{ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 2014 by Free Pascal development team Low level directory functions See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} {***************************************************************************** Directory Handling *****************************************************************************} procedure do_mkdir(const s : rawbytestring); var tmpStr : rawbytestring; tmpLock: BPTR; begin checkCTRLC; tmpStr:=PathConv(s); tmpLock:=dosCreateDir(pchar(tmpStr)); if tmpLock=0 then begin dosError2InOut(IoErr); exit; end; UnLock(tmpLock); end; procedure do_rmdir(const s : rawbytestring); var tmpStr : rawbytestring; begin checkCTRLC; if (s='.') then begin InOutRes:=16; exit; end; tmpStr:=PathConv(s); if not dosDeleteFile(pchar(tmpStr)) then dosError2InOut(IoErr); end; procedure do_ChDir(const s: rawbytestring); var tmpStr : rawbytestring; tmpLock: BPTR; FIB : PFileInfoBlock; begin checkCTRLC; tmpStr:=PathConv(s); tmpLock:=0; { Changing the directory is a pretty complicated affair } { 1) Obtain a lock on the directory } { 2) CurrentDir the lock } tmpLock:=Lock(pchar(tmpStr),SHARED_LOCK); if tmpLock=0 then begin dosError2InOut(IoErr); exit; end; FIB:=nil; new(FIB); if (Examine(tmpLock,FIB)<>0) and (FIB^.fib_DirEntryType>0) then begin tmpLock:=CurrentDir(tmpLock); if ASYS_OrigDir=0 then begin ASYS_OrigDir:=tmpLock; tmpLock:=0; end; end else begin dosError2InOut(ERROR_DIR_NOT_FOUND); end; if tmpLock<>0 then Unlock(tmpLock); if assigned(FIB) then dispose(FIB); end; procedure do_GetDir (DriveNr: byte; var Dir: RawByteString); var tmpbuf: array[0..255] of char; lockDir: BPTR; begin checkCTRLC; Dir := ''; { dos.library's GetCurrentDirName() doesn't work when called from Workbench (ie. when the process has no CLI sructure) } { it also doesn't seem to work when invoked from make on AROS } LockDir := CurrentDir(0); NameFromLock(LockDir, tmpBuf, 256); CurrentDir(LockDir); Dir := tmpBuf; SetCodePage(Dir,DefaultSystemCodePage,false); end;