{ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 2001 by Free Pascal development team This file implements all the base types and limits required for a minimal POSIX compliant subset required to port the compiler to a new OS. See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} const clib = 'c'; type libcint=longint; plibcint=^libcint; function geterrnolocation: Plibcint; cdecl;external clib name '_Errno'; function geterrno:libcint; [public, alias: 'FPC_SYS_GETERRNO']; begin geterrno:=geterrnolocation^; end; procedure seterrno(err:libcint); [public, alias: 'FPC_SYS_SETERRNO']; begin geterrnolocation^:=err; end; { OS dependant parts } {$I errno.inc} // error numbers {$I ostypes.inc} // c-types, unix base types, unix base structures {$I osmacro.inc} {$Linklib c} {$i oscdeclh.inc} {$i oscdecl.inc} {***************************************************************************** Error conversion *****************************************************************************} Function PosixToRunError (PosixErrno : longint) : longint; { Convert ErrNo error to the correct Inoutres value } begin if PosixErrNo=0 then { Else it will go through all the cases } exit(0); case PosixErrNo of ESysENFILE, ESysEMFILE : Inoutres:=4; ESysENOENT : Inoutres:=2; ESysEBADF : Inoutres:=6; ESysENOMEM, ESysEFAULT : Inoutres:=217; ESysEINVAL : Inoutres:=218; ESysEPIPE, ESysEINTR, ESysEIO, ESysEAGAIN, ESysENOSPC : Inoutres:=101; ESysENAMETOOLONG : Inoutres := 3; ESysEROFS, ESysEEXIST, ESysEBusy, ESysENOTDIR, // busy, enotdir, mantis #25931 ESysEACCES : Inoutres:=5; ESysEISDIR : InOutRes:=5; else begin InOutRes := Integer(PosixErrno); end; end; PosixToRunError:=InOutRes; end; Function Errno2InoutRes : longint; begin Errno2InoutRes:=PosixToRunError(getErrno); InoutRes:=Errno2InoutRes; end; {***************************************************************************** Low Level File Routines *****************************************************************************} function do_isdevice(handle:longint):boolean; var StatRec: Stat; begin fpFStat (Handle, StatRec); case StatRec.st_Mode and S_IFMT of S_IFCHR, S_IFIFO, S_IFSOCK: Do_IsDevice := true else Do_IsDevice := false; end; end;