Is; end; function IsWindow(P: PView): boolean; var OK: boolean; begin OK:=false; if (P^.HelpCtx=hcSourceWindow) or (P^.HelpCtx=hcHelpWindow) or (P^.HelpCtx=hcClipboardWindow) or (P^.HelpCtx=hcCalcWindow) or (P^.HelpCtx=hcInfoWindow) or (P^.HelpCtx=hcBrowserWindow) or (P^.HelpCtx=hcMessagesWindow) or (P^.HelpCtx=hcCompilerMessagesWindow) or (P^.HelpCtx=hcGDBWindow) or (P^.HelpCtx=hcdisassemblyWindow) or (P^.HelpCtx=hcWatchesWindow) or (P^.HelpCtx=hcRegistersWindow) or (P^.HelpCtx=hcFPURegisters) or (P^.HelpCtx=hcVectorRegisters) or (P^.HelpCtx=hcStackWindow) or (P^.HelpCtx=hcBreakpointListWindow) or (P^.HelpCtx=hcASCIITableWindow) then OK:=true; IsWindow:=OK; end; function IsThereAnyWindow: boolean; function CheckIt(P: PView): boolean; begin CheckIt:=IsWindow(P); end; begin IsThereAnyWindow:=Desktop^.FirstThat(@CheckIt)<>nil; end; function IsThereAnyVisibleWindow: boolean; function CheckIt(P: PView): boolean; begin CheckIt:=IsWindow(P) and P^.GetState(sfVisible); end; begin IsThereAnyVisibleWindow:=Desktop^.FirstThat(@CheckIt)<>nil; end; function FirstEditorWindow: PSourceWindow; function EditorWindow(P: PView): boolean; begin EditorWindow:=(P^.HelpCtx=hcSourceWindow); end; begin FirstEditorWindow:=pointer(Desktop^.FirstThat(@EditorWindow)); end; function EditorWindowFile(const Name : String): PSourceWindow; var SName : string; function EditorWindow(P: PView): boolean; begin EditorWindow:=(TypeOf(P^)=TypeOf(TSourceWindow)) and (FixFileName(PSourceWindow(P)^.Editor^.FileName)=SName); end; begin SName:=FixFileName(FExpand(Name)); EditorWindowFile:=pointer(Desktop^.FirstThat(@EditorWindow)); end; {$ifndef NODEBUG} function InDisassemblyWindow :boolean; var PW : PWindow; function CheckIt(P: PView): boolean; begin CheckIt:=IsWindow(P) and P^.GetState(sfVisible) and (P^.HelpCtx <> hcWatchesWindow) and (P^.HelpCtx <> hcStackWindow) and (P^.HelpCtx <> hcRegistersWindow) and (P^.HelpCtx <> hcVectorRegisters) and (P^.HelpCtx <> hcFPURegisters); end; begin PW:=PWindow(Desktop^.FirstThat(@CheckIt)); InDisassemblyWindow:=Assigned(PW) and (TypeOf(PW^)=TypeOf(TDisassemblyWindow)); end; {$endif NODEBUG} function GetEditorCurWord(Editor: PEditor; ValidSpecChars: TCharSet): string; var S: string; PS,PE: byte; function Trim(S: string): string; const TrimChars : set of char = [#0,#9,' ',#255]; begin while (length(S)>0) and (S[1] in TrimChars) do Delete(S,1,1); while (length(S)>0) and (S[length(S)] in TrimChars) do Delete(S,length(S),1); Trim:=S; end; const AlphaNum : set of char = ['A'..'Z','0'..'9','_']; begin with Editor^ do begin S:=GetDisplayText(CurPos.Y); PS:=CurPos.X; while (PS>0) and (Upcase(S[PS]) in AlphaNum) do Dec(PS); PE:=CurPos.X; while (PEnil then begin if P^.View<>nil then Dispose(P^.View, Done); Dispose(P); end; end; function NewTabDef(AName: string; ADefItem: PView; AItems: PTabItem; ANext: PTabDef): PTabDef; var P: PTabDef; x: byte; begin New(P); P^.Next:=ANext; P^.Name:=NewStr(AName); P^.Items:=AItems; x:=pos('~',AName); if (x<>0) and (xnil do begin X:=PI^.Next; DisposeTabItem(PI); PI:=X; end; Dispose(P); end; {***************************************************************************** Reserved Words *****************************************************************************} function GetReservedWordCount: integer; var Count,I: integer; begin Count:=0; for I:=ord(Low(tToken)) to ord(High(tToken)) do with TokenInfo^[TToken(I)] do if (str<>'') and (str[1] in['A'..'Z']) and (length(str)>1) then Inc(Count); GetReservedWordCount:=Count; end; function GetReservedWord(Index: integer): string; var Count,Idx,I: integer; S: string; begin Idx:=-1; Count:=-1; I:=ord(Low(tToken)); while (I<=ord(High(tToken))) and (Idx=-1) do with TokenInfo^[TToken(I)] do begin if (str<>'') and (str[1] in['A'..'Z']) and (length(str)>1) then begin Inc(Count); if Count=Index then Idx:=I; end; Inc(I); end; if Idx=-1 then S:='' else S:=TokenInfo^[TToken(Idx)].str; GetReservedWord:=S; end; {$ifdef powerpc} {$define USE_TasmCondFlag} { powerpc only has A_B prefix } const CondAsmOps = 1; CondAsmOpStr : array [0..CondAsmOps-1] of string[2] = ('b'); {$define Use_gas_op2str} {$endif} {$ifdef powerpc64} {$define USE_TasmCondFlag} { powerpc64 only has A_B prefix } const CondAsmOps = 1; CondAsmOpStr : array [0..CondAsmOps-1] of string[2] = ('b'); {$define Use_gas_op2str} {$endif} {$ifdef i386} {$define USE_TasmCond} {$define Use_std_op2str} {$endif} {$ifdef m68k} {$define USE_None} {$define Use_gas_op2str} {$endif} function GetAsmReservedWordCount: integer; begin GetAsmReservedWordCount:=ord(lastop) - ord(firstop) {$ifdef Use_TasmCond} + CondAsmOps*(ord(high(TasmCond))-ord(low(TasmCond))); {$endif Use_TasmCond} {$ifdef Use_TasmCondFlag} + CondAsmOps*(ord(high(TasmCondFlag))-ord(low(TasmCondFlag))); {$endif Use_TasmCondFlag} {$ifdef Use_None} ; {$endif Use_None} end; {$define NOASM} function GetAsmReservedWord(Index: integer): string; var CondNum,CondOpNum : integer; begin {$ifdef m68k} {$undef NOASM} if index <= ord(lastop) - ord(firstop) then GetAsmReservedWord:=gas_op2str[tasmop(Index+ord(firstop))] else GetAsmReservedWord:=''; (* begin index:=index - (ord(lastop) - ord(firstop) ); CondOpNum:= index div (ord(high(TasmCond))-ord(low(TasmCond))); CondNum:=index - (CondOpNum * (ord(high(TasmCond))-ord(low(TasmCond)))); GetAsmReservedWord:=CondAsmOpStr[CondOpNum]+cond2str[TasmCond(CondNum+ord(low(TAsmCond))+1)]; end; *) {$else not m68k} if index <= ord(lastop) - ord(firstop) then {$ifdef Use_gas_op2str} GetAsmReservedWord:=gas_op2str[tasmop(Index+ord(firstop))] {$endif Use_gas_op2str} {$ifdef Use_std_op2str} GetAsmReservedWord:=std_op2str[tasmop(Index+ord(firstop))] {$endif Use_std_op2str} {$ifdef Use_TASMCond} {$undef NOASM} else begin index:=index - (ord(lastop) - ord(firstop) ); CondOpNum:= index div (ord(high(TasmCond))-ord(low(TasmCond))); CondNum:=index - (CondOpNum * (ord(high(TasmCond))-ord(low(TasmCond)))); GetAsmReservedWord:=CondAsmOpStr[CondOpNum]+cond2str[TasmCond(CondNum+ord(low(TAsmCond))+1)]; end; {$endif Use_TASMCond} {$ifdef Use_TASMCondFlag} {$undef NOASM} else begin index:=index - (ord(lastop) - ord(firstop) ); CondOpNum:= index div (ord(high(TasmCondFlag))-ord(low(TasmCondFlag))); CondNum:=index - (CondOpNum * (ord(high(TasmCondFlag))-ord(low(TasmCondFlag)))); GetAsmReservedWord:=CondAsmOpStr[CondOpNum]+AsmCondFlag2Str[TasmCondFlag(CondNum+ord(low(TAsmCondFlag))+1)]; end; {$endif Use_TASMCond} {$endif not m68k} {$ifdef NOASM} GetAsmReservedWord:=''; {$endif NOASM} end; procedure InitReservedWords; var WordS: string; Idx,I,J : sw_integer; begin InitTokens; for I:=Low(ReservedWords) to High(ReservedWords) do New(ReservedWords[I], Init(50,10)); for I:=1 to GetReservedWordCount do begin WordS:=GetReservedWord(I-1); Idx:=length(WordS); if (Idx>=Low(ReservedWords)) and (Idx<=High(ReservedWords)) then ReservedWords[Idx]^.Insert(NewStr(WordS)); end; for I:=Low(AsmReservedWords) to High(AsmReservedWords) do New(AsmReservedWords[I], Init(50,10)); for I:=1 to GetAsmReservedWordCount do begin WordS:=UpcaseStr(GetAsmReservedWord(I-1)); Idx:=length(WordS); if (Idx>=Low(AsmReservedWords)) and (Idx<=High(AsmReservedWords)) then begin if not AsmReservedWords[Idx]^.Search(@WordS, J) then AsmReservedWords[Idx]^.Insert(NewStr(WordS)); end; end; end; procedure DoneReservedWords; var I: integer; begin for I:=Low(ReservedWords) to High(ReservedWords) do if assigned(ReservedWords[I]) then begin dispose(ReservedWords[I],done); ReservedWords[I]:=nil; end; for I:=Low(AsmReservedWords) to High(AsmReservedWords) do if assigned(AsmReservedWords[I]) then begin dispose(AsmReservedWords[I],done); ReservedWords[I]:=nil; end; DoneTokens; end; function IsFPReservedWord(const S: string): boolean; var _Is: boolean; Idx,Item: sw_integer; UpS: string; begin Idx:=length(S); _Is:=false; if (Low(ReservedWords)<=Idx) and (Idx<=High(ReservedWords)) and (ReservedWords[Idx]<>nil) and (ReservedWords[Idx]^.Count<>0) then begin UpS:=UpcaseStr(S); _Is:=ReservedWords[Idx]^.Search(@UpS,Item); end; IsFPReservedWord:=_Is; end; function IsFPAsmReservedWord(S: string): boolean; var _Is: boolean; Idx,Item,Len: sw_integer; LastC : Char; LastTwo : String[2]; begin Idx:=length(S); _Is:=false; if (Low(AsmReservedWords)<=Idx) and (Idx<=High(AsmReservedWords)) and (AsmReservedWords[Idx]<>nil) and (AsmReservedWords[Idx]^.Count<>0) then begin S:=UpcaseStr(S); _Is:=AsmReservedWords[Idx]^.Search(@S,Item); {$ifdef i386} if not _Is and (Length(S)>1) then begin LastC:=S[Length(S)]; if LastC in ['B','D','L','Q','S','T','V','W'] then begin Delete(S,Length(S),1); Dec(Idx); if (AsmReservedWords[Idx]<>nil) and (AsmReservedWords[Idx]^.Count<>0) then _Is:=AsmReservedWords[Idx]^.Search(@S,Item); if not _Is and (Length(S)>1) then begin LastTwo:=S[Length(S)]+LastC; if (LastTwo='BL') or (LastTwo='WL') or (LastTwo='BW') then begin Delete(S,Length(S),1); Dec(Idx); if (AsmReservedWords[Idx]<>nil) and (AsmReservedWords[Idx]^.Count<>0) then _Is:=AsmReservedWords[Idx]^.Search(@S,Item); end; end; end; end; {$endif i386} end; IsFPAsmReservedWord:=_Is; end; {***************************************************************************** SearchWindow *****************************************************************************} function SearchWindowWithNo(No: integer): PWindow; var P: PWindow; begin P:=Message(Desktop,evBroadcast,cmSearchWindow+No,nil); if pointer(P)=pointer(Desktop) then P:=nil; SearchWindowWithNo:=P; end; function SearchWindow(const Title: string): PWindow; function Match(P: PView): boolean; var W: PWindow; OK: boolean; begin W:=nil; { we have a crash here because of the TStatusLine that can also have one of these values but is not a Window object PM } if P<>pointer(StatusLine) then if IsWindow(P) then W:=PWindow(P); OK:=(W<>nil); if OK then begin OK:=CompareText(W^.GetTitle(255),Title)=0; end; Match:=OK; end; var W: PView; begin W:=Application^.FirstThat(@Match); { This is wrong because TStatusLine is also considered PM } if not Assigned(W) then W:=Desktop^.FirstThat(@Match); { But why do we need to check all ?? Probably because of the ones which were not inserted into Desktop as the Messages view Exactly. Some windows are inserted directly in the Application and not in the Desktop. btw. Does TStatusLine.HelpCtx really change? Why? Only GetHelpCtx should return different values depending on the focused view (and it's helpctx), but TStatusLine's HelpCtx field shouldn't change... Gabor if Assigned(W)=false then W:=Desktop^.FirstThat(@Match);} SearchWindow:=PWindow(W); end; function SearchFreeWindowNo: integer; var No: integer; begin No:=1; while (No<100) and (SearchWindowWithNo(No)<>nil) do Inc(No); if No=100 then No:=0; SearchFreeWindowNo:=No; end; {***************************************************************************** TIntegerLine *****************************************************************************} constructor TIntegerLine.Init(var Bounds: TRect; AMin, AMax: longint); begin if inherited Init(Bounds, Bounds.B.X-Bounds.A.X-1)=false then Fail; Validator:=New(PRangeValidator, Init(AMin, AMax)); end; {***************************************************************************** SourceEditor *****************************************************************************} function SearchCoreForFileName(AFileName: string): PCodeEditorCore; var EC: PCodeEditorCore; function Check(P: PView): boolean; var OK: boolean; begin OK:=P^.HelpCtx=hcSourceWindow; if OK then with PSourceWindow(P)^ do if FixFileName(Editor^.FileName)=AFileName then begin EC:=Editor^.Core; OK:=true; end else OK:=false; Check:=OK; end; begin EC:=nil; AFileName:=FixFileName(AFileName); { do not use the same core for all new files } if AFileName<>'' then Desktop^.FirstThat(@Check); SearchCoreForFileName:=EC; end; constructor TSourceEditor.Init(var Bounds: TRect; AHScrollBar, AVScrollBar: PScrollBar; AIndicator: PIndicator;const AFileName: string); var EC: PCodeEditorCore; begin EC:=SearchCoreForFileName(AFileName); inherited Init(Bounds,AHScrollBar,AVScrollBar,AIndicator,EC,AFileName); SetStoreUndo(true); CompileStamp:=0; end; Const FreePascalSpecSymbolCount : array [TSpecSymbolClass] of integer = ( 3,{ssCommentPrefix} 1,{ssCommentSingleLinePrefix} 2,{ssCommentSuffix} 1,{ssStringPrefix} 1,{ssStringSuffix} 1,{ssDirectivePrefix} 1,{ssDirectiveSuffix} 1,{ssAsmPrefix} 1 {ssAsmSuffix} ); FreePascalEmptyString : string[1] = ''; FreePascalCommentPrefix1 : string[1] = '{'; FreePascalCommentPrefix2 : string[2] = '(*'; FreePascalCommentPrefix3 : string[2] = '//'; FreePascalCommentSingleLinePrefix : string[2] = '//'; FreePascalCommentSuffix1 : string[1] = '}'; FreePascalCommentSuffix2 : string[2] = '*)'; FreePascalStringPrefix : string[1] = ''''; FreePascalStringSuffix : string[1] = ''''; FreePascalDirectivePrefix : string[2] = '{$'; FreePascalDirectiveSuffix : string[1] = '}'; FreePascalAsmPrefix : string[3] = 'ASM'; FreePascalAsmSuffix : string[3] = 'END'; function TSourceEditor.GetSpecSymbolCount(SpecClass: TSpecSymbolClass): integer; begin GetSpecSymbolCount:=FreePascalSpecSymbolCount[SpecClass]; end; function TSourceEditor.GetSpecSymbol(SpecClass: TSpecSymbolClass; Index: integer): pstring; begin GetSpecSymbol:=@FreePascalEmptyString; case SpecClass of ssCommentPrefix : case Index of 0 : GetSpecSymbol:=@FreePascalCommentPrefix1; 1 : GetSpecSymbol:=@FreePascalCommentPrefix2; 2 : GetSpecSymbol:=@FreePascalCommentPrefix3; end; ssCommentSingleLinePrefix : case Index of 0 : GetSpecSymbol:=@FreePascalCommentSingleLinePrefix; end; ssCommentSuffix : case Index of 0 : GetSpecSymbol:=@FreePascalCommentSuffix1; 1 : GetSpecSymbol:=@FreePascalCommentSuffix2; end; ssStringPrefix : GetSpecSymbol:=@FreePascalStringPrefix; ssStringSuffix : GetSpecSymbol:=@FreePascalStringSuffix; { must be uppercased to avoid calling UpCaseStr in MatchesAnyAsmSymbol PM } ssAsmPrefix : GetSpecSymbol:=@FreePascalAsmPrefix; ssAsmSuffix : GetSpecSymbol:=@FreePascalAsmSuffix; ssDirectivePrefix : GetSpecSymbol:=@FreePascalDirectivePrefix; ssDirectiveSuffix : GetSpecSymbol:=@FreePascalDirectiveSuffix; end; end; function TSourceEditor.IsReservedWord(const S: string): boolean; begin IsReservedWord:=IsFPReservedWord(S); end; function TSourceEditor.IsAsmReservedWord(const S: string): boolean; begin IsAsmReservedWord:=IsFPAsmReservedWord(S); end; function TSourceEditor.TranslateCodeTemplate(var Shortcut: string; ALines: PUnsortedStringCollection): boolean; begin TranslateCodeTemplate:=FPTranslateCodeTemplate(ShortCut,ALines); end; function TSourceEditor.SelectCodeTemplate(var ShortCut: string): boolean; var D: PCodeTemplatesDialog; OK: boolean; begin New(D, Init(true,ShortCut)); OK:=Desktop^.ExecView(D)=cmOK; if OK then ShortCut:=D^.GetSelectedShortCut; Dispose(D, Done); SelectCodeTemplate:=OK; end; function TSourceEditor.CompleteCodeWord(const WordS: string; var Text: string): boolean; begin CompleteCodeWord:=FPCompleteCodeWord(WordS,Text); end; procedure TSourceEditor.FindMatchingDelimiter(ScanForward: boolean); var St,nextResWord : String; LineText,LineAttr: string; Res,found,addit : boolean; JumpPos: TPoint; X,Y,lexchange,curlevel,linecount : sw_integer; function GetLexChange(const S : string) : sw_integer; begin if (S='END') or (S='THEN') or (S='UNTIL') then GetLexChange:=-1 else if (S='ASM') or (S='BEGIN') or (S='CASE') or (S='CLASS') or (S='IF') or (S='OBJECT') or (S='RECORD') or (S='REPEAT') then GetLexChange:=+1 else GetLexChange:=0; end; begin st:=UpcaseStr(GetCurrentWord); if st<>'' then Res:=IsReservedWord(St) else Res:=false; LexChange:=GetLexChange(St); if not res or (LexChange=0) or not IsFlagSet(efSyntaxHighlight) then Inherited FindMatchingDelimiter(ScanForward) else begin JumpPos.X:=-1; JumpPos.Y:=-1; Y:=CurPos.Y; X:=CurPos.X; found:=false; LineCount:=0; curlevel:=lexchange; if LexChange>0 then begin repeat Inc(LineCount); NextResWord:=''; GetDisplayTextFormat(Y,LineText,LineAttr); if LineCount<>1 then X:=-1 else if ord(LineAttr[X+1])<>coReservedWordColor then exit; repeat Inc(X); if X'') and IsReservedWord(NextResWord) then begin LexChange:=GetLexChange(NextResWord); CurLevel:=CurLevel+LexChange; if CurLevel=0 then begin JumpPos.X:=X-Length(NextResWord); JumpPos.Y:=Y; end; NextResWord:=''; end; until (X>=length(LineText)) or (JumpPos.X<>-1); Inc(Y); until (Y>=GetLineCount) or (JumpPos.X<>-1); if (Y=GetLineCount) and (JumpPos.X=-1) then begin ErrorBox('No match',nil); exit; end; end else if (LexChange<0) then begin repeat Inc(LineCount); NextResWord:=''; GetDisplayTextFormat(Y,LineText,LineAttr); if LineCount<>1 then X:=Length(LineText) else if ord(LineAttr[X+1])<>coReservedWordColor then exit; repeat Dec(X); if X>=0 then begin AddIt:=ord(LineAttr[X+1])=coReservedWordColor; if AddIt then NextResWord:=UpCase(LineText[X+1])+NextResWord; end; if ((X=0) or (Not AddIt)) and (NextResWord<>'') and IsReservedWord(NextResWord) then begin LexChange:=GetLexChange(NextResWord); CurLevel:=CurLevel+LexChange; if CurLevel=0 then begin if AddIt then JumpPos.X:=X else JumpPos.X:=X+1; JumpPos.Y:=Y; end; NextResWord:=''; end; until (X<=0) or (JumpPos.X<>-1); Dec(Y); until (Y<0) or (JumpPos.X<>-1); if (Y<0) and (JumpPos.X=-1) then begin ErrorBox('No match',nil); exit; end; end; if JumpPos.X<>-1 then begin SetCurPtr(JumpPos.X,JumpPos.Y); TrackCursor(do_centre); end; end; end; procedure TSourceEditor.SetCodeCompleteWord(const S: string); var R: TRect; begin inherited SetCodeCompleteWord(S); if S='' then begin if Assigned(CodeCompleteTip) then Dispose(CodeCompleteTip, Done); CodeCompleteTip:=nil; end else begin R.Assign(0,0,20,1); if Assigned(CodeCompleteTip)=false then begin New(CodeCompleteTip, Init(R, S, alCenter)); CodeCompleteTip^.Hide; Application^.Insert(CodeCompleteTip); end else CodeCompleteTip^.SetText(S); AlignCodeCompleteTip; end; end; procedure TSourceEditor.AlignCodeCompleteTip; var P: TPoint; S: string; R: TRect; begin if Assigned(CodeCompleteTip)=false then Exit; S:=CodeCompleteTip^.GetText; P.Y:=CurPos.Y; { determine the center of current word fragment } P.X:=CurPos.X-(length(GetCodeCompleteFrag) div 2); { calculate position for centering the complete word over/below the current } P.X:=P.X-(length(S) div 2); P.X:=P.X-Delta.X; P.Y:=P.Y-Delta.Y; MakeGlobal(P,P); if Assigned(CodeCompleteTip^.Owner) then CodeCompleteTip^.Owner^.MakeLocal(P,P); { ensure that the tooltip stays in screen } P.X:=Min(Max(0,P.X),ScreenWidth-length(S)-2-1); { align it vertically } if P.Y>round(ScreenHeight*3/4) then Dec(P.Y) else Inc(P.Y); R.Assign(P.X,P.Y,P.X+1+length(S)+1,P.Y+1); CodeCompleteTip^.Locate(R); if CodeCompleteTip^.GetState(sfVisible)=false then CodeCompleteTip^.Show; end; procedure TSourceEditor.ModifiedChanged; begin inherited ModifiedChanged; if (@Self<>Clipboard) and GetModified then begin { global flags } EditorModified:=true; { reset compile flags as the file is not the same as at the compilation anymore } CompileStamp:=-1; end; end; procedure TSourceEditor.InsertOptions; var C: PUnsortedStringCollection; Y: sw_integer; S: string; begin Lock; New(C, Init(10,10)); GetCompilerOptionLines(C); if C^.Count>0 then begin for Y:=0 to C^.Count-1 do begin S:=C^.At(Y)^; InsertLine(Y,S); end; AdjustSelectionPos(0,0,0,C^.Count); UpdateAttrs(0,attrAll); DrawLines(0); SetModified(true); end; Dispose(C, Done); UnLock; end; procedure TSourceEditor.PushInfo(Const st : string); begin PushStatus(st); end; procedure TSourceEditor.PopInfo; begin PopStatus; end; procedure TSourceEditor.DeleteLine(I: sw_integer); begin inherited DeleteLine(I); {$ifndef NODEBUG} If ShouldHandleBreakpoints then BreakpointsCollection^.AdaptBreakpoints(@Self,I,-1); {$endif NODEBUG} end; procedure TSourceEditor.BackSpace; {$ifndef NODEBUG} var MoveBreakpointToPreviousLine,WasEnabled : boolean; PBStart,PBEnd : PBreakpoint; I : longint; {$endif NODEBUG} begin {$ifdef NODEBUG} inherited Backspace; {$else} MoveBreakpointToPreviousLine:=(CurPos.X=0) and (CurPos.Y>0); If MoveBreakpointToPreviousLine then begin ShouldHandleBreakpoints:=false; I:=CurPos.Y+1; PBEnd:=BreakpointsCollection^.FindBreakpointAt(@Self,I); PBStart:=BreakpointsCollection^.FindBreakpointAt(@Self,I-1); end; inherited Backspace; if MoveBreakpointToPreviousLine then begin ShouldHandleBreakpoints:=true; if assigned(PBEnd) then begin if assigned(PBStart) then begin if PBEnd^.state=bs_enabled then PBStart^.state:=bs_enabled; BreakpointsCollection^.Free(PBEnd); end else begin WasEnabled:=PBEnd^.state=bs_enabled; if WasEnabled then begin PBEnd^.state:=bs_disabled; PBEnd^.UpdateSource; end; PBEnd^.line:=I-1; if WasEnabled then begin PBEnd^.state:=bs_enabled; PBEnd^.UpdateSource; end; end; end; BreakpointsCollection^.AdaptBreakpoints(@Self,I,-1); end; {$endif NODEBUG} end; function TSourceEditor.InsertNewLine : Sw_integer; {$ifndef NODEBUG} var MoveBreakpointToNextLine : boolean; I : longint; {$endif NODEBUG} begin {$ifdef NODEBUG} InsertNewLine:=inherited InsertNewLine; {$else} ShouldHandleBreakpoints:=false; MoveBreakpointToNextLine:=Cursor.xlength(S)) or (S='')) and (CurPos.Y0; PBEnd:=BreakpointsCollection^.FindBreakpointAt(@Self,SelEnd.Y); PBStart:=BreakpointsCollection^.FindBreakpointAt(@Self,SelEnd.Y); I:=SelStart.Y; inherited DelSelect; if MoveBreakpointToFirstLine and assigned(PBEnd) then begin If assigned(PBStart) then begin if PBEnd^.state=bs_enabled then PBStart^.state:=bs_enabled; BreakpointsCollection^.Free(PBEnd); end else begin WasEnabled:=PBEnd^.state=bs_enabled; if WasEnabled then begin PBEnd^.state:=bs_disabled; PBEnd^.UpdateSource; end; PBEnd^.line:=I; if WasEnabled then begin PBEnd^.state:=bs_enabled; PBEnd^.UpdateSource; end; end; end; BreakpointsCollection^.AdaptBreakpoints(@Self,I,-J); ShouldHandleBreakpoints:=true; {$endif NODEBUG} end; function TSourceEditor.InsertLine(LineNo: sw_integer; const S: string): PCustomLine; begin InsertLine := inherited InsertLine(LineNo,S); {$ifndef NODEBUG} If ShouldHandleBreakpoints then BreakpointsCollection^.AdaptBreakpoints(@Self,LineNo,1); {$endif NODEBUG} end; procedure TSourceEditor.AddLine(const S: string); begin inherited AddLine(S); {$ifndef NODEBUG} BreakpointsCollection^.AdaptBreakpoints(@Self,GetLineCount,1); {$endif NODEBUG} end; function TSourceEditor.GetLocalMenu: PMenu; var M: PMenu; MI: PMenuItem; begin MI:= NewItem(menu_edit_cut,menu_key_edit_cut,cut_key,cmCut,hcCut, NewItem(menu_edit_copy,menu_key_edit_copy,copy_key,cmCopy,hcCopy, NewItem(menu_edit_paste,menu_key_edit_paste,paste_key,cmPaste,hcPaste, NewItem(menu_edit_clear,menu_key_edit_clear,kbCtrlDel,cmClear,hcClear, NewLine( NewItem(menu_srclocal_openfileatcursor,'',kbNoKey,cmOpenAtCursor,hcOpenAtCursor, NewItem(menu_srclocal_browseatcursor,'',kbNoKey,cmBrowseAtCursor,hcBrowseAtCursor, NewItem(menu_srclocal_topicsearch,menu_key_help_topicsearch,kbCtrlF1,cmHelpTopicSearch,hcHelpTopicSearch, NewLine( NewItem(menu_srclocal_options,'',kbNoKey,cmEditorOptions,hcEditorOptions, nil)))))))))); if IsChangedOnDisk then MI:=NewItem(menu_srclocal_reload,'',kbNoKey,cmDoReload,hcDoReload, MI); M:=NewMenu(MI); GetLocalMenu:=M; end; function TSourceEditor.GetCommandTarget: PView; begin GetCommandTarget:=@Self; end; function TSourceEditor.CreateLocalMenuView(var Bounds: TRect; M: PMenu): PMenuPopup; var MV: PAdvancedMenuPopup; begin New(MV, Init(Bounds,M)); CreateLocalMenuView:=MV; end; {$ifdef DebugUndo} procedure TSourceEditor.DumpUndo; var i : sw_integer; begin ClearToolMessages; AddToolCommand('UndoList Dump'); for i:=0 to Core^.UndoList^.count-1 do with Core^.UndoList^.At(i)^ do begin if is_grouped_action then AddToolMessage('','Group '+ActionString[action]+' '+IntToStr(ActionCount)+' elementary actions',0,0) else AddToolMessage('',ActionString[action]+' '+IntToStr(StartPos.Y+1)+':'+IntToStr(StartPos.X+1)+ ' '+IntToStr(EndPos.Y+1)+':'+IntToStr(EndPos.X+1)+' "'+GetStr(Text)+'"',0,0); end; if Core^.RedoList^.count>0 then AddToolCommand('RedoList Dump'); for i:=0 to Core^.RedoList^.count-1 do with Core^.RedoList^.At(i)^ do begin if is_grouped_action then AddToolMessage('','Group '+ActionString[action]+' '+IntToStr(ActionCount)+' elementary actions',0,0) else AddToolMessage('',ActionString[action]+' '+IntToStr(StartPos.Y+1)+':'+IntToStr(StartPos.X+1)+ ' '+IntToStr(EndPos.Y+1)+':'+IntToStr(EndPos.X+1)+' "'+GetStr(Text)+'"',0,0); end; UpdateToolMessages; if Assigned(MessagesWindow) then MessagesWindow^.Focus; end; procedure TSourceEditor.UndoAll; begin While Core^.UndoList^.count>0 do Undo; end; procedure TSourceEditor.RedoAll; begin While Core^.RedoList^.count>0 do Redo; end; {$endif DebugUndo} function TSourceEditor.Valid(Command: Word): Boolean; var OK: boolean; begin OK:=inherited Valid(Command); if OK and ({(Command=cmClose) or already handled in TFileEditor.Valid PM } (Command=cmAskSaveAll)) then if IsClipboard=false then OK:=SaveAsk(false); Valid:=OK; end; procedure TSourceEditor.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); var DontClear: boolean; S: string; begin TranslateMouseClick(@Self,Event); case Event.What of evKeyDown : begin DontClear:=false; case Event.KeyCode of kbCtrlEnter : Message(@Self,evCommand,cmOpenAtCursor,nil); else DontClear:=true; end; if not DontClear then ClearEvent(Event); end; end; inherited HandleEvent(Event); case Event.What of evBroadcast : case Event.Command of cmCalculatorPaste : begin InsertText(FloatToStr(CalcClipboard,0)); ClearEvent(Event); end; end; evCommand : begin DontClear:=false; case Event.Command of {$ifdef DebugUndo} cmDumpUndo : DumpUndo; cmUndoAll : UndoAll; cmRedoAll : RedoAll; {$endif DebugUndo} cmDoReload : ReloadFile; cmBrowseAtCursor: begin S:=LowerCaseStr(GetEditorCurWord(@Self,[])); OpenOneSymbolBrowser(S); end; cmOpenAtCursor : begin S:=LowerCaseStr(GetEditorCurWord(@Self,['.'])); if Pos('.',S)<>0 then OpenFileName:=S else OpenFileName:=S+'.pp'+ListSeparator+ S+'.pas'+ListSeparator+ S+'.inc'; Message(Application,evCommand,cmOpen,nil); end; cmEditorOptions : Message(Application,evCommand,cmEditorOptions,@Self); cmHelp : Message(@Self,evCommand,cmHelpTopicSearch,@Self); cmHelpTopicSearch : HelpTopicSearch(@Self); else DontClear:=true; end; if not DontClear then ClearEvent(Event); end; end; end; constructor TFPHeapView.Init(var Bounds: TRect); begin if inherited Init(Bounds)=false then Fail; Options:=Options or gfGrowHiX or gfGrowHiY; EventMask:=EventMask or evIdle; GrowMode:=gfGrowAll; end; constructor TFPHeapView.InitKb(var Bounds: TRect); begin if inherited InitKb(Bounds)=false then Fail; Options:=Options or gfGrowHiX or gfGrowHiY; EventMask:=EventMask or evIdle; GrowMode:=gfGrowAll; end; procedure TFPHeapView.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); begin case Event.What of evIdle : Update; end; inherited HandleEvent(Event); end; constructor TFPClockView.Init(var Bounds: TRect); begin inherited Init(Bounds); EventMask:=EventMask or evIdle; end; procedure TFPClockView.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); begin case Event.What of evIdle : Update; end; inherited HandleEvent(Event); end; function TFPClockView.GetPalette: PPalette; const P: string[length(CFPClockView)] = CFPClockView; begin GetPalette:=@P; end; procedure TFPWindow.SetState(AState: Word; Enable: Boolean); var OldState: word; begin OldState:=State; inherited SetState(AState,Enable); if AutoNumber then if (AState and (sfVisible+sfExposed))<>0 then if GetState(sfVisible+sfExposed) then begin if Number=0 then Number:=SearchFreeWindowNo; ReDraw; end else Number:=0; if ((AState and sfActive)<>0) and (((OldState xor State) and sfActive)<>0) then UpdateCommands; end; procedure TFPWindow.UpdateCommands; begin end; procedure TFPWindow.Update; begin ReDraw; end; procedure TFPWindow.SelectInDebugSession; var F,PrevCurrent : PView; begin DeskTop^.Lock; PrevCurrent:=Desktop^.Current; F:=PrevCurrent; While assigned(F) and ((F^.HelpCtx = hcGDBWindow) or (F^.HelpCtx = hcdisassemblyWindow) or (F^.HelpCtx = hcWatchesWindow) or (F^.HelpCtx = hcStackWindow) or (F^.HelpCtx = hcRegistersWindow) or (F^.HelpCtx = hcVectorRegisters) or (F^.HelpCtx = hcFPURegisters)) do F:=F^.NextView; if F<>@Self then Select; if PrevCurrent<>F then Begin Desktop^.InsertBefore(@self,F); PrevCurrent^.Select; End; DeskTop^.Unlock; end; procedure TFPWindow.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); begin case Event.What of evBroadcast : case Event.Command of cmUpdate : Update; cmSearchWindow+1..cmSearchWindow+99 : if (Event.Command-cmSearchWindow=Number) then ClearEvent(Event); end; end; inherited HandleEvent(Event); end; constructor TFPWindow.Load(var S: TStream); begin inherited Load(S); S.Read(AutoNumber,SizeOf(AutoNumber)); end; procedure TFPWindow.Store(var S: TStream); begin inherited Store(S); S.Write(AutoNumber,SizeOf(AutoNumber)); end; function TFPHelpViewer.GetLocalMenu: PMenu; var M: PMenu; begin M:=NewMenu( {$ifdef DEBUG} NewItem(menu_hlplocal_debug,'',kbNoKey,cmHelpDebug,hcHelpDebug, {$endif DEBUG} NewItem(menu_hlplocal_contents,'',kbNoKey,cmHelpContents,hcHelpContents, NewItem(menu_hlplocal_index,menu_key_hlplocal_index,kbShiftF1,cmHelpIndex,hcHelpIndex, NewItem(menu_hlplocal_topicsearch,menu_key_hlplocal_topicsearch,kbCtrlF1,cmHelpTopicSearch,hcHelpTopicSearch, NewItem(menu_hlplocal_prevtopic,menu_key_hlplocal_prevtopic,kbAltF1,cmHelpPrevTopic,hcHelpPrevTopic, NewLine( NewItem(menu_hlplocal_copy,menu_key_hlplocal_copy,copy_key,cmCopy,hcCopy, nil))))))) {$ifdef DEBUG} ) {$endif DEBUG} ; GetLocalMenu:=M; end; function TFPHelpViewer.GetCommandTarget: PView; begin GetCommandTarget:=Application; end; constructor TFPHelpWindow.Init(var Bounds: TRect; ATitle: TTitleStr; ASourceFileID: word; AContext: THelpCtx; ANumber: Integer); begin inherited Init(Bounds,ATitle,ASourceFileID,AContext,ANumber); HelpCtx:=hcHelpWindow; HideOnClose:=true; end; destructor TFPHelpWindow.Done; begin if HelpWindow=@Self then HelpWindow:=nil; Inherited Done; end; procedure TFPHelpWindow.InitHelpView; var R: TRect; begin GetExtent(R); R.Grow(-1,-1); HelpView:=New(PFPHelpViewer, Init(R, HSB, VSB)); HelpView^.GrowMode:=gfGrowHiX+gfGrowHiY; end; procedure TFPHelpWindow.Show; begin inherited Show; if GetState(sfVisible) and (Number=0) then begin Number:=SearchFreeWindowNo; ReDraw; end; end; procedure TFPHelpWindow.Hide; begin inherited Hide; if GetState(sfVisible)=false then Number:=0; end; procedure TFPHelpWindow.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); begin case Event.What of evBroadcast : case Event.Command of cmUpdate : ReDraw; cmSearchWindow+1..cmSearchWindow+99 : if (Event.Command-cmSearchWindow=Number) then ClearEvent(Event); end; end; inherited HandleEvent(Event); end; function TFPHelpWindow.GetPalette: PPalette; const P: string[length(CIDEHelpDialog)] = CIDEHelpDialog; begin GetPalette:=@P; end; constructor TFPHelpWindow.Load(var S: TStream); begin Abstract; end; procedure TFPHelpWindow.Store(var S: TStream); begin Abstract; end; constructor TSourceWindow.Init(var Bounds: TRect; AFileName: string); var HSB,VSB: PScrollBar; R: TRect; PA : Array[1..2] of pointer; LoadFile: boolean; begin inherited Init(Bounds,AFileName,{SearchFreeWindowNo}0); AutoNumber:=true; Options:=Options or ofTileAble; GetExtent(R); R.A.Y:=R.B.Y-1; R.Grow(-1,0); R.A.X:=14; New(HSB, Init(R)); HSB^.GrowMode:=gfGrowLoY+gfGrowHiX+gfGrowHiY; Insert(HSB); GetExtent(R); R.A.X:=R.B.X-1; R.Grow(0,-1); New(VSB, Init(R)); VSB^.GrowMode:=gfGrowLoX+gfGrowHiX+gfGrowHiY; Insert(VSB); GetExtent(R); R.A.X:=3; R.B.X:=14; R.A.Y:=R.B.Y-1; New(Indicator, Init(R)); Indicator^.GrowMode:=gfGrowLoY+gfGrowHiY; Insert(Indicator); GetExtent(R); R.Grow(-1,-1); LoadFile:=(AFileName<>'') and (AFileName<>'*'); if (AFileName='') then begin Inc(GlobalNoNameCount); NoNameCount:=GlobalNoNameCount; end else NoNameCount:=-1; if AFileName='*' then AFileName:=''; New(Editor, Init(R, HSB, VSB, Indicator,AFileName)); Editor^.GrowMode:=gfGrowHiX+gfGrowHiY; if LoadFile then begin if Editor^.LoadFile=false then ErrorBox(FormatStrStr(msg_errorreadingfile,AFileName),nil) { warn if modified, but not if modified in another already open window PM } else if Editor^.GetModified and (Editor^.Core^.GetBindingCount=1) then begin PA[1]:=@AFileName; Ptrint(PA[2]):={Editor^.ChangedLine}-1; EditorDialog(edChangedOnloading,@PA); end; end; Insert(Editor); {$ifndef NODEBUG} If assigned(BreakpointsCollection) then BreakpointsCollection^.ShowBreakpoints(@Self); {$endif NODEBUG} UpdateTitle; end; procedure TSourceWindow.UpdateTitle; var Name: string; Count: sw_integer; begin if Editor^.FileName<>'' then begin Name:=SmartPath(Editor^.FileName); Count:=Editor^.Core^.GetBindingCount; if Count>1 then begin Name:=Name+':'+IntToStr(Editor^.Core^.GetBindingIndex(Editor)+1); end; SetTitle(Name); end else if NoNameCount>=0 then begin SetTitle('noname'+IntToStrZ(NonameCount,2)+'.pas'); end; end; function TSourceWindow.GetTitle(MaxSize: sw_Integer): TTitleStr; begin GetTitle:=OptimizePath(inherited GetTitle(255),MaxSize); end; procedure TSourceWindow.SetTitle(ATitle: string); begin if Title<>nil then DisposeStr(Title); Title:=NewStr(ATitle); Frame^.DrawView; end; procedure TSourceWindow.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); var DontClear: boolean; begin case Event.What of evBroadcast : case Event.Command of cmUpdate : Update; cmUpdateTitle : UpdateTitle; cmSearchWindow : if @Self<>ClipboardWindow then ClearEvent(Event); end; evCommand : begin DontClear:=false; case Event.Command of cmHide : Hide; cmSave : if Editor^.IsClipboard=false then if (Editor^.FileName='') then Editor^.SaveAs else Editor^.Save; cmSaveAs : if Editor^.IsClipboard=false then Editor^.SaveAs; else DontClear:=true; end; if DontClear=false then ClearEvent(Event); end; end; inherited HandleEvent(Event); end; procedure TSourceWindow.UpdateCommands; var Active: boolean; begin Active:=GetState(sfActive); if Editor^.IsClipboard=false then begin SetCmdState(SourceCmds+CompileCmds,Active); SetCmdState(EditorCmds,Active); end; SetCmdState(ToClipCmds+FromClipCmds+NulClipCmds+UndoCmd+RedoCmd,Active); Message(Application,evBroadcast,cmCommandSetChanged,nil); end; procedure TSourceWindow.Update; begin ReDraw; end; function TSourceWindow.GetPalette: PPalette; const P: string[length(CSourceWindow)] = CSourceWindow; begin GetPalette:=@P; end; constructor TSourceWindow.Load(var S: TStream); begin Title:=S.ReadStr; PushStatus(FormatStrStr(msg_loadingfile,GetStr(Title))); inherited Load(S); GetSubViewPtr(S,Indicator); GetSubViewPtr(S,Editor); {$ifndef NODEBUG} If assigned(BreakpointsCollection) then BreakpointsCollection^.ShowBreakpoints(@Self); {$endif NODEBUG} PopStatus; end; procedure TSourceWindow.Store(var S: TStream); begin S.WriteStr(Title); PushStatus(FormatStrStr(msg_storingfile,GetStr(Title))); inherited Store(S); PutSubViewPtr(S,Indicator); PutSubViewPtr(S,Editor); PopStatus; end; procedure TSourceWindow.Close; begin inherited Close; end; destructor TSourceWindow.Done; begin PushStatus(FormatStrStr(msg_closingfile,GetStr(Title))); if not IDEApp.IsClosing then Message(Application,evBroadcast,cmSourceWndClosing,@Self); inherited Done; IDEApp.SourceWindowClosed; { if not IDEApp.IsClosing then Message(Application,evBroadcast,cmUpdate,@Self);} PopStatus; end; {$ifndef NODEBUG} function TGDBSourceEditor.Valid(Command: Word): Boolean; var OK: boolean; begin OK:=TCodeEditor.Valid(Command); { do NOT ask for save !! if OK and ((Command=cmClose) or (Command=cmQuit)) then if IsClipboard=false then OK:=SaveAsk; } Valid:=OK; end; procedure TGDBSourceEditor.AddLine(const S: string); begin if Silent or (IgnoreStringAtEnd and (S=LastCommand)) then exit; inherited AddLine(S); LimitsChanged; end; procedure TGDBSourceEditor.AddErrorLine(const S: string); begin if Silent then exit; inherited AddLine(S); { display like breakpoints in red } SetLineFlagState(GetLineCount-1,lfBreakpoint,true); LimitsChanged; end; const GDBReservedCount = 6; GDBReservedLongest = 3; GDBReserved : array[1..GDBReservedCount] of String[GDBReservedLongest] = ('gdb','b','n','s','f','bt'); function IsGDBReservedWord(const S : string) : boolean; var i : longint; begin for i:=1 to GDBReservedCount do if (S=GDBReserved[i]) then begin IsGDBReservedWord:=true; exit; end; IsGDBReservedWord:=false; end; function TGDBSourceEditor.IsReservedWord(const S: string): boolean; begin IsReservedWord:=IsGDBReservedWord(S); end; function TGDBSourceEditor.InsertNewLine: Sw_integer; Var S : string; CommandCalled : boolean; begin if IsReadOnly then begin InsertNewLine:=-1; Exit; end; if CurPos.Y'' then begin LastCommand:=S; { should be true only if we are at the end ! } IgnoreStringAtEnd:=(CurPos.Y=GetLineCount-1) and (CurPos.X>=length(RTrim(GetDisplayText(GetLineCount-1)))); Debugger^.Command(S); CommandCalled:=true; IgnoreStringAtEnd:=false; end else if AutoRepeat and (CurPos.Y=GetLineCount-1) then begin Debugger^.Command(LastCommand); CommandCalled:=true; end; {$endif NODEBUG} InsertNewLine:=inherited InsertNewLine; If CommandCalled then InsertText(GDBPrompt); end; constructor TGDBWindow.Init(var Bounds: TRect); var HSB,VSB: PScrollBar; R: TRect; begin inherited Init(Bounds,dialog_gdbwindow,0); Options:=Options or ofTileAble; AutoNumber:=true; HelpCtx:=hcGDBWindow; GetExtent(R); R.A.Y:=R.B.Y-1; R.Grow(-1,0); R.A.X:=14; New(HSB, Init(R)); HSB^.GrowMode:=gfGrowLoY+gfGrowHiX+gfGrowHiY; Insert(HSB); GetExtent(R); R.A.X:=R.B.X-1; R.Grow(0,-1); New(VSB, Init(R)); VSB^.GrowMode:=gfGrowLoX+gfGrowHiX+gfGrowHiY; Insert(VSB); GetExtent(R); R.A.X:=3; R.B.X:=14; R.A.Y:=R.B.Y-1; New(Indicator, Init(R)); Indicator^.GrowMode:=gfGrowLoY+gfGrowHiY; Insert(Indicator); GetExtent(R); R.Grow(-1,-1); New(Editor, Init(R, HSB, VSB, Indicator, GDBOutputFile)); Editor^.GrowMode:=gfGrowHiX+gfGrowHiY; Editor^.SetFlags(efInsertMode+efSyntaxHighlight+efNoIndent+efExpandAllTabs); if ExistsFile(GDBOutputFile) then begin if Editor^.LoadFile=false then ErrorBox(FormatStrStr(msg_errorreadingfile,GDBOutputFile),nil); end else { Empty files are buggy !! } Editor^.AddLine(''); Insert(Editor); {$ifndef NODEBUG} {$ifndef GDBMI} if assigned(Debugger) then Debugger^.SetCommand('width ' + IntToStr(Size.X-1)); {$endif GDBMI} {$endif NODEBUG} Editor^.silent:=false; Editor^.AutoRepeat:=true; Editor^.InsertText(GDBPrompt); end; procedure TGDBWindow.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); var DontClear: boolean; begin case Event.What of evCommand : begin DontClear:=false; case Event.Command of cmSaveAs : Editor^.SaveAs; else DontClear:=true; end; if DontClear=false then ClearEvent(Event); end; end; inherited HandleEvent(Event); end; destructor TGDBWindow.Done; begin if @Self=GDBWindow then GDBWindow:=nil; inherited Done; end; constructor TGDBWindow.Load(var S: TStream); begin inherited Load(S); GetSubViewPtr(S,Indicator); GetSubViewPtr(S,Editor); GDBWindow:=@self; end; procedure TGDBWindow.Store(var S: TStream); begin inherited Store(S); PutSubViewPtr(S,Indicator); PutSubViewPtr(S,Editor); end; function TGDBWindow.GetPalette: PPalette; const P: string[length(CSourceWindow)] = CSourceWindow; begin GetPalette:=@P; end; procedure TGDBWindow.WriteOutputText(Buf : pchar); begin {selected normal color ?} WriteText(Buf,false); end; procedure TGDBWindow.WriteErrorText(Buf : pchar); begin {selected normal color ?} WriteText(Buf,true); end; procedure TGDBWindow.WriteString(Const S : string); begin Editor^.AddLine(S); end; procedure TGDBWindow.WriteErrorString(Const S : string); begin Editor^.AddErrorLine(S); end; procedure TGDBWindow.WriteText(Buf : pchar;IsError : boolean); var p,pe : pchar; s : string; begin p:=buf; DeskTop^.Lock; While assigned(p) and (p^<>#0) do begin pe:=strscan(p,#10); { if pe-p is more than High(s), discard for this round } if (pe<>nil) and (pe-p > high(s)) then pe:=nil; if (pe<>nil) then pe^:=#0; s:=strpas(p); If IsError then Editor^.AddErrorLine(S) else Editor^.AddLine(S); { restore for dispose } if pe<>nil then pe^:=#10; if pe=nil then begin if strlen(p)CurrentSource then begin ReleaseSource; Source:=SearchOnDesktop(FileName,false); if not assigned(Source) then begin Source:=ITryToOpenFile(nil,AFileName,0,line,false,false,true); OwnsSource:=true; end else OwnsSource:=false; CurrentSource:=AFileName; end; if Assigned(Source) and (line>0) then S:=Trim(Source^.Editor^.GetLineText(line-1)) else S:=''; CurrentLine:=Line; inherited AddLine(AFileName+':'+IntToStr(line)+' '+S); { display differently } SetLineFlagState(GetLineCount-1,lfSpecialRow,true); LimitsChanged; end; procedure TDisassemblyEditor.AddAssemblyLine(const S: string;AAddress : CORE_ADDR); var PL : PDisasLine; LI : PEditorLineInfo; begin if AAddress<>0 then inherited AddLine('$'+hexstr(AAddress,sizeof(CORE_ADDR)*2)+S) else inherited AddLine(S); PL:=DisasLines^.At(DisasLines^.count-1); PL^.Address:=AAddress; LI:=PL^.GetEditorInfo(@Self); if AAddress<>0 then LI^.BeginsWithAsm:=true; LimitsChanged; if ((AAddress0) then MinAddress:=AAddress; if (AAddress>maxaddress) or (maxaddress=0) then MaxAddress:=AAddress; end; function TDisassemblyEditor.GetCurrentLine(address : CORE_ADDR) : PDisasLine; function IsCorrectLine(PL : PDisasLine) : boolean; begin IsCorrectLine:=PL^.Address=Address; end; Var PL : PDisasLine; begin PL:=DisasLines^.FirstThat(@IsCorrectLine); if Assigned(PL) then begin if assigned(CurL) then CurL^.SetFlagState(lfDebuggerRow,false); SetCurPtr(0,DisasLines^.IndexOf(PL)); PL^.SetFlags(lfDebuggerRow); CurL:=PL; TrackCursor(do_not_centre); end; GetCurrentLine:=PL; end; { PDisassemblyWindow = ^TDisassemblyWindow; TDisassemblyWindow = object(TFPWindow) Editor : PDisassemblyEditor; Indicator : PIndicator; } constructor TDisassemblyWindow.Init(var Bounds: TRect); var HSB,VSB: PScrollBar; R: TRect; begin inherited Init(Bounds,dialog_disaswindow,0); Options:=Options or ofTileAble; AutoNumber:=true; HelpCtx:=hcDisassemblyWindow; GetExtent(R); R.A.Y:=R.B.Y-1; R.Grow(-1,0); R.A.X:=14; New(HSB, Init(R)); HSB^.GrowMode:=gfGrowLoY+gfGrowHiX+gfGrowHiY; Insert(HSB); GetExtent(R); R.A.X:=R.B.X-1; R.Grow(0,-1); New(VSB, Init(R)); VSB^.GrowMode:=gfGrowLoX+gfGrowHiX+gfGrowHiY; Insert(VSB); GetExtent(R); R.A.X:=3; R.B.X:=14; R.A.Y:=R.B.Y-1; New(Indicator, Init(R)); Indicator^.GrowMode:=gfGrowLoY+gfGrowHiY; Insert(Indicator); GetExtent(R); R.Grow(-1,-1); New(Editor, Init(R, HSB, VSB, nil, GDBOutputFile)); Insert(Editor); DisassemblyWindow:=@Self; end; procedure TDisassemblyWindow.LoadFunction(Const FuncName : string); var p : pchar; begin {$ifndef NODEBUG} If not assigned(Debugger) then Exit; Debugger^.SetCommand('print symbol on'); Debugger^.SetCommand('width 0xffffffff'); Debugger^.Command('disas /m '+FuncName); p:=StrNew(Debugger^.GetOutput); ProcessPChar(p); if (Debugger^.IsRunning) and (FuncName='') then Editor^.GetCurrentLine(Debugger^.current_pc); {$endif NODEBUG} end; procedure TDisassemblyWindow.LoadAddress(Addr : CORE_ADDR); var p : pchar; begin {$ifndef NODEBUG} If not assigned(Debugger) then Exit; Debugger^.SetCommand('print symbol on'); Debugger^.SetCommand('width 0xffffffff'); Debugger^.Command('disas /m 0x'+HexStr(Addr,sizeof(Addr)*2)); p:=StrNew(Debugger^.GetOutput); ProcessPChar(p); if Debugger^.IsRunning and (Debugger^.current_pc>=Editor^.MinAddress) and (Debugger^.current_pc<=Editor^.MaxAddress) then Editor^.GetCurrentLine(Debugger^.current_pc); {$endif NODEBUG} end; function TDisassemblyWindow.ProcessPChar(p : pchar) : boolean; var p1: pchar; pline : pchar; pos1, pos2, CurLine, PrevLine : longint; CurAddr : CORE_ADDR; err : word; curaddress, cursymofs, CurFile, PrevFile, line : string; begin ProcessPChar:=true; Lock; Editor^.DisasLines^.FreeAll; Editor^.SetFlags(Editor^.GetFlags or efSyntaxHighlight or efKeepLineAttr); Editor^.MinAddress:=0; Editor^.MaxAddress:=0; Editor^.CurL:=nil; p1:=p; PrevFile:=''; PrevLine:=0; while assigned(p) do begin pline:=strscan(p,#10); if assigned(pline) then pline^:=#0; line:=trim(strpas(p)); CurAddr:=0; if assigned(pline) then begin pline^:=#10; p:=pline+1; end else p:=nil; { now process the line } { Remove current position marker } if copy(line,1,3)='=> ' then begin system.delete(line,1,3); end; { line is hexaddr assembly } pos1:=pos('<',line); if pos1>0 then begin curaddress:=trim(copy(line,1,pos1-1)); if copy(curaddress,1,2)='0x' then curaddress:='$'+copy(curaddress,3,length(curaddress)-2); val(curaddress,CurAddr,err); if err>0 then val(copy(curaddress,1,err-1),CurAddr,err); system.delete(line,1,pos1); end; pos1:=pos(' at ',line); pos2:=pos('>',line); if (pos1>0) and (pos1 < pos2) then begin cursymofs:=copy(line,1,pos1-1); CurFile:=copy(line,pos1+4,pos2-pos1-4); pos1:=pos(':',CurFile); if pos1>0 then begin val(copy(CurFile,pos1+1,high(CurFile)),CurLine,err); system.delete(CurFile,pos1,high(CurFile)); end else CurLine:=0; system.delete(line,1,pos2); end else { no ' at ' found before '>' } begin cursymofs:=copy(line,1,pos2-1); CurFile:=''; system.delete(line,1,pos2); end; if (CurFile<>'') and ((CurFile<>PrevFile) or (CurLine<>PrevLine)) then begin WriteSourceString(CurFile,CurLine); PrevLine:=CurLine; PrevFile:=CurFile; end; WriteDisassemblyString(line,curaddr); end; StrDispose(p1); Editor^.ReleaseSource; Editor^.UpdateAttrs(0,attrForceFull); If assigned(BreakpointsCollection) then BreakpointsCollection^.ShowBreakpoints(@Self); Unlock; ReDraw; end; procedure TDisassemblyWindow.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); begin inherited HandleEvent(Event); end; procedure TDisassemblyWindow.WriteSourceString(Const S : string;line : longint); begin Editor^.AddSourceLine(S,line); end; procedure TDisassemblyWindow.WriteDisassemblyString(Const S : string;address : CORE_ADDR); begin Editor^.AddAssemblyLine(S,address); end; procedure TDisassemblyWindow.SetCurAddress(address : CORE_ADDR); begin if (addressEditor^.MaxAddress) then LoadAddress(address); Editor^.GetCurrentLine(address); end; procedure TDisassemblyWindow.UpdateCommands; var Active: boolean; begin Active:=GetState(sfActive); SetCmdState(SourceCmds+CompileCmds,Active); SetCmdState(EditorCmds,Active); SetCmdState(ToClipCmds+FromClipCmds+NulClipCmds+UndoCmd+RedoCmd,false); Message(Application,evBroadcast,cmCommandSetChanged,nil); end; function TDisassemblyWindow.GetPalette: PPalette; const P: string[length(CSourceWindow)] = CSourceWindow; begin GetPalette:=@P; end; destructor TDisassemblyWindow.Done; begin if @Self=DisassemblyWindow then DisassemblyWindow:=nil; inherited Done; end; {$endif NODEBUG} constructor TClipboardWindow.Init; var R: TRect; HSB,VSB: PScrollBar; begin Desktop^.GetExtent(R); inherited Init(R, '*'); SetTitle(dialog_clipboard); HelpCtx:=hcClipboardWindow; Number:=wnNoNumber; AutoNumber:=true; GetExtent(R); R.A.Y:=R.B.Y-1; R.Grow(-1,0); R.A.X:=14; New(HSB, Init(R)); HSB^.GrowMode:=gfGrowLoY+gfGrowHiX+gfGrowHiY; Insert(HSB); GetExtent(R); R.A.X:=R.B.X-1; R.Grow(0,-1); New(VSB, Init(R)); VSB^.GrowMode:=gfGrowLoX+gfGrowHiX+gfGrowHiY; Insert(VSB); GetExtent(R); R.A.X:=3; R.B.X:=14; R.A.Y:=R.B.Y-1; New(Indicator, Init(R)); Indicator^.GrowMode:=gfGrowLoY+gfGrowHiY; Insert(Indicator); GetExtent(R); R.Grow(-1,-1); New(Editor, Init(R, HSB, VSB, Indicator, '')); Editor^.GrowMode:=gfGrowHiX+gfGrowHiY; Insert(Editor); Editor^.SetFlags(Editor^.GetFlags or efUseTabCharacters); Hide; Clipboard:=Editor; end; procedure TClipboardWindow.Close; begin Hide; end; constructor TClipboardWindow.Load(var S: TStream); begin inherited Load(S); Clipboard:=Editor; end; procedure TClipboardWindow.Store(var S: TStream); begin inherited Store(S); end; destructor TClipboardWindow.Done; begin inherited Done; Clipboard:=nil; ClipboardWindow:=nil; end; constructor TMessageListBox.Init(var Bounds: TRect; AHScrollBar, AVScrollBar: PScrollBar); begin inherited Init(Bounds,1,AHScrollBar, AVScrollBar); GrowMode:=gfGrowHiX+gfGrowHiY; New(ModuleNames, Init(50,100)); NoSelection:=true; end; function TMessageListBox.GetLocalMenu: PMenu; var M: PMenu; begin if (Owner<>nil) and (Owner^.GetState(sfModal)) then M:=nil else M:=NewMenu( NewItem(menu_msglocal_clear,'',kbNoKey,cmMsgClear,hcMsgClear, NewLine( NewItem(menu_msglocal_gotosource,'',kbNoKey,cmMsgGotoSource,hcMsgGotoSource, NewItem(menu_msglocal_tracksource,'',kbNoKey,cmMsgTrackSource,hcMsgTrackSource, NewLine( NewItem(menu_msglocal_saveas,'',kbNoKey,cmSaveAs,hcSaveAs, nil))))))); GetLocalMenu:=M; end; procedure TMessageListBox.SetState(AState: Word; Enable: Boolean); var OldState: word; begin OldState:=State; inherited SetState(AState,Enable); if ((AState and sfActive)<>0) and (((OldState xor State) and sfActive)<>0) then SetCmdState([cmSaveAs],Enable); end; procedure TMessageListBox.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); var DontClear: boolean; begin case Event.What of evKeyDown : begin DontClear:=false; case Event.KeyCode of kbEnter : begin Message(@Self,evCommand,cmMsgGotoSource,nil); ClearEvent(Event); exit; end; else DontClear:=true; end; if not DontClear then ClearEvent(Event); end; evBroadcast : case Event.Command of cmListItemSelected : if Event.InfoPtr=@Self then Message(@Self,evCommand,cmMsgTrackSource,nil); end; evCommand : begin DontClear:=false; case Event.Command of cmMsgGotoSource : if Range>0 then begin GotoSource; ClearEvent(Event); exit; end; cmMsgTrackSource : if Range>0 then TrackSource; cmMsgClear : Clear; cmSaveAs : SaveAs; else DontClear:=true; end; if not DontClear then ClearEvent(Event); end; end; inherited HandleEvent(Event); end; procedure TMessageListBox.AddItem(P: PMessageItem); var W : integer; begin if List=nil then New(List, Init(500,500)); W:=length(P^.GetText(255)); if W>MaxWidth then begin MaxWidth:=W; if HScrollBar<>nil then HScrollBar^.SetRange(0,MaxWidth); end; List^.Insert(P); SetRange(List^.Count); if Focused=List^.Count-1-1 then FocusItem(List^.Count-1); DrawView; end; function TMessageListBox.AddModuleName(const Name: string): PString; var P: PString; begin if ModuleNames<>nil then P:=ModuleNames^.Add(Name) else P:=nil; AddModuleName:=P; end; function TMessageListBox.GetText(Item,MaxLen: Sw_Integer): String; var P: PMessageItem; S: string; begin P:=List^.At(Item); S:=P^.GetText(MaxLen); GetText:=copy(S,1,MaxLen); end; procedure TMessageListBox.Clear; begin if assigned(List) then Dispose(List, Done); List:=nil; MaxWidth:=0; if assigned(ModuleNames) then ModuleNames^.FreeAll; SetRange(0); DrawView; Message(Application,evBroadcast,cmClearLineHighlights,@Self); end; procedure TMessageListBox.TrackSource; var W: PSourceWindow; P: PMessageItem; R: TRect; Row,Col: sw_integer; Found : boolean; begin Message(Application,evBroadcast,cmClearLineHighlights,@Self); if Range=0 then Exit; P:=List^.At(Focused); if P^.Row=0 then Exit; Desktop^.Lock; GetNextEditorBounds(R); R.B.Y:=Owner^.Origin.Y; if P^.Row>0 then Row:=P^.Row-1 else Row:=0; if P^.Col>0 then Col:=P^.Col-1 else Col:=0; W:=EditorWindowFile(P^.GetModuleName); if assigned(W) then begin W^.GetExtent(R); R.B.Y:=Owner^.Origin.Y; W^.ChangeBounds(R); W^.Editor^.SetCurPtr(Col,Row); end else W:=TryToOpenFile(@R,P^.GetModuleName,Col,Row,true); { Try to find it by browsing } if W=nil then begin Desktop^.UnLock; Found:=IDEApp.OpenSearch(P^.GetModuleName+'*'); if found then W:=TryToOpenFile(nil,P^.GetModuleName,Col,Row,true); Desktop^.Lock; end; if W<>nil then begin W^.Select; W^.Editor^.TrackCursor(do_centre); W^.Editor^.SetLineFlagExclusive(lfHighlightRow,Row); end; if Assigned(Owner) then Owner^.Select; Desktop^.UnLock; end; procedure TMessageListBox.GotoSource; var W: PSourceWindow; P: PMessageItem; R:TRect; Row,Col: sw_integer; Found : boolean; Event : TEvent; begin Message(Application,evBroadcast,cmClearLineHighlights,@Self); if Range=0 then Exit; P:=List^.At(Focused); if P^.Row=0 then Exit; Desktop^.Lock; if P^.Row>0 then Row:=P^.Row-1 else Row:=0; if P^.Col>0 then Col:=P^.Col-1 else Col:=0; W:=EditorWindowFile(P^.GetModuleName); if assigned(W) then begin W^.GetExtent(R); if Owner^.Origin.Y>R.A.Y+4 then R.B.Y:=Owner^.Origin.Y; W^.ChangeBounds(R); W^.Editor^.SetCurPtr(Col,Row); end else W:=TryToOpenFile(nil,P^.GetModuleName,Col,Row,true); { Try to find it by browsing } if W=nil then begin Desktop^.UnLock; Found:=IDEApp.OpenSearch(P^.GetModuleName+'*'); if found then W:=TryToOpenFile(nil,P^.GetModuleName,Col,Row,true); Desktop^.Lock; end; if assigned(W) then begin { Message(Owner,evCommand,cmClose,nil); This calls close on StackWindow rendering P invalid so postpone it PM } W^.GetExtent(R); if (P^.TClass<>0) then W^.Editor^.SetErrorMessage(P^.GetText(R.B.X-R.A.X)); W^.Select; Owner^.Hide; end; Desktop^.UnLock; if assigned(W) then begin Event.What:=evCommand; Event.command:=cmClose; Event.InfoPtr:=nil; fpide.PutEvent(Owner,Event); end; end; procedure TMessageListBox.Draw; var I, J, Item: Sw_Integer; NormalColor, SelectedColor, FocusedColor, Color: Word; ColWidth, CurCol, Indent: Integer; B: TDrawBuffer; Text: String; SCOff: Byte; TC: byte; procedure MT(var C: word); begin if TC<>0 then C:=(C and $ff0f) or (TC and $f0); end; begin if (Owner<>nil) then TC:=ord(Owner^.GetColor(6)) else TC:=0; if State and (sfSelected + sfActive) = (sfSelected + sfActive) then begin NormalColor := GetColor(1); FocusedColor := GetColor(3); SelectedColor := GetColor(4); end else begin NormalColor := GetColor(2); SelectedColor := GetColor(4); end; if Transparent then begin MT(NormalColor); MT(SelectedColor); end; if NoSelection then SelectedColor:=NormalColor; if HScrollBar <> nil then Indent := HScrollBar^.Value else Indent := 0; ColWidth := Size.X div NumCols + 1; for I := 0 to Size.Y - 1 do begin for J := 0 to NumCols-1 do begin Item := J*Size.Y + I + TopItem; CurCol := J*ColWidth; if (State and (sfSelected + sfActive) = (sfSelected + sfActive)) and (Focused = Item) and (Range > 0) then begin Color := FocusedColor; SetCursor(CurCol+1,I); SCOff := 0; end else if (Item < Range) and IsSelected(Item) then begin Color := SelectedColor; SCOff := 2; end else begin Color := NormalColor; SCOff := 4; end; MoveChar(B[CurCol], ' ', Color, ColWidth); if Item < Range then begin Text := GetText(Item, ColWidth + Indent); Text := Copy(Text,Indent,ColWidth); MoveStr(B[CurCol+1], Text, Color); if ShowMarkers then begin WordRec(B[CurCol]).Lo := Byte(SpecialChars[SCOff]); WordRec(B[CurCol+ColWidth-2]).Lo := Byte(SpecialChars[SCOff+1]); end; end; MoveChar(B[CurCol+ColWidth-1], #179, GetColor(5), 1); end; WriteLine(0, I, Size.X, 1, B); end; end; constructor TMessageListBox.Load(var S: TStream); begin inherited Load(S); New(ModuleNames, Init(50,100)); NoSelection:=true; end; procedure TMessageListBox.Store(var S: TStream); var OL: PCollection; ORV: sw_integer; begin OL:=List; ORV:=Range; New(List, Init(1,1)); Range:=0; inherited Store(S); Dispose(List, Done); List:=OL; Range:=ORV; { ^^^ nasty trick - has anyone a better idea how to avoid storing the collection? Pasting here a modified version of TListBox.Store+ TAdvancedListBox.Store isn't a better solution, since by eventually changing the obj-hierarchy you'll always have to modify this, too - BG } end; destructor TMessageListBox.Done; begin inherited Done; if List<>nil then Dispose(List, Done); if ModuleNames<>nil then Dispose(ModuleNames, Done); end; constructor TMessageItem.Init(AClass: longint; const AText: string; AModule: PString; ARow, ACol: sw_integer); begin inherited Init; TClass:=AClass; Text:=NewStr(AText); Module:=AModule; Row:=ARow; Col:=ACol; end; function TMessageItem.GetText(MaxLen: Sw_integer): string; var S: string; begin if Text=nil then S:='' else S:=Text^; if (Module<>nil) then S:=NameAndExtOf(Module^)+'('+IntToStr(Row)+') '+S; if length(S)>MaxLen then S:=copy(S,1,MaxLen-2)+'..'; GetText:=S; end; procedure TMessageItem.Selected; begin end; function TMessageItem.GetModuleName: string; begin GetModuleName:=GetStr(Module); end; destructor TMessageItem.Done; begin inherited Done; if Text<>nil then DisposeStr(Text); { if Module<>nil then DisposeStr(Module);} end; procedure TFPDlgWindow.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); begin case Event.What of evBroadcast : case Event.Command of cmSearchWindow+1..cmSearchWindow+99 : if (Event.Command-cmSearchWindow=Number) then ClearEvent(Event); end; end; inherited HandleEvent(Event); end; (* constructor TTab.Init(var Bounds: TRect; ATabDef: PTabDef); begin inherited Init(Bounds); Options:=Options or ofSelectable or ofFirstClick or ofPreProcess or ofPostProcess; GrowMode:=gfGrowHiX+gfGrowHiY+gfGrowRel; TabDefs:=ATabDef; ActiveDef:=-1; SelectTab(0); ReDraw; end; function TTab.TabCount: integer; var i: integer; P: PTabDef; begin I:=0; P:=TabDefs; while (P<>nil) do begin Inc(I); P:=P^.Next; end; TabCount:=I; end; function TTab.AtTab(Index: integer): PTabDef; var i: integer; P: PTabDef; begin i:=0; P:=TabDefs; while (IIndex then begin if Owner<>nil then Owner^.Lock; Lock; { --- Update --- } if TabDefs<>nil then begin DefCount:=1; while AtTab(DefCount-1)^.Next<>nil do Inc(DefCount); end else DefCount:=0; if ActiveDef<>-1 then begin P:=AtTab(ActiveDef)^.Items; while P<>nil do begin if P^.View<>nil then Delete(P^.View); P:=P^.Next; end; end; ActiveDef:=Index; P:=AtTab(ActiveDef)^.Items; while P<>nil do begin if P^.View<>nil then Insert(P^.View); P:=P^.Next; end; V:=AtTab(ActiveDef)^.DefItem; if V<>nil then V^.Select; ReDraw; { --- Update --- } UnLock; if Owner<>nil then Owner^.UnLock; DrawView; end; end; procedure TTab.ChangeBounds(var Bounds: TRect); var D: TPoint; procedure DoCalcChange(P: PView); var R: TRect; begin if P^.Owner=nil then Exit; { it think this is a bug in TV } P^.CalcBounds(R, D); P^.ChangeBounds(R); end; var P: PTabItem; I: integer; begin D.X := Bounds.B.X - Bounds.A.X - Size.X; D.Y := Bounds.B.Y - Bounds.A.Y - Size.Y; inherited ChangeBounds(Bounds); for I:=0 to TabCount-1 do if I<>ActiveDef then begin P:=AtTab(I)^.Items; while P<>nil do begin if P^.View<>nil then DoCalcChange(P^.View); P:=P^.Next; end; end; end; procedure TTab.SelectNextTab(Forwards: boolean); var Index: integer; begin Index:=ActiveDef; if Index=-1 then Exit; if Forwards then Inc(Index) else Dec(Index); if Index<0 then Index:=DefCount-1 else if Index>DefCount-1 then Index:=0; SelectTab(Index); end; procedure TTab.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); var Index : integer; I : integer; X : integer; Len : byte; P : TPoint; V : PView; CallOrig: boolean; LastV : PView; FirstV: PView; function FirstSelectable: PView; var FV : PView; begin FV := First; while (FV<>nil) and ((FV^.Options and ofSelectable)=0) and (FV<>Last) do FV:=FV^.Next; if FV<>nil then if (FV^.Options and ofSelectable)=0 then FV:=nil; FirstSelectable:=FV; end; function LastSelectable: PView; var LV : PView; begin LV := Last; while (LV<>nil) and ((LV^.Options and ofSelectable)=0) and (LV<>First) do LV:=LV^.Prev; if LV<>nil then if (LV^.Options and ofSelectable)=0 then LV:=nil; LastSelectable:=LV; end; begin if (Event.What and evMouseDown)<>0 then begin MakeLocal(Event.Where,P); if P.Y<3 then begin Index:=-1; X:=1; for i:=0 to DefCount-1 do begin Len:=CStrLen(AtTab(i)^.Name^); if (P.X>=X) and (P.X<=X+Len+1) then Index:=i; X:=X+Len+3; end; if Index<>-1 then SelectTab(Index); end; end; if Event.What=evKeyDown then begin Index:=-1; case Event.KeyCode of kbCtrlTab : begin SelectNextTab((Event.KeyShift and kbShift)=0); ClearEvent(Event); end; kbTab,kbShiftTab : if GetState(sfSelected) then begin if Current<>nil then begin LastV:=LastSelectable; FirstV:=FirstSelectable; if ((Current=LastV) or (Current=PLabel(LastV)^.Link)) and (Event.KeyCode=kbShiftTab) then begin if Owner<>nil then Owner^.SelectNext(true); end else if ((Current=FirstV) or (Current=PLabel(FirstV)^.Link)) and (Event.KeyCode=kbTab) then begin Lock; if Owner<>nil then Owner^.SelectNext(false); UnLock; end else SelectNext(Event.KeyCode=kbShiftTab); ClearEvent(Event); end; end; else for I:=0 to DefCount-1 do begin if Upcase(GetAltChar(Event.KeyCode))=AtTab(I)^.ShortCut then begin Index:=I; ClearEvent(Event); Break; end; end; end; if Index<>-1 then begin Select; SelectTab(Index); V:=AtTab(ActiveDef)^.DefItem; if V<>nil then V^.Focus; end; end; CallOrig:=true; if Event.What=evKeyDown then begin if ((Owner<>nil) and (Owner^.Phase=phPostProcess) and (GetAltChar(Event.KeyCode)<>#0)) or GetState(sfFocused) then else CallOrig:=false; end; if CallOrig then inherited HandleEvent(Event); end; function TTab.GetPalette: PPalette; begin GetPalette:=nil; end; procedure TTab.Draw; var B : TDrawBuffer; i : integer; C1,C2,C3,C : word; HeaderLen : integer; X,X2 : integer; Name : PString; ActiveKPos : integer; ActiveVPos : integer; FC : char; ClipR : TRect; procedure SWriteBuf(X,Y,W,H: integer; var Buf); var i: integer; begin if Y+H>Size.Y then H:=Size.Y-Y; if X+W>Size.X then W:=Size.X-X; if Buffer=nil then WriteBuf(X,Y,W,H,Buf) else for i:=1 to H do Move(Buf,Buffer^[X+(Y+i-1)*Size.X],W*2); end; procedure ClearBuf; begin MoveChar(B,' ',C1,Size.X); end; begin if InDraw then Exit; InDraw:=true; { - Start of TGroup.Draw - } { if Buffer = nil then begin GetBuffer; end; } { - Start of TGroup.Draw - } C1:=GetColor(1); C2:=(GetColor(7) and $f0 or $08)+GetColor(9)*256; C3:=GetColor(8)+GetColor({9}8)*256; HeaderLen:=0; for i:=0 to DefCount-1 do HeaderLen:=HeaderLen+CStrLen(AtTab(i)^.Name^)+3; Dec(HeaderLen); if HeaderLen>Size.X-2 then HeaderLen:=Size.X-2; { --- 1. sor --- } ClearBuf; MoveChar(B[0],'³',C1,1); MoveChar(B[HeaderLen+1],'³',C1,1); X:=1; for i:=0 to DefCount-1 do begin Name:=AtTab(i)^.Name; X2:=CStrLen(Name^); if i=ActiveDef then begin ActiveKPos:=X-1; ActiveVPos:=X+X2+2; if GetState(sfFocused) then C:=C3 else C:=C2; end else C:=C2; MoveCStr(B[X],' '+Name^+' ',C); X:=X+X2+3; MoveChar(B[X-1],'³',C1,1); end; SWriteBuf(0,1,Size.X,1,B); { --- 0. sor --- } ClearBuf; MoveChar(B[0],'Ú',C1,1); X:=1; for i:=0 to DefCount-1 do begin if I0 then MoveChar(B[X],'Ä',C1,X2); X:=X+X2+1; end; MoveChar(B[HeaderLen+1],'¿',C1,1); MoveChar(B[ActiveKPos],'Ú',C1,1); MoveChar(B[ActiveVPos],'¿',C1,1); SWriteBuf(0,0,Size.X,1,B); { --- 2. sor --- } MoveChar(B[1],'Ä',C1,Max(HeaderLen,0)); MoveChar(B[HeaderLen+2],'Ä',C1,Max(Size.X-HeaderLen-3,0)); MoveChar(B[Size.X-1],'¿',C1,1); MoveChar(B[ActiveKPos],'Ù',C1,1); if ActiveDef=0 then MoveChar(B[0],'³',C1,1) else MoveChar(B[0],{'Ã'}'Ú',C1,1); MoveChar(B[HeaderLen+1],'Ä'{'Á'},C1,1); MoveChar(B[ActiveVPos],'À',C1,1); MoveChar(B[ActiveKPos+1],' ',C1,Max(ActiveVPos-ActiveKPos-1,0)); SWriteBuf(0,2,Size.X,1,B); { --- marad‚k sor --- } ClearBuf; MoveChar(B[0],'³',C1,1); MoveChar(B[Size.X-1],'³',C1,1); for i:=3 to Size.Y-1 do SWriteBuf(0,i,Size.X,1,B); { SWriteBuf(0,3,Size.X,Size.Y-4,B); this was wrong because WriteBuf then expect a buffer of size size.x*(size.y-4)*2 PM } { --- Size.X . sor --- } MoveChar(B[0],'À',C1,1); MoveChar(B[1],'Ä',C1,Max(Size.X-2,0)); MoveChar(B[Size.X-1],'Ù',C1,1); SWriteBuf(0,Size.Y-1,Size.X,1,B); { - End of TGroup.Draw - } if Buffer <> nil then begin Lock; Redraw; UnLock; end; if Buffer <> nil then WriteBuf(0, 0, Size.X, Size.Y, Buffer^) else begin GetClipRect(ClipR); Redraw; GetExtent(ClipR); end; { - End of TGroup.Draw - } InDraw:=false; end; function TTab.Valid(Command: Word): Boolean; var PT : PTabDef; PI : PTabItem; OK : boolean; begin OK:=true; PT:=TabDefs; while (PT<>nil) and (OK=true) do begin PI:=PT^.Items; while (PI<>nil) and (OK=true) do begin if PI^.View<>nil then OK:=OK and PI^.View^.Valid(Command); PI:=PI^.Next; end; PT:=PT^.Next; end; Valid:=OK; end; procedure TTab.SetState(AState: Word; Enable: Boolean); begin inherited SetState(AState,Enable); if (AState and sfFocused)<>0 then DrawView; end; destructor TTab.Done; var P,X: PTabDef; procedure DeleteViews(P: PView); begin if P<>nil then Delete(P); end; begin ForEach(@DeleteViews); inherited Done; P:=TabDefs; while P<>nil do begin X:=P^.Next; DisposeTabDef(P); P:=X; end; end; *) constructor TScreenView.Init(var Bounds: TRect; AHScrollBar, AVScrollBar: PScrollBar; AScreen: PScreen); begin inherited Init(Bounds,AHScrollBar,AVScrollBar); Screen:=AScreen; if Screen=nil then Fail; SetState(sfCursorVis,true); Update; end; procedure TScreenView.Update; begin SetLimit(UserScreen^.GetWidth,UserScreen^.GetHeight); DrawView; end; procedure TScreenView.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); begin case Event.What of evBroadcast : case Event.Command of cmUpdate : Update; end; end; inherited HandleEvent(Event); end; procedure TScreenView.Draw; var B: TDrawBuffer; X,Y: integer; Text,Attr: string; P: TPoint; begin Screen^.GetCursorPos(P); for Y:=Delta.Y to Delta.Y+Size.Y-1 do begin if YacNone then begin E:=Event; E.What:=evMouseDown; E.Buttons:=mbLeftButton; View^.HandleEvent(E); Event.What:=evCommand; Event.Command:=ActionCommands[Action]; end; end; begin if InTranslate then Exit; InTranslate:=true; case Event.What of evMouseDown : if (GetShiftState and kbAlt)<>0 then TranslateAction(AltMouseAction) else if (GetShiftState and kbCtrl)<>0 then TranslateAction(CtrlMouseAction); end; InTranslate:=false; end; function GetNextEditorBounds(var Bounds: TRect): boolean; var P: PView; begin P:=Desktop^.Current; while P<>nil do begin if P^.HelpCtx=hcSourceWindow then Break; P:=P^.NextView; if P=Desktop^.Current then begin P:=nil; break; end; end; if P=nil then Desktop^.GetExtent(Bounds) else begin P^.GetBounds(Bounds); Inc(Bounds.A.X); Inc(Bounds.A.Y); end; GetNextEditorBounds:=P<>nil; end; function IOpenEditorWindow(Bounds: PRect; FileName: string; CurX,CurY: sw_integer; ShowIt: boolean): PSourceWindow; var R: TRect; W: PSourceWindow; begin if Assigned(Bounds) then R.Copy(Bounds^) else GetNextEditorBounds(R); PushStatus(FormatStrStr(msg_openingsourcefile,SmartPath(FileName))); New(W, Init(R, FileName)); if ShowIt=false then W^.Hide; if W<>nil then begin if (CurX<>0) or (CurY<>0) then with W^.Editor^ do begin SetCurPtr(CurX,CurY); TrackCursor(do_centre); end; W^.HelpCtx:=hcSourceWindow; Desktop^.Insert(W); { this makes loading a lot slower and is not needed as far as I can see (FK) Message(Application,evBroadcast,cmUpdate,nil); } end; PopStatus; IOpenEditorWindow:=W; end; function OpenEditorWindow(Bounds: PRect; FileName: string; CurX,CurY: sw_integer): PSourceWindow; begin OpenEditorWindow:=IOpenEditorWindow(Bounds,FileName,CurX,CurY,true); end; function LastSourceEditor : PSourceWindow; function IsSearchedSource(P: PView) : boolean; begin if assigned(P) and (TypeOf(P^)=TypeOf(TSourceWindow)) then IsSearchedSource:=true else IsSearchedSource:=false; end; begin LastSourceEditor:=PSourceWindow(Desktop^.FirstThat(@IsSearchedSource)); end; function SearchOnDesktop(FileName : string;tryexts:boolean) : PSourceWindow; var D,DS : DirStr; N,NS : NameStr; E,ES : ExtStr; SName : string; function IsSearchedFile(W : PSourceWindow) : boolean; var Found: boolean; begin Found:=false; if (W<>nil) and (W^.HelpCtx=hcSourceWindow) then begin if (D='') then SName:=NameAndExtOf(PSourceWindow(W)^.Editor^.FileName) else SName:=PSourceWindow(W)^.Editor^.FileName; FSplit(SName,DS,NS,ES); SName:=UpcaseStr(NS+ES); if (E<>'') or (not tryexts) then begin if D<>'' then Found:=UpCaseStr(DS)+SName=UpcaseStr(D+N+E) else Found:=SName=UpcaseStr(N+E); end else begin Found:=SName=UpcaseStr(N+'.pp'); if Found=false then Found:=SName=UpcaseStr(N+'.pas'); end; end; IsSearchedFile:=found; end; function IsSearchedSource(P: PView) : boolean; begin if assigned(P) and (TypeOf(P^)=TypeOf(TSourceWindow)) then IsSearchedSource:=IsSearchedFile(PSourceWindow(P)) else IsSearchedSource:=false; end; begin FSplit(FileName,D,N,E); SearchOnDesktop:=PSourceWindow(Desktop^.FirstThat(@IsSearchedSource)); end; function TryToOpenFile(Bounds: PRect; FileName: string; CurX,CurY: sw_integer;tryexts:boolean): PSourceWindow; begin TryToOpenFile:=ITryToOpenFile(Bounds,FileName,CurX,CurY,tryexts,true,false); end; function TryToOpenFileMulti(Bounds: PRect; FileName: string; CurX,CurY: sw_integer;tryexts:boolean): PSourceWindow; var srec:SearchRec; dir,name,ext : string; begin fsplit(filename,dir,name,ext); dir:=completedir(dir); FindFirst(filename,anyfile,Srec); while (DosError=0) do begin ITryToOpenFile(Bounds,dir+srec.name,CurX,CurY,tryexts,true,false); FindNext(srec); end; FindClose(srec); end; function LocateSingleSourceFile(const FileName: string; tryexts: boolean): string; var D : DirStr; N : NameStr; E : ExtStr; function CheckDir(NewDir: DirStr; NewName: NameStr; NewExt: ExtStr): boolean; var OK: boolean; begin NewDir:=CompleteDir(NewDir); OK:=ExistsFile(NewDir+NewName+NewExt); if OK then begin D:=NewDir; N:=NewName; E:=NewExt; end; CheckDir:=OK; end; function CheckExt(NewExt: ExtStr): boolean; var OK: boolean; begin OK:=false; if D<>'' then OK:=CheckDir(D,N,NewExt) else if CheckDir('.'+DirSep,N,NewExt) then OK:=true; CheckExt:=OK; end; function TryToLocateIn(const DD : dirstr): boolean; var Found: boolean; begin D:=CompleteDir(DD); Found:=true; if (E<>'') or (not tryexts) then Found:=CheckExt(E) else if CheckExt('.pp') then Found:=true else if CheckExt('.pas') then Found:=true else if CheckExt('.inc') then Found:=true { try also without extension if no other exist } else if CheckExt('') then Found:=true else Found:=false; TryToLocateIn:=Found; end; var Path,DrStr: string; Found: boolean; begin FSplit(FileName,D,N,E); Found:=CheckDir(D,N,E); if not found then Found:=TryToLocateIn('.'); DrStr:=GetSourceDirectories; if not Found then While pos(ListSeparator,DrStr)>0 do Begin Found:=TryToLocateIn(Copy(DrStr,1,pos(ListSeparator,DrStr)-1)); if Found then break; DrStr:=Copy(DrStr,pos(ListSeparator,DrStr)+1,High(DrStr)); End; if Found then Path:=FExpand(D+N+E) else Path:=''; LocateSingleSourceFile:=Path; end; function LocateSourceFile(const FileName: string; tryexts: boolean): string; var P: integer; FN,S: string; FFN: string; begin FN:=FileName; repeat P:=Pos(ListSeparator,FN); if P=0 then P:=length(FN)+1; S:=copy(FN,1,P-1); Delete(FN,1,P); FFN:=LocateSingleSourceFile(S,tryexts); until (FFN<>'') or (FN=''); LocateSourceFile:=FFN; end; function ITryToOpenFile(Bounds: PRect; FileName: string; CurX,CurY: sw_integer;tryexts:boolean; ShowIt,ForceNewWindow: boolean): PSourceWindow; var W : PSourceWindow; DrStr: string; begin W:=nil; if ForceNewWindow then W:=nil else W:=SearchOnDesktop(FileName,tryexts); if W<>nil then begin NewEditorOpened:=false; { if assigned(Bounds) then W^.ChangeBounds(Bounds^);} W^.Editor^.SetCurPtr(CurX,CurY); end else begin DrStr:=LocateSourceFile(FileName,tryexts); if DrStr<>'' then W:=IOpenEditorWindow(Bounds,DrStr,CurX,CurY,ShowIt); NewEditorOpened:=W<>nil; if assigned(W) then W^.Editor^.SetCurPtr(CurX,CurY); end; ITryToOpenFile:=W; end; function StartEditor(Editor: PCodeEditor; FileName: string): boolean; var OK: boolean; E: PFileEditor; R: TRect; begin R.Assign(0,0,0,0); New(E, Init(R,nil,nil,nil,nil,FileName)); OK:=E<>nil; if OK then begin PushStatus(FormatStrStr(msg_readingfileineditor,FileName)); OK:=E^.LoadFile; PopStatus; end; if OK then begin Editor^.Lock; E^.SelectAll(true); Editor^.InsertFrom(E); Editor^.SetCurPtr(0,0); Editor^.SelectAll(false); Editor^.UnLock; Dispose(E, Done); end; StartEditor:=OK; end; constructor TTextScroller.Init(var Bounds: TRect; ASpeed: integer; AText: PUnsortedStringCollection); begin inherited Init(Bounds,''); EventMask:=EventMask or evIdle; Speed:=ASpeed; Lines:=AText; end; function TTextScroller.GetLineCount: integer; var Count: integer; begin if Lines=nil then Count:=0 else Count:=Lines^.Count; GetLineCount:=Count; end; function TTextScroller.GetLine(I: integer): string; var S: string; begin if I=GetLineCount then Reset; DrawView; end; procedure TTextScroller.Draw; var B: TDrawBuffer; C: word; Count,Y: integer; S: string; begin C:=GetColor(1); Count:=GetLineCount; for Y:=0 to Size.Y-1 do begin if Count=0 then S:='' else S:=GetLine((TopLine+Y) mod Count); if copy(S,1,1)=^C then S:=CharStr(' ',Max(0,(Size.X-(length(S)-1)) div 2))+copy(S,2,255); MoveChar(B,' ',C,Size.X); MoveStr(B,S,C); WriteLine(0,Y,Size.X,1,B); end; end; destructor TTextScroller.Done; begin inherited Done; if Lines<>nil then Dispose(Lines, Done); end; constructor TFPAboutDialog.Init; var R,R2: TRect; C: PUnsortedStringCollection; I: integer; OSStr: string; procedure AddLine(S: string); begin C^.Insert(NewStr(S)); end; begin R.Assign(0,0,58,14{$ifdef NODEBUG}-1{$endif}); inherited Init(R, dialog_about); HelpCtx:=hcAbout; GetExtent(R); R.Grow(-3,-2); R2.Copy(R); R2.B.Y:=R2.A.Y+1; Insert(New(PStaticText, Init(R2, ^C'Free Pascal IDE for '+source_info.name))); R2.Move(0,1); Insert(New(PStaticText, Init(R2, ^C'Target CPU: '+target_cpu_string))); R2.Move(0,1); Insert(New(PStaticText, Init(R2, ^C'Version '+VersionStr+' '+{$i %date%}))); R2.Move(0,1); {$ifdef USE_GRAPH_SWITCH} Insert(New(PStaticText, Init(R2, ^C'With Graphic Support'))); R2.Move(0,1); {$endif USE_GRAPH_SWITCH} Insert(New(PStaticText, Init(R2, FormatStrStr2(^C'(%s %s)',label_about_compilerversion,Full_Version_String)))); {$ifndef NODEBUG} if pos('Fake',GDBVersion)=0 then begin R2.Move(0,1); Insert(New(PStaticText, Init(R2, FormatStrStr2(^C'(%s %s)',label_about_debugger,GDBVersion)))); R2.Move(0,1); end else {$endif NODEBUG} R2.Move(0,2); Insert(New(PStaticText, Init(R2, ^C'Copyright (C) 1998-2014 by'))); R2.Move(0,2); Insert(New(PStaticText, Init(R2, ^C'B‚rczi G bor'))); R2.Move(0,1); Insert(New(PStaticText, Init(R2, ^C'Pierre Muller'))); R2.Move(0,1); Insert(New(PStaticText, Init(R2, ^C'and'))); R2.Move(0,1); Insert(New(PStaticText, Init(R2, ^C'Peter Vreman'))); New(C, Init(50,10)); for I:=1 to 7 do AddLine(''); AddLine(^C'< Original concept >'); AddLine(^C'Borland International, Inc.'); AddLine(''); AddLine(^C'< Compiler development >'); AddLine(^C'Carl-Eric Codere'); AddLine(^C'Daniel Mantione'); AddLine(^C'Florian Kl„mpfl'); AddLine(^C'Jonas Maebe'); AddLine(^C'Mich„el Van Canneyt'); AddLine(^C'Peter Vreman'); AddLine(^C'Pierre Muller'); AddLine(''); AddLine(^C'< IDE development >'); AddLine(^C'B‚rczi G bor'); AddLine(^C'Peter Vreman'); AddLine(^C'Pierre Muller'); AddLine(''); GetExtent(R); R.Grow(-1,-1); Inc(R.A.Y,3); New(Scroller, Init(R, 10, C)); Scroller^.Hide; Insert(Scroller); R.Move(0,-1); R.B.Y:=R.A.Y+1; New(TitleST, Init(R, ^C'Team')); TitleST^.Hide; Insert(TitleST); InsertOK(@Self); end; procedure TFPAboutDialog.ToggleInfo; begin if Scroller=nil then Exit; if Scroller^.GetState(sfVisible) then begin Scroller^.Hide; TitleST^.Hide; end else begin Scroller^.Reset; Scroller^.Show; TitleST^.Show; end; end; procedure TFPAboutDialog.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); begin case Event.What of evKeyDown : case Event.KeyCode of kbAltI : { just like in BP } begin ToggleInfo; ClearEvent(Event); end; end; end; inherited HandleEvent(Event); end; constructor TFPASCIIChart.Init; begin inherited Init; HelpCtx:=hcASCIITableWindow; Number:=SearchFreeWindowNo; ASCIIChart:=@Self; end; procedure TFPASCIIChart.Store(var S: TStream); begin inherited Store(S); end; constructor TFPASCIIChart.Load(var S: TStream); begin inherited Load(S); end; procedure TFPASCIIChart.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); var W: PSourceWindow; begin {writeln(stderr,'all what=',event.what,' cmd=', event.command);} case Event.What of evKeyDown : case Event.KeyCode of kbEsc : begin Close; ClearEvent(Event); end; end; evCommand : begin {writeln(stderr,'fpascii what=',event.what, ' cmd=', event.command, ' ',cmtransfer,' ',cmsearchwindow);} if Event.Command=(AsciiTableCommandBase+1) then // variable begin W:=FirstEditorWindow; if Assigned(W) and Assigned(Report) then Message(W,evCommand,cmAddChar,Event.InfoPtr); ClearEvent(Event); end else case Event.Command of cmTransfer : begin W:=FirstEditorWindow; if Assigned(W) and Assigned(Report) then Message(W,evCommand,cmAddChar,pointer(ptrint(ord(Report^.AsciiChar)))); ClearEvent(Event); end; cmSearchWindow+1..cmSearchWindow+99 : if (Event.Command-cmSearchWindow=Number) then ClearEvent(Event); end; end; end; inherited HandleEvent(Event); end; destructor TFPASCIIChart.Done; begin ASCIIChart:=nil; inherited Done; end; function TVideoModeListBox.GetText(Item: pointer; MaxLen: sw_integer): string; var P: PVideoMode; S: string; begin P:=Item; S:=IntToStr(P^.Col)+'x'+IntToStr(P^.Row)+' '; if P^.Color then S:=S+'color' else S:=S+'mono'; GetText:=copy(S,1,MaxLen); end; constructor TFPDesktop.Init(var Bounds: TRect); begin inherited Init(Bounds); end; procedure TFPDesktop.InitBackground; var AV: PANSIBackground; FileName: string; R: TRect; begin AV:=nil; FileName:=LocateFile(BackgroundPath); if FileName<>'' then begin GetExtent(R); New(AV, Init(R)); AV^.GrowMode:=gfGrowHiX+gfGrowHiY; if AV^.LoadFile(FileName)=false then begin Dispose(AV, Done); AV:=nil; end; if Assigned(AV) then Insert(AV); end; Background:=AV; if Assigned(Background)=false then inherited InitBackground; end; constructor TFPDesktop.Load(var S: TStream); begin inherited Load(S); end; procedure TFPDesktop.Store(var S: TStream); begin inherited Store(S); end; constructor TFPToolTip.Init(var Bounds: TRect; const AText: string; AAlign: TAlign); begin inherited Init(Bounds); SetAlign(AAlign); SetText(AText); end; procedure TFPToolTip.Draw; var C: word; procedure DrawLine(Y: integer; S: string); var B: TDrawBuffer; begin S:=copy(S,1,Size.X-2); case Align of alLeft : S:=' '+S; alRight : S:=LExpand(' '+S,Size.X); alCenter : S:=Center(S,Size.X); end; MoveChar(B,' ',C,Size.X); MoveStr(B,S,C); WriteLine(0,Y,Size.X,1,B); end; var S: string; Y: integer; begin C:=GetColor(1); S:=GetText; for Y:=0 to Size.Y-1 do DrawLine(Y,S); end; function TFPToolTip.GetText: string; begin GetText:=GetStr(Text); end; procedure TFPToolTip.SetText(const AText: string); begin if AText<>GetText then begin if Assigned(Text) then DisposeStr(Text); Text:=NewStr(AText); DrawView; end; end; function TFPToolTip.GetAlign: TAlign; begin GetAlign:=Align; end; procedure TFPToolTip.SetAlign(AAlign: TAlign); begin if AAlign<>Align then begin Align:=AAlign; DrawView; end; end; destructor TFPToolTip.Done; begin if Assigned(Text) then DisposeStr(Text); Text:=nil; inherited Done; end; function TFPToolTip.GetPalette: PPalette; const S: string[length(CFPToolTip)] = CFPToolTip; begin GetPalette:=@S; end; constructor TFPMemo.Init(var Bounds: TRect; AHScrollBar, AVScrollBar: PScrollBar; AIndicator: PIndicator); begin inherited Init(Bounds,AHScrollBar,AVScrollBar,AIndicator,nil); SetFlags(Flags and not (efPersistentBlocks) or efSyntaxHighlight); end; procedure TFPMemo.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); var DontClear: boolean; S: string; begin case Event.What of evKeyDown : begin DontClear:=false; case Event.KeyCode of kbEsc: begin Event.What:=evCommand; Event.Command:=cmCancel; PutEvent(Event); end; else DontClear:=true; end; if not DontClear then ClearEvent(Event); end; end; inherited HandleEvent(Event); end; function TFPMemo.GetPalette: PPalette; const P: string[length(CFPMemo)] = CFPMemo; begin GetPalette:=@P; end; function TFPMemo.GetSpecSymbolCount(SpecClass: TSpecSymbolClass): integer; begin GetSpecSymbolCount:=0; end; function TFPMemo.GetSpecSymbol(SpecClass: TSpecSymbolClass; Index: integer): pstring; begin Abstract; GetSpecSymbol:=nil; end; function TFPMemo.IsReservedWord(const S: string): boolean; begin IsReservedWord:=false; end; constructor TFPCodeMemo.Init(var Bounds: TRect; AHScrollBar, AVScrollBar: PScrollBar; AIndicator: PIndicator); begin inherited Init(Bounds,AHScrollBar,AVScrollBar,AIndicator); end; function TFPCodeMemo.GetSpecSymbolCount(SpecClass: TSpecSymbolClass): integer; begin GetSpecSymbolCount:=FreePascalSpecSymbolCount[SpecClass]; end; function TFPCodeMemo.GetSpecSymbol(SpecClass: TSpecSymbolClass; Index: integer): pstring; begin GetSpecSymbol:=@FreePascalEmptyString; case SpecClass of ssCommentPrefix : case Index of 0 : GetSpecSymbol:=@FreePascalCommentPrefix1; 1 : GetSpecSymbol:=@FreePascalCommentPrefix2; 2 : GetSpecSymbol:=@FreePascalCommentPrefix3; end; ssCommentSingleLinePrefix : case Index of 0 : GetSpecSymbol:=@FreePascalCommentSingleLinePrefix; end; ssCommentSuffix : case Index of 0 : GetSpecSymbol:=@FreePascalCommentSuffix1; 1 : GetSpecSymbol:=@FreePascalCommentSuffix2; end; ssStringPrefix : GetSpecSymbol:=@FreePascalStringPrefix; ssStringSuffix : GetSpecSymbol:=@FreePascalStringSuffix; { must be uppercased to avoid calling UpCaseStr in MatchesAnyAsmSymbol PM } ssAsmPrefix : GetSpecSymbol:=@FreePascalAsmPrefix; ssAsmSuffix : GetSpecSymbol:=@FreePascalAsmSuffix; ssDirectivePrefix : GetSpecSymbol:=@FreePascalDirectivePrefix; ssDirectiveSuffix : GetSpecSymbol:=@FreePascalDirectiveSuffix; end; end; function TFPCodeMemo.IsReservedWord(const S: string): boolean; begin IsReservedWord:=IsFPReservedWord(S); end; {$ifdef VESA} function VESASetVideoModeProc(const VideoMode: TVideoMode; Params: Longint): Boolean; begin VESASetVideoModeProc:=VESASetMode(Params); end; procedure InitVESAScreenModes; var ML: TVESAModeList; MI: TVESAModeInfoBlock; I: integer; begin if VESAInit=false then Exit; if VESAGetModeList(ML)=false then Exit; for I:=1 to ML.Count do begin if VESAGetModeInfo(ML.Modes[I],MI) then with MI do {$ifndef DEBUG} if (Attributes and vesa_vma_GraphicsMode)=0 then {$else DEBUG} if ((Attributes and vesa_vma_GraphicsMode)=0) or { only allow 4 bit i.e. 16 color modes } (((Attributes and vesa_vma_CanBeSetInCurrentConfig)<>0) and (BitsPerPixel=8)) then {$endif DEBUG} RegisterVesaVideoMode(ML.Modes[I]); end; end; procedure DoneVESAScreenModes; begin FreeVesaModes; end; {$endif} procedure NoDebugger; begin InformationBox(msg_nodebuggersupportavailable,nil); end; procedure RegisterFPViews; begin RegisterType(RSourceEditor); RegisterType(RSourceWindow); RegisterType(RFPHelpViewer); RegisterType(RFPHelpWindow); RegisterType(RClipboardWindow); RegisterType(RMessageListBox); RegisterType(RFPDesktop); RegisterType(RFPASCIIChart); RegisterType(RFPDlgWindow); {$ifndef NODEBUG} RegisterType(RGDBWindow); RegisterType(RGDBSourceEditor); {$endif NODEBUG} end; END.