{ This file is part of the Free Pascal Integrated Development Environment Copyright (c) 2000 by Berczi Gabor Strings for utilities This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} { $undef USERESSTRINGS} { this doesn't compile under FP!!! why? } {$ifdef USERESSTRINGS} resourcestring {$else} const {$endif} btn_OK = 'O~K~'; btn_Cancel = 'M‚gsem'; dialog_find = 'Keres‚s'; label_find_options = 'Opci˘k'; label_find_texttofind = '~K~eresend‹'; label_find_casesensitive = 'K~i~s-/nagybet‹k kl”n'; label_find_wholewordsonly = 'Csak teljes sza~v~akat'; label_find_direction = 'Ir ny'; label_find_forward = 'El‹re (~d~)'; label_find_backward = 'Visszafel‚ (~b~)'; label_find_scope = 'Szk˘p'; label_find_global = 'Teljes sz”ve~g~'; label_find_selectedtext = 'Kiv la~s~ztott sz”veg'; label_find_origin = 'Kiindul si pont'; label_find_fromcursor = 'A kur~z~ort˘l'; label_find_entirescope = 'T~e~ljes szk˘p'; dialog_replace = 'Csere'; label_replace_texttofind = label_find_texttofind; label_replace_newtext = ' ~é~j sz”veg'; label_replace_options = label_find_options; label_replace_casesensitive = label_find_casesensitive; label_replace_wholewordsonly = label_find_wholewordsonly; label_replace_promptonreplace = '~P~rompt on replace'; label_replace_direction = label_find_direction; label_replace_forward = label_find_forward; label_replace_backward = label_find_backward; label_replace_scope = label_find_scope; label_replace_global = label_find_global; label_replace_selectedtext = label_find_selectedtext; label_replace_origin = label_find_origin; label_replace_fromcursor = label_find_fromcursor; label_replace_entirescope = label_find_entirescope; btn_replace_changeall = '~A~z ”sszeset'; dialog_gotoline = 'Ugr s sorra'; label_gotoline_linenumber = 'Az £j sor s~z~ ma'; msg_invalidmarkindex = 'rv‚nytelen pont index (%d)'; msg_marknotset = 'A %d. pont nincs be llĦtva.'; msg_foldboundsarenotvalid = 'A hajt s hat rai nem ‚rv‚nyesek'; msg_notenoughmemoryforthisoperation = 'Nincs el‚g mem˘ria a m‹velet elv‚gz‚s‚hez.'; msg_errorreadingfile = 'Hiba a %s f jl olvas sa k”zben.'; msg_errorwritingfile = 'Hiba a %s f jl Ħr sa k”zben.'; msg_errorsavingfile = 'Hiba a %s f jl ment‚se k”zben.'; msg_errorcreatingfile = 'Hiba a %s f jl l‚trehoz sa k”zben.'; msg_filehasbeenmodifiedsave = 'A %s m˘dosult. Menti?'; msg_saveuntitledfile = 'Elmenti a cĦm n‚lkli f jlt?'; msg_filehadtoolonglines = #3'A %s f jlnak t£l hossz£'#13+ #3'sora(i) voltak. Az els‹ a %d'; msg_filewasmodified = #3'A %s f jlt'#13+ #3'egy m sik program m˘dosĦtotta.'#13+ #3'FellĦrja az £jabb verzi˘t?'; dialog_savefileas = 'F jl ment‚se m s n‚ven'; dialog_writeblocktofile = 'Blokk kiĦr sa f jlba'; dialog_readblockfromfile = 'Blokk beolvas sa f jlb˘l'; label_name = '~N~‚v'; msg_searchstringnotfound = 'A keresett karaktersor nem tal lhat˘.'; msg_replacethisoccourence = 'Lecser‚ljem ezt az el‹fordul st?'; msg_fileexistsoverwrite = 'A %s f jl m r l‚tezik. FellĦrja?'; { Help system } msg_nohelpfilesinstalled = 'Nincsenek s£g˘-f jlok telepĦtve.'; msg_helpindex = 'S£g˘ index'; msg_nohelpavailabelforthistopic = 'Ehhez a t‚m hoz nem tartozik s£g˘.'; msg_pagenotavailable = 'Az oldal nem el‚rhet‹'; msg_cantaccessurl = 'Sajnos nem tudom megnyitni a %s URL-t...'; { WUtils } msg_bugcheckfailed = 'Bels‹ hiba: %s'#13+ 'K‚rem, jelezze a szerz‹nek!'; msg_functionnotimplemented = #3'Ez a funkci˘ m‚g'#13+ #3+'nincs kidolgozva...'#13+ #3+'';