{ This file is part of the Free Pascal Integrated Development Environment Copyright (c) 1998 by Berczi Gabor Help support & Borland OA .HLP reader objects and routines See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} {$R-} unit WHelp; interface uses {$ifdef Windows} { placed here to avoid TRect to be found in windows unit for Windows target whereas its found in objects unit for other targets PM } windows, {$endif Windows} Objects, WUtils; const hscLineBreak = #0; hscLink = #2; hscLineStart = #3; hscCode = #5; hscDirect = #6; { add the next char directly } hscCenter = #10; hscRight = #11; hscNamedMark = #12; hscTextAttr = #13; hscTextColor = #14; hscNormText = #15; hscInImage = #16; type THelpCtx = longint; TRecord = packed record SClass : word; Size : word; Data : pointer; end; PIndexEntry = ^TIndexEntry; TIndexEntry = packed record Tag : PString; HelpCtx : THelpCtx; FileID : word; end; PKeywordDescriptor = ^TKeywordDescriptor; TKeywordDescriptor = packed record FileID : word; Context : THelpCtx; end; PKeywordDescriptors = ^TKeywordDescriptors; TKeywordDescriptors = array[0..MaxBytes div sizeof(TKeywordDescriptor)-1] of TKeywordDescriptor; PTopic = ^TTopic; TTopic = object HelpCtx : THelpCtx; FileOfs : longint; TextSize : sw_word; Text : PByteArray; LinkCount : sw_word; Links : PKeywordDescriptors; LastAccess : longint; FileID : word; Param : PString; StartNamedMark: integer; NamedMarks : PUnsortedStringCollection; ExtData : pointer; ExtDataSize : longint; function LinkSize: sw_word; function GetNamedMarkIndex(const MarkName: string): sw_integer; end; PTopicCollection = ^TTopicCollection; TTopicCollection = object(TSortedCollection) function At(Index: sw_Integer): PTopic; procedure FreeItem(Item: Pointer); virtual; function Compare(Key1, Key2: Pointer): Sw_Integer; virtual; function SearchTopic(AHelpCtx: THelpCtx): PTopic; end; PIndexEntryCollection = ^TIndexEntryCollection; TIndexEntryCollection = object(TSortedCollection) function At(Index: Sw_Integer): PIndexEntry; procedure FreeItem(Item: Pointer); virtual; function Compare(Key1, Key2: Pointer): Sw_Integer; virtual; end; PUnsortedIndexEntryCollection = ^TUnsortedIndexEntryCollection; TUnsortedIndexEntryCollection = object(TCollection) function At(Index: Sw_Integer): PIndexEntry; procedure FreeItem(Item: Pointer); virtual; end; PHelpFile = ^THelpFile; THelpFile = object(TObject) ID : word; Topics : PTopicCollection; IndexEntries : PUnsortedIndexEntryCollection; constructor Init(AID: word); function LoadTopic(HelpCtx: THelpCtx): PTopic; virtual; procedure AddTopic(HelpCtx: THelpCtx; Pos: longint; const Param: string; ExtData: pointer; ExtDataSize: longint); procedure AddIndexEntry(const Text: string; AHelpCtx: THelpCtx); destructor Done; virtual; public function LoadIndex: boolean; virtual; function SearchTopic(HelpCtx: THelpCtx): PTopic; virtual; function ReadTopic(T: PTopic): boolean; virtual; function GetTopicInfo(T: PTopic) : string; virtual; private procedure MaintainTopicCache; end; PHelpFileCollection = PCollection; PHelpFacility = ^THelpFacility; THelpFacility = object(TObject) HelpFiles: PHelpFileCollection; IndexTabSize: sw_integer; constructor Init; function AddFile(const FileName, Param: string): PHelpFile; function AddHelpFile(H: PHelpFile): boolean; function LoadTopic(SourceFileID: word; Context: THelpCtx): PTopic; virtual; function GetTopicInfo(SourceFileID: word; Context: THelpCtx) : string; virtual; function TopicSearch(Keyword: string; var FileID: word; var Context: THelpCtx): boolean; virtual; function BuildIndexTopic: PTopic; virtual; destructor Done; virtual; private LastID: word; function SearchFile(ID: byte): PHelpFile; function SearchTopicInHelpFile(F: PHelpFile; Context: THelpCtx): PTopic; function SearchTopicOwner(SourceFileID: word; Context: THelpCtx): PHelpFile; end; THelpFileOpenProc = function(const FileName,Param: string;Index : longint): PHelpFile; PHelpFileType = ^THelpFileType; THelpFileType = record OpenProc : THelpFileOpenProc; end; const TopicCacheSize : sw_integer = 10; HelpStreamBufSize : sw_integer = 4096; HelpFacility : PHelpFacility = nil; MaxHelpTopicSize : sw_word = 1024*1024; function NewTopic(FileID: byte; HelpCtx: THelpCtx; Pos: longint; Param: string; ExtData: pointer; ExtDataSize: longint): PTopic; procedure DisposeTopic(P: PTopic); procedure RenderTopic(Lines: PUnsortedStringCollection; T: PTopic); procedure BuildTopic(Lines: PUnsortedStringCollection; T: PTopic); procedure AddLinkToTopic(T: PTopic; AFileID: word; ACtx: THelpCtx); function NewIndexEntry(Tag: string; FileID: word; HelpCtx: THelpCtx): PIndexEntry; procedure DisposeIndexEntry(P: PIndexEntry); procedure DisposeRecord(var R: TRecord); procedure RegisterHelpFileType(AOpenProc: THelpFileOpenProc); function GetHelpFileTypeCount: integer; procedure GetHelpFileType(Index: sw_integer; var HT: THelpFileType); procedure DoneHelpFilesTypes; implementation uses {$ifdef Unix} baseunix, unix, {$endif Unix} {$IFDEF OS2} DosCalls, {$ENDIF OS2} {$ifdef netwlibc} Libc, {$endif} {$ifdef netware_clib} nwserv, {$endif} Strings, WConsts; type PHelpFileTypeCollection = ^THelpFileTypeCollection; THelpFileTypeCollection = object(TCollection) function At(Index: sw_Integer): PHelpFileType; procedure FreeItem(Item: Pointer); virtual; end; const HelpFileTypes : PHelpFileTypeCollection = nil; function NewHelpFileType(AOpenProc: THelpFileOpenProc): PHelpFileType; var P: PHelpFileType; begin New(P); with P^ do begin OpenProc:=AOpenProc; end; NewHelpFileType:=P; end; procedure DisposeHelpFileType(P: PHelpFileType); begin if Assigned(P) then Dispose(P); end; procedure DoneHelpFilesTypes; begin if Assigned(HelpFileTypes) then Dispose(HelpFileTypes, Done); end; function THelpFileTypeCollection.At(Index: sw_Integer): PHelpFileType; begin At:=inherited At(Index); end; procedure THelpFileTypeCollection.FreeItem(Item: Pointer); begin if Assigned(Item) then DisposeHelpFileType(Item); end; procedure RegisterHelpFileType(AOpenProc: THelpFileOpenProc); begin if not Assigned(HelpFileTypes) then New(HelpFileTypes, Init(10,10)); HelpFileTypes^.Insert(NewHelpFileType(AOpenProc)); end; function GetHelpFileTypeCount: integer; var Count: integer; begin if not Assigned(HelpFileTypes) then Count:=0 else Count:=HelpFileTypes^.Count; GetHelpFileTypeCount:=Count; end; procedure GetHelpFileType(Index: sw_integer; var HT: THelpFileType); begin HT:=HelpFileTypes^.At(Index)^; end; {$R-} {$Q-} Function GetDosTicks:longint; { returns ticks at 18.2 Hz, just like DOS } {$IFDEF OS2} const QSV_MS_COUNT = 14; var L: longint; begin DosQuerySysInfo (QSV_MS_COUNT, QSV_MS_COUNT, L, 4); GetDosTicks := L div 55; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF Unix} var tv : TimeVal; tz : TimeZone; begin fpGetTimeOfDay(@tv,@tz); GetDosTicks:=((tv.tv_Sec mod 86400) div 60)*1092+((tv.tv_Sec mod 60)*1000000+tv.tv_USec) div 54945; end; {$endif Unix} {$ifdef Windows} begin GetDosTicks:=(Windows.GetTickCount*5484) div 100; end; {$endif Windows} {$ifdef go32v2} begin GetDosTicks:=MemL[$40:$6c]; end; {$endif go32v2} {$ifdef netwlibc} var tv : TTimeVal; tz : TTimeZone; begin fpGetTimeOfDay(tv,tz); GetDosTicks:=((tv.tv_sec mod 86400) div 60)*1092+((tv.tv_Sec mod 60)*1000000+tv.tv_USec) div 549 end; {$endif} {$ifdef netware_clib} begin GetDosTicks := Nwserv.GetCurrentTicks; end; {$endif} {$ifdef amiga} begin GetDosTicks := -1; end; {$endif} {$ifdef morphos} begin GetDosTicks := -1; end; {$endif} procedure DisposeRecord(var R: TRecord); begin with R do if (Size>0) and (Data<>nil) then FreeMem(Data, Size); FillChar(R, SizeOf(R), 0); end; function NewTopic(FileID: byte; HelpCtx: THelpCtx; Pos: longint; Param: string; ExtData: pointer; ExtDataSize: longint): PTopic; var P: PTopic; begin New(P); FillChar(P^,SizeOf(P^), 0); P^.HelpCtx:=HelpCtx; P^.FileOfs:=Pos; P^.FileID:=FileID; P^.Param:=NewStr(Param); if Assigned(ExtData) and (ExtDataSize>0) then begin P^.ExtDataSize:=ExtDataSize; GetMem(P^.ExtData,ExtDataSize); Move(ExtData^,P^.ExtData^,ExtDataSize); end; New(P^.NamedMarks, Init(100,100)); NewTopic:=P; end; procedure DisposeTopic(P: PTopic); begin if P<>nil then begin if (P^.TextSize>0) and (P^.Text<>nil) then FreeMem(P^.Text,P^.TextSize); P^.Text:=nil; if {(P^.LinkCount>0) and }(P^.Links<>nil) then FreeMem(P^.Links,P^.LinkSize); P^.Links:=nil; if P^.Param<>nil then DisposeStr(P^.Param); P^.Param:=nil; if Assigned(P^.ExtData) then FreeMem(P^.ExtData); if Assigned(P^.NamedMarks) then Dispose(P^.NamedMarks, Done); P^.NamedMarks:=nil; Dispose(P); end; end; function CloneTopic(T: PTopic): PTopic; var NT: PTopic; procedure CloneMark(P: PString); begin NT^.NamedMarks^.InsertStr(GetStr(P)); end; begin New(NT); Move(T^,NT^,SizeOf(NT^)); if NT^.Text<>nil then begin GetMem(NT^.Text,NT^.TextSize); Move(T^.Text^,NT^.Text^,NT^.TextSize); end; if NT^.Links<>nil then begin GetMem(NT^.Links,NT^.LinkSize); Move(T^.Links^,NT^.Links^,NT^.LinkSize); end; if NT^.Param<>nil then NT^.Param:=NewStr(T^.Param^); if Assigned(T^.NamedMarks) then begin New(NT^.NamedMarks, Init(T^.NamedMarks^.Count,10)); T^.NamedMarks^.ForEach(@CloneMark); end; NT^.ExtDataSize:=T^.ExtDataSize; if Assigned(T^.ExtData) and (T^.ExtDataSize>0) then begin GetMem(NT^.ExtData,NT^.ExtDataSize); Move(T^.ExtData^,NT^.ExtData^,NT^.ExtDataSize); end; CloneTopic:=NT; end; procedure RenderTopic(Lines: PUnsortedStringCollection; T: PTopic); var Size,CurPtr,I,MSize: sw_word; S: string; begin CurPtr:=0; for I:=0 to Lines^.Count-1 do begin S:=GetStr(Lines^.At(I)); Size:=length(S)+1; Inc(CurPtr,Size); end; Size:=CurPtr; T^.TextSize:=Size; GetMem(T^.Text,T^.TextSize); CurPtr:=0; for I:=0 to Lines^.Count-1 do begin S:=GetStr(Lines^.At(I)); Size:=length(S); MSize:=Size; if CurPtr+Size>=T^.TextSize then MSize:=T^.TextSize-CurPtr; Move(S[1],PByteArray(T^.Text)^[CurPtr],MSize); if MSize<>Size then Break; Inc(CurPtr,Size); PByteArray(T^.Text)^[CurPtr]:=ord(hscLineBreak); Inc(CurPtr); if CurPtr>=T^.TextSize then Break; end; end; procedure BuildTopic(Lines: PUnsortedStringCollection; T: PTopic); var Size,CurPtr,MSize: sw_word; I: sw_integer; S: string; begin CurPtr:=0; for I:=0 to Lines^.Count-1 do begin S:=GetStr(Lines^.At(I)); Size:=length(S); Inc(CurPtr,Size); end; Size:=CurPtr; T^.TextSize:=Size; GetMem(T^.Text,T^.TextSize); CurPtr:=0; for I:=0 to Lines^.Count-1 do begin S:=GetStr(Lines^.At(I)); Size:=length(S); MSize:=Size; if Size>0 then begin if CurPtr+Size>=T^.TextSize then MSize:=T^.TextSize-CurPtr; Move(S[1],PByteArray(T^.Text)^[CurPtr],MSize); if MSize<>Size then Break; Inc(CurPtr,Size); end; if CurPtr>=T^.TextSize then Break; end; end; procedure AddLinkToTopic(T: PTopic; AFileID: word; ACtx: THelpCtx); var NewSize: word; NewPtr: pointer; begin NewSize:=longint(T^.LinkCount+1)*sizeof(T^.Links^[0]); GetMem(NewPtr,NewSize); if Assigned(T^.Links) then begin Move(T^.Links^,NewPtr^,T^.LinkSize); FreeMem(T^.Links,T^.LinkSize); end; T^.Links:=NewPtr; with T^.Links^[T^.LinkCount] do begin FileID:=AFileID; Context:=ACtx; end; Inc(T^.LinkCount); end; function NewIndexEntry(Tag: string; FileID: word; HelpCtx: THelpCtx): PIndexEntry; var P: PIndexEntry; begin New(P); FillChar(P^,SizeOf(P^), 0); P^.Tag:=NewStr(Tag); P^.FileID:=FileID; P^.HelpCtx:=HelpCtx; NewIndexEntry:=P; end; procedure DisposeIndexEntry(P: PIndexEntry); begin if P<>nil then begin if P^.Tag<>nil then DisposeStr(P^.Tag); Dispose(P); end; end; function TTopic.LinkSize: sw_word; begin LinkSize:=LinkCount*SizeOf(Links^[0]); end; function TTopic.GetNamedMarkIndex(const MarkName: string): sw_integer; var I,Index: sw_integer; begin Index:=-1; if Assigned(NamedMarks) then for I:=0 to NamedMarks^.Count-1 do if CompareText(GetStr(NamedMarks^.At(I)),MarkName)=0 then begin Index:=I; Break; end; GetNamedMarkIndex:=Index; end; function TTopicCollection.At(Index: sw_Integer): PTopic; begin At:=inherited At(Index); end; procedure TTopicCollection.FreeItem(Item: Pointer); begin if Item<>nil then DisposeTopic(Item); end; function TTopicCollection.Compare(Key1, Key2: Pointer): Sw_Integer; var K1: PTopic absolute Key1; K2: PTopic absolute Key2; R: Sw_integer; begin if K1^.HelpCtxK2^.HelpCtx then R:= 1 else R:=0; Compare:=R; end; function TTopicCollection.SearchTopic(AHelpCtx: THelpCtx): PTopic; var T: TTopic; P: PTopic; Index: sw_integer; begin T.HelpCtx:=AHelpCtx; if Search(@T,Index) then P:=At(Index) else P:=nil; SearchTopic:=P; end; function TIndexEntryCollection.At(Index: Sw_Integer): PIndexEntry; begin At:=inherited At(Index); end; procedure TIndexEntryCollection.FreeItem(Item: Pointer); begin if Item<>nil then DisposeIndexEntry(Item); end; function TUnsortedIndexEntryCollection.At(Index: Sw_Integer): PIndexEntry; begin At:=inherited At(Index); end; procedure TUnsortedIndexEntryCollection.FreeItem(Item: Pointer); begin if Item<>nil then DisposeIndexEntry(Item); end; function TIndexEntryCollection.Compare(Key1, Key2: Pointer): Sw_Integer; var K1: PIndexEntry absolute Key1; K2: PIndexEntry absolute Key2; R: Sw_integer; S1,S2: string; T1,T2 : PTopic; begin S1:=UpcaseStr(K1^.Tag^); S2:=UpcaseStr(K2^.Tag^); if S1S2 then begin Compare:=1; exit; end; (* if assigned(HelpFacility) then begin { Try to read the title of the topic } T1:=HelpFacility^.LoadTopic(K1^.FileID,K1^.HelpCtx); T2:=HelpFacility^.LoadTopic(K2^.FileID,K2^.HelpCtx); if assigned(T1^.Text) and assigned(T2^.Text) then r:=strcomp(pchar(T1^.Text),pchar(T2^.Text)) else r:=0; if r>0 then begin Compare:=1; exit; end; if r<0 then begin Compare:=-1; exit; end; end; *) if K1^.FileIDK2^.FileID then R:= 1 else if K1^.HelpCtxK2^.HelpCtx then r:=1 else R:=0; Compare:=R; end; constructor THelpFile.Init(AID: word); begin inherited Init; ID:=AID; New(Topics, Init(2000,1000)); New(IndexEntries, Init(2000,1000)); end; procedure THelpFile.AddTopic(HelpCtx: THelpCtx; Pos: longint; const Param: string; ExtData: pointer; ExtDataSize: longint); begin Topics^.Insert(NewTopic(ID,HelpCtx,Pos,Param,ExtData,ExtDataSize)); end; procedure THelpFile.AddIndexEntry(const Text: string; AHelpCtx: THelpCtx); begin IndexEntries^.Insert(NewIndexEntry(Text,ID,AHelpCtx)); end; function THelpFile.LoadTopic(HelpCtx: THelpCtx): PTopic; var T: PTopic; begin T:=SearchTopic(HelpCtx); if (T<>nil) then if T^.Text=nil then begin MaintainTopicCache; if ReadTopic(T)=false then T:=nil; if (T<>nil) and (T^.Text=nil) then T:=nil; end; if T<>nil then begin T^.LastAccess:=GetDosTicks; T:=CloneTopic(T); end; LoadTopic:=T; end; function THelpFile.LoadIndex: boolean; begin Abstract; LoadIndex:=false; { remove warning } end; function THelpFile.SearchTopic(HelpCtx: THelpCtx): PTopic; var T: PTopic; begin T:=Topics^.SearchTopic(HelpCtx); SearchTopic:=T; end; function THelpFile.ReadTopic(T: PTopic): boolean; begin Abstract; ReadTopic:=false; { remove warning } end; function THelpFile.GetTopicInfo(T: PTopic) : string; begin Abstract; GetTopicInfo:=''; { remove warning } end; procedure THelpFile.MaintainTopicCache; var Count: sw_integer; MinLRU: longint; procedure CountThem(P: PTopic); begin if (P^.Text<>nil) or (P^.Links<>nil) then Inc(Count); end; procedure SearchLRU(P: PTopic); begin if P^.LastAccess=TopicCacheSize) then begin MinLRU:=MaxLongint; P:=nil; Topics^.ForEach(@SearchLRU); if P<>nil then begin FreeMem(P^.Text,P^.TextSize); P^.TextSize:=0; P^.Text:=nil; FreeMem(P^.Links,P^.LinkSize); P^.LinkCount:=0; P^.Links:=nil; end; end; end; destructor THelpFile.Done; begin if Topics<>nil then Dispose(Topics, Done); if IndexEntries<>nil then Dispose(IndexEntries, Done); inherited Done; end; constructor THelpFacility.Init; begin inherited Init; New(HelpFiles, Init(10,10)); IndexTabSize:=40; end; function THelpFacility.AddFile(const FileName, Param: string): PHelpFile; var H: PHelpFile; OK: boolean; I: integer; HT: THelpFileType; begin OK:=false; H:=nil; for I:=0 to GetHelpFileTypeCount-1 do begin GetHelpFileType(I,HT); H:=HT.OpenProc(FileName,Param,LastID+1); if Assigned(H) then Break; end; if Assigned(H) then OK:=AddHelpFile(H); if (not OK) and Assigned(H) then begin Dispose(H, Done); H:=nil; end; AddFile:=H; end; function THelpFacility.AddHelpFile(H: PHelpFile): boolean; begin if H<>nil then begin HelpFiles^.Insert(H); Inc(LastID); { H^.ID:=LastID; now already set by OpenProc PM } end; AddHelpFile:=H<>nil; end; function THelpFacility.SearchTopicOwner(SourceFileID: word; Context: THelpCtx): PHelpFile; var P: PTopic; HelpFile: PHelpFile; function Search(F: PHelpFile): boolean; begin P:=SearchTopicInHelpFile(F,Context); if P<>nil then HelpFile:=F; Search:=P<>nil; end; begin HelpFile:=nil; if SourceFileID=0 then P:=nil else begin HelpFile:=SearchFile(SourceFileID); P:=SearchTopicInHelpFile(HelpFile,Context); end; if P=nil then HelpFiles^.FirstThat(@Search); if P=nil then HelpFile:=nil; SearchTopicOwner:=HelpFile; end; function THelpFacility.LoadTopic(SourceFileID: word; Context: THelpCtx): PTopic; var P: PTopic; H: PHelpFile; begin if (SourceFileID=0) and (Context=0) then P:=BuildIndexTopic else begin H:=SearchTopicOwner(SourceFileID,Context); if (H=nil) then P:=nil else P:=H^.LoadTopic(Context); end; LoadTopic:=P; end; function THelpFacility.GetTopicInfo(SourceFileID: word; Context: THelpCtx) : string; var P: PTopic; H: PHelpFile; begin if (SourceFileID=0) and (Context=0) then begin P:=BuildIndexTopic; end else begin H:=SearchTopicOwner(SourceFileID,Context); if (H=nil) then P:=nil else P:=H^.SearchTopic(Context); end; If not assigned(P) then GetTopicInfo:='Not found' else GetTopicInfo:=H^.GetTopicInfo(P); end; function THelpFacility.TopicSearch(Keyword: string; var FileID: word; var Context: THelpCtx): boolean; function ScanHelpFileExact(H: PHelpFile): boolean; function SearchExact(P: PIndexEntry): boolean; begin SearchExact:=UpcaseStr(P^.Tag^)=Keyword; end; var P: PIndexEntry; begin H^.LoadIndex; P:=H^.IndexEntries^.FirstThat(@SearchExact); if P<>nil then begin FileID:=H^.ID; Context:=P^.HelpCtx; end; ScanHelpFileExact:=P<>nil; end; function ScanHelpFile(H: PHelpFile): boolean; function Search(P: PIndexEntry): boolean; begin Search:=copy(UpcaseStr(P^.Tag^),1,length(Keyword))=Keyword; end; var P: PIndexEntry; begin H^.LoadIndex; P:=H^.IndexEntries^.FirstThat(@Search); if P<>nil then begin FileID:=H^.ID; Context:=P^.HelpCtx; end; ScanHelpFile:=P<>nil; end; var PH : PHelpFile; begin Keyword:=UpcaseStr(Keyword); PH:=HelpFiles^.FirstThat(@ScanHelpFileExact); if not assigned(PH) then PH:=HelpFiles^.FirstThat(@ScanHelpFile); TopicSearch:=PH<>nil; end; function THelpFacility.BuildIndexTopic: PTopic; var T: PTopic; Keywords: PIndexEntryCollection; Lines: PUnsortedStringCollection; procedure InsertKeywordsOfFile(H: PHelpFile); function InsertKeywords(P: PIndexEntry): boolean; begin Keywords^.Insert(P); InsertKeywords:=Keywords^.Count>=MaxCollectionSize; end; begin H^.LoadIndex; if Keywords^.Count'' then AddLine(Line); Line:=''; end; var KWCount,NLFlag: sw_integer; LastFirstChar: char; procedure NewSection(FirstChar: char); begin if FirstChar<=#64 then FirstChar:=#32; FlushLine; AddLine(''); AddLine(FirstChar); AddLine(''); LastFirstChar:=FirstChar; NLFlag:=0; end; function FormatAlias(Alias: string): string; var StartP,EndP: sw_integer; begin repeat StartP:=Pos(' ',Alias); if StartP>0 then begin EndP:=StartP; while (EndP+1<=length(Alias)) and (Alias[EndP+1]=' ') do Inc(EndP); Alias:=copy(Alias,1,StartP-1)+' | '+copy(Alias,EndP+1,High(Alias)); end; until StartP=0; if Assigned(HelpFacility) then if length(Alias)>IndexTabSize-4 then Alias:=Trim(copy(Alias,1,IndexTabSize-4-2))+'..'; FormatAlias:=Alias; end; procedure AddKeyword(KWS: string); begin Inc(KWCount); if KWCount=1 then NLFlag:=0; if (KWCount=1) or ( (Upcase(KWS[1])<>LastFirstChar) and ( (LastFirstChar>#64) or (KWS[1]>#64) ) ) then NewSection(Upcase(KWS[1])); KWS:=FormatAlias(KWS); if (NLFlag mod 2)=0 then Line:=' '+#2+KWS+#2 else begin Line:=RExpand(Line,IndexTabSize)+#2+KWS+#2; FlushLine; end; Inc(NLFlag); end; var KW: PIndexEntry; I,p : sw_integer; IsMultiple : boolean; MultiCount : longint; St,LastTag : String; begin New(Keywords, Init(5000,5000)); HelpFiles^.ForEach(@InsertKeywordsOfFile); New(Lines, Init((Keywords^.Count div 2)+100,1000)); T:=NewTopic(0,0,0,'',nil,0); if HelpFiles^.Count=0 then begin AddLine(''); AddLine(msg_nohelpfilesinstalled1); AddLine(msg_nohelpfilesinstalled2); AddLine(msg_nohelpfilesinstalled3); AddLine(msg_nohelpfilesinstalled4); AddLine(msg_nohelpfilesinstalled5); end else begin AddLine(' '+msg_helpindex); KWCount:=0; Line:=''; T^.LinkCount:=Min(Keywords^.Count,MaxBytes div sizeof(T^.Links^[0])-1); GetMem(T^.Links,T^.LinkSize); MultiCount:=0; LastTag:=''; for I:=0 to T^.LinkCount-1 do begin KW:=Keywords^.At(I); if (LastTag<>KW^.Tag^) then Begin MultiCount:=0; IsMultiple:=(I