{$ifndef ALLPACKAGES} {$mode objfpc}{$H+} program fpmake; uses fpmkunit; Var P : TPackage; T : TTarget; begin With Installer do begin {$endif ALLPACKAGES} P:=AddPackage('bfd'); {$ifdef ALLPACKAGES} P.Directory:=ADirectory; {$endif ALLPACKAGES} P.Version:='3.3.1'; P.Author := 'Library: Cygnus Support, header: by Uli Tessel'; P.License := 'Library: GPL2 or later, header: LGPL with modification, '; P.HomepageURL := 'www.freepascal.org'; P.Email := ''; P.Description := 'Binary File Descriptor library.'; P.NeedLibC:= true; P.OSes := [beos,haiku,freebsd,darwin,iphonesim,solaris,netbsd,openbsd,linux,aix,dragonfly]; P.SourcePath.Add('src'); T:=P.Targets.AddUnit('bfd.pas'); {$ifndef ALLPACKAGES} Run; end; end. {$endif ALLPACKAGES}