{ All base packages. Each package is included in it's own dir } { If this file is included from the main packages dir, ALLPACKAGES is defined. } { If this file is included from the base packages dir, BASEPACKAGES is defined. } { paszlib } {$i paszlib/fpmake.inc} { pasjpeg } {$i pasjpeg/fpmake.inc} { regexpr } {$i regexpr/fpmake.inc} { netdb } {$i netdb/fpmake.inc} { md5 } {$i md5/fpmake.inc} { gdbint } {$i gdbint/fpmake.inc} { libasync } {$i libasync/fpmake.inc} { mysql } {$i mysql/fpmake.inc} { ibase } {$i ibase/fpmake.inc} { postgres } {$i postgres/fpmake.inc} { oracle } {$i oracle/fpmake.inc} { odbc } {$i odbc/fpmake.inc} { pthreads } {$i pthreads/fpmake.inc} { sqlite } {$i sqlite/fpmake.inc} { libc } {$i libc/fpmake.inc}