{ This file is part of the Free Pascal Integrated Development Environment Copyright (c) 2000 by Berczi Gabor Help support for (.VPH) help files See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} {$R-} unit WVPHelp; interface uses Objects, WUtils,WHelp; const VPHFileSignature = 'HS'; type TVPHFileHeader = packed record SectionCount: byte; { #1 } TotalTopics : word; end; TVPHTopicEntry = packed record TopicOfs : word; Dunno : byte; end; PVPHTopicTable = ^TVPHTopicTable; TVPHTopicTable = packed array[0..(MaxBytes div sizeof(TVPHTopicEntry))-1] of TVPHTopicEntry; PVPHSectionTable = ^TVPHSectionTable; TVPHSectionTable = packed array[0..4095] of longint; PVPHHelpFile = ^TVPHHelpFile; TVPHHelpFile = object(THelpFile) constructor Init(AFileName: string; AID: word); destructor Done; virtual; public function LoadIndex: boolean; virtual; function ReadTopic(T: PTopic): boolean; virtual; private F: PStream; Header: TVPHFileHeader; TopicTable: PVPHTopicTable; TopicTableSize: longint; SectionTable: PVPHSectionTable; SectionTableSize: longint; TopicBaseOfs: longint; function ReadHeader: boolean; function ReadTopicTable: boolean; function ReadBlock(Data: pointer; DataSize: longint): boolean; end; TVPHGetAttrColorProc = function(TextStyle, TextColor: byte; var Color: byte): boolean; function DefVPHGetAttrColor(TextStyle, TextColor: byte; var Color: byte): boolean; const VPHGetAttrColor : TVPHGetAttrColorProc = {$ifdef fpc}@{$endif}DefVPHGetAttrColor; procedure RegisterHelpType; implementation function DefVPHGetAttrColor(TextStyle, TextColor: byte; var Color: byte): boolean; begin DefVPHGetAttrColor:=false; end; constructor TVPHHelpFile.Init(AFileName: string; AID: word); var OK: boolean; begin if inherited Init(AID)=false then Fail; F:=New(PFastBufStream, Init(AFileName, stOpenRead, HelpStreamBufSize)); OK:=F<>nil; if OK then OK:=(F^.Status=stOK); if OK then begin OK:=ReadHeader; if OK then begin SectionTableSize:=sizeof(SectionTable^[0])*Header.SectionCount; GetMem(SectionTable,SectionTableSize); F^.Read(SectionTable^,SectionTableSize); OK:=(F^.Status=stOK); end; if OK then OK:=ReadBlock(nil,2); if OK then begin TopicTableSize:=sizeof(TopicTable^[0])*Header.TotalTopics; GetMem(TopicTable,TopicTableSize); OK:=ReadTopicTable; end; end; if OK=false then begin Done; Fail; end; end; function TVPHHelpFile.ReadHeader: boolean; var OK: boolean; begin F^.Read(Header,sizeof(Header)); OK:=(F^.Status=stOK); ReadHeader:=OK; end; function TVPHHelpFile.LoadIndex: boolean; var OK: boolean; begin OK:=false; LoadIndex:=OK; end; function TVPHHelpFile.ReadBlock(Data: pointer; DataSize: longint): boolean; var OK: boolean; C: char; begin F^.Read(C,sizeof(C)); OK:=(F^.Status=stOK) and (C='þ'); if OK then begin if Assigned(Data) then F^.Read(Data^,DataSize) else F^.Seek(F^.GetPos+DataSize); OK:=(F^.Status=stOK); end; ReadBlock:=OK; end; function TVPHHelpFile.ReadTopicTable: boolean; var OK: boolean; begin OK:=ReadBlock(TopicTable,TopicTableSize); TopicBaseOfs:=F^.GetPos; ReadTopicTable:=OK; end; function TVPHHelpFile.ReadTopic(T: PTopic): boolean; var OK: boolean; begin OK:=false; ReadTopic:=OK; end; destructor TVPHHelpFile.Done; begin if Assigned(TopicTable) and (TopicTableSize>0) then FreeMem(TopicTable{$ifndef FP},TopicTableSize{$endif}); TopicTable:=nil; if Assigned(SectionTable) and (SectionTableSize>0) then FreeMem(SectionTable{$ifndef FP},SectionTableSize{$endif}); SectionTable:=nil; if Assigned(F) then Dispose(F, Done); F:=nil; inherited Done; end; function CreateProc(const FileName,Param: string;Index : longint): PHelpFile; begin CreateProc:=New(PVPHHelpFile, Init(FileName,Index)); end; procedure RegisterHelpType; begin RegisterHelpFileType({$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}CreateProc); end; END.