{*****************************************************************************} { This file is part of the Free Pascal's "Free Components Library". Copyright (c) 2003 by Mazen NEIFER of the Free Pascal development team BMP writer implementation. See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. } {*****************************************************************************} { 08/2005 by Giulio Bernardi: - Removed FBytesPerPixel, BytesPerPixel property is now deprecated, use BitsPerPixel instead. - Rewritten a large part of the file, so we can handle all bmp color depths - Support for RLE4 and RLE8 encoding } {$mode objfpc}{$h+} unit FPWriteBMP; interface uses FPImage, classes, sysutils, BMPComn; type TFPWriterBMP = class (TFPCustomImageWriter) private StartPosition : int64; { save start of bitmap in the stream, if we must go back and fix something } FBpp : byte; FRLECompress : boolean; BFH : TBitMapFileHeader; BFI : TBitMapInfoHeader; Colinfo : array of TColorRGBA; procedure SetColorSize (AValue : Byte); function GetColorSize : byte; procedure SetBpp (const abpp : byte); procedure FillColorMap(Img : TFPCustomImage); procedure Setup16bpp; function PackWord555(const col : TFPColor) : word; function PackWord565(const col : TFPColor) : word; function Pack4bpp(const img : TFPCustomImage; var Col : integer; const Row : integer) : byte; function Pack1bpp(const img : TFPCustomImage; var Col : integer; const Row : integer) : byte; procedure CompressScanLineRLE8(ALine : pbyte; const Row, Width : Integer; Stream : TStream); procedure CompressScanLineRLE4(ALine : pbyte; const Row, Width : Integer; Stream : TStream); protected function SaveHeader(Stream:TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage):boolean; virtual; procedure InternalWrite (Stream:TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage); override; public constructor Create; override; property BitsPerPixel : byte read FBpp write SetBpp; property RLECompress : boolean read FRleCompress write FRleCompress; Property BytesPerPixel : Byte Read GetColorSize Write SetColorSize; deprecated; end; implementation Function FPColorToRGB(Const Color : TFPColor) : TColorRGB; begin With Result,Color do begin R:=(Red and $FF00) shr 8; G:=(Green and $FF00) shr 8; B:=(Blue and $FF00) shr 8; end; end; Function FPColorToRGBA(Const Color : TFPColor) : TColorRGBA; begin With Result,Color do begin R:=(Red and $FF00) shr 8; G:=(Green and $FF00) shr 8; B:=(Blue and $FF00) shr 8; A:=(Alpha and $FF00) shr 8; end; end; constructor TFPWriterBMP.create; begin inherited create; FBpp:=24; FRleCompress:=false; end; { Only for compatibility, BytesPerPixel should be removed } { ******************************************************* } procedure TFPWriterBMP.SetColorSize (AValue : byte); begin SetBpp(AValue*8); end; function TFPWriterBMP.GetColorSize : byte; begin if FBpp<>15 then Result:=FBpp div 8 else Result:=2; end; { ******************************************************* } procedure TFPWriterBMP.SetBpp (const abpp : byte); begin if not (abpp in [1,4,8,15,16,24,32]) then raise FPImageException.Create('Invalid color depth'); FBpp:=abpp; end; procedure TFPWriterBMP.FillColorMap(Img : TFPCustomImage); var BadPalette : boolean; i : integer; begin BadPalette:=false; if not Img.UsePalette then BadPalette:=true else if Img.Palette.Count>(1 shl FBpp) then BadPalette:=true; if BadPalette then raise FPImageException.Create('Image palette is too big or absent'); setlength(ColInfo,Img.Palette.Count); BFI.ClrUsed:=Img.Palette.Count; for i:=0 to BFI.ClrUsed-1 do begin ColInfo[i]:=FPColorToRGBA(Img.Palette.Color[i]); ColInfo[i].A:=0; end; end; { True 16 bit color is 5 bits red, 6 bits green and 5 bits blue. Compression must be set to BI_BITFIELDS and we must specify masks for red, green and blue. 16 bit without compression and masks is 5 bits per channel, so it's 15 bit even if in the header we must write 16. It's possible to provide custom masks but this is not compatible with windows9x, so we use 555 for 15 bit and 565 for 16 bit. Masks are longwords stored in the palette instead of palette entries (which are 4 bytes long too, with components stored in following order: B G R A. Since we must write a low-endian longword, B is LSB and A is the MSB). We must write first red mask, then green and then blue. This sounds terribly confusing, if you don't understand take a look at http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/gdi/bitmaps_1rw2.asp } procedure TFPWriterBMP.Setup16bpp; var col : TColorRGBA; begin BFI.Compression:=BI_BITFIELDS; setlength(ColInfo,3); { A R G B r := $0000F800 g := $000007E0 b := $0000001F } col.A:=0; Col.R:=0; { These are 0 for all the three masks} { Red Mask } Col.G:=$F8; Col.B:=0; ColInfo[0]:=Col; { Green Mask } Col.G:=$07; Col.B:=$E0; ColInfo[1]:=Col; { Blue Mask } Col.G:=$00; Col.B:=$1F; ColInfo[2]:=Col; end; { 16 bit bpp with 555 packing (that is, 15 bit color) This is bit dislocation: 0RRR RRGG GGGB BBBB } function TFPWriterBMP.PackWord555(const col : TFPColor) : word; var tmpcol : TColorRGB; tmpr, tmpg, tmpb : word; begin tmpcol:=FPColorToRGB(col); tmpb:=tmpcol.b shr 3; tmpg:=tmpcol.g and $F8; tmpg:= tmpg shl 2; tmpr:=tmpcol.r and $F8; tmpr:= tmpr shl 7; tmpb:= tmpr or tmpg or tmpb; {$IFDEF ENDIAN_BIG} tmpb:=swap(tmpb); {$ENDIF} Result:=tmpb; end; { 16 bit bpp with 565 packing ) This is bit dislocation: RRRR RGGG GGGB BBBB } function TFPWriterBMP.PackWord565(const col : TFPColor) : word; var tmpcol : TColorRGB; tmpr, tmpg, tmpb : word; begin tmpcol:=FPColorToRGB(col); tmpb:=tmpcol.b shr 3; tmpg:=tmpcol.g and $FC; tmpg:= tmpg shl 3; tmpr:=tmpcol.r and $F8; tmpr:= tmpr shl 8; tmpb:= tmpr or tmpg or tmpb; {$IFDEF ENDIAN_BIG} tmpb:=swap(tmpb); {$ENDIF} Result:=tmpb; end; { First pixel in the most significant nibble, second one in LSN. If we are at the end of the line, pad with zero } function TFPWriterBMP.Pack4bpp(const img : TFPCustomImage; var Col : integer; const Row : integer) : byte; var b : byte; begin b:=(img.Pixels[Col,Row] and $F) shl 4; if Col=0)) do begin if img.Pixels[Col,Row]<>0 then { set this bit } b:=b+(1 shl sh); dec(sh); inc(Col); end; Result:=b; end; function TFPWriterBMP.SaveHeader(Stream:TStream; Img : TFPCustomImage):boolean; begin Result:=False; with BFI do begin Size:=sizeof(TBitMapInfoHeader); Width:=Img.Width; Height:=Img.Height; Planes:=1; if FBpp=15 then BitCount:=16 else BitCount:=FBpp; XPelsPerMeter:=100; YPelsPerMeter:=100; ClrImportant:=0; end; with BFH do begin bfType:=BMmagic;//'BM' bfOffset:=sizeof(TBitMapFileHeader)+sizeof(TBitMapInfoHeader)+length(ColInfo)*4; bfReserved:=0; bfSize:=bfOffset+BFI.SizeImage; end; {$IFDEF ENDIAN_BIG} SwapBMPFileHeader(BFH); SwapBMPInfoHeader(BFI); {$ENDIF} StartPosition:=Stream.Position; Stream.Write(bfh,sizeof(TBitMapFileHeader)); Stream.Write(bfi,sizeof(TBitMapInfoHeader)); {$IFDEF ENDIAN_BIG} SwapBMPFileHeader(BFH); SwapBMPInfoHeader(BFI); {$ENDIF} Result:=true; end; { This code is rather ugly and difficult to read, but compresses better than gimp. Brief explanation: A repetition is good if it's made of 3 elements at least: we have 2 bytes instead of 1. Let's call this a "repetition" or "true repetition". So we start finding the first repetition from current position. Once found, we must decide how to handle elements between current position (i) and the repetition position (j) if j-i = 0 we are on the repetition, so we encode it if j-i = 1 there is only one pixel. We can't do anything but encode it as a repetition of 1 element. if j-i = 2 we have two pixels. These can be a couple (a repetition of 2 elements) or 2 singles (2 repetitions of 1 element) if j-i > 2 we have two choices. In fact, we must consider that absolute mode is 2 bytes + length of chunk. A repetition is always 2 bytes, so for 1 element we leak 1 byte, while for 2 elements we don't leak any byte. So if we have at most 1 single this means that everything else is made up of couples: it's best to use repetitions so that we leak 0 to 1 byte. If we have 2 singles or more it's better to use absolute mode, since we leak 2 bytes always, without regard to the size of chunk. } procedure TFPWriterBMP.CompressScanLineRLE8(ALine : pbyte; const Row, Width : Integer; Stream : TStream); var i, j, k, couples, singles : integer; prev,tmp : byte; begin i:=0; while (i=3 } prev:=Aline[i]; j:=i+1; while ((jprev then break; inc(j); end; tmp:=j-i; Stream.Write(tmp,1); Stream.Write(prev,1); end; 1 : begin { single value: we write a repetition of 1 } tmp:=1; Stream.Write(tmp,1); Stream.Write(Aline[i],1); end; 2 : begin if couples=1 then { a couple: we write a repetition of 2 } begin tmp:=2; Stream.Write(tmp,1); Stream.Write(Aline[i],1); end else { two singles: we write two repetitions of 1 each } begin tmp:=1; Stream.Write(tmp,1); Stream.Write(Aline[i],1); Stream.Write(tmp,1); Stream.Write(Aline[i+1],1); end; end; else { here we have two choices } begin if singles>1 then { it's cheaper to use absolute mode } begin tmp:=0; Stream.Write(tmp,1); { escape } tmp:=j-i; Stream.Write(tmp,1); { number of pixels in absolute mode } Stream.Write(Aline[i],j-i); { write these pixels... } if ((tmp mod 2)<>0) then { we must end on a 2-byte boundary } begin tmp:=0; Stream.Write(tmp,1); { so pad with an additional zero } end; end else { they're nearly all couples, don't use absolute mode } begin k:=i; while (k E 0316 => 161. A repetition is good if it's made of five elements at least (2 bytes instead of 3). In rle4 we consider "single" either a single nibble or 2 (a byte), while a couple is a repetition of 3 or 4 elements. } procedure TFPWriterBMP.CompressScanLineRLE4(ALine : pbyte; const Row, Width : Integer; Stream : TStream); var i, j, k, couples, singles, lastsingle : integer; prev1, prev2, prev : word; tmp : byte; nibline : pbyte; { temporary array of nibbles } even : boolean; begin getmem(nibline,width); try k:=(Width div 2) + (Width mod 2); i:=0; while (i(j-1) then begin inc(singles); { this is a single if next isn't a couple } lastsingle:=j; end; prev:=nibline[j]; end; prev1:=prev2; prev2:=prev; even:=not even; inc(j); end; if j>Width then j:=Width; { if j was Width-1 loop was skipped and j is Width+1, so we fix it } { ok, now that we know more about byte disposition we write data } case (j-i) of 0 : begin { there is a repetition with count>=5 } even:=true; prev1:=nibline[i]; prev2:=nibline[i+1]; j:=i+2; while ((jprev1 then break; if not even then if nibline[j]<>prev2 then break; even:=not even; inc(j); end; tmp:=j-i; Stream.Write(tmp,1); prev:=(prev1 shl 4) + (prev2 and $F); tmp:=prev; Stream.Write(tmp,1); end; 1 : begin { single value: we write a repetition of 1 } tmp:=1; Stream.Write(tmp,1); tmp:=nibline[i] shl 4; Stream.Write(tmp,1); end; 2 : begin { 2 singles in the same byte: we write a repetition of 2 } tmp:=2; Stream.Write(tmp,1); tmp:=(nibline[i] shl 4) + (nibline[i+1] and $F); Stream.Write(tmp,1); end; 3 : begin if couples=1 then { a couple: we write a repetition of 3 } begin tmp:=3; Stream.Write(tmp,1); tmp:=(nibline[i] shl 4) + (nibline[i+1] and $F); Stream.Write(tmp,1); end else begin { 2 singles, 2 repetitions of 2 and 1 respectively } tmp:=2; Stream.Write(tmp,1); tmp:=(nibline[i] shl 4) + (nibline[i+1] and $F); Stream.Write(tmp,1); tmp:=1; Stream.Write(tmp,1); tmp:=nibline[i+2] shl 4; Stream.Write(tmp,1); end; end; 4 : begin if singles=0 then { a couple: we write a repetition of 4 } begin tmp:=4; Stream.Write(tmp,1); tmp:=(nibline[i] shl 4) + (nibline[i+1] and $F); Stream.Write(tmp,1); end else begin { 2 singles, 2 repetitions of 2 each } tmp:=2; Stream.Write(tmp,1); tmp:=(nibline[i] shl 4) + (nibline[i+1] and $F); Stream.Write(tmp,1); tmp:=2; Stream.Write(tmp,1); tmp:=(nibline[i+2] shl 4) + (nibline[i+3] and $F); Stream.Write(tmp,1); end; end; else { here we have two choices } begin if singles>1 then { it's cheaper to use absolute mode } begin tmp:=0; Stream.Write(tmp,1); { escape } tmp:=j-i; Stream.Write(tmp,1); { number of pixels in absolute mode } k:=i; while (k0 then { we must end on a 2-byte boundary } begin tmp:=0; Stream.Write(tmp,1); { so pad with an additional zero } end; end else { they're nearly all couples, don't use absolute mode } begin k:=i; while (k=j) then tmp:=1 else if ((k+31 then tmp:=tmp+(nibline[k+1] and $F); Stream.Write(tmp,1); inc(k,prev); end; end; end; end; i:=j; end; tmp:=0; Stream.Write(tmp,1); { escape } if Row=0 then { last line, end of file } tmp:=1; Stream.Write(tmp,1); finally FreeMem(nibline); end; end; procedure TFPWriterBMP.InternalWrite (Stream:TStream; Img:TFPCustomImage); var Row,Col,RowSize:Integer; PadCount : byte; aLine: PByte; i : Integer; tmppos : int64; continue : boolean; percent : byte; percentinterval : longword; percentacc : longword; Rect : TRect; begin Rect.Left:=0; Rect.Top:=0; Rect.Right:=0; Rect.Bottom:=0; continue:=true; percent:=0; percentinterval:=(Img.Height*4) div 100; if percentinterval=0 then percentinterval:=$FFFFFFFF; percentacc:=0; Progress(psStarting,0,false,Rect,'',continue); if not continue then exit; if (FRLECompress and (not (FBpp in [4,8]))) then raise FPImageException.Create('Can''t use RLE compression with '+IntToStr(FBpp)+' bits per pixel'); if FRLECompress and (FBpp=4) then BFI.Compression:=BI_RLE4 else if FRLECompress and (FBpp=8) then BFI.Compression:=BI_RLE8 else BFI.Compression:=BI_RGB; BFI.ClrUsed:=0; try if FBpp<=8 then FillColorMap(Img); { sets colormap and ClrUsed} if FBpp=16 then Setup16bpp; { sets colormap with masks and Compression } RowSize:=0; { just to keep the compiler quiet. } case FBpp of 1 : begin RowSize:=Img.Width div 8; if (Img.Width mod 8)<>0 then inc(RowSize); end; 4 : begin RowSize:=Img.Width div 2; if (Img.Width mod 2)<>0 then inc(RowSize); end; 8 : RowSize:=Img.Width; 15 : RowSize:=Img.Width*2; 16 : RowSize:=Img.Width*2; 24 : RowSize:=Img.Width*3; 32 : RowSize:=Img.Width*4; end; PadCount:=(4-(RowSize mod 4)) mod 4; { every row must end on 4 byte boundary } inc(RowSize,PadCount); BFI.SizeImage:=RowSize*Img.Height; SaveHeader(Stream,Img); { write the headers } for i:=0 to length(ColInfo)-1 do { write the palette (or the masks in 16bpp case) } Stream.Write(ColInfo[i],sizeof(TColorRGBA)); GetMem(aLine,RowSize); try for Row:=Img.Height-1 downto 0 do begin i:=0; Col:=0; case FBpp of 1 : while(Col=percentinterval then begin percent:=percent+(percentacc div percentinterval); percentacc:=percentacc mod percentinterval; Progress(psRunning,percent,false,Rect,'',continue); if not continue then exit; end; end; { If image is compressed we must fix the headers since we now know the size of the image } if BFI.Compression in [BI_RLE4,BI_RLE8] then begin tmppos:=Stream.Position-StartPosition-BFH.bfOffset; BFI.SizeImage:=tmppos; { set size of the image } tmppos:=Stream.Position; { remember where we are } Stream.Position:=StartPosition; { rewind to the beginning } SaveHeader(Stream,Img); { rewrite headers (this will update BFH.Size too) } Stream.Position:=tmppos; { restore our position } end; Progress(psEnding,100,false,Rect,'',continue); finally FreeMem(aLine); end; finally setlength(ColInfo,0); end; end; initialization ImageHandlers.RegisterImageWriter ('BMP Format', 'bmp', TFPWriterBMP); end.