{ This file is part of the PinGUI - Platform Independent GUI Project Copyright (c) 1999 by Berczi Gabor VESA support routines See the file COPYING.GUI, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} unit VESA; {$ifdef DEBUG} {$define TESTGRAPHIC} {$endif DEBUG} interface uses Dos, Objects,Strings,WUtils; const { Video Mode Attributes mask constants } vesa_vma_CanBeSetInCurrentConfig = $0001; vesa_vma_OptionalBlockPresent = $0002; vesa_vma_BIOSSupport = $0004; vesa_vma_ColorMode = $0008; { else mono } vesa_vma_GraphicsMode = $0010; { else text } { -- VBE 2.0 --- } vesa_vma_VGACompatibleMode = $0020; vesa_vma_VGACompWindowedAvail = $0040; vesa_vma_LinearFrameBufferAvail = $0080; { Windows Attributes mask constants } vesa_wa_Present = $0001; vesa_wa_Readable = $0002; vesa_wa_Writeable = $0004; { Memory Model value constants } vesa_mm_Text = $0000; vesa_mm_CGAGraphics = $0001; vesa_mm_HerculesGraphics = $0002; vesa_mm_4planePlanar = $0003; vesa_mm_PackedPixel = $0004; vesa_mm_NonChain4_256color = $0005; vesa_mm_DirectColor = $0006; vesa_mm_YUV = $0007; { Memory Window value constants } vesa_mw_WindowA = $0000; vesa_mw_WindowB = $0001; type tregisters=registers; PtrRec16 = record Ofs,Seg: word; end; TVESAInfoBlock = packed record Signature : longint; { 'VESA' } Version : word; OEMString : PString; Capabilities : longint; VideoModeList: PWordArray; TotalMemory : word; { in 64KB blocks } Fill : array[1..236] of byte; VBE2Fill : array[1..256] of byte; end; TVESAModeInfoBlock = packed record Attributes : word; WinAAttrs : byte; WinBAttrs : byte; Granularity : word; Size : word; ASegment : word; BSegment : word; FuncPtr : pointer; BytesPerLine : word; { optional } XResolution : word; YResolution : word; XCharSize : byte; YCharSize : byte; NumberOfPlanes : byte; BitsPerPixel : byte; NumberOfBanks : byte; MemoryModel : byte; BankSize : byte; NumberOfImagePages: byte; Reserved : byte; { direct color fields } RedMaskSize : byte; RedFieldPosition: byte; GreenMaskSize : byte; GreenFieldPosition: byte; BlueMaskSize : byte; BlueFieldPosition: byte; ReservedMaskSize: byte; ReservedPosition: byte; DirectColorModeInfo: byte; { --- VBE 2.0 optional --- } LinearFrameAddr : longint; OffScreenAddr : longint; OffScreenSize : word; Reserved2 : array[1..216-(4+4+2)] of byte; end; TVESAModeList = record Count : word; Modes : array[1..256] of word; end; function VESAInit: boolean; function VESAGetInfo(var B: TVESAInfoBlock): boolean; function VESAGetModeInfo(Mode: word; var B: TVESAModeInfoBlock): boolean; function VESAGetModeList(var B: TVESAModeList): boolean; function VESASearchMode(XRes,YRes,BPX: word; LFB: boolean; var Mode: word; var ModeInfo: TVESAModeInfoBlock): boolean; function VESAGetOemString: string; function VESASetMode(Mode: word): boolean; function VESAGetMode(var Mode: word): boolean; function VESASelectMemoryWindow(Window: byte; Position: word): boolean; function VESAReturnMemoryWindow(Window: byte; var Position: word): boolean; function RegisterVesaVideoMode(Mode : word) : boolean; Procedure FreeVesaModes; const DisableVESA : boolean = false; implementation uses video, mouse, {$ifdef TESTGRAPHIC} graph, {$endif TESTGRAPHIC} pmode; type PVesaVideoMode = ^TVesaVideoMode; TVesaVideoMode = record {Col,Row : word; Color : boolean;} V : TVideoMode; Mode : word; IsGraphic : boolean; { zero based vesa specific driver count } VideoIndex : word; Next : PVesaVideoMode; end; CursorBitMap = Record width,height,size : longint; colors : array[0..8*8-1] of word; end; const VesaVideoModeHead : PVesaVideoMode = nil; VesaRegisteredModes : word = 0; {$ifdef TESTGRAPHIC} IsGraphicMode : boolean = false; GraphDriver : integer = 0; GraphMode : Integer = 0; FirstCallAfterSetVesaMode : boolean = false; LastCursorX : word = $ffff; LastCursorY : word = $ffff; LastCursorType : word = crHidden; var UnderLineImage : CursorBitMap; BlockImage : CursorBitMap; HalfBlockImage : CursorBitMap; {$endif TESTGRAPHIC} Var SysGetVideoModeCount : function : word; SysSetVideoMode : function (Const VideoMode : TVideoMode) : boolean; SysGetVideoModeData : function (Index : Word; Var Data : TVideoMode) : boolean; SysUpdateScreen : procedure(Force : Boolean); SysDoneVideo : procedure; SysInitVideo : procedure; SysSetCursorPos : procedure(NewCursorX, NewCursorY: Word); SysSetCursorType : procedure(NewCurosrType : word); function VESAGetInfo(var B: TVESAInfoBlock): boolean; var r: registers; OK: boolean; M: MemPtr; begin if disableVESA then exit(false); StrToMem('VBE2',B.Signature); GetDosMem(M,SizeOf(B)); M.MoveDataTo(B,sizeof(B)); r.ah:=$4f; r.al:=0; r.es:=M.DosSeg; r.di:=M.DosOfs; realintr($10,r); M.MoveDataFrom(sizeof(B),B); FreeDosMem(M); OK:=(r.ax=$004f){ and (MemToStr(B.Signature,4)='VESA')}; VESAGetInfo:=OK; end; function VESAGetModeList(var B: TVESAModeList): boolean; var OK: boolean; VI: TVESAInfoBlock; begin FillChar(B,SizeOf(B),0); if disableVESA then exit(false); OK:=VESAGetInfo(VI); if OK then begin OK:=MoveDosToPM(VI.VideoModeList,@B.Modes,sizeof(B.Modes)); if OK then while (B.Modes[B.Count+1]<>$ffff) and (B.Count0)) then begin Mode:=B.Modes[I]; ModeInfo:=MI; end; Inc(I); until (OK=false) or (I>=B.Count) or (Mode<>0); OK:=Mode<>0; VESASearchMode:=OK; end; function VESAGetOemString: string; var OK: boolean; VI: TVESAInfoBlock; S: array[0..256] of char; begin if disableVESA then begin VESAGetOemString:='VESA disabled'; exit; end; FillChar(S,SizeOf(S),0); OK:=VESAGetInfo(VI); if OK then OK:=MoveDosToPM(VI.OemString,@S,sizeof(S)); VESAGetOemString:=StrPas(@S); end; function VESAGetModeInfo(Mode: word; var B: TVESAModeInfoBlock): boolean; var r : registers; M : MemPtr; OK: boolean; begin if disableVESA then exit(false); r.ah:=$4f; r.al:=$01; r.cx:=Mode; GetDosMem(M,sizeof(B)); r.es:=M.DosSeg; r.di:=M.DosOfs; {r.ds:=r.es;} realintr($10,r); M.MoveDataFrom(sizeof(B),B); FreeDosMem(M); OK:=(r.ax=$004f); VESAGetModeInfo:=OK; end; function RegisterVesaVideoMode(Mode : word) : boolean; var B: TVESAModeInfoBlock; VH : PVesaVideoMode; DoAdd : boolean; begin if not VESAGetModeInfo(Mode,B) then RegisterVesaVideoMode:=false else begin VH:=VesaVideoModeHead; DoAdd:=true; RegisterVesaVideoMode:=false; while assigned(VH) do begin if VH^.mode=mode then DoAdd:=false; VH:=VH^.next; end; if DoAdd then begin New(VH); VH^.next:=VesaVideoModeHead; VH^.mode:=mode; VH^.IsGraphic:=(B.Attributes and vesa_vma_GraphicsMode)<>0; VH^.v.color:=(B.Attributes and vesa_vma_ColorMode)<>0; if VH^.IsGraphic then begin VH^.v.col:=B.XResolution div 8; VH^.v.row:=B.YResolution div 8; end else begin VH^.v.col:=B.XResolution; VH^.v.row:=B.YResolution; end; VH^.VideoIndex:=VesaRegisteredModes; Inc(VesaRegisteredModes); RegisterVesaVideoMode:=true; VesaVideoModeHead:=VH; end; end; end; function VESASetMode(Mode: word): boolean; var r: registers; OK: boolean; begin if disableVESA then exit(false); r.ah:=$4f; r.al:=$02; r.bx:=Mode; dos.intr($10,r); OK:=(r.ax=$004f); VESASetMode:=OK; end; function VESAGetMode(var Mode: word): boolean; var r : registers; OK: boolean; begin if disableVESA then exit(false); if disableVESA then exit(false); r.ah:=$4f; r.al:=$03; dos.intr($10,r); OK:=(r.ax=$004f); if OK then Mode:=r.bx; VESAGetMode:=OK; end; function VESASelectMemoryWindow(Window: byte; Position: word): boolean; var r : registers; OK : boolean; begin if disableVESA then exit(false); r.ah:=$4f; r.al:=$05; r.bh:=0; r.bl:=Window; r.dx:=Position; dos.intr($10,r); OK:=(r.ax=$004f); VESASelectMemoryWindow:=OK; end; function VESAReturnMemoryWindow(Window: byte; var Position: word): boolean; var r : registers; OK : boolean; begin if disableVESA then exit(false); r.ah:=$4f; r.al:=$05; r.bh:=1; r.bl:=Window; dos.intr($10,r); OK:=(r.ax=$004f); if OK then Position:=r.dx; VESAReturnMemoryWindow:=OK; end; function VESAInit: boolean; var OK: boolean; VI: TVESAInfoBlock; begin if disableVESA then OK:=false else OK:=VESAGetInfo(VI); VESAInit:=OK; end; Function VesaGetVideoModeData (Index : Word; Var Data : TVideoMode) : boolean; Var PrevCount : word; VH : PVesaVideoMode; begin PrevCount:=SysGetVideoModeCount(); VesaGetVideoModeData:=(IndexIndex-PrevCount) do VH:=VH^.next; if assigned(VH) then Data:=VH^.v else VesaGetVideoModeData:=false; end; end; function SetVESAMode(const VideoMode: TVideoMode): Boolean; var res : boolean; VH : PVesaVideoMode; begin res:=false; if disableVESA then exit(res); VH:=VesaVideoModeHead; while assigned(VH) do begin if (VideoMode.col=VH^.v.col) and (VideoMode.row=VH^.v.row) and (VideoMode.color=VH^.v.color) then begin {$ifdef TESTGRAPHIC} if VH^.IsGraphic then begin if IsGraphicMode then CloseGraph; GraphDriver:=Graph.Vesa; if (VideoMode.col = 100) and (VideoMode.row = 75) then GraphMode:=m800x600x256 else if (VideoMode.col = 80) and (VideoMode.row = 60) then GraphMode:=m640x480x256 else if (VideoMode.col = 128) and (VideoMode.row = 96) then GraphMode:=m1024x768x256 else GraphMode:=Graph.Detect; InitGraph(GraphDriver,GraphMode,''); res:=(GraphResult=grOK); if not res then begin SetVesaMode:=false; exit; end; end else {$endif TESTGRAPHIC} res:=VESASetMode(VH^.mode); if res then begin ScreenWidth:=VideoMode.Col; ScreenHeight:=VideoMode.Row; ScreenColor:=VideoMode.Color; {$ifdef TESTGRAPHIC} IsGraphicMode:=VH^.IsGraphic; FirstCallAfterSetVesaMode:=true; LastCursorX:=$ffff; LastCursorY:=$ffff; LastCursorType:=crHidden; if IsGraphicMode then DoCustomMouse(false) else {$endif TESTGRAPHIC} DoCustomMouse(true); end; end; if res then begin SetVesaMode:=true; exit; end; VH:=VH^.next; end; SetVESAMode:=SysSetVideoMode(VideoMode); end; procedure VesaSetCursorPos(NewCursorX, NewCursorY: Word); begin {$ifdef TESTGRAPHIC} if not IsGraphicMode then {$endif TESTGRAPHIC} begin SysSetCursorPos(NewCursorX,NewCursorY); exit; end; {$ifdef TESTGRAPHIC} if (NewCursorX<>LastCursorX) or (NewCursorY<>LastCursorY) then begin Case GetCursorType of crHidden : ; crUnderLine : Begin PutImage(LastCursorX*8,LastCursorY*8+7,UnderLineImage,XORPut); PutImage(NewCursorX*8,NewCursorY*8+7,UnderLineImage,XORPut); End; crBlock : Begin PutImage(LastCursorX*8,LastCursorY*8,BlockImage,XORPut); PutImage(NewCursorX*8,NewCursorY*8,BlockImage,XORPut); End; crHalfBlock : Begin PutImage(LastCursorX*8,LastCursorY*8+4,HalfBlockImage,XORPut); PutImage(NewCursorX*8,NewCursorY*8+4,HalfBlockImage,XORPut); End; end; LastCursorX:=NewCursorX; LastCursorY:=NewCursorY; end; {$endif TESTGRAPHIC} end; procedure VesaSetCursorType(NewType : Word); begin {$ifdef TESTGRAPHIC} if not IsGraphicMode then {$endif TESTGRAPHIC} begin SysSetCursorType(NewType); exit; end; {$ifdef TESTGRAPHIC} if (NewType<>LastCursorType) then begin Case LastCursorType of crHidden : ; crUnderLine : Begin PutImage(LastCursorX*8,LastCursorY*8+7,UnderLineImage,XORPut); End; crBlock : Begin PutImage(LastCursorX*8,LastCursorY*8,BlockImage,XORPut); End; crHalfBlock : Begin PutImage(LastCursorX*8,LastCursorY*8+4,HalfBlockImage,XORPut); End; end; SysSetCursorType(NewType); Case NewType of crHidden : ; crUnderLine : Begin PutImage(LastCursorX*8,LastCursorY*8+7,UnderLineImage,XORPut); End; crBlock : Begin PutImage(LastCursorX*8,LastCursorY*8,BlockImage,XORPut); End; crHalfBlock : Begin PutImage(LastCursorX*8,LastCursorY*8+4,HalfBlockImage,XORPut); End; end; LastCursorType:=NewType; end; {$endif TESTGRAPHIC} end; procedure VesaUpdateScreen(Force: Boolean); {$ifdef TESTGRAPHIC} var StoreDrawTextBackground, MustUpdate : boolean; x,y : longint; w, prevcolor, prevbkcolor, StoreCursorType : word; Color,BkCol,Col : byte; Ch : char; {$endif TESTGRAPHIC} begin {$ifdef TESTGRAPHIC} if not IsGraphicMode then {$endif TESTGRAPHIC} begin SysUpdateScreen(Force); exit; end; {$ifdef TESTGRAPHIC} if FirstCallAfterSetVesaMode then begin { Make sure to redraw all } Fillchar(OldVideoBuf^,VideoBufSize,#0); FirstCallAfterSetVesaMode:=false; end; if not force then begin MustUpdate:=false; asm movl VideoBuf,%esi movl OldVideoBuf,%edi movl VideoBufSize,%ecx shrl $2,%ecx repe cmpsl setne MustUpdate end; end; StoreDrawTextBackground:=DrawTextBackground; DrawTextBackground:=true; if Force or MustUpdate then begin PrevColor:=GetColor; PrevBkColor:=GetBkColor{$ifdef FPC}(){$endif}; for y:=0 to ScreenHeight-1 do for x:=0 to Screenwidth-1 do begin w:=VideoBuf^[x+y*ScreenWidth]; if Force or (w<>OldVideoBuf^[x+y*ScreenWidth]) then Begin Color:=w shr 8; Ch:=chr(w and $ff); Col:=Color and $f; if (Col = 0) and (GetMaxColor=255) then Col:=255; SetColor(Col); BkCol:=(Color shr 4) and 7; if (BkCol = 0) and (GetMaxColor=255) then BkCol:=255; SetBkColor(BkCol); if (x=LastCursorX) and (Y=LastCursorY) then begin StoreCursorType:=LastCursorType; VesaSetCursorType(crHidden); end; OutTextXY(x*8,y*8,Ch); if (x=LastCursorX) and (Y=LastCursorY) then VesaSetCursorType(StoreCursorType); if not force then OldVideoBuf^[x+y*ScreenWidth]:=w; End; end; if Force then move(videobuf^,oldvideobuf^, VideoBufSize); SetColor(PrevColor); SetBkColor(GetBkColor{$ifdef FPC}(){$endif}); end; DrawTextBackground:=StoreDrawTextBackground; {$endif TESTGRAPHIC} end; procedure VesaDoneVideo; begin {$ifdef TESTGRAPHIC} if IsGraphicMode then begin CloseGraph; IsGraphicMode:=false; end; {$endif TESTGRAPHIC} SysDoneVideo(); end; function SetVESAVideoDriver : boolean; forward; procedure VesaInitVideo; begin if not SetVESAVideoDriver then exit; {$ifdef TESTGRAPHIC} if IsGraphicMode then begin SysInitVideo(); InitGraph(GraphDriver,GraphMode,''); end else {$endif TESTGRAPHIC} SysInitVideo(); end; Function VesaGetVideoModeCount : Word; begin VesaGetVideoModeCount:=SysGetVideoModeCount()+VesaRegisteredModes; end; Procedure FreeVesaModes; var VH : PVesaVideoMode; begin VH:=VesaVideoModeHead; While assigned(VH) do begin VesaVideoModeHead:=VH^.Next; FreeMem(VH,Sizeof(TVesaVideoMode)); VH:=VesaVideoModeHead; end; end; Var Driver : TVideoDriver; {$ifdef TESTGRAPHIC} i : longint; {$endif TESTGRAPHIC} function SetVESAVideoDriver : boolean; BEGIN if disableVESA then exit(false); { Get the videodriver to be used } GetVideoDriver (Driver); { Change needed functions } SysGetVideoModeCount:=Driver.GetVideoModeCount; Driver.GetVideoModeCount:=@VesaGetVideoModeCount; SysGetVideoModeData:=Driver.GetVideoModeData; Driver.GetVideoModeData:=@VesaGetVideoModeData; SysSetVideoMode:=Driver.SetVideoMode; Driver.SetVideoMode:=@SetVESAMode; SysSetCursorPos:=Driver.SetCursorPos; Driver.SetCursorPos:=@VESASetCursorPos; SysSetCursorType:=Driver.SetCursorType; Driver.SetCursorType:=@VESASetCursorType; SysUpdateScreen:=Driver.UpdateScreen; Driver.UpdateScreen:=@VesaUpdateScreen; SysDoneVideo:=Driver.DoneDriver; Driver.DoneDriver:=@VesaDoneVideo; SysInitVideo:=Driver.InitDriver; Driver.InitDriver:=@VesaInitVideo; {$ifdef TESTGRAPHIC} BlockImage.width:=7; BlockImage.height:=7; For i:=0 to 8*8-1 do BlockImage.colors[i]:=White; HalfBlockImage:=BlockImage; HalfBlockImage.height:=3; UnderLineImage:=BlockImage; UnderLineImage.height:=0; {$endif TESTGRAPHIC} SetVideoDriver (Driver); SetVESAVideoDriver:=true; END; function ChkWinNT: boolean; var R: Registers; begin ChkWinNT := false; R.AX := $3306; RealIntr ($21, R); if (R.AL = 255) or (R.BX <> 50 * 256 + 5) then Exit; R.AX := $3000; RealIntr ($21, R); if (R.AX = 5) and (R.BH = 255) then ChkWinNT := true; end; begin (* Let's disable VESA functions by default if running under MS Windows NT+ *) if ChkWinNT then DisableVESA := true; END.