{ This file is part of the Free Pascal Integrated Development Environment Copyright (c) 1998 by Berczi Gabor See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} unit WUtils; interface {$ifndef FPC} {$define TPUNIXLF} {$endif} uses {$ifdef Windows} windows, {$endif Windows} {$ifdef netwlibc} libc, {$else} {$ifdef netware} nwserv, {$endif} {$endif} {$ifdef Unix} {$ifdef VER1_0} linux, {$else} baseunix, unix, {$endif} {$endif Unix} Dos,Objects; const kbCtrlGrayPlus = $9000; kbCtrlGrayMinus = $8e00; kbCtrlGrayMul = $9600; TempFirstChar = {$ifndef Unix}'~'{$else}'_'{$endif}; TempExt = '.tmp'; TempNameLen = 8; EOL : String[2] = {$ifdef Unix}#10;{$else}#13#10;{$endif} type PByteArray = ^TByteArray; TByteArray = array[0..MaxBytes] of byte; PNoDisposeCollection = ^TNoDisposeCollection; TNoDisposeCollection = object(TCollection) procedure FreeItem(Item: Pointer); virtual; end; PUnsortedStringCollection = ^TUnsortedStringCollection; TUnsortedStringCollection = object(TCollection) constructor CreateFrom(ALines: PUnsortedStringCollection); procedure Assign(ALines: PUnsortedStringCollection); function At(Index: Sw_Integer): PString; procedure FreeItem(Item: Pointer); virtual; function GetItem(var S: TStream): Pointer; virtual; procedure PutItem(var S: TStream; Item: Pointer); virtual; procedure InsertStr(const S: string); end; PNulStream = ^TNulStream; TNulStream = object(TStream) constructor Init; function GetPos: Longint; virtual; function GetSize: Longint; virtual; procedure Read(var Buf; Count: Word); virtual; procedure Seek(Pos: Longint); virtual; procedure Write(var Buf; Count: Word); virtual; end; PSubStream = ^TSubStream; TSubStream = object(TStream) constructor Init(AStream: PStream; AStartPos, ASize: longint); function GetPos: Longint; virtual; function GetSize: Longint; virtual; procedure Read(var Buf; Count: Word); virtual; procedure Seek(Pos: Longint); virtual; procedure Write(var Buf; Count: Word); virtual; private StartPos: longint; S : PStream; end; PFastBufStream = ^TFastBufStream; TFastBufStream = object(TBufStream) constructor Init (FileName: FNameStr; Mode, Size: Word); procedure Seek(Pos: Longint); virtual; procedure Readline(var s:string;var linecomplete,hasCR : boolean); private BasePos: longint; end; PTextCollection = ^TTextCollection; TTextCollection = object(TStringCollection) function LookUp(const S: string; var Idx: sw_integer): string; function Compare(Key1, Key2: Pointer): sw_Integer; virtual; end; PIntCollection = ^TIntCollection; TIntCollection = object(TSortedCollection) function Compare(Key1, Key2: Pointer): sw_Integer; virtual; procedure FreeItem(Item: Pointer); virtual; procedure Add(Item: ptrint); function Contains(Item: ptrint): boolean; function AtInt(Index: sw_integer): ptrint; end; {$ifdef TPUNIXLF} procedure readln(var t:text;var s:string); {$endif} procedure ReadlnFromStream(Stream: PStream; var s:string;var linecomplete,hasCR : boolean); function eofstream(s: pstream): boolean; procedure ReadlnFromFile(var f : file; var S:string; var linecomplete,hasCR : boolean; BreakOnSpacesOnly : boolean); function Min(A,B: longint): longint; function Max(A,B: longint): longint; function CharStr(C: char; Count: integer): string; function UpcaseStr(const S: string): string; function LowCase(C: char): char; function LowcaseStr(S: string): string; function RExpand(const S: string; MinLen: byte): string; function LExpand(const S: string; MinLen: byte): string; function LTrim(const S: string): string; function RTrim(const S: string): string; function Trim(const S: string): string; function IntToStr(L: longint): string; function IntToStrL(L: longint; MinLen: sw_integer): string; function IntToStrZ(L: longint; MinLen: sw_integer): string; function StrToInt(const S: string): longint; function StrToCard(const S: string): cardinal; function FloatToStr(D: Double; Decimals: byte): string; function FloatToStrL(D: Double; Decimals: byte; MinLen: byte): string; function GetStr(P: PString): string; function GetPChar(P: PChar): string; function BoolToStr(B: boolean; const TrueS, FalseS: string): string; function LExtendString(S: string; MinLen: byte): string; function DirOf(const S: string): string; function ExtOf(const S: string): string; function NameOf(const S: string): string; function NameAndExtOf(const S: string): string; function DirAndNameOf(const S: string): string; { return Dos GetFTime value or -1 if the file does not exist } function GetFileTime(const FileName: string): longint; { copied from compiler global unit } function GetShortName(const n:string):string; function GetLongName(const n:string):string; function TrimEndSlash(const Path: string): string; function CompleteDir(const Path: string): string; function GetCurDir: string; function OptimizePath(Path: string; MaxLen: integer): string; function CompareText(S1, S2: string): integer; function ExistsDir(const DirName: string): boolean; function ExistsFile(const FileName: string): boolean; function SizeOfFile(const FileName: string): longint; function DeleteFile(const FileName: string): integer; function CopyFile(const SrcFileName, DestFileName: string): boolean; function GenTempFileName: string; function FormatPath(Path: string): string; function CompletePath(const Base, InComplete: string): string; function CompleteURL(const Base, URLRef: string): string; function EatIO: integer; function Now: longint; function FormatDateTimeL(L: longint; const Format: string): string; function FormatDateTime(const D: DateTime; const Format: string): string; {$ifdef TP} function StrPas(C: PChar): string; {$endif} function MemToStr(var B; Count: byte): string; procedure StrToMem(S: string; var B); const LastStrToIntResult : integer = 0; LastHexToIntResult : integer = 0; LastStrToCardResult : integer = 0; LastHexToCardResult : integer = 0; DirSep : char = {$ifdef Unix}'/'{$else}'\'{$endif}; UseOldBufStreamMethod : boolean = false; procedure RegisterWUtils; Procedure WUtilsDebugMessage(AFileName, AText : string; ALine, APos : sw_word); type TDebugMessage = procedure(AFileName, AText : string; ALine, APos : sw_word); Const DebugMessage : TDebugMessage = @WUtilsDebugMessage; implementation uses {$IFDEF OS2} DosCalls, {$ENDIF OS2} Strings; {$ifndef NOOBJREG} const SpaceStr = ' '+ ' '+ ' '+ ' ' ; RUnsortedStringCollection: TStreamRec = ( ObjType: 22500; VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TUnsortedStringCollection)^); Load: @TUnsortedStringCollection.Load; Store: @TUnsortedStringCollection.Store ); {$endif} {$ifdef TPUNIXLF} procedure readln(var t:text;var s:string); var c : char; i : longint; begin if TextRec(t).UserData[1]=2 then system.readln(t,s) else begin c:=#0; i:=0; while (not eof(t)) and (c<>#10) and (i#10 then begin inc(i); s[i]:=c; end; end; if (i>0) and (s[i]=#13) then begin dec(i); TextRec(t).UserData[1]:=2; end; s[0]:=chr(i); end; end; {$endif} function eofstream(s: pstream): boolean; begin eofstream:=(s^.getpos>=s^.getsize); end; procedure ReadlnFromStream(Stream: PStream; var S:string;var linecomplete,hasCR : boolean); var c : char; i,pos : longint; begin linecomplete:=false; c:=#0; i:=0; { this created problems for lines longer than 255 characters now those lines are cutted into pieces without warning PM } { changed implicit 255 to High(S), so it will be automatically extended when longstrings eventually become default - Gabor } while (not eofstream(stream)) and (c<>#10) and (i#10 then begin inc(i); s[i]:=c; end; end; { if there was a CR LF then remove the CR Dos newline style } if (i>0) and (s[i]=#13) then begin dec(i); end; if (c=#13) and (not eofstream(stream)) then stream^.read(c,sizeof(c)); if (i=High(S)) and not eofstream(stream) then begin pos:=stream^.getpos; stream^.read(c,sizeof(c)); if (c=#13) and not eofstream(stream) then stream^.read(c,sizeof(c)); if c<>#10 then stream^.seek(pos); end; if (c=#10) or eofstream(stream) then linecomplete:=true; if (c=#10) then hasCR:=true; s[0]:=chr(i); end; procedure ReadlnFromFile(var f : file; var S:string; var linecomplete,hasCR : boolean; BreakOnSpacesOnly : boolean); var c : char; i,pos, lastspacepos,LastSpaceFilePos : longint; {$ifdef DEBUG} filename: string; {$endif DEBUG} begin LastSpacePos:=0; linecomplete:=false; c:=#0; i:=0; { this created problems for lines longer than 255 characters now those lines are cutted into pieces without warning PM } { changed implicit 255 to High(S), so it will be automatically extended when longstrings eventually become default - Gabor } while (not eof(f)) and (c<>#10) and (i#10 then begin inc(i); s[i]:=c; end; if BreakOnSpacesOnly and (c=' ') then begin LastSpacePos:=i; LastSpaceFilePos:=system.filepos(f); end; end; { if there was a CR LF then remove the CR Dos newline style } if (i>0) and (s[i]=#13) then begin dec(i); end; if (c=#13) and (not eof(f)) then system.blockread(f,c,sizeof(c)); if (i=High(S)) and not eof(f) then begin pos:=system.filepos(f); system.blockread(f,c,sizeof(c)); if (c=#13) and not eof(f) then system.blockread(f,c,sizeof(c)); if c<>#10 then system.seek(f,pos); if (c<>' ') and (c<>#10) and BreakOnSpacesOnly and (LastSpacePos>1) then begin {$ifdef DEBUG} s[0]:=chr(i); filename:=strpas(@(filerec(f).Name)); DebugMessage(filename,'s='+s,1,1); {$endif DEBUG} i:=LastSpacePos; {$ifdef DEBUG} s[0]:=chr(i); DebugMessage(filename,'reduced to '+s,1,1); {$endif DEBUG} system.seek(f,LastSpaceFilePos); end; end; if (c=#10) or eof(f) then linecomplete:=true; if (c=#10) then hasCR:=true; s[0]:=chr(i); end; {$ifdef TP} { TP's own StrPas() is buggy, because it causes GPF with strings longer than 255 chars } function StrPas(C: PChar): string; var S: string; I: longint; begin if Assigned(C)=false then S:='' else begin I:=StrLen(C); if I>High(S) then I:=High(S); S[0]:=chr(I); Move(C^,S[1],I); end; StrPas:=S; end; {$endif} function MemToStr(var B; Count: byte): string; var S: string; begin S[0]:=chr(Count); if Count>0 then Move(B,S[1],Count); MemToStr:=S; end; procedure StrToMem(S: string; var B); begin if length(S)>0 then Move(S[1],B,length(S)); end; function Max(A,B: longint): longint; begin if A>B then Max:=A else Max:=B; end; function Min(A,B: longint): longint; begin if A255 then Count:=255; {$ifdef FPC} CharStr[0]:=chr(Count); FillChar(CharStr[1],Count,C); {$else} S[0]:=chr(Count); FillChar(S[1],Count,C); CharStr:=S; {$endif} end; function UpcaseStr(const S: string): string; var I: Longint; begin for I:=1 to length(S) do if S[I] in ['a'..'z'] then UpCaseStr[I]:=chr(ord(S[I])-32) else UpCaseStr[I]:=S[I]; UpcaseStr[0]:=S[0]; end; function RExpand(const S: string; MinLen: byte): string; begin if length(S)0) and (s[i]=' ') do dec(i); RTrim:=Copy(s,1,i); end; function Trim(const S: string): string; var i,j : longint; begin i:=1; while (i0) and (s[j]=' ') do dec(j); Trim:=Copy(S,i,j-i+1); end; function IntToStr(L: longint): string; var S: string; begin Str(L,S); IntToStr:=S; end; function IntToStrL(L: longint; MinLen: sw_integer): string; begin IntToStrL:=LExpand(IntToStr(L),MinLen); end; function IntToStrZ(L: longint; MinLen: sw_integer): string; var S: string; begin S:=IntToStr(L); if length(S)0 then L:=-1; LastStrToIntResult:=C; StrToInt:=L; end; function StrToCard(const S: string): cardinal; var L: cardinal; C: integer; begin Val(S,L,C); if C<>0 then L:=$ffffffff; LastStrToCardResult:=C; StrToCard:=L; end; function FloatToStr(D: Double; Decimals: byte): string; var S: string; L: byte; begin Str(D:0:Decimals,S); if length(S)>0 then while (S[1]=' ') do Delete(S,1,1); FloatToStr:=S; end; function FloatToStrL(D: Double; Decimals: byte; MinLen: byte): string; begin FloatToStrL:=LExtendString(FloatToStr(D,Decimals),MinLen); end; function LExtendString(S: string; MinLen: byte): string; begin LExtendString:=copy(SpaceStr,1,MinLen-length(S))+S; end; function GetStr(P: PString): string; begin if P=nil then GetStr:='' else GetStr:=P^; end; function GetPChar(P: PChar): string; begin if P=nil then GetPChar:='' else GetPChar:=StrPas(P); end; function DirOf(const S: string): string; var D: DirStr; E: ExtStr; N: NameStr; begin FSplit(S,D,N,E); if (D<>'') and (D[Length(D)]<>DirSep) then DirOf:=D+DirSep else DirOf:=D; end; function ExtOf(const S: string): string; var D: DirStr; E: ExtStr; N: NameStr; begin FSplit(S,D,N,E); ExtOf:=E; end; function NameOf(const S: string): string; var D: DirStr; E: ExtStr; N: NameStr; begin FSplit(S,D,N,E); NameOf:=N; end; function NameAndExtOf(const S: string): string; var D: DirStr; E: ExtStr; N: NameStr; begin FSplit(S,D,N,E); NameAndExtOf:=N+E; end; function DirAndNameOf(const S: string): string; var D: DirStr; E: ExtStr; N: NameStr; begin FSplit(S,D,N,E); DirAndNameOf:=D+N; end; { return Dos GetFTime value or -1 if the file does not exist } function GetFileTime(const FileName: string): longint; var T: longint; f: file; FM: integer; begin if FileName='' then T:=-1 else begin FM:=FileMode; FileMode:=0; EatIO; Dos.DosError:=0; Assign(f,FileName); {$I-} Reset(f); if InOutRes=0 then begin GetFTime(f,T); Close(f); end; {$I+} if (EatIO<>0) or (Dos.DosError<>0) then T:=-1; FileMode:=FM; end; GetFileTime:=T; end; function GetShortName(const n:string):string; {$ifdef Windows} var hs,hs2 : string; i : longint; {$endif} {$ifdef go32v2} var hs : string; {$endif} begin GetShortName:=n; {$ifdef Windows} hs:=n+#0; i:=Windows.GetShortPathName(@hs[1],@hs2[1],high(hs2)); if (i>0) and (i<=high(hs2)) then begin hs2[0]:=chr(strlen(@hs2[1])); GetShortName:=hs2; end; {$endif} {$ifdef go32v2} hs:=n; if Dos.GetShortName(hs) then GetShortName:=hs; {$endif} end; function GetLongName(const n:string):string; {$ifdef Windows} var hs : string; hs2 : Array [0..255] of char; i : longint; j : pchar; {$endif} {$ifdef go32v2} var hs : string; {$endif} begin GetLongName:=n; {$ifdef Windows} hs:=n+#0; i:=Windows.GetFullPathName(@hs[1],256,hs2,j); if (i>0) and (i<=high(hs)) then begin hs:=strpas(hs2); GetLongName:=hs; end; {$endif} {$ifdef go32v2} hs:=n; if Dos.GetLongName(hs) then GetLongName:=hs; {$endif} end; function EatIO: integer; begin EatIO:=IOResult; end; function LowCase(C: char): char; begin if ('A'<=C) and (C<='Z') then C:=chr(ord(C)+32); LowCase:=C; end; function LowcaseStr(S: string): string; var I: Longint; begin for I:=1 to length(S) do S[I]:=Lowcase(S[I]); LowcaseStr:=S; end; function BoolToStr(B: boolean; const TrueS, FalseS: string): string; begin if B then BoolToStr:=TrueS else BoolToStr:=FalseS; end; procedure TNoDisposeCollection.FreeItem(Item: Pointer); begin { don't do anything here } end; constructor TUnsortedStringCollection.CreateFrom(ALines: PUnsortedStringCollection); begin if Assigned(ALines)=false then Fail; inherited Init(ALines^.Count,ALines^.Count div 10); Assign(ALines); end; procedure TUnsortedStringCollection.Assign(ALines: PUnsortedStringCollection); procedure AddIt(P: PString); {$ifndef FPC}far;{$endif} begin Insert(NewStr(GetStr(P))); end; begin FreeAll; if Assigned(ALines) then ALines^.ForEach(@AddIt); end; procedure TUnsortedStringCollection.InsertStr(const S: string); begin Insert(NewStr(S)); end; function TUnsortedStringCollection.At(Index: Sw_Integer): PString; begin At:=inherited At(Index); end; procedure TUnsortedStringCollection.FreeItem(Item: Pointer); begin if Item<>nil then DisposeStr(Item); end; function TUnsortedStringCollection.GetItem(var S: TStream): Pointer; begin GetItem:=S.ReadStr; end; procedure TUnsortedStringCollection.PutItem(var S: TStream; Item: Pointer); begin S.WriteStr(Item); end; function TIntCollection.Contains(Item: ptrint): boolean; var Index: sw_integer; begin Contains:=Search(pointer(Item),Index); end; function TIntCollection.AtInt(Index: sw_integer): ptrint; begin AtInt:=longint(At(Index)); end; procedure TIntCollection.Add(Item: ptrint); begin Insert(pointer(Item)); end; function TIntCollection.Compare(Key1, Key2: Pointer): sw_Integer; var K1: longint absolute Key1; K2: longint absolute Key2; R: integer; begin if K1K2 then R:= 1 else R:=0; Compare:=R; end; procedure TIntCollection.FreeItem(Item: Pointer); begin { do nothing here } end; constructor TNulStream.Init; begin inherited Init; Position:=0; end; function TNulStream.GetPos: Longint; begin GetPos:=Position; end; function TNulStream.GetSize: Longint; begin GetSize:=Position; end; procedure TNulStream.Read(var Buf; Count: Word); begin Error(stReadError,0); end; procedure TNulStream.Seek(Pos: Longint); begin if Pos<=Position then Position:=Pos; end; procedure TNulStream.Write(var Buf; Count: Word); begin Inc(Position,Count); end; constructor TSubStream.Init(AStream: PStream; AStartPos, ASize: longint); begin inherited Init; if Assigned(AStream)=false then Fail; S:=AStream; StartPos:=AStartPos; StreamSize:=ASize; Seek(0); end; function TSubStream.GetPos: Longint; var Pos: longint; begin Pos:=S^.GetPos; Dec(Pos,StartPos); GetPos:=Pos; end; function TSubStream.GetSize: Longint; begin GetSize:=StreamSize; end; procedure TSubStream.Read(var Buf; Count: Word); var Pos: longint; RCount: word; begin Pos:=GetPos; if Pos+Count>StreamSize then RCount:=StreamSize-Pos else RCount:=Count; S^.Read(Buf,RCount); if RCount=BufEnd) or (BufEnd=0) then begin inherited Seek(Pos); BasePos:=Pos-BufPtr; end else begin BufPtr:=RelOfs; Position:=Pos; end; end; procedure TFastBufStream.Readline(var s:string;var linecomplete,hasCR : boolean); var c : char; i,pos,StartPos : longint; charsInS : boolean; begin linecomplete:=false; c:=#0; i:=0; { this created problems for lines longer than 255 characters now those lines are cutted into pieces without warning PM } { changed implicit 255 to High(S), so it will be automatically extended when longstrings eventually become default - Gabor } if (bufend-bufptr>=High(S)) and (getpos+High(S)=getsize)) and (c<>#10) and (i#10 then begin inc(i); if not CharsInS then s[i]:=c; end; end; if CharsInS then begin if c=#10 then Seek(StartPos+i+1) else Seek(StartPos+i); end; { if there was a CR LF then remove the CR Dos newline style } if (i>0) and (s[i]=#13) then begin dec(i); end; if (c=#13) and (not (getpos>=getsize)) then begin read(c,sizeof(c)); end; if (i=High(S)) and not (getpos>=getsize) then begin pos:=getpos; read(c,sizeof(c)); if (c=#13) and not (getpos>=getsize) then read(c,sizeof(c)); if c<>#10 then seek(pos); end; if (c=#10) or (getpos>=getsize) then linecomplete:=true; if (c=#10) then hasCR:=true; s[0]:=chr(i); end; function TTextCollection.Compare(Key1, Key2: Pointer): Sw_Integer; var K1: PString absolute Key1; K2: PString absolute Key2; R: Sw_integer; S1,S2: string; begin S1:=UpCaseStr(K1^); S2:=UpCaseStr(K2^); if S1S2 then R:=1 else R:=0; Compare:=R; end; function TTextCollection.LookUp(const S: string; var Idx: sw_integer): string; var OLI,ORI,Left,Right,Mid: integer; {LeftP,RightP,}MidP: PString; {LeftS,}MidS{,RightS}: string; FoundS: string; UpS : string; begin Idx:=-1; FoundS:=''; Left:=0; Right:=Count-1; UpS:=UpCaseStr(S); while Left<=Right do begin OLI:=Left; ORI:=Right; Mid:=Left+(Right-Left) div 2; MidP:=At(Mid); MidS:=UpCaseStr(MidP^); if copy(MidS,1,length(UpS))=UpS then begin Idx:=Mid; FoundS:=GetStr(MidP); { exit immediately if exact match PM } If Length(MidS)=Length(UpS) then break; end; if UpS0) and (S<>DirSep) and (copy(S,length(S),1)=DirSep) and (S[length(S)-1]<>':') then S:=copy(S,1,length(S)-1); TrimEndSlash:=S; end; function CompareText(S1, S2: string): integer; var R: integer; begin S1:=UpcaseStr(S1); S2:=UpcaseStr(S2); if S1S2 then R:= 1 else R:=0; CompareText:=R; end; function FormatPath(Path: string): string; var P: sw_integer; SC: char; begin if ord(DirSep)=ord('/') then SC:='\' else SC:='/'; repeat P:=Pos(SC,Path); if P>0 then Path[P]:=DirSep; until P=0; FormatPath:=Path; end; function CompletePath(const Base, InComplete: string): string; var Drv,BDrv: string[40]; D,BD: DirStr; N,BN: NameStr; E,BE: ExtStr; P: sw_integer; Complete: string; begin Complete:=FormatPath(InComplete); FSplit(FormatPath(InComplete),D,N,E); P:=Pos(':',D); if P=0 then Drv:='' else begin Drv:=copy(D,1,P); Delete(D,1,P); end; FSplit(FormatPath(Base),BD,BN,BE); P:=Pos(':',BD); if P=0 then BDrv:='' else begin BDrv:=copy(BD,1,P); Delete(BD,1,P); end; if copy(D,1,1)<>DirSep then Complete:=BD+D+N+E; if Drv='' then Complete:=BDrv+Complete; Complete:=FExpand(Complete); CompletePath:=Complete; end; function CompleteURL(const Base, URLRef: string): string; var P: integer; Drive: string[20]; IsComplete: boolean; S: string; Ref: string; Bookmark: string; begin IsComplete:=false; Ref:=URLRef; P:=Pos(':',Ref); if P=0 then Drive:='' else Drive:=UpcaseStr(copy(Ref,1,P-1)); if Drive<>'' then if (Drive='MAILTO') or (Drive='FTP') or (Drive='HTTP') or (Drive='GOPHER') or (Drive='FILE') then IsComplete:=true; if IsComplete then S:=Ref else begin P:=Pos('#',Ref); if P=0 then Bookmark:='' else begin Bookmark:=copy(Ref,P+1,length(Ref)); Ref:=copy(Ref,1,P-1); end; S:=CompletePath(Base,Ref); if Bookmark<>'' then S:=S+'#'+Bookmark; end; CompleteURL:=S; end; function OptimizePath(Path: string; MaxLen: integer): string; var i : integer; BackSlashs : array[1..20] of integer; BSCount : integer; Jobbra : boolean; Jobb, Bal : byte; Hiba : boolean; begin if length(Path)>MaxLen then begin BSCount:=0; Jobbra:=true; for i:=1 to length(Path) do if Path[i]=DirSep then begin Inc(BSCount); BackSlashs[BSCount]:=i; end; i:=BSCount div 2; Hiba:=false; Bal:=i; Jobb:=i+1; case i of 0 : ; 1 : Path:=copy(Path, 1, BackSlashs[1])+'..'+ copy(Path, BackSlashs[2], length(Path)); else begin while (BackSlashs[Bal]+(length(Path)-BackSlashs[Jobb]) >= MaxLen) and not Hiba do begin if Jobbra then begin if Jobb1 then dec(Bal) else Hiba:=true; Jobbra:=true; end; end; Path:=copy(Path, 1, BackSlashs[Bal])+'..'+ copy(Path, BackSlashs[Jobb], length(Path)); end; end; end; if length(Path)>MaxLen then begin i:=Pos('\..\',Path); if i>0 then Path:=copy(Path,1,i-1)+'..'+copy(Path,i+length('\..\'),length(Path)); end; OptimizePath:=Path; end; function Now: longint; var D: DateTime; W: word; L: longint; begin FillChar(D,sizeof(D),0); GetDate(D.Year,D.Month,D.Day,W); GetTime(D.Hour,D.Min,D.Sec,W); PackTime(D,L); Now:=L; end; function FormatDateTimeL(L: longint; const Format: string): string; var D: DateTime; begin UnpackTime(L,D); FormatDateTimeL:=FormatDateTime(D,Format); end; function FormatDateTime(const D: DateTime; const Format: string): string; var I: sw_integer; CurCharStart: sw_integer; CurChar: char; CurCharCount: integer; DateS: string; C: char; procedure FlushChars; var S: string; I: sw_integer; begin S:=''; for I:=1 to CurCharCount do S:=S+CurChar; case CurChar of 'y' : S:=IntToStrL(D.Year,length(S)); 'm' : S:=IntToStrZ(D.Month,length(S)); 'd' : S:=IntToStrZ(D.Day,length(S)); 'h' : S:=IntToStrZ(D.Hour,length(S)); 'n' : S:=IntToStrZ(D.Min,length(S)); 's' : S:=IntToStrZ(D.Sec,length(S)); end; DateS:=DateS+S; end; begin DateS:=''; CurCharStart:=-1; CurCharCount:=0; CurChar:=#0; for I:=1 to length(Format) do begin C:=Format[I]; if (C<>CurChar) or (CurCharStart=-1) then begin if CurCharStart<>-1 then FlushChars; CurCharCount:=1; CurCharStart:=I; end else Inc(CurCharCount); CurChar:=C; end; FlushChars; FormatDateTime:=DateS; end; function DeleteFile(const FileName: string): integer; var f: file; begin {$I-} Assign(f,FileName); Erase(f); DeleteFile:=EatIO; {$I+} end; function ExistsFile(const FileName: string): boolean; var Dir : SearchRec; begin Dos.FindFirst(FileName,Archive+ReadOnly,Dir); ExistsFile:=(Dos.DosError=0); {$ifdef FPC} Dos.FindClose(Dir); {$endif def FPC} end; { returns zero for empty and non existant files } function SizeOfFile(const FileName: string): longint; var Dir : SearchRec; begin Dos.FindFirst(FileName,Archive+ReadOnly,Dir); if (Dos.DosError=0) then SizeOfFile:=Dir.Size else SizeOfFile:=0; {$ifdef FPC} Dos.FindClose(Dir); {$endif def FPC} end; function ExistsDir(const DirName: string): boolean; var Dir : SearchRec; begin Dos.FindFirst(TrimEndSlash(DirName),Directory,Dir); { if a file is found it is also reported at least for some Dos version so we need to check the attributes PM } ExistsDir:=(Dos.DosError=0) and ((Dir.attr and Directory) <> 0); {$ifdef FPC} Dos.FindClose(Dir); {$endif def FPC} end; function CompleteDir(const Path: string): string; begin { keep c: untouched PM } if (Path<>'') and (Path[Length(Path)]<>DirSep) and (Path[Length(Path)]<>':') then CompleteDir:=Path+DirSep else CompleteDir:=Path; end; function GetCurDir: string; var S: string; begin GetDir(0,S); if copy(S,length(S),1)<>DirSep then S:=S+DirSep; GetCurDir:=S; end; function GenTempFileName: string; var Dir: string; Name: string; I: integer; OK: boolean; Path: string; begin Dir:=GetEnv('TEMP'); if Dir='' then Dir:=GetEnv('TMP'); if (Dir<>'') then if not ExistsDir(Dir) then Dir:=''; if Dir='' then Dir:=GetCurDir; repeat Name:=TempFirstChar; for I:=2 to TempNameLen do Name:=Name+chr(ord('a')+random(ord('z')-ord('a')+1)); Name:=Name+TempExt; Path:=CompleteDir(Dir)+Name; OK:=not ExistsFile(Path); until OK; GenTempFileName:=Path; end; function CopyFile(const SrcFileName, DestFileName: string): boolean; var SrcF,DestF: PBufStream; OK: boolean; begin SrcF:=nil; DestF:=nil; New(SrcF, Init(SrcFileName,stOpenRead,4096)); OK:=Assigned(SrcF) and (SrcF^.Status=stOK); if OK then begin New(DestF, Init(DestFileName,stCreate,1024)); OK:=Assigned(DestF) and (DestF^.Status=stOK); end; if OK then DestF^.CopyFrom(SrcF^,SrcF^.GetSize); if Assigned(DestF) then Dispose(DestF, Done); if Assigned(SrcF) then Dispose(SrcF, Done); CopyFile:=OK; end; procedure RegisterWUtils; begin {$ifndef NOOBJREG} RegisterType(RUnsortedStringCollection); {$endif} end; Procedure WUtilsDebugMessage(AFileName, AText : string; ALine, APos : sw_word); begin writeln(stderr,AFileName,' (',ALine,',',APos,') ',AText); end; BEGIN Randomize; END.