{ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 2001 by Free Pascal development team This file implements all the base types and limits required for a minimal POSIX compliant subset required to port the compiler to a new OS. See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} {***************************************************************************** AmigaOS structures *****************************************************************************} {$include execd.inc} {$include timerd.inc} {$include doslibd.inc} {***************************************************************************** AmigaOS functions *****************************************************************************} {$include execf.inc} {$include doslibf.inc} {$ifdef cpum68k} {$if defined(amiga_v1_0_only) or defined(amiga_v1_2_only) or defined(amiga_v2_0_only)} {$include legacyexec.inc} {$if not defined(amiga_v2_0_only)} {$include legacydos.inc} {$include legacyutil.inc} {$endif} {$endif} {$endif} {***************************************************************************** CPU specific *****************************************************************************} {$ifdef cpum68k} {$include m68kamiga.inc} {$endif} {***************************************************************************** System Dependent Structures/Consts *****************************************************************************} {$packrecords default} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_STACKTOP} {$define FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_STACKTOP} function StackTop: pointer; begin StackTop:=FindTask(nil)^.tc_SPUpper; end; {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_STACKTOP} const CTRL_C = 20; { Error code on CTRL-C press } { Used for CTRL_C checking in I/O calls } procedure checkCTRLC; begin if BreakOn then begin if (SetSignal(0,0) And SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C)<>0 then begin { Clear CTRL-C signal } SetSignal(0,SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C); Halt(CTRL_C); end; end; end; { Converts a AmigaOS dos.library error code to a TP compatible error code } { Based on 1.0.x Amiga RTL } procedure dosError2InOut(errno: LongInt); begin case errno of ERROR_BAD_NUMBER, ERROR_ACTION_NOT_KNOWN, ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED : InOutRes := 1; ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND : InOutRes := 2; ERROR_DIR_NOT_FOUND : InOutRes := 3; ERROR_DISK_WRITE_PROTECTED : InOutRes := 150; ERROR_OBJECT_WRONG_TYPE : InOutRes := 151; ERROR_OBJECT_EXISTS, ERROR_DELETE_PROTECTED, ERROR_WRITE_PROTECTED, ERROR_READ_PROTECTED, ERROR_OBJECT_IN_USE, ERROR_DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY : InOutRes := 5; ERROR_NO_MORE_ENTRIES : InOutRes := 18; ERROR_RENAME_ACROSS_DEVICES : InOutRes := 17; ERROR_DISK_FULL : InOutRes := 101; ERROR_INVALID_RESIDENT_LIBRARY : InoutRes := 153; ERROR_BAD_HUNK : InOutRes := 153; ERROR_NOT_A_DOS_DISK : InOutRes := 157; ERROR_NO_DISK, ERROR_DISK_NOT_VALIDATED, ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_MOUNTED : InOutRes := 152; ERROR_SEEK_ERROR : InOutRes := 156; ERROR_LOCK_COLLISION, ERROR_LOCK_TIMEOUT, ERROR_UNLOCK_ERROR, ERROR_INVALID_LOCK, ERROR_INVALID_COMPONENT_NAME, ERROR_BAD_STREAM_NAME, ERROR_FILE_NOT_OBJECT : InOutRes := 6; else InOutRes := errno; end; end; { Converts an Unix-like path to Amiga-like path } function PathConv(path: string): string; alias: 'PATHCONV'; [public]; var tmppos: longint; begin { check for short paths } if length(path)<=2 then begin if (path='.') or (path='./') then path:='' else if path='..' then path:='/' else if path='*' then path:='#?'; end else begin { convert parent directories } tmppos:=pos('../',path); while tmppos<>0 do begin { delete .. to have / as parent dir sign } delete(path,tmppos,2); tmppos:=pos('../',path); end; { convert current directories } tmppos:=pos('./',path); while tmppos<>0 do begin { delete ./ since we doesn't need to sign current directory } delete(path,tmppos,2); tmppos:=pos('./',path); end; { convert wildstar to #? } tmppos:=pos('*',path); while tmppos<>0 do begin delete(path,tmppos,1); insert('#?',path,tmppos); tmppos:=pos('*',path); end; end; PathConv:=path; end; { Converts an Unix-like path to Amiga-like path } function PathConv(const path: rawbytestring): rawbytestring; alias: 'PATHCONVRBS'; [public]; var tmppos: longint; begin { check for short paths } if length(path)<=2 then begin if (path='.') or (path='./') then PathConv:='' else if path='..' then PathConv:='/' else if path='*' then PathConv:='#?' else PathConv:=path; end else begin { convert parent directories } PathConv:=path; tmppos:=pos('../',PathConv); while tmppos<>0 do begin { delete .. to have / as parent dir sign } delete(PathConv,tmppos,2); tmppos:=pos('../',PathConv); end; { convert current directories } tmppos:=pos('./',PathConv); while tmppos<>0 do begin { delete ./ since we doesn't need to sign current directory } delete(PathConv,tmppos,2); tmppos:=pos('./',PathConv); end; { convert wildstar to #? } tmppos:=pos('*',PathConv); while tmppos<>0 do begin delete(PathConv,tmppos,1); insert('#?',PathConv,tmppos); tmppos:=pos('*',PathConv); end; end; end; { Thread Init/Exit Procedure support } Type PThreadProcInfo = ^TThreadProcInfo; TThreadProcInfo = Record Next : PThreadProcInfo; Proc : TProcedure; End; const threadInitProcList :PThreadProcInfo = nil; threadExitProcList :PThreadProcInfo = nil; Procedure DoThreadProcChain(p: PThreadProcInfo); Begin while p <> nil do begin p^.proc; p:=p^.next; end; End; Procedure AddThreadProc(var procList: PThreadProcInfo; Proc: TProcedure); var P : PThreadProcInfo; Begin New(P); P^.Next:=procList; P^.Proc:=Proc; procList:=P; End; Procedure CleanupThreadProcChain(var procList: PThreadProcInfo); var P : PThreadProcInfo; Begin while procList <> nil do begin p:=procList; procList:=procList^.next; dispose(p); end; End; Procedure AddThreadInitProc(Proc: TProcedure); Begin AddThreadProc(threadInitProcList,Proc); End; Procedure AddThreadExitProc(Proc: TProcedure); Begin AddThreadProc(threadExitProcList,Proc); End; Procedure DoThreadInitProcChain; Begin DoThreadProcChain(threadInitProcList); End; Procedure DoThreadExitProcChain; Begin DoThreadProcChain(threadExitProcList); End;