{ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 2019 by the Free Pascal development team Stabs Line Info Retriever, Amiga-NG version can parse relocatable ELF executables See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} { This unit should not be compiled in objfpc mode, since this would make it dependent on objpas unit. } unit lineinfo; interface {$S-} {$Q-} {$IF FPC_VERSION<3} type CodePointer = Pointer; {$ENDIF} function GetLineInfo(addr:ptruint;var func,source:string;var line:longint) : boolean; function StabBackTraceStr(addr:CodePointer):string; procedure CloseStabs; var // Allows more efficient operation by reusing previously loaded debug data // when the target module filename is the same. However, if an invalid memory // address is supplied then further calls may result in an undefined behaviour. // In summary: enable for speed, disable for resilience. AllowReuseOfLineInfoData: Boolean = True; implementation uses exeinfo,strings; const N_Function = $24; N_TextLine = $44; N_DataLine = $46; N_BssLine = $48; N_SourceFile = $64; N_IncludeFile = $84; maxstabs = 128; { size of the stabs buffer } maxstabsreloc = 128; { size of the stabs reloc buffer } var { GDB after 4.18 uses offset to function begin in text section but OS/2 version still uses 4.16 PM } StabsFunctionRelative: boolean; StabsNeedsRelocation: boolean; type pstab=^tstab; tstab=packed record strpos : longint; ntype : byte; nother : byte; ndesc : word; nvalue : dword; end; type pelf32_rela = ^telf32_rela; telf32_rela = packed record r_offset: pointer; r_info: dword; r_addend: longint; end; type pelf32_rel = ^telf32_rel; telf32_rel = packed record r_offset: pointer; r_info: dword; end; type pelf32_sym = ^telf32_sym; telf32_sym = packed record st_name: dword; st_addr: pointer; st_size: dword; st_info: byte; st_other: byte; st_shndx: word; end; {$ifdef cpui386} type pelf32_reloc = ^telf32_reloc; telf32_reloc = telf32_rel; {$else} type pelf32_reloc = ^telf32_reloc; telf32_reloc = telf32_rela; {$endif} { We use static variable so almost no stack is required, and is thus more safe when an error has occurred in the program } {$WARNING This code is not thread-safe, and needs improvement } var e : TExeFile; stabcnt, { amount of stabs } stablen, stabofs, { absolute stab section offset in executable } stabstrlen, stabstrofs : longint; { absolute stabstr section offset in executable } dirlength : longint; { length of the dirctory part of the source file } stabs : array[0..maxstabs-1] of tstab; { buffer } stabsreloc : array[0..maxstabsreloc-1] of telf32_reloc; textofs, textlen: longint; symtabofs, symtablen: longint; funcstab, { stab with current function info } linestab, { stab with current line info } dirstab, { stab with current directory info } filestab : tstab; { stab with current file info } filename, lastfilename, { store last processed file } dbgfn : string; lastopenstabs: Boolean; { store last result of processing a file } stabrelocofs,stabreloclen: longint; function OpenStabs(addr : pointer) : boolean; var baseaddr : pointer; begin // False by default OpenStabs:=false; // Empty so can test if GetModuleByAddr has worked filename := ''; // Get filename by address using GetModuleByAddr GetModuleByAddr(addr,baseaddr,filename); {$ifdef DEBUG_LINEINFO} writeln(stderr,filename,' Baseaddr: ',hexstr(ptruint(baseaddr),sizeof(baseaddr)*2)); {$endif DEBUG_LINEINFO} // Check if GetModuleByAddr has worked if filename = '' then exit; // If target filename same as previous, then re-use previous result if AllowReuseOfLineInfoData and (filename = lastfilename) then begin {$ifdef DEBUG_LINEINFO} writeln(stderr,'Reusing debug data'); {$endif DEBUG_LINEINFO} OpenStabs:=lastopenstabs; exit; end; // Close previously opened stabs CloseStabs; // Reset last open stabs result lastopenstabs := false; // Save newly processed filename lastfilename := filename; // Open exe file or debug link if not OpenExeFile(e,filename) then exit; if ReadDebugLink(e,dbgfn) then begin CloseExeFile(e); if not OpenExeFile(e,dbgfn) then exit; end; // Find stab section {$ifdef BeOS} { Do not change ProcessAddress field for BeOS/Haiku if baseAddr is lower than ProcessAdress } if ptruint(baseaddr)>ptruint(e.processaddress) then {$endif BeOS} e.processaddress:=ptruint(baseaddr)-e.processaddress; StabsFunctionRelative := E.FunctionRelative; if FindExeSection(e,'.text',textofs,textlen) and FindExeSection(e,'.stab',stabofs,stablen) and FindExeSection(e,'.stabstr',stabstrofs,stabstrlen) then begin stabcnt:=stablen div sizeof(tstab); lastopenstabs:=true; OpenStabs:=true; end else CloseExeFile(e); end; procedure CloseStabs; begin if e.isopen then CloseExeFile(e); // Reset last processed filename lastfilename := ''; end; var relocidx: longint; reloclen: longint; relocofs: longint; relocleft: longint; currentreloc: longint; function InitRelocs: boolean; var res: boolean; begin {$ifdef cpui386} res:=FindExeSection(e,'.rel.stab',stabrelocofs,stabreloclen); if res then res:=res and FindExeSection(e,'.symtab',symtabofs,symtablen); {$else} res:=FindExeSection(e,'.rela.stab',stabrelocofs,stabreloclen); {$endif} if res then begin reloclen:=maxstabsreloc; relocidx:=reloclen; relocofs:=stabrelocofs; relocleft:=stabreloclen; currentreloc:=-1; end; InitRelocs:=res; end; function min(a,b: longint): longint; inline; begin if a= reloclen then begin origpos:=filepos(e.f); seek(e.f,relocofs); readlen:=min(relocleft,maxstabsreloc*sizeof(telf32_reloc)); blockread(e.f,stabsreloc,readlen,res); reloclen:=res div sizeof(telf32_reloc); dec(relocleft,res); if reloclen <= 0 then exit; relocofs:=filepos(e.f); relocidx:=0; seek(e.f,origpos); end; currentreloc:=relocidx; GetNextReloc:=true; end; function GetSym(symnr: longint): telf32_sym; var origpos: longint; begin origpos:=filepos(e.f); seek(e.f,symtabofs+(symnr*sizeof(telf32_sym))); blockread(e.f,GetSym,sizeof(telf32_sym)); seek(e.f,origpos); end; procedure RelocStabsEntries(stab: pstab; stablen: longint); const R_386_32 = 1; var origpos: longint; intostabsofs: longint; j: longint; rel: pelf32_reloc; sym: telf32_sym; begin origpos:=filepos(e.f); intostabsofs:=origpos-(stabofs+stablen*sizeof(tstab)); j:=0; repeat rel:=@stabsreloc[currentreloc]; while pointer(intostabsofs + (sizeof(tstab) * j) + 8) < rel^.r_offset do begin inc(j); if j >= stablen then exit; end; if (pointer(intostabsofs + (sizeof(tstab) * j) + 8) = rel^.r_offset) then begin {$ifdef cpui386} if byte(rel^.r_info) = R_386_32 then begin sym:=GetSym(rel^.r_info shr 8); inc(stab[j].nvalue,ptruint(sym.st_addr)); end; {$endif} {$ifdef cpupowerpc} inc(stab[j].nvalue,rel^.r_addend); {$endif} end; until not GetNextReloc; end; function GetLineInfo(addr:ptruint;var func,source:string;var line:longint) : boolean; var res, stabsleft, stabscnt,i : longint; found : boolean; lastfunc : tstab; lastline : tstab; begin GetLineInfo:=false; {$ifdef DEBUG_LINEINFO} writeln(stderr,'GetLineInfo called'); {$endif DEBUG_LINEINFO} fillchar(func,high(func)+1,0); fillchar(source,high(source)+1,0); line:=0; if not OpenStabs(pointer(addr)) then exit; { correct the value to the correct address in the file } { processaddress is set in OpenStabs } addr := dword(addr - e.processaddress); { if the address is outside our text segment, ignore it } if addr > textlen then exit; StabsNeedsRelocation:=InitRelocs and GetNextReloc; {$ifdef DEBUG_LINEINFO} writeln(stderr,'Addr: ',hexstr(addr,sizeof(addr)*2)); {$endif DEBUG_LINEINFO} fillchar(funcstab,sizeof(tstab),0); fillchar(filestab,sizeof(tstab),0); fillchar(dirstab,sizeof(tstab),0); fillchar(linestab,sizeof(tstab),0); fillchar(lastfunc,sizeof(tstab),0); found:=false; seek(e.f,stabofs); stabsleft:=stabcnt; repeat if stabsleft>maxstabs then stabscnt:=maxstabs else stabscnt:=stabsleft; blockread(e.f,stabs,stabscnt*sizeof(tstab),res); stabscnt:=res div sizeof(tstab); if StabsNeedsRelocation then relocstabsentries(@stabs,stabscnt); for i:=0 to stabscnt-1 do begin case stabs[i].ntype of N_BssLine, N_DataLine: begin // for code line info, we don't care about these end; N_TextLine : begin lastline:=stabs[i]; if StabsFunctionRelative then inc(lastline.nvalue,lastfunc.nvalue); if (addr>=linestab.nvalue) and (addrfuncstab.nvalue) then begin funcstab:=stabs[i]; fillchar(linestab,sizeof(tstab),0); end; end; N_SourceFile, N_IncludeFile : begin if (stabs[i].nvalue<=addr) and (stabs[i].nvalue>=filestab.nvalue) then begin { if same value and type then the first one contained the directory PM } if (stabs[i].nvalue=filestab.nvalue) and (stabs[i].ntype=filestab.ntype) then dirstab:=filestab else fillchar(dirstab,sizeof(tstab),0); filestab:=stabs[i]; fillchar(linestab,sizeof(tstab),0); { if new file then func is not valid anymore PM } if stabs[i].ntype=N_SourceFile then begin fillchar(funcstab,sizeof(tstab),0); fillchar(lastfunc,sizeof(tstab),0); end; end; end; end; end; dec(stabsleft,stabscnt); until found or (stabsleft=0); { get the line,source,function info } line:=linestab.ndesc; if dirstab.ntype<>0 then begin seek(e.f,stabstrofs+dirstab.strpos); blockread(e.f,source[1],high(source)-1,res); dirlength:=strlen(@source[1]); source[0]:=chr(dirlength); end else dirlength:=0; if filestab.ntype<>0 then begin seek(e.f,stabstrofs+filestab.strpos); blockread(e.f,source[dirlength+1],high(source)-(dirlength+1),res); source[0]:=chr(strlen(@source[1])); end; if funcstab.ntype<>0 then begin seek(e.f,stabstrofs+funcstab.strpos); blockread(e.f,func[1],high(func)-1,res); func[0]:=chr(strlen(@func[1])); i:=pos(':',func); if i>0 then Delete(func,i,255); end; if not AllowReuseOfLineInfoData then CloseStabs; GetLineInfo:=true; end; function StabBackTraceStr(addr:CodePointer):string; var func, source : string; hs : string; line : longint; Store : TBackTraceStrFunc; Success : boolean; begin {$ifdef DEBUG_LINEINFO} writeln(stderr,'StabBackTraceStr called'); {$endif DEBUG_LINEINFO} { reset to prevent infinite recursion if problems inside the code PM } Success:=false; Store:=BackTraceStrFunc; BackTraceStrFunc:=@SysBackTraceStr; { on most architectures, (but not everywhere, Sparc is a notable exception) for valid stacktraces you have to substract sizeof(pointer), or similar instruction length from the trace address otherwise the lineinfo might be off-by-one, because of course the backtrace addresses don't point to the jump instructions, but the following address, which might belong to a different source line entirely (KB) } Success:=GetLineInfo(ptruint(addr-sizeof(pointer)),func,source,line); { create string } {$ifdef netware} { we need addr relative to code start on netware } dec(addr,ptruint(system.NWGetCodeStart)); StabBackTraceStr:=' CodeStart + $'+HexStr(ptruint(addr),sizeof(ptruint)*2); {$else} if (addr textlen) then StabBackTraceStr:=' Addr $'+hexstr(addr) else StabBackTraceStr:=' Offs $'+hexstr(addr-e.processaddress); {$endif} if Success then begin if func<>'' then StabBackTraceStr:=StabBackTraceStr+' '+func; if source<>'' then begin if func<>'' then StabBackTraceStr:=StabBackTraceStr+', '; if line<>0 then begin str(line,hs); StabBackTraceStr:=StabBackTraceStr+' line '+hs; end; StabBackTraceStr:=StabBackTraceStr+' of '+source; end; end; BackTraceStrFunc:=Store; end; initialization lastfilename := ''; lastopenstabs := false; BackTraceStrFunc:=@StabBackTraceStr; finalization CloseStabs; end.