{ This file is part of the Free Pascal Integrated Development Environment Copyright (c) 2000 by Pierre Muller Windows specific debugger routines for the IDE See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} Unit windebug; interface {$ifndef NODEBUG} type DebuggeeState = (Running_State,Stopped_State); procedure ChangeDebuggeeWindowTitleTo(State : DebuggeeState); function CygDrivePrefix : string; const main_pid_valid : boolean = false; {$endif NODEBUG} implementation {$ifndef NODEBUG} uses {$ifdef GDBMI} gdbmiint, {$else GDBMI} gdbint, {$endif GDBMI} strings, windows; const CygDrivePrefixKey1 = 'Software'; CygDrivePrefixKey2 = 'Cygnus Solutions'; CygDrivePrefixKey3 = 'Cygwin'; CygDrivePrefixKey4 = 'mounts v2'; CygDrivePrefixKey = 'cygdrive prefix'; function CygDrivePrefix : string; var i : longint; length : dword; Value : pchar; _type : dword; Key,NKey : HKey; begin Length:=0; Key:=HKEY_CURRENT_USER; i := RegOpenKeyEx(Key, CygDrivePrefixKey1, 0, KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS, @NKey); if i=ERROR_SUCCESS then begin Key:=NKey; i := RegOpenKeyEx(Key, CygDrivePrefixKey2, 0, KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS, @NKey); end; if i=ERROR_SUCCESS then begin RegCloseKey(Key); Key:=NKey; i := RegOpenKeyEx(Key, CygDrivePrefixKey3, 0, KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS, @NKey); end; if i=ERROR_SUCCESS then begin RegCloseKey(Key); Key:=NKey; i := RegOpenKeyEx(Key, CygDrivePrefixKey4, 0, KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS, @NKey); end; if i=ERROR_SUCCESS then begin RegCloseKey(Key); Key:=NKey; i := RegQueryValueEx( Key, CygDrivePrefixKey, nil, @_type, nil, @length); end; if i<>ERROR_SUCCESS then CygDrivePrefix:='/cygdrive' else Begin GetMem(Value,Length); i := RegQueryValueEx( Key, CygDrivePrefixKey, nil, @_type, LPByte(Value), @length); if i<>ERROR_SUCCESS then CygDrivePrefix:='/cygdrive' else CygDrivePrefix:=StrPas(Value); FreeMem(Value,Length); End; if Key<>HKEY_CURRENT_USER then RegCloseKey(Key); end; const MaxTitleLength = 512; main_pid : longint = 0; function GetWindowHandle(H : HWND; state : LPARAM) : WINBOOL;stdcall; var pTitle, pEnd, pNewTitle : pchar; len : longint; begin GetWindowHandle:=true; GetMem(pTitle,MaxTitleLength); { we want all windows !! } if (GetWindowThreadProcessId(H,nil)=inferior_pid) or main_pid_valid and (GetWindowThreadProcessId(H,nil)=main_pid) then begin if not main_pid_valid then begin main_pid:=inferior_pid; main_pid_valid:=true; end; len:=GetWindowText(H,pTitle,MaxTitleLength); if DebuggeeState(State) = Stopped_State then begin GetMem(pNewTitle,len+50); pEnd:=strpos(pTitle,'... running under FP debugger'); if assigned(pEnd) then pEnd^:=#0; pEnd:=strpos(pTitle,'... stopped by FP debugger'); if assigned(pEnd) then pEnd^:=#0; strcopy(pNewTitle,pTitle); strcat(pNewTitle,'... stopped by FP debugger'); SetWindowText(H,pNewTitle); FreeMem(pNewTitle,len+50); end else if DebuggeeState(State) = Running_State then begin GetMem(pNewTitle,len+50); pEnd:=strpos(pTitle,'... stopped by FP debugger'); if assigned(pEnd) then pEnd^:=#0; pEnd:=strpos(pTitle,'... running under FP debugger'); if assigned(pEnd) then pEnd^:=#0; strcopy(pNewTitle,pTitle); strcat(pNewTitle,'... running under FP debugger'); SetWindowText(H,pNewTitle); FreeMem(pNewTitle,len+50); end; end; FreeMem(pTitle,MaxTitleLength); end; procedure ChangeDebuggeeWindowTitleTo(State : DebuggeeState); begin EnumWindows(EnumWindowsProc(@GetWindowHandle),longint(State)); end; {$endif NODEBUG} end.