{ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 2002 Marco van de Voort member of the Free Pascal development team. The "linux" posixy macro's that are used both in the Baseunix unit as the system unit. Not aliased via public names because I want these to be inlined as much as possible in the future. See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} function FpS_ISDIR(m : TMode): boolean; begin FpS_ISDIR:=((m and S_IFMT) = S_IFDIR); end; function FpS_ISCHR(m : TMode): boolean; begin FpS_ISCHR:=((m and S_IFMT) = S_IFCHR); end; function FpS_ISBLK(m : TMode): boolean; begin FpS_ISBLK:=((m and S_IFMT) = S_IFBLK); end; function FpS_ISREG(m : TMode): boolean; begin FpS_ISREG:=((m and S_IFMT) = S_IFREG); end; function FpS_ISFIFO(m : TMode): boolean; begin FpS_ISFIFO:=((m and S_IFMT) = S_IFIFO); end; Function FPS_ISLNK(m:TMode):boolean; begin FPS_ISLNK:=((m and S_IFMT) = S_IFLNK); end; Function FPS_ISSOCK(m:TMode):boolean; begin FPS_ISSOCK:=((m and S_IFMT) = S_IFSOCK); end; function wifexited(status : cint): boolean; begin wifexited:=(status AND $7f) =0; end; function wexitstatus(status : cint): cint; begin wexitstatus:=(status and $FF00) shr 8; end; function wstopsig(status : cint): cint; begin wstopsig:=(status and $FF00) shr 8; end; const wstopped=127; function wifsignaled(status : cint): boolean; begin wifsignaled:=((status and $FF)<>wstopped) and ((status and 127)<>0); end; function wtermsig(status : cint):cint; begin wtermsig:=cint(status and 127); end;