{ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 2003 by the Free Pascal development team fpImage base definitions. See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} {$mode objfpc}{$h+} unit FPimage; interface uses sysutils, classes; type TFPCustomImageReader = class; TFPCustomImageWriter = class; TFPCustomImage = class; FPImageException = class (exception); TFPColor = record red,green,blue,alpha : word; end; PFPColor = ^TFPColor; TColorFormat = (cfMono,cfGray2,cfGray4,cfGray8,cfGray16,cfGray24, cfGrayA8,cfGrayA16,cfGrayA32, cfRGB15,cfRGB16,cfRGB24,cfRGB32,cfRGB48, cfRGBA8,cfRGBA16,cfRGBA32,cfRGBA64, cfBGR15,cfBGR16,cfBGR24,cfBGR32,cfBGR48, cfABGR8,cfABGR16,cfABGR32,cfABGR64); TColorData = qword; PColorData = ^TColorData; TDeviceColor = record Fmt : TColorFormat; Data : TColorData; end; {$ifdef CPU68K} { 1.0 m68k cpu compiler does not allow types larger than 32k.... if we remove range checking all should be fine PM } TFPColorArray = array [0..0] of TFPColor; {$R-} {$else not CPU68K} TFPColorArray = array [0..(maxint-1) div sizeof(TFPColor)-1] of TFPColor; {$endif CPU68K} PFPColorArray = ^TFPColorArray; TFPImgProgressStage = (psStarting, psRunning, psEnding); TFPImgProgressEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Stage: TFPImgProgressStage; PercentDone: Byte; RedrawNow: Boolean; const R: TRect; const Msg: AnsiString; var Continue : Boolean) of object; // Delphi compatibility TProgressStage = TFPImgProgressStage; TProgressEvent = TFPImgProgressEvent; TFPPalette = class protected FData : PFPColorArray; FCount, FCapacity : integer; procedure SetCount (Value:integer); virtual; function GetCount : integer; procedure SetColor (index:integer; const Value:TFPColor); virtual; function GetColor (index:integer) : TFPColor; procedure SetCapacity (ind : Integer); procedure CheckIndex (index:integer); virtual; procedure EnlargeData; virtual; public constructor Create (ACount : integer); destructor Destroy; override; procedure Build (Img : TFPCustomImage); virtual; procedure Copy (APalette: TFPPalette); virtual; procedure Merge (pal : TFPPalette); virtual; function IndexOf (const AColor: TFPColor) : integer; virtual; function Add (const Value: TFPColor) : integer; virtual; procedure Clear; virtual; property Color [Index : integer] : TFPColor read GetColor write SetColor; default; property Count : integer read GetCount write SetCount; property Capacity : integer read FCapacity write SetCapacity; end; TFPCustomImage = class(TPersistent) private FOnProgress : TFPImgProgressEvent; FExtra : TStringlist; FPalette : TFPPalette; FHeight, FWidth : integer; procedure SetHeight (Value : integer); procedure SetWidth (Value : integer); procedure SetExtra (const key:String; const AValue:string); function GetExtra (const key:String) : string; procedure SetExtraValue (index:integer; const AValue:string); function GetExtraValue (index:integer) : string; procedure SetExtraKey (index:integer; const AValue:string); function GetExtraKey (index:integer) : string; procedure CheckIndex (x,y:integer); procedure CheckPaletteIndex (PalIndex:integer); procedure SetColor (x,y:integer; const Value:TFPColor); function GetColor (x,y:integer) : TFPColor; procedure SetPixel (x,y:integer; Value:integer); function GetPixel (x,y:integer) : integer; function GetUsePalette : boolean; protected // Procedures to store the data. Implemented in descendants procedure SetInternalColor (x,y:integer; const Value:TFPColor); virtual; function GetInternalColor (x,y:integer) : TFPColor; virtual; procedure SetInternalPixel (x,y:integer; Value:integer); virtual; abstract; function GetInternalPixel (x,y:integer) : integer; virtual; abstract; procedure SetUsePalette (Value:boolean);virtual; procedure Progress(Sender: TObject; Stage: TProgressStage; PercentDone: Byte; RedrawNow: Boolean; const R: TRect; const Msg: AnsiString; var Continue: Boolean); Virtual; public constructor create (AWidth,AHeight:integer); virtual; destructor destroy; override; procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; // Saving and loading procedure LoadFromStream (Str:TStream; Handler:TFPCustomImageReader); procedure LoadFromStream (Str:TStream); procedure LoadFromFile (const filename:String; Handler:TFPCustomImageReader); procedure LoadFromFile (const filename:String); procedure SaveToStream (Str:TStream; Handler:TFPCustomImageWriter); procedure SaveToFile (const filename:String; Handler:TFPCustomImageWriter); procedure SaveToFile (const filename:String); // Size and data procedure SetSize (AWidth, AHeight : integer); virtual; property Height : integer read FHeight write SetHeight; property Width : integer read FWidth write SetWidth; property Colors [x,y:integer] : TFPColor read GetColor write SetColor; default; // Use of palette for colors property UsePalette : boolean read GetUsePalette write SetUsePalette; property Palette : TFPPalette read FPalette; property Pixels [x,y:integer] : integer read GetPixel write SetPixel; // Info unrelated with the image representation property Extra [const key:string] : string read GetExtra write SetExtra; property ExtraValue [index:integer] : string read GetExtraValue write SetExtraValue; property ExtraKey [index:integer] : string read GetExtraKey write SetExtraKey; procedure RemoveExtra (const key:string); function ExtraCount : integer; property OnProgress: TFPImgProgressEvent read FOnProgress write FOnProgress; end; TFPCustomImageClass = class of TFPCustomImage; {$ifdef CPU68K} { 1.0 m68k cpu compiler does not allow types larger than 32k.... if we remove range checking all should be fine PM } TFPIntegerArray = array [0..0] of integer; {$R-} {$else not CPU68K} TFPIntegerArray = array [0..(maxint-1) div sizeof(integer)-1] of integer; {$endif CPU68K} PFPIntegerArray = ^TFPIntegerArray; TFPMemoryImage = class (TFPCustomImage) private FData : PFPIntegerArray; function GetInternalColor(x,y:integer):TFPColor;override; procedure SetInternalColor (x,y:integer; const Value:TFPColor);override; procedure SetUsePalette (Value:boolean);override; protected procedure SetInternalPixel (x,y:integer; Value:integer); override; function GetInternalPixel (x,y:integer) : integer; override; public constructor create (AWidth,AHeight:integer); override; destructor destroy; override; procedure SetSize (AWidth, AHeight : integer); override; end; TFPCustomImageHandler = class private FOnProgress : TFPImgProgressEvent; FStream : TStream; FImage : TFPCustomImage; protected procedure Progress(Stage: TProgressStage; PercentDone: Byte; RedrawNow: Boolean; const R: TRect; const Msg: AnsiString; var Continue: Boolean); Virtual; property TheStream : TStream read FStream; property TheImage : TFPCustomImage read FImage; public constructor Create; virtual; Property OnProgress : TFPImgProgressEvent Read FOnProgress Write FOnProgress; end; TFPCustomImageReader = class (TFPCustomImageHandler) private FDefImageClass:TFPCustomImageClass; protected procedure InternalRead (Str:TStream; Img:TFPCustomImage); virtual; abstract; function InternalCheck (Str:TStream) : boolean; virtual; abstract; public constructor Create; override; function ImageRead (Str:TStream; Img:TFPCustomImage) : TFPCustomImage; // reads image function CheckContents (Str:TStream) : boolean; // Gives True if contents is readable property DefaultImageClass : TFPCustomImageClass read FDefImageClass write FDefImageClass; // Image Class to create when no img is given for reading end; TFPCustomImageReaderClass = class of TFPCustomImageReader; TFPCustomImageWriter = class (TFPCustomImageHandler) protected procedure InternalWrite (Str:TStream; Img:TFPCustomImage); virtual; abstract; public procedure ImageWrite (Str:TStream; Img:TFPCustomImage); // writes given image to stream end; TFPCustomImageWriterClass = class of TFPCustomImageWriter; TIHData = class private FExtention, FTypeName, FDefaultExt : string; FReader : TFPCustomImageReaderClass; FWriter : TFPCustomImageWriterClass; end; TImageHandlersManager = class private FData : TList; function GetReader (const TypeName:string) : TFPCustomImageReaderClass; function GetWriter (const TypeName:string) : TFPCustomImageWriterClass; function GetExt (const TypeName:string) : string; function GetDefExt (const TypeName:string) : string; function GetTypeName (index:integer) : string; function GetData (const ATypeName:string) : TIHData; function GetData (index : integer) : TIHData; function GetCount : integer; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure RegisterImageHandlers (const ATypeName,TheExtentions:string; AReader:TFPCustomImageReaderClass; AWriter:TFPCustomImageWriterClass); procedure RegisterImageReader (const ATypeName,TheExtentions:string; AReader:TFPCustomImageReaderClass); procedure RegisterImageWriter (const ATypeName,TheExtentions:string; AWriter:TFPCustomImageWriterClass); property Count : integer read GetCount; property ImageReader [const TypeName:string] : TFPCustomImageReaderClass read GetReader; property ImageWriter [const TypeName:string] : TFPCustomImageWriterClass read GetWriter; property Extentions [const TypeName:string] : string read GetExt; property DefaultExtention [const TypeName:string] : string read GetDefExt; property TypeNames [index:integer] : string read GetTypeName; end; {function ShiftAndFill (initial:word; CorrectBits:byte):word; function FillOtherBits (initial:word;CorrectBits:byte):word; } function CalculateGray (const From : TFPColor) : word; (* function ConvertColor (const From : TDeviceColor) : TFPColor; function ConvertColor (const From : TColorData; FromFmt:TColorFormat) : TFPColor; function ConvertColorToData (const From : TFPColor; Fmt : TColorFormat) : TColorData; function ConvertColorToData (const From : TDeviceColor; Fmt : TColorFormat) : TColorData; function ConvertColor (const From : TFPColor; Fmt : TColorFormat) : TDeviceColor; function ConvertColor (const From : TDeviceColor; Fmt : TColorFormat) : TDeviceColor; *) function AlphaBlend(color1, color2: TFPColor): TFPColor; function FPColor (r,g,b,a:word) : TFPColor; function FPColor (r,g,b:word) : TFPColor; {$ifdef debug}function MakeHex (n:TColordata;nr:byte): string;{$endif} operator = (const c,d:TFPColor) : boolean; operator or (const c,d:TFPColor) : TFPColor; operator and (const c,d:TFPColor) : TFPColor; operator xor (const c,d:TFPColor) : TFPColor; function CompareColors(const Color1, Color2: TFPColor): integer; var ImageHandlers : TImageHandlersManager; type TErrorTextIndices = ( StrInvalidIndex, StrNoImageToWrite, StrNoFile, StrNoStream, StrPalette, StrImageX, StrImageY, StrImageExtra, StrTypeAlreadyExist, StrTypeReaderAlreadyExist, StrTypeWriterAlreadyExist, StrCantDetermineType, StrNoCorrectReaderFound, StrReadWithError, StrWriteWithError, StrNoPaletteAvailable ); const // MG: ToDo: move to implementation and add a function to map to resourcestrings ErrorText : array[TErrorTextIndices] of string = ('Invalid %s index %d', 'No image to write', 'File "%s" does not exist', 'No stream to write to', 'palette', 'horizontal pixel', 'vertical pixel', 'extra', 'Image type "%s" already exists', 'Image type "%s" already has a reader class', 'Image type "%s" already has a writer class', 'Error while determining image type of stream: %s', 'Can''t determine image type of stream', 'Error while reading stream: %s', 'Error while writing stream: %s', 'No palette available' ); {$i fpcolors.inc} type TGrayConvMatrix = record red, green, blue : single; end; var GrayConvMatrix : TGrayConvMatrix; const GCM_NTSC : TGrayConvMatrix = (red:0.299; green:0.587; blue:0.114); GCM_JPEG : TGrayConvMatrix = (red:0.299; green:0.587; blue:0.114); GCM_Mathematical : TGrayConvMatrix = (red:0.334; green:0.333; blue:0.333); GCM_Photoshop : TGrayConvMatrix = (red:0.213; green:0.715; blue:0.072); function CreateBlackAndWhitePalette : TFPPalette; function CreateWebSafePalette : TFPPalette; function CreateGrayScalePalette : TFPPalette; function CreateVGAPalette : TFPPalette; implementation procedure FPImgError (Fmt:TErrorTextIndices; data : array of const); begin raise FPImageException.CreateFmt (ErrorText[Fmt],data); end; procedure FPImgError (Fmt:TErrorTextIndices); begin raise FPImageException.Create (ErrorText[Fmt]); end; {$i FPImage.inc} {$i FPHandler.inc} {$i FPPalette.inc} {$i FPColCnv.inc} function FPColor (r,g,b:word) : TFPColor; begin with result do begin red := r; green := g; blue := b; alpha := alphaOpaque; end; end; function FPColor (r,g,b,a:word) : TFPColor; begin with result do begin red := r; green := g; blue := b; alpha := a; end; end; operator = (const c,d:TFPColor) : boolean; begin result := (c.Red = d.Red) and (c.Green = d.Green) and (c.Blue = d.Blue) and (c.Alpha = d.Alpha); end; function GetFullColorData (color:TFPColor) : TColorData; begin result := PColorData(@color)^; end; function SetFullColorData (color:TColorData) : TFPColor; begin result := PFPColor (@color)^; end; operator or (const c,d:TFPColor) : TFPColor; begin result := SetFullColorData(GetFullColorData(c) OR GetFullColorData(d)); end; operator and (const c,d:TFPColor) : TFPColor; begin result := SetFullColorData(GetFullColorData(c) AND GetFullColorData(d)); end; operator xor (const c,d:TFPColor) : TFPColor; begin result := SetFullColorData(GetFullColorData(c) XOR GetFullColorData(d)); end; {$ifdef debug} function MakeHex (n:TColordata;nr:byte): string; const hexnums : array[0..15] of char = ('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'); var r : integer; begin result := ''; for r := 0 to nr-1 do begin result := hexnums[n and $F] + result; n := n shr 4; if ((r+1) mod 4) = 0 then result := ' ' + result; end; end; {$endif} initialization ImageHandlers := TImageHandlersManager.Create; GrayConvMatrix := GCM_JPEG; // Following lines are here because the compiler 1.0 can't work with int64 constants (* ColorBits [cfRGB48,1] := ColorBits [cfRGB48,1] shl 16; ColorBits [cfRGBA64,1] := ColorBits [cfRGBA64,1] shl 32; ColorBits [cfRGBA64,2] := ColorBits [cfRGBA64,2] shl 16; ColorBits [cfABGR64,0] := ColorBits [cfABGR64,0] shl 32; ColorBits [cfABGR64,3] := ColorBits [cfABGR64,3] shl 16; ColorBits [cfBGR48,3] := ColorBits [cfBGR48,3] shl 16; PrepareBitMasks;*) finalization ImageHandlers.Free; end.