{ Ported to FPC by Nikolay Nikolov (nickysn@users.sourceforge.net) } { Lights demo for OpenPTC 1.0 C++ API Copyright (c) Glenn Fiedler (ptc@gaffer.org) This source code is licensed under the GNU GPL } program Lights; {$MODE objfpc} {$INLINE on} uses ptc; var { distance lookup table } distance_table: array [0..299, 0..511] of DWord; { note: 16.16 fixed } { intensity calculation } function CalcIntensity(dx, dy: Integer; i: DWord): DWord; Inline; begin { lookup intensity at [dx,dy] } Result := i * distance_table[dy, dx]; end; var console: IPTCConsole; surface: IPTCSurface; format: IPTCFormat; palette: IPTCPalette; dx, dy: Integer; divisor: Single; data: PUint32; pixels, line: PUint8; width: Integer; i: Integer; x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4: Integer; cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, cx3, cy3, cx4, cy4: Single; dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, dx3, dy3, dx4, dy4: Single; _dx1, _dx2, _dx3, _dx4: Integer; _dy1, _dy2, _dy3, _dy4: Integer; ix1, ix2, ix3, ix4: Integer; i1, i2, i3, i4: DWord; length: Integer; move_t, move_dt, move_ddt: Single; flash_t, flash_dt, flash_ddt: Single; intensity: DWord; max_intensity, max_intensity_inc: Single; begin try try { create console } console := TPTCConsoleFactory.CreateNew; format := TPTCFormatFactory.CreateNew(8); { open console } console.open('Lights demo', 320, 200, format); { create surface } surface := TPTCSurfaceFactory.CreateNew(320, 200, format); { setup intensity table } for dy := 0 to 199 do for dx := 0 to 511 do begin divisor := sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if divisor < 0.3 then divisor := 0.3; distance_table[dy, dx] := Trunc(65535 / divisor); end; { create palette } palette := TPTCPaletteFactory.CreateNew; { generate greyscale palette } data := palette.Lock; try for i := 0 to 255 do data[i] := (i shl 16) or (i shl 8) or i; finally palette.Unlock; end; { set console palette } console.palette(palette); { set surface palette } surface.palette(palette); { data } cx1 := 60; cy1 := 110; cx2 := 100; cy2 := 80; cx3 := 250; cy3 := 110; cx4 := 200; cy4 := 90; dx1 := 0; dy1 := 0; dx2 := 0; dy2 := 0; dx3 := 0; dy3 := 0; dx4 := 0; dy4 := 0; i1 := 0; i2 := 0; i3 := 0; i4 := 0; { time data } move_t := 0.3; move_dt := 0.1; move_ddt := 0.0006; flash_t := 0.1; flash_dt := 0.0; flash_ddt := 0.0004; { control data } max_intensity := 30; max_intensity_inc := 0.2; { main loop } while not console.KeyPressed do begin { source positions } x1 := Trunc(cx1 + dx1); y1 := Trunc(cy1 + dy1); x2 := Trunc(cx2 + dx2); y2 := Trunc(cy2 + dy2); x3 := Trunc(cx3 + dx3); y3 := Trunc(cy3 + dy3); x4 := Trunc(cx4 + dx4); y4 := Trunc(cy4 + dy4); { lock surface } pixels := surface.lock; try { get surface dimensions } width := surface.width; { line loop } for y := 0 to 199 do begin { calcalate pointer to start of line } line := pixels + y * width; { get y deltas } _dy1 := abs(y - y1); _dy2 := abs(y - y2); _dy3 := abs(y - y3); _dy4 := abs(y - y4); { setup x } x := 0; { line loop } while x < width do begin { get x deltas } _dx1 := abs(x1 - x); _dx2 := abs(x2 - x); _dx3 := abs(x3 - x); _dx4 := abs(x4 - x); { get increments } ix1 := 1; ix2 := 1; ix3 := 1; ix4 := 1; if x1 > x then ix1 := -1; if x2 > x then ix2 := -1; if x3 > x then ix3 := -1; if x4 > x then ix4 := -1; { set span length to min delta } length := width - x; if (x1 > x) and (_dx1 < length) then length := _dx1; if (x2 > x) and (_dx2 < length) then length := _dx2; if (x3 > x) and (_dx3 < length) then length := _dx3; if (x4 > x) and (_dx4 < length) then length := _dx4; { pixel loop } while length > 0 do begin Dec(length); { calc intensities } intensity := CalcIntensity(_dx1, _dy1, i1); Inc(intensity, CalcIntensity(_dx2, _dy2, i2)); Inc(intensity, CalcIntensity(_dx3, _dy3, i3)); Inc(intensity, CalcIntensity(_dx4, _dy4, i4)); intensity := intensity shr 16; if intensity > 255 then intensity := 255; { update deltas } Inc(_dx1, ix1); Inc(_dx2, ix2); Inc(_dx3, ix3); Inc(_dx4, ix4); { store the pixel } line[x] := intensity; Inc(x); end; end; end; finally { unlock surface } surface.unlock; end; { move the lights around } dx1 := 50 * sin((move_t + 0.0) * 0.10); dy1 := 80 * sin((move_t + 0.6) * 0.14); dx2 := 100 * sin((move_t + 0.1) * 0.10); dy2 := 30 * sin((move_t - 0.4) * 0.30); dx3 := 39 * sin((move_t + 9.9) * 0.20); dy3 := 50 * sin((move_t + 0.4) * 0.30); dx4 := 70 * sin((move_t - 0.3) * 0.25); dy4 := 40 * sin((move_t - 0.1) * 0.31); { flash intensity } i1 := Trunc(max_intensity * (sin((flash_t + 0.000) * 1.000) + 1)); i2 := Trunc(max_intensity * (sin((flash_t + 2.199) * 0.781) + 1)); i3 := Trunc(max_intensity * (sin((flash_t - 1.450) * 1.123) + 1)); i4 := Trunc(max_intensity * (sin((flash_t + 0.000) * 0.500) + 1)); { update time } move_t := move_t + move_dt; move_dt := move_dt + move_ddt; flash_t := flash_t + flash_dt; flash_dt := flash_dt + flash_ddt; { reset on big flash... } if (move_t > 600) and (i1 > 10000) and (i2 > 10000) and (i3 > 10000) and (i4 > 10000) then begin move_t := 0.3; move_dt := 0.1; move_ddt := 0.0006; flash_t := 0.1; flash_dt := 0.0; flash_ddt := 0.0004; max_intensity := 0.0; max_intensity_inc := 0.2; end; { update intensity } max_intensity := max_intensity + max_intensity_inc; max_intensity_inc := max_intensity_inc + 0.008; { copy surface to console } surface.copy(console); { update console } console.update; end; finally if Assigned(console) then console.close; end; except on error: TPTCError do { report error } error.report; end; end.