Bugs/Problems: - The unindent doesn't work when a tab char is in front of the line. Tab chars should be ignored in this case. - Files without extensions can't be opened using the open dialog (even not with a trailing .) - fix function locatefile in fputils (always returns '' currently because the result of locatesinglefile is simply discarded). This causes (at least under Dos) an RTE 3 if you try to open several files in different directories From Marco: ----------- 1 When cursor is at column 1, and you press cursor left, you don't go to the end of the last line. This isn't the behavior of the TP IDE maybe it should be supported only with an option (FK) 2 When you go beyond the last character on a line, you keep on moving instead of free cursor move 3 If you press down (or up), and the new line is less full then the current, you don't end up on the last written character, but somewhere in the void. Since 2 and 3 are probably a matter of taste. Maybe an option "relaxed cursor movement" o.s.s. 4. ctrl-K g option. (scans the windows for an active block and - if only one block defined, copy block to active window - If more blocks defined prompt for number of window to copy from.) 5 Can the dialogs (specially the file open) get somewhat bigger in 80x50? space enough. (I now use this mode, and except for this it seems to work ok) and definitely the most annoying one: 6 ctrl-T sometimes deletes in blocks, and even when no blocks are defined, it doesn't work right! (check BP. But also e.g. Qedit and Pegasus has this key. Joe is an exception however) Rough description: - When pressed on a character n alphanumerical character ('a'..'z','A'..'Z','0'..'9') it should delete all alphanumerical characters until next non alphanumerical character. - When pressed on a space or tab it should delete all space and tabs until a normal character (anything but space and tab) - When pressed on neither spacetab nor alphanumeric (so. '!'..')',[',']',\' linefeed, etc) ctrl-t acts the same as delete. Another bad one (for wordstar fanatics like me) 7 ctrl-k t (define block on word) marks a block, but the block can't be copied. 8 (related to 7?) ctrl-k c only works if the defined blocks is visible. If you press page-down a few times, it doesn't work anymore. Ctrl-k v (move) works fine however. 9 F7 (trace into) a unit causes emergency exit (cannot run a unit?) 10 When I set the memory of a dosbox to 16 MB DPMI, and debug the compiler, emergency exit (very rarely even without cleaning the screen) Not bugs, but things I don't like: 10a Pressing F8 on a FOR loop should exec until after the for loop, not jump into the loop? I believe BP also does this, but I always hated it. Now the only way to jump over a for loop is to use breakpoints. 10b Bugs 1-8 are not solved :-) Things I like: 11 When I press F7 to start tracing, always some sources (and the main exe) are rebuilt, even when I didn't change anything. (test source: the compiler) --- Ideas --- * Integrated source beautifier (fully configurable) * Add some other classes to syntax highlight (eg. highlight standard Pascal types, etc.) * ASCII-table for inserting chars not accessible thru keyboard * Binary->source (const table/array) converter * Browse all vars in debug mode, much like TD inspect command, but then browsable instead of having to type names.