{ This file is part of the Free Pascal Integrated Development Environment Copyright (c) 2000 by Berczi Gabor Help support for OS/2 (.INF) help files See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} {$R-} unit WOS2Help; interface uses Objects, WUtils,WHelp; const INFFileSignature = 'HS'; { TOCEntry flags } inf_tef_HasChildren = $80; { following nodes are a higher level } inf_tef_Hidden = $40; { this entry doesn't appear in VIEW.EXE's presentation of the toc } inf_tef_Extended = $20; { extended entry format } inf_tef_LevelMask = $0f; type TINFFileHeader = packed record Signature : array[1..2] of char;{ ID magic word (5348h = "HS") } Unknown1 : byte; { unknown purpose, could be third letter of ID } Flags : byte; { probably a flag word... } { bit 0: set if INF style file } { bit 4: set if HLP style file } { patching this byte allows reading HLP files } { using the VIEW command, while help files } { seem to work with INF settings here as well. } HeaderSize : word; { total size of header } Unknown2 : word; { unknown purpose } NumTOC : word; { 16 bit number of entries in the tocarray } TOCStrTabOfs: longint; { 32 bit file offset of the start of the } { strings for the table-of-contents } TOCStrTabSize: longint; { number of bytes in file occupied by the } { table-of-contents strings } TOCArrayOfs : longint; { 32 bit file offset of the start of tocarray } NumResPanels: word; { number of panels with ressource numbers } ResTabOfs : longint; { 32 bit file offset of ressource number table } NumNames : word; { number of panels with textual name } NameTabOfs : longint; { 32 bit file offset to panel name table } NumIndexes : word; { number of index entries } IndexTabOfs : longint; { 32 bit file offset to index table } IndexTabSize: longint; { size of index table } Unknown3: array[1..10] of byte; { unknown purpose } SearchTabOfs: longint; { 32 bit file offset of full text search table } SearchTabSize:longint; { size of full text search table } NumSlots : word; { number of "slots" } SlotTabOfs : longint; { file offset of the slots array } DictSize : longint; { number of bytes occupied by the "dictionary" } NumDictEntries: word; { number of entries in the dictionary } DictOfs : longint; { file offset of the start of the dictionary } ImageOfs : longint; { file offset of image data } Unknown4 : byte; { unknown purpose } NLSTabOfs : longint; { 32 bit file offset of NLS table } NLSTabSize : longint; { size of NLS table } ExtBlockOfs : longint; { 32 bit file offset of extended data block } Unknown5: array[1..12] of byte;{ unknown purpose } Title : array[1..48] of char;{ ASCII title of database } end; PINFTOCArray = ^TINFTOCArray; TINFTOCArray = packed array[0..16382] of longint; PINFSlotArray = ^TINFSlotArray; TINFSlotArray = packed array[0..32766] of word; PSlotArray = ^TSlotArray; TSlotArray = packed array[0..16382] of longint; TINFTOCEntry = packed record Size : byte; { length of the entry including this byte } Flags : byte; { flag byte, description folows (MSB first) } NumSlots : byte; { number of "slots" occupied by the text for } { this toc entry } Slots : record end; end; TINFTopicHeader = packed record Stuff : byte; { ?? } LocalDictPos : longint; { file offset of the local dictionary } NumLocalDict : byte; { number of entries in the local dict } TextSize : word; { number of bytes in the text } Text : record end;{ encoded text of the article } end; TINFEscHeader = packed record EscLen : byte; { length of the sequence (including esclen but excluding FF) } EscCode: byte; { which escape function } end; POS2HelpFile = ^TOS2HelpFile; TOS2HelpFile = object(THelpFile) constructor Init(AFileName: string; AID: word); destructor Done; virtual; public function LoadIndex: boolean; virtual; function ReadTopic(T: PTopic): boolean; virtual; private F: PStream; Header: TINFFileHeader; Dictionary: PUnsortedStringCollection; Slots: PSlotArray; SlotsSize: longint; function ReadHeader: boolean; function ReadSlots: boolean; function ReadDictionary: boolean; function ReadTOC: boolean; function ReadTopicRec(FileOfs: longint; Topic: PTopic; Lines: PUnsortedStringCollection): boolean; end; TINFGetAttrColorProc = function(TextStyle, TextColor: byte; var Color: byte): boolean; function DefINFGetAttrColor(TextStyle, TextColor: byte; var Color: byte): boolean; const INFGetAttrColor : TINFGetAttrColorProc = {$ifdef fpc}@{$endif}DefINFGetAttrColor; procedure RegisterHelpType; implementation function DefINFGetAttrColor(TextStyle, TextColor: byte; var Color: byte): boolean; { style; // 1,2,3: same as :hp#. // 4,5,6: same as :hp5,6,7. // 0 returns to plain text color; // 1,2,3: same as :hp4,8,9. // 0: default color :hp4 text is light blue :hp8 text is red :hp9 text is magenta :hp1 is italic font :hp2 is bold font :hp3 is bold italic font :hp5 is normal underlined font :hp6 is italic underlined font :hp7 is bold underlined font } begin DefINFGetAttrColor:=false; end; function KillNonASCII(S: string): string; var I: sw_integer; begin for I:=1 to length(S) do if S[I]<#32 then S[I]:='.'; KillNonASCII:=S; end; function ContainsNonASCIIChar(const S: string): boolean; var I: sw_integer; begin ContainsNonASCIIChar:=false; for I:=1 to length(S) do if S[I]<#32 then begin ContainsNonASCIIChar:=true; Break; end; end; constructor TOS2HelpFile.Init(AFileName: string; AID: word); var OK: boolean; begin if inherited Init(AID)=false then Fail; New(Dictionary, Init(100,1000)); F:=New(PFastBufStream, Init(AFileName, stOpenRead, HelpStreamBufSize)); OK:=F<>nil; if OK then OK:=(F^.Status=stOK); if OK then OK:=ReadHeader; if OK=false then begin Done; Fail; end; end; function TOS2HelpFile.ReadHeader: boolean; var OK: boolean; begin F^.Read(Header,sizeof(Header)); OK:=(F^.Status=stOK); OK:=OK and (Header.Signature=INFFileSignature); ReadHeader:=OK; end; function TOS2HelpFile.LoadIndex: boolean; var OK: boolean; begin OK:=ReadDictionary; if OK then OK:=ReadSlots; if OK then OK:=ReadTOC; LoadIndex:=OK; end; function TOS2HelpFile.ReadDictionary: boolean; var OK: boolean; I: longint; C: array[0..255] of char; B: byte; begin F^.Seek(Header.DictOfs); OK:=(F^.Status=stOK); I:=0; while OK and (I0) then begin F^.Read(W,sizeof(W)); Count:=0; if (W and 1)<>0 then Inc(Count,5); if (W and 2)<>0 then Inc(Count,5); if (W and 4)<>0 then Inc(Count,2); if (W and 8)<>0 then Inc(Count,2); F^.Seek(F^.GetPos+Count); OK:=(F^.Status=stOK); end; if OK then begin SubSlotsSize:=sizeof(Word)*TE.NumSlots; GetMem(SubSlots,SubSlotsSize); F^.Read(SubSlots^,SubSlotsSize); FillChar(C,sizeof(C),0); F^.Read(C,Max(0,TE.Size-(F^.GetPos-StartOfs))); OK:=(F^.Status=stOK); if OK then begin S:=StrPas(@C); AddTopic(I,StartOfs,S,SubSlots,SubSlotsSize); if (S<>'') and (not ContainsNonASCIIChar(S)) then AddIndexEntry(S,I); { !} end; FreeMem(SubSlots,SubSlotsSize); end; Inc(I); end; FreeMem(TOC,TOCSize); TOC:=nil; end; ReadTOC:=OK; end; function TOS2HelpFile.ReadTopicRec(FileOfs: longint; Topic: PTopic; Lines: PUnsortedStringCollection): boolean; var Line: string; CharsInLine: sw_integer; LeftMargin: byte; TextStyle,TextColor: byte; InMonospace: boolean; Align: (alLeft,alRight,alCenter); LineNo: longint; procedure FlushLine; begin if Line<>'' then Lines^.InsertStr(Line); Line:=''; end; procedure AddChar(C: char); begin if length(Line)>=255 then FlushLine; Line:=Line+C; end; procedure AddString(const S: string); var I: sw_integer; begin for I:=1 to length(S) do AddChar(S[I]); end; procedure AddTextChar(C: char); begin if (C=hscLineBreak) then begin case Align of alRight : AddChar(hscRight); alCenter: AddChar(hscCenter); end; end; if (CharsInLine=0) and (C<>hscLineBreak) then begin if (LeftMargin>0) then begin AddString(CharStr(#255,LeftMargin)+hscLineStart); Inc(CharsInLine,LeftMargin); end else if InMonospace then begin AddChar(' '); Inc(CharsInLine); end; end; AddChar(C); if C=hscLineBreak then begin CharsInLine:=0; Inc(LineNo); end else Inc(CharsInLine); end; procedure AddText(const S: string); var I: sw_integer; begin for I:=1 to length(S) do AddTextChar(S[I]); end; var H: TINFTopicHeader; Text: PByteArray; TextOfs: longint; Dict: PWordArray; Spacing: boolean; function NextByte: byte; begin NextByte:=Text^[TextOfs]; Inc(TextOfs); end; procedure ReadBytes(DataPtr: pointer; NumBytes: sw_integer); var I: sw_integer; begin for I:=1 to NumBytes do if Assigned(DataPtr) then PByteArray(DataPtr)^[I-1]:=NextByte else NextByte; end; procedure AddWord(LocalIndex: word); begin AddText(GetStr(Dictionary^.At(Dict^[LocalIndex]))); if Spacing and not InMonospace then AddTextChar(' '); end; var DictSize,EscStartOfs: longint; OK: boolean; EH: TINFEscHeader; B,Color: byte; W: word; CurLinkCtx: longint; InTempMargin: boolean; begin F^.Reset; F^.Seek(FileOfs); OK:=(F^.Status=stOK); if OK then begin F^.Read(H,sizeof(H)); OK:=(F^.Status=stOK); end; if OK then begin LineNo:=0; Line:=''; LeftMargin:=0; InTempMargin:=false; CharsInLine:=0; TextStyle:=0; TextColor:=0; Align:=alLeft; CurLinkCtx:=-1; InMonospace:=false; DictSize:=H.NumLocalDict*sizeof(Dict^[0]); GetMem(Text,H.TextSize); GetMem(Dict,DictSize); F^.Read(Text^,H.TextSize); F^.Seek(H.LocalDictPos); F^.Read(Dict^,DictSize); OK:=(F^.Status=stOK); TextOfs:=0; Spacing:=true; while OK and (TextOfs0) then AddTextChar(hscLineBreak); if InTempMargin then LeftMargin:=0; AddTextChar(hscLineBreak); Spacing:=true; end; $fb : { ??? }; $fc : Spacing:=not Spacing; $fd : begin AddTextChar(hscLineBreak); Spacing:=true; end; $fe : AddChar(' '); $ff : begin EscStartOfs:=TextOfs; ReadBytes(@EH,sizeof(EH)); case EH.EscCode of $02,$11,$12 : begin { set left margin } if EH.EscCode=$11 then AddTextChar(hscLineBreak); LeftMargin:=NextByte; end; $03 : { right margin, not used } NextByte; $04 : begin TextStyle:=NextByte; if (TextStyle=0) or (not INFGetAttrColor(TextStyle,TextColor,Color)) then AddChar(hscNormText) else AddText(hscTextColor+chr(Color)); end; $05 : begin W:=word(NextByte)*256+NextByte; AddChar(hscLink); CurLinkCtx:=W; end; $08 : if CurLinkCtx<>-1 then begin AddChar(hscLink); AddLinkToTopic(Topic,ID,CurLinkCtx); end; $0b : begin if CharsInLine>0 then AddTextChar(hscLineBreak); AddTextChar(hscLineBreak); AddChar(hscCode); InMonospace:=true; end; $0c : begin AddChar(hscCode); InMonospace:=false; end; $0d : begin TextColor:=NextByte; if (TextColor=0) or (not INFGetAttrColor(TextStyle,TextColor,Color)) then AddChar(hscNormText) else AddText(hscTextColor+chr(Color)); end; $0e : begin AddText(hscLineBreak+'[img]'+hscLineBreak); end; $1a : begin if CharsInLine>0 then AddText(hscLineBreak); case NextByte of 1 : Align:=alLeft; 2 : Align:=alRight; 4 : Align:=alCenter; end; Spacing:=false; end; $1b : begin Spacing:=true; end; $1c : begin LeftMargin:=CharsInLine; InTempMargin:=true; end; end; TextOfs:=EscStartOfs+EH.EscLen; end; end; end; if CharsInLine>0 then AddTextChar(hscLineBreak); AddTextChar(hscLineBreak); FlushLine; FreeMem(Dict,DictSize); FreeMem(Text,H.TextSize); end; F^.Reset; ReadTopicRec:=OK; end; function TOS2HelpFile.ReadTopic(T: PTopic): boolean; var OK: boolean; I,NumSlots,Idx: sw_integer; TopicOfs: longint; L: PUnsortedStringCollection; Title: string; begin OK:=false; NumSlots:=T^.ExtDataSize div 2; { extdata is array of word } New(L, Init(100,100)); Title:=GetStr(T^.Param); if Title<>'' then begin L^.InsertStr(' '+Title+' Ü'+hscLineBreak); L^.InsertStr(' '+CharStr('ß',length(Title)+3)+hscLineBreak); end; if 0