program TextureQuad; {$L build/texture.bin.o} {$mode objfpc} uses ctypes, nds9; //texture_bin.h is created automagicaly from the texture.bin placed in arm9/resources //texture.bin is a raw 128x128 16 bit image. I will release a tool for texture conversion //later {$include inc/} var textureID: integer; rotateX: cfloat = 0.0; rotateY: cfloat = 0.0; keys: cuint16; begin //set mode 0, enable BG0 and set it to 3D videoSetMode(MODE_0_3D); // initialize gl glInit(); //enable textures glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); // enable antialiasing glEnable(GL_ANTIALIAS); // setup the rear plane glClearColor(0,0,0,31); // BG must be opaque for AA to work glClearPolyID(63); // BG must have a unique polygon ID for AA to work glClearDepth($7FFF); //this should work the same as the normal gl call glViewport(0,0,255,191); vramSetBankA(VRAM_A_TEXTURE); glGenTextures(1, @textureID); glBindTexture(0, textureID); glTexImage2D(0, 0, GL_RGB, TEXTURE_SIZE_128 , TEXTURE_SIZE_128, 0, TEXGEN_TEXCOORD, pcuint8(@texture_bin)); //any floating point gl call is being converted to fixed prior to being implemented glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); gluPerspective(70, 256.0 / 192.0, 0.1, 40); gluLookAt( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, //camera possition 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, //look at 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); //up while true do begin glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); //move it away from the camera glTranslatef32(0, 0, floattof32(-1)); glRotateX(rotateX); glRotateY(rotateY); glMaterialf(GL_AMBIENT, RGB15(16,16,16)); glMaterialf(GL_DIFFUSE, RGB15(16,16,16)); glMaterialf(GL_SPECULAR, BIT(15) or RGB15(8,8,8)); glMaterialf(GL_EMISSION, RGB15(16,16,16)); //ds uses a table for shinyness..this generates a half-ass one glMaterialShinyness(); //not a real gl function and will likely change glPolyFmt(POLY_ALPHA(31) or POLY_CULL_BACK); scanKeys(); keys := keysHeld(); if((keys and KEY_UP)) <> 0 then rotateX := rotateX +3; if((keys and KEY_DOWN)) <> 0 then rotateX := rotateX -3; if((keys and KEY_LEFT)) <> 0 then rotateY := rotateY +3; if((keys and KEY_RIGHT)) <> 0 then rotateY := rotateY -3; glBindTexture(0, textureID); //draw the obj glBegin(GL_QUAD); glNormal(NORMAL_PACK(0,inttov10(-1),0)); GFX_TEX_COORD^ := (TEXTURE_PACK(0, inttot16(128))); glVertex3v16(floattov16(-0.5), floattov16(-0.5), 0 ); GFX_TEX_COORD^ := (TEXTURE_PACK(inttot16(128),inttot16(128))); glVertex3v16(floattov16(0.5), floattov16(-0.5), 0 ); GFX_TEX_COORD^ := (TEXTURE_PACK(inttot16(128), 0)); glVertex3v16(floattov16(0.5), floattov16(0.5), 0 ); GFX_TEX_COORD^ := (TEXTURE_PACK(0,0)); glVertex3v16(floattov16(-0.5), floattov16(0.5), 0 ); glEnd(); glPopMatrix(1); glFlush(0); swiWaitForVBlank(); end; end.