const ACCT_COMM = 16; type Pcomp_t = ^comp_t; comp_t = u_int16_t; Pacct = ^_acct; _acct = record ac_flag : char; ac_uid : u_int16_t; ac_gid : u_int16_t; ac_tty : u_int16_t; ac_btime : u_int32_t; ac_utime : comp_t; ac_stime : comp_t; ac_etime : comp_t; ac_mem : comp_t; ac_io : comp_t; ac_rw : comp_t; ac_minflt : comp_t; ac_majflt : comp_t; ac_swaps : comp_t; ac_exitcode : u_int32_t; ac_comm : array[0..(ACCT_COMM + 1)-1] of char; ac_pad : array[0..9] of char; end; P_acct = ^_acct; Const AFORK = $01; ASU = $02; ACORE = $08; AXSIG = $10; AHZ = 100; // Already defined in //function acct(__filename:Pchar):longint;cdecl;external clib name 'acct'; { --------------------------------------------------------------------- Borland compatibility types ---------------------------------------------------------------------} Type TAccountingRecord = _acct;