program dsMotion; {$mode objfpc} uses ctypes, nds9; //sets the offset of the x and y and gyro and the 1 G offset of z //to callivrate other offsets you would have to instruct the user to orient //the DS in various positions procedure Calibrate(); begin scanKeys(); consoleClear(); iprintf('Set the DS on a flat table...'#10'Press A'#10); while ((not keysDown()) and KEY_A) <> 0 do scanKeys(); //these set the zero points of the accelerometers and gryo motion_set_offs_x(); motion_set_offs_y(); motion_set_offs_gyro(); //this should be set to the acceleration value at 1 z motion_set_sens_z(motion_read_z()); end; begin consoleDemoInit(); motion_init(); while true do begin scanKeys(); if (keysDown() and KEY_A) <> 0 then Calibrate(); consoleClear(); if motion_init() <> 0 then iprintf('Nds is inserted'#10) else iprintf('Nds is not inserted'#10); iprintf('X: raw %i miliG %i'#10, motion_read_x(), motion_acceleration_x()); iprintf('Y: raw %i miliG %i'#10, motion_read_y(), motion_acceleration_y()); iprintf('Z: raw %i miliG %i'#10, motion_read_z(), motion_acceleration_z()); iprintf('R: raw %i deg/sec %i'#10, motion_read_gyro(), motion_rotation()); iprintf('Press A to calibrate'#10); swiWaitForVBlank(); end; end.