{******************************************************************************} { } { API helper Unit for Object Pascal } { } { Portions created by Robert Marquardt are Copyright (C) 2005 } { Robert Marquardt. All Rights Reserved. } { } { Obtained through: Joint Endeavour of Delphi Innovators (Project JEDI) } { } { You may retrieve the latest version of this file at the Project JEDI } { APILIB home page, located at http://jedi-apilib.sourceforge.net } { } { The contents of this file are used with permission, subject to the Mozilla } { Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except } { in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at } { http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html } { } { Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, } { WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for } { the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. } { } { Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the } { GNU Lesser General Public License (the "LGPL License"), in which case the } { provisions of the LGPL License are applicable instead of those above. } { If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms } { of the LGPL License and not to allow others to use your version of this file } { under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and } { replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL } { License. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use } { your version of this file under either the MPL or the LGPL License. } { } { For more information about the LGPL: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html } { } {******************************************************************************} {$IFNDEF JWA_OMIT_SECTIONS} // $Id: JwaWinDLLNames.pas,v 1.2 2007/09/05 11:58:53 dezipaitor Exp $ unit JwaWinDLLNames; {$WEAKPACKAGEUNIT} {$I jediapilib.inc} interface {$ENDIF JWA_OMIT_SECTIONS} {$IFNDEF JWA_IMPLEMENTATIONSECTION} const {$IFDEF UNICODE} AWSuffix = 'W'; {$ELSE} AWSuffix = 'A'; {$ENDIF UNICODE} aclapilib = 'advapi32.dll'; acluilib = 'aclui.dll'; advapi32 = 'advapi32.dll'; authzlib = 'authz.dll'; adslib = 'activeds.dll'; btapi = 'irprops.cpl'; comctl32 = 'comctl32.dll'; credapi = 'advapi32.dll'; credui = 'credui.dll'; crypt32 = 'crypt32.dll'; cryptnet = 'cryptnet.dll'; cryptuiapi = 'cryptui.dll'; dhcpapi = 'dhcpcsvc.dll'; dhcplib = 'dhcpsapi.dll'; dnsapi = 'dnsapi.dll'; dsprop = 'dsprop.dll'; dssec = 'dssec.dll'; dsuiext = 'dsuiext.dll'; faultreplib = 'faultrep.dll'; gdi32 = 'gdi32.dll'; gpeditlib = 'gpedit.dll'; hhctrl = 'hhctrl.ocx'; icmplib = 'icmp.dll'; ImageHlpLib = 'imagehlp.dll'; imelib = 'user32.dll'; iphlpapilib = 'iphlpapi.dll'; kernel32 = 'kernel32.dll'; LDAPLib = 'wldap32.dll'; loadperflib = 'loadperf.dll'; lpmlib = 'msidlpm.dll'; mprlib = 'mpr.dll'; msgina = 'msgina.dll'; msilib = 'msi.dll'; msimg32 = 'msimg32.dll'; mswsocklib = 'mswsock.dll'; netapi32 = 'netapi32.dll'; netsh = 'netsh.exe'; nsplib = 'wsock32.dll'; ntdll = 'ntdll.dll'; ntdsapilib = 'ntdsapi.dll'; ntdsbclilib = 'ntdsbclilib.dll'; opengl32 = 'opengl32.dll'; patchapi = 'mspatcha.dll'; patchwiz = 'patchwiz.dll'; // mvb Installed in Samples\SysMgmt\Msi\Patching PdhLib = 'pdh.dll'; powrproflib = 'powrprof.dll'; PsapiLib = 'psapi.dll'; querylib = 'query.dll'; qosname = 'qosname.dll'; rpclib = 'rpcrt4.dll'; // 19/07/2005 fixed typo reported by primoz rpcns4 = 'rpcns4.dll'; secur32 = 'secur32.dll'; sensapilib = 'sensapi.dll'; Sfclib = 'sfc.dll'; sisbkuplib = 'sisbkup.dll'; snmpapilib = 'snmpapi.dll'; softpub = 'softpub.dll'; sporderlib = 'sporder.dll'; srclient = 'srclient.dll'; themelib = 'uxtheme.dll'; trafficlib = 'traffic.dll'; user32 = 'user32.dll'; userenvlib = 'userenv.dll'; utildll = 'utildll.dll'; versionlib = 'version.dll'; winberapi = 'wldap32.dll'; winfax = 'winfax.dll'; winspool32 = 'winspool.drv'; winstaDLL = 'winsta.dll'; winternl_lib = 'ntdll.dll'; wow16lib = 'kernel32.dll'; wow32lib = 'wow32.dll'; wpapilib = 'wpapi.dll'; ws2_32 = 'ws2_32.dll'; wsock32 = 'wsock32.dll'; wtsapi = 'wtsapi32.dll'; SetupApiModuleName = 'SetupApi.dll'; CfgMgrDllName = 'cfgmgr32.dll'; {$ENDIF JWA_IMPLEMENTATIONSECTION} {$IFNDEF JWA_OMIT_SECTIONS} implementation //uses ... {$ENDIF JWA_OMIT_SECTIONS} {$IFNDEF JWA_INTERFACESECTION} //your implementation here {$ENDIF JWA_INTERFACESECTION} {$IFNDEF JWA_OMIT_SECTIONS} end. {$ENDIF JWA_OMIT_SECTIONS}