{ This file is part of the Free Pascal Integrated Development Environment Copyright (c) 1998 by B‚rczi G bor Reading and writing .INI files See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} unit WINI; interface uses Objects; type PINIEntry = ^TINIEntry; TINIEntry = object(TObject) constructor Init(const ALine: string); function GetText: string; function GetTag: string; function GetComment: string; function GetValue: string; procedure SetValue(const S: string); destructor Done; virtual; private TagHash : Cardinal; Tag : PString; Value : PString; Comment : PString; Text : PString; Modified : boolean; procedure Split; end; PINISection = ^TINISection; TINISection = object(TObject) constructor Init(const AName: string); function GetName: string; function AddEntry(const S: string): PINIEntry; function SearchEntry(Tag: string): PINIEntry; virtual; procedure DeleteEntry(Tag: string); procedure ForEachEntry(EnumProc: pointer); virtual; destructor Done; virtual; private NameHash : Cardinal; Name : PString; Entries : PCollection; end; PINIFile = ^TINIFile; TINIFile = object(TObject) MakeNullEntries: boolean; constructor Init(const AFileName: string); function GetFileName: string; function Read: boolean; virtual; function Update: boolean; virtual; function IsModified: boolean; virtual; function SearchSection(Section: string): PINISection; virtual; function SearchEntry(const Section, Tag: string): PINIEntry; virtual; procedure ForEachSection(EnumProc: pointer); virtual; procedure ForEachEntry(const Section: string; EnumProc: pointer); virtual; function GetEntry(const Section, Tag, Default: string): string; virtual; procedure SetEntry(const Section, Tag, Value: string); virtual; function GetIntEntry(const Section, Tag: string; Default: longint): longint; virtual; procedure SetIntEntry(const Section, Tag: string; Value: longint); virtual; procedure DeleteSection(const Section: string); virtual; procedure DeleteEntry(const Section, Tag: string); destructor Done; virtual; private { ReadOnly: boolean;} Sections: PCollection; FileName: PString; end; const MainSectionName : string[40] = 'MainSection'; CommentChar : char = ';'; ValidStrDelimiters: set of char = ['''','"']; implementation uses WUtils; {$IFOPT Q+} {$Q-} {$DEFINE REENABLE_Q} {$ENDIF} function CalcHash(const s: String): Cardinal; var i: integer; begin CalcHash := 0; for i := 1 to Length(s) do CalcHash := CalcHash shl 9 - CalcHash shl 4 + Ord(S[I]); end; {$IFDEF REENABLE_Q} {$Q+} {$ENDIF} constructor TINIEntry.Init(const ALine: string); begin inherited Init; Text:=NewStr(ALine); Split; end; function TINIEntry.GetText: string; var S,CoS: string; begin if Text=nil then begin CoS:=GetComment; S:=GetTag+'='+GetValue; if Trim(S)='=' then S:=CoS else if CoS<>'' then S:=S+' '+CommentChar+' '+CoS; end else S:=Text^; GetText:=S; end; function TINIEntry.GetTag: string; begin GetTag:=GetStr(Tag); end; function TINIEntry.GetComment: string; begin GetComment:=GetStr(Comment); end; function TINIEntry.GetValue: string; begin GetValue:=GetStr(Value); end; procedure TINIEntry.SetValue(const S: string); begin if GetValue<>S then begin if Text<>nil then DisposeStr(Text); Text:=nil; if Value<>nil then DisposeStr(Value); Value:=NewStr(S); Modified:=true; end; end; procedure TINIEntry.Split; var S,ValueS: string; P,P2,StartP: longint; { using byte for P2 lead to infinite loops PM } C: char; InString: boolean; Delimiter: char; begin S:=GetText; Delimiter:=#0; P:=Pos('=',S); P2:=Pos(CommentChar,S); if (P2<>0) and (P20 then begin Tag:=NewStr(copy(S,1,P-1)); TagHash:=CalcHash(UpcaseStr(Tag^)); P2:=P+1; InString:=false; ValueS:=''; StartP:=P2; while (P2<=length(S)) do begin C:=S[P2]; if (P2=StartP) and (C in ValidStrDelimiters) then begin Delimiter:=C; InString:=true; end else if C=Delimiter then InString:=not InString else if (C=CommentChar) and (InString=false) then Break else ValueS:=ValueS+C; Inc(P2); end; Value:=NewStr(Trim(ValueS)); Comment:=NewStr(copy(S,P2+1,High(S))); end else begin Tag:=nil; TagHash:=0; Value:=nil; Comment:=NewStr(S); end; end; destructor TINIEntry.Done; begin inherited Done; if Text<>nil then DisposeStr(Text); if Tag<>nil then DisposeStr(Tag); if Value<>nil then DisposeStr(Value); if Comment<>nil then DisposeStr(Comment); end; constructor TINISection.Init(const AName: string); begin inherited Init; Name:=NewStr(AName); NameHash:=CalcHash(UpcaseStr(AName)); New(Entries, Init(50,500)); end; function TINISection.GetName: string; begin GetName:=GetStr(Name); end; function TINISection.AddEntry(const S: string): PINIEntry; var E: PINIEntry; begin New(E, Init(S)); Entries^.Insert(E); AddEntry:=E; end; procedure TINIFile.ForEachSection(EnumProc: pointer); var I: Sw_integer; S: PINISection; begin for I:=0 to Sections^.Count-1 do begin S:=Sections^.At(I); CallPointerLocal(EnumProc,get_caller_frame(get_frame),S); end; end; procedure TINISection.ForEachEntry(EnumProc: pointer); var I: integer; E: PINIEntry; begin for I:=0 to Entries^.Count-1 do begin E:=Entries^.At(I); CallPointerLocal(EnumProc,get_caller_frame(get_frame),E); end; end; function TINISection.SearchEntry(Tag: string): PINIEntry; var P : PINIEntry; I : Sw_integer; Hash : Cardinal; begin SearchEntry:=nil; Tag:=UpcaseStr(Tag); Hash:=CalcHash(Tag); for I:=0 to Entries^.Count-1 do begin P:=Entries^.At(I); if (P^.TagHash=Hash) and (UpcaseStr(P^.GetTag)=Tag) then begin SearchEntry:=P; break; end; end; end; procedure TINISection.DeleteEntry(Tag: string); var P : PIniEntry; begin P:=SearchEntry(Tag); if assigned(P) then Entries^.Free(P); end; destructor TINISection.Done; begin inherited Done; if Name<>nil then DisposeStr(Name); Dispose(Entries, Done); end; constructor TINIFile.Init(const AFileName: string); begin inherited Init; FileName:=NewStr(AFileName); New(Sections, Init(50,50)); Read; end; function TINIFile.GetFileName: string; begin GetFileName:=GetStr(FileName); end; function TINIFile.Read: boolean; var f: text; OK: boolean; S,TS: string; P: PINISection; I: integer; begin New(P, Init(MainSectionName)); Sections^.Insert(P); Assign(f,FileName^); {$I-} Reset(f); OK:=EatIO=0; while OK and (Eof(f)=false) do begin readln(f,S); TS:=Trim(S); OK:=EatIO=0; if OK then if TS<>'' then if copy(TS,1,1)='[' then begin I:=Pos(']',TS); if I=0 then I:=length(TS)+1; New(P, Init(copy(TS,2,I-2))); Sections^.Insert(P); end else begin P^.AddEntry(S); end; end; Close(f); EatIO; {$I+} Read:=true; end; function TINIFile.IsModified: boolean; function SectionModified(P: PINISection): boolean; function EntryModified(E: PINIEntry): boolean; begin EntryModified:=E^.Modified; end; begin SectionModified:=(P^.Entries^.FirstThat(@EntryModified)<>nil); end; begin IsModified:=(Sections^.FirstThat(@SectionModified)<>nil); end; function TINIFile.Update: boolean; var f: text; OK: boolean; P: PINISection; E: PINIEntry; I,J: integer; begin Assign(f,FileName^); {$I-} Rewrite(f); OK:=EatIO=0; if OK then for I:=0 to Sections^.Count-1 do begin P:=Sections^.At(I); if I<>0 then writeln(f,'['+P^.GetName+']'); for J:=0 to P^.Entries^.Count-1 do begin E:=P^.Entries^.At(J); writeln(f,E^.GetText); OK:=EatIO=0; if OK=false then Break; end; if OK and ((I>0) or (P^.Entries^.Count>0)) and (Inil then for I:=0 to P^.Entries^.Count-1 do begin E:=P^.Entries^.At(I); CallPointerMethodLocal(EnumProc,get_frame,@Self,E); end; end; function TINIFile.GetEntry(const Section, Tag, Default: string): string; var E: PINIEntry; S: string; begin E:=SearchEntry(Section,Tag); if E=nil then S:=Default else S:=E^.GetValue; GetEntry:=S; end; procedure TINIFile.SetEntry(const Section, Tag, Value: string); var E: PINIEntry; P: PINISection; begin E:=SearchEntry(Section,Tag); if E=nil then if (MakeNullEntries=true) or (Value<>'') then begin P:=SearchSection(Section); if P=nil then begin New(P, Init(Section)); Sections^.Insert(P); end; E:=P^.AddEntry(Tag+'='+Value); E^.Modified:=true; end; if E<>nil then E^.SetValue(Value); end; function TINIFile.GetIntEntry(const Section, Tag: string; Default: longint): longint; var L: longint; begin L:=StrToInt(GetEntry(Section,Tag,IntToStr(Default))); if LastStrToIntResult<>0 then L:=Default; GetIntEntry:=L; end; procedure TINIFile.SetIntEntry(const Section, Tag: string; Value: longint); begin SetEntry(Section,Tag,IntToStr(Value)); end; procedure TINIFile.DeleteSection(const Section: string); var P: PINISection; begin P:=SearchSection(Section); if P<>nil then Sections^.Free(P); end; procedure TINIFile.DeleteEntry(const Section, Tag: string); var P: PINISection; begin P:=SearchSection(Section); if P<>nil then P^.DeleteEntry(Tag); end; destructor TINIFile.Done; begin if IsModified then Update; inherited Done; if FileName<>nil then DisposeStr(FileName); Dispose(Sections, Done); end; END.