{ This file is part of the Free Pascal Integrated Development Environment Copyright (c) 1998 by Berczi Gabor Global variables for the IDE See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} {$i globdir.inc} unit FPVars; interface uses Objects,Views,App, WUtils,WEditor, FPConst, FPDebug,FPRegs, FPUtils,FPViews,FPCalc; type TRecentFileEntry = record FileName : string; LastPos : TPoint; end; TCompPhase = (cpNothing,cpCompiling,cpLinking, cpAborted,cpFailed,cpDone); {Use edit keys according to Borland convention (shift+del,ctrl+ins,shift+ins) or Microsoft convention (ctrl+x,ctrl+c,ctrl+v).} Tedit_key_modes=(ekm_borland,ekm_microsoft); {$ifdef Unix} {Microsoft convention is default on Unix, because the Borland "paste" key, Shift+Ins, is not passed on to the program in most X terminal emulators.} const ekm_default = ekm_microsoft; {$else} const ekm_default = ekm_borland; {$endif} const ClipboardWindow : PClipboardWindow = nil; CalcWindow : PCalculator = nil; RecentFileCount : integer = 0; LastCompileTime : cardinal = 0; OpenExts : string = '*.pas;*.pp;*.inc;*.dpr;*.lpr'; HighlightExts : string = '*.pas;*.pp;*.inc;*.dpr;*.lpr'; TabsPattern : string = 'make*;make*.*;fpcmake.loc'; SourceDirs : string = ''; StandardUnits : string = ''; UseStandardUnitsInCodeComplete : boolean = false; UseAllUnitsInCodeComplete : boolean = true; ShowOnlyUnique : boolean = true; PrimaryFile : string = ''; PrimaryFileMain : string = ''; PrimaryFileSwitches : string = ''; PrimaryFilePara : string = ''; GDBOutputFile : string = GDBOutputFileName; IsEXECompiled : boolean = false; { LinkAfter : boolean = true; changed into a function } MainHasDebugInfo : boolean = false; UseMouse : boolean = true; MainFile : string = ''; PrevMainFile : string = ''; EXEFile : ansistring = ''; CompilationPhase : TCompPhase = cpNothing; {$ifndef NODEBUG} GDBWindow : PGDBWindow = nil; DisassemblyWindow : PDisassemblyWindow = nil; BreakpointsWindow : PBreakpointsWindow = nil; WatchesWindow : PWatchesWindow = nil; StackWindow : PStackWindow = nil; RegistersWindow : PRegistersWindow = nil; FPUWindow : PFPUWindow = nil; VectorWindow : PVectorWindow = nil; {$endif NODEBUG} UserScreenWindow : PScreenWindow = nil; HeapView : PFPHeapView = nil; ClockView : PFPClockView = nil; HelpFiles : WUtils.PUnsortedStringCollection = nil; ShowStatusOnError: boolean = true; StartupDir : string = '.'+DirSep; IDEDir : string = '.'+DirSep; {$if defined(WINDOWS) or defined(Unix) or defined(Aros)} SystemIDEDir : string = ''; {$endif defined(WINDOWS) or defined(Unix)} INIFileName : string = ININame; SwitchesPath : string = SwitchesName; CtrlMouseAction : integer = acTopicSearch; AltMouseAction : integer = acBrowseSymbol; StartupOptions : longint = 0; LastExitCode : integer = 0; ASCIIChart : PFPASCIIChart = nil; BackgroundPath : string = BackgroundName; DesktopPath : string = DesktopName; DesktopFileFlags : longint = dfHistoryLists+dfOpenWindows+ dfCodeCompleteWords+dfCodeTemplates; DesktopLocation : byte = dlConfigFileDir; AutoSaveOptions : longint = asEnvironment+asDesktop; MiscOptions : longint = moChangeDirOnOpen+moCloseOnGotoSource; EditorModified : boolean = false; IniCenterDebuggerRow : tcentre = do_centre; SleepTimeOut : longint = trunc(10*18.2); {$ifdef USE_EXTERNAL_COMPILER} UseExternalCompiler : boolean = true; ExternalCompilerExe : string = 'ppc386'+ExeExt; {$endif USE_EXTERNAL_COMPILER} ShowReadme : boolean = true; AskRecompileIfModifiedFlag : boolean = true; EditKeys:Tedit_key_modes = ekm_default; {$ifdef SUPPORT_REMOTE} RemoteMachine : string = ''; RemotePuttySession : string = ''; RemotePort : string = '2345'; RemoteConfig : string = ''; RemoteIdent : string = ''; RemoteDir : string = ''; RemoteGDBServer : string = 'gdbserver'; {$ifdef Windows} RemoteCopy : string = 'pscp.exe'; RemoteShell : string = 'plink.exe'; {$else not windows} RemoteCopy : string = 'scp'; RemoteShell : string = 'ssh'; {$endif not windows} RemoteSendCommand : string = '$REMOTECOPY $CONFIG $IDENT $LOCALFILE $REMOTEMACHINE:$REMOTEDIR'; RemoteExecCommand : string = '"cd $REMOTEDIR; chmod u+x ./$LOCALFILENAME;'+ ' $REMOTEGDBSERVER :$REMOTEPORT ./$LOCALFILENAME"'; RemoteSshExecCommand : string = '$START $REMOTESHELL $CONFIG $IDENT -L $REMOTEPORT:localhost:$REMOTEPORT $REMOTEMACHINE '+ '"$REMOTEEXECCOMMAND" $DOITINBACKGROUND'; {$endif SUPPORT_REMOTE} {$ifdef GDB_WINDOWS_ALWAYS_USE_ANOTHER_CONSOLE} DebuggeeTTY : string = 'on'; {$else GDB_WINDOWS_ALWAYS_USE_ANOTHER_CONSOLE} DebuggeeTTY : string = ''; {$endif GDB_WINDOWS_ALWAYS_USE_ANOTHER_CONSOLE} ActionCommands : array[acFirstAction..acLastAction] of word = (cmHelpTopicSearch,cmGotoCursor,cmToggleBreakpoint, cmEvaluate,cmAddWatch,cmBrowseAtCursor); AppPalette : string = CIDEAppColor; var RecentFiles : array[1..MaxRecentFileCount] of TRecentFileEntry; implementation END.