{ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 2000 by Marco van de Voort member of the Free Pascal development team. See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} Function PClose(Var F:file) : cint; var pl : ^cint; res: cint; begin repeat res:=fpclose(filerec(F).Handle); until (res<>-1) or (fpgeterrno<>ESysEINTR); { closed our side, Now wait for the other - this appears to be needed ?? } pl:=@(filerec(f).userdata[2]); pclose := WaitProcess(pl^); end; Function PClose(Var F:text) :cint; var pl : ^cint; res : cint; begin repeat res:=fpclose(Textrec(F).Handle); until (res<>-1) or (fpgeterrno<>ESysEINTR); { closed our side, Now wait for the other - this appears to be needed ?? } pl:=@(textrec(f).userdata[2]); pclose:= WaitProcess(pl^); end; // can't have oldfpccall here, linux doesn't need it. Function AssignPipe(var pipe_in,pipe_out:cint):cint; [public, alias : 'FPC_SYSC_ASSIGNPIPE']; { Sets up a pair of file variables, which act as a pipe. The first one can be read from, the second one can be written to. If the operation was unsuccesful, linuxerror is set. } var ret : longint; fdis : array[0..1] of cint; begin fdis[0]:=pipe_in; fdis[1]:=pipe_out; ret:=pipe(fdis); pipe_in:=fdis[0]; pipe_out:=fdis[1]; AssignPipe:=ret; end; {$define FPC_HAS_GETTIMEZONEFILE} function GetTimezoneFile:shortstring; var tzenv : pchar; l: longint; s: shortstring; ft : text; begin GetTimeZoneFile:=''; { the TZ variable holds the name of the timezone (possibly followed by a comma and rules), and the timezone files themselves are stored in /usr/share/lib/zoneinfo } tzenv:=fpgetenv('TZ'); if assigned(tzenv) then begin s:=strpas(tzenv); l:=pos(',',s); if l<>0 then s:=copy(s,1,l-1); GetTimeZoneFile:='/usr/share/lib/zoneinfo/'+s; end else exit; assign(ft,GetTimeZoneFile); {$push} {$I-} reset(ft); if IOResult=0 then close(ft) else GetTimeZoneFile:=''; {$pop} end; { should probably be defined in ostypes.inc for all OSes } const F_RDLCK = 01; (* Read lock *) F_WRLCK = 02; (* Write lock *) F_UNLCK = 03; (* Remove lock(s) *) Function fpFlock (fd,mode : longint) : cint; var fl : flock; cmd : cint; begin { initialize the flock struct to set lock on entire file } fillchar(fl,sizeof(fl),0); { In non-blocking lock, use F_SETLK for cmd, F_SETLKW otherwise } if (mode and LOCK_NB)<>0 then begin cmd:=F_SETLK; { turn off this bit } mode:=mode and not(LOCK_NB); end else cmd:=F_SETLKW; case mode of LOCK_UN: fl.l_type:=fl.l_type or F_UNLCK; LOCK_SH: fl.l_type:=fl.l_type or F_RDLCK; LOCK_EX: fl.l_type:=fl.l_type or F_WRLCK; else begin errno:=ESysEINVAL; fpFlock:=-1; exit; end; end; fpFlock:=fpFcntl(fd,cmd,fl); if (fpFlock=-1) and (errno=ESysEACCES) then errno:=ESysEWOULDBLOCK; end;